Hungary should be kicked out of NATO until they get a government worthy of being defended by the American military.

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No kidding! You watch, Orban is going to help finance Trump.

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There's no question whether Donnie will ask. Or maybe Daddy Vladdy is just using Orban to bail Donnie out. Either way it sure doesn't pass any kind of smell test!

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I was thinking about Putin funding Orvan and then Orban laundering the money directly to DJT.

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I'm surprised Trump isn't posting on his pathetic little social media platform, "Foreign dictators, if you're listening, I need $500 billion ASAP. It seems my buddies Putin and Mohammad bin Salman are cash strapped at the moment.

Call Eric for money laundering instructions."

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I’m pretty sure that a presidential candidate cannot accept money from a foreign country. It’s a crime that the Supreme Court would get to decide on by 2032.

The MAGA folks have proven they are reverse alchemists: they can take the gold of democracy and spin into total bullshit.

Yes, Speaker Johnson, being a liar and a fool makes you a martyr to the “lost cause. “

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Old, I do love your comment comparing MAGA to reverse alchemists. Nicely put.

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Robert E Lee had Traveler. Trump has Moscow Mikey

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Didn't trump take money from foreign countries while president ( a few million at least). Guess who was the biggest contributor? China

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I wish this didn't sound so funny AND tragic but it does.

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Terry. the oxymoron of living. The orange jello is like a black hole as is his idol, Putrid. Now oring’s in the wake doing pushups. It’s a clown show of tragedy.🎭

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Pathetic, ridiculous and void or absent of any inkling of “common sense” … a few other words and terms that come to mind!

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The courts should put Defendant donny's assets under receivership until his legal obligations are met.

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They kind of have, but the orange cocksplat has been lying and moving assets to Florida.

I know this must be shocking.

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He can’t move his NYC buildings or his NY golf course.

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“Orange cocksplat” - how vulgar, I love it!

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Or prince bonesaw

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You read my mind.

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In 1990 when trump went bankrupt, guess who gave him money to bail him out? Hint: begins with R.

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I resent that Trump is behaving as if he is our President. He is one of the most distasteful human beings ever, and he dares to hold court, to defy our government, and to pretend he has the rights of an elected official. I am very, very tired of his peacocking; worst of all, he is preparing to betray us for the sake of joining the international club of mafioso oligarchs. (If he's successful in his pursuit, they will eat him alive.)

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I resent that too. And yes, peacocking, except that they are beautiful except when they do their annoying call. And yes, they will eat him alive because among other things, it is clear that he is going downhill mentally.

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That's what Chris Hayes said. Michele, 2 nights ago on Colbert, that we need to see more of Trump spouting his craziness so that people remember how awful the chaos and how he's deteriorated even since then. Also he and Colbert were outraged about the Supremes taking the immunity case. "Colbert said: "the American voters deserve to know if the President of the United States engaged in an insurrection against his own government if he wants to be President again." Chris said: "If he's acquitted and he's found not guilty of an incredibly grave crime, American voters deserve to know that as well. One way or another the American public is owed as a fundamental public interest, a democratic self-interest, to know whether in a court of law judged by a jury of his peers under full Constitutional due process the man is guilty or not of the greatest political of any man in history since the Civil War." SO WELL SAID!!! (And as soon as possible, before the Primaries.)

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I am outraged by the Supremes as well. They should know better than this. He needs to go trial. And they better not give him immunity.

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They do know better but they are governed by Leonard Leo. He gives them their timesheets and instructions. There’s no reason in hell for them to grant the sleaze-bag any time to argue the case! And then they set it in April? It’s all planned bullshit.

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Hey Michele. Hope you're well today. I think he's reached the bottom of the hill and is rolling around in the dirt. He's nuts, pure and simple, and he always was. What he's lost is his ability to hide it.

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I am. Thank you and I hope the same for you. I have to wonder how much is him and how much is his handlers. I think on his own, he would only come up with total off the wall wanderings all the time. I see that his former ""doctor" questioned Biden's doctor's findings. Had a friend this am tell me that he was talking to an EMT who claimed she could tell that Biden was gone. He tried to explain how this wasn't so and she just sneered. Member of the cult.

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Michelle, we know that Stephen Miller constructed his immigration policies—he voiced them before 45 each time (especially the one in which he separated nursing babies from their mothers).

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The first time I heard peacocks was when I was walking up to a residence (I had parked half a block away on an "unknown problem" call) and as I am doing my best "sneaky creep" towards the house, there was a horrible sound from a pen at the house directly next door. Fortunately my cover officer muttered "f'ing peacocks get me every time" as (I am certain) he examined the soles of my boots as I jumped...

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I first heard one when we were traveling in England and i thought someone was in distress. It is an awful sound.

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I thought someone was "getting beat, bludgeoned, or stabbed" (as our saying went).

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Imagine hearing dozens of them without seeing them at first, never having heard any outside of Zoos. Pasadena, where I worked, and nearby communities like Arcadia and Monrovia seemed to be where large clusters could startle me more than rockets, mortars, and gunshots and did in Vietnam.

The first time I heard a bunch of them it sounded like what I imagined as several people being injured with pain levels just short of making them pass out, like a would be skate boarder let loose after a sickening sounding smack of the back of his head on concrete, except there was no similar preceding sound, and there were more than one could imagine within seconds of each other.

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Jim, that was my experience. This was a flock of 12.

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We had them in Alhambra!

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That's a good one, Ally

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I know point my anger to the voters that elected this dangerous criminal.

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He lost the popular vote. He was put in office by manipulation of electoral votes. In my estimation, he was never a legitimate president. But yes, those voters who refuse to see and take responsibility for their wrong-mindedness are very frustrating.

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He was aided and abetted by people who chose not to vote or decided to do a protest vote. I noted yesterday that the rep from Michigan who helped with the protest vote in the Michigan primary really fears a death star second term. Maybe she should think that through.

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The primary was a protest vote. Their votes in the general election will be different.

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Are you an election denier? I thought was a prosecutable offense?

Where is the proof? The Mueller Report concluded that the Russians didn't alter the election results.

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In fact, Russia influenced the 2016 election in many ways. Several of the Trump gang were convicted.

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Hope. One can only hope he is eaten up whole. But “We the People…” NEED to do all we can to stop the bag of 💩

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We only have 8 months left. I just wonder what the Republicans are cooking up to cheat to take over the election in November. I see Trump 2024 flags flying in Brazil, IN.

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It is Indiana. Home of descendants of KKK members.

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They don’t need to take over the election. They’ll simply (attempt to) take over the government by any means necessary.

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Well it seems to be happening currently.

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If we brought back our forefathers to see what is going on, they would be heading back to Philadelphia to tighten up and modernize the constitution. Oh, yes, also have Trump and Bannon hung by neck to death for treason.

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Please don't say that, John. In case you don't know it, conservatives have been trying to gain support for a Convention of States to revamp the constitution for a long while now, but the agenda is probably not what most of us would wish for our future.

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I understand your anger, but overheated "hung by neck to death" is a rhetoric I'm sure Heather would NOT appreciate. I think you can make your point without that kind of hyperbole.

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Frank, that is what the founding fathers would do.

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Yes. Treason was punishable by death.

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By these standards, how much political rhetoric in the USA would fall under the rubric? eg would you include the falsifying programming coming from Fox as well?

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I'd like to, although it wouldn't stick.

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On behalf of John’s statement, I believe he was referring to the punishment given to traitors back in 1770’s.

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Yes! My thoughts precisely. They wouldn’t have hesitated with the noose!

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I would like for Heather actually talk about the history of treason and how they were handled. The most notorious one at the beginning of this country was Benedict Arnold. He escaped yet the British Conterpart was executed. Yes, it is pure speculation on my part that he would have been hung by his neck until death, or shot via firing squad, or simply put in prison for life.

My point is that our new nation would act very strongly against a president that was in dialog with a hostile foreign government, asked for assistance from them on winning an election, stole and provided classified information to others and most likely Putin, attempted to steal an election by using fake electoral, and direct an attack on the capital to stop the votes.

Instead we let this traitor walk freely. And actually run again for the office of U.S. President. Unbelievable!


“Americans captured Major John Andre, Arnold’s British contact, who was in possession of paperwork revealing Arnold’s treason. After receiving command of West Point in 1779, Arnold willingly provided the British with vital information for taking control of West Point. Andre was executed for his crimes while Arnold managed to escape to England.”

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People, people, people PLEASE. Simple correction here if for no one else but me and my grammatical ADD. The word is HANGED by the neck. Pictures are hung but people are hanged. Thanks for the room to vent a bit. 😏

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Many of our elected Republican officials have opened this door and are seeking Orban's "guidance" to set up a similar system of government in our great and so far free nation!!!

