Unpacking the special prosecutor's report: "I have absolutely nothing. But that won't stop me from taking a thoroughly partisan and inappropriate swipe at the president".

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Thank you, Heather.

Indeed, the report by Special Counsel Robert Hur amounted to a partisan attack on President Biden. Despite his extensive and coherent responses during the investigation, certain media outlets chose to sensationalize Hur's insinuations rather than acknowledge the lack of evidence of wrongdoing.

Also, it's important to note that Robert Hur's role as Special Counsel does not grant him the expertise or authority to make medical assessments about President Biden's health or cognitive abilities. Such evaluations should be left to qualified medical professionals, rather than being used as political tools.

Bottom line? Hur's report was meant to serve as a substitute for a legitimate investigation.

Speak up. Speak out. Vote. Pray.

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I'm really at the point with the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable Ivy League trust fund babies of the DC Press Corpse and their embrace and celebration of their moron stupidity that I will love seeing the surprise on their faces as they stare out from the wrong side of the barbed-wire fence in the FEMA camp Trump's planning on sending them to if he wins. And they'll have no one but themselves to blame for being there, since they decided to put their thumbs on the scale for him.

Welch's statement, “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” could be directed at the editorial offices of Faux Snooze, MSNBC (which I find myself watching less and less of as they get more desperate with their clickbait), the Cretin News Network, the New York Times, the Washington Post and all the minor political press in DC.

They've all decided that the algorithm at FarceBook - get people upset and they'll keep coming back - is the one for them. Damned ignoramus fools that they are.

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Reading through this, and seeing the reference to tfg's perfect phone call with Zelensky, it struck me that this blocking of funds for Ukraine is his revenge.

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Thank you as always Heather for your continuing work to provide well-researched LFAA's for our consideration.

I do not think the media is "falling" for this strategy -they actively embrace it and monetize it. If, by the 2nd quarter of the Super Bowl, the score is 40-0, who will watch the halftime show and all of the advertising? Media wants a close and controversial race. They see an incumbent who has continued to govern well, economic policy and legislation that has led to more resilience, greater national security, and addressing climate (although certainly not to the extent we would like to see).

The reality is that a decent Administration is running against a criminal organization. If the media was acting in a capacity to strengthen democracy (in their former, vital role as a Fourth Estate), this election would not be close. They would be dissecting GOP policy such as "trickle down" 'economics', they would be talking about the Trump administration causing the national debt to explode by 25% in just one term, and covering the fact that criminals like Manafort and Stone received pardons -because criminal organizations just pardon themselves. They would be continuing to cover the violence and extremism incited by Trump, his co-conspirators, and his accessories after the fact. They would be talking about the dereliction of duty in the House and Senate -for their failure to convict Trump in the first or second impeachment. They would be talking about the continuing lies, cover-up, and the actual politicization of House Committees led by incompetents like Jim Jordan and James Comer.

Media is not falling for anything. They know precisely what they are doing. They have abdicated all responsibility to democracy and the American system -in pursuit of advertising revenue and profit. Since they continue to broadcast on public airwaves -they should be paying massive licensing fees -as they no longer serve a role in the public interest.

On a connected note, I’m working to bring “Kitchen Table Democracy” back to America and anywhere people aspire toward a meaningful democracy, justice, and equity…

In the United States, in 2024, democracy is on the ballot. Recent research states 75% of people consume their news on social platforms. With so much at stake, do you trust Musk and Zuckerberg -or is it time for an ad-free, subscriber-supported civic social network that doesn't sell or share data with marketers, shadowy political operatives, or billionaires.

Help us finish something great together: https://wefunder.com/civic.works.corporation.

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I have noticed an increased amount of trolling on this site and am choosing to ignore it.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Please read Robert Hubbel's sub stack today "going on the offensive". I pasted some of his wording (hope that's Okay Robert) into a letter to the editor in which I held the unfairness of the NYT reporting under his nose again. This time I cancelled my long time subscription and Account. They won't miss my $20 every 4 weeks, but maybe R.H. will be happy to receive another subscriber to his very good sub stack. Would you consider going "on the offensive" too?

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This is only one more example of the depths to which Republicans have sunk. There is no redemption for them. We have to defeat them at the ballot box, every last one of them. All of the members of the House who voted not to certify the 2020 election have to be booted from office, and the Senators who could not find the courage to impeach T**** along with them. Traitors all.

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Robert Hur will return to his lucrative position at Gibson Dunn and then slowly wither on the vine. No other partner will trust him and

established clients will avoid him. And, once DT decides he no longer can carry his water, he will push him under the bus. What a waste of such a talented and potential jurist. I wonder if his immigrant parents are still proud of their son.

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If Biden is all those things, then he is clearly a f**king genius with superpowers beyond any other human his age, including any republican politician. The man is unstoppable. He brought us back from the brink of hell with one hand tied behind his back. The loser party tried treason, propaganda, a dirty tricks menu that Segretti would have been proud of, and a SC that has regressed to the 1800’s. Even a smidgeon of Joe is many times the man that any of his detractors are. But they are so wrong. He is all there, and not guilty of jackshit. I say to MSM, have you no decency. It’s way past time. Just like with the first traitor MCCarthy…

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I have seen the end of our President’s press conference which had gone well until he decided to return to the podium and confuse the Mexican and Egyptian leaders. A single drop of blood in the water and the sharks have gone ballistic in a feeding frenzy. Politics is not fair. If our President loses to Trump in the next election, the world ends as we know it. Our globe gets cooked, American freedoms disappear in the drive to revenge, Ukraine goes south and every autocratic leader in the world is given carte blanche to expunge democracy-advocates and anyone else they don’t like. No more blood in the water please. This is truly serious.

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Thanks Heather been looking for this all evening a late but great one explaining the craziness and lies thanks

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America has been fortunate to have Joseph R. Biden as its president, but he made a deeply unfortunate mistake in appointing Merrick Garland as the country's Attorney General. Where might the US be if the AG hadn't waited interminably long to bring justice to Criminal #1, Donald J. Trump, including how acting in a more timely manner could have impacted 2024's presidential election?

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"And now the media appears to be falling for this strategy yet again."

They're not falling for it -- they're co-creating it.

I'm baffled by this. The right wing owners of these papers are so desperate to not pay taxes, they're actively undermining our democracy and the intent of the fourth estate to keep the electorate informed rather than putting their thumbs on the scale to tell us what to think. "Money at all costs" -- human dignity, the planet, truth, civility -- has got to stop. We must actively participate in our democracy and vote like never before if we want to live lives of our choosing--not some Christofascist demagogue. Only then can we truly turn this tide, starting with expanding the Supreme Court.

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I want to scream at Hur and his comments. I am so sick of the fiction that the GOP creates then repeats until it has a life of its own. And the media - apparently too ignorant to call a political hack job what it is.......

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Republicans are throwing dirt. Dirt. Dirt. Dirt.

Funny thing is, meanwhile, Americans have a Constitution. And this funny little document specifies some remedies for those who go over the line: section three, article 14.

The nine Supreme Court justices all took oaths to uphold this document. Now they're mostly all pretending otherwise, and feigning discomfort that one state may act all by itself -- as if justices might be inconvenienced at what appears to be lone, willy-nilly action.

One justice spoke otherwise. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson spoke of American democracy -- as if justices might recall their oaths to defend the Constitution, as if the logical possibility remains that they cease being alarmed at what individual states might do, and see the massive damage to the republic of Republican repeated dirt, dirt, dirt, and worse, what a mad insurrectionist can do -- tried to do.

The Supreme Court might act, supremely, and strike the insurrectionist-in-chief from ballots in all 50 states.

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