We're witnessing an illegal, unconstitutional coup in real time, and our broken Congress and our even more broken justice system are failing to meet the moment. Co-Presidents Trump and Musk are, with absolutely no accountability, bullying our country into fascism. American history is taking a dark turn.
You are wrong. There is only one president and that is Musk. Trump is more than happy to be his figurehead. Trump is the modern day Judas and we have been sold for less than 30 pieces of silver.
So it is. It’s Musk who has been ruling and has now stepped out of the shadows to reveal himself as Emperor Darth Musk. Trump only did this gig to stay out of jail, he doesn’t care a rat’s ass about America, its Constitution - or its people.
Please Phone Chair Susan Collins and all members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to join Democratic Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii in putting a blanket hold on all State Dept nominees until USAID is fully restored. And Please thank Sen. Schatz.
Collins is useless, unfortunately. As a constituent, I have long realized phone calls and emails go nowhere with her...she'd rather just remain concerned and disappointed...and vote against Trump only when she knows he has the votes already.
Another Collins constituent here - she is beyond disgraceful as she sits in the Senate seat once occupied by Margaret Chase Smith. “Conscience”, Senator Collins? If only you had one!
That will likely lead Trump to tell Congress to go home so he can do recess appointments. Then he may just tell Congress to stay home while he and Muck-up establish their fascist dictatorship.
Weak. Pathetic. Useless. Why not threaten them with a restraining order? Hold it up and wave it around and declare “peace in our time!”? (See: Neville Chamberlain)
USAID functions will be absorbed into the State Department and a few projects might be saved, but the contracting companies who carry out the work along with local, in-country personnel will be bankrupted and restarting suspended projects will be very difficult, if not impossible, because Trump’s “standards” for okaying projects are so vague and because the local, in-country personnel have been fired. Gutting foreign aid is the point.
Gutting foreign aid is part of the real point to destroy modern society in favor of unregulated boosted billionaire capitalism. This is an attack of all things feminine and caring for others is a motherly feminine role that Trump cannot support. He supports rapists in his power structure as proof of the required imbalance of only masculine energy in the decision making, destructive taking. This will implode precisely bc of the harm the rest of us will not tolerate long term. In the meantime, we might hope our fellow citizens back away from trump’s contrived reality far enough to see the bigger picture of motives and acts as they continuously unfold havoc on all things good.
I wish I had a cry emoji to reply with. After building a beautiful sand castle to show off to the underdeveloped world how we can work within to make other lives better, some mean sadistic bullies (who own most of the beach anyway) knock the whole damn structure down.😭
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
As we mainers know, collins is a moderate only when it doesn't matter. i write and call on a regular basis with no indication that it means anything. Do it anyway, but it's long past time for us to stop kidding ourselves about her.
Well as Heather said, the Republicans own congress, the senate, and the house, so could have dismantled everything legitimately but no, they've done what they always do and throw constitutional process out the window in favour of criminal activity - excellent! Musk's actions equate to a COUP. Hopefully, whatever 'legitimate' powers-that-be that still exist, will now put wheels in motion to get these turkeys the hell out.
I'm hoping that there already are schisms of MAGAT House members.
1. Minority Republicans
2. Those who support Ukraine vs Putin
3. Those who oppose Musk.
More -- if they represent districts on the border that rely on Mexico and or Canada, and their local businesses are shut down because of tariff policy.
Muskrat was the reason that chump stopped whining about Joe dropping out because he totally changed his message and was a happy camper, confident and sure of a win. The MAGAts have been sold down the river, as have we all.
When Jim Jones began serving his cyanide-laced Flavor Aid, the first imbibers were already dropping like flies, but the faithful kept drinking because they believed in their dear leader. Those who balked were shot.
There is no pain great enough to break Donald's hold on his faithful. They will literally follow him through the gates of hell. Those who doubt will be dealt with in similar fashion.
MLMinET, my MAGAt friends are not defensive; they are both pronunciations of offensive; they are either bleating their support of what is going on, or whining when they're called Nazis.
But the attention hog always loved the spotlight. He gets the ratings, just by his normal mob boss tactics. The Repub party has enabled our destruction, a plan that has been in place for 45 years or longer.
But narcissists have an insatiable need for power and attention to feed their inflated sense of self-importance. I know because I have a brother-in-law who fits this definition....
This was SO short sighted and dumb. The King now cannot be charged with crimes he commits as vaguely defined "official acts", and he also has the power to pardon those who commit crimes on his behalf. Which, not incidentally, he telegraphed by actually pardoning violent criminals on Day 1.
Well, talking about polarizing ideas, lazy legislating or people in this new government not dealing with tough data analysis is absurdly outdated. Now we have to define this as organized crime coordinated by henchmen, schemers, conspirators and criminals, all of which are assets apparently according to the GOP.
Trump has surpassed Narcissus, who was condemned to gaze at his image until his death, but we get a flower from Narcissus, we get shit from Trump.
They (Musk and Trump) are both in the water and already sinking. Neither one has the management skills of Hitler or Stalin, both of whom still failed. And in the century past our world has become far more complex and unpredictable.
He didn’t care last time either. This time is more dangerous as the bully regained lost power and the desire for retribution and revenge are eating his insane brain so he hired sickeningly rich thugs (especially those known to sexually assault women and destroy organizations attached to them) to help.
I am enacting my own response to this obvious insurrectionist action some of which will not be expressed. I have expressed that a military coup by the good generals to suspend the constitution and ironically save America was met with total derision. I ask you now, do you still feel that same? How long will you wait to agree with me that a military coup to save our form of government was the better alternative.
My response is to not spend any money on anything except the basics in order to drain the swamp. Let the economy go into a recession or better, depression. In truth, I can afford anything I want in life but I wil not buy anything for those wealthy.
Not buying anything helps but not buying anything from those places that immediately caved to the DEI demands Will help as well. Buy at Costco not at Walmart. There's a list of these places.
I heard 70% of American troops support Trump. You thinking now of the movie Civil War getting closer to reality and not so over the top political fiction. It is a journalist coverage of the overthrow of a right wing dictator.
Will they still support him when they’re ordered to harm Americans? When their front line is in their back yard? The military I served in would have never done this after Vietnam, will they do it after all our years in the Middle East because they’ve been trained to hate everyone but themselves?
I used to be proud to be a veteran but Republicans have taken that away and turned it into a group filled with hatred and inhumanity.
According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in early September 2024, 61% of military veterans who are registered voters support former President Donald Trump, while 37% back Vice President Kamala Harris. This support among veterans has been consistent with past elections, where Trump also received a similar percentage of the veteran vote1.
I have some trouble believing 70% of American troops support him enough to vote for him when so many of his former appointees (nearly 91%) and his Vice President didn't.
Enjoy the PBS and NPR news programs while you can, because Trump’s FCC is aiming to pull broadcast licenses of any entity that criticizes Baldy McShitpants.
Heather’s opening paragraph is a straw man. The Republican grip on majority in the House is tenuous, basically a majority in name only. They lack unanimity, and without that, they can’t pass anything. So the option to legislate by normal order is a fantasy. Their position in the Senate is slightly better, but Lisa Murkowski is part of their majority, and she is an independent thinker who is not afraid to challenge her colleagues. There are a few other Senators who might join her to tap the brakes on this takeover…as Manchin and Sinema did when the Democrats were in power. I sure hope so.
No straw man: "the extreme cuts the MAGA Republicans say they want are actually quite unpopular with Americans in general, and even with most Republican voters. By letting Musk make the cuts the MAGA base wants, they can both provide those cuts and distance themselves from them." Implementing minority rule illegally because they can't do it legally.
You say this after 4 years of President Biden(with Dementia) as a figurehead with Obama and others as Puppet Masters pulling all the strings. That is really rich. Elections has consequences and I am pleased as punch with this one.
Some people are here to see what narrative the left is telling themselves. In order to understand the opposition one has to get inside their echo chamber. The idea that you don’t want opposing views on “your” Substack says everything.
Absolutely, you are free to spout all the right wing talking points you want but you are not free from criticism and push back. So far i’ve only see you regurgitate right wing talking points. You insist Biden had dementia while supporting Trump who so clearly has mentally deteriorated from his already minimal intellect and we can all see it when he talks. Why is he the exception if you think it was a bad thing under Biden?
George, and your little defender, you say Trump won the election and there was a peaceful transfer of power because there wasn’t one in 2020 when Trump lost. Did you condemn the rioters that injured Capitol police, ripped down the American flag to replace it with the Trump flag, and destroy the inside of our Capitol? It obvious you didn’t accept that Biden won because you spout lies endlessly. No one here is saying Trump didn’t win. What the people are saying is basically no one is above the law and what Trump and Musk are doing is illegal. We can discuss what to do about that. Does it scare you that we’re not going to let our country be taken over by criminals and dictators? I didn’t serve my country to have billionaires buy a dictatorship.
George, I do disagree rather completely, but appreciate your short comments. I have found it useful to use the 3 dots in the upper right to "Report" comments to keep the longer replies I disagree with from cluttering up my screen (leaving an option to "Show" them to me again). I do wish it was simply to Hide them from my screen without interfering with your ability to try to get your views across to others. I will unhide/Show yours since it is short enough to not bother me with too much clutter on my screen.
I do very much want to see the replies to your comments and keep the ability to Show them again on my screen if it helps clarify what the replies were about. I don't want your comments deleted, nor the replies to them.
You do have a right to show up and demonstrate how incapable you are of discussing anything that involves actual facts and prove that Flaubert was right::
"Earth has it boundaries, but human stupidity is limitless. Stupidity is unshakeable, nothing attacks it without breaking itself against it; stupidity is of the nature of granite, hard and resistant."
"Elections have consequences"... What a load of bullshit, George. NOBODY voted for Musk, yet without any election he has crowned himself Emperor of the US now.
It puzzles me how you can be "pleased as a punch" about living in a country that's being taken over by fascist much-too-rich billionaires who want to crash the economy to make you poor and themselves even richer, so you can toil for them as a poor slave. Maybe you're pleased because White Supremacy is now the official religion in America? Enjoy it while you can: it lasts as long as you're in the "in" crowd. Be careful though, lest a neighbour ends that by betraying you to the Schutzstaffel...
Wow. Have you read Project 2025? Have you read about fascism? Do you understand that an autocracy will only be beneficial to few and that the rights will be limited? You must really like the prospect of not having any say so in politics. Nothing.
And many on the Left have read Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky and following it for 30 years. DEI, CRT, Open Borders, excessive debt under Obama. Finally a course direction with Trump.
Hey, George!! Good to see you! Here’s a reading selection for you that honors Saul Alinsky. You can get it from Mr. Bezos for about 50 bucks: Rules for Consevative Radicals
Michael Patrick Leahy, the co-founder of Top Conservatives on Twitter, and one of the early leaders of the Tea Party Movement, offers sixteen rules for conservative radicals based on lessons from Saul Alinsky, the Tea Party Movement.
George, you describe yourself as a "happily retired old guy." I hate to break it to you, but Emperor Musk regards you as a useless drain on the world's resources. He doesn't care what you may have contributed in the past; if you aren't currently generating revenue, preferably for him, you are unnecessary. He intends to cut off everything that supports you in your "happy retirement." Don't believe me? Just wait.
Meanwhile, the guy you voted for is also "happily retired," spending his days playing golf, eating junk food and signing symbolic documents for the network cameras, as he drifts into dementia's blissful oblivion.
Hahahahaha! I can't believe you MAGA's actually believe that Obama is "pulling strings"! Who told you that? The Liar and Chief? Or should I say, Theif?
I want to know how he got the keys. Literally who gave him the authority to approach people, give them orders, and they comply. The congress people were locked out of the building. How much of a phantom army is already in place? Crump has to be the one doling out the authority. This is J6 on steroids. He sat back and watched his militia practice on the Capitol building and reveled in the terror and cruelty. Now it’s for all of us, not just the Capitol Police.
Christopher, more voting eligible people chose something other than ffpotus (combining those who voted Democratic and Independent/other, those who chose not to exercise their right to vote and those whose right to vote was taken from them in purges led by RepubliKKKans. He didn't even hit 50% of the vote.
I believe that it is not the people who voted for Trump that brought him back in the off-white house but those who did not show up to vote for Vice President Harris.
Once again, the man with the big brain and "successful" businessman, undersold his greatest commodity, the United States Government, for 250 MILLION. He didn't even hold out for ONE BILLION.
I disagree. Trump is the actual devil of mythology made real. He is not a weak Judas who killed himself from the grief of what he did. Trump has no conscious. Musk is an unstable criminal master mind given power and access.
Sorry, but no. You have completely misapprehended the situation. Musk is entirely in control. He arranged this coup with the help of his buddies, Vladimir and Jinping-Li. If anyone is on a leash, it is Donald. Elon bought and hacked the 2024 election for Donald so he could play golf and play president with what's left of his mind. Donald was happy with this arrangement as long as it kept him out of prison.
You don't understand how the system works. If Trump cuts Musk off, he'll be cut off. Government employees will obey Trump, because he is their boss (now there's a horrifying thought). If Trump tells them to ignore Melon Husk, they will. Trump does not believe in honest graft.
Please don't tell me that I don't understand how the system works. I do. But in case you haven't noticed, the so-called "system" isn't working. Not only do I understand, I have a really good memory.
Donald never thought he would be president. He only wanted to boost the Trump brand. Right after he won in 2016, he regretted it. It was only when he discovered that he could monetize the office that it started to appeal to him. When his criminal past started to catch up with him, the presidency was his only way to avoid prison. Then he was all in for the office. As his criminal convictions started piling up, he was desperate to regain The Oval.
Along came Elon with his billions and Russian and Chinese carte blanche, Donald's White Knight. The election was in the bag for Donald. Lacking the filter that people without dementia have, Donald blurted out the truth several times when he should have kept silent. "Vote for me this time and you'll never have to vote again." "Elon's a great guy ... really knows computers and voting machines ... and we won Pennsylvania."
Donald likes the prestige and attention, but he has no interest in governing. He just wants to stay out of prison and play golf. He doesn't care what happens to America or its government. He's perfectly happy to let Elon run things. He is not going to tell anyone to ignore Elon.
The fact that he didn't think to have an acceptance speech prepared, screams just how unprepared he was and thinking he couldn't possibly win. He was the dog that caught the tire. Then he ignored the ones like Chris Christie that would have at least helped him act like he knew what he was doing. He stupidly fired Christie because of his son-in-law's objection to the prosecutor that had his dad convicted.
donald only ran for the office this time to stay out of prison. He is uninterested in doing any governing, satisfied with signing unlawful Executive Orders and sitting behind the Resolute Desk, looking important, commanding attention. Oh yes, and flying to Florida every weekend to play golf.
Elon bought himself a president (for a measly quarter billion), and by extension he now has control of our country. donald is perfectly happy for Musk to do all the dirty work.
we were sold for a lot more than 30 pieces of silver, we just haven't seen the receipt yest. FOTUS never wanted the duties of president. He just wanted the prestige and to be able to create all the damage he could imagine.
I disagree about Judas. There is some strong evidence that Judas in some ways believed deeply in Jesus of Nazareth and Judas’ “betrayal “ was a foolish attempt to prompt the Nazarene to take direct action.
Thank you for your reply. You expressed it better than I did. I think that the point of Jesus’ time on earth was to show a path of peace which as his disciples experienced had its unpleasant consequences. I myself sometimes think “ come on get down from that cross and get all Batman on those bastards. I guess that is the point. Our path to peace and a democracy for all will be filled with sacrifices and disappointments. Eh?
People need to take to the streets. Signs and chants! "Stop the Coup!" Impeach and Imprison Trump!" and "Deport Musk!"
These chants need to be mantras so that everyone knows them and says them and they go to sleep hearing them. The mission is clear. Save the US from being totally destroyed and all Americans along with it.
If resistance had started earlier in Nazi Germany Hitler and his henchmen would not have gotten such a deep hold on the state and made themselves so comfortable. People should be marching all over the country. Time to take off from work, uni, call in sick, take vacation and retired people need to get out there and make critical numbers to deter them.
Also, Mexico's president said she would put tariffs only on products from Red States. While for now that action is over or delayed, it is a good idea in general. I think Blue states need to be boycotting products from Red States so that people in those states put pressure on their elected reps to do something about it.
This is the US's South Korea Moment. Either we demand Trump's removal, and impeachment of we let Elon Musk stage a coup from which we can never recover. All the people who want to stay home, think how kindly history has been to the Germans who did not stand up to the Nazis.
It's easy to say when you live abroad. You don't have to do anything and if things get bad in the streets you won't suffer personally.
Sorry, Linda, and I know this may sound unfair, but if you REALLY expect this to happen, you need to stop exhorting others and come back and do your part as well.
Also I do not believe in espousing illegal acts (no matter how much the other side does).
We can not deport Musk, he is a citizen of the US regardless of whether we like that idea or not. If he commits crimes he can be put in jail of course, but he can't be deported unless we want to take ourselves outside the law.
As for demanding Trump's removal, we couldn't get that accomplished when we controlled both houses of Congress. We don't control either house right now. We MIGHT manage to get enough votes from the GOP to impeach him again but we would need TWENTY GOP Senators along with every Democrat to convict him and oust him from office.
How about some rational ideas right now rather than nonsensical rhetoric that will waste energy and in all likelihood fail? Unfortunately most of the good ideas aren't likely to move the needle much. At some point a national strike might make some sense but we are barely in the first few weeks of this. It is going to require much greater consequences to a large majority of Americans before we are ready for that.
It will come. Trump and Musk don't give a damn about us. But good strategy suggests moving too fast is not a winning option. I wish I had better news but things are going to get bleaker (possibly much bleaker) before we see any light at the end of the tunnel.
I was at a Massachusetts-wide Indivisible Zoom yesterday evening, and there were similar meetings across the country. It is the first time I've heard the word COUP used again and again. It took us a lot longer in 2016 and beyond to use the word liar, so using the correct term is important. Our Indivisible has set up appointments with our Senators in two places, and they expect hundreds of people to show up. At the same time, those of us who can't come in person, will call and e-mail our members of Congress. Indivisible groups are doing the same thing across the country. They have concrete suggestions for how to slow down the nominations process, for example. We all need to do what we can to oppose all and every aspect of this DOGE coup (or, as some are pronouncing it, Dodgy coup). Together. So find an Indivisible near you and join them.
I'm behind positive suggestions all the way. Joining today. Stop all the GOP nominations and votes on nominees. Our government employees know their required tasks and are soldiering on despite being scared.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
He is at least brief and, for me, doesn't require that I "Hide" them from my screen by using the 3-dots at the upper right to select "Report" (with the comment that I only want to hide them on my screen if they take up too much space).
That lets me see all the replies and, if I need to see the comment they are replying to, choose to "Show" it again in its entirety.
Wasn’t it GREAT that WE witnessed a PEACEFUL transfer of power this time? I mean Biden met with Trump and Biden ordered his department heads to help the new administration in that transfer! I mean (and I know it’s “symbolic”) but Biden and the First Lady actually SHOWED UP to the Inaugural Ceremony! Even on January 6 (2025) Congress met and did its Constitutional job and no silly Biden supporters crapped in the Rotunda! Hurrah for America, right George Dunn?
Hey George, why don't you read the post-election info about why people voted for Trump? I mean the ones who actually handed him the election, which was not the MAGA faithful but the independents and disaffected Dems. Guess what? They voted for Trump because of high prices/inflation, and also because they believed all that nonsense about an 'open border'. I'm willing to bet a lot of money that none of these people voted to have Musk break into the National Treasury and gain access to our personal information. And what is Trump doing to address high prices?
The former president provided that. You really think the SCOTUS would have given the POTUS immunity if they remotely thought Biden would have not respected the Constitution? Absolutely not. If they thought he would abuse power to stay in office like his predecessor, they would never have issued such a dumb ass ruling.
Did you know Trump was a Democrat all his life until he found he wouldn’t be supported by them for potus? musk was all in on the Democratic agenda and liberals until he discovered he could control the con man. He has a history of lying and cheating to enrich himself, even being an illegal immigrant. But just like every other value you hold it’s okay if they break the law when it benefits your lack of ethics and morals. When does it become unacceptable ? What is the tipping point?
"moving too fast is not a winning option?" Moving too slowly ala Merrick Garland is why we're in this mess. rumpy should have been arrested on Jan. 6 or shortly thereafter. We all saw it on tv. It should not have been allowed to drag on and on and on because why? Garland didn't want to appear to be partisan? The wheels of justice needed to have been spinning a lot faster. Now look where we are, all because the prosecution of this destructor was bogged down in the muck of delay, delay, delay.
While your argument identifies all the reasons why impeachment, deporting Musk won't work, I think you are missing the point. There is an urgency behind the calls for deportation and impeachment. And that urgency is CORRECT. We MUST ACT NOW...we MUST HAVE OUTRAGE NOW. Waiting for the perfect solution is NOT the solution.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
So, because Linda lives abroad she shouldn't care passionately about what's happening? Just listen to yourself, and think how you would feel if somebody criticised your thoughts that way. We all need loyalty and emotional support at this point, whichever part of the world we happen to be living in.
I don't think it's the thoughts that were being criticized so much as urging those of us here to take certain actions with which the writer felt safer not having to join it would appear. On the other hand people who live outside the USA may find it tougher in the long run if what happens here affects the economic situation abroad. Let's be stronger together please.
Anne, I agree with your support of Linda’s comments. As an US citizen living abroad for a long period, I stood in long lines at Embassies to cast my vote. What happens in the US affects you, no matter where you live.And marching in the streets cannot possibly any more illegal then what T and Musk are doing. Having lived under two dictatorships, I am really fearful
Thanks, Pam. We have shared experience, to a certain degree. I'm not American, but I've been on this forum since the first shock, in 2016, because I live in the world (in Europe for many years), and we're all connected. Taking to the streets is the clearest of messages.
He isnt saying that. But Linda living abroad yet yelling at us to get out in the streets HERE costs her nothing. He is saying she needs to come up with solid idea not spew rhetoric and certainly nothing she wont or cant do herself
Musk HAS broken the law, though, hasn’t he? Many times over. He is much more worthy of deportation than any of those Trump is blithely throwing back into the hellish conditions they were trying to escape.
During Trump's first administration, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered the investigation of 700,000 naturalized citizens, with a goal of bringing some 1,600 cases to the courts. The denaturalization effort was part of the administration's "zero tolerance" campaign, best known for the prosecution of border crossers and family separation.
"Tucked among the priorities listed in his Day 1 executive orders was a one-line reference to enforcing a section of immigration law under which the government can revoke an immigrant's U.S. citizenship if it was "unlawfully procured.""
That includes "discrepancies in the file – even typographical errors or an innocent mistake in the immigration process."
I'm recall reading somewhere that he is actually here illegally. Apparently he came over on a student visa then dropped out. However, I don't know enough specifics to be sure about this.
He didn’t even drop out. He never registered for a class in the first place. He lied from the very beginning. Not only that, he took an acceptance slot preventing another student from being accepted.
It is not unfair, but when I lived in the US I attended demonstrations all the time. My daughter missed a high school open house for prospective student to attend the women's march. I have been marching since I was 3. I brought my daughter to her first march when she was 18 months old, on my back in a pack that had her in a five point harness that I could hardly get open. My husband was worried that she would be crushed or snatched. This was a rally of 300,000 in support of immigrants like him and my mom. No such thing happened.
In Germany, in 2024 I have helped organize a march, and I also have given a speech about project 2025 at a rally of Democrats Abroad.