There is nothing Christian about it!!!!

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That was my very first thought, Marlene!

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He should be denied entrance to U.S.

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My thoughts exactly Marlene.

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Marlene, that's why he invited him.

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The”red” carpet will be laid at his feet.

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No doubt.

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He probably will! I agree with you!!

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My thoughts too.

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Just a NATO Trojan Horse

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I was thinking the same. Orban can broker “investment banking” like Deutsche Banc did post 2007-09 Great Recession when much of the worlds wealth got wiped out. Get those loans going when Western Democracies are the most vulnerable. Call in the favors latter. Get obscenely rich doing it.

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I am guessing Orban would likely be funneling money from Putin.

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That thought ran through my mind as soon as I read about his visit. 🤬

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Just the Chinese are financing BIDEN?

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Another troll… go away!!!!

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The truth is brutal isn't it. Its a public forum. You aren't entitled to censorship. That's hard to swallow for leftists because they love to censorship.

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This guy again???

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Yes. Reported again. Republishing "apnorc" on Substack Inc's Platform which has 2023 Terms of Use(2023) -- contractual Terms of Use not abuse.

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How is the reporting working out?

Another leftist snowflake

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The truth really bothers leftists.

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Au contraire, mon frère. Some truth would be refreshing. From all the actual evidence, Biden has taken nothing from nobody. He's not in China's or anyone else's pocket. As contrasted to Trump, who's looking anywhere he can for the half billion he needs to meet his legal obligations. Orban? Putin? MBS? Anyone? Anyone?

It is the right that looks the truth in the face and ignores it. Ask Jim Comer.

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Good call, Lauren.

Or, to paraphrase the words of a certain way too wealthy Scientologist in a film years ago, "James, you can't handle the truth!!"

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Gail he takes right from "AP-NORC" propaganda. "AP' is not Associated Press needless to say but, necessary to report. DONE.

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You are AN IDIOT. Its AP (Associated Press Poll) STOP LYING

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Evidence, James!???

I.E., objective facts, not Kremlin-esque Kool Aid labeled Smirnoff(ov)

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I quoted POLLING DATA DIRECTLY FROM THE POLL. You can't spin or lie way out of it.

Show me where the numbers Heather cited are in the POLL?

There is nothing to interpret. The NUMBER are the NUMBERS.

If the facts were on your side you would use them. Its obvious they AREN'T.

But again LEFTIST don't believe in the truth.

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Mar 1, 2024
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Same here

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This is beyond stupid. I quoted public facts not opinions.

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What you wrote has nothing to do with my post.

It's simple Heather lied about the AP. It Was a completely dishonest characterization of poll.

Here back on earth, that is the subject

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And your proof? Source?

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Wait, what?!?

Tell me more about this SD "trust", Dawna, please.

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I was aware of the Deutsche Bank role in shady, big capital doings, and read about the Panama Papers as well. Wasn't there a film about that as well?

I did not know the role the Mt. Rushmore State played in any of this. Although, shady credit card companies have long found a home in the Badlands up there

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Pages are not found, according to the site.

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Thanks, Dawna, I'll check it out

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One thing, TCinLA, to remember about demagogue countries.

Their demagogues always spout the nationalist slogans, but their abstractions of their own countries forbid them any familiarity with any novels, poems, murals, photographs, theater plays, movies, memoirs, or music.

Orban, Trump, Putin, Xi, Modi, Kim, Erdogan, Sisi, Duterte, Bolsonaro, Mohammed bin Salman, Netanyahu, Assad: all vulgar, vulgar, vulgar.

And all of them did damage first and most severely exactly as the U.S. billionaires did first upon aligning upon their Powell memo of 1971: gutting, ghettoizing, marginalizing, perverting the humanities from all schools, K-12 to "higher."

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Thank you for mentioning that the Powell Memorandum included banning books and purging educators. This harkens back to the defeated Confederate states, where the history of the Civil War was replaced by the hagiography of the Lost Cause. By banning facts from all areas of the public sphere and aggressively propagandizing the populace.

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lin, thank you for expanding my vocabulary to include the word "hagiography". It is so descriptive of the DoC "whitewashing" of the Lost Cause.

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Lin and Phil -- I must look up that Powell memorandum, I seem to have forgotten it..

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"I must look up that Powell memorandum."

OMGosh Yes!

It is the blueprint for exactly the court capture Leonard Leo has achieved by funneling Charles Koch et al money through the Federalist Society and a myriad of shell corporations. And now through the Teneo Network to a myriad of anti democratic initiatives to achieve the NAR Seven Mountains establishment of a clerical fascist state and society. Including Project 2025.

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Lin, OMG -- I just read this section of a speech to the Senate that Sen Whitehouse gave a couple years ago:

What Powell said in his report to the Chamber of Commerce is exactly what has happened since, and I think Powell's memo can be directly linked to the Citizens United decision.


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HaHa. You don't think I write anything ex nihilo ;)

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is a hero.

I often wish his name were his destiny

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Here is Senator Whitehouse giving the speech Scheme 1: The Powell Memo on YouTube:


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Check local library, Doug.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse published his book version of "The Scheme" in 2022. That, in addition to at least 20-some parts of it he recorded on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

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Tap on that link to your peril. /s

I found myself reading Whitehouse speech after speech after speech. Who knew about the Gaspee Rebellion?

Whitehouse is an amazing leader, well researched intellect and defender of democracy.

Thanks to all of you who referenced him. Rhode Islanders must be proud.

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Thank you for Sen. Whitehouse’s Powell link speech! Whitehouse is brilliant and it’s a shame we don’t have more people like him in Congress 🗽

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Doug, thank you so much for the link. I wonder how his biographer could have missed such an important paper.

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Written to empower the Chambers of Congress to go extremely far right.

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And move the judiciary with it. Powell was correct -- this was to be a long-term effort, not for the weak-hearted. He was right about that, and would undoubtedly be proud of his contribution, we're he alive today. Sadly, others have taken up his lead, some of whom now sit on SCOTUS and in Congress.

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I wish I had your memory!

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Seriously no.

My memory is google.

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Yeah, that's been my lifelong problem -- being deeply engrossed in a book, yet forgetting much of it so quickly.

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Read Dark Money by Jane Mayer. I need to read it again bc I can't remember a lot of it.

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Marj -- thanks for the recommendation. I do like reading Jane Mayer, but honestly, I find a lot of this so overwhelming that it disturbs both my waking and sleeping hours. I'm an extremely slow reader to begin with, and find I need to balance Substack offerings by HCR and Joyce Vance, Threads, NPR, not to mention news subscriptions with lighter fare, or I'll go off the deep end.

I've also been reading a bit about Stoicism (due to my adult son's struggle with cancer) which helps me try to keep things in balance.

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All the very best to your son--so sorry that he is having to deal with this ☮️💟

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Doug, so sorry that you and he are having to make that journey.

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lin, thank you for giving us “hagiography” to describe the Scarlett O’Hara version of the “Old South”.

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LPM- the root of Project 2025

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Very true!

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Exactly. An account of this strategy is laid out very clearly in Masha Gessen’s book “The Future is History”

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Agreed-and forbidden from entering our borders unless meeting with our President, not the dictator wannabe trying to murder democracy from his home in Florida. And by the way, how many dictators and dictator wannabes do we need in Fla? We have trump, Desantis, Bolsinaro. Haven’t we reached our quota yet????

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I agree I agree. So here is a little song I wrote a few years ago and recorded it in an outside Port-a-Potty and it's titled appropriately, "The Shithole Song" and it refers to our last one. Excuse my Italian (I'm one of them.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BSaG6I77RU

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Wonderful, dear Bill.

A vital lineage continues, goes on radiates, behind you immediately being John Prine, Nobel laureate Bob Dylan, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Pete Seeger, Bob Seger, Woodie Guthrie, Stephen Foster.

In addition to other things they all did, all sang contemporary. Good to see, too, how you also appear in other You Tube sites.

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Way to go Bill! Good one!

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Thankyou, kindly.

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Bravo Bill Katz ! I loved the song and the you tube video!

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Bill, well stated. It’s a shame that so many people believe that the fictional character he played on television is the real thing instead of the failure that stiffs everyone who works for him, sooner or later.

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That’s the message I have repeated in my book. And thank you. Every four years,it’s repeated that the presidency is the most important one ever which is not true. But this time it is true and many are taking g it so nonchalantly.

