Sorry, folks: I put Senator Chuck Grassley in Ohio rather than Iowa in the letter I sent out. Correcting it now on the webpage.

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Please leave him there, we don't want him.

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Hey, Jim, take him back !! Here in OH we have our own problem makers.....Jim Jordan, Bill Johnson, JD Vance.

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The bidding war to take Grassley has begun!

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Don’t let Grassley come to Wisconsin! We have our own troubles with Ron Johnson and his donors!!

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Pamela, we're sending you MJT. You might as well have them all, and we'll remember your sacrifice with grateful hearts....

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I meant MTG. Need more coffee.

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Lol, what did OH do to you to warrant such a vile act?

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Didn't Ohio produce Gen. W.T. Sherman? He's not very popular down here, y'know...

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Well, Pamela, uh, actually nothing. I have family in Archbold.

We just need to get rid of MTG, and Canada won’t take her. And hey, you already have Gym Jordan, and now Grassley!

She is really harshing our buzz here in Georgia….

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Gus and Pamela, as a compromise, and because they think so much of Putin and autocrats, I'd suggest that they be sent to a gulag somewhere in Siberia. Maybe Mama Bear Palin could send them some cookies on occasion, since she can see Russia from her house.

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In the face of the present day mountain of sad news stories there are people like you who offer such fun humor! Thank you.

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Thank you, J. Nol, I often think I'm whistling while passing the cemetery, but it beats believing that we're all doomed. I do believe that there are more intelligent, realistic people out there than the MTGs and Gym Jordans, and realism will eventually win.

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Feb 10, 2023
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Vance’s book was an unintended but damning indictment of his background.

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Indeed it was. I was irked all the ways through it.

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I read that book and thought this is regressive BS.

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Nasty regressive BS.

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I was born in Ohio and lived there most of youth. It "seemed" saner and more harmonious before Republican Gov. Rhodes took over. I saw more a lot more ugly stuff after that. Meanwhile "Reaganomics" reamed out middle class jobs, so the "solution" was to trust more Republicans??

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The reason it seemed saner in your youth is because 90% of white Ohioans agreed at that time about how to treat the rest of the people in Ohio, and they were successful in keeping those people entirely powerless without needing to exert any effort in the process, nor even to acknowledge the fact that they were doing it. Now, only 60% of white Ohioans are on board with the project, which makes it require obvious effort and obviously brutal methods, physically and politically.

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It was! You had John Glenn. How lucky can you get!

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IMO a great antidote to JD Vance is the late Joe Bageant (1946–2011), whose books can still be found if you look hard enough: DEER HUNTING WITH JESUS, RAINBOW PIE: A REDNECK MEMOIR, and WALTZING AT THE DOOMSDAY BALL, a collection of his journalism and other essays edited by Ken Smith (who died in 2016). Many of Joe's essays are available at https://www.joebageant.org/, which is being maintained in his memory. (I discovered Joe Bageant on AlterNet around the time Bush II was re-elected.)

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Yes. He explains that culture clearly, sympathetically where sympathy is deserved and with good humor where it isn’t.

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We definitely don’t want him either! Vance is worse, though, maybe we could trade. At least Grassley is old.

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Grassley, Trump; just a couple on the republican list waiting in line for Beelzebub to decide if his furnaces are hot enough for these fools. The Devil has his standards to uphold after all, which means we may be stuck with them here until Hell freezes over 😱.

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I worry that the Devil may fear that Trump is too much competition. And Republican souls are a dime a dozen.

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oh, good one! Thank you Mr. Graham! I laughed, but you could be uncomfortably close to the truth as well.

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Speculation is that should he pass the gov could appoint Pat Grassley, the grandson and current speaker of the Iowa House, to fill the vacancy. Ugh.

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Just what I was going to say! U


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Jim, if only it were that simple! We would send Ohio MJT, and Ohio could take one for the team....

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I meant MTG! No way to correct on my phone app. What the....

