They're all cowards, spineless cowards. Chief among cowards is Ron DeSantis, who will take a stand backing either Trump or Pence until he feels a hurricane force wind blowing in one direction or the other.
It's incredibly obvious that the Republicans have become a party of opportunists who are interested in nothing but the preservation of their own permanent, unassailable power. Right-wing media, the same. They are leeches who feed off each other's ability to sway the masses, and will say anything that will keep the gravy train rolling.
It will be a true shame of history if these parasites have found democracy's weak spot and succeed in sucking it dry. But all recent signs point to exactly that happening.
Mark, I agree that the silence from current, seated rethuglicans is deafening. Although I did get a laugh from McCarthy "running away" from reporters.
McCarthy is a self serving coward!
They're all cowards, spineless cowards. Chief among cowards is Ron DeSantis, who will take a stand backing either Trump or Pence until he feels a hurricane force wind blowing in one direction or the other.
It's incredibly obvious that the Republicans have become a party of opportunists who are interested in nothing but the preservation of their own permanent, unassailable power. Right-wing media, the same. They are leeches who feed off each other's ability to sway the masses, and will say anything that will keep the gravy train rolling.
It will be a true shame of history if these parasites have found democracy's weak spot and succeed in sucking it dry. But all recent signs point to exactly that happening.