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TCinLA: Except after Trump were elected in 2024, with Speaker Michael Johnson . . . er . . . EXCUSE ME . . . "The New MOSES" . . . maybe the reprimand will apply to the USA! Would OUR GOVERNMENT be in the NATO tradition?

Or . . . even in NATO?!

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Why let Orban in to the US? He is definitely is messing with our elections!

tRump people do not see what is happening, the orange idiot is selling our nation for his paycheck of his fines!

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I agree that Hungary should be kicked out !!!The are friends with PUTTIE and TRUMPIE!!They didn’t want Sweden 🇸🇪 to join NATO and gave them a hard time about it too!I”m sure Trumpie is trying to get as much money from his corrupted and evil friends as he can!!

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Good point Tom.

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You are so right. Trump glorifies the guy. With his recent comments about NATO I wonder if he would even support Orban.

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Does this mean NATO countries have to protect Hungary even though it has been a thorn in the side? Opposed Admissions for countries to join NATO ( Sweden), no vestige of democracy in the country. We know that republicans and Orban are allies.

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I’m 50% Hungarian and I approve this message.

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Orbán‘s words are empty rhetoric….

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Why does everyone like this reflexive 'you can't be a member of the club'? This purity test would kick out almost everyone.

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What? Because Hungary is run like a dictatorship? What then, pray tell, will happen to the U.S. if his royal Orangeship returns to his throne in the Oval Office?? NATO will evaporate when the U.S. is “kicked out” for the same reason as Hungary was…

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We are judged by the company we keep.

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One night in late October

When I was far from sober

My feet began to stutter

So I laid down in the gutter.

A pig came up and laid down by my side

I heard two women passing by

"You can tell a man who boozes

By the company he chooses"

And the pig got up and slowly walked away.

Problem here is that the pig isn't going away and the GOP is stinking drunk.

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Drunk on the love of power, and a pig knows better the hang out with that.

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The pigs in the stye will follow their leader over the cliff.


He is the man who makes them jump.

Over the cliff and far away, let democracy reign for another day!

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I’d forgotten that lovely old poem. Thank you 🙏🏼

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I missed a couple of lines:

Carrying my load with manly pride...

Two women passing by gave me a fishy eye and I heard one say...

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Me too ! Memory lane...

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And the pig got up, saying to me,

"You smell of the Republican party,"

and I apologized, saying "No, if I stunk,

it was just one night, not decades being drunk."

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Drunk with Power taken by their great orange leader. We must stop this madness. I am frightened that this Supreme Court is going to give Donald his golden ring.

If there truly is an all powerful god why does he not seem to care. Children are starving, worlds are being destroyed, freedom is dying. We can only count on ourselves and we must speak out and of course get out the vote. I spoke with two ladies in the supermarket this week who were unaware of the threat of Trump and that voting for Biden is voting for freedom. I asked them to please check what I have said. One said she would. That’s one

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Georgia Girl, to the question "why does God not seem to care":

A man was trapped on the roof of his house to get away from the flood waters. At last the man was carried away by the rushing river. When he got to the Pearly Gates he asked God where God was all that time. "Why didn't you save me?" God answered, "I tried! I sent three rescue boats but you refused to get in because you were waiting for me."

Seems to me that God is responding through the lives and love of all the people who are working hard these days to get food to people who are starving, counter Christian Nationalism, encourage people to vote, speak out about what's going on, and much more. Eh?

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Thank You

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Thank you GG; you are awesome beyond expression.

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What children are starving? Who is the president now?

What freedom is dying?


Who imposed the police state during COVID?

Who wants to take away your gun?

Digitize the currency?

Who used the FBI/CIA to prosecute its political enemies?

Who censored speech on SOCIAL MEDIA?

Who wants to control what you eat, what kind of car you drive in the name climate?

BY DEFINITION Progressives want MORE government control of EVERYTHING.

BY DEFINITION Conservatives want more freedom.

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Calm down now, James. It'll all be ok. Just step into this little padded room, that's it, ....

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Ha haa ha ! Right Daniel, it's obviously off it's meds.

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Friends and I sang this in our youth in the 60s. WOW what a punch today.

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Love it

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New Christy Minstrels!!

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One of my favorite poems!

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Good grief, that is great.

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Perfect Aaron

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I’d forgotten that lovely ditty! Thank you ☺️

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I always told my nieces as they were growing up…show me who your close friends are and I’ll know who you are.

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Always revealing, comfort zones tell a lot.

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This is what we always told our kids too. They thought we were tough because we always wanted to know who they were out with, what their first and last names were, who were their parents, etc. etc. Now that our son has children he and his wife do the same!

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I set my house up as the hangout house, providing sodas, snacks, and occasional dinners. When my husband complained about the cost of everything, I responded “I know where my kids are, I know what they’re doing and I know who their friends are. Snacks are way cheaper than bail and lawyers fees.” He didn’t complain again.

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My folks were like that. I had a handful of friends who came to watch the Watergate hearings with my Dad; they all came from Nixon families and wanted to watch with someone who (as we would say today) hadn't drank the kool aid.

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My daughter sat on my lap watching the Watergate hearings. When John Mitchell testified she asked “Daddy, what is an Attorney General?” I said he was the top lawyer in the United. States government. Then she said “Daddy, he is lying.”

Being in Greenwich in 1973 I was not ‘fashionable’ being on the Nixon White House Enemies List. By late 1974 none of my friends spoke of having supported Nixon.

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"By late 1974 none of my friends spoke of having supported Nixon." Yep; wasn't it refreshing when 'truth, honor, and character' were in vogue ?

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Good plan! I always brought home “strays” when I was growing up and our kids did the same. We were always the safe haven house. To this day (our children are 48 and 51) some of their friends still consider us second parents. It’s a good thing, snacks, meals and kindness go a long way.

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That was my working theory too Danielle. Our place was 'the' place. Our children have exceeded our wildest expectations and are both medical professionals, both serving emergency room medical needs - and survived the worst (so far) of the covid pandemic, serving, suffering, laughing, crying anyway. The only downside of note is their extreme college debt. They will have to work until lunchtime (if they get one) till the day that they die. (btw : the oldest of the two is in your neck of the woods just now - one of my favorite places ever on the planet !)

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My daughter is working off a lot of her debt by teaching. She taught 6th grade math in a Title I school for 5 years, that canceled $5000. Another 5 years teaching in a public school will cancel another $5000. I’d think practicing medicine would offer chances to cancel some of it.

I live In Albuquerque. If your kiddo would like to visit ABQ, I’d love to meet him/her. I have a guest room.

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I adore Albuquerque ! I've not been there for .. . oh my, too long. How very nice of you ! Perhaps on her next trip there; her and b/f landed in Albuquerque this past Monday, spent the day enjoying highlights, then high tailed it for the mountains above Santa Fe. It's a long overdue R & R for them; ER is pretty rough on a soul, as I'm sure you can imagine.

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I understand. My brother was a hospice nurse at the Tampa VA hospital. He arranged to have all 3 weeks of his vacation time in the summer and spent 2 of them backpacking in Colorado. He was trying to climb all the 14,000 foot peaks. On his way back to Florida he’d visit me in ABQ. But climbing the Colorado mountains soothed his soul and replenished his ability to go back and care for his patients.

A free place to spend the night never hurt.

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¡Living alone, I keep the worst company I can think of! 😉

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You don't like being able to do what you want, when you want, the way you want, without prior negotiations and compromise?

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Personally, I think the United States should conduct exercises in Ukraine; better timing would have been, as I advocated then, for such activity to occur in late 2021. 💪 That said and such exercises being unlikely, if President Biden were to announce such exercises, as he has the authority to do, I doubt the U.S. troops, probably National Guardsmen from California, would ever get to Ukraine. 🤔 The national security supplemental would get through before the Guardsmen deployed. If not by Mikey Mouse rushing the bill through, then by a discharge petition, though the latter would take four-to-six weeks before the bill would pass. ✌️

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Ned, that sounds a lot to me like "boots on the ground". I don't like it, as one errant projectile, either incoming or outgoing, could involve us directly. Sorry, but no thanks.

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Yes, it is risky.

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Mikey Mouse, I love it!

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Thank you, Ma'am.

