Your podcasts are critical to our nation's psyche. Deepest gratitude.

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I'll second that!

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Thank you for your steadfast dedication to a clear view of our political chaos. We are in such a terrifying time and those in power have thrown out all carefully created laws, rules, policies, guidelines and are ruining/devastating anything they personally dislike for their own personal gain or to satisfy their rabid, white supremacist, male dominant, faux 'Christian', angry constituents. Musk/Trump/vance/johnson are the leaders of this ongoing Coup and Republicans almost to a person have just laid down and allowed all illegal, unConstitutional rampaging to occur. Our boundaries are virtually non-existant.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together. It has been so helpful to better understand what we are experiencing. I have subscribed to support your efforts.

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Early this morning, around 2AM, just after reading HCR's letter, I called King's office to thank him for his impassioned speech on the Senate floor, for the wake-up call. And for his call to his colleagues, and to us, to take on the "profound responsibility" that is ours.

I acknowledged the outcome of the Senate confirmation of Vought, and of the sad, dangerous and tumultuous 'state of affairs,' that is also ours.

Given the tenor of my calls to elected officials over these days, it (selfishly) felt soothing to offer words of appreciation.

For anyone who may be inclined, following is the DC number for the office of Senator Angus King: (202) 224-5344

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Thank you for Senator King's phone number & making life a bit easier for me today. I'm making that call immediately!

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Me, too. But if you want to leave a message, you can't, because his voice-mailbox is full. Instead, you can write him by going to king.senate.gov

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Thank you for that helpful nudge. Let's bell the cat with Angus.

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Thanks so much for providing Senator King with positive feedback. It has to be utterly exhausting to be in his position during this horrendous time. You've inspired me to thank those who are standing up and fighting back!

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I should probably go wider on this response, but here is his final advice on his (King's) platform:

"To ensure message delivery, Senator King encourages delivery agents to take advantage of the CWC API.

"If you attempt to manually interface with Senator King’s web form, please note the following:

"If you have any doubt that your campaign is getting through as intended, please call the Senator’s director of correspondence, Pete Benoit, at 202-224-5344, he’d be happy to verify any tests and offer other insight.*

When testing, be sure to use a real e-mail address to which you have access.

The ‘Thank You’ page does not interface with the database: it just displays automatically when you click submit.

"Within a few minutes of filling the form and clicking submit, you should receive a confirmation e-mail containing the text of the message you submitted. This, and this alone, indicates successful alignment with the contact form.

"Due to longstanding congressional courtesy and limited resources, Senator King is only able to respond to his own constituents."

Here is an answer I received from his site:

"Thank you for contacting me, please accept this automated response as an acknowledgement that I have received your communication. I really appreciate the opportunity to hear what’s on your mind."

Phil Johnson

I would like to share with you that it is a longstanding courtesy between members of Congress that each elected official be allowed to exclusively address his or her own constituents’ questions, concerns and requests.

When you sent me your message, you indicated an address outside of Maine. If you are not a resident of Maine, I encourage you contact your own United States Senators. They are in a much better position to assist you. As I do for Maine, your own Senators better know the resources, issues and data that are pertinent to your message and home state. Given the volume of correspondence that I receive, I am only able to respond to Mainers. For your interest, my press releases are available on the following webpage: https://www.king.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases.

Again, thank you for writing to me.

Best Regards,

Senator Angus S. King, Jr.

-----Original Message-----

To: "webmail@king-iq.senate.gov" <webmail@king-iq.senate.gov>


From: "website@king.senate.gov" <website@king.senate.gov>

Subject: Is Foggy Bottom in trouble?

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JDVance gave us the clue: "disregard the law" We are in one reality the tech bros are in another. Google the Network State" they intent to move fast and disregard the law. The best way to get Republicans to put the other foot down, as Democrats have, i s to start showing up wherever you find you Rep or Senator in person to publicly humiliate their surrender to Musk and his ilk. I don't want to dox anyone or endanger any one but I honestly think it's the only way to get our point across and stop this, as Musk is depending on breaking things irreversibly before the impotent judges and courts can try to stop it. The Tech bros have already bought land and fortresses to run their little countries as Kings (for example Zucks Hawaii fortress or the massive land purchases by some of these "gamers".) They are not living in our world but they think that the can run it. . . .apparently they can use we call out the power of States to remove these traitors. . . . extreme thoughts maybe, but you've not seen anything from these guys yet.

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Thank you Heather. Please keep it up.

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Hard to imagine how we could make any sense at all of the chaos and confusion being thrown our way, without your clear guidance and support, and the clarity it brings to this country. Thank you, and please take care of yourself. We need you healthy and strong.

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critical! grateful!

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Someone who points out how to "bell the cat".

It is about time.

Kudos to Angus King; we need more like him.

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I've subscribed and am enjoying the episodes. I wanted to thank you for reminding people about Rick Scott, I am a Floridian and am deeply angry about his being elected TWICE for governor after he was fined for ripping off medicare. I consider him one our greatest threats to Medicare/medicaid in this country. I don't understand whats going on in our country. But it's good to know we have Angus King in Congress to remind people of the laws.

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One of the techniques that needs to applied - not just by Democrats, but all of those who object to what these two are attempting to do - is to play one against the other. We know that trump doesn’t like others to get more notoriety than him - so give musk more national magazine covers and other widely circulated vehicles than trump…and then just sit back and watch what he does. Hello Steve Bannon!

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I too, am so grateful to you for this. Have subscribed.

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Elizabeth Warren, MA, is another politician who speaks the truth & does so loudly. If you can, listern to Patty Murrey, WA, & Warren speak against the antics of some & against picking an author of the Project 2025 as OMB director. I think I'll email King & Warren.

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Thanks to Gov. Pritsker for a bit of humor. Thank you, Sen. King, for speaking the truth, even if those in the audience did not listen. Why are the Republican Senators so terrified ofTrump that they cannot even begin to protect democracy? I don't think it's just worry about being primaried or losing an election; I think they are deeply afraid for their families and their lives. Trump's followers have shown their colors brilliantly on January 6th and I'm thinking many of them would be more than willing to attack any Republican who dared to speak out. Perhaps if they United and spoke against him with one voice...? Or are we lost?

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I wish someone would ask each Republican in the House and the Senate if tearing down the Constitution is their goal.

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Your post is very good ! The very real threat that Musk has is Extremly ,Extremly serious , as The Republicans seem to not understand that it is They who work for the people of their State and Not Trump or Musk I feel it’s Time we reminded them of that fact! Start Calling Them out !!

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