Now I am active here in Germany in preparation for our election in 3 weeks, and just attended demonstrations on the weekend. I to protest a fascist immigration bill and other issues as I mentioned in my article above. But, I cannot ignore my other country's needs because there has been a coup, and the constitution is being defied and subverted.
I think moving too slowly in this instance is a bad idea. You give the other side time to rally their militias. Trump is still coming out of his weekend golfing stupor, while Musk has been stealing the data of every American and every agency including all of those for our security. The time to act is now. There is a protest in D.C. on Tuesday at 5 p.m. in front of the Treasury Building, organized by MoveOn and Indivisible.
Linda, I am a fighter by nature as you are. However, protests get people killed.
They have to be very, very large. It's very dangerous in small numbers. John Lewis, Schwerner and Goodman paid the ultimate price. I'm old enough to remember Tiananmen Square incident | Massacre.
In my old age, I believe we certainly need to respond sooner rather than later, but what is the most effective way to do that is the question. I think congress needs to take the lead. I asked Jon Rosen and now you what you think of Thom Hartmann's suggestions.
Shut down the House and the Senate.
— Challenge Johnson’s speakership.
— Fight every unanimous consent vote.
— Use quorum calls to bring floor business to a standstill.
— Put holds on every Trump nominee, even for things like naming Post Offices or noncontroversial positions.
— Hold a major press conference every day and coordinate with Democrats across the nation to amplify that day’s message across local and national media.
— Organize political guerilla theater and mass protest events.
Yes Eadie. These are all good suggestions. however, one has to test out the effectiveness of the military asap. Will Trump be using this? will they obey? A friend told me that in LA as the people marched the police did not interfere. Whether that is because they listened to the mayor or why, these are the things we want to know.
Olga Lautmann a Substack writer and expert on tyranny, wrote a piece on November 20, which she recently republished on what to expect. A lot has already happened.
Olga Lautmann doesn't miss much. I'll just take the liberty of copying here her last point, as it's the subject of some discussion:
"Ways to push back
While the outlook is bleak, resistance is not futile. America’s deep democratic traditions and resilient civil society offer hope, but pushing back will require collective effort and strategic action. Support independent media by subscribing to and amplifying credible outlets that challenge the regime’s narrative. Organize locally to strengthen grassroots networks that resist authoritarian policies and foster community resilience. Strengthen ties with global democratic movements to share strategies and resources. Stay informed, as understanding authoritarian tactics is key to countering them. I’ll be putting out a comprehensive resistance guide very shortly to help navigate this critical fight. Stay tuned."
Who & how will we be able to test the military? Will they obey unlawful orders? Would general Milley, Kelly, or McCaffrey stand up to tRump? Good question. Who would know the answers to these questions.
All of that, but move your last point to the top of the list.
I was working for the head of the NSW Department of Immigration at the time of Tiananmen. I can still see the corridors packed with young Chinese responding to the Australian government's offer of sanctuary.
It's not either/or. It's both/and. We each figure out where we can be effective and then we do what we can. I've been to my share of marches and standouts, but I'm turning 79 on Saturday, so now I make phone calls and send e-mails and share information with others about how to get involved.
Eadie, All of the things Thom Harmann suggests relies on the Congress to act and I think they are planning on doing these things. We can ask them to, but we have to have actions that we the people can do, because it is our country as well.
I have been protesting all my life, brought by my mom when I was 3 years old to Civil Rights rallies. I have demonstrated all through the Iran-Contra times in the US, and gone to most demonstrations in my home city of Chicago. In Germany I have gone to demonstrations. I have only been in peaceful demonstrations, and been fortunate not to get hurt. In the 1980s at all of the demos people would volunteer to do actions that might get them arrested. There is always a voluntary element to a demonstration.
The key is to slow them down. Demonstrations slow despots down. They have to figure out how to handle things. Our press has not been totally shut down, so the optics matter too. Right now, we have independent media and the legacy media is still covering things that are somewhat controversial to Trump, so this is the time to take advantage of that.
Linda, I have no objection to protests as long as they are huge. I advocated a million man march during his first administration. Thank you for your service,.
JON, what do you think of Thom Hartmann's suggestions?
Shut down the House and the Senate.
— Challenge Johnson’s speakership.
— Fight every unanimous consent vote.
— Use quorum calls to bring floor business to a standstill.
— Put holds on every Trump nominee, even for things like naming Post Offices or noncontroversial positions.
— Hold a major press conference every day and coordinate with Democrats across the nation to amplify that day’s message across local and national media.
— Organize political guerilla theater and mass protest events.
Your comment hit home. However, it leaves people with little hope in the near future. We all know what happened to Germany when people remained silent.
Elon Musk is a naturalized citizen. He and his brother have admitted that they were in this country illegally for several years before Elon applied for naturalization. He lied on his application for citizenship and thus he can be stripped of citizenship (de-naturalized) and deported.
Thank you Mr. Rosen. I agree, strikes are effective. They do require absolute commitment to unity and solidarity of purpose, no matter the cost. This is usually born of pain. It takes a while to coalesce, but as you say, "It will come." Also we cannot operate outside the rule of law as it would undermine any and all credibility. We can weather this storm! Si! se pueda.
If the air traffic controllers in the 12 largest US hubs went on strike, it would completely shut down all air travel within the US. They could try to fire all of them like Reagan did, but I'm guessing Trump would back down in less than 24 hours.
Perhaps. I am guessing these people would not back down. These guys absolutely hate labor and anyone associated with it. Furthermore, they have no qualms with harming innocent people in order to break any strike. That is my guess. Right there.
Why do you keep repeating yourself? Obviously you're not reading any of the responses. I already told you: people voted because of high prices. Please get out of your little bubble and do some research.
Unfortunately Jon you are spot on. What we can do is stick to the facts (Tesla & X employees hacked into our personal data), ignore the self-created crisis (Tariff Wars). The fact is American’s personal data has been stolen and not by a foreign adversary. It was stolen by 6 Tesla & X employees and we need to use the justice system and have them prosecuted under the law. Call, write letters, send emails to everyone. Start local and go federal. We have the names of those who hacked into the servers. File a police report. They may object at first but try it. You will need that documentation should your data be sold on the dark web and you will need to prove who you are. File police reports in the municipality these hackers live in. Again, documentation, documentation, documentation.
And yes when the local elected officials say it is a federal issue, remind them you are their constituents and as such it is their responsibility to protect and advocate on your behalf. You want them to work on bills that specifically say the Federal Government is not allowed to share your personal data with …… Just like NJ had to pass a bill making it illegal to ban books. I know it sounds crazy but we need to focus on what we can do and ignore what we can’t. Also there is a nation wide day of protest on Feb 5 at your State Capital. And most importantly pray 🙏. Pray for peace 🕊️ pray for people to find the courage to fight against this ocean of hate, pray for acceptance.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Jon, we can't start anything violent or illegal, but we can start peaceful protests. It's too late to wait for next year's elections. We have to act now.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I agree totally. "Good strategy suggests moving too fast is not a winning option." I have been reading about the beginning of WWll. The Allies knew that it would take two years to build up the military forces and armaments necessary to defeat Hitler. And then it would take time to defeat him in battle. The Democratic party is not popular with the majority of the American public. That's a factor too. Keep calm and carry on.
In England, WWII started with the invasion of Poland and the bombing of England. Churchill said, "And so it has come to us to stand alone." Flying clubs were transformed into military bases.
Look up The Battle of Britain, and see who the pilots were, and how old.
If it is truly an emergency his software could be seized for national security demands. Go after his six boys like crazy. Arrest them and make them give evidence. Even a cleared person cannot break the laws
No, we need to take to the Federal buildings. Take over the Senate and Congressional offices in your state and in Washington, D.C. Apparently, there are no laws to stop us. Who knew?
That is not how Mexico's president sees it. Not how women wanting abortions see it, or immigrants seeking sanctuary. While we must all come together we must also look at how to pressure Red state politicians.
I agree with the lady below. Musk has taken over the Federal government and Trump and the Republicans are allowing him to do it. If you have a Federal building near you, go inside and pick a target agency that Musk is going to dismantle. You probably won't get far but try it. Invite your local TV station to film the Fascists stopping you.
"No, we need to take to the Federal buildings. Take over the Senate and Congressional offices in your state and in Washington, D.C. Apparently, there are no laws to stop us. Who knew?" needs a /S for sarcasm, I suspect.
The last thing I want to do is anything that could be portrayed as like what my old party does. But then I do remember the protestors who had earned the access to protest peacefully, I think agreeing to be arrested after having their voices heard. We ran into fiesty Medea Benjamin at several marches and protests. She's from another Freeport but we are still fans.
"...During 2005–2010, she worked to oppose United States threats of a possible impending war with Iran, including lobbying Congress, taking peace delegations to Iran, and bringing Iranian youth to Congress.
Benjamin repeatedly interrupted a major speech by President Barack Obama regarding United States policy in the War on Terror at the National Defense University on May 23, 2013.[24][25] After Benjamin was removed for her actions, President Obama then went off script. "The voice of that woman is worth paying attention to," he said. "Obviously I do not agree with much of what she said. And obviously she wasn't listening to me and much of what I said. But these are tough issues. And the suggestion that we can gloss over them is wrong." Benjamin responded by telling The Daily Beast, "If he had indeed made significant policy changes, I wasn't going to say anything. I would have preferred that option, but given that he didn't make those kind of changes I was looking for, I was glad to be given the opportunity to speak out..."
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Guess what, George? There is credible evidence that Trump won due to a combination of voter suppression and gerrymandering. So I think the odds are pretty good that your repeated statement is a flat-out lie. Not that I'm all that happy with the Dems right now; I'm not. But 'the American people' didn't vote for what is happening now. Please stop repeating yourself with your baseless information.
I can copy and paste too, George because I have Freedom of Speech Speech Speech Speech
Wasn’t it GREAT that WE witnessed a PEACEFUL transfer of power this time? I mean Biden met with Trump and Biden ordered his department heads to help the new administration in that transfer! I mean (and I know it’s “symbolic”) but Biden and the First Lady actually SHOWED UP to the Inaugural Ceremony! Even on January 6 (2025) Congress met and did its Constitutional job and no silly Biden supporters crapped in the Rotunda! Hurrah for America, right George Dunn?
Yes, the Democrats made sure there was an exemplary transfer of power, despite the warnings of many who found suspicious discrepancies in swing state votes. Of course, Elon and his goons messed with the swing state numbers. And Loose Lips at his inauguration day rally, thanked him soundly for what he called a landslide victory in Pennsylvania because “nobody knows those computers those voting computers, better than Elon.” But they were quick to move into the cybersecurity division in the first week so we’ll never find out what was done and there will never be another legitimate election, especially if we were duped in this one.
I think it won't be hard to get 2/3rds disagreeing with what happened once half of them that voted for Trump realize how they have shot themselves in the foot.
Who knows what the third that didn't vote for anyone think. I have to doubt they were enthusiastic enough to vote for Trump, but will certainly vote against him now that they can see the consequences beginning to show they may never again have a chance to vote in a fair election.
Linda, you are absolutely correct. We must start mobilizing in the streets. I attended a virtual meeting with MoveOn, Indivisible, Working Families Party & others on Sunday. They are ramping up a national strategy of pushback. Tuesday evening rally @ the Treasury Building, Wednesday visits to all 50 states Senators offices. I'll be going down to Phoenix to Senator Reuben Gallego's office. They are planning other actions after that. I'm trying to get involved, as everyone else should. It's time to push back against Musk, Trump & Project 2025.
I know that they and Moveon have planned a demonstration today. Robert Hubbell says,
There is a protest in D.C. on Tuesday at 5 p.m. in front of the Treasury Building, organized by MoveOn and Indivisible. See article below or just sign up here.
Stop separating blue states from red states in any commentary. We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. With blue and red voters in EVERY state, whether the obsolete electoral college chooses to view things that way or not. So many think; just relocate! It’s not that simple for anyone. Especially the 99% at the lower income levels. Some people work for a living, others are retired by choice or circumstance. This talk of punishing red states with blue islands sounds too much like civil war on the horizon and it needs to stop NOW.
Judith, we are going to have to agree to disagree. Just as I refuse to visit many states because I am not putting my money into their economies, I would like to avoid buying products from them too. We are not the United States. Currently Red States are imposing laws and life on Blue States that we did not choose. We might be the United States in a legal sense, but not in practice. I also wish that the EU would give Hungary the boot. While the US is being modeled on this by Red State wishes, it is the second poorest nation in Europe. In fact, I am also not buying Hungarian nor will I be visiting them until they change their leadership.
People were forced to join the party for the most part, although many did not anyway, and they did not get to keep their jobs. My grandfather was an administrator in a college and afterwards he was a carpenter. Germany had not had democracy in their history for more than 15 years, and therefore people did not really understand its advantages. Most had probably always lived under monarchy. Germany was alone made to pay huge reparations after WWI, and had no money, and Hitler was saying we just won't pay anymore. This was appealing. There is a lot more to it than that, but just understand the Germans were not that different from most of Europe in their antisemitism. I don't believe that was a driving cause for most people in the beginning just like I grew up thinking the US was the land of immigrants, and now immigrants are the enemy which a lot of Dems are buying into as well. It is going to be important for Americans to understand the moment and the parallels to other countries, without romanticizing who Americans are. You see who we are by how Trump came to power legally.
Karl Jaspers famously idenitified four categories of guilt: criminal guilt (the commitment of overt acts), political guilt (the degree of political acquiescence in the Nazi regime), moral guilt (a matter of private judgment among one’s friends), and metaphysical guilt (a universally shared responsibility of those who chose to remain alive rather than die in protest against Nazi atrocities). I recently watched an old Spencer Tracy film, 'Judgement at Nuremberg' about the trial of the judges in nazi Germany ( I have seen it many times). Tracy plays the presiding American judge (Dan Haywood) at the trial who together with his two fellow judges has to decide whether those judges were complicit in the atrocities. At the end of the film, one of the convicted judges, Ernst Janning asks to speak to Haywood to try and convince him that none of the judges could have foreseen the appalling consequences of the nazi regime. He appeals to Haywood: "...those people, those millions of people... you must believe that I never knew it would come to that." Haywood's reply: "Herr Janning, it came to that the first time you sentenced someone to death who you knew to be innocent." There was a vast bureaucracy in Germany supporting the concentration camps and the death camps and thism is attested to by the meticulous records the nazis kept about their murders. These bureaucrats all had families and friends and yet none of them claimed to know about the atrocities. The guilt was of widespread acquiescence in the daily horrors that were all around them. Germany has recognised that guilt and it continues to weigh heavily on the German psyche - note Olaf Schulz's recent condemnation of Elon Musk's suggestion that Germans should "move beyond" their guilt and support the AfD.
Will we have a fictional "Ernst Janning" Court that knew better but reluctantly went along a "little" bit, or do we have more of an Oswald Rothaug Court that actively and enthusiastically persecuted the chosen minority?
Because I was a military dependent toddler in Munich during the Nuremberg Trials, I paid more attention than most as I grew up. Judgment at Nuremberg, the movie, was big deal to my family. Burt Lancaster's interactions with Spencer Tracy were the ones burned into memory. A portion of the dialog that fleshes out more of that memory (but not the most memorable couple of lines), is at https://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechjudgmentatnuremberg1.html
Now, though it matters less than what each real person actually did compared to our current court, who were the characters based upon? Who are the reluctant ones and who are the ones that don't believe they have gone far enough from the principles in our Declaration of Independence, and laws in line with the Constitution as Amended to date?
For me, I'd suggest examining the thoughts and actions of people like Oswald Rothaug (for a subplot in the movie), and Franz Schlegelberger as described at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Schlegelberger
That article includes a picture of "...A meeting of four Nazis who bore much of the responsibility for allowing the legal system of Germany to be taken over by Nazi ideology. Franz Schlegelberger is second from left. On the far left in this image is Roland Freisler. Otto Thierack is the second from the right, and Curt Rothenberger is on the far right..."
With DOGE Crypto coming out, perhaps some Schlegeberger's early action should be food for thought, "...Among Schlegelberger's many works in this time was a bill for the introduction of a new national currency which was supposed to end the hyperinflation to which the Reichsmark was prone..."
All the points you make are very pertinent in the current circumstances. Certainly, one can make distinctions between say, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and the likes of Jim Jordan and Ron Johnson, but in the final analysis they're all complicit in the chaos unfolding now and none of them could argue that Trump's actions were unforeseeable. I get tired of hearing people call Trump 'unpredictable' when what they mean is 'erratic'. That he will continue to be a unprincipled, vindictive, mendacious, narcissistic bully who ignores legal and constitutional rules is completely predictable.
You are right 100%. We see who we are now, and I’m appalled. Racism, misogyny, greed and “christanity” are mighty attractive to our friends and family.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
In 2016 I joined a robust March in Denver. Didn’t change a single thing. No way I am going to place myself in a crowd with the extreme division in politics we are in the middle of.
We started out with the local to us, Occupy Riverside General Assemblies. There were many issues and thoughts allowed to be heard (and repeated by the People's Microphone since bull horns weren't permitted by the police). People showed which ones made sense to them, and many met like minded people closer to their own sensibilities.
Though some claimed to break up the Occupy movements, I'm convinced they broke into different more focused groups and tried more collaborative approaches of existing and new groups like the 45 tables of groups that showed up at the 2018 Inland Empire Women's March for the Progressive Alliance Unity Action Expo in Riverside, CA.
My homemade handouts (one small sheet), were 4 graphic figures with text as follows:
Mary holding baby Jesus - My Son Died for You, Who Would You Die For (graphic of DJT in an orange jumpsuit immediately below it)
Themis, Goddess of Justice - Take Your Dirty Fingers Off the Scale and Every Other Thing You Should Not Touch
Liberty Enlightening the World (Statue of Liberty with torch held high) - Some Light to Read Your Tax Returns, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Conflicts of Interests
Below the Orange Jumpsuit, below Mary and baby Jesus -
"I'm Not a Genius"~ Albert Einstein,
"I'm Not a Genius"~ Steve Jobs,
but you say, "I'm a Stable Genius"?
Across the bottom:
Lincoln was a Master Cabinet Maker, Ikea makes better cabinets then Your Outhouse Basement Cabinet
P.S. I have a small Statue of Liberty, but have yet to find one that includes the important to me shackle and chain she has her left foot on. The original proposal had her holding the broken shackle and chain in her left hand as the whole idea started as a monument to the end of slavery. Political considerations had it put out of sight from the ground and the tablet substituted with the date of the "signing" of the Declaration of Independence in Roman Numerals on it.
To me that was more in tune with the ideals expressed than the compromised Constitution that allowed slavery to continue. One of my heroes, President Grant was an early fan and willing to have it built on Bedloe's Island which had been ceded to the United States government for a fort in 1800. I'm so proud it really represents Freedom (and equal protection under law) to all who reach our shores by any means.
One march may not change anything, but many might. If you tried to potty train your child and they did not learn on the first day, would you give up or try again?
Still, if marching is not your thing there are other things you can do. HCR gave some assignments. That is a good place to start.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Trump is the President of the United Stated. What you are suggesting is illegal and dangerous. Perhaps just stating what you’ve said here may be considered treason. There is a ruling class of elites in Congress who don’t understand that they work for the people. USAID is wasting the people’s money with zero accountability.
“The true threat to democracy is not Elon Musk, not political outsiders, and not ordinary Americans - it’s the unaccountable ruling class that believes it is above the law.
Congress must take action - not to protect this corrupt regime, but to dismantle it. The FBI must be reined in, the deep state must be exposed, and those who have abused their power must face justice.
America belongs to the people, not to the elites who think they own it.”
You made some good points until the next-to-last paragraph. What exactly IS the 'deep state'? Is it just a code word for 'Democrats', or does it mean the appointed experts who work in civil service to do the work of government? I ask you -- are you able to determine, on your own, whether the food you eat or medications you take are safe? Are you able to make sure, on your own, that the municipal water supply is safe and the air relatively clean? Can you, on your own, make sure the bridges you cross are safe and not on the verge of collapse? Who do you think takes care of all this? The plan to get rid of the so-called 'deep state' is actually a plan to insure that powerful corporations can do whatever they wish, regardless of whether their actions endanger the American people. It's a plan to get rid of the experts who actually know things, and the people who help protect us.
CLS, thx for your question as to what is meant by “the deep state” as the expression is thrown out in otherwise clear commentary. Your explanation is a clear positive connotation. Which is it, positive or nefariously negative?
It has been positive such as when Lincoln took such painful care to select the best he could. Grant tried Civil Service reforms during his administration reform with limited success before the Pendleton Act in 1883. If my Civics Classes of 60+ years ago are remembered well enough, it was the first big step in getting a durable handle on preventing the worst tactics of the spoils system.
The food we eat is in fact not safe and creates a population of morbidly obese adults and children who now rely on medications prescribed for a lifetime, medications that often create an even more vulnerable population, our water and air are not clean, and our infrastructure is crumbling. You forgot to mention who do I think is monitoring our children’s education when 2/3 of 5th graders cannot read-are illiterate! Yes I do wonder who is monitoring these things because they are NOT doing their jobs and we are paying more than ever in taxes. This country is in massive debt with terrible results. The republicans were voted into the executive and legislative branches to clean up the mess. Let’s let them give a go at it.
If I am correct in linking your response to Linda Weide's edited comment, I see nothing illegal or that should be dangerous in it.
It is absolutely nothing like the violent extremists that attacked our capitol on January 6th and got pardoned by the most outrageously scofflaw President in our history.
If we have complaints about some of the work USAID has done, the way Musk (with what kind of extra legal authority), attacked it, is nonsensically beyond any reasonable way to change it. You don't break the chain of all the good work they are doing and the life dependencies upon it that will become an irreparable disaster in our trusted positions around the world. That's like cutting the lifelines to the lifeboats and life jackets of those that will be lost if even temporarily cut.
Would you want to be on the end of one of those life lines?
Jenny, I am missing your point! I have said nothing that is treasonous under our current constitution. Perhaps you are anticipating the one that Trump is about to create. This is what happens if you allow things to be business as usual.
"Trump is the President of the United Stated. What you are suggesting is illegal and dangerous. Perhaps just stating what you’ve said here may be considered treason."
Now do January 6th rioters and insurrectionists trying to prevent election results from being certified.
I'm asking to the person who posted the quoted language, in opposition to protesting in federal buildings as suggested in the original comment, to apply the same standard to the rioters and insurrectionists of January 6th. Weren't their actions illegal and dangerous?
Oh, George is here because he loves and respects the Constitution of the United States and the Freedom of Speech. Just like those PEDESTRIANS who were strolling through the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. I’m not sure the Constitution OKs pooping in the Rotunda, but….
What I really like is your FACT-BASED approach. 77.3 million Americans have spoken and Trump has won the 2024 election and Joe Biden nobly and lawfully turned over the governing authority to Donald Trump. I like the way you use FACTS to form your opinions. And, I’m sure your Fact Machine has told you that a PEACEFUL TRANSFER did not occur in 2021 and Trump showed ZERO nobility in that moment, right, George? Go ahead, George, you can say it!! Freedom of Speech!!!
Yep. 80 Years after they were defeated in Germany, the Nazis have now taken over the USA. And naming a coup after a shiba meme doesn’t make it funny, Mr. Musk.
But there will be no Allies who can come to the rescue this time. Putin must be laughing his balls off…
And what does this tell us? You don’t need to obey a single law when you’re rich enough.
"Black Friday" sales are supposed to be the first day of the year that store revenues exceed costs, "accounting in the black", but it's mostly a phony excuse for a pre-Christmas hype sale.