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Hang in there Gus, even with coffee, technology is a challenge. We get your meaning. :)

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Jim, Nebraskan here seconding your suggestion! Time for Mr. Grassley to get back to farming!

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No loyal American should want him anywhere in the nation. He belongs in Russia.

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Heather thank you for your letters. They keep us informed . You are a true American warrior! Your "pen" is a powerful weapon with which to fight for truth and freedom.

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Grassley should be sitting in a rocking chair on a porch contemplating nature. Enough is enough.

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Or a cot in a cell.

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Heather, makes no difference WHERE you put him - its still Grassley - hes still 89 (4 years older than I am) and TOO OLD to be in Congress!

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Senator Feinstein is 89 years old and she should leave along with Grassley.

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I completely agree! I'm sure there are others but then, on the other hand, there are a few older "gentlemen" who actually are still capable. Not those two tho.

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Agreed. Why isn't she just stepping down.

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The age of dottage varies, but I want to see Democrats excite the young again. There are votes going to waste there, and it is they who will live with our follies.

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I am closer to Joe's age, but I want to see some younger people running.

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Yes my memories of the young JFK and his family in the White House, gave many of us young people back then a sense of optimism. The same for Obama and his family.

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Heck.., I'd just as soon he (err ah Sen Grease-ly) be put in a portable toilet.., for that matter. Yeah.. a two-holer at that, with his pal Gym. /s/s/s/s (I was informed to use /s symbol when being sarcastic, so there)

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Would work for me - BOTH of them.

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No problem. I’m not even sure Chuck knows where HE is half the time. 😂

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And that's an indigo blue bandana on his head if the photo is true.

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Perhaps we could put the dear senator somewhere else

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Heather, my guess is that many Ohio residents would be happy if Chucky relocated. . . .

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My question would be - why dont they vote him out or look for someone to replace him? Seems like that would be the most common sense way to "relocate" him.

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Maggie, it's clear that common sense left town over six years ago, sad to say.

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Seems like its left the whole country!

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Unfortunately. Still, I'm probably being too optimistic, but lately I've seen signs that things might be improving. Maybe it's just Biden's great performance at the SOTU address, coupled with the Red Tsunami not materializing.

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There have been only occasional sightings in the last 40 years. Biden made some mention of something that went horribly wrong ~40 years ago.

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I agree. It has been going steadily downhill since Reagan, culminating with tFg and his motley crew. I'm hoping that the love affair with fascists will lose its luster soon.

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You would think that the vast majority of humans would have rejected tyranny centuries ago, but it has shown real staying power. That said, it seems that Republicans are going way out on a limb. That's dangerous to everybody the further out they get, but it could well be about to break under their own weight. We might also be able to saw it off, in a controlled descent over water; and I smelled some sawdust in the SOTU.

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I think we all know the answer to this question.

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Feb 10, 2023
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Remember how he tipped off the plan to not certify 2020, because Pence either wouldn’t or wouldn’t be there for some reason that Grassley would not explain? Grassley needs to be subpoenaed by Jack Smith!

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Ted, I do remember. But without a big font script in front of him, I don’t think Grassley himself could ‘recall.’

But I bet Jack Smith does….

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Yeah Gus!

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Grassley has, however, done PLENTY to help himself and his family. I understand he has taken a considerable amount of $$$ in farm bailout funds over the past two decades.

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I have said this for years Why was he even testifying, comes off as doddering.

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But since the Republican leadership's whole agenda is to hog tie the federal government and make it impotent at least domestically, isn't he doing exactly this?

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And Dan Goldman - the best new thing to happen to Congress, who sits on all three of these bullshit "committees" managed to own every one of the dumbass Republican witnesses, as well as leave Jungle Gym Jordan sputtering about what he was doing with the "whistleblower" witnesses..

To the retired FBI agent who wrote a book: "Is it your testimony that what you just read as your statement is the same as the introduction to your book?"

