Let’s be completely clear:

The opposition to Justice Brown is purely racist and sexist.

The central reason anyone has a problem with this fabulous woman is because she is not white, because she is not a man, and because she stands for democracy and for diversity, and not for the Neanderthal society that keeps whites in charge, keeps men in charge, keeps straights in charge, keeps rich people in charge, and keeps Christians in charge (thank you Christy for the last one).

Welcome to the Confederacy, Marsha Blackburn, you are just another person who might as well be a KKK supporter.

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And because she is appointed by Biden and not Republican. Let's still hope for her swift approval.

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And why are Republicans so united in opposing the Democrats? What lies underneath that animosity? What is the source of that furious opposition?

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Because they are afraid. They are in the process of being outnumbered demographically. And they think that life is a zero sum game. The "others" will take their jobs, their homes, their food and their rights to be bigots, controllers of women's bodies and wow...have differing religious views or even none. They are terrified of diversity - whether it is skin color or thought. Their world view is that of a warring pack of hyenas. They will not be converted to decency. They simply need to be outnumbered and outvoted. Marginalized.

That fear is fueled every day by Rupert Murdoch - an Australian billionaire puppeteer. And fueled by an economic system that rewards outrage and lies - that make millionaires out of liars. Carlson, Rogan and the like make fools of Americans and get rich doing it.

There needs to be a "fact check" channel that will evaluate the statements of all broadcasters, politicians, pontificators and podcasters.

Of course, if we were really serious about condemning such, we wouldn't buy the products pushed on Fox.

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Bill, You said it all. FEAR.

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Explains their need for guns ‘n ammo.

Also explains their need for an autocrat in the WH.

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Maybe they will see the flaws in the autocrat thing, since even if Putin accomplishes his goal, he and his country will suffer greatly in treasure and lives. Even autocrats like Hungary's Orban and Turkey's Erdogan aren't supporting Putin.

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I would also add in a strong dash of rage.

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Fear is the primary tactic used by the Republicans. FEAR is how Trump defined Power. Perfect explanation is stated by Michael Douglas in "The American President" when he says his opposition (in the movie) - clearly a Republican - is that the only tactic is to find something to make the voters fearful and then play on that fear - but never suggest a solution. In the current case, what would the GOP suggest as the "cure" of their fear of Judge Brown-Jackson - an all white SCOUS? (which is what they would say if they dared speak their position out loud)


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Love that movie. And that soliloquy.

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Bill, they're already outnumbered, now we need to be sure they're outvoted!

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👍 x a gazillon

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BBBAMMO!! good shot Nancy.

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With all of the frustration and distractions, and now the abomination taking place in Ukraine, the most pressing task for all of us is to ignore the lies of the right wing, overcome the voter suppression, and do everything we can to vote and to help those who are in danger of disenfranchisement to do the same. Watching the grim determination of Ukrainians in the face of enormous odds fight the enemy, the least we can do is to quit whining about inflation and the price of gas and decide to make a difference.

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A fact check channel, indeed, Bill. I actually pitched Amazon on creating Amazon Orb, an app with an algorithm that collects all pertinent information on a subject and determines the truth. I realize the proposition is a little scary, but there has to be an alternative to politically motivated politicians and talking heads telling us what to think.

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That's a great idea, although the GOP would simply refer to it as a "liberal" or "radical leftist" channel and completely ignore it! After all, they have "alternative facts"!

I keep seeing and hearing Jack Nicholson's famous line from A Few Good Men: ":You can't handle the truth!"

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Love your idea Randy 🏆

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Yup.. wheww..and that is sure a tricky-one. We want to be careful of anyone who espouses writing some kind of "Rule-Book" for such. Thank you for the "Orb" thing. The last people we want to kick are those providing the "stuff". The "people" we need to pay attention to are the ones 'in charge of what can be said on their site(s). Remember, I said "keep an eye on" ..and that of course leads to the "fact Checker" and who is paying to keep that site on the air. Did I mention 'Advertisers'? How about some wealthy (politically driven) sponsor. Aarrrgh..gag me! I'm with you though, Randy.

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Don't forget the hatred. Anger is an easier emotion to have.

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Indeed. It is much easier to be angry than admit to fear.

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Right! Although I've practiced Buddhism for many years, practicing equanimity in the face of racism, misogyny, viciousness and bad behavior in general, finds me giving into anger and polarization, too. It's hard to keep an open, understanding mind, much harder than say, posting a pic of Putin with a Hitler mustache on Twitter which I did yesterday! (God, it felt good!)

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Reiki also asks that we do the same and it is darn hard especially in the face of monstrous evil. So I make exceptions and use reiki to ground myself.