Xi benefits the most economically, but of course many claim Putin the richest man in the world. The richest men in the world are willing to transfer some of their wealth to Trump and pretend like he's the man, because he allows them to make even more money. The MAGAs apparently don't care either as long as they get to feel superior in their White skin, and the rest can will feel closer to Whiteness if they don't have White skin but still voted for Trump.
My Slavics professor friend shared this.
"Just found this Russian proverb, unfortunately so à propos (sigh): Когда деньги говорят, правда молчит. Lit. ‘When money speaks, the truth is silent’ "
The question Gene is how to turn back from the American history taking a dark turn? I would say, let their inefficiency play in public while we report loud and clear, and 24/7 ,the consequences of their actions and the absolute abuse of power against we the people and the impunity they are demonstrating.
This group of Democrats legislators demanding accountability is a good step but we also need decent Republicans to join. The damage done already it's not irreversible yet, they had only 2 weeks to destroy this country in their benefit but now should be the limit. Hope the legacy media also do their part. Keep the faith and fight.
MSNBC had several Good Shows tonite, 3-Feb-2025... Among many guests, was Congressman Jamie Raskin... He suggested that if you are going to have Street Protests, keep them Small, and Impromptu... Notice how the Demonstration in front of the USAID Building was conducted by Congresspeople, and Senators... Rationale?... Don't Give DJT An Opportunity To Declare Martial Law Which Could Get Very Ugly... With Pete Hagseth as Secretary Of Defense, there would be no Sanity Check on that Action....
Congressman Raskin is my hero …. he is brilliant, so well spoken, steady, compassionate, and does not give up. He said Nancy Pelosi’s appointment of him to the January 6th committee saved his life and gave him even more purpose after his son's suicide. God bless him.
I suspect Trump/Musk is salivating at the chance to call out the militia on a national emergency in the event of large scale protests. Bring out the firehouses and dogs and really own those libs!
You are spot on!! Trump is just itching to make a big show of suppressing peaceful protests even if he has to use violence. Now he’s got his SS and his released violent criminals, they can instigate violence, themselves, at any peaceful rally. If it weren’t for Gen Milley he would’ve opened fire on the protesters that day he tried to do the Bible photo op. Instead, he had to be happy with gassing them.
The consequences of harm to the demonstrators would, of course, be tragic. But the consequence of martial law, and even worse, Emergency presidential powers, would detract from any legal cases currently in play that challenge his power. So even peaceful demonstrations in numbers, create a new liability for justice.
And keep an eye out for would be provocateurs which should be easier to spot in smaller groups.
Here's what I observed back in November 2017, though I did wish for another Martin Luther King Jr., to get a better balance of all issues for all marginalized people, and with less divisive push-back enabled. I don't think it needs much if any modification, but welcome any helpful feedback.
I found the Occupy Riverside practice of giving speakers 3 minute increments at the General Assemblies was the best way to let everyone be heard, without disrupting any main speakers, who are given a reasonable time to speak and get feedback from the attendees. We support a lot of even extreme free speech, as long as it doesn't unduly interfere with others rights and activities.
The difference in Hillary's response and Bernie's is telling when Black Lives Matter demanded near total domination of meetings. Hillary initially tried to deny them more than a very brief acknowledgement, while Bernie let them hijack most of the rally, but then let them speak for longer periods but not hijack the entire rallies. There are many more minority issues that do get a chance to speak, as we listen for a fair amount of time, usually with the [people's microphone] feedback indicative of how much traction they can expect in active support of their causes, or tolerant inclusion by giving them a place to be heard by more people. We even let Trump supporters speak and receive feedback with at least as much respect for them as they show us.
We are against the disruption of classes or shouting down even the worst provocateurs, preferring what I think I've heard of them doing at Hampshire College, silently turning their backs to the speakers but not disrupting them. Another way is to have small signs, especially for indoor meetings, on 8-1/2 x 11 maximum cardboard or soft foam board too soft to hurt anyone, with one side showing approval (perhaps thumbs up) and the other, disapproval (thumbs down). The idea is to not block anyone's view or make disruptive noise, yet still express dissatisfaction for any event that is videoed (showing the crowd).
The more important issues, to me, are the gross increase in financialization that increases extreme differential accumulation of wealth and power, and Citizens United enabled effectively enabling a hostile take over of our government. While I wouldn't suffer personally from the new tax proposals, the country would from cutting revenue and continuing to neglect comprehensive attention to keeping our infrastructure sustainable. I've heard most systems designed for 100 year life spans are being maintained as if on a 300 year schedule. Privatizing much more of it would seem to limit new infrastructure far more than when we did better to prepare for more people, who could be healthier and more productive when they had better opportunities. Too much privatizing also further concentrates all the opportunities for a few to do just what profits them the most, as it keeps too many others from having anywhere near the same opportunities.
Antifa has always been Anti-Fascist, I think since the Spanish Civil War and Franco's rise. They seem hair-trigger reactionaries ready to respond to actual violence by anything close to groups that used fascist tactics to provoke reactions like the Red Wedding neighborhood in Berlin, when they are doing what they claim to be doing (protecting others from fascist violence). They always seem to fall for the same provocations that the original ones did and do more damage to the causes or people they claim to be trying to protect. I don't know if their presence in Charlottesville actually kept the police from being the ones that protected the people that felt threatened by the torch and gun bearing white supremacists, but they failed as miserably on the optics as the people in Red Wedding did responding to Goebbels (see http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/how-the-nazis-succeeded-in-taking-power-in-red-berlin-a-866793.html)
I don't care what Antifa believes, when their appearance, especially black clad reactionaries just itching for a fight, creates so much tension that fights are sure to break out (with police unwilling or unable to keep the groups under control)..
I personally have "discouraged" any that wanted to be anywhere near our group, reminding them how easy it was to have false members like James O'Keefe (provocateurs) that could impersonate them as they captured on video anything that they could attribute to actual Antifa members. Then there are ones that might actually fall for trying to use fascist tactics to fight real fascists. I'll do my best to stop any that use fascist tactics, no matter what side they are on.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Compare the values and rhetoric of Lincoln to Reagan, let alone His Royal Selfishness. To be accurate you wound now have to call it The Party of Anti-Lincoln". Some now even carry Confederate flags.
"Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out."
The "party of Lincoln" more or less migrated to the Democratic Party, when its Southern branch migrated to the Republican Party during Goldwater and so on
Decent republican is an oxymoron I just watched them all vote for rfk jr even a doctor voted for him They are all spineless soulless schools afraid to lose their jobs but guess what karma is and will be a bitch no matter how long it takes
"Decent Republicans"? Have you seen many of those around these days? I count maybe 3 or 4 and they are all cowards or worse, opportunists.
As was the case in Nazi Germany, it will be VERY difficult to overcome the power of the government until a majority of people are SERIOUSLY opposed to leaving it in their hands. Right now I don't see anywhere NEAR a majorly of Americans brave enough to even worry about this let alone fight it.
Unfortunately I don't know if there is any way out of this hole Trump is digging for the country save for an actual revolution. And just as in Germany in the 30s, i question how many Americans have the guts for a real fight.
I think if people are fired from jobs or lose their welfare payments and can’t put food on the table, then it’ll be a different story. We are hard wired to save our loved ones from a burning building.
Jon, if you are referring to my post mentioning "decent republicans, I already apologize for being a too optimistic mistake. Take in consideration I was writing that post about 2:30 am EMT between sleep #1 and sleep #2 with no caffeine yet.
Once the MAGA base feel the pain, hopefully they will turn on Musk like NYC sewer rats 🐀 and knowing Trump like we do, he will distance himself from Musk and Musk will drown. Ahhh, one can only hope.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
The Republicans i was thinking about are the spineless members of Congress. I also know and I'm in friendly relationship with a few Republicans as long as we keep politics away. Thanks Christine
We need to take back the control of the media. This is how they won and continue to win every day. As long as people sit in their living rooms watching Fox or other right-wing propaganda, they will NEVER KNOW WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON! They have been duped! If they knew, they would be furious. I live in a red area and I go into people's homes for my work. This is what I see, Fox is on 24/7. To them, it's gospel.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Jon, we might have the advantage of having to lose something very important, 250 years of unperfect democracy. German people didn't have a day of it and ,at that time ,anything was good enough to replace all they had tried through out their history. Remember also that the nazi ideology and methodology didn't reveal itself at once ,as with trump's it was a day at the time over a short period of time. When it was in full display, it was too late. And talking about hope....I hope their history doesn't repeat in this country.
I couldn't sleep last night Jon, worrying about it. Reading The Guardian, the Atlantic and other excellent investigative journalism left right and center. And Heather Cox Richsrdson,Joyce Vance, Timothy Snyder, John Dickerson and info from Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy, Ron Wyden, Chris Van Hollen, Representatives Jamie Raskin,AOC and many others. Unfortunately, I have not heard from Republicans, being ok w fascism and giving up their power of the purse and made Congress needless, to an unelected unconstitutional citizen. DJT is not interested in governing but rather Rallies, golf and deconstructing our democratic republic department by dept. All in less than 2 weeks!
One thing we have the Germany did not have were some alternate systems of information distribution. At least for now we have some of those. The rest is all becoming propaganda and they’re trying to shut it down. But even the mega constituents will be pained and shocked at some of the financialrepercussions of tariffs, cuts to Food and Medicare, Head Start, the Social Security, etc.. The red states are the biggest recipients of all these government programs.
The WORST thing we can do right now is to even peacefully demonstrate in large numbers. Small vocal ongoing megaphones are the way to go and to do everything to stay in the media. Trump is just itching to play with his new militia under Hegseth (he was during his first term but the adults halted him). And he got his proud boys and oath keepers to make trouble as the SS at his elbow. The only thing mass gatherings will gain us is another loss. Emergency presidential powers will negate any of the legal cases that are trying to put checks on his power. We can’t lose what vestiges of law we have left.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I just read a long NYT straight news article describing in detail the recent actions of Elon Musk and his merry band of adolescent computer whizzes as they shut down the Federal government. I read and read and then skimmed, so I might have missed it, but the word "COUP" does not appear.
It is apparent that our mass media have been effectively taken over and neutered.
Only a matter of time before HCR is shut down too.
I was planning to visit the USA in April. Will I be arrested as I get off the plane?
As we all know, it is usually the military that has the final word in these situations. Isn't it time for the generals to speak up?
It's no surprise that The New York Times isn't using the word "coup"; it's not using "fascism," either, and it didn't even use "lie" in the first Trump regime until being shamed into it very, very late. The Times is too wrapped up in its self-importance to provide what we need: clarity.
The Bezos owned Washington Post is also refusing to describe what is actually happening and treats it as a normal thing for an unelected billionaire who is not a government official to hack government systems. None of this is normal, and the article comments were especially scathing.
Bezos sold what was left of his soul to Trump, and the fact he named a longtime Murdoch disciple as The Post's CEO and publisher should tell us everything we need to know. The staff has been hollowed-out, and is shell-shocked and demoralized. And if that's not bad enough, the editorial page editor is a coward. Just look at what he did to Ann Telnaes, not to mention how he caved on the Harris endorsement.
It's a name I'm totally proud of – as is. My late father, who was born 102 years ago today, earned a Silver Star, our nation's third-highest medal for valor, by defusing an activated incendiary bomb that, with the bomb bay doors open, got stuck in the rack of a B-24 during a mission against the Nazis over Europe, thereby saving the entire 10-member crew. In addition, he was a prisoner of war for 10 months until being freed by Gen. Patton's Third Army. So my children and I are very proud of him and of our surname. As for all those consonants, you'll just have to deal with them.
You do know I was kidding, right? Figured everyone would catch the reference.
Incredible story about your father, btw. Wonder how "bone spurs" would characterize him: as a "loser"? or as a "sucker"? Guess we'll just have to flip a coin.
Maybe it's time for all of us to write LTEs naming what's going on a COUP and send them to the NYT and whatever other newspapers are in our state and locations. They may not print them, but they may start to see the light when their readership informs them over and over about the importance of accuracy in their language. Take the time you would have taken to write a comment, and write and LTE instead.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Miselle, to the best of my knowledge, and it is admittedly scanty, AARP is now a big purveyor of Medicare Advantage products, products that promise lots of benefits, benefits that the company then denies when treatment or medication or services are needed. Could you, or someone else, verify if AARP is still a trusted organization with the good of their members uppermost?
Your thought about the military is valid. They may be our only hope. But they will have to pull a coup themselves against Elon bin Musk and the rest of the billionaire traitors and their blind political playmates. Something's gotta give.
MSNBC is having good Coverage as well as 'The Guardian', and the 'Independent'... Like Winston Churchill said, "A Lie Is Halfway Around The World Before The Truth Has Put Its Pants On"....
Honestly, I haven't been much of a fan of anyone seeking to explain news for me, absent credentials to do so. Even then, I've always lurked, vetted, and vetted again. Honestly ? I even did so with our good Dr. at first back in 2019 when first she was writing on FB.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Here's a script from my activist friend Lisa Brackman for Dem senators if you need one. I adapted to contact Republican senators in a state I lived in for years:
What do you plan to do to stop Elon Musk's unconstitutional, illegal and insanely dangerous attack on the federal payments system and his unauthorized access to our most sensitive financial data? I certainly did not authorize an unvetted 19-year-old named "BigBalls" and a 20-something Neo Nazi to root around in my personal information. With the news that Musk is attempting to close down the CFPB, I am beyond alarmed about the safety of my data and of the nation's finances. What happened to Congress holding the power of the purse?
I recognize that Democrats are the minority party here and that the great majority of the GOP has sold out whatever morals they might have had out of a lust for power, wealth or perhaps fear. But you have to start acting like an opposition party. Strongly worded statements are not enough. Ask yourself, "What would Mitch McConnell do?" and DO IT. Gather a bunch of Senators and camp out on the Treasury steps. We are far past the point of adhering to custom and to comity. This is a direct threat to our democracy and to our continued prosperity and to our FREEDOM.
I know that Democrats are counting on victories in the midterms, but it isn't paranoia to prepare ourselves for the possibility that there won't BE any midterms if something isn't done to stop Trump and Musk NOW.
I told them to demand that Musk be deported and Trump be impeached and Imprisoned. I also asked them, to organize with other Blue States and boycott Red State Products as Mexico's president threatened to do until she and Trump worked out a trade agreement as he did with Canada.
The Red State politicians should be made to feel the heat.
Linda your requests are totally of the Wall. Musk can't be deported as he is a US citizen. We can argue whether there is a legal way to revoke his citizenship but that would have to come BEFORE you could even ask for his deportation.
And impeachment, may I remind you, does NOT carry imprisonment with it as a punishment. The only thing an impeachment can do is remove him from office ASSUMING we can get the votes which I am pretty sure we can't.
We can of course call for more criminal charges but given the SCOTUS decision last year, he can't be tried for those until he is out of office.
So this is a long journey not a bunch of immediate actions that even have a prayer of success.
Batten down the hatches we are just getting started.
Unfortunately, Musk is a citizen, and it may not be possible to revoke his citizenship based upon his initial status as a person in violation of his student visa. It’s possible that the statute of limitations has passed, or he may have lied on his application for citizenship.
Thank you for the script. Here are some additional suggestions for an email or call to your Federal representatives.
Apparently, anyone can walk into any Federal building in the US and demand access to their systems. Is this really what the Congress wants us to do? There are apparently at least 7500 Federal buildings across the country. What happens if they are ALL taken over by citizens? Is this the message you want to send?
You're a Congressman or (Senator) for now, but Donald Trump and President Musk have taken over the US government, So much for checks and balances. When Congress and the US Supreme Court are unwilling to stop a foreign born immigrant from taking over the administrative branch of the US government, why did we elect you?
I wrote to my House representative last night asking him those questions. Mr. Hakeem Jefferies needs to rally his members to blast the Republicans and the media with the truth about what is going on inside the Beltway. I wonder if the Democrats who swung to Trump this past election are regretting their decision to support Trump based on economics (the price of eggs, remember?) or if they even care. And these kids Musk has cutting funds probably don't even make their beds, clean their rooms, or clean up after themselves because they're too young and irresponsible. What is going on with this clown show in Washington DC?
On a all-hands-on-deck call with Indivisible, MoveOne, Working Families Party and others, there were many suggestions for actions we can take now. It's been shown repeatedly that it does no good to contact senators or representatives for whom you are not a constituent. Instead of going to DC to meet your senators, you can go to one of their local offices. It would be great to do it with a number of people, but even one person can demand a meeting with staff. Here's the video of the call. I found it very worthwhile if for no other reason that it left me feeling a sliver of much needed hope.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Yes Alexandra. So important. I did so this morning, since I am abroad and my morning is the night. I also wrote them because I do get responses from them.
I call my Congressional representatives daily, sometimes multiple times per day. Yesterday was glitchy. My calls to John Fetterman, Dave McCormick, and Mike Kelly went directly to voice mail via the standard recorded message that sounded like it was on its last legs. When I was finally connected to the voice mail boxes, it was impossible to leave a message because the mailboxes were full. I think the Capitol switchboard was in melt down mode due to the high volume of incoming calls. One can hope millions of angry people were making their voices heard.
My standard operating procedure is to always follow up calls with emails. Emailing Dave McCormick has been a challenge but still I persist. If at once you don't succeed, try, try again. As Joyce Vance says, we're in this together.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
So, anyone can walk into a Federal building anywhere in the world and demand access to their systems and there's nothing that can be done to stop us?
Why don't we take over the White House and the Eisenhower office building. Also, let's take over the VP residence and the US Supreme Court. Apparently, there is nothing to stop us.
Look at the flag at the top of all government websites! It has only 9 stars ⭐️ Is it the flag of the new regime?
Go to any official federal government website and notice the US flag now has only 9 stars.
"This is a post Civil War re-union UCV Flag. The nine stars symbolize the first nine states to secede from the Union at the beginning of the Civil War."
Now, is the MUSKrat lover not breaking some law (e.g., obstructing the operations of the U.S.G.) by hacking into the systems?
The U.S. military may have the info-tech resources to divert the hacked funds through its systems to forward the impounded funds to the agencies and states they are supposed to go. MUSK must be arrested.
Yup. Good point. Maybe the D.C. police Department. But, in the unlikely chance that that Department would have jurisdiction to make the arrest, Musk would be released p.d.q. DAMN.
Professor, showing she is indeed a teacher - super teacher, starts with the review of the fundamental today. "I’m going to start tonight by stating the obvious: the Republicans control both chambers of Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate. They also control the White House and the Supreme Court. If they wanted to get rid of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), for example, they could introduce a bill, debate it, pass it, and send it on to President Trump for his signature." Most of us have been bewildered by Trump and Musk rapid onslaught of our government. But Professor knows how to recoup. She can be a great NFL coach. We also found a new leader to fight back - Congressman Jamie Raskin, who is an immigrant, I believe, and a constitutional scholar. He was flanked by another immigrant Congress woman from Minnesota. It's time to change the guard for DEMs. I am encouranged by these two immigrant representatives fighting for democracy in America.
This is really ugly. TDump will continue to create problems and then claim to have solved them. No way in hell that Musk should be allowed to be any where near our government.
We are experiencing a disinformation campaign the likes of which we have never seen before. And we have the most incompetent and divisive leader in modern history. We don't just have bad apples in our government, we have bad apple barrels.
There are things we can do as the judicial branch looks like our main hope right now. (Yes, I know about the Supreme Court, but let's see what happens when and if some of the current lawsuits reach them.) Donate to the ACLU, the State Democracy Defenders Fund and write or call state reps and your governor to urge or support already ongoing law suits by the states.
Personal note to Gene: Did your family once live in Philadelphia? Was your family involved in newspapers? I once worked with a terrific guy, great journalist, named Gene Krzyzynski.
We cannot let this continue. I know the Dems are the minority, but they must obstruct every single nominee and action and keep screaming about the coup that President Musk is implementing.
"Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to.
Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't.
So, when you call: A: When calling the DC office, ask for the Staff member in charge of whatever you're calling about ("Hi, I'd like to speak with the staffer in charge of Healthcare, please") — local offices won't always have specific ones, but they might. If you get transferred to that person, awesome. If you don't, that's ok — ask for that person's name, and then just keep talking to whoever answered the phone. Don't leave a message (unless the office doesn't pick up at all — then you can — but it's better to talk to the staffer who first answered than leave a message for the specific staffer in charge of your topic)."
***My apologies. When I first posted this, I did not notice that I'd not included that this is from a Congressional staffer. I copied it from an email being circulated and have been sharing it, but when I copied and pasted it this time - I missed that important first sentence.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Lin, I tried calling all of the senators today, both R’s and D’s. Their message machines were garbled…every single one and even at their home offices! So, I wrote to some of them. I have been contacting my senators, Padilla and Schiff every single day.
I had the same problem here today! Every office I called the machine answering had a garbled message! Calls to DC, local office and three states. Wanted to call all the members of the finance committee! The republicans have to come out of their trance!
I tried yesterday morning--the WH voice mail is only available 11-3!!
I called many congresspeople yesterday, and emailed today.
THIS below is today's initiative. I am sure I'm upsetting people by the repetitious posts, but I want to get this message out. Sorry everyone.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Yes. I had no trouble between midnight and 1 am phoning all members of the Senate Finance Committee, but when I started again at 8am, the automated voices were stuttering. I thought it was my phone. But then read many such reports on Joyce Vance's substack comments section. I just tried a few offices and the automated voices are now clear. Maybe the system was overwhelmed.
That could be but I am wondering why their home offices were doing that too. They have several offices set up in different cities so it seems very odd and questionable how the phone system could get so screwed up at so many places.
Have to try them locally - get their home state office numbers from their websites and call local instead of DC. If that fails, letter. Then email. Everything.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I called both my senators and my Congressional representative today. My first calls were to the switchboard. I got transferred to each senator’s office, but immediately got disconnected. When I tried calling my representative, the switchboard didn’t answer. All I got was hold music. Later I got through to each office by looking up individual office phone numbers on the website. One staffer told me they’d gotten more calls today than he’s ever experienced. It was so many that the phone system crashed temporarily at one point.
We did well today. Pick a topic and call again every day. Next on my list is the Senate Finance Committee, too.
The fact that their system crashed its a powerful message by itself Danielle, they are getting the message and we should keep doing the same till they grow a spine.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I wouldn’t count on my own trashy senators, Bernie Moreno (who had Trump’s endorsement) or former Lt. Gov Jon Husted. The Republicans have performed a hostile takeover of Ohio and refuse to listen to citizens of the cities, and they have gerrymandered the state to guarantee their perpetual domination of the state.
NE Ohio here. I been saying for some time that Ohio is THE most corrupt state in the union. And before everyone everywhere else argues, I KNOW there is a lot of stiff competition out there. But I stand by my assessment. The NAZIs are in control here.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Not MSNBC though. Rachel and Lawrence both acknowledged what was going on and in fact, Lawrence gave hell to the other media corporations for not saying a word.
Me too Marlene, and since I quit every legacy media since election day and after reading several posts with good reviews about msnbc I might try again . Thanks for the memories 😀
MSNBC has called it out. It’s the feckless newspapers of NYT and WaPo that aren’t. They are implying it but the writers simply do not have permission from their editors to write the word out. At least, that’s what I think.
Jay Kuo writes that the Dems are doing something. Please read what he says because it is very comprehensive. Besides that, Brian Schatz of HI pulled a “Tommy Tuberville” by putting a “blanket hold” on Trump’s State Department’s nominees. This hold is a threat to prevent a speedy vote in the Senate and it will force Repubs to come up with other tactics to use. https://open.substack.com/pub/statuskuo/p/is-somebody-doing-something?r=3ff5b&utm_medium=ios
Marlene two things stand out with your comment. You are citing Substack. I am speaking about the major corporations which still control the flow of information to most Americans. Second. I was not talking about any congressional actions. I am talking about the media.