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I had a similar knee-jerk solution when I just knew early on that Abbott-a-bad was going to push the border situation for all "he" could get out of it, before he even shipped the tempest tossed around the country. I thought, "O.K. fool; we'll just nationalize the Texas Nat'l Guard supplemented by a field army of enough Marine and Army grunts to form a human picket line - gun sights and bayonets pointed south, the entire length of the US / Mexico border; it's easily doable right ? Then, if the terrible visual and media coverage plum picking weren't bad enough, KSU 1970 flashed before my mind's eye: How long would it take before some idiot, with or without purpose fired a shot or set off a string of firecrackers; then gun sights and bayonets would have to turn northward ? History, ours or some objective others, will record how very fortunate we are to have Biden and no less Harris as his protege, finding the fortitude to try to lead us through this dark era - I believe that to my core, because they are painfully, following the laws of our land, regardless the temptation of expediency. Quite unlike those opposed who obviously believe in 'winning only, by "any and all means," as though 'any and all means' shall be justified by 'their' self serving, self righteous ends. Beware this coalition; and a coalition is what it is, of the worst of human faults being 'used' for the worst of ends. A moment of pity for the lemmings; but don't stop hunting the leaders relentlessly. jmho ~

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Ooops, I thought your remark was answering a sentiment expressed elsewhere. In this case, I was being facetious.

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Nah, being old, and doing lots of self-reflection, has resulted in some improvement…

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Went back and read some more, keep the fur flying

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I was being facetious. I do not know about you, Jeri, but l need my sense of humor these days . . . badly. Otherwise, I will go Camus in 'The Myth of Sisyphus' and drown in despair.

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You keep rollin' that rock or rockin' that roll, Ned. Humor, and pretty dark humor at that, gets me through the night.

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Great to know a 'comrade in qualms'.

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Man do I 'get' that Ned.

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I kind of wish I did not. Oh dear me . . . . 😉

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I 'get' that too Ned. Where are you located on the planet friend ?

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Lol Ned !

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Yes, indeed. A wise neighbor once told me (when I was a youngster): “Choose your friends wisely--you become what they are.” Best advice I ever received.

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Ironic that The GOP turned out to be the harbinger of the power base for the Yippees.

The monuments to Confederates go down. The Happenings to Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman occur at every Trump Rally.

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So my Mom taught me!

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"Let’s remember who the heck we work for. We work for the American people, not the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. We work for the American people.” - Biden

“We are unique among the world’s militaries,” Milley said. “We don’t take an oath to a country, we don’t take an oath to a tribe, we don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, or a tyrant or a dictator.” -Mark Milley

I see a pattern here...

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JL, Mike Johnson thinks he is "standing with the American people."

What people? The ones who worship Trump in the false belief that he will fulfill their racist, homophobic, narrow-minded, and isolationist attitudes. Oh, and their ideas on how "Christians" should conduct themselves.

Sometimes I just shake my head in disbelief at what is going on in the America I grew up in, where no ONE

person tried to, or succeeded in, pushing their sick, narcissistic agenda on its citizens. Or at least there were enough level-headed, honest people who thwarted their efforts.

There HAVE to be enough level-headed people left to thwart Dobald Trump and his MAGAnazis.

There just have to be.

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Mike Johnson believes he is doing gods will, so he'll always be right.

If you look at him, he reminds me of nothing so much as Dobby, of Harry Potter fame.

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Jen, I don't think it's God's will that ONE person can control important issues like Johnson is doing by refusing to bring the national security supplemental measure to the floor.

This man is as dangerous as Trump.

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And since there are so many gods, divining which ones will is always the province of man. Johnson is right in line with religious nonsense of centuries.

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Yes, sure: As though a higher power of 'any' sort, would entrust a mere human to do his will or bidding....

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Barry Goldwater said: “Mark my words, if and when these preachers get control

of the (Republican) party,

and they're sure trying to do

so, it's going to be a terrible

damn problem. Frankly,

these people frighten me.

Politics and governing

demand compromise. But

these Christians believe they

are acting in the name of

God, so they can't and won't

compromise. I know, I've

tried to deal with them."

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Boy was that ever a 'kernel' of truth from an unlikely source Mary. Tempting was it not, to occasionally cause one to 'want' to believe that 'all' that came out of his mouth was righteous truth ?

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D4N “Even a blind squirrel can find an acorn every once in a while.”

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Yup... there's that too - lol !

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He believes his own BS Pam; a dangerous variety of fools. Ask yourself, "Why did the failed crusades go on for so awfully long and in a way, still yet"?

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My only quibble is having Biden think he must conference with Trump to get anything done. It is a smart political move for sure, but it irks me that he would concede any authority to Trump.

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I agree.

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Mar 1, 2024
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He is making us all sick. The antibiotic against this illness is to VOTE these puppets of the deep pockets out of our government so they never control us.

They can’t control themselves. Help them go back home to clean up their own pathetic existence .

Strong, well ordered, professionally run, and by the LAW we make our Federal govt. strong and squeaky clean so it can function the way it must for a Democracy .

So much to know. Do you know the true facts? Challenge yourselves and be proud to be able to critically think. It is a real talent. One with beneficial outcomes for all.

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Very scary. He makes me sick.😝

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But Biden really works for the DNC and the wealthy lobbyists.Who do you think Biden’s friends are?

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"But Biden really works for the DNC and the wealthy lobbyists.Who do you think Biden’s friends are?"

Please give your false equivalencies a rest. The differences between the Democratic Party and Republican Party - between Biden and Trump - are more significant than their similarities. Pretending that doesn't matter is a form of voter suppression which will again help elect Trump.

Dogs and Cats both have four legs. But they are distinguished by other characteristics.

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I do not listen to Richard Wolff. I will look him up. However, John, the fact that both parties deal in corruption is hardly news. We have tomes on corruption in democracies. The bottom line here is that the Republican Party is backing a traitor with the help of our enemies. You can now include SCOTUS as the largest corruption mill so far in the history of America. And the Republicans on the court doing the corrupting. So yes if you want to point out that out chestnut I heartily agree. But one doesn’t come close to willingly destroying our democracy as this round of deceitful lying, mobsters in this particular version of Republicans. Something happened under Trump.

The SCOTUS is corrupt by design and Merrick Garland has done nothing to protect the American people. Putin is behind all of this.

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He is aware and unapologetic. A true believer in bull Schitt.

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Heather is gaining trolls. She must be annoying them.

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I am concerned for HCR's safety.

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I always have Marj, even before she moved to this substack. I've often considered offering my skill sets to her; Alas, who am I ?

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Any iota of sanity annoys them. They annoy me because they are spoilers, magats, or have no clue

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She always has had them Jen. They are in here all the time and always have been. They collect "data" to use and reconfigure. You'll almost never know who they are without certain skills.

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Both parties are very corrupt in my opinion, Do you ever listen to Professor Richard Wolff?

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"Both parties are very corrupt in my opinion"

All quadrupeds have four legs. All cats have four legs. All dogs have four legs. Therefore all dogs are cats.

Does that fallacious rhetoric make it clear that you have to compare *and*

contrast the parties to come to a logical conclusion?

Unreasonable absolutist purity tests do not work in favor of democracy.

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“Nobody goes to that restaurant cuz its always packed”. Yogi Berra

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lol Dave ~

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You're entitled to your opinion, John. Nonetheless, opinions and facts are not the same, although they may coincide.

On the basis of what they've done (or failed to do), and not on rhetoric, the Republican party has and continues to betray America - our values and our laws.

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I’m not a Republican.The Eisenhower like Republicans today are not speaking up . Very sad .And the Democrats are conducting a nominating process that is apparently, in Nikki Haley words Putin like.How can anyone say it’s democratic?So thank goodness we have a third party candidate who offers us a way out of this “ duopoly “

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I responded to your remarks without a thought for your political affiliation. I welcome a third party and even more. In this election, where it looks like the unaffiliated candidate who will get the most votes is RFK Jr., he has no hope of winning. Besides, some of his statements regarding the vaccine are outright delusional, and in my opinion we don't need another nut job at the helm.

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Don't tell me Democrats are equally corrupt. If they are....and I will ask for proof.... somehow their corruption results in EFFORTS to meet the needs of the American people and the security needs of the US.

Republicans are the party of open borders. They are anti-national security, anti-humanitarian aid, anti-pro life, anti-military, anti-veteran, anti-children, anti-public education, anti-consumer protection, anti-pollution control, anti-natural resource protection, anti-environment, anti-public library, anti-public health, anti-vaccinations, anti-science, anti-infrastructure, misogynistic, racist, bigoted....I could continue.

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And I don't think Dems had a cynical plan that goes back to 1970's to build a majoirty based on racism and White Christian Nationalism, not to mention taking over the courts while sowing dissension among the American People.


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What about Joe Manchin and Kysten Sinema( former Dem).They take lots of money from the coal and pharmaceutical companies don’t they? And that’s why we didn’t get the fair voting act last year.

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I have been very troubled by the two of them. But they are not part of a party-wide, decades-old plan funded by billionaires. That's the difference.