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Unfortunately (well maybe) we are not dealing with Bots. Pulling a trigger is so easy, watching the consequence(s)..not so much.So hard to vacate the human mind of hatred.. Re: the South. Re: belief(s) in some kind of 'god' Re: one nation under god(?) Re: with freedom and justice for all. Hahahaaa..and I would be remiss if I failed to include Re: "we are a Christian Nation". Yeah...all others stay home! Huh? yeh HOME is where you just came from... now GO. Yea Ally House..., we have amongst us an angry mob, miss-guided lambs who have lost their way. And 'church' is now a small part of the answer. The 'church of trump' comes into view. Sickening.

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Yes, it can stop us, or push us into heinous acts. Or acts of good and mercy. What is in between? Good vs Evil.

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While I agree with you 100%, I fear that many of these folks do not want to know the truth or the facts. The lies suit them and make them "feel good" (although it is not making them feel good.) A friend send me a scathing email a year ago, fuming that the price of gas was going to rise to $10 in the summer and furious at Biden over this. Huh?! Did they have a crystal ball? My take is that they're angry, they want to be angry, and they do not care about truth or facts because it's all about their feelings and emotions, "values" and principles." The times that I have confronted people I know with the falsities in their messages to me, they say nothing, and just keep hanging with their tribe, on to the next grievance.

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I agree with you Kim—it’s like their point of view is their armor and their anger a drug of choice.

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Hi Liz. Hope you are well. Good to see you here. And thanks.

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Rock On Kim, rock on. "they're mind" is made up.. and they won't (ie WILL NOT!) be confused by the facts. Yeah.. NEXT! hahahahhhaaa.

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I don’t think your comment was tongue and cheek. You hit a home run…..a hole in one. Bill you are a genius. I have long puzzled over the cure for disinformation. A fact finding channel! In concert with NPR perhaps. Or a subsidiary of Heather international. With true and believable due diligence we can appropriately penalize those who traffic in misinformation. Perhaps with categorical venues. You know, one for congressmen one for each so called news agency one for each political party. Call it the Stoplight . Green yellow red. Sum up monthly totals and give percentage evaluations to individual liars. Easy to fund with a para-mutual betting component. Since honesty in both photography and journalism is impossible to achieve your idea of a catch-all “fact-finding”channel might well replace or obviate the need for laws regulating truth in advertising. Let’s “Bill” em. 1500.00 per lie. 750.00 per half-truth. The GOP would be bankrupt in an hour.

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BLAMMMO.. good shot Pat.

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And CNN is currently in a scandal involving the managers conspiring with the Cuomo family about how to present them in a favorable light. So they were caught doing what Trump did every day at Fox. Since tv is driven by commercial ads it’s hard to imagine one that would survive on checking all the boring facts.

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Zucker, the head of CNN who resigned was also connected to trumps web. https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2022/02/03/jeff-zucker-donald-trumo-cnn/.

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hahahaa...bye bye Zucker. Keep an eye on that seemingly spinless kid.

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And can someone explain to me what their motivation is for doing an entire show about Alex Jones?!?

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Finally Liz, WE are spreading the 'light' if you will, that sites/networks, etc have to pay attention to what their sponsors wishes are. Simple fact, sponsors keep the "lights" on when viewership is great.., because 'Advertisers' whose cash pays the sponsor $$$$ are very happy with viewership numbers. So gunning down the poor folks we call the 'media' isn't where the problem is. So many people I speak with never really consider that aspect. Why is faux news everywhere..HAH!! Their advertisers are very happy.. Funny how that woiks :)) huh. I enjoy your posts.

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Any chance there is a list of those advertisers somewhere? I don’t watch any of those channels.

I read recently that most of those networks makes most of their money not from advertisement but from cable fees. Also, that it’s some sort of law/deal that requires cable companies to carry them. Is there any truth to that?

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A "fact check" channel. Absolutely! I have been dreaming about such a thing since the 80's when 'The Morton Downey, jr. Show' got big. Anyone remember that? He was on afternoon t.v. where I lived and became pretty well known. The garbage he spewed was maddening to me. I now see him as the first mass media assault on truth in ideological discussion. It's been stuck in my craw all this time as I've watched that cancer metastatize through society ever since. I always wanted a response show to dissect and refute his arguments point by point. Probably why I find Prof. Richardson's newsletter such a balm.

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YES, hell yes.

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You are absolutely right! Fear of becoming the subject of hate and discrimination after years of promoting such behavior.

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That’s a curious thought: the racists and sexists becoming the subject of scorn and contempt the same way they have treated others. Nice Judith 👍

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So good!