"Well, they are similar."

"Next time you're here, let us know and we'll set up a table over in the corner where you can hold a book signing."

Debbie Wasserman Schultz's takedown of the moron Jonathan Turley was beautiful, only bettered by Gerry Connolly zinging him that his experience working for government was as an intern.

Talk about shooting fish in a barrel.

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Yes, TC, Goldman wasted no time on his brilliant questions and that quote about him setting up a table so he could do a book signing was hilarious! I was chuckling as I was watching it. Wassernan-Schultz took Turley to task when he wouldn’t agree to the words she chose but he offered his own. She got him in the end which was a joy to watch. Connelly zapped Turley too. I was happy to see the Dems call the absurdities out about i these investigations. Looking at Gym in a big boy seat just made me ill. And bless Jamie Raskin! Here, the man is fighting for his life, yet he is showing up and giving hard cold facts and the Repubs are

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(Continuing...) getting played, big time. I love it because payback’s a bitch!

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And. Jamie Raskin was wearing a head scarf given his aggressive treatment protocol but, still hitting hard on all cylinders.

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Frankly, I prefer it to his died hair. Seems to fit him stylistically, too

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He looks totally badass. Kind of like Steven Van zandt.

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Yup, badass on E Street.

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Van Zandt turns out to be as much a fan of Raskin as Raskin is of Van Zandt. So much so that Raskin's Twitter feed shows him in a bandana/headscarf that Stevie sent him!


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Correction: Payback's a pussy-assed-bitch. ;-})

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Steve, that particular phrase made my day, although it is inaccurate--because those of us who are anatomically p*ssy *ssed b*tches (in case substack gets upset about the use of such language) want nothing to do with TFG, that serial rapist, misogynist, deranged p*cker-headed tub of lard. Amusingly, Thursday's NY Times Xword puzzle contains a clue that's a George Burns quote that might be apt here: "Having sex at 90 is like trying to play golf with a rope." I am sure that TFG has difficulties in both departments--and apparently he cheats at both.

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Sizzlin', Linda!!!

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Lol here Linda!

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I saw a pejorative for T***p on Twitter this morning I hadn't seen before that made me giggle: "Old Yam Tits".

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Now that brings up an image. LOL.

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Oh, Linda, I didn't know that one, and I loved George Burns! Thank you for a really good LOL!!!

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LOL. I have the image of trying to hit a golf ball with a rope. Also love that pab is now part of the Congressional record.

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Yes that tickled the heck outta me, too.

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Linda, you're great, but don't hold back - say what you really think. 😉

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Linda Mitchell, KCMO -

I wouldn't have posted it but for the phrase originating from a woman - Chrissy Teigen, and being spoken out loud by another - the incredibly brilliant former Twitter head of content, Annika Collier Navaroli - in Congress.

There's a great meme - can't post here, and you may have seen it - but it shows up a lot under #PAB on Twitter.

Top reads:

The next time you visit the library of

congress ask to see the PAB transcript.

[[elegant professional b&w head-shot/photo of Chrissy Teigen]]

Tell them Chrissy sent you.

And I agree, TFG has problems in "both" departments - and in a lot of "legal" ones as well!

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Thanks for the big laugh I got from that George Burns quote! I really really don't wish to think about that quote in regards to Mangolini however.

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Perhaps substitute dental floss for rope?

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Just for the record!

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Well damn, I’m missing all the fun here....guess I need to tune into C-Span next week

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So is playback. I could watch our adults spanking the unruly children and sitting them in timeout. And yes, in this case, I sincerely mean “spanking” in every sense of the word.

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Raskin is a gem. Great to hear Goldman’s incisive commentary. With both wit, intelligence, and facts, they restore my belief that people of good faith will help is navigate the incredible cesspool of posturing and ignorance populating the House and politics right now.

