I'm certainly glad that Biden is continuing to handle our business on the international front. Individual terrorists must understand that there is a moral and physical hazard for their behavior. Along those lines, I understand that there is a strong coalition fomenting sanctions, with teeth, against Russia. It's very cool that our intell…
I'm certainly glad that Biden is continuing to handle our business on the international front. Individual terrorists must understand that there is a moral and physical hazard for their behavior. Along those lines, I understand that there is a strong coalition fomenting sanctions, with teeth, against Russia. It's very cool that our intelligence services have revealed a possible Russian staged fake video of some type of Ukrainian aggression to justify an invasion. Thank you HCR for your analysis.
I'm certainly glad that Biden is continuing to handle our business on the international front. Individual terrorists must understand that there is a moral and physical hazard for their behavior. Along those lines, I understand that there is a strong coalition fomenting sanctions, with teeth, against Russia. It's very cool that our intelligence services have revealed a possible Russian staged fake video of some type of Ukrainian aggression to justify an invasion. Thank you HCR for your analysis.