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Yeh.. sowing seeds of "hate" and, dissension. Their advertizers' might just pull their ads... bbbboink ...lights out! Gotta luv that!

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Yes, you write the truth. Fear is a great driver of evil and it’s been at the the root of humanity. From the beginning, everywhere, including here in America where we destroyed a people who lived here for millennia.

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Depends on which "they" you are speaking of. The politicians are consumed by a dark lust for more and more power and money. The MAGA folks in the suburbs, cities and farms are the ones being manipulated by fear and anger being drummed into their heads by the evil rich folks.

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Fear + Greed = Monstrous Destruction

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Perhaps in part. But I think it is a psychosis that overwhelms any logical fears. It is visceral

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Fear? U-Kno-It! Rock on Bill..., rock on!!

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Nice Bill. Excellent. 🥰

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If Murdoch marginalized and isolated.

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Perhaps the all day, every day Fox News Demonization of anything associated with democracy or democrats has had a large impact on lining up Pubs?

IF a Republican were to support Jackson then the subsequent Fox News shrill howling at the moon would end their career in public life.

Also. The Rush Limbaugh show makes Fox commentary look reasonable. I listened yesterday and could not believe the nutty stuff they are faking as “callers”.

Lots of folks listening to all this hate that “freedom” allows Roland.

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Mike, I read the letters late yesterday and so most probably didn't see this: I commented that I was utterly disgusted with Fox and Tucker Carlson and so emailed them to say that I was appalled with their misinformation, misguided "patriotism" and with Tucker Carlson in particular. I said it is probably a futile attempt, but I felt compelled to say something.

Should you or any other reader feel the same, here is a handy link to contact them.


Considering all that the Ukrainians have to face and fight, sending a quick email seems very little to ask to have our voices heard.

Have a good weekend, Mike S. Spring is coming soon.

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Sent Fox my "feelings". We should really look at the list of advertisers.


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I looked at that, Bill. Depressing.

BTW, back when Texas put out their outrageous abortion ruling, someone on the forum posted a list of the CEOs/addresses of the major corporations headquartered in Texas. I wrote every single one of them. Not even a form letter in reply from any of them.

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Thank you for Fox advertiser list. Will boycott and spread the word.

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Thanks for the link, Miselle. I wrote an email. And I don't care whose list I get on. I've been protesting since the 60's and feel that we must do all we can to oppose those who oppose democracy.

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Miselle. Thank you.

I will think about if I want to elevate my email and IP address to Fox.

It might be a bad idea long term.

We do not know how this story turns out and there is no guaranteed happy ending.

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It might even be a bad idea to be a subscriber here.

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I wonder if Anonomous could take a mome t to shut down Murdick and expose the personal information of his members... Hello, Anonomous, are you there, reading HCR?

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Agreed, Miselle!

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Thanks! Will do!

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And I know--from some in my own family--that Fox is the only place they get their "news."

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Yes. They are more loyal to Fox News propaganda than to their own family.

If someone in their family disagrees with Tucker Carlson they are excommunicated from said family.

Amazing accomplishment.

Fox has made people religiously radical about Fox lies and propaganda.

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May I say that I think Rupert Murdoch and his family should be relieved of their citizenship (that Murdoch was awarded citizenship is thanks to Ronnie Raygun, which says everything one needs to know about the both of them) and tossed out of the country--after paying a huge fine in reparation for the damage to the nation's collective sanity--I doubt Australia would take him back, nor would the UK.

The Canadian and UK peoples were so profoundly uninterested in the baloney that Faux Noise parades as "news" that the network "decided to discontinue" airing the show there due to "low viewership". Smart countries...wish we were as smart.

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All the more reason to troll fox and present truth to the propaganda. Use your voice!!

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Call Fox News


Leave a message to tell them to stop the lies and why you are cancelling your Fox service. Then call or email your cable company and unbundle Fox from your selections.

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I read that Fox is only surviving by charging much more to the cable outfits than other cable channels, hence cable prices would be less if Fox was not on the menu. Not sure if you can unbundle.

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Spectrum allows unbindling. Check with your cable company.

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That's the exact situation.

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In my opinion lil tommy tucker and fools Rush in are keys tools in the attempted destruction of our country. Thank you Mike.

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Yup.. and we need to keep it that way. Makes it easier to separate the wheat from the chaff. And It's of no use trying to explain to them where the Bear shit in the buckwheat. They get great pleasure dissing you and I as socialists and Bern-outs.