We must, must, must fight through the corporations in this Country. They are part of this coup.
Well, I absolutely agree with you, Barbara, and the one way that’s done is making calls to these newspapers or writing on the opinion page the disgust and disdain that we have for these publications and/or media outlets. Jay Quo is a highly respected resource to legalities. Quite a number political writers follow him. You could not have read what he wrote in the time that I posted his site. Please, Barbara, just take the time to read what he has to say. I usually do not post others columns in HCR’s comments but feel this one is important and informative.
Of course I did not read what Jay said. I am responding to your citing a non-legacy writer. I am a regular reader of Kuo's.
Again. The legacy media is complicit. It is complicit in promoting trump's lies defeating Harris and now this. That is the topic I introduced. The oligarch owned legacy media is ignoring this coup.
Okay, legacy media isn’t going to say it because you’re right, they are all owned by the oligarchs who are bowing down to THE CRIMINAL! Yes, they are choosing to ignore the word because THE CRIMINAL’s thugs will threaten them with their lives. That’s the bottom line, Barbara. Look, I am not trying to pick any arguments with you because I see that we are on the same side. You can find Dan Rather, a once legacy commentator, here on Substack, under “Steady”, Jim Acosta, another legacy commentator, is now on Substack. Jennifer Rubin left WaPo and has started “The Contrarian”. Plus, Medias Touch where Ben Meiselas scored an interview with President Biden. I acknowledge your frustrations because I feel the same exact way but I find that listening to or reading columns of those who speak to me, matter. Legacy media can fuck itself because it won’t allow the words we ought to hear or read. And listen, my parents…they were Holocaust victims and I try to fight for them in their honor so if you feel I am being too caustic, I apologize. I am passionate and emotional because all of this sucks.
R. Orwellians bang on about "Free Speech", but only when they are the ones speaking. It's scary when plutocrat owners of major news outlets openly censor criticism of MAGA.
Additionally, the news is spending more time talking about Trump and Elon's actions because it drives clicks and revenue, vs talking about what needs to be done to stop this because they are literally flooding the zone with shit. I also think legacy media organizations are really worried about having the government weaponized against them. The majority of them are also run by billionaires now unfortunately.
Also the NY Times did release an editorial note last week that warned of things. I expect some stronger language in the future hopefully.
People have a responsibility to protect and defend this Country. We do that by being informed voters. People stopped voting, stopped researching the issues and spent their days staring at their phones entranced by the lies spewed by legacy media. They stopped campaigning for their candidate. They stopped caring about politics in this Country. The media simply fed off people's malaise.
The most damning statistic of the 2024 presidential election: 36.1% of registered voters *didn't vote*. (And of the 63.9% who did, Trump received 31.82%, to Harris's 30.86%).
Yes. I read that article. Nowhere does it say COUP. It is listed beneath the fold. The media is playing a game of overfocusing on the China issue. Again. Why isn't the legacy media screaming.
We must cancel the corrupt "traditional media" Barbara, we have alternatives but we have to make sure our message reaches even their supporters. Most of them are going to feel the pain soon and in their ignorance ,they need help to understand.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
There is so much illegality and shredding of constitutional mandates going on, how is it that the perpetrators aren’t being arrested? Are the cogs of government so weak that elected officials are helpless against this treason? So much for the power of the United States. It’s a myth. Built on self aggrandisement and wishful thinking. Hopefully this is the grand test, and willing and courageous people can rescue the premise of the Constitution before it’s too late
I do not understand why Musk and company have not already been arrested for breaking, entering, stealing private information. Any other person who did this would have been arrested immediately on arrival
Perhaps it could happen at a state level? The State police ? Local govt law departments? What about citizens groups? Throw suits at him Ad infinitum. He’s broken his oath to the constitution which is to the citizens. People get out on the streets. Give him hell. He’s royally effed the nation over
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Precisely. FBI? DOJ? Capital police? DC police? And consider all those in leadership positions that are "flying high cover" for Musk & company, with Pete Hegsheth waiting patiently for Trump to declare martial law.
TL;DR There no longer law enforcement at the national level.
I too cannot understand how this is being allowed to happen - filing legal suits seems useless and pointless (edited) not if but *when* the other side does not acknowledge nor accept the rule of law.
There is a civil suit being organized concerning those of us whose private information has been compromised. It is being organized by Professor Mark Lemley at Stanford Law. I just got his name today and will be contacting him tomorrow.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
Even if it fails, legal action is statement and a record, like the Jack Smith report. The last thing you want to do with treachery is normalize it. And if nothing else, legal action can slow things down. That how Trump stayed out of jail.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
If there is no mechanism to enforce the Constitution when it is under the most threat, then it is seriously flawed. If a legal Congress isn’t empowered to act to preserve itself… wow… big glitch
Good questions! The police could fill the jails and detention centers with those who violate the laws of the land and the constitution. The billionaires and their allies would simply pony up the bail and provide the lawyers to use delaying tactic such as trump did so effectively. There is no doubt in my mind that many police departments and dare I say the police unions that are sick with MAGA supporters that I venture to say the officers that are upholding their oath would find themselves benched as is happening to the FBI. Lastly, the judiciary which has been stacked with Trump loyalist would simply dismiss the cases brought against the violators of the constitution and Trump would gleefully sign the pardon papers. No, the only way to stop a coup is with force and then who supplies the force the military? This is the stuff of nightmares. All federal employees must force the DOGE mutt and his puppet to illegally fire them so that it goes on record meanwhile denying the MUSK KOUP KLAN from imposing their will on the nation.
Will the military defend the country from this internal coup?...or will they sit on their hands as our country is destroyed from the inside out...saying they are following the chain of command?! The people and nation needs the military to defend us
Self aggrandizement and wishful thinking, along with doublespeak projection and blatant lying have worked remarkably well for Trump. Fact checking by the media is out of vogue for the most part, with a few notable exceptions such as MSNBC and various Substacks.
The damage Trump, Musk and the Republicans are doing to this country is incalculable. And, yes, it is not just Trump and Musk. The Republican Party is completely complicit.
If I am reading this correctly (the closest I ever got to taking Latin was when I was 5 and our next door neighbor was the high school Latin teacher (we called her the Dragon Lady) it says that our broken republic must be destroyed.
No. It means "the Republican party must be destroyed". It's a reference to how Cato the Elder ended every speech in the Senate late in his career. Carthage was Rome's deadliest foe. He would hold a fig up in the Senate (a delicate fruit that could only withstand a swift and short trip), note that it had been picked in Carthage, and concluded every speech, Cathago delenda est: Carthage must be destroyed.
Anybody know how much money DOGE could save by dissolving the Congress and ending any payments including payroll, rent and utilities? I'm sorry for the Dems but if they can't persuade the GOP to do its job why should we keep the entity around?
But we are not David. And it might not look like we are the majority and because of their impunity and lack of accountability our side is growing. Keep the faith.
So far, all we are getting from the Democratic Party are "words". WHERE IS THE ACTION? Why isn't EVERY Democrat in Congress REFUSING TO WORK AND INSTEAD MARCHING OUTSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE... ALONG WITH FEDERAL EMPLOYEES (FBI, FAA, Treasury, etc)? You do NOT stop Trump with words! He and Musk need to be PHYSICALLY CONFRONTED (Peacefully) THE WAY DR KING DID! As John Lewis famously said, Democrats need to CREATE TROUBLE... GOOD TROUBLE... NECESSARY TROUBLE!
A number of Democratic lawmakers showed up at a Federal building yesterday and were denied entrance on Musk’s orders. Since when does and unelected billionaire and private citizen have the power to deny elected officials access to their own government buildings?
The Democrats popularity rating is taking a nose dive because they continue to never do enough. They aren't fighting for our Republic, and they just voted in another party insider, so nothing is going to change. There are a few that are trying, but the majority are pathetic.
Steve ,we need Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris, three women with what the Republicans don't have, at the tip of the spear. They are getting afraid just by sensing the begging of our reaction. You proposal, as I supported elsewhere it's absolutely important and doable. And should be implemented ASAP before out of control damage reaches the point of no return. Thanks Steve..
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
As all of this is happening ao quickly, countless information and monies will be long gone well before a court can do anything to stop it. This must be the fastest coup in history, because it's mostly electronic.
I suspect that by now the computers have been locked so that only the coup leaders can grant access to anything. Anyone trying to bypass their lock will trigger the erasure of all data. Probably is a hard copy (slightly out of date) somewhere. If they have found it, it’s ash now.
They don’t care about the individual data as much as the power of holding it hostage. But if not stopped, they can also use it to empty the accounts of anyone they please. It’s far worse than just withholding future payments.
The Russian hackers have taken over.
Rebuilding will take months, if it is even possible.
I’m not a geek so maybe I’m pessimistic. Is the digital system more resilient than I think?
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
The heart of the matter with Trump and Co. is the struggle not for freedom of expression but rather for the experience and expression of honor.
We are free to be honorable or dishonorable. However, there is no freedom in dishonor. We are beholden to our given word.
The disgust we felt in witnessing Trump lie during the act of taking office and all along the campaign leading up to that moment, and ever since, is being with the acts of violence to our sacred honor his continuous lies visit upon our own relationship with truth.
If we didn't have that relationship to what is true and real we would have no trouble with his violations of truth.
Our soul, the collective soul of our shared nation is one of fidelity, of honoring what is true.
The daily disloyalty to truth in Trump’s speaking and actions drives the recoil some feel viscerally in just seeing his face or hearing his voice.
Standing up for truth, for decency, for honor, is the now the daily battle we’re engaged in. It is a battle for life of our very own soul as well as for the soul of our nation.
Make peace within yourself by honoring your promises to yourself and bring that space of honor to your relationship with all you see, hear, touch, and do.
Well said, sir. I am going to print your comment here, and commit it to enough memory so I can use it. I'm probably going to go have coffee with one of my MAGAt former work colleagues in the next week; he was angry that I had made a comment regarding Nazi conduct, and he wanted to know if I thought he was a Nazi. I think that he needs to hear the part about honor and dishonor; we both swore oaths that defend the constitution...I think he's forgotten some of that.
It looks like, not surprisingly, that 47 even lied when taking the oath of office:
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
We need your letters more than ever before. Thank you, Heather, for exposing what's happening. We didn't think it would happen, but it has. I pray that the people will realize we need to stand up against this.
Barbara, many people need help understanding what's happening to realize and stand up against this . Heather is helping us with her clarity but we need to reach out and help the uninformed and the desinformed to get out of the echo chamber.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
So this is how it happens - slowly, and then all at once. Congress surrendered its authority four years ago when it failed to convict Trump for the events of Jan. 6. The Supreme Court defanged itself and the rest of the judiciary when it invented presidential immunity last year. Media are buckling at a remarkable pace, settling frivolous lawsuits to avoid provoking executive vengeance and to keep Sullivan v NY Times away from this Supreme Court.
It is heartbreaking to watch and feel so powerless to act. If we take to the streets, I'll be there, but not with much hope.
As someone else noted, we have to be careful about taking to the streets. He is itching for an excuse to enact martial law. I have no doubt he would gleefully approve of machine gunning down protestors. I do NOT, however, think we should quietly roll over and let him destroy our country. Smarter folks than I will have to think of something. I wish those in the military who are faithful to our Constitution would stop this.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
interesting--while Trump was distracting us with his tariff war on Mexico and Canada, Musk was picking our pockets! While I understand the mainstream media wants to stay out of Trump's crosshairs--boycotting them for "sanitized" reporting might hit them where it really hurts-in their wallet. fortunately, the internet and Substack writers provide for more thorough reporting. Thank you so much Professor for giving us the inside scoop!!!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
This is on the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation. That is, on Charles Koch via his bagman Leonard Leo. The Roberts Court Federalist Society majority immunity decision authorized a Trump tyranny and their Chevron decision authorized dismantling the regulatory agencies. The Heritage Foundation Project 2025 detailed the workings of 'a unitary executive' - the FedSoc anti constitutional notion which drove the immunity decision. Now, yes, the GOP triumvirate might have dismantled the government by using the protocols of constitutional law to overthrow the constitutional government. Trump might have waited for Russell Vought to be installed as OMB director in order to impound funds and destroy agencies, while the rest of his cabinet did the same in their jurisdictions. But what fun would *that* be? Too banal. The interesting thing is that Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler - and until now Trump - had a lock on the theatre of histrionic excess, while their minions quietly went about the logistics of terror. But now it is Musk center stage breaking things. Trump may think he has Musk doing his dirty work, but in fact Trump's name is on the wreckage,
Charles Koch has been planning this and training Republican congressmen and women and judges and funding this coup with his millions for decades in order to make this happen. Read Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean for a deep history of how this all started and a warning. Her book was published in 2017 but it is prescient, she warned us all this was coming. Here is a very recent interview with Nancy MacLean:
The very concept of the unitary executive violates the separation of powers in the Constitution, and it also violates the Founders’ principle that the president is not above the law or Constitution.
Actually Pope Francis has criticized the extremist conservative bent and anti-science prejudice of powerful US Catholics
"Pope Francis blasts reactionary American Catholics who oppose church reform
Pope insists LGBTQ people are welcome in church, warns against focusing on 'sins below the waist'"
"The situation in the United States is not easy: There is a very strong, reactionary attitude. It is organized and shapes the way people belong, even emotionally," said the pope. "I want to remind these people that backwardism is useless, and it is necessary to understand that there is a correct evolution in the understanding of questions of faith and morals."
"Pope Francis has blasted the "backwardness" of some conservatives in the U.S. Catholic Church, saying they have replaced faith with ideology and that a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time."
Call your congressional representative and senators, especially if they have an R after their name. If you call and can’t leave a message because the voicemail is full, call one of their local offices back in their states. Don’t be discouraged by those who claim that calling the members of Congress “doesn’t matter”. Politicians need to be popular. Our outrage will make a difference if enough of us let them hear it!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
We're witnessing an illegal, unconstitutional coup in real time, and our broken Congress and our even more broken justice system are failing to meet the moment. Co-Presidents Trump and Musk are, with absolutely no accountability, bullying our country into fascism. American history is taking a dark turn.
You are wrong. There is only one president and that is Musk. Trump is more than happy to be his figurehead. Trump is the modern day Judas and we have been sold for less than 30 pieces of silver.
The orange felon spent his first run at president watching TV and playing golf. There is no way 8 years later he is pulling the strings.
So it is. It’s Musk who has been ruling and has now stepped out of the shadows to reveal himself as Emperor Darth Musk. Trump only did this gig to stay out of jail, he doesn’t care a rat’s ass about America, its Constitution - or its people.
Please Phone Chair Susan Collins and all members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to join Democratic Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii in putting a blanket hold on all State Dept nominees until USAID is fully restored. And Please thank Sen. Schatz.
Collins is useless, unfortunately. As a constituent, I have long realized phone calls and emails go nowhere with her...she'd rather just remain concerned and disappointed...and vote against Trump only when she knows he has the votes already.
Another Collins constituent here - she is beyond disgraceful as she sits in the Senate seat once occupied by Margaret Chase Smith. “Conscience”, Senator Collins? If only you had one!
Think who to encourage to run against her!
I think a blanket hold on all nominees is the kind of counter coup that's needed.
That will likely lead Trump to tell Congress to go home so he can do recess appointments. Then he may just tell Congress to stay home while he and Muck-up establish their fascist dictatorship.
Weak. Pathetic. Useless. Why not threaten them with a restraining order? Hold it up and wave it around and declare “peace in our time!”? (See: Neville Chamberlain)
Susan Collins is a traitor - no way she will do anything helpful
She is just one of 3 republicans who have opposed the King, why are you attacking her?
USAID functions will be absorbed into the State Department and a few projects might be saved, but the contracting companies who carry out the work along with local, in-country personnel will be bankrupted and restarting suspended projects will be very difficult, if not impossible, because Trump’s “standards” for okaying projects are so vague and because the local, in-country personnel have been fired. Gutting foreign aid is the point.
Gutting foreign aid is part of the real point to destroy modern society in favor of unregulated boosted billionaire capitalism. This is an attack of all things feminine and caring for others is a motherly feminine role that Trump cannot support. He supports rapists in his power structure as proof of the required imbalance of only masculine energy in the decision making, destructive taking. This will implode precisely bc of the harm the rest of us will not tolerate long term. In the meantime, we might hope our fellow citizens back away from trump’s contrived reality far enough to see the bigger picture of motives and acts as they continuously unfold havoc on all things good.
I wish I had a cry emoji to reply with. After building a beautiful sand castle to show off to the underdeveloped world how we can work within to make other lives better, some mean sadistic bullies (who own most of the beach anyway) knock the whole damn structure down.😭
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
AARP is not a nonpartisan organization in my dealings with them; they appear to tack to the right.
Will they be as helpful as they were when there was strong support for health care for all? "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
Collins has already come out in support of Gabbard - do not trust her
As we mainers know, collins is a moderate only when it doesn't matter. i write and call on a regular basis with no indication that it means anything. Do it anyway, but it's long past time for us to stop kidding ourselves about her.
Good luck getting Susan Collins to do anything smart much less her job.
The page site has already been deleted.
Im writing all of them now.
Well as Heather said, the Republicans own congress, the senate, and the house, so could have dismantled everything legitimately but no, they've done what they always do and throw constitutional process out the window in favour of criminal activity - excellent! Musk's actions equate to a COUP. Hopefully, whatever 'legitimate' powers-that-be that still exist, will now put wheels in motion to get these turkeys the hell out.
I'm hoping that there already are schisms of MAGAT House members.
1. Minority Republicans
2. Those who support Ukraine vs Putin
3. Those who oppose Musk.
More -- if they represent districts on the border that rely on Mexico and or Canada, and their local businesses are shut down because of tariff policy.
I'm still waiting for the schism between those who support Musk and those who support Bannon.
And the rubes believe the dangerous crimes are being perpetrated by asylum seekers.
Muskrat was the reason that chump stopped whining about Joe dropping out because he totally changed his message and was a happy camper, confident and sure of a win. The MAGAts have been sold down the river, as have we all.
It seems, though, the MAGAts refuse to acknowledge that, or the pain isn’t great enough yet. Defensiveness is the response.
When Jim Jones began serving his cyanide-laced Flavor Aid, the first imbibers were already dropping like flies, but the faithful kept drinking because they believed in their dear leader. Those who balked were shot.
There is no pain great enough to break Donald's hold on his faithful. They will literally follow him through the gates of hell. Those who doubt will be dealt with in similar fashion.
Like all cult nuts, they are devoted. No cure
MLMinET, my MAGAt friends are not defensive; they are both pronunciations of offensive; they are either bleating their support of what is going on, or whining when they're called Nazis.
The pain will get personal to everyone by design. Trump is the devil in chief who sows chaos and harm.
MLMinET. Saw one on another thread who insisted that none of what is happening is true. I was tired, so I just did the laugh emoji.
Unfortunately for us, it's going to take too much sad reality to break their mindsets.
But the attention hog always loved the spotlight. He gets the ratings, just by his normal mob boss tactics. The Repub party has enabled our destruction, a plan that has been in place for 45 years or longer.
Yep, the GOP Nazis won the long game.
Dems alert and warn, Rupert and repubs yawn and “nothing to see here” wins out.
But narcissists have an insatiable need for power and attention to feed their inflated sense of self-importance. I know because I have a brother-in-law who fits this definition....
I run the other way, doesn’t work with chump…
Musk is Voldemort, too.
The plan was carefully laid out and then sealed with SCOTUS protection from prosecution of POTUS for any and aLL illegal actions.
This was SO short sighted and dumb. The King now cannot be charged with crimes he commits as vaguely defined "official acts", and he also has the power to pardon those who commit crimes on his behalf. Which, not incidentally, he telegraphed by actually pardoning violent criminals on Day 1.
Seems like autocratic power is what the Revolutionary War was all about. Like, they were against it.
Exactly so.
Well, talking about polarizing ideas, lazy legislating or people in this new government not dealing with tough data analysis is absurdly outdated. Now we have to define this as organized crime coordinated by henchmen, schemers, conspirators and criminals, all of which are assets apparently according to the GOP.
Trump has surpassed Narcissus, who was condemned to gaze at his image until his death, but we get a flower from Narcissus, we get shit from Trump.
Stephanie, your last sentence is priceless. it would be nice if both he and muskrat fell into the water and drowned.
They (Musk and Trump) are both in the water and already sinking. Neither one has the management skills of Hitler or Stalin, both of whom still failed. And in the century past our world has become far more complex and unpredictable.
Or maybe stoned, or burned at the stake.....Thank you!
Well spoken!
He didn’t care last time either. This time is more dangerous as the bully regained lost power and the desire for retribution and revenge are eating his insane brain so he hired sickeningly rich thugs (especially those known to sexually assault women and destroy organizations attached to them) to help.
Spot on. Musk is a ruthless, narcissistic and misogynistic tech bro, and it should be forbidden by law to call him a genius.
Amen to that!!
Follow the money.
I am enacting my own response to this obvious insurrectionist action some of which will not be expressed. I have expressed that a military coup by the good generals to suspend the constitution and ironically save America was met with total derision. I ask you now, do you still feel that same? How long will you wait to agree with me that a military coup to save our form of government was the better alternative.
My response is to not spend any money on anything except the basics in order to drain the swamp. Let the economy go into a recession or better, depression. In truth, I can afford anything I want in life but I wil not buy anything for those wealthy.
Not buying anything helps but not buying anything from those places that immediately caved to the DEI demands Will help as well. Buy at Costco not at Walmart. There's a list of these places.
I heard 70% of American troops support Trump. You thinking now of the movie Civil War getting closer to reality and not so over the top political fiction. It is a journalist coverage of the overthrow of a right wing dictator.
Will they still support him when they’re ordered to harm Americans? When their front line is in their back yard? The military I served in would have never done this after Vietnam, will they do it after all our years in the Middle East because they’ve been trained to hate everyone but themselves?
I used to be proud to be a veteran but Republicans have taken that away and turned it into a group filled with hatred and inhumanity.
According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in early September 2024, 61% of military veterans who are registered voters support former President Donald Trump, while 37% back Vice President Kamala Harris. This support among veterans has been consistent with past elections, where Trump also received a similar percentage of the veteran vote1.
I have some trouble believing 70% of American troops support him enough to vote for him when so many of his former appointees (nearly 91%) and his Vice President didn't.
The only thing I'm buying is another gun and more ammo.
After years of not owning a firearm, I’m strongly considering buying one
Enjoy the PBS and NPR news programs while you can, because Trump’s FCC is aiming to pull broadcast licenses of any entity that criticizes Baldy McShitpants.
Heather’s opening paragraph is a straw man. The Republican grip on majority in the House is tenuous, basically a majority in name only. They lack unanimity, and without that, they can’t pass anything. So the option to legislate by normal order is a fantasy. Their position in the Senate is slightly better, but Lisa Murkowski is part of their majority, and she is an independent thinker who is not afraid to challenge her colleagues. There are a few other Senators who might join her to tap the brakes on this takeover…as Manchin and Sinema did when the Democrats were in power. I sure hope so.
No straw man: "the extreme cuts the MAGA Republicans say they want are actually quite unpopular with Americans in general, and even with most Republican voters. By letting Musk make the cuts the MAGA base wants, they can both provide those cuts and distance themselves from them." Implementing minority rule illegally because they can't do it legally.
Love this site:
You say this after 4 years of President Biden(with Dementia) as a figurehead with Obama and others as Puppet Masters pulling all the strings. That is really rich. Elections has consequences and I am pleased as punch with this one.