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Careful John or should I say Professor Daigle. Many of us here are Mainers and we pay your salary at U Maine Orono

Please provide proof of your allegations.

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I’m a Mainer too, just my opinions ok

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John, it’s sad that you can’t see that some people do good things because that’s simply who and how they are. Not everything good is done for fame and glory and fiscal enrichment. As Trump said, “I don’t get it. What’s in it for them?” Not everyone has an angle as a way of life.

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Well I think there is a lot of good in HCR’s writings. I certainly don’t want to only focus on her negativity

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So many of us didn't pay that much attention to history when we were young. I "had" to read current events in several classes in high school and college and those were strangely interesting assignments because I learned a ton. But I went back to ignoring most of it when it wasn't an assignment. I "had" to read "Hitler, A Study in Tyranny" in my first term in college (I got assigned to a class I hadn't asked for) and was blown away by what I learned from it. It was my first clue when Trump got on the scene (my scene; he'd been on other people scenes longer already) and realized he was grooming anyone he could the same way Hitler had done. It showed up for me first when he was patting FBI Director James Comer on the back and sort of pushing him around about working together, being loyal, etc. Had I not read the Hitler book or anything like it prior to the day, I would have had my little Pollyanna hopes that it wasn't that big a deal. It was a big deal. It is a big deal. And every little bit of our sharing about it, the way HCR does, gets just one more person to "get it" and join in stopping it in any and all ways that we all can peacefully, circumspectly. So, doing good is - can be - ultimately a group effort. I've been to Maine many times and love it there.

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I would like to see Professor Richardson do a column on facts about immigration both legal and illegal.

For instance, the US actually has two borders, a fact overlooked by virtually everyone.

More people enter the US or stay here illegally than come in through the southern border

How many times Trump's border wall has been breached or tunneled under.

How the undocumented and document immigrants have helped the economy of the US.

How there are fewer criminal arrests by undocumented immigrants than by the general population of the US.

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Brava !

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Mar 1, 2024
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Democracy In Chains is a must read! I feel the need to read it again.

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Oh my JL ... could that 'possibly' be the most correct pattern ?

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Supporting Ukraine is the right thing for so many reasons - from humanitarian to strategic.

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"if you’re here in Washington and you’re described as a leader that’s on an island by themselves, it probably means you’re standing UP the American people.”

Fixed it.

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His ego is unapologetic

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If this was ever a year to get knee deep involved in politics this is it. There are many excellent State, Local and of course the Presidential election organizations working to defeat Republicans. As we take advantage of forums such as these to vent our frustration, I invite people to post their election organization they support and are involved in.

Right now, I am a small monthly contributor to the Biden campaign, The Lincoln Project, and the NDRC. I strongly recommend Simon Rosenberg on his Substack site Hopium. Mr. Rosenberg does an excellent job at compiling the facts we need to share everywhere. He is adept at helping candidates get elected.

Anyone else have an organization they are involved in to get out the vote for the Democratic Party in 2024?

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I donate to the Sister District Project which supports democratic/Democratic candidates for state legislatures in swing states as a way of stopping gerrymandering.

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I am reading about this now. THX!

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Me too

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I for one will not do door knocking. I absolutely hated it when selling candy bars to fund little league baseball 40 years ago. And there is a similar problem with spam texting and trying to get people to donate.

I'd like to contribute financially and probably will, but I think simple word of mouth can go a long way.

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That is the beauty of being involved in politics. There are so many avenues for people to become engaged in. If word of mouth is your thing Simon Rosenberg is a great source for facts to share.

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Well, the Atlantic is reporting that he is shutting down New Democratic Network. But that said, I think HCR is a great source of facts!

I might talk with the low brass section in my orchestra about politics, but I suspect I will be preaching to the "choir" or rather the trombones.

On the other hand, I might still be able to convince my parents not to vote for Trump. Maybe just sit it out.

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If word of mouth isn't your thing, then donate, write postcards, work at a polling location, help people get registered to vote, give rides to the polls etc. etc, etc.

Dr. Richardson is a great source for the real story of what is happening which certainly counters the media. I invite you to take a look at Rosenberg's use of data.

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Matt, don't talk to the trombones, in only encourages them! <snark>.

In our symphonic band, I think the low brass (and those pesky horns) are probably the most liberal sections.

As for other tangible support efforts, postcarding works well, if you have the time. If you don't, support postcarders with stamps.

I did enough knocking on doors professionally that I don't want to canvas or anything else like that.

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But nobody gonna mention the contrabass, the tuba?

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Matt and I both play tuba...

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Thanks, Ally. I had forgotten that you are a fellow tuba player! Unfortunately I had to leave my concert band, except for summer concerts, due to the orchestra I play in rehearsing on the same night (why is Monday evening so popular?!). And so in orchestra, I *have* to talk to the trombones as I'm basically a member of their section.

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Yeah, I mock them, but that was my first instrument; played for 8 years until switching to horn in college. Picked up tuba as an adult and haven’t looked back.

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I think she does present facts, but always with a jab at Trump and MAGA. While I do applaud a lot of it, it’s no way to unite and heal divisions.

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We need to recognize who the enemies of democracy are. Trolls do that by dividing. Thanks.

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Indeed dear Jeri; In my understated ways I keep trying to steer folks away from blaming and villifying 'all' the small r, republican identifying members who like you or I can't blow the whistle - much less steer the train of their party. Focus instead on the leadership and the self serving money that's pulling their strings - that's who we have to rightly aim our despise at.

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John: This may be my last response to you, so please don't take offense.

So HCR presents 'facts, but always with a jab at Trump and MAGA'. How is that inappropriate, if the facts she presents highlight the slide toward authoritarianism that MAGAism supports? Would it have been inappropriate for the German press and commentators to warn of Hitler's plans in the '30s?

And I don't believe that's a false equivalence, given TRE45ON's many remarks about detention camps, praise of Hitler, cozying up to Orban, Putin, etc. He has made his aspirations clear. He wants to rid our country of people whose skin color doesn't match the one he was born with. (Then again, he's always trying to darken his, so 🤷‍♂️). He should be called out for his own rantings, including talk about how immigrants are "poisoning our blood" and the like, which is what they are-- throwing red meat out to an audience who feels aggrieved by their position in life (due to Republican policies, no less.)

As to healing divisions, well, it's hard to make a bridge when the other side keeps pushing their bank farther away.

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Points well taken Doug.. I think it’s a matter of putting yourself in the other person’s shoes.If you were a Republican who still believes in democracy, and I mentioned Debra Delp who is a classmate of HCR as an example. She is a loyal Republican and believes in democracy. I’ve heard HCR say that Republicans don’t believe in democracy. Don’t you think that would tee you off , if you were Debra Delp?

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John- I'm trying to think of a single Republican that 1) present's facts and 2) tries to appeal to anyone beyond their base.

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Lankford from OK?

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I used to think Susan Collin’s was such a person but not now. I can’t think of a democrat either

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It's called the truth John. The enigma that just won't go away is that the Democrats are supposed to be polite while the MAGA try to overthrow our Country.

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Will take a different generation to do that. We need things done now. With/without is unimportant, long's it gets done.

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And we can all belong to civic organizations where we sit side by side with GOP members and share common goals in the moment to connect and build trust so we can listen to each other communicate on shared goals for Americans.

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Check out Force Multiplier. They assess the candidates based on quality of candidate and viability. It's sort of a Darwinian model, but it assures that the money you spend is more likely to do some good than if you just send it to someone you find attractive but who has no chance of getting elected. https://www.forcemultiplierus.org/

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Love them

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RFKJR is growing in popularity as he is getting on more state ballots. It’s surprising to me that many people still don’t know he is running.You can repeat that he has no chance if it makes you feel better , but the truth is he has a stronger chance every day, pretty much.He is in it to win, not spoil something that is not working.

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Spoiler alert

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He will syphon votes from Biden if he runs on the No Labels ticket.

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I hope he siphons off votes from both Biden and Trump, then wins and ends this childish division.

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Nobody in Texas has ears

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Matt, the spam texting is out of control. This week I’ve gotten at least five per day, and that doesn’t include the many many emails. It is preventing me from donating again, because I don’t want the floodgates to open now that I’ve spent a week blocking and deleting. I would give more money more often if they didn’t do that. I will, of course, donate again, but boy do I wish they wouldn’t do that.

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I get them too. I just delete them. I would rather be inconvenienced that living under an authoritarian form of government.

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That is an excellent point, Barbara. I will remember it, and be less annoyed. Thank you.

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I don't donate online -- I send checks instead. You do get a lot of "junk" mail, but I recycle it. No annoying e-mails or texts. I also never give out my cell phone number.

