It was one sentence from TC. Is it really necessary to drag CNN, journalism, the threat America faces and the practicalities of freedom of speech all into one sentence?
If you are concerned about the abusive content of TC's sentence then I invite you to examine the uncivil tone of your comment to me.
It was one sentence from TC. Is it really necessary to drag CNN, journalism, the threat America faces and the practicalities of freedom of speech all into one sentence?
If you are concerned about the abusive content of TC's sentence then I invite you to examine the uncivil tone of your comment to me.
But of course , Barbara... and your talking down to me, and... and... All of this nonsense which is going to get us nowhere. Unless we get the point: namely that, regardless of our passion, we damned well have to police the discourse we share and avoid polluting it.
I was and am making a point of order, one that concerns us all and how we conduct ourselves here. This doesn’t concern my personal view but the use of the space we are sharing. If, however, enough people in this community want me out for raising points of order, I will bow out. After all, it isn’t the first time I have been involved in a ruckus here over trading in insults and the abuse of free speech.
I’m sure none of us here has any objection to freedom per se, or to free speech. Yet the abuse of free speech is like leaking all the oil from a hot engine, then putting a foot on the gas pedal. Or putting sand in the works. Whether intentionally so or not, it amounts to sabotage. Just look at the waste of energy to which this lack of minimum self-discipline is giving rise!
I'm sorry, Barbara, if I upset you by objecting, not to TC, not to his irritation, but to his action, polluting our discourse, the consequences of which action are continuing in our current exchange. I am sorry, too, if my expletive-free vehemence in response to the words you addressed to me upset you, but I’m sure we have all seen too much poison in comments threads elsewhere. Also, if my non-linear way of thinking and expressing myself bother you, I’m sorry, too, but… if diverse allies can’t find a modus vivendi, how shall we ever heal the real divisions we’re facing?
Besides all of which, TC is a big boy and he can look after himself without your help or mine; and I’d be surprised if he doesn’t know that I and he share the same basic outlook—if not all the same macabre fantasies… Same hot temper, by the look of it…
Aren’t we going to need all the calm and self-discipline we can muster in the coming months?
I’ll just add one note: my conviction that the best friends are those who know when to play the enemy, telling us all that we don’t want to hear.
It was one sentence from TC. Is it really necessary to drag CNN, journalism, the threat America faces and the practicalities of freedom of speech all into one sentence?
If you are concerned about the abusive content of TC's sentence then I invite you to examine the uncivil tone of your comment to me.
But of course , Barbara... and your talking down to me, and... and... All of this nonsense which is going to get us nowhere. Unless we get the point: namely that, regardless of our passion, we damned well have to police the discourse we share and avoid polluting it.
I was and am making a point of order, one that concerns us all and how we conduct ourselves here. This doesn’t concern my personal view but the use of the space we are sharing. If, however, enough people in this community want me out for raising points of order, I will bow out. After all, it isn’t the first time I have been involved in a ruckus here over trading in insults and the abuse of free speech.
I’m sure none of us here has any objection to freedom per se, or to free speech. Yet the abuse of free speech is like leaking all the oil from a hot engine, then putting a foot on the gas pedal. Or putting sand in the works. Whether intentionally so or not, it amounts to sabotage. Just look at the waste of energy to which this lack of minimum self-discipline is giving rise!
I'm sorry, Barbara, if I upset you by objecting, not to TC, not to his irritation, but to his action, polluting our discourse, the consequences of which action are continuing in our current exchange. I am sorry, too, if my expletive-free vehemence in response to the words you addressed to me upset you, but I’m sure we have all seen too much poison in comments threads elsewhere. Also, if my non-linear way of thinking and expressing myself bother you, I’m sorry, too, but… if diverse allies can’t find a modus vivendi, how shall we ever heal the real divisions we’re facing?
Besides all of which, TC is a big boy and he can look after himself without your help or mine; and I’d be surprised if he doesn’t know that I and he share the same basic outlook—if not all the same macabre fantasies… Same hot temper, by the look of it…
Aren’t we going to need all the calm and self-discipline we can muster in the coming months?
I’ll just add one note: my conviction that the best friends are those who know when to play the enemy, telling us all that we don’t want to hear.
I hear what you are saying Peter. How about if we all let things lie and meet again as friends when next Dr. Richardson writes a post. Peace.
With all my heart, Barbara. And thank you for your patience.