If you are so happy with this administration why are you on this Substack?
Some people are here to see what narrative the left is telling themselves. In order to understand the opposition one has to get inside their echo chamber. The idea that you don’t want opposing views on “your” Substack says everything.
Yes, the right wing has no problem regurgitating talking points put out by their puppet masters. It does not however protect them from push back.
l have a right to comment. We can agree to disagree.
Absolutely, you are free to spout all the right wing talking points you want but you are not free from criticism and push back. So far i’ve only see you regurgitate right wing talking points. You insist Biden had dementia while supporting Trump who so clearly has mentally deteriorated from his already minimal intellect and we can all see it when he talks. Why is he the exception if you think it was a bad thing under Biden?
You guys never answer this.
George, and your little defender, you say Trump won the election and there was a peaceful transfer of power because there wasn’t one in 2020 when Trump lost. Did you condemn the rioters that injured Capitol police, ripped down the American flag to replace it with the Trump flag, and destroy the inside of our Capitol? It obvious you didn’t accept that Biden won because you spout lies endlessly. No one here is saying Trump didn’t win. What the people are saying is basically no one is above the law and what Trump and Musk are doing is illegal. We can discuss what to do about that. Does it scare you that we’re not going to let our country be taken over by criminals and dictators? I didn’t serve my country to have billionaires buy a dictatorship.
Again, I’m sure you won’t answer.
George, I do disagree rather completely, but appreciate your short comments. I have found it useful to use the 3 dots in the upper right to "Report" comments to keep the longer replies I disagree with from cluttering up my screen (leaving an option to "Show" them to me again). I do wish it was simply to Hide them from my screen without interfering with your ability to try to get your views across to others. I will unhide/Show yours since it is short enough to not bother me with too much clutter on my screen.
I do very much want to see the replies to your comments and keep the ability to Show them again on my screen if it helps clarify what the replies were about. I don't want your comments deleted, nor the replies to them.
You do have a right to show up and demonstrate how incapable you are of discussing anything that involves actual facts and prove that Flaubert was right::
"Earth has it boundaries, but human stupidity is limitless. Stupidity is unshakeable, nothing attacks it without breaking itself against it; stupidity is of the nature of granite, hard and resistant."
"Elections have consequences"... What a load of bullshit, George. NOBODY voted for Musk, yet without any election he has crowned himself Emperor of the US now.
It puzzles me how you can be "pleased as a punch" about living in a country that's being taken over by fascist much-too-rich billionaires who want to crash the economy to make you poor and themselves even richer, so you can toil for them as a poor slave. Maybe you're pleased because White Supremacy is now the official religion in America? Enjoy it while you can: it lasts as long as you're in the "in" crowd. Be careful though, lest a neighbour ends that by betraying you to the Schutzstaffel...
Wow. Have you read Project 2025? Have you read about fascism? Do you understand that an autocracy will only be beneficial to few and that the rights will be limited? You must really like the prospect of not having any say so in politics. Nothing.
And many on the Left have read Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky and following it for 30 years. DEI, CRT, Open Borders, excessive debt under Obama. Finally a course direction with Trump.
I'll bet more Republicans may have read the rules for radicals and cynically applied them compared to Democrats.
Hey, George!! Good to see you! Here’s a reading selection for you that honors Saul Alinsky. You can get it from Mr. Bezos for about 50 bucks: Rules for Consevative Radicals
Michael Patrick Leahy, the co-founder of Top Conservatives on Twitter, and one of the early leaders of the Tea Party Movement, offers sixteen rules for conservative radicals based on lessons from Saul Alinsky, the Tea Party Movement.
are you a Flat Earth Society member?
Give it time and we'll see how pleased you are.
Yes we will and I am happy.
George, you describe yourself as a "happily retired old guy." I hate to break it to you, but Emperor Musk regards you as a useless drain on the world's resources. He doesn't care what you may have contributed in the past; if you aren't currently generating revenue, preferably for him, you are unnecessary. He intends to cut off everything that supports you in your "happy retirement." Don't believe me? Just wait.
Meanwhile, the guy you voted for is also "happily retired," spending his days playing golf, eating junk food and signing symbolic documents for the network cameras, as he drifts into dementia's blissful oblivion.
Happy to see your SS in jeopardy? Your Medicare? Your investments?
George: Pleased with commiting crimes to get your way. Got it.
Hahahahaha! I can't believe you MAGA's actually believe that Obama is "pulling strings"! Who told you that? The Liar and Chief? Or should I say, Theif?
Well Joe Biden wasn't capable of walking alone, or talking without note cards on his own. You tell me who the Puppet Masters were.
I want to know how he got the keys. Literally who gave him the authority to approach people, give them orders, and they comply. The congress people were locked out of the building. How much of a phantom army is already in place? Crump has to be the one doling out the authority. This is J6 on steroids. He sat back and watched his militia practice on the Capitol building and reveled in the terror and cruelty. Now it’s for all of us, not just the Capitol Police.
Trump is Musk’s willing puppet.
And Putin's.
Tfg was on the golf course Sunday while Musk was romping through the treasury. Of course he was.
Oh, I think rather more than that!
They are not doing anything they didn't clearly say they would do.
They wrote it down. (project 2025)
You gave the power over your government to the guy who peddled official secrets from a toilet in Mar a Lago.
Nobody should be surprised at what is happening.
And he was voted in to do it. The people chose him.
You the people.
Christopher, more voting eligible people chose something other than ffpotus (combining those who voted Democratic and Independent/other, those who chose not to exercise their right to vote and those whose right to vote was taken from them in purges led by RepubliKKKans. He didn't even hit 50% of the vote.
I believe that it is not the people who voted for Trump that brought him back in the off-white house but those who did not show up to vote for Vice President Harris.
I was amazed. I was expecting record turnouts on both sides.
Agreed. I'd heard roughly 10M that voted for Biden didn't vote...
Not me.
Once again, the man with the big brain and "successful" businessman, undersold his greatest commodity, the United States Government, for 250 MILLION. He didn't even hold out for ONE BILLION.
I disagree. Trump is the actual devil of mythology made real. He is not a weak Judas who killed himself from the grief of what he did. Trump has no conscious. Musk is an unstable criminal master mind given power and access.
Sorry, but no. Musk is on a leash. Trump can pull it in any time he wants, and he will, perhaps quite soon.
Sorry, but no. You have completely misapprehended the situation. Musk is entirely in control. He arranged this coup with the help of his buddies, Vladimir and Jinping-Li. If anyone is on a leash, it is Donald. Elon bought and hacked the 2024 election for Donald so he could play golf and play president with what's left of his mind. Donald was happy with this arrangement as long as it kept him out of prison.
You don't understand how the system works. If Trump cuts Musk off, he'll be cut off. Government employees will obey Trump, because he is their boss (now there's a horrifying thought). If Trump tells them to ignore Melon Husk, they will. Trump does not believe in honest graft.
Please don't tell me that I don't understand how the system works. I do. But in case you haven't noticed, the so-called "system" isn't working. Not only do I understand, I have a really good memory.
Donald never thought he would be president. He only wanted to boost the Trump brand. Right after he won in 2016, he regretted it. It was only when he discovered that he could monetize the office that it started to appeal to him. When his criminal past started to catch up with him, the presidency was his only way to avoid prison. Then he was all in for the office. As his criminal convictions started piling up, he was desperate to regain The Oval.
Along came Elon with his billions and Russian and Chinese carte blanche, Donald's White Knight. The election was in the bag for Donald. Lacking the filter that people without dementia have, Donald blurted out the truth several times when he should have kept silent. "Vote for me this time and you'll never have to vote again." "Elon's a great guy ... really knows computers and voting machines ... and we won Pennsylvania."
Donald likes the prestige and attention, but he has no interest in governing. He just wants to stay out of prison and play golf. He doesn't care what happens to America or its government. He's perfectly happy to let Elon run things. He is not going to tell anyone to ignore Elon.
The fact that he didn't think to have an acceptance speech prepared, screams just how unprepared he was and thinking he couldn't possibly win. He was the dog that caught the tire. Then he ignored the ones like Chris Christie that would have at least helped him act like he knew what he was doing. He stupidly fired Christie because of his son-in-law's objection to the prosecutor that had his dad convicted.
donald only ran for the office this time to stay out of prison. He is uninterested in doing any governing, satisfied with signing unlawful Executive Orders and sitting behind the Resolute Desk, looking important, commanding attention. Oh yes, and flying to Florida every weekend to play golf.
Elon bought himself a president (for a measly quarter billion), and by extension he now has control of our country. donald is perfectly happy for Musk to do all the dirty work.
Trump is happy to have Musk do anything, until he isn't. And when he isn't, Melon Husk is gone.
To late for that, I'm thinking.
Thanks for the laugh! Priceless.
we were sold for a lot more than 30 pieces of silver, we just haven't seen the receipt yest. FOTUS never wanted the duties of president. He just wanted the prestige and to be able to create all the damage he could imagine.
Trump is playing golf.
Trump craves constant attention, but he's a lazy %$#.
I disagree about Judas. There is some strong evidence that Judas in some ways believed deeply in Jesus of Nazareth and Judas’ “betrayal “ was a foolish attempt to prompt the Nazarene to take direct action.
I have read that viewpoint as well. He really thought he was powerful enough as the Son of God to cast out the Romans.
Thank you for your reply. You expressed it better than I did. I think that the point of Jesus’ time on earth was to show a path of peace which as his disciples experienced had its unpleasant consequences. I myself sometimes think “ come on get down from that cross and get all Batman on those bastards. I guess that is the point. Our path to peace and a democracy for all will be filled with sacrifices and disappointments. Eh?
T-rmp is the cudgel, but M-sk holds the sword. It’s like Fred Flint-stone and Musk-olini rolled into one.
Oh no he is not, The applause must be for Donald alone.
People need to take to the streets. Signs and chants! "Stop the Coup!" Impeach and Imprison Trump!" and "Deport Musk!"
These chants need to be mantras so that everyone knows them and says them and they go to sleep hearing them. The mission is clear. Save the US from being totally destroyed and all Americans along with it.
If resistance had started earlier in Nazi Germany Hitler and his henchmen would not have gotten such a deep hold on the state and made themselves so comfortable. People should be marching all over the country. Time to take off from work, uni, call in sick, take vacation and retired people need to get out there and make critical numbers to deter them.
Also, Mexico's president said she would put tariffs only on products from Red States. While for now that action is over or delayed, it is a good idea in general. I think Blue states need to be boycotting products from Red States so that people in those states put pressure on their elected reps to do something about it.
This is the US's South Korea Moment. Either we demand Trump's removal, and impeachment of we let Elon Musk stage a coup from which we can never recover. All the people who want to stay home, think how kindly history has been to the Germans who did not stand up to the Nazis.
It's easy to say when you live abroad. You don't have to do anything and if things get bad in the streets you won't suffer personally.
Sorry, Linda, and I know this may sound unfair, but if you REALLY expect this to happen, you need to stop exhorting others and come back and do your part as well.
Also I do not believe in espousing illegal acts (no matter how much the other side does).
We can not deport Musk, he is a citizen of the US regardless of whether we like that idea or not. If he commits crimes he can be put in jail of course, but he can't be deported unless we want to take ourselves outside the law.
As for demanding Trump's removal, we couldn't get that accomplished when we controlled both houses of Congress. We don't control either house right now. We MIGHT manage to get enough votes from the GOP to impeach him again but we would need TWENTY GOP Senators along with every Democrat to convict him and oust him from office.
How about some rational ideas right now rather than nonsensical rhetoric that will waste energy and in all likelihood fail? Unfortunately most of the good ideas aren't likely to move the needle much. At some point a national strike might make some sense but we are barely in the first few weeks of this. It is going to require much greater consequences to a large majority of Americans before we are ready for that.
It will come. Trump and Musk don't give a damn about us. But good strategy suggests moving too fast is not a winning option. I wish I had better news but things are going to get bleaker (possibly much bleaker) before we see any light at the end of the tunnel.
I was at a Massachusetts-wide Indivisible Zoom yesterday evening, and there were similar meetings across the country. It is the first time I've heard the word COUP used again and again. It took us a lot longer in 2016 and beyond to use the word liar, so using the correct term is important. Our Indivisible has set up appointments with our Senators in two places, and they expect hundreds of people to show up. At the same time, those of us who can't come in person, will call and e-mail our members of Congress. Indivisible groups are doing the same thing across the country. They have concrete suggestions for how to slow down the nominations process, for example. We all need to do what we can to oppose all and every aspect of this DOGE coup (or, as some are pronouncing it, Dodgy coup). Together. So find an Indivisible near you and join them.
I'm behind positive suggestions all the way. Joining today. Stop all the GOP nominations and votes on nominees. Our government employees know their required tasks and are soldiering on despite being scared.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
This sounds good, Betsy.
Indivisible.org. “Nix the noms.”
Absolutely, Betsy. We, here in Arizona, are visiting our senators' offices Wednesday.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Do you know more of where the meetings in MA are planned to be held?
Go to https://indivisible-ma.org/ They're coordinating the visits, and there's lots of good info on their website.
Go to indivisible.org and find your local group there and ways to engage online
We just had a peaceful transfer of Power and you lost, deal with it. The American people have spoken. The Democratic Agenda lost.
Troll somewhere else, George.
He is at least brief and, for me, doesn't require that I "Hide" them from my screen by using the 3-dots at the upper right to select "Report" (with the comment that I only want to hide them on my screen if they take up too much space).
That lets me see all the replies and, if I need to see the comment they are replying to, choose to "Show" it again in its entirety.
Said like a true diversity loving democrat. Accept everyone except those with opposing views? Classic
So interesting that you highlight a peaceful transfer of power.
Wasn’t it GREAT that WE witnessed a PEACEFUL transfer of power this time? I mean Biden met with Trump and Biden ordered his department heads to help the new administration in that transfer! I mean (and I know it’s “symbolic”) but Biden and the First Lady actually SHOWED UP to the Inaugural Ceremony! Even on January 6 (2025) Congress met and did its Constitutional job and no silly Biden supporters crapped in the Rotunda! Hurrah for America, right George Dunn?
No one voted for Elon Musk. The American People have not spoken for Musk or his hidden agenda.
Hey George, why don't you read the post-election info about why people voted for Trump? I mean the ones who actually handed him the election, which was not the MAGA faithful but the independents and disaffected Dems. Guess what? They voted for Trump because of high prices/inflation, and also because they believed all that nonsense about an 'open border'. I'm willing to bet a lot of money that none of these people voted to have Musk break into the National Treasury and gain access to our personal information. And what is Trump doing to address high prices?
The former president provided that. You really think the SCOTUS would have given the POTUS immunity if they remotely thought Biden would have not respected the Constitution? Absolutely not. If they thought he would abuse power to stay in office like his predecessor, they would never have issued such a dumb ass ruling.
We didn’t transfer our power to Musk.
Did you know Trump was a Democrat all his life until he found he wouldn’t be supported by them for potus? musk was all in on the Democratic agenda and liberals until he discovered he could control the con man. He has a history of lying and cheating to enrich himself, even being an illegal immigrant. But just like every other value you hold it’s okay if they break the law when it benefits your lack of ethics and morals. When does it become unacceptable ? What is the tipping point?
George, so now we have had a “peaceful transfer of power”. We had that with Biden …were you in agreement then.??
Betsy, how do you get in touch with Indivisible? I would like to join in. Thanks
Google is your friend. Just type in "Indivisible." And then see where there are groups near you. And if there aren't groups near you, start one. : )
"moving too fast is not a winning option?" Moving too slowly ala Merrick Garland is why we're in this mess. rumpy should have been arrested on Jan. 6 or shortly thereafter. We all saw it on tv. It should not have been allowed to drag on and on and on because why? Garland didn't want to appear to be partisan? The wheels of justice needed to have been spinning a lot faster. Now look where we are, all because the prosecution of this destructor was bogged down in the muck of delay, delay, delay.
While your argument identifies all the reasons why impeachment, deporting Musk won't work, I think you are missing the point. There is an urgency behind the calls for deportation and impeachment. And that urgency is CORRECT. We MUST ACT NOW...we MUST HAVE OUTRAGE NOW. Waiting for the perfect solution is NOT the solution.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
We just had a peaceful transfer of Power and you lost, deal with it. The American people have spoken. The Democratic Agenda lost.
Not ALL of America agrees with what is happening. DEAL WITH IT!
Not the democratic agenda, George. Democracy lost.
America is not a Democracy, it a Representative Republic.
So, because Linda lives abroad she shouldn't care passionately about what's happening? Just listen to yourself, and think how you would feel if somebody criticised your thoughts that way. We all need loyalty and emotional support at this point, whichever part of the world we happen to be living in.
I don't think it's the thoughts that were being criticized so much as urging those of us here to take certain actions with which the writer felt safer not having to join it would appear. On the other hand people who live outside the USA may find it tougher in the long run if what happens here affects the economic situation abroad. Let's be stronger together please.
Anne, I agree with your support of Linda’s comments. As an US citizen living abroad for a long period, I stood in long lines at Embassies to cast my vote. What happens in the US affects you, no matter where you live.And marching in the streets cannot possibly any more illegal then what T and Musk are doing. Having lived under two dictatorships, I am really fearful
Thanks, Pam. We have shared experience, to a certain degree. I'm not American, but I've been on this forum since the first shock, in 2016, because I live in the world (in Europe for many years), and we're all connected. Taking to the streets is the clearest of messages.
He isnt saying that. But Linda living abroad yet yelling at us to get out in the streets HERE costs her nothing. He is saying she needs to come up with solid idea not spew rhetoric and certainly nothing she wont or cant do herself
Musk HAS broken the law, though, hasn’t he? Many times over. He is much more worthy of deportation than any of those Trump is blithely throwing back into the hellish conditions they were trying to escape.
He is a citizen. It’s against the law to deport citizens.
Citizenship can be revoked for committing crimes against the US government.
As No 45, Trump planned to deport denaturalized citizens on other bases.....https://immpolicytracking.org/media/documents/ACLU_Fact_Sheet_on_Denaturalization.pdf
During Trump's first administration, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered the investigation of 700,000 naturalized citizens, with a goal of bringing some 1,600 cases to the courts. The denaturalization effort was part of the administration's "zero tolerance" campaign, best known for the prosecution of border crossers and family separation.
"Tucked among the priorities listed in his Day 1 executive orders was a one-line reference to enforcing a section of immigration law under which the government can revoke an immigrant's U.S. citizenship if it was "unlawfully procured.""
That includes "discrepancies in the file – even typographical errors or an innocent mistake in the immigration process."
I'm recall reading somewhere that he is actually here illegally. Apparently he came over on a student visa then dropped out. However, I don't know enough specifics to be sure about this.
He didn’t even drop out. He never registered for a class in the first place. He lied from the very beginning. Not only that, he took an acceptance slot preventing another student from being accepted.
He’s a citizen now, so it’s water under the bridge at the point. Still a hypocrite though.
It is not unfair, but when I lived in the US I attended demonstrations all the time. My daughter missed a high school open house for prospective student to attend the women's march. I have been marching since I was 3. I brought my daughter to her first march when she was 18 months old, on my back in a pack that had her in a five point harness that I could hardly get open. My husband was worried that she would be crushed or snatched. This was a rally of 300,000 in support of immigrants like him and my mom. No such thing happened.
In Germany, in 2024 I have helped organize a march, and I also have given a speech about project 2025 at a rally of Democrats Abroad.
Now I am active here in Germany in preparation for our election in 3 weeks, and just attended demonstrations on the weekend. I to protest a fascist immigration bill and other issues as I mentioned in my article above. But, I cannot ignore my other country's needs because there has been a coup, and the constitution is being defied and subverted.
I think moving too slowly in this instance is a bad idea. You give the other side time to rally their militias. Trump is still coming out of his weekend golfing stupor, while Musk has been stealing the data of every American and every agency including all of those for our security. The time to act is now. There is a protest in D.C. on Tuesday at 5 p.m. in front of the Treasury Building, organized by MoveOn and Indivisible.
Linda, I am a fighter by nature as you are. However, protests get people killed.
They have to be very, very large. It's very dangerous in small numbers. John Lewis, Schwerner and Goodman paid the ultimate price. I'm old enough to remember Tiananmen Square incident | Massacre.
In my old age, I believe we certainly need to respond sooner rather than later, but what is the most effective way to do that is the question. I think congress needs to take the lead. I asked Jon Rosen and now you what you think of Thom Hartmann's suggestions.
Shut down the House and the Senate.
— Challenge Johnson’s speakership.
— Fight every unanimous consent vote.
— Use quorum calls to bring floor business to a standstill.
— Put holds on every Trump nominee, even for things like naming Post Offices or noncontroversial positions.
— Hold a major press conference every day and coordinate with Democrats across the nation to amplify that day’s message across local and national media.
— Organize political guerilla theater and mass protest events.
And get some affected MAGATs to flip. I keep sayin' many of them represent districts with a Democratic majority. Where I live 3 (three). All Cuban Americans. All with reservations about the Trump agenda. Two of them had been Democrats. How can they support discrimination against their own people? https://files.constantcontact.com/1849eea4801/cd2e90be-43c8-4171-b3c6-a357621f7db9.pdf?_gl=1*uo1jgf*_ga*MDMwMjhjMzctZTFlNy00YzExLWE3NTEtZGUxMmY1OGY0YjEw*_ga_14T5LGLSQ3*MTczNzc0NTk1My4zLjEuMTczNzc0Njg2Ny44LjAuMA..
Have to be more of the same nationally.
Daniel, as usual you hit the nail on the head.
Yes Eadie. These are all good suggestions. however, one has to test out the effectiveness of the military asap. Will Trump be using this? will they obey? A friend told me that in LA as the people marched the police did not interfere. Whether that is because they listened to the mayor or why, these are the things we want to know.
Olga Lautmann a Substack writer and expert on tyranny, wrote a piece on November 20, which she recently republished on what to expect. A lot has already happened.
Olga Lautmann doesn't miss much. I'll just take the liberty of copying here her last point, as it's the subject of some discussion:
"Ways to push back
While the outlook is bleak, resistance is not futile. America’s deep democratic traditions and resilient civil society offer hope, but pushing back will require collective effort and strategic action. Support independent media by subscribing to and amplifying credible outlets that challenge the regime’s narrative. Organize locally to strengthen grassroots networks that resist authoritarian policies and foster community resilience. Strengthen ties with global democratic movements to share strategies and resources. Stay informed, as understanding authoritarian tactics is key to countering them. I’ll be putting out a comprehensive resistance guide very shortly to help navigate this critical fight. Stay tuned."
Who & how will we be able to test the military? Will they obey unlawful orders? Would general Milley, Kelly, or McCaffrey stand up to tRump? Good question. Who would know the answers to these questions.
All of that, but move your last point to the top of the list.
I was working for the head of the NSW Department of Immigration at the time of Tiananmen. I can still see the corridors packed with young Chinese responding to the Australian government's offer of sanctuary.
It's not either/or. It's both/and. We each figure out where we can be effective and then we do what we can. I've been to my share of marches and standouts, but I'm turning 79 on Saturday, so now I make phone calls and send e-mails and share information with others about how to get involved.
Eadie, All of the things Thom Harmann suggests relies on the Congress to act and I think they are planning on doing these things. We can ask them to, but we have to have actions that we the people can do, because it is our country as well.
I have been protesting all my life, brought by my mom when I was 3 years old to Civil Rights rallies. I have demonstrated all through the Iran-Contra times in the US, and gone to most demonstrations in my home city of Chicago. In Germany I have gone to demonstrations. I have only been in peaceful demonstrations, and been fortunate not to get hurt. In the 1980s at all of the demos people would volunteer to do actions that might get them arrested. There is always a voluntary element to a demonstration.