The Dems did a great job. But….just think … as the Repubs dream up more sensational made for tv “investigations” we might even be gifted w the likes of “Santos” cross examining Dems on shoe thefts in the cities across America. Jordan Boebert Green Johnson Gosar Santos, (…and the list do go on and on!…) will provide the awfully dull TV entertainment series: “Lives of the Blockheaded DC Wannabees”

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Though most TV series are dull (I except “Servant of the People,” which I binge watched), the title of yours would initially at least provoke an audience.

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On what channel did these hearings appear? I checked C-Span 1 and 2; one was the British Parliament and the other was the US Senate waiting for a vote.

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It was available on YouTube on a couple of channels. I no longer have cable or even a TV and am able to see everything newswise on YouTube.

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As well as a bunch of channels on YouTube that are worse than Fox.

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MSNBC played clips in the evening programs.

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C Span 2 carried the hearing live for a while but encountered technical problems and disappeared before conclusion. Did see Jamie Raskin’s spirited speech.

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"Technical problems" huh? Wish we could give MTG technical problems....

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Yo! Maybe It was in a transmission relayed by a UFO (err.., UAP) while hovering over a powerful communications site down-under near Woomara. /s

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The hearings may not have been broadcast on C-Span on cable. You usually can watch live or later, video, at C-Span online.

Here's the link to yesterday's hearing by the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. https://www.c-span.org/video/?525922-1/hearing-oversight-justice-department

And here's the link to Wednesday's hearing about Twitter and Hunter Biden's laptop. https://www.c-span.org/video/?525786-1/twitters-response-hunter-biden-laptop-story

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It was live on MSNBC

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The bandana is a beacon. When Jamie Raskin grows hair again, it should go in the congressional museum.

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I haven't been watching, but it sounds like I should be.

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Turley wouldn't say which agency he interned at, claiming that he couldn't remember. Typical answer of a Washington bullshitter pretending to be a lawyer. I've been seeing Turley on and off for decades, and he's always been a bullshitter. I could never figure out why he's the one who got the call from local television news. I think the truth is that he's on some television reporter's Rolledex and they're too lazy to call someone who actually knows what he's talking about. But, like Turley, the news guys don't care, because Turley talks for free, they know where to find him, and he'll rattle on for as long as he's on camera. Turley looks like a guy they get from Central Casting. Once the finish interviewing Turley, it's five o'clock somewhere in the world, and Miller Time.

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Meanwhile Representative Raskin continues to be a Profile in Courage. He never missed a beat following the death of his son closely prior to January 6 and now, battling cancer, he continues to come to work and do battle with those same anti-Democracy figures such as Jordan, Boebert and Greene. You never ever see him hogging the cameras or grabbing attention for himself. Representative Raskin and Senator Whitehouse are 2 of my very favorite members of Congress.

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Raskin is both courage and brilliance personified, with wit thrown in for good measure. We are blessed that he is so aptly serving our country.

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Me too, Barbara....I'm a real fan girl of both of them....almost as enjoyable as being a fan girl of my favorite Canadian actor, Niall Matter, just in a different way!!!

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I really like Dan Goldman. I see him as the future of the Democratic Party.

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MaryLee G -- My TV viewing is almost exclusively MSNBC in the evenings, beginning with Nicole Wallace (4-6 pm EST). All of the commentators there have consulted Dan Goldman so many, many times. He always shines, and it was a great day when he was elected to congress last June.

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Yes! I have been reading more about him. On my radar! His spot on the Oversight Committee gives him an opportunity to serve us well - and become more visible.

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presidential material

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I was wondering today if he'll take Schumer's spot when Schumer retires, stay in the House or run for NY Governor.

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TC, too bad they are not fish in a barrel. I like “Jungle Gym Jordan”, a vile specimen....if ever there was one. Is there anyway to get that creep investigated for his jungle gym coverup of sexual abuse when he was assistant coach?

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Fry him.

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Feb 10, 2023
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If the Shoe fits!?

