Χρίστος is the Greek, meaning "The Anointed". The "X" in Xmas actually is intented to represent the Chi / "X". Actually, I am an ordained graduate Seminarian (with a very long career in the private business sector). Over the years, I have become increasingly dismayed and disappointed over the corruption and contamination of evil that has inserted itself into the Faith.
Χρίστος is the Greek, meaning "The Anointed". The "X" in Xmas actually is intented to represent the Chi / "X". Actually, I am an ordained graduate Seminarian (with a very long career in the private business sector). Over the years, I have become increasingly dismayed and disappointed over the corruption and contamination of evil that has inserted itself into the Faith.
Oh I LIKE you. Kristos in the original Greek script, no less.
The corruption and contamination is rampant, as in any inspired ideology that becomes institutionalized. The Council of Nicaea eliminates, among other things, all of the mentions of and information about reincarnation, and the list goes on and on. I’m sure you are far better informed than I am.
It is my opinion that the true purpose of Joshua‘s message, and the message of the other female and male master teachers throughout history, is what I call the transformation from homo sapiens/sentiens to what I call homo radiens. It is a transition which is rare but possible that allows a human being to become something greater. A quantum leap in evolution if you will.
This discussion is more suitable on my dormant LIFE: A Field Manual site. For now, I am dabbling here with material that will eventually show up there. Thank you for participating with me. 🙏
In your reference to "Joshua" I assume you mean Yeshua (Jesus); also known as Jehovah. The early Church was rife with the "Fathers" doing battle with one another over content and context of Holy Scripture. The Apostle's Creed was created at one of the early Councils (2nd centry A.D.). The Nicene Creed was created at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. If reports are to be believed, some of the Clergy got into fierce fist fights over language; and, what was to be included and excluded as Clergy built the framework for Scripture and polity. Sadly, the Gnostic Gospels were excluded. I say "sadly", because there was certain intellectual value in the Gnostic writings.
The Gnostic gospels and other lost or excluded gospels are certainly rich with information. I’ve even seen something about the gospel of Mary of Magdala. None of this is my department, but mining any of these rich sources must be like mining for gold.
And yes, I use terms like Joshua of Nazareth (and Bethlehem), Joshua ben Joseph, to make it clear to everyone that I’m not just some superstitious whacko, that I’m talking about historical figures.
Χρίστος is the Greek, meaning "The Anointed". The "X" in Xmas actually is intented to represent the Chi / "X". Actually, I am an ordained graduate Seminarian (with a very long career in the private business sector). Over the years, I have become increasingly dismayed and disappointed over the corruption and contamination of evil that has inserted itself into the Faith.
Oh I LIKE you. Kristos in the original Greek script, no less.
The corruption and contamination is rampant, as in any inspired ideology that becomes institutionalized. The Council of Nicaea eliminates, among other things, all of the mentions of and information about reincarnation, and the list goes on and on. I’m sure you are far better informed than I am.
It is my opinion that the true purpose of Joshua‘s message, and the message of the other female and male master teachers throughout history, is what I call the transformation from homo sapiens/sentiens to what I call homo radiens. It is a transition which is rare but possible that allows a human being to become something greater. A quantum leap in evolution if you will.
This discussion is more suitable on my dormant LIFE: A Field Manual site. For now, I am dabbling here with material that will eventually show up there. Thank you for participating with me. 🙏
In your reference to "Joshua" I assume you mean Yeshua (Jesus); also known as Jehovah. The early Church was rife with the "Fathers" doing battle with one another over content and context of Holy Scripture. The Apostle's Creed was created at one of the early Councils (2nd centry A.D.). The Nicene Creed was created at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. If reports are to be believed, some of the Clergy got into fierce fist fights over language; and, what was to be included and excluded as Clergy built the framework for Scripture and polity. Sadly, the Gnostic Gospels were excluded. I say "sadly", because there was certain intellectual value in the Gnostic writings.
The Gnostic gospels and other lost or excluded gospels are certainly rich with information. I’ve even seen something about the gospel of Mary of Magdala. None of this is my department, but mining any of these rich sources must be like mining for gold.
And yes, I use terms like Joshua of Nazareth (and Bethlehem), Joshua ben Joseph, to make it clear to everyone that I’m not just some superstitious whacko, that I’m talking about historical figures.