The key is to slow them down. Demonstrations slow despots down. They have to figure out how to handle things. Our press has not been totally shut down, so the optics matter too. Right now, we have independent media and the legacy media is still covering things that are somewhat controversial to Trump, so this is the time to take advantage of that.
Linda, I have no objection to protests as long as they are huge. I advocated a million man march during his first administration. Thank you for your service,.
Thanks, Linda. Good for you!!! You're so right.
JON, what do you think of Thom Hartmann's suggestions?
Shut down the House and the Senate.
— Challenge Johnson’s speakership.
— Fight every unanimous consent vote.
— Use quorum calls to bring floor business to a standstill.
— Put holds on every Trump nominee, even for things like naming Post Offices or noncontroversial positions.
— Hold a major press conference every day and coordinate with Democrats across the nation to amplify that day’s message across local and national media.
— Organize political guerilla theater and mass protest events.
Your comment hit home. However, it leaves people with little hope in the near future. We all know what happened to Germany when people remained silent.
Elon Musk is a naturalized citizen. He and his brother have admitted that they were in this country illegally for several years before Elon applied for naturalization. He lied on his application for citizenship and thus he can be stripped of citizenship (de-naturalized) and deported.
Thank you Mr. Rosen. I agree, strikes are effective. They do require absolute commitment to unity and solidarity of purpose, no matter the cost. This is usually born of pain. It takes a while to coalesce, but as you say, "It will come." Also we cannot operate outside the rule of law as it would undermine any and all credibility. We can weather this storm! Si! se pueda.
If the air traffic controllers in the 12 largest US hubs went on strike, it would completely shut down all air travel within the US. They could try to fire all of them like Reagan did, but I'm guessing Trump would back down in less than 24 hours.
Perhaps. I am guessing these people would not back down. These guys absolutely hate labor and anyone associated with it. Furthermore, they have no qualms with harming innocent people in order to break any strike. That is my guess. Right there.
But Gregg, they wouldn't be able to fly either.
Thanks, Gregg, for reminding us. Si! se puede.
We just had a peaceful transfer of Power and you lost, deal with it. The American people have spoken. The Democratic Agenda lost.
Take a hike.
The American People have not spoken for Musk's agenda.
Why do you keep repeating yourself? Obviously you're not reading any of the responses. I already told you: people voted because of high prices. Please get out of your little bubble and do some research.
Why do you subscribe to this Substack if you feel this way?
How is the weather in Moscow? In Botville?
Oh shut up.
Unfortunately Jon you are spot on. What we can do is stick to the facts (Tesla & X employees hacked into our personal data), ignore the self-created crisis (Tariff Wars). The fact is American’s personal data has been stolen and not by a foreign adversary. It was stolen by 6 Tesla & X employees and we need to use the justice system and have them prosecuted under the law. Call, write letters, send emails to everyone. Start local and go federal. We have the names of those who hacked into the servers. File a police report. They may object at first but try it. You will need that documentation should your data be sold on the dark web and you will need to prove who you are. File police reports in the municipality these hackers live in. Again, documentation, documentation, documentation.
And yes when the local elected officials say it is a federal issue, remind them you are their constituents and as such it is their responsibility to protect and advocate on your behalf. You want them to work on bills that specifically say the Federal Government is not allowed to share your personal data with …… Just like NJ had to pass a bill making it illegal to ban books. I know it sounds crazy but we need to focus on what we can do and ignore what we can’t. Also there is a nation wide day of protest on Feb 5 at your State Capital. And most importantly pray 🙏. Pray for peace 🕊️ pray for people to find the courage to fight against this ocean of hate, pray for acceptance.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Thanks for that, Miselle - always good to see you here.
Thank you, and back at you!
Maureen you have great common sense. Why haven't our leaders done this already?
Jon, we can't start anything violent or illegal, but we can start peaceful protests. It's too late to wait for next year's elections. We have to act now.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I agree totally. "Good strategy suggests moving too fast is not a winning option." I have been reading about the beginning of WWll. The Allies knew that it would take two years to build up the military forces and armaments necessary to defeat Hitler. And then it would take time to defeat him in battle. The Democratic party is not popular with the majority of the American public. That's a factor too. Keep calm and carry on.
In England, WWII started with the invasion of Poland and the bombing of England. Churchill said, "And so it has come to us to stand alone." Flying clubs were transformed into military bases.
Look up The Battle of Britain, and see who the pilots were, and how old.
You are right, I fear
Green head in never right. He’s a menace in this forum.
Get out of here. He is mostly correct.
Jon, a note: his citizenship could be revoked. But the US military ends his technology too much.
If it is truly an emergency his software could be seized for national security demands. Go after his six boys like crazy. Arrest them and make them give evidence. Even a cleared person cannot break the laws
Musk’s citizenship can be revoked for crimes against the country.
No, we need to take to the Federal buildings. Take over the Senate and Congressional offices in your state and in Washington, D.C. Apparently, there are no laws to stop us. Who knew?
What specifically do you mean? My state is a Blue state, and it seems like it is in the Red states where you might want to do that.
There IS no "Red or Blue" any more. There is only "Musk."
That is not how Mexico's president sees it. Not how women wanting abortions see it, or immigrants seeking sanctuary. While we must all come together we must also look at how to pressure Red state politicians.
I agree with the lady below. Musk has taken over the Federal government and Trump and the Republicans are allowing him to do it. If you have a Federal building near you, go inside and pick a target agency that Musk is going to dismantle. You probably won't get far but try it. Invite your local TV station to film the Fascists stopping you.
Like Jan 6, you mean? No thanks.
"No, we need to take to the Federal buildings. Take over the Senate and Congressional offices in your state and in Washington, D.C. Apparently, there are no laws to stop us. Who knew?" needs a /S for sarcasm, I suspect.
The last thing I want to do is anything that could be portrayed as like what my old party does. But then I do remember the protestors who had earned the access to protest peacefully, I think agreeing to be arrested after having their voices heard. We ran into fiesty Medea Benjamin at several marches and protests. She's from another Freeport but we are still fans.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medea_Benjamin
"...During 2005–2010, she worked to oppose United States threats of a possible impending war with Iran, including lobbying Congress, taking peace delegations to Iran, and bringing Iranian youth to Congress.
Benjamin repeatedly interrupted a major speech by President Barack Obama regarding United States policy in the War on Terror at the National Defense University on May 23, 2013.[24][25] After Benjamin was removed for her actions, President Obama then went off script. "The voice of that woman is worth paying attention to," he said. "Obviously I do not agree with much of what she said. And obviously she wasn't listening to me and much of what I said. But these are tough issues. And the suggestion that we can gloss over them is wrong." Benjamin responded by telling The Daily Beast, "If he had indeed made significant policy changes, I wasn't going to say anything. I would have preferred that option, but given that he didn't make those kind of changes I was looking for, I was glad to be given the opportunity to speak out..."
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
We just had a peaceful transfer of Power and you lost, deal with it. The American people have spoken. The Democratic Agenda lost.
Guess what, George? There is credible evidence that Trump won due to a combination of voter suppression and gerrymandering. So I think the odds are pretty good that your repeated statement is a flat-out lie. Not that I'm all that happy with the Dems right now; I'm not. But 'the American people' didn't vote for what is happening now. Please stop repeating yourself with your baseless information.
I can copy and paste too, George because I have Freedom of Speech Speech Speech Speech
Wasn’t it GREAT that WE witnessed a PEACEFUL transfer of power this time? I mean Biden met with Trump and Biden ordered his department heads to help the new administration in that transfer! I mean (and I know it’s “symbolic”) but Biden and the First Lady actually SHOWED UP to the Inaugural Ceremony! Even on January 6 (2025) Congress met and did its Constitutional job and no silly Biden supporters crapped in the Rotunda! Hurrah for America, right George Dunn?
Yes, the Democrats made sure there was an exemplary transfer of power, despite the warnings of many who found suspicious discrepancies in swing state votes. Of course, Elon and his goons messed with the swing state numbers. And Loose Lips at his inauguration day rally, thanked him soundly for what he called a landslide victory in Pennsylvania because “nobody knows those computers those voting computers, better than Elon.” But they were quick to move into the cybersecurity division in the first week so we’ll never find out what was done and there will never be another legitimate election, especially if we were duped in this one.
George, where has your head been?
Not all of America agrees with what is happening. DEAL WITH IT
I think it won't be hard to get 2/3rds disagreeing with what happened once half of them that voted for Trump realize how they have shot themselves in the foot.
Who knows what the third that didn't vote for anyone think. I have to doubt they were enthusiastic enough to vote for Trump, but will certainly vote against him now that they can see the consequences beginning to show they may never again have a chance to vote in a fair election.
Why are you on this Substack if you feel this way?
Linda, you are absolutely correct. We must start mobilizing in the streets. I attended a virtual meeting with MoveOn, Indivisible, Working Families Party & others on Sunday. They are ramping up a national strategy of pushback. Tuesday evening rally @ the Treasury Building, Wednesday visits to all 50 states Senators offices. I'll be going down to Phoenix to Senator Reuben Gallego's office. They are planning other actions after that. I'm trying to get involved, as everyone else should. It's time to push back against Musk, Trump & Project 2025.
Great, Michael! Very glad to hear this.
My message that got me banned from T and FB. 4 and a half years ago. Now T and FB are on his team. Let’s ban them
See Indivisible.org’s plans.
I know that they and Moveon have planned a demonstration today. Robert Hubbell says,
There is a protest in D.C. on Tuesday at 5 p.m. in front of the Treasury Building, organized by MoveOn and Indivisible. See article below or just sign up here.
The link does not work though.
I guess one can use the one you posted.
Linda, I like at least one part of this boycott thing. No more US Whiskey. Irish or Scotch it is! So what if I spend more for it...
You are absolutely correct, Ms Weide. We need a counter coup ASAP!
Stop separating blue states from red states in any commentary. We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. With blue and red voters in EVERY state, whether the obsolete electoral college chooses to view things that way or not. So many think; just relocate! It’s not that simple for anyone. Especially the 99% at the lower income levels. Some people work for a living, others are retired by choice or circumstance. This talk of punishing red states with blue islands sounds too much like civil war on the horizon and it needs to stop NOW.
Judith, we are going to have to agree to disagree. Just as I refuse to visit many states because I am not putting my money into their economies, I would like to avoid buying products from them too. We are not the United States. Currently Red States are imposing laws and life on Blue States that we did not choose. We might be the United States in a legal sense, but not in practice. I also wish that the EU would give Hungary the boot. While the US is being modeled on this by Red State wishes, it is the second poorest nation in Europe. In fact, I am also not buying Hungarian nor will I be visiting them until they change their leadership.
Mainly because most of them were nazis?
People were forced to join the party for the most part, although many did not anyway, and they did not get to keep their jobs. My grandfather was an administrator in a college and afterwards he was a carpenter. Germany had not had democracy in their history for more than 15 years, and therefore people did not really understand its advantages. Most had probably always lived under monarchy. Germany was alone made to pay huge reparations after WWI, and had no money, and Hitler was saying we just won't pay anymore. This was appealing. There is a lot more to it than that, but just understand the Germans were not that different from most of Europe in their antisemitism. I don't believe that was a driving cause for most people in the beginning just like I grew up thinking the US was the land of immigrants, and now immigrants are the enemy which a lot of Dems are buying into as well. It is going to be important for Americans to understand the moment and the parallels to other countries, without romanticizing who Americans are. You see who we are by how Trump came to power legally.
Karl Jaspers famously idenitified four categories of guilt: criminal guilt (the commitment of overt acts), political guilt (the degree of political acquiescence in the Nazi regime), moral guilt (a matter of private judgment among one’s friends), and metaphysical guilt (a universally shared responsibility of those who chose to remain alive rather than die in protest against Nazi atrocities). I recently watched an old Spencer Tracy film, 'Judgement at Nuremberg' about the trial of the judges in nazi Germany ( I have seen it many times). Tracy plays the presiding American judge (Dan Haywood) at the trial who together with his two fellow judges has to decide whether those judges were complicit in the atrocities. At the end of the film, one of the convicted judges, Ernst Janning asks to speak to Haywood to try and convince him that none of the judges could have foreseen the appalling consequences of the nazi regime. He appeals to Haywood: "...those people, those millions of people... you must believe that I never knew it would come to that." Haywood's reply: "Herr Janning, it came to that the first time you sentenced someone to death who you knew to be innocent." There was a vast bureaucracy in Germany supporting the concentration camps and the death camps and thism is attested to by the meticulous records the nazis kept about their murders. These bureaucrats all had families and friends and yet none of them claimed to know about the atrocities. The guilt was of widespread acquiescence in the daily horrors that were all around them. Germany has recognised that guilt and it continues to weigh heavily on the German psyche - note Olaf Schulz's recent condemnation of Elon Musk's suggestion that Germans should "move beyond" their guilt and support the AfD.
Will we have a fictional "Ernst Janning" Court that knew better but reluctantly went along a "little" bit, or do we have more of an Oswald Rothaug Court that actively and enthusiastically persecuted the chosen minority?
Because I was a military dependent toddler in Munich during the Nuremberg Trials, I paid more attention than most as I grew up. Judgment at Nuremberg, the movie, was big deal to my family. Burt Lancaster's interactions with Spencer Tracy were the ones burned into memory. A portion of the dialog that fleshes out more of that memory (but not the most memorable couple of lines), is at https://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechjudgmentatnuremberg1.html
Now, though it matters less than what each real person actually did compared to our current court, who were the characters based upon? Who are the reluctant ones and who are the ones that don't believe they have gone far enough from the principles in our Declaration of Independence, and laws in line with the Constitution as Amended to date?
For me, I'd suggest examining the thoughts and actions of people like Oswald Rothaug (for a subplot in the movie), and Franz Schlegelberger as described at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Schlegelberger
That article includes a picture of "...A meeting of four Nazis who bore much of the responsibility for allowing the legal system of Germany to be taken over by Nazi ideology. Franz Schlegelberger is second from left. On the far left in this image is Roland Freisler. Otto Thierack is the second from the right, and Curt Rothenberger is on the far right..."
With DOGE Crypto coming out, perhaps some Schlegeberger's early action should be food for thought, "...Among Schlegelberger's many works in this time was a bill for the introduction of a new national currency which was supposed to end the hyperinflation to which the Reichsmark was prone..."
All the points you make are very pertinent in the current circumstances. Certainly, one can make distinctions between say, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and the likes of Jim Jordan and Ron Johnson, but in the final analysis they're all complicit in the chaos unfolding now and none of them could argue that Trump's actions were unforeseeable. I get tired of hearing people call Trump 'unpredictable' when what they mean is 'erratic'. That he will continue to be a unprincipled, vindictive, mendacious, narcissistic bully who ignores legal and constitutional rules is completely predictable.
You are right 100%. We see who we are now, and I’m appalled. Racism, misogyny, greed and “christanity” are mighty attractive to our friends and family.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
In 2016 I joined a robust March in Denver. Didn’t change a single thing. No way I am going to place myself in a crowd with the extreme division in politics we are in the middle of.
We started out with the local to us, Occupy Riverside General Assemblies. There were many issues and thoughts allowed to be heard (and repeated by the People's Microphone since bull horns weren't permitted by the police). People showed which ones made sense to them, and many met like minded people closer to their own sensibilities.
Though some claimed to break up the Occupy movements, I'm convinced they broke into different more focused groups and tried more collaborative approaches of existing and new groups like the 45 tables of groups that showed up at the 2018 Inland Empire Women's March for the Progressive Alliance Unity Action Expo in Riverside, CA.
My homemade handouts (one small sheet), were 4 graphic figures with text as follows:
Mary holding baby Jesus - My Son Died for You, Who Would You Die For (graphic of DJT in an orange jumpsuit immediately below it)
Themis, Goddess of Justice - Take Your Dirty Fingers Off the Scale and Every Other Thing You Should Not Touch
Liberty Enlightening the World (Statue of Liberty with torch held high) - Some Light to Read Your Tax Returns, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Conflicts of Interests
Below the Orange Jumpsuit, below Mary and baby Jesus -
"I'm Not a Genius"~ Albert Einstein,
"I'm Not a Genius"~ Steve Jobs,
but you say, "I'm a Stable Genius"?
Across the bottom:
Lincoln was a Master Cabinet Maker, Ikea makes better cabinets then Your Outhouse Basement Cabinet
P.S. I have a small Statue of Liberty, but have yet to find one that includes the important to me shackle and chain she has her left foot on. The original proposal had her holding the broken shackle and chain in her left hand as the whole idea started as a monument to the end of slavery. Political considerations had it put out of sight from the ground and the tablet substituted with the date of the "signing" of the Declaration of Independence in Roman Numerals on it.
To me that was more in tune with the ideals expressed than the compromised Constitution that allowed slavery to continue. One of my heroes, President Grant was an early fan and willing to have it built on Bedloe's Island which had been ceded to the United States government for a fort in 1800. I'm so proud it really represents Freedom (and equal protection under law) to all who reach our shores by any means.
One march may not change anything, but many might. If you tried to potty train your child and they did not learn on the first day, would you give up or try again?
Still, if marching is not your thing there are other things you can do. HCR gave some assignments. That is a good place to start.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Trump is the President of the United Stated. What you are suggesting is illegal and dangerous. Perhaps just stating what you’ve said here may be considered treason. There is a ruling class of elites in Congress who don’t understand that they work for the people. USAID is wasting the people’s money with zero accountability.
“The true threat to democracy is not Elon Musk, not political outsiders, and not ordinary Americans - it’s the unaccountable ruling class that believes it is above the law.
Congress must take action - not to protect this corrupt regime, but to dismantle it. The FBI must be reined in, the deep state must be exposed, and those who have abused their power must face justice.
America belongs to the people, not to the elites who think they own it.”
You made some good points until the next-to-last paragraph. What exactly IS the 'deep state'? Is it just a code word for 'Democrats', or does it mean the appointed experts who work in civil service to do the work of government? I ask you -- are you able to determine, on your own, whether the food you eat or medications you take are safe? Are you able to make sure, on your own, that the municipal water supply is safe and the air relatively clean? Can you, on your own, make sure the bridges you cross are safe and not on the verge of collapse? Who do you think takes care of all this? The plan to get rid of the so-called 'deep state' is actually a plan to insure that powerful corporations can do whatever they wish, regardless of whether their actions endanger the American people. It's a plan to get rid of the experts who actually know things, and the people who help protect us.
CLS, thx for your question as to what is meant by “the deep state” as the expression is thrown out in otherwise clear commentary. Your explanation is a clear positive connotation. Which is it, positive or nefariously negative?
It has been positive such as when Lincoln took such painful care to select the best he could. Grant tried Civil Service reforms during his administration reform with limited success before the Pendleton Act in 1883. If my Civics Classes of 60+ years ago are remembered well enough, it was the first big step in getting a durable handle on preventing the worst tactics of the spoils system.
The food we eat is in fact not safe and creates a population of morbidly obese adults and children who now rely on medications prescribed for a lifetime, medications that often create an even more vulnerable population, our water and air are not clean, and our infrastructure is crumbling. You forgot to mention who do I think is monitoring our children’s education when 2/3 of 5th graders cannot read-are illiterate! Yes I do wonder who is monitoring these things because they are NOT doing their jobs and we are paying more than ever in taxes. This country is in massive debt with terrible results. The republicans were voted into the executive and legislative branches to clean up the mess. Let’s let them give a go at it.
So you will let even far worse, far darker (new) deep state replacements take their places?
Illegally as well.
If I am correct in linking your response to Linda Weide's edited comment, I see nothing illegal or that should be dangerous in it.
It is absolutely nothing like the violent extremists that attacked our capitol on January 6th and got pardoned by the most outrageously scofflaw President in our history.
If we have complaints about some of the work USAID has done, the way Musk (with what kind of extra legal authority), attacked it, is nonsensically beyond any reasonable way to change it. You don't break the chain of all the good work they are doing and the life dependencies upon it that will become an irreparable disaster in our trusted positions around the world. That's like cutting the lifelines to the lifeboats and life jackets of those that will be lost if even temporarily cut.
Would you want to be on the end of one of those life lines?
Jenny, I am missing your point! I have said nothing that is treasonous under our current constitution. Perhaps you are anticipating the one that Trump is about to create. This is what happens if you allow things to be business as usual.
"Trump is the President of the United Stated. What you are suggesting is illegal and dangerous. Perhaps just stating what you’ve said here may be considered treason."
Now do January 6th rioters and insurrectionists trying to prevent election results from being certified.
Your last sentence isn't a sentence or even a fragment that makes any sense.
Can't even tell what side you're on.
I'm asking to the person who posted the quoted language, in opposition to protesting in federal buildings as suggested in the original comment, to apply the same standard to the rioters and insurrectionists of January 6th. Weren't their actions illegal and dangerous?
We just had a peaceful transfer of Power and you lost, deal with it. The American people have spoken. The Democratic Agenda lost.
George, why are you on this Substack if you feel this way?
Oh, George is here because he loves and respects the Constitution of the United States and the Freedom of Speech. Just like those PEDESTRIANS who were strolling through the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. I’m not sure the Constitution OKs pooping in the Rotunda, but….
What I really like is your FACT-BASED approach. 77.3 million Americans have spoken and Trump has won the 2024 election and Joe Biden nobly and lawfully turned over the governing authority to Donald Trump. I like the way you use FACTS to form your opinions. And, I’m sure your Fact Machine has told you that a PEACEFUL TRANSFER did not occur in 2021 and Trump showed ZERO nobility in that moment, right, George? Go ahead, George, you can say it!! Freedom of Speech!!!
Yep. 80 Years after they were defeated in Germany, the Nazis have now taken over the USA. And naming a coup after a shiba meme doesn’t make it funny, Mr. Musk.
But there will be no Allies who can come to the rescue this time. Putin must be laughing his balls off…
And what does this tell us? You don’t need to obey a single law when you’re rich enough.
Provided the government is corrupt enough. (And $COTUS is having a Black Monday sale).
$COTUS - that's a good one. "For the right price, we'll make every wish constitutional"...
The Court calls it Orange Monday sale—black is out.
I don't know what Black or Orange MONDAY SALE means. Please help me understand.
"Black Monday" was what the press called a huge dip in stock indexes in the 1980s. "Orange" refers, I would suppose, to Trumps choice of makeup.
"Black Friday" sales are supposed to be the first day of the year that store revenues exceed costs, "accounting in the black", but it's mostly a phony excuse for a pre-Christmas hype sale.
Xi benefits the most economically, but of course many claim Putin the richest man in the world. The richest men in the world are willing to transfer some of their wealth to Trump and pretend like he's the man, because he allows them to make even more money. The MAGAs apparently don't care either as long as they get to feel superior in their White skin, and the rest can will feel closer to Whiteness if they don't have White skin but still voted for Trump.
My Slavics professor friend shared this.
"Just found this Russian proverb, unfortunately so à propos (sigh): Когда деньги говорят, правда молчит. Lit. ‘When money speaks, the truth is silent’ "
Absolutely right, that Russian proverb.
Do we need more proof. Enough for me.
The question Gene is how to turn back from the American history taking a dark turn? I would say, let their inefficiency play in public while we report loud and clear, and 24/7 ,the consequences of their actions and the absolute abuse of power against we the people and the impunity they are demonstrating.
This group of Democrats legislators demanding accountability is a good step but we also need decent Republicans to join. The damage done already it's not irreversible yet, they had only 2 weeks to destroy this country in their benefit but now should be the limit. Hope the legacy media also do their part. Keep the faith and fight.