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Dawna, where are “these parts”? Love your comment….After all the « graphics » we have had to bear from Repugnants, nothing is too graphic! “Jungle Jism Jim”? Oy. I just hope someone pursues this from the DOJ. He is a complicit sex abuser. HE effing showered “with his boys”….puke, gag and all the other vomiting sounds….I am hoping one of the lawsuits brought by victims of this horrendous abuse kick Jism onto the radar of the LAW.

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Times change, but Republicans don’t. They are like Talleyrand’s description of the French Bourbons: They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.

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“Grym Jordan’s Last Stand”, gathering momentum to replace Custer

Per Custer, “Piker”

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Dave Dalton, another good jab

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Wow exalting historical connection. Hopefully he’ll get sued too.

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Shooting fish in a barrel! That is a great way to describe it. Giving them enough rope to hang themselves is a way to go too. Not a way to recover after Biden slammed them in the SOTU

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Yup, we might be seeing what will probably be the typical “work” of the Democratic party over the next two years: shooting fish in a barrel (and creating laugh tracks for us), watching Joe as he travels around shaking hands with Mom and Pop, Kamala showing competence and great compassion, but little legislation * (cuz nothin’ is gonna get done, anyway.)

At the same time, I would like to see Joe and Kamala concentrate on international matters. (Domestic affairs … ? A substantial amount has already been done, things are being built, are happening, the economy is beginning to rebound… Just “let it be.”)

Internationally? Putie is on the ropes, Xi is on the ropes, NATO is getting stronger, EU is getting stronger, we can reach out our hands and good will (and some dollars) to Turkey and Syria. Africa? We can make huge inroads in Africa, Latin America, Asia….

Let Gym Jordan play around at home. Let MT Greene and Lauren Boebert create SNL skits. Let America strengthen the Free World.

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President Biden is traveling around doing a lot more than shaking hands with "Mom and Pop". He is deliberately and specifically show-casing his implementation of the historic Infrastructure Bill he signed into law last year. He mentioned this in his SOTU :

"President Biden made unity the focal point of his State of the Union address to a newly divided Congress on Tuesday night even while using the speech as a traditional victory lap.

Driving the news: "I promised to be the president for all Americans. We’ll fund your projects. And I’ll see you at the ground-breaking," the president said in touting passage of the bipartisan infrastructure deal.

He ribbed "my Republican friends who voted against it," noting: "I still get asked to fund the projects in those districts as well."

As to his international work:

"Biden had initially allocated 7,000 for refugees from Africa, 1,000 from East Asia, 1,500 from Europe and Central Asia, 3,000 from Latin America and the Caribbean and 1,500 from the Middle East and South Asia.

But there will now be more slots for refugees from Africa, the Middle East and Central America. An exact number has not yet been provided.

Biden also plans on lifting Trump's restrictions on resettlements from Somalia, Syria and Yemen."

You can look into Biden's and Blinken's work with the ASEA group.

" U.S.-ASEAN relations are a key component of the Indo-Pacific strategy’s goal of reinforcing what Secretary of State ANTONY BLINKEN calls the “rules-based international order.”

“There is a deep recognition that fundamental long term challenges are playing out in the Indo-Pacific and the United States is committed and determined to ensuring that our engagement in the region is broad-based and is sustained,” a National Security Council spokesperson said Wednesday."



The State Department website is a rich repository of information on what the United States is doing internationally.

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Barbara M. Thank you for comments and fantastic information....I truly appreciate reading all that we are able to give....to help our fellow citizens of this planet.

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Yup, I fully agree. You said so much better than I could.

To me, I don’t anticipate any substantial legislation coming from Washington in the next several years - which is too bad in so many ways - from Women’s Rights to Police Reform to Voting Reform….

I’d like to see some action taken on the impending SUNSET CLAUSES of the 2017 TCJA, and I’d like to see the Democrats take charge of that effort. In the recent SOTU, Biden emphasized increased taxes on the rich, BUT, that is EXACTLY what is going to happen to Average Joe & Jill American in 2025 when the SUNSET CLAUSES kick in.