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KR, I've taken to deleting and marking them as spam, just to bring manageability to my inboxes, and sanity for myself. In fact, there's one I still allow that I'm on the verge of treating likewise. Ie., there's a candidate for the senate from Ca. that I like a lot (I'm in Ohio, like you, so what's my stake right). Her name is Katy Porter. Her 'schtick' is to use whiteboards when explaining complicated things, which at first glance is brilliant for where we find ourselves - media wise, and attention span wise. Then, I who have zero, nothing to give from above my households needs, donated a farthing or so. Having endless wants, of course the campaign 'got a bite' and pushes for more... that I cannot and will not take from my household on life support income only. Of course I want to get angry and reactive with them for their insensitiveness - but I will not, and perhaps I'll pull the trigger and just filter them as 'spam' and let the filter do it's job. But not just now, for I've derived a useful takeaway from that experience that I'll share with you, pending receipt of your interest in such. Cheers friend !

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I love her too. Can you imagine being able to choose between two such wonderful candidates as Poter and Schiff?

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Sorry, Porter!

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You can unsubscribe or text STOP.

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Kathy, I know, thanks. But I am understandably irritated after doing that for about the 30th time this week.

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More often than not, doing that only confirms that they got a 'live one' - a number or address that arrives at a person, then continue or alter their own I.D.'s, sell that 'live person' contact to another interest.

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I feel the same way Matt. I'm willing to listen to almost anyone, but I've made phone calls before and it was awful.

There have been many comments here about people addressing post cards to get out the vote. That seems like a good way to help without meeting people face to face.

Very few of the 20 some Congress critters I've been represented by host Town Hall meetings. Perhaps they feel the way we do. But they all seem willing to meet and greet their constituents if they come to one of their offices,

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I don't mind face to face but not in your face folks. Writing postcards I can do without getting dressed and driving (I am pretty rural).

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Kay Granger hung up on me during a phone town hall.

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Matt, where I live knocking on doors is dangerous. But I donate like crazy and write post cards.

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I make a small, monthly donation to the Biden campaign and donate what and when I can to other democratic campaigns. I agree about reading Hopium. I just came across Simon Rosenberg and he is what you describe. Excellent writing.

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BC We have decided to focus our 2024 campaign donations to two Democratic candidates in swing districts occupied by Republicans: 7th District in NJ and the eastern district of Long Island. Winning the House we feel is imperative, especially were the Orange Orangutan to slither back into the White House.

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Who are the candidates?

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BC Sue Altman in NJ District 7 & Nancy Goroff in Long Island’s NY 01—next to the district where George Santos had briefly been congressman.

Lee Zeldin had been Congressman in this’d district before he resigned to run for NY governor. I feel that Sue has a better chance than Nancy of flipping the seat, but both are highly deserving of robust support. Winning the House would be money in the bank, whatever else happens.

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Thank you. I will donate to both. I wish I had more money because I'd blanket Dems with it. I can only do my little part to try to save our country. Personally, I'd like a sweep of all three - Presidency, Senate and House. The good we could do...!

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BC Agreed. With limited funds I prefer to support two possible swing Dem congressional candidates than throw my bucks into a bottomless Biden bucket. The House seems swingable.

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The States Project giving circles helps down ballot candidates. Ours is Grapevine Tending to Democracy fostered by readers of Letters from an American, I think:


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Always tell those that seem uninvolved, you can ignore politics, but politics will not ignore you.

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I’ll use that today! Thanks

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I donate monthly to Biden's campaign, and then other Dems through Act Blue; also Country First. I've never donated as much money as I have the past 2 years, and having retired on SS, it's less affordable but more critical than ever.

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Same here. Less monthly income but scary critical.

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I have a list for when I have a bit more money. I won’t contribute to Dems email onslaught.

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I contribute to the candidate's web site directly. The email stuff is a deluge for sure.

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I'm about to ditch anybody who sends the most ridiculous emails.

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Nah. We aren't in a position to get our knickers in a twist about this stuff. There are perilous times. And yet. We also have the right to filter out the really bothersome marginal candidates.

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Especially when one doesn't have big bucks to flush. Every donation has to count...

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The League of Women Voters.

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Me too.

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Yes! They are epic in their work for getting the vote out.

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I support the Northeast Arizona Native Democrats. They have put together a team of paid local organizers for get-out-the-vote work and other community-building work, plus an army of people who send handwritten postcards with tailored messages, including the cell-phone contact of the local organizer in the recipient’s area. Without their work, I think Kari Lake would now be the Arizona governor. I also support GOTV efforts (which are similar to those of the NEAZ Native Democrats) of the Dolores Huerta Foundation and Valley Voices in the California Valley. There are many other worthwhile GOTV projects in swing states, but I can only do so much, and I have confidence in the effectiveness of these three organizations based on personal experience with them… used to help out with door-to-door canvassing but now just send money to help compensate trained local residents to do that.

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"All politics is local". Wasn't that another truth Rex ?

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Yeah, I guess. Don’t know any way of getting the vote out that beats local activists interacting with their neighbors.

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The States Project and Giving Circle. Postcards to Voters.

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I hope the strategy to work around House Speaker Johnson works.

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Dear President Biden, Some ideas to help your re-election: 1. A picture is worth a 1,000 words. Photos of your accomplishments, I.e. the rapid rebuilding of I-95 in Pa. 2. Talk to the American people directly about the importance of NATO & Ukraine - how BOTH are needed to protect America’s borders and preventing a larger war, sending U.S. troops overseas. Explain howMAGA GOP IS UNDERMINING U.S. security by helping Putin, which is unAmerican and costly in the long run, 3. Show, with humor, the sharp Joe Biden in your 2023 State of the Union. Humor is a good weapon to use against MAGA. 4. Put Trump on the spot, as you did in Texas, by inviting him to join you in resolving our border situation. President Biden you and I are about the same age and while I may have some physical issues, my thinking is as sharp as ever - AND SO IS YOURS. God bless you.

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Exactly right Rob. With 54% of adults in the US reading at or below 6th grade level, pictures are the best most effective way to reach the most people the fastest.

1) Pictures of the Trump portion of the border wall that has been patched over and over again.

2) Pictures of the criminals Trump pardoned in his last days in office.

3) Pictures of the J6 riots split with Trump watching TV and doing nothing for 187 minutes while his "employees" were being pummeled with various weapons.

4) Pictures of Trump with his buddy Putin telling Americans that he trusts him more than the American Intelligence committee.

5) Pictures of Pence at the border encampment where the smell was so bad he left immediately

6) Pictures of Trump stalking Hillary during the debate

7) Pictures of dead Russian troops sent to the front as cannon fodder by his brilliant friend.

8) Pictures of Trump in a golf cart while other world leaders walked

9) Pictures of Trump pushing the PM of Montenegro for a photo-op

10) Pictures of Trump at Lafayette Square holding Ivanka's Bible upside down after he clear the square with tear gas 20 minutes before curfew

11) Pictures of Trump's worthless cabinet kissing Trump's rump. Except Wilbur Ross who likely was asleep.

12) Pictures of Trump drinking water with two hands

13) Pictures of Trump's fat ass. (This never gets old or less disgusting).

12) Etc. Etc Etc.

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Great thinking!

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In other words Gary, some combination of what I've begun explaining to KR from Ohio above ↑ and Bob Rifkin, just above ↑ , a "Dear Joe" letter that goes something like: Dear Joe: We the hopeful and trusting have given you the most powerful media 'tool' in the country: The bully pulpit of the office of the President of the U.S. Please consult your media experts to utilize it to the n'th degree, around and within your limitations. We know you battle speech impediments and wildly applause your conquests over those. Please think with them about presenting factual and wholly truthful illustrations - clips, whiteboards, images, etc., that are unimpeachable facts in evidence, beside you for reference of those who might not grasp quickly, highly complicated topics, interactions and courses - which of course includes the press pool, some of whom try to cleverly re-frame questions, or just ask anything to justify being paid to 'be there.' Without being glib, never surrender your relatable Irish American sense of humor. Thanks for your attention and consideration. Forgive if you will, these well intended suggestions, even if it's already been a consideration.

Our sincerest regards,

CDPR (Crew of the Dread Pirate Richardson) - lol

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Mike Murphy had a good suggestion too, because optics are important. Biden should surround himself with spryer, younger admin people when he is walking to and fro the stage. This will camouflage any shuffling he does making him look doddering.