MSNBC had several Good Shows tonite, 3-Feb-2025... Among many guests, was Congressman Jamie Raskin... He suggested that if you are going to have Street Protests, keep them Small, and Impromptu... Notice how the Demonstration in front of the USAID Building was conducted by Congresspeople, and Senators... Rationale?... Don't Give DJT An Opportunity To Declare Martial Law Which Could Get Very Ugly... With Pete Hagseth as Secretary Of Defense, there would be no Sanity Check on that Action....
Congressman Raskin is my hero …. he is brilliant, so well spoken, steady, compassionate, and does not give up. He said Nancy Pelosi’s appointment of him to the January 6th committee saved his life and gave him even more purpose after his son's suicide. God bless him.
Thank you. It is crucial to identify heroes at this time.
I suspect Trump/Musk is salivating at the chance to call out the militia on a national emergency in the event of large scale protests. Bring out the firehouses and dogs and really own those libs!
Maureen they will save that for right before the midterm election.
That would not surprise me! Just the same the White House needs an unending , legal street protest.
You are spot on!! Trump is just itching to make a big show of suppressing peaceful protests even if he has to use violence. Now he’s got his SS and his released violent criminals, they can instigate violence, themselves, at any peaceful rally. If it weren’t for Gen Milley he would’ve opened fire on the protesters that day he tried to do the Bible photo op. Instead, he had to be happy with gassing them.
The consequences of harm to the demonstrators would, of course, be tragic. But the consequence of martial law, and even worse, Emergency presidential powers, would detract from any legal cases currently in play that challenge his power. So even peaceful demonstrations in numbers, create a new liability for justice.
And keep an eye out for would be provocateurs which should be easier to spot in smaller groups.
Here's what I observed back in November 2017, though I did wish for another Martin Luther King Jr., to get a better balance of all issues for all marginalized people, and with less divisive push-back enabled. I don't think it needs much if any modification, but welcome any helpful feedback.
I found the Occupy Riverside practice of giving speakers 3 minute increments at the General Assemblies was the best way to let everyone be heard, without disrupting any main speakers, who are given a reasonable time to speak and get feedback from the attendees. We support a lot of even extreme free speech, as long as it doesn't unduly interfere with others rights and activities.
The difference in Hillary's response and Bernie's is telling when Black Lives Matter demanded near total domination of meetings. Hillary initially tried to deny them more than a very brief acknowledgement, while Bernie let them hijack most of the rally, but then let them speak for longer periods but not hijack the entire rallies. There are many more minority issues that do get a chance to speak, as we listen for a fair amount of time, usually with the [people's microphone] feedback indicative of how much traction they can expect in active support of their causes, or tolerant inclusion by giving them a place to be heard by more people. We even let Trump supporters speak and receive feedback with at least as much respect for them as they show us.
We are against the disruption of classes or shouting down even the worst provocateurs, preferring what I think I've heard of them doing at Hampshire College, silently turning their backs to the speakers but not disrupting them. Another way is to have small signs, especially for indoor meetings, on 8-1/2 x 11 maximum cardboard or soft foam board too soft to hurt anyone, with one side showing approval (perhaps thumbs up) and the other, disapproval (thumbs down). The idea is to not block anyone's view or make disruptive noise, yet still express dissatisfaction for any event that is videoed (showing the crowd).
The more important issues, to me, are the gross increase in financialization that increases extreme differential accumulation of wealth and power, and Citizens United enabled effectively enabling a hostile take over of our government. While I wouldn't suffer personally from the new tax proposals, the country would from cutting revenue and continuing to neglect comprehensive attention to keeping our infrastructure sustainable. I've heard most systems designed for 100 year life spans are being maintained as if on a 300 year schedule. Privatizing much more of it would seem to limit new infrastructure far more than when we did better to prepare for more people, who could be healthier and more productive when they had better opportunities. Too much privatizing also further concentrates all the opportunities for a few to do just what profits them the most, as it keeps too many others from having anywhere near the same opportunities.
Antifa has always been Anti-Fascist, I think since the Spanish Civil War and Franco's rise. They seem hair-trigger reactionaries ready to respond to actual violence by anything close to groups that used fascist tactics to provoke reactions like the Red Wedding neighborhood in Berlin, when they are doing what they claim to be doing (protecting others from fascist violence). They always seem to fall for the same provocations that the original ones did and do more damage to the causes or people they claim to be trying to protect. I don't know if their presence in Charlottesville actually kept the police from being the ones that protected the people that felt threatened by the torch and gun bearing white supremacists, but they failed as miserably on the optics as the people in Red Wedding did responding to Goebbels (see http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/how-the-nazis-succeeded-in-taking-power-in-red-berlin-a-866793.html)
I don't care what Antifa believes, when their appearance, especially black clad reactionaries just itching for a fight, creates so much tension that fights are sure to break out (with police unwilling or unable to keep the groups under control)..
I personally have "discouraged" any that wanted to be anywhere near our group, reminding them how easy it was to have false members like James O'Keefe (provocateurs) that could impersonate them as they captured on video anything that they could attribute to actual Antifa members. Then there are ones that might actually fall for trying to use fascist tactics to fight real fascists. I'll do my best to stop any that use fascist tactics, no matter what side they are on.
Absolutely right!!!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
re "decent Republicans":
More and more, as the days go on, that seems like an oxymoron, or at least an anachronism.
I'm afraid you are right Gene. My too optimistic mistake.😀
It's not a mistake on your part. We all hope for better from "The Party of Lincoln."
As for the legacy media doing their part, we're best advised to not hold our breath.
Lincoln would today be called a democratic socialist, and Republicans have become Nazis.
Compare the values and rhetoric of Lincoln to Reagan, let alone His Royal Selfishness. To be accurate you wound now have to call it The Party of Anti-Lincoln". Some now even carry Confederate flags.
A hope without hope. 😉
"Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out."
― Václav Havel
The "party of Lincoln" more or less migrated to the Democratic Party, when its Southern branch migrated to the Republican Party during Goldwater and so on
They have left the party or were forced out for committing the sin of criticizing Trump.
Absolutely 👏
Decent republican is an oxymoron I just watched them all vote for rfk jr even a doctor voted for him They are all spineless soulless schools afraid to lose their jobs but guess what karma is and will be a bitch no matter how long it takes
"Decent Republicans"? Have you seen many of those around these days? I count maybe 3 or 4 and they are all cowards or worse, opportunists.
As was the case in Nazi Germany, it will be VERY difficult to overcome the power of the government until a majority of people are SERIOUSLY opposed to leaving it in their hands. Right now I don't see anywhere NEAR a majorly of Americans brave enough to even worry about this let alone fight it.
Unfortunately I don't know if there is any way out of this hole Trump is digging for the country save for an actual revolution. And just as in Germany in the 30s, i question how many Americans have the guts for a real fight.
I think if people are fired from jobs or lose their welfare payments and can’t put food on the table, then it’ll be a different story. We are hard wired to save our loved ones from a burning building.
Decent people don't even need to put themselves in their shoes to understand. We are also wired to be compassionate. Liked your post Kazz 😉
Jon, if you are referring to my post mentioning "decent republicans, I already apologize for being a too optimistic mistake. Take in consideration I was writing that post about 2:30 am EMT between sleep #1 and sleep #2 with no caffeine yet.
Do not back down. I know plenty of decent Republicans. The anxiety that many citizens have right now cross boundaries of political parties.
Salud, Ricardo.
Remember that Elon has access to ALL of the Social Security payments and ALL of the Medicare, Medicaid and VA Benefits.
This is the fear we need to drive home to Republicans. Very few people cannot survive without their SS and Medicare payments.
And if you do protest, even on the spur of the moment, call your local TV stations.
Once the MAGA base feel the pain, hopefully they will turn on Musk like NYC sewer rats 🐀 and knowing Trump like we do, he will distance himself from Musk and Musk will drown. Ahhh, one can only hope.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Nice post Christine 😀
The Republicans i was thinking about are the spineless members of Congress. I also know and I'm in friendly relationship with a few Republicans as long as we keep politics away. Thanks Christine
We need to take back the control of the media. This is how they won and continue to win every day. As long as people sit in their living rooms watching Fox or other right-wing propaganda, they will NEVER KNOW WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON! They have been duped! If they knew, they would be furious. I live in a red area and I go into people's homes for my work. This is what I see, Fox is on 24/7. To them, it's gospel.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Jon, we might have the advantage of having to lose something very important, 250 years of unperfect democracy. German people didn't have a day of it and ,at that time ,anything was good enough to replace all they had tried through out their history. Remember also that the nazi ideology and methodology didn't reveal itself at once ,as with trump's it was a day at the time over a short period of time. When it was in full display, it was too late. And talking about hope....I hope their history doesn't repeat in this country.
I couldn't sleep last night Jon, worrying about it. Reading The Guardian, the Atlantic and other excellent investigative journalism left right and center. And Heather Cox Richsrdson,Joyce Vance, Timothy Snyder, John Dickerson and info from Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy, Ron Wyden, Chris Van Hollen, Representatives Jamie Raskin,AOC and many others. Unfortunately, I have not heard from Republicans, being ok w fascism and giving up their power of the purse and made Congress needless, to an unelected unconstitutional citizen. DJT is not interested in governing but rather Rallies, golf and deconstructing our democratic republic department by dept. All in less than 2 weeks!
One thing we have the Germany did not have were some alternate systems of information distribution. At least for now we have some of those. The rest is all becoming propaganda and they’re trying to shut it down. But even the mega constituents will be pained and shocked at some of the financialrepercussions of tariffs, cuts to Food and Medicare, Head Start, the Social Security, etc.. The red states are the biggest recipients of all these government programs.
The WORST thing we can do right now is to even peacefully demonstrate in large numbers. Small vocal ongoing megaphones are the way to go and to do everything to stay in the media. Trump is just itching to play with his new militia under Hegseth (he was during his first term but the adults halted him). And he got his proud boys and oath keepers to make trouble as the SS at his elbow. The only thing mass gatherings will gain us is another loss. Emergency presidential powers will negate any of the legal cases that are trying to put checks on his power. We can’t lose what vestiges of law we have left.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
MAGAs get a lot of mileage out of endlessly repeated talking points and we can too. We don't even need to make ours up.
We have to learn from the masters since they learned from Goebels...
Touche JL
Mitch was on tv Sunday, being Republican before American. That’s what Ronnie’s legacy was. And it came from the billionaires of his era.
And Mike Johnson has been giving Trump and Musk carte blanche to do as they please.
Repubs are joined at the hip, another order from the Ronnie era
I just read a long NYT straight news article describing in detail the recent actions of Elon Musk and his merry band of adolescent computer whizzes as they shut down the Federal government. I read and read and then skimmed, so I might have missed it, but the word "COUP" does not appear.
It is apparent that our mass media have been effectively taken over and neutered.
Only a matter of time before HCR is shut down too.
I was planning to visit the USA in April. Will I be arrested as I get off the plane?
As we all know, it is usually the military that has the final word in these situations. Isn't it time for the generals to speak up?
Can't believe I just wrote that.
It's no surprise that The New York Times isn't using the word "coup"; it's not using "fascism," either, and it didn't even use "lie" in the first Trump regime until being shamed into it very, very late. The Times is too wrapped up in its self-importance to provide what we need: clarity.
Of the Billionaires, by the Billionaires, for the Billionaires.
The Bezos owned Washington Post is also refusing to describe what is actually happening and treats it as a normal thing for an unelected billionaire who is not a government official to hack government systems. None of this is normal, and the article comments were especially scathing.
Bezos sold what was left of his soul to Trump, and the fact he named a longtime Murdoch disciple as The Post's CEO and publisher should tell us everything we need to know. The staff has been hollowed-out, and is shell-shocked and demoralized. And if that's not bad enough, the editorial page editor is a coward. Just look at what he did to Ann Telnaes, not to mention how he caved on the Harris endorsement.
Gosh, Krzyzynski: BUY A VOWEL!
It's a name I'm totally proud of – as is. My late father, who was born 102 years ago today, earned a Silver Star, our nation's third-highest medal for valor, by defusing an activated incendiary bomb that, with the bomb bay doors open, got stuck in the rack of a B-24 during a mission against the Nazis over Europe, thereby saving the entire 10-member crew. In addition, he was a prisoner of war for 10 months until being freed by Gen. Patton's Third Army. So my children and I are very proud of him and of our surname. As for all those consonants, you'll just have to deal with them.
You do know I was kidding, right? Figured everyone would catch the reference.
Incredible story about your father, btw. Wonder how "bone spurs" would characterize him: as a "loser"? or as a "sucker"? Guess we'll just have to flip a coin.
Maybe it's time for all of us to write LTEs naming what's going on a COUP and send them to the NYT and whatever other newspapers are in our state and locations. They may not print them, but they may start to see the light when their readership informs them over and over about the importance of accuracy in their language. Take the time you would have taken to write a comment, and write and LTE instead.
The State Governors have conferencing in order to form a Plan of Resistance... Start Local, and then Work your way up...
They stopped printing my letters back in the summer…
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Miselle, to the best of my knowledge, and it is admittedly scanty, AARP is now a big purveyor of Medicare Advantage products, products that promise lots of benefits, benefits that the company then denies when treatment or medication or services are needed. Could you, or someone else, verify if AARP is still a trusted organization with the good of their members uppermost?
Betsy, that I do not know. Medicare Advantage is a scam in my opinion.
Your thought about the military is valid. They may be our only hope. But they will have to pull a coup themselves against Elon bin Musk and the rest of the billionaire traitors and their blind political playmates. Something's gotta give.
Stay Tuned... This Coup is new to the USA, and the 'Strong-Arms' of the USG may start to stir...
MSNBC is having good Coverage as well as 'The Guardian', and the 'Independent'... Like Winston Churchill said, "A Lie Is Halfway Around The World Before The Truth Has Put Its Pants On"....
Joe and Mika, never watch them again
Never did watch them. Rachel and Lawrence only. Sometimes the ones before and after.
Honestly, I haven't been much of a fan of anyone seeking to explain news for me, absent credentials to do so. Even then, I've always lurked, vetted, and vetted again. Honestly ? I even did so with our good Dr. at first back in 2019 when first she was writing on FB.
Me too! Sometimes Nicole
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
WE are failing to meet the moment by not rising up. Instead of pearl-clutching here, CALL YOUR REPS. Call Republican Senators. Call everyone.
Find contact info for your Rep.
Find contact info for your Senator:
Here's a script from my activist friend Lisa Brackman for Dem senators if you need one. I adapted to contact Republican senators in a state I lived in for years:
What do you plan to do to stop Elon Musk's unconstitutional, illegal and insanely dangerous attack on the federal payments system and his unauthorized access to our most sensitive financial data? I certainly did not authorize an unvetted 19-year-old named "BigBalls" and a 20-something Neo Nazi to root around in my personal information. With the news that Musk is attempting to close down the CFPB, I am beyond alarmed about the safety of my data and of the nation's finances. What happened to Congress holding the power of the purse?
I recognize that Democrats are the minority party here and that the great majority of the GOP has sold out whatever morals they might have had out of a lust for power, wealth or perhaps fear. But you have to start acting like an opposition party. Strongly worded statements are not enough. Ask yourself, "What would Mitch McConnell do?" and DO IT. Gather a bunch of Senators and camp out on the Treasury steps. We are far past the point of adhering to custom and to comity. This is a direct threat to our democracy and to our continued prosperity and to our FREEDOM.
I know that Democrats are counting on victories in the midterms, but it isn't paranoia to prepare ourselves for the possibility that there won't BE any midterms if something isn't done to stop Trump and Musk NOW.
I told them to demand that Musk be deported and Trump be impeached and Imprisoned. I also asked them, to organize with other Blue States and boycott Red State Products as Mexico's president threatened to do until she and Trump worked out a trade agreement as he did with Canada.
The Red State politicians should be made to feel the heat.
Linda your requests are totally of the Wall. Musk can't be deported as he is a US citizen. We can argue whether there is a legal way to revoke his citizenship but that would have to come BEFORE you could even ask for his deportation.
And impeachment, may I remind you, does NOT carry imprisonment with it as a punishment. The only thing an impeachment can do is remove him from office ASSUMING we can get the votes which I am pretty sure we can't.
We can of course call for more criminal charges but given the SCOTUS decision last year, he can't be tried for those until he is out of office.
So this is a long journey not a bunch of immediate actions that even have a prayer of success.
Batten down the hatches we are just getting started.
Unfortunately, Musk is a citizen, and it may not be possible to revoke his citizenship based upon his initial status as a person in violation of his student visa. It’s possible that the statute of limitations has passed, or he may have lied on his application for citizenship.
Is there a Bob Woodward around who cares??
Thank you for the script. Here are some additional suggestions for an email or call to your Federal representatives.
Apparently, anyone can walk into any Federal building in the US and demand access to their systems. Is this really what the Congress wants us to do? There are apparently at least 7500 Federal buildings across the country. What happens if they are ALL taken over by citizens? Is this the message you want to send?
You're a Congressman or (Senator) for now, but Donald Trump and President Musk have taken over the US government, So much for checks and balances. When Congress and the US Supreme Court are unwilling to stop a foreign born immigrant from taking over the administrative branch of the US government, why did we elect you?
I wrote to my House representative last night asking him those questions. Mr. Hakeem Jefferies needs to rally his members to blast the Republicans and the media with the truth about what is going on inside the Beltway. I wonder if the Democrats who swung to Trump this past election are regretting their decision to support Trump based on economics (the price of eggs, remember?) or if they even care. And these kids Musk has cutting funds probably don't even make their beds, clean their rooms, or clean up after themselves because they're too young and irresponsible. What is going on with this clown show in Washington DC?
On a all-hands-on-deck call with Indivisible, MoveOne, Working Families Party and others, there were many suggestions for actions we can take now. It's been shown repeatedly that it does no good to contact senators or representatives for whom you are not a constituent. Instead of going to DC to meet your senators, you can go to one of their local offices. It would be great to do it with a number of people, but even one person can demand a meeting with staff. Here's the video of the call. I found it very worthwhile if for no other reason that it left me feeling a sliver of much needed hope.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Yes Alexandra. So important. I did so this morning, since I am abroad and my morning is the night. I also wrote them because I do get responses from them.
I call my Congressional representatives daily, sometimes multiple times per day. Yesterday was glitchy. My calls to John Fetterman, Dave McCormick, and Mike Kelly went directly to voice mail via the standard recorded message that sounded like it was on its last legs. When I was finally connected to the voice mail boxes, it was impossible to leave a message because the mailboxes were full. I think the Capitol switchboard was in melt down mode due to the high volume of incoming calls. One can hope millions of angry people were making their voices heard.
My standard operating procedure is to always follow up calls with emails. Emailing Dave McCormick has been a challenge but still I persist. If at once you don't succeed, try, try again. As Joyce Vance says, we're in this together.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
So, anyone can walk into a Federal building anywhere in the world and demand access to their systems and there's nothing that can be done to stop us?
Why don't we take over the White House and the Eisenhower office building. Also, let's take over the VP residence and the US Supreme Court. Apparently, there is nothing to stop us.
Look at the flag at the top of all government websites! It has only 9 stars ⭐️ Is it the flag of the new regime?
Go to any official federal government website and notice the US flag now has only 9 stars.
"This is a post Civil War re-union UCV Flag. The nine stars symbolize the first nine states to secede from the Union at the beginning of the Civil War."
Good grief
Good grief!!
The rogue Trumpanzee is like Mussolini: uncouth, bellicose, fat, and dumb. That makes him an ideal front-man for crafty, evil people behind him. Here is the CNN piece on Trump's being fooled. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/03/politics/video/trump-canada-tariffs-pause-catherine-rampell-scott-jennings-digvid-tsr
Now, is the MUSKrat lover not breaking some law (e.g., obstructing the operations of the U.S.G.) by hacking into the systems?
The U.S. military may have the info-tech resources to divert the hacked funds through its systems to forward the impounded funds to the agencies and states they are supposed to go. MUSK must be arrested.
re "MUSK must be arrested":
But by whom? A "Justice" Department run by Trump sycophants? Or by a Kash Patel-led FBI?
In our dreams.
Yup. Good point. Maybe the D.C. police Department. But, in the unlikely chance that that Department would have jurisdiction to make the arrest, Musk would be released p.d.q. DAMN.
Professor, showing she is indeed a teacher - super teacher, starts with the review of the fundamental today. "I’m going to start tonight by stating the obvious: the Republicans control both chambers of Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate. They also control the White House and the Supreme Court. If they wanted to get rid of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), for example, they could introduce a bill, debate it, pass it, and send it on to President Trump for his signature." Most of us have been bewildered by Trump and Musk rapid onslaught of our government. But Professor knows how to recoup. She can be a great NFL coach. We also found a new leader to fight back - Congressman Jamie Raskin, who is an immigrant, I believe, and a constitutional scholar. He was flanked by another immigrant Congress woman from Minnesota. It's time to change the guard for DEMs. I am encouranged by these two immigrant representatives fighting for democracy in America.
This is really ugly. TDump will continue to create problems and then claim to have solved them. No way in hell that Musk should be allowed to be any where near our government.
DOGE spelled backward is eGOD. I rest my case.
We are experiencing a disinformation campaign the likes of which we have never seen before. And we have the most incompetent and divisive leader in modern history. We don't just have bad apples in our government, we have bad apple barrels.
There are things we can do as the judicial branch looks like our main hope right now. (Yes, I know about the Supreme Court, but let's see what happens when and if some of the current lawsuits reach them.) Donate to the ACLU, the State Democracy Defenders Fund and write or call state reps and your governor to urge or support already ongoing law suits by the states.
Personal note to Gene: Did your family once live in Philadelphia? Was your family involved in newspapers? I once worked with a terrific guy, great journalist, named Gene Krzyzynski.
Another way to "talk" to a fellow reader is the "message" function here.
I would reverse that: presidents musk! I can see the conversation: musk: you golf and give “press conferences “ and I will fix things for you.
Also: if musk and his merry band of engineers are so good at getting computers, the idea they did so in the swing states is not far fetched!!!
We cannot let this continue. I know the Dems are the minority, but they must obstruct every single nominee and action and keep screaming about the coup that President Musk is implementing.
From a Congressional staffer:
"Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to.
Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't.
So, when you call: A: When calling the DC office, ask for the Staff member in charge of whatever you're calling about ("Hi, I'd like to speak with the staffer in charge of Healthcare, please") — local offices won't always have specific ones, but they might. If you get transferred to that person, awesome. If you don't, that's ok — ask for that person's name, and then just keep talking to whoever answered the phone. Don't leave a message (unless the office doesn't pick up at all — then you can — but it's better to talk to the staffer who first answered than leave a message for the specific staffer in charge of your topic)."
***My apologies. When I first posted this, I did not notice that I'd not included that this is from a Congressional staffer. I copied it from an email being circulated and have been sharing it, but when I copied and pasted it this time - I missed that important first sentence.
I have called many times and i never get a human.
I just get a message that the mailbox is full, so I can't even leave a message.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
THANK YOU! It's extremely important for us all to KNOW how to use our voices and have an impact the system. Good job!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
And just what do you suggest? You think they are not trying hard enough? I am open to ideas, and. am sure your Senators and Representatives are, too.
1. Vote against every single nominee. They still aren't doing that. Yes, they will lose, but they'll be on the record.
2. Refuse to show up to hearings unless they get reasonable time for their questions. Never vote nominees out of committee.
3. Get loud all over social media, but leave Xhitter
4. Bring musk up on charges. They can do that.
5. Anything else you can think of.
They literally rubber stamped another nominee yesterday and over 20 voted for Bessent.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
They are trying now...