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Some specifics on the TCJA Sunset provisions.

"The recently passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) added numerous temporary provisions to the tax code, which can be hard to keep track of. Thankfully, the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) recently put out an overview on all expiring and already expired tax provisions between 2016 and 2027. While many of these temporary provisions are relatively minor, some, like the numerous individual provisions expiring in 2025, are particularly worth noting." The word Overview is a link to various pdfs including a Jan. 18, 2023 list of Expiring Federal Tax Provisions 2022 - 2034


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Paul in Palatine, we must keep our eyes on members of the Republican Party....there are still too many citizens who are all wrapped up in prejudices and lies and do not want to let go. There are too many who do not want to address mental health issues and who do not want to do away with the sale of powerful weapons that splatter our young children into unrecognizable pieces. It is inhumane not to address this issue NOW.

Although I am very grateful for policemen who put their lives on the line for citizans each day, I am sadly aware of those who are thugs in uniforms looking to brutilize ....looking to fulfill a sick need to dominate.

I am very grateful for the Democratic Party, of course not perfect.... but growing stronger, who seem to care much more for Freedom and decent governance.

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TC, I was thrilled to see Dan Goldman perform. I'd love to see him or Jamie Raskin occupying the Oval Office at some point. Goldman has that boyish, almost shy expression on his face, but goes straight for the jugular when it's called for, and Jamie has been able to maintain his brilliant characterization of the right's thuggish, manipulative behavior, even while he's having chemo and must feel awful. I missed Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Gerry Connolly's skewering Turley - will have to find it today. Thanks for supplying the breadcrumbs for me to follow.

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Please post links for clips you find of Goldman et al

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'Greene insisted, “You violated my First Amendment rights,” and Boebert yelled, “Who the hell do you think you are?”' My God. Of course, it's all about themselves. So embarrassing that these spoiled kindergarten brats are defiling the Chamber.

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Carolyn, As Jamie Raskin pointed out, Twitter is a private company and is not subject to the same “rules” of free speech that govern our first amendment rights. Such complete idiots.

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Control of private companies when they want them controlled; otherwise, "government," stay out of our business. Schizophrenic.

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I think the correct term is “Q-zophrenic”

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I'd call it "schizophreniq"; fitting by RepubliQans.

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And yet, these very same company leaders put their stamp on and money with the damn republican machine. Now that really is schizophrenic if you ask me.

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Deliberate ignorance AND stupidity on display, and apparently loved by the majority unwashed in their districts. Beyond embarrassing…

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“Inclusion” is like Superglue

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Carolyn, I bet it’s going to get worse. Just wait until that side of the aisle starts using ChatGPT to write their narratives.

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If MJT uses ChatGPT, well, it will be a massive improvement of English language usage. In fact, you will know when she does when she suddenly starts making sense and seeming educated.


But? She will never use a tool like that because? It will not return enough nasty for her.


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Mike S…..ChatGPT? My “lookup” button had no reference to it, but my husband said it was something about artificial intelligence. More please.

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ChatGPT is an Ai constrained text generator. Developed by open AI.

How the neural network was trained is not known.

You ask it questions and it mines it’s large training set and provides an answer.

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But you have to be careful because its entire knowledge base comes from a multitude of humans (us), and it hasn't "learned" yet how all the pieces actually fit together.

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Thanks very much

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We need instant fact-checking. Perhaps ChatGPT can learn that. How about Strip Check, where you remove an item of clothing for each lie. Your talk ends when you get down to two items remaining.

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Ummm. Not with MJT please.

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at least by using ChatGPT they might get complete sentences put together.

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And not say “peachtree” for “petri” and “gazpacho police” for “Gestapo police.”

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Please don’t make us give up “peachtree”

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Definition from WebMD: “Narcissism is extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people.”

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We can now add, “Nor do they care”.