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Thank you, Dr, Richardson, for this inspirational post.. Although some old men apparently adore the trumpster, along with their bimbo mates, it's obvious that most of us in this Country, still support integrity over showmanship, decency over pomposity, and world order over chaos

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Agreed Fay....but unfortunately supporting integrity over showmanship, decency over pomposity, world order over chaos will not be enough. Those of us who support must also act.

When Trump was President....my 83 y.o. father was convinced that democracy would hold....but even he, never guessed the depravity and gaslighting that the Republican party would stoop to.

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But MAGAts and billionaires don’t. The race is on.

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An old British expression.

Trump has everyone by the short and curlies.

Anyone who tries to reason with him doesn't understand the situation.

Asking him nicely is not going get him to loosen that grip.

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It's just my guess, Christopher, but I suspect Biden's appeal was more for the people to hear, not to Trump.

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I agree Lynell.

I was thinking more of Johnson, every Head of State around the world reasoning with him, pleading - (yesterday's HCR letter)

He's not going to budge. He's doing the Lord's good work and he has a hotline to the New Messiah.

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Read it and weep for the non-Evangelical Cristians, Muslims, Jains, Jews and atheists in our benighted country: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate

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Unreal, chump surely will play a role in Armageddon

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Yes. I am one of the above.

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What is a non-evangelical Christian?

Is that possible?

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Evangelicals like Johnson represent extreme forms of Christianity which espouse end-times beliefs, Dominionism, Prosperity Gospel, and the like. This article at Wikipedia explains it far better than this devout atheist will attempt in a mere comments page.


Suffice it to say, there are many Christians who actually follow the teachings of Christ (feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc) and those like Johnson, who are in it for themselves, and themselves only, and use their "Christianity" as a tool for self-aggrandizement, personal enrichment, governmental takeover and social engineering.

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Actually Derek, I looked it up. They don't exist.

Mark 16:15,

Mathew 28:19-20,

John 14:6 is used to persecute others,

1Corinthians 1:17

2 Corinthians 5:20

There are no "Non-evangelical Christians", just lazy ones.

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thanks Derek

They all seem to have evangelical traits.

To be honest, I don't differentiate between Methodism, Presbyterianism Baptism, Catholicism, Shiite, Sunni or orthodox Judaism. They're all the same to me.... All Abrahamic mythologies sharing incestuous stories and doctrines.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who believes these Bronze Age tribal superstitions today is a member of a weird cult and was probably not taught critical thinking at school.

I hear these cults don't pay taxes in the US.

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Yes. At this point a non-Evangelical Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Christ. The Evangelicals have for the most part gone off the deep end and formed their own religion. In fact, it is clear that you cannot follow the teachings of Christ and follow Donald Trump so that the Evangelical Christians have embraced their own religion which is that of worshiping Trump. As the Christian Nationalists have melded with the White Power movement, they are finding Christ too "woke" I heard someone quoted. There is a lot of hatred in the group, and that is not what Christ taught. Supporting Trump is to accept hatred of others as your creed. Also, the White Power movement embraces some aspects of Odinism and ancient Scandinavian God worship.

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I see Linda, so a non-evangelical Christian follows Christ but ignores the other bits?

I don't think so.

Mark 16:15,

Mathew 28:19-20,

John 14:6 is used to persecute others,

1Corinthians 1:17

2 Corinthians 5:20

There are no "Non-evangelical Christians, just lazy ones.

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Indeed, so did I Derek.

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Yep, Dems still think it’s a political game. Paradigm shift with Ronnie. Move on, Joe

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(We had to destroy the country in order to "save" it).

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Didn't work in Vietnam, won't work here.

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Bến Tre

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Peter Arnett never identified the Major he claimed to quote but I was told about him trying to get a more experienced Army NCO to have his men fire on a distant column of soldiers assumed to be VC coming down a road towards them. The NCO said he told the Major he wanted to wait until they got closer so they could get better shots to take out more of them, actually waiting until they got close enough to be identified as U.S. soldiers from their sister unit (as he had been pretty sure of).

He, like many I met in the Delta region, had a better sense of who the real enemies were, and the Vietnamese that were endangered by the more extreme (or careless, thoughtless, frightened) soldiers of either side that would shoot first if they thought they or their friends were at risk.

I was actually more afraid of being fired upon by our own guys than the enemy, since too many seemed to be willing to shoot at anything that seemed even slightly threatening.

I had been there long enough to be sent on solo trips many times through most of South Vietnam, often taking calibrated android barometers to units in the Delta, and many more with two or 3 man teams fixing weather equipment in all of Vietnam and Thailand. I really appreciated the guys that made more friends for us than enemies.

Bing West's, "The Village," best explains the way I felt we earned the trust and support I wish we could have done more completely. See https://westauthors.com/books/the-village/

"...I patrolled with the Combined Action Platoon, as the Marine squad and local militia were called, in 1966 and ’67. I went back to the village in ’68, ’69 and 2002. I spoke with practically every Marine, village official and Popular Force militiaman. I also spoke with Viet Cong representatives after the war. In this book, I try to describe what it was like to live, fight and die in a village so far away from America yet so close in human values and spirit. The communists now rule Binh Nghia; yet the memorial to the Marines who fought there remains, and the villagers remember them by name, all these decades later..."

It was the only place in Vietnam where the Villagers were able to keep a memorial to foreign troops despite the new government eliminating all others. Even if the memorial was lost, the villagers remembered the names of all the Marines that died defending them from their real enemies (and even our own troops from other units).

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That sounds about right. Reminds me of the line from McMurtry “when you had to choose between history and legend, print the legend” (misquoting the line from Who Shot Liberty Valence). What you relate, the friendly fire incident, was all too much a ho-hum occurrence, but the “destroy the village” line lodged in memory as shorthand for the doublethink of a war that no one could explain why we were fighting. (My answer: institutional imperatives drove it. It can’t be a coincidence that 1964 saw the first year the Boomers entered the draft pool and all the draftees needed to be given something to do. I’d like to think that it was something more profound, but … .)

Your anecdote is actually a mini-memoir that can really stand in for a lot of writing that doesn’t get the attention it deserves because so many guys like me instinctively avoid it out of bystander guilt and the feeling of there but for God went I.

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"Up Country" by DeMille helped me understand this era.

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I'll have to find time to read it. I went to the CID to describe what a very troubled trooper that had been in My Lai told me two sleepless nights after he was forced to start shooting civilians again (I presume by Calley), after higher command had ordered them to stop.

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It’s what a massive ego requires here…

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Press needs to comment better on the boarder. Here is what Politico Berlin had to say.

"Biden und Trump machen Wahlkampf zu Migration: Donald Trump reiste am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) nach Eagle Pass, Texas, und warf US-Präsident Joe Biden dort Totalversagen bei der Migrationspolitik vor: „Er zerstört unser Land.“ " In English that means," Biden and Trump campaign on migration: Donald Trump traveled to Eagle Pass, Texas, on Thursday and accused US President Joe Biden of total failure on migration policy: 'He's destroying our country.' "

Granted the Germans are upset by Scholz's refusal to send Taurus precision strike missiles, as are other countries in Europe. How annoying that they do not cover Biden, the sitting president better. It was just lazy. Still, we have to recognize that thanks to Trump it is becoming crystal clear that the Republican party is not for non-Christians. Not for immigrants. Not for people who don't want to have their pregnancies. Not for people who do want to have children and can't. Not for people who are women. Not for people who are not "white." Not for people who are immigrants. Not for the environment. Not for people who are young. Not for people who want and need Social Security. Not for people who want to go to college. Not for families. Not for people who need child care. Not for people who need health insurance. Not for people who need medications. Not for people who are LGBTQ+ or their allies. Not for people who do not support guns. Not for school children. Not for education at all. Not for people who are not at least millionaires. Not for people who care about others. Not for people who don't want to lie and cheat to get their way. Not for people who follow the law. Not for people who support the constitution. Not for people in the military. Not for people who want democracy. Not for people who want to support our allies. Not for people who want to support our diplomats. Not for people government workers. Not for people in unions. Not for people who would like to avoid WWIII. Not for you and me.

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SO well said!

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Adore you Linda: keep on singing !

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The President issued a very reasonable Old School invitation: let's work together to get the job done. Now the onus is on tffg. If tffg fails to accept the invitation to work together, it should be obvious why the situation improved or did not improve.

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Really, to get them to work together we need new leadership from both sides.Biden needs to follow Pelosi and McConnell’s lead.

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John, REALLY? Just who do you think could step into Biden's shoes and gain more votes than Biden will? RFK Jr? Really?! Even Harris, as good as she is, has many more subgroups arrayed against her than Biden. So just WHO do you think will provide a better candidate? Garner more trust?