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Lin, I tried calling all of the senators today, both R’s and D’s. Their message machines were garbled…every single one and even at their home offices! So, I wrote to some of them. I have been contacting my senators, Padilla and Schiff every single day.
I had the same problem here today! Every office I called the machine answering had a garbled message! Calls to DC, local office and three states. Wanted to call all the members of the finance committee! The republicans have to come out of their trance!
All by Trump design. I understand that people can’t even call the White House either. They have probably shut the switchboard down.
I tried yesterday morning--the WH voice mail is only available 11-3!!
I called many congresspeople yesterday, and emailed today.
THIS below is today's initiative. I am sure I'm upsetting people by the repetitious posts, but I want to get this message out. Sorry everyone.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Yes. I had no trouble between midnight and 1 am phoning all members of the Senate Finance Committee, but when I started again at 8am, the automated voices were stuttering. I thought it was my phone. But then read many such reports on Joyce Vance's substack comments section. I just tried a few offices and the automated voices are now clear. Maybe the system was overwhelmed.
That could be but I am wondering why their home offices were doing that too. They have several offices set up in different cities so it seems very odd and questionable how the phone system could get so screwed up at so many places.
I've heard several reports from others claiming the same issue when they called today
All by Trump design.
Have to try them locally - get their home state office numbers from their websites and call local instead of DC. If that fails, letter. Then email. Everything.
Thanks for keeping the pressure on!
Same here
Way to go Marlene 👏 !!!!!
I called numerous offices too and the reception was VERY GARBLED!!! What’s up with that?
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Same here, very strange, I’ve never heard these garbled voice prompts when calling before ….
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I called both my senators and my Congressional representative today. My first calls were to the switchboard. I got transferred to each senator’s office, but immediately got disconnected. When I tried calling my representative, the switchboard didn’t answer. All I got was hold music. Later I got through to each office by looking up individual office phone numbers on the website. One staffer told me they’d gotten more calls today than he’s ever experienced. It was so many that the phone system crashed temporarily at one point.
We did well today. Pick a topic and call again every day. Next on my list is the Senate Finance Committee, too.
The fact that their system crashed its a powerful message by itself Danielle, they are getting the message and we should keep doing the same till they grow a spine.
We don't know the breakdown of calls. How many are cheering on the coup.
We don't know that but we need to keep calling.
Hit me again. Harder.
Please call Brian Schatz’s office to thank him for what he did!
Awesome news!!!
Way to keep at it, Danielle!
Call local offices, too!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I’m pretty sure Luigi’s method is the one that works. Calls and strongly worded responses have been how we got here.
One of my daughter’s made that comment also. She feels Luigi’s actions may spur others to do the same.
Some can see and others accept blindness.
More chance to get to talk to someone about the trumpian political situation if you call the local office
Don’t know about other states but Senators Fischer and Ricketts of Nebraska both have inoperative phone message systems tonight.
Both in DC and locally.
I wouldn’t count on my own trashy senators, Bernie Moreno (who had Trump’s endorsement) or former Lt. Gov Jon Husted. The Republicans have performed a hostile takeover of Ohio and refuse to listen to citizens of the cities, and they have gerrymandered the state to guarantee their perpetual domination of the state.
NE Ohio here. I been saying for some time that Ohio is THE most corrupt state in the union. And before everyone everywhere else argues, I KNOW there is a lot of stiff competition out there. But I stand by my assessment. The NAZIs are in control here.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I did try, Gigi and looks like others did too. Trump and his twin have messed with the lines at their offices and in DC!
Also give the person you talk to your zip code and that you are a constituent of Representative or Senator so and so
Great post lin 👏
Thank you!!!
I just checked CBS, NBC, NYT and Washington Post. They are ignoring this coup.
They are focusing on the China tariffs and mentioning the USAID situation.
There is no mention that I saw of Musk seizing Treasury Department information or the Democrats being blocked from the building.
We must speak out loudly.
Not MSNBC though. Rachel and Lawrence both acknowledged what was going on and in fact, Lawrence gave hell to the other media corporations for not saying a word.
My two favs on MSNBC! Also Nicolle Wallace
Yes, I forgot Nicolle. Marc Elias loves her.
Me too Marlene, and since I quit every legacy media since election day and after reading several posts with good reviews about msnbc I might try again . Thanks for the memories 😀
Why aren't the corporation they work for screaming "coup"?
MSNBC has called it out. It’s the feckless newspapers of NYT and WaPo that aren’t. They are implying it but the writers simply do not have permission from their editors to write the word out. At least, that’s what I think.
Nothing less than this will suffice.
They are probably afraid of being sued by the richest man in the world. That can be my only guess.
They are part of coup Barbara. That's why.
Well put. thanks.
One word, "corporations ".
The headlines online ignored this, Marlene. I realize there are these bright lights but overall, the corporations are ignoring/downplaying this.
These organizations should be screaming headlines with the word "coup" highlighted.
Unprecedented security leaks.
Good for him!!
Jay Kuo writes that the Dems are doing something. Please read what he says because it is very comprehensive. Besides that, Brian Schatz of HI pulled a “Tommy Tuberville” by putting a “blanket hold” on Trump’s State Department’s nominees. This hold is a threat to prevent a speedy vote in the Senate and it will force Repubs to come up with other tactics to use. https://open.substack.com/pub/statuskuo/p/is-somebody-doing-something?r=3ff5b&utm_medium=ios
Marlene two things stand out with your comment. You are citing Substack. I am speaking about the major corporations which still control the flow of information to most Americans. Second. I was not talking about any congressional actions. I am talking about the media.
We must, must, must fight through the corporations in this Country. They are part of this coup.
Well, I absolutely agree with you, Barbara, and the one way that’s done is making calls to these newspapers or writing on the opinion page the disgust and disdain that we have for these publications and/or media outlets. Jay Quo is a highly respected resource to legalities. Quite a number political writers follow him. You could not have read what he wrote in the time that I posted his site. Please, Barbara, just take the time to read what he has to say. I usually do not post others columns in HCR’s comments but feel this one is important and informative.
Of course I did not read what Jay said. I am responding to your citing a non-legacy writer. I am a regular reader of Kuo's.
Again. The legacy media is complicit. It is complicit in promoting trump's lies defeating Harris and now this. That is the topic I introduced. The oligarch owned legacy media is ignoring this coup.
Have a good day.
Okay, legacy media isn’t going to say it because you’re right, they are all owned by the oligarchs who are bowing down to THE CRIMINAL! Yes, they are choosing to ignore the word because THE CRIMINAL’s thugs will threaten them with their lives. That’s the bottom line, Barbara. Look, I am not trying to pick any arguments with you because I see that we are on the same side. You can find Dan Rather, a once legacy commentator, here on Substack, under “Steady”, Jim Acosta, another legacy commentator, is now on Substack. Jennifer Rubin left WaPo and has started “The Contrarian”. Plus, Medias Touch where Ben Meiselas scored an interview with President Biden. I acknowledge your frustrations because I feel the same exact way but I find that listening to or reading columns of those who speak to me, matter. Legacy media can fuck itself because it won’t allow the words we ought to hear or read. And listen, my parents…they were Holocaust victims and I try to fight for them in their honor so if you feel I am being too caustic, I apologize. I am passionate and emotional because all of this sucks.
R. Orwellians bang on about "Free Speech", but only when they are the ones speaking. It's scary when plutocrat owners of major news outlets openly censor criticism of MAGA.
It seems "we" learned nothing from the Gilded Age. Not that stuck, anyway.
💯 % on target!!!
You can read this here:
Additionally, the news is spending more time talking about Trump and Elon's actions because it drives clicks and revenue, vs talking about what needs to be done to stop this because they are literally flooding the zone with shit. I also think legacy media organizations are really worried about having the government weaponized against them. The majority of them are also run by billionaires now unfortunately.
Also the NY Times did release an editorial note last week that warned of things. I expect some stronger language in the future hopefully.
I read the news. I am aware of the half-baked, tepid, timidity of legacy media to sound a sure alarm.
Thanks for sharing
Jay Kuo's post is excellent Marlene, Stanford, UC Berkley law. Very informative!
It would be interesting to revisit the German press circa 1933. Probably behaved just like ours now.
It was the same with MSNBC during the daytime slots yesterday. All they were covering was USAID.
Truth. A friend of mine hadn’t heard about the Treasury takeover from last week until I mentioned it Monday afternoon.
Yep. I see people walking around like everything is normal. The level of ignorance instilled in Americans by the legacy media has enabled this coup.
To be fair, the MSM are not doing their jobs, which is how we got here in the first place.
People have a responsibility to protect and defend this Country. We do that by being informed voters. People stopped voting, stopped researching the issues and spent their days staring at their phones entranced by the lies spewed by legacy media. They stopped campaigning for their candidate. They stopped caring about politics in this Country. The media simply fed off people's malaise.
This is on us. No excuses.
The most damning statistic of the 2024 presidential election: 36.1% of registered voters *didn't vote*. (And of the 63.9% who did, Trump received 31.82%, to Harris's 30.86%).
He won by a 1.48% margin.
15 million did not vote
1.7% voted for someone else
It is the 15 million who opted out that keeps me awake at night. We absolutely need to establish a strong non-legacy media megaphone.
NY Times did finally have an article
Yes. I read that article. Nowhere does it say COUP. It is listed beneath the fold. The media is playing a game of overfocusing on the China issue. Again. Why isn't the legacy media screaming.
We must cancel the corrupt "traditional media" Barbara, we have alternatives but we have to make sure our message reaches even their supporters. Most of them are going to feel the pain soon and in their ignorance ,they need help to understand.
Agree. We need to still call them out while supporting and growing non-legacy media.
Read more. It's there.
Please cite them. Again. Where are the screaming headlines?!
Something such as:
Why should we have to dig? Why are people defending a failed legacy media?
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
There is so much illegality and shredding of constitutional mandates going on, how is it that the perpetrators aren’t being arrested? Are the cogs of government so weak that elected officials are helpless against this treason? So much for the power of the United States. It’s a myth. Built on self aggrandisement and wishful thinking. Hopefully this is the grand test, and willing and courageous people can rescue the premise of the Constitution before it’s too late
I do not understand why Musk and company have not already been arrested for breaking, entering, stealing private information. Any other person who did this would have been arrested immediately on arrival
Ask yourself - who will arrest him? The FBI?
Exactly. The FBI purge of enemies has already begun, and the reports are not keeping up with real time.
We the people David.
Perhaps it could happen at a state level? The State police ? Local govt law departments? What about citizens groups? Throw suits at him Ad infinitum. He’s broken his oath to the constitution which is to the citizens. People get out on the streets. Give him hell. He’s royally effed the nation over
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Deputize some people who are chomping at the bit to do it
Precisely. FBI? DOJ? Capital police? DC police? And consider all those in leadership positions that are "flying high cover" for Musk & company, with Pete Hegsheth waiting patiently for Trump to declare martial law.
TL;DR There no longer law enforcement at the national level.
Isn’t the treasury security the secret service?
Their primary job is to protect the US Treasury.
Exactly. Where are they?
I understand your shock and bewilderment...that's how I've felt ever since J6
Only if that other person is a democrat Susan.
I too cannot understand how this is being allowed to happen - filing legal suits seems useless and pointless (edited) not if but *when* the other side does not acknowledge nor accept the rule of law.
There is a civil suit being organized concerning those of us whose private information has been compromised. It is being organized by Professor Mark Lemley at Stanford Law. I just got his name today and will be contacting him tomorrow.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Even if it fails, legal action is statement and a record, like the Jack Smith report. The last thing you want to do with treachery is normalize it. And if nothing else, legal action can slow things down. That how Trump stayed out of jail.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
Who would arrest them? And more importantly, who would uphold their arrest?
If there is no mechanism to enforce the Constitution when it is under the most threat, then it is seriously flawed. If a legal Congress isn’t empowered to act to preserve itself… wow… big glitch
Put them in a tiny jail somewhere in the backwoods of some nowhere town that doesn't have internet or phone service....and just let them sit
Good questions! The police could fill the jails and detention centers with those who violate the laws of the land and the constitution. The billionaires and their allies would simply pony up the bail and provide the lawyers to use delaying tactic such as trump did so effectively. There is no doubt in my mind that many police departments and dare I say the police unions that are sick with MAGA supporters that I venture to say the officers that are upholding their oath would find themselves benched as is happening to the FBI. Lastly, the judiciary which has been stacked with Trump loyalist would simply dismiss the cases brought against the violators of the constitution and Trump would gleefully sign the pardon papers. No, the only way to stop a coup is with force and then who supplies the force the military? This is the stuff of nightmares. All federal employees must force the DOGE mutt and his puppet to illegally fire them so that it goes on record meanwhile denying the MUSK KOUP KLAN from imposing their will on the nation.
Trump’s mass pardons of insurrectionists caused the FOP to revoke its prior endorsement of Trump.
Will the military defend the country from this internal coup?...or will they sit on their hands as our country is destroyed from the inside out...saying they are following the chain of command?! The people and nation needs the military to defend us
You start walking one step at the time Sugar. Let's play this card out, the first step it's the most important and then let's try not to fall.
They are the ones with the handcuffs, one just 19
Who controls the authorities that arrest them? The enemy!
I still hold out hope that the cogs of what remains of foundational government can grind up some of this nonsense.
Self aggrandizement and wishful thinking, along with doublespeak projection and blatant lying have worked remarkably well for Trump. Fact checking by the media is out of vogue for the most part, with a few notable exceptions such as MSNBC and various Substacks.
The damage Trump, Musk and the Republicans are doing to this country is incalculable. And, yes, it is not just Trump and Musk. The Republican Party is completely complicit.
Pars republicana delenda est.
If I am reading this correctly (the closest I ever got to taking Latin was when I was 5 and our next door neighbor was the high school Latin teacher (we called her the Dragon Lady) it says that our broken republic must be destroyed.
No. It means "the Republican party must be destroyed". It's a reference to how Cato the Elder ended every speech in the Senate late in his career. Carthage was Rome's deadliest foe. He would hold a fig up in the Senate (a delicate fruit that could only withstand a swift and short trip), note that it had been picked in Carthage, and concluded every speech, Cathago delenda est: Carthage must be destroyed.
Of course.
Anybody know how much money DOGE could save by dissolving the Congress and ending any payments including payroll, rent and utilities? I'm sorry for the Dems but if they can't persuade the GOP to do its job why should we keep the entity around?
But we are not David. And it might not look like we are the majority and because of their impunity and lack of accountability our side is growing. Keep the faith.
I like your comment Holly but the system isn't responding to my "like"
All I see is "comment deleted". That might be why.
Elon Musk is overdue for a reckoning.
A permanent one.
So far, all we are getting from the Democratic Party are "words". WHERE IS THE ACTION? Why isn't EVERY Democrat in Congress REFUSING TO WORK AND INSTEAD MARCHING OUTSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE... ALONG WITH FEDERAL EMPLOYEES (FBI, FAA, Treasury, etc)? You do NOT stop Trump with words! He and Musk need to be PHYSICALLY CONFRONTED (Peacefully) THE WAY DR KING DID! As John Lewis famously said, Democrats need to CREATE TROUBLE... GOOD TROUBLE... NECESSARY TROUBLE!
Right. The Republicans lay down and die so you criticize the Democrats. And in 2 years you will once again wonder why not enough people vote for them.
A number of Democratic lawmakers showed up at a Federal building yesterday and were denied entrance on Musk’s orders. Since when does and unelected billionaire and private citizen have the power to deny elected officials access to their own government buildings?
Since mob rules
The Democrats popularity rating is taking a nose dive because they continue to never do enough. They aren't fighting for our Republic, and they just voted in another party insider, so nothing is going to change. There are a few that are trying, but the majority are pathetic.
Steve ,we need Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris, three women with what the Republicans don't have, at the tip of the spear. They are getting afraid just by sensing the begging of our reaction. You proposal, as I supported elsewhere it's absolutely important and doable. And should be implemented ASAP before out of control damage reaches the point of no return. Thanks Steve..
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
As all of this is happening ao quickly, countless information and monies will be long gone well before a court can do anything to stop it. This must be the fastest coup in history, because it's mostly electronic.
I suspect that by now the computers have been locked so that only the coup leaders can grant access to anything. Anyone trying to bypass their lock will trigger the erasure of all data. Probably is a hard copy (slightly out of date) somewhere. If they have found it, it’s ash now.
They don’t care about the individual data as much as the power of holding it hostage. But if not stopped, they can also use it to empty the accounts of anyone they please. It’s far worse than just withholding future payments.
The Russian hackers have taken over.
Rebuilding will take months, if it is even possible.
I’m not a geek so maybe I’m pessimistic. Is the digital system more resilient than I think?
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
The heart of the matter with Trump and Co. is the struggle not for freedom of expression but rather for the experience and expression of honor.
We are free to be honorable or dishonorable. However, there is no freedom in dishonor. We are beholden to our given word.
The disgust we felt in witnessing Trump lie during the act of taking office and all along the campaign leading up to that moment, and ever since, is being with the acts of violence to our sacred honor his continuous lies visit upon our own relationship with truth.
If we didn't have that relationship to what is true and real we would have no trouble with his violations of truth.
Our soul, the collective soul of our shared nation is one of fidelity, of honoring what is true.
The daily disloyalty to truth in Trump’s speaking and actions drives the recoil some feel viscerally in just seeing his face or hearing his voice.
Standing up for truth, for decency, for honor, is the now the daily battle we’re engaged in. It is a battle for life of our very own soul as well as for the soul of our nation.
Make peace within yourself by honoring your promises to yourself and bring that space of honor to your relationship with all you see, hear, touch, and do.
Your note reminds me of another:
HOW does 'this thing' stop you from acting with courage, discipline, justice, and wisdom?
-Marcus Arelius
Eloquently and powerfully stated. I thoroughly enjoyed reading that!
Perhaps it resonates or is a harmony to something that is within you.
I appreciate your comment Bern
Well said, sir. I am going to print your comment here, and commit it to enough memory so I can use it. I'm probably going to go have coffee with one of my MAGAt former work colleagues in the next week; he was angry that I had made a comment regarding Nazi conduct, and he wanted to know if I thought he was a Nazi. I think that he needs to hear the part about honor and dishonor; we both swore oaths that defend the constitution...I think he's forgotten some of that.
It looks like, not surprisingly, that 47 even lied when taking the oath of office:
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Amazed people keep listening to, or believing anything he says.
One of them told me to calm down and go listen to some music. Seriously?!
He lied. Surprise.
Trump never believed in his oaths of office.
Depends on what the meaning of “execute” is…
And his “ability” to do anything good is nil…
We need your letters more than ever before. Thank you, Heather, for exposing what's happening. We didn't think it would happen, but it has. I pray that the people will realize we need to stand up against this.
Barbara, many people need help understanding what's happening to realize and stand up against this . Heather is helping us with her clarity but we need to reach out and help the uninformed and the desinformed to get out of the echo chamber.
Focus on the uninformed. The echo chamber is lost; this is EXACTLY what they want.
Good point 👉
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
So this is how it happens - slowly, and then all at once. Congress surrendered its authority four years ago when it failed to convict Trump for the events of Jan. 6. The Supreme Court defanged itself and the rest of the judiciary when it invented presidential immunity last year. Media are buckling at a remarkable pace, settling frivolous lawsuits to avoid provoking executive vengeance and to keep Sullivan v NY Times away from this Supreme Court.
It is heartbreaking to watch and feel so powerless to act. If we take to the streets, I'll be there, but not with much hope.
Alas, it was good while it lasted.
As someone else noted, we have to be careful about taking to the streets. He is itching for an excuse to enact martial law. I have no doubt he would gleefully approve of machine gunning down protestors. I do NOT, however, think we should quietly roll over and let him destroy our country. Smarter folks than I will have to think of something. I wish those in the military who are faithful to our Constitution would stop this.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
interesting--while Trump was distracting us with his tariff war on Mexico and Canada, Musk was picking our pockets! While I understand the mainstream media wants to stay out of Trump's crosshairs--boycotting them for "sanitized" reporting might hit them where it really hurts-in their wallet. fortunately, the internet and Substack writers provide for more thorough reporting. Thank you so much Professor for giving us the inside scoop!!!
I wonder how long it will be before the Trump/Musk coup shuts down Substack and MSNBC. We should be thinking about other forms of communication.
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!
This is on the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation. That is, on Charles Koch via his bagman Leonard Leo. The Roberts Court Federalist Society majority immunity decision authorized a Trump tyranny and their Chevron decision authorized dismantling the regulatory agencies. The Heritage Foundation Project 2025 detailed the workings of 'a unitary executive' - the FedSoc anti constitutional notion which drove the immunity decision. Now, yes, the GOP triumvirate might have dismantled the government by using the protocols of constitutional law to overthrow the constitutional government. Trump might have waited for Russell Vought to be installed as OMB director in order to impound funds and destroy agencies, while the rest of his cabinet did the same in their jurisdictions. But what fun would *that* be? Too banal. The interesting thing is that Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler - and until now Trump - had a lock on the theatre of histrionic excess, while their minions quietly went about the logistics of terror. But now it is Musk center stage breaking things. Trump may think he has Musk doing his dirty work, but in fact Trump's name is on the wreckage,
Charles Koch has been planning this and training Republican congressmen and women and judges and funding this coup with his millions for decades in order to make this happen. Read Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean for a deep history of how this all started and a warning. Her book was published in 2017 but it is prescient, she warned us all this was coming. Here is a very recent interview with Nancy MacLean:
Also Jane Mayer's 'Dark Money'and Anand Giridharadas' 'Winners Take All'.
The very concept of the unitary executive violates the separation of powers in the Constitution, and it also violates the Founders’ principle that the president is not above the law or Constitution.
Catholics contributed, too. The pope needs to condemn these actions.
Actually Pope Francis has criticized the extremist conservative bent and anti-science prejudice of powerful US Catholics
"Pope Francis blasts reactionary American Catholics who oppose church reform
Pope insists LGBTQ people are welcome in church, warns against focusing on 'sins below the waist'"
"The situation in the United States is not easy: There is a very strong, reactionary attitude. It is organized and shapes the way people belong, even emotionally," said the pope. "I want to remind these people that backwardism is useless, and it is necessary to understand that there is a correct evolution in the understanding of questions of faith and morals."
NCR -National Catholic Reporter is a great source of criticism of the 'more Catholic than the Pope' Opus Dei crowd - such as Leonard Leo.
Pope Francis laments "reactionary," politicised, US Catholic Church
"Pope Francis has blasted the "backwardness" of some conservatives in the U.S. Catholic Church, saying they have replaced faith with ideology and that a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time."
I get the impression that the pope is toothless. Platitudes. Thoughts and prayers. Everyone bows their heads piously then go and do what they want.
This is more terrifying than anything ever written by Stephen King.
Call your congressional representative and senators, especially if they have an R after their name. If you call and can’t leave a message because the voicemail is full, call one of their local offices back in their states. Don’t be discouraged by those who claim that calling the members of Congress “doesn’t matter”. Politicians need to be popular. Our outrage will make a difference if enough of us let them hear it!
In this chaos everything we do really matters Marcia. You are 💯% right!!
I am late to the forum today. Apologies as I am going to copy/paste it to many posts here, I don't mean to annoy anyone. I'm not a troll, I swear, just really upset.
Besides our Congress, please call/email the AARP. It is one of the largest organizations in the US. Tell them you are upset that they have not yet taken a stand on this. They are a nonpartisan organization, but the attack on Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, and the breach on our data impacts ALL SENIORS.
1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277)
Email: member@AARP.org
Please post on your social media, and tell your senior friends/family!