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I agree, Carolyn, but part of me wants to see George Santos get some committee time too, because if Greene and Boebert get to develop SNL skits, Georgie should be given an equal opportunity.

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Who said “Never call a man a fool—he’ll do it himself”?

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Thank you for the roundup of today’s news. It seems predictable that instead of governing, the repub committees are “working” on re-electing their guy and payback time for legitimate Dem investigations. Your letter: quoting Raskin: “It's all about restoring Donald Trump, the twice impeached former president to the office he lost by seven million votes in 2020 and tried to steal back in a political coup and violent insurrection against our constitutional order." TFG Playbook is open to the “waste your time page.” And that warning by Hillary Clinton’s Democratic nomination acceptance speech, referencing Donald Trump’s speech the previous week, she said: "He's taken the Republican Party a long way from 'Morning in America' to 'Midnight in America.' He wants us to fear the future and fear each other.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morning_in_America

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God, she was and is so right.

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HRC wasn’t poisoned by the Russians but she sure was screwed. I hated that she lost to tfg.

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Irenie! "TFG Playbook is open to the 'waste your time page.' " really strikes a gong! I feel that way about many in the current Republican caucus! I actually sort of feel sorry for Kevin, learning the hard way how his greed for power and "leadership" has turned him into a puppet.

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Yes Judith, he and Pence are bonded in a uniquely failing tryst of Republican subversion of the American dream. They are brothers together in a lockstep with abject failure along with many siblings who provide the choir. A strident noise that is being recognized now as not music.

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I suppose we're intended to view these hearings as 'Our Government at Work'. Instead it is Bring in the Clowns Act 2.

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And the clown car has three flat tires and no spare.

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Ha Ha Ha!!! Thank you. that's a really funny addition.

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Glad to add to your insight.

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"But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.”

And what did they find? And who paid for it (in more ways than one)?

" Journalists and Democratic lawmakers are already calling out Republican hypocrisy and putting on the record that Republicans are wasting time and taxpayers’ money to grandstand. "

Yes, yes , yes.

It's Joe McCarthy's playbook. I thought we were done with that.

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Not as long as hate rules, if they used Goebbels playbook, why not McCarthy’s. And the MSM cannot add two and two???

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The MSM does what their owners tell them to do.

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MSM makes hand-over-fist$$$$$$$$ by looking the other way.

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"they used Goebbels playbook, why not McCarthy’s"

Birds of a feather.

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In the midst of all the chaos, your voice acts like a lighthouse, signalling the way home. Thank you

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So I showing my ignorance, but what evidence is there one way or another that Hunter Biden's laptop really was Hunter Biden's laptop? Not that Hunter Biden has much to do with the price of rice. Hunter and Joe Biden are not the same person.

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The delicious irony is Republicans claiming Hunter "traded" on his father's name and position. 1) like that's new, and 2) hello Trump children

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😂 Indeed!

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Like the whole Reaganomic ideology, the degree to which society elevates the children of the rich and/or powerful (though wealth IS power, especially in a corrupted society) is really at odds with American ideals, and smacks of neo-feudalism. That said, I am unaware of inappropriate interventions on Joe Biden's part on his son's behalf, unlike your other example.

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Thanks, JL. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has struggled to see the relevance of "the laptop."

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Or the "Ground Zero Mosque" or Gore's early support of the Internet before most people knew what it was, or "Benghazi" or any of the manufactured, McCarthyesque scandals the manufacture. Perhaps because the malicious dishonesty of it is so vile, Democrats have seems reluctant to rub Republican noses in their very serious failings and perfidy, but that seems to be changing.

I was surprised to see a main stream news poll ahead of the last presidential election that a solid majority of Americans (if the poll could be believed) rated Republicans as more responsible on economic policy issues? And is Ignorance Strength? Truth is out there and it's not like it's hidden or subtle.

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Raskin is a national hero.