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Really, I’m with Bobby, to win not spoil. I’m excited every time he gets on another ballot. Yes he has many flaws. Yes I was fooled by Trump. Yes I’m willing to take a chance on Bobby!!

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Oh my, John, I can only imagine you have less access to accurate information or you have limited capacity to see what you are looking at if you imagine RFKJr will garner more votes for president than Joe Biden. And how long has RFKJr served in government? At what level has he managed complex policy? What policies has he been able to enact? How has he improved the lives and welfare of anyone? Where has he guided an administration through complex negotiations? It seems to me he DID manage to dissuade several thousand (hundreds of thousands?) from getting life-saving, life protecting vaccinations during the worst of Covid-19. But ahhh, yes, you were fooled by Trump, presumably believing a business man in a privately held family company had the experience, wisdom and judgment to manage the complexities of government like his business.

You DID see how that turned out, did you not?

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Yes I did, Trump stinks, no excuse me wreaks.I am concerned with the vaccine accusations, especially by Dr. Paul Offit on Beyond The Noise. Waiting to hear back from RFKJR about that.But make no mistake about it Bobby is no Trump.He has successfully sued Monsanto and improved lives there . He has sued many government agencies like NIH , DEP.He knows how the government works, he is a Kennedy and witnessed a lot .

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Not of the Kennedy family that I remember. He thinks he is because he bears the name and hopes certain people will fall for it.

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You are supporting a racist, misogynist who is duplicitous. What is to be excited about unless you are an anti-vaxxer.

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"If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" There is no one with Biden's experience and skills of getting things done. After Reagan made such a mess of our country Biden is the first to undo so much of the systemic destruction and that is what we need at least 4 more years of.

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Joe still thinks it’s politics as usual. He is an expert at that, but chump moved on long ago,

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I suppose there is still time for political reality to change drastically before November.

I recalled the words of the Sec'y of Defense under G. W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, who said "“You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” When I first heard that, I scoffed. But later I began to see the truth in it. Work to perfect your preparations while there is still time, but when the stuff hits the fan, we do our best with what we have available.

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Lordy, quoting Rumsfeld, the quintessential war monger. He certainly didn’t go to war as an underdog. However I see your point. Would help if Dems weren’t so used to letting the vicious dogs rule

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The next time I want to use Rumsfeld's practical advice about doing the best we can with what we have available, I will not offer attribution.

I long for the "Old School" days, before about 1975, when the Republicans and the Democrats were all on the same side, with mostly relatively small differences about how fast to move, and how much to spend. They had big arguments, and ill tempers, and it was not perfect, but they remained friends. Their families had dinner together, and they went on vacations together. These days, the Republicans have completely lost the thread of the conversation. We've seen some "old school" behavior recently on the part of a few Republicans.

Out of curiosity I checked on Rumsfeld's record. He was born in 1932, so too young to serve in WW2. He did serve in the Navy, as an aviator and flight instructor, from 1954 to '57. He had military experience, but without the concomitant experience of participating in warfare.

To your point about the Dems tolerating the vicious dogs, I have a similar wish for Dems, that they would remember where the political center was in about 1972. Nixon's State of the Union speech in '72 referred to the environment, the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, creation of the EPA. He boasted about how he presided over protecting future generations from environmental hazards. Richard Milhous Nixon! So half a century later the Dems are more timid than Nixon was, or that's my perception. The Dems could move the political center far to the Left, and still leave room for improvement.

As I like to say, we do things for love, and we do things for money. The money is standing squarely in the path of the things we want to do for love. We can fix up the world for the kids. I hope it's true that love conquers all.

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Why without attribution? Give the devil his due. Our path to our current state I lay at the feet of Ronnie and Rupert with a shout out to Rush. It was deliberate, calculated and targeted those who not only needed an efficient government but depended on it. But also had a tinge of racism and anger. It was a master plan. I have mentioned this before but it bears repeating. From the St Louis Post-Dispatch, Match 17, 1985, by Louis Lehrman. “We are at the very beginning of this conservative revolution…. We’re not even in the middle of it. Our economic, our social, and our international policies are going to be altered in every significant aspect. The president hasn’t even begun the program of constitutional reform and the change in social policy.” Wish I could post the whole thing. It made my blood run cold. Lehrman was still alive the last time I looked. Wonder if he, Cheney, and some of the other “architects” are happy with what they constructed. Or rather what they destroyed.

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These are two extremes. The first, Johnson blocking the work of the people as represented by Senators, the second, the Supreme Court moving law toward the direction of a national vote. In the House, a minority with a gun holds the nation/free world hostage, while down the street, those in robes appear to be taking bribe bids on if justice should be decided by judges or a mob in the streets

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Anita Hill knew him very well & how immoral he really is! Never should have been appointed to scotus !

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Much as I am indebted to Heather's letters for giving hope and clarity about American politics, I can no longer ignore the silence about Israel and the acute moral predicament that continued financial support and alliance with the Netanyahu government poses for an otherwise thoroughly commendable American president. I am part of the diaspora, have visited Israel, spent a wonderful semester teaching at Hebrew University 12 years ago, and I feel that I have both an intellectual and emotional grasp of the appeal of Zionism. But I am not alone in thinking that the dehumanization of Palestinians both in Gaza and the West Bank taints all who are complicit including those who are silent. And I reject the proposition that the barbarism of one party justifies the barbarism of the other especially when the combatants are so unevenly matched. I am aware that Biden and the democrats are struggling with this issue and I appreciate that there may well be a political cost to whatever action Biden takes. But I would appreciate more enlightenment about how Biden and the democrats are managing what is a moral crisis as well as a humanitarian crisis.

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Thomas Friedman writes in the NY Times that Prime Minister Netanyahu is sacrificing the world's general acceptance of the existence and values of the State of Israel in pursuit of the most likely path to terminate Hamas. Friedman says that acceptance is an asset Israel cannot afford to lose. American supporters of the State of Israel are also deeply at risk. That would include President Biden.

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Well, enlightenment seems to be all around if you listen to MSM. But, yes, it is a moral crisis. DO you think that the Israelis should themselves deal with Netanyahu and throw him out?

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What Israel does and what the US does are two separate issues. What the US can do is withdraw support so that it is not a participant in the death of thousands of noncombatants of all ages who are in the line of fire. This might in turn put pressure on Israelis to remove Netanyahu from power. Or it might not. That's for the Israelis to decide.

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Thanks. The funding impasse is often framed around our debt and our deficits. Those are not the most important factors in our country right now, but what is happening is entirely in service to lower taxes, in my reading.

So this could be a good time to for a reminder.

We are not in debt.

Read that again. We are *so* *not* in debt.

We have $140 Trillion in net household wealth. Net. And that number has grown $70 Trillion in the last 10 years, while the debt has grown $17 Trillion. The $70 Trillion isn’t in the GDP, but it is income, clearly.

We *never* hear about the $140 Trillion. That is by design, at least it must be. How else could we and our media ignore our most foundational financial fact?

The Feudalist Society is not about ‘culture’ or ‘values’ — it is about fooling and tricking enough voters to get lower taxes. Likewise the R party, the Confederate party, in lockstep with the money.

Renters pay wealth tax, every month, on somebody else’s wealth. Likewise mortgage holders, in greater and lesser fractions. No wealth tax is paid on the greatest fraction of our wealth. It’s past time for renters to wake up, and vote progressive, and for progressives to deliver.

The vital human rights and issues that are being distorted in the vile service of a very few wealthy people, just like the old traitorous Confederacy, as written by the Professor, are the real matters at issue here - life, liberty, and prosperity. But the mechanism is money - the full faith and credit of the people of the USA, used against almost all of us.

best luck to US, b.rad

Source: US Fed, shown at <uswealthclock.com>

Also NY Times, May 14, 2023, ‘. . . Greatest Wealth Transfer . . . ‘ $84 Trillion to go to heirs next 20 years . . .

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It's theatre. Every time we have a repub house with a Dem president the repubs all turn into budget hawks and start lying about how we need to rein in "out of control spending".

It's the same thing EVERY time - they always act like the idea is fresh and new and then the same tired arguments get trotted out. You'll notice if you check that once a republican is elected president spending problems vanish and there's no argument about passing a budget.

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. . . thought I should add that the wealthiest people in this country need to look in the mirror and realize what they are doing . . .

They had better look up the words 'defenestration,' 'poisoned in a foreign country,' and 'blow your wings off,' for starters.

Any of the wealthiest who think that their money will protect them from a functional dictator had better look in that mirror again, and again. All their money will do is make them the top target for the tyrants . . . -- b.rad

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