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Perhaps it is but a pure, naked lust for power that is couched with rhetorical nonsense. I am not so certain that most Republicans could even clarify a particular ideology. Not to sound too quaint, but perhaps there is a certain thread of human darkness, little e evil that runs through them. You could, I suppose, elevate that idea and call it social Darwinism. There is something going on here that is difficult to describe.

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Propaganda explains all, just ask Goebbels

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They leave no room for thought. To do otherwise would lead to differences of opinion.

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Visceral combination of hatred, guilt and fear of blacks. They would gravitate to Martians before people of color. “Practical” fears are a rationale.

The disquietude at the “other” is baked in. Start from that premise.

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"The disquietude at the “other” is baked in. Start from that premise."

And then move on to how that baked in disquietude is exacerbated, misdirected, and weaponized.

How racism is manufactured to misidentify the actual source of existential threats, misdirect rational fears away from that source, and misdirect justifiable anger away from its proper target.

Target the exploited rather than the exploiters

The entire right wing apparatus, including the Republican dominated courts, employed to perpetrate racial injustice in order to

perpetuate economic injustice.

Judges who bent German law to serve the Nazi regime were prosecuted at the Nuremberg trials, in order to emphasize the importance of an independent judiciary.

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I really like how you extended my comment. But tonight the Like button died on the vine to prevent me affirming it.

Yes, I so agree. There is an impulse taken to the farthest reach in America to compete, to hustle, to get the edge on others, to exploit…It applies to perhaps 1% of the population but they do enormous damage.

And the result of how they manipulate is that it’s baked in more. Plus ça change, plus c’est le même chose.

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Exactly so. You can’t build a cogent belief system in piles and piles of lies - so many contradicting the last, but allowed to seep down - and hope to address the real problems in the real world in a clearheaded way. I think these folks are angry and fearful because none of it makes sense anymore.

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Lemme toss this out. I am fairly confident that there are may politicians faking it just to be in the right place should numbnuts run or even prevail. They "Fear" being accused of "failure to be uptight".., Thus having their career terminated, preventing them from actually doing some good, for Dems and R's alike, once the election is done with. A means to an end. Ughhh

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They fear their own base.

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The source of the opposition, besides opportunism and racism is the complete and utter moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the husk that is the Republican Party. It proudly has no platform or program. It exists solely to obstruct America’s best values and to grab power for its own sake. Oh, and the party is irredeemably corrupt. Other than that, no problem.

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And this sells like hot cakes to what I used to call the rank and file. Now I just call them cult

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People who are emotionally immature and are just obstructionist, and then there is their fealty, their obeisance to Trump.

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Their hate runneth over. I also suspect and underlying self esteem issue.

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Yes. The whites-first or whites-only (+ males-first, straights-first, et al) mentality is rooted in low self-esteem. Who am I if I don’t have the power of being white in a white-dominated society?

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We Can Stop Fox Network's Lies:

"Russia is now playing Tucker Carlson's false "news" on Fox (regarding their invasion of Ukraine) to the Russian people. This is propagada. See the message below, call Fox, then unbundle Fox from your cable service!!!"

"Tell Fox News: Stop pushing Russian propaganda. Put America and democracy first. Please make a brief call right now. The Fox News number is 212-301-3000. You can tell them:

"I'm an American citizen and a patriot. What your channel is doing right now is aiding our enemies. Put America first. Put democracy first. Don't just push out Russian propaganda. I'm going to follow up with your advertisers and my cable network to tell them the same thing."

[I did it!!! I was able to leave a message after punching (a little angry) number 3. See script below. I also contacted Spectrum and told them to unbundle Fox Network from my TV cable service and I no longer will pay for their channel. (Spectrum isn't the only one that allows this). Thank You!]

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Time was FCC regulations strictly limited content for News programs. That should be restored. Stations that do not meet those standards could be labeled (Network) opinion/gossip/nonsense/etc

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Nancy It seems to me that station executives have set a strictly limited time for news. I remember Edward R. Murrow. who prohibited any advertising in the middle of his 30-minute nightly news programs. He had the now outlandish belief that he was responsible for providing news rather than an advertising sandwich with a sliver of news squeezed into this sandwich.

Incidentally, Campbell Soup agreed to Murrow’s terms. [My dad handled the Campbell’s advertising account at that time. He met Murrow when they both were in wartime England. Later I would go fishing with Murrow and he introduced my THIS I BELIEVE on CBS radio in 1954.]

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WOW Keith!!!

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Just wow. He and Walter are greatly missed. But another old wannabe “newsman” is trying to undo their standards. Well, abolish them. Too bad the younger generation has NO clue…

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Fox is legally labeled entertainment, but doesn’t keep them from blasting Fox News everywhere. Should be a law against this

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I still fail to see what is entertaining about that whole pack