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With Plaskett and Raskin on the Select Committee the Republicans will be eviscerated. But Fox and other right wing media will just push the myriad Republican conspiracy sound bites. Democrats are going to have to put out a lot of campaign ads with the best clips of Republican crazy and ignorance because that will be the only way they will be heard. And that will take a lot of money...

What we need is a lot of real truth (I realized I needed the adjective because of the possible confusion with Truths from Truth Social) weaponized against the Republican weaponizer conspiracists.

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The Lincoln Project is pretty damn good at just what you describe, Georgia. They should join forces with the Democrats responsible for “messaging”.

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Dems definitely need help. They never read Frank Luntz’ book. Repubs use it as gospel

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Lincoln project wants a conservative republican agenda. They are not friends. They are trying to get their party in line. That’s far and away different from standing with Dems against fascism.

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I have found many of their ads very pro democracy. I know they are republicans. But they dumped Dump, et al.

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Have you tried listening to Rick Wilson lately? Or Steve or Reed Galen. I always learn something.

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Indeed. Chump’s truth is anything but, deliberately so

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I've been thinking about wording as well and rather than using the word Truth, how about Honest/Honesty?

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The lesson being that if you don't like something, or don't understand it, success is shooting it down, literally or figuratively.

🙄 &^%$#!!!

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Boy, ol' Jimbo Jordan's gonna have his hands full with that Raskin rascal. Look for some contrived attempt to have Raskin removed (it will fail) from the committee soon. Boebie and Marjie entertain me to be honest--but at least Marjie's savvy in her own sort of 5th grade, playground survival sort of way. She's notably avoided fights when she knows she's overmatched. Boebie? I don't think so much--she'll walk into a PR buzzsaw one of these days, and I can't wait.

Wait, you mean that at some point, things like facts, expertise, and gosh darn-it actually DOING something matter? Oh yes indeed GOP, sorry to slap that reality on you.

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On March 11, 2020 at 10 A.M., my friend and I were walking our dogs, and I mentioned that the covid situation was going to be a gigantic stress test on all our institutions and ways of living day-to-day, that the effects would carry far into our futures and that the reach would more likely be global than not. I am old enough that I will not outlive the repair process. But now I realize that the global stress test began in earnest with the 2016 presidential election results. I will not characterize my thoughts with nastiness; instead my hyperactive brain has been "watching" a scenario of a childrens' flag football game when suddenly an adult-sized person runs onto the field, (no assumption of maturity here) grabs the football, and begins maniacally running in loops around the field knocking young obstacles out of the way, stepping on supine referees, in and out at top speed similar to a huge balloon let go, all the while complaining about rules, yelling "I Win I Win!!" while cops and assorted parents are trying to corral him with a tennis net from the court nearby. I will go back to sleep now to the music of 50-plus mph winds. Thank you for reading this far. Try not to think about the image of my lightweight portrayal.

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I like it. ❤️ an out of control hyper child sums up his administration’s daily terrible twos. Hillary got my vote for ignoring him when he skulked around behind her at one of the debates, though I wish now she had challenged him and the moderator who failed to keep order.

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Same outlook here, like Nancy tearing his SOTU speech up

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I'm slowly beginning to see it differently.

And yeah... you were right on about our situation 11 March 2020.

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Thank you!

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You were prescient and you are creative with your "scenario". It could be a script for a play...

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What a waste of time trying to conjure up wrongdoing when there was/is none. I am so disgusted.

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This of this as the Roman Circus. These hearings and Fox are entertainment.

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Wonderful piece. Now that the Republicans, especially the extreme loonies, have an expanded platform, we have a perfect demonstration of the wisdom of the old adage "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." The world is watching. Let's hope all U.S. voters are.

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This adage does not hold for Ron Johnson and the bigmouth women. They get paid for putting the inaccuracies into the public domain where the statements can be replayed by Fox Circus and used for fundraising with the Gullibles.

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He's so embarrassing

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Jaime Raskin didn't pull any punches, and why would he? Good on him.

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