IF it were for poor schmucks that would be good Jeri.
But, actually, American justice is mostly just applied to the American minority population and, in the 1619 Book Project I was gifted a bit of history of the American "police force"
Our current police structure has its origins in southern states where whites formed militia groups to insure that black slaves would not rebel and attack them. Those militias were absolutely heartless and brutal in their treatment of minorities.
So, cops today are in a culture that originated and supported profound violence against, often, innocent people or people just trying to live.
The American police force works for whites to hold down the minority populations.
And, it has always been that way.
Rich white folks own the police force and the police force does their bidding.
Read "Junk Science and the American Criminal Justice System" by an attorney from the Innocence Project, M. Chris Fabricant. It is excellent, enraging, captivating. I couldn't put it down (though I did have to skim some of the more horrific descriptions).
This has been a theme in Heather’s past letters and also from Joanne Freeman; it answers a lot of questions re the white nationalist leanings in law enforcement
I like the fact that you put the word "justice" in parens, Jeri. One thing I wish we all could do is take a good look at the word "justice", and how we use it to mean a variety of things that are sometimes contradictory to its actual meanings. I know Heather isn't a linguist, but she is a historian of political history , including legal history. She also as a background in literature and a keene sense of the meaning of words in various contexts. Heather, is this something you could do a talk or letter on, to help us clarify what exactly we mean by "justice" in legal terms and in the context of expressing our perception of how things work?
It sucks to the nth degree. “Justice” is for the poor smucks
IF it were for poor schmucks that would be good Jeri.
But, actually, American justice is mostly just applied to the American minority population and, in the 1619 Book Project I was gifted a bit of history of the American "police force"
Our current police structure has its origins in southern states where whites formed militia groups to insure that black slaves would not rebel and attack them. Those militias were absolutely heartless and brutal in their treatment of minorities.
So, cops today are in a culture that originated and supported profound violence against, often, innocent people or people just trying to live.
The American police force works for whites to hold down the minority populations.
And, it has always been that way.
Rich white folks own the police force and the police force does their bidding.
Our “Justice System” is not Just. It’s just a system with deep roots in injustice.
Read "Junk Science and the American Criminal Justice System" by an attorney from the Innocence Project, M. Chris Fabricant. It is excellent, enraging, captivating. I couldn't put it down (though I did have to skim some of the more horrific descriptions).
This has been a theme in Heather’s past letters and also from Joanne Freeman; it answers a lot of questions re the white nationalist leanings in law enforcement
I like the fact that you put the word "justice" in parens, Jeri. One thing I wish we all could do is take a good look at the word "justice", and how we use it to mean a variety of things that are sometimes contradictory to its actual meanings. I know Heather isn't a linguist, but she is a historian of political history , including legal history. She also as a background in literature and a keene sense of the meaning of words in various contexts. Heather, is this something you could do a talk or letter on, to help us clarify what exactly we mean by "justice" in legal terms and in the context of expressing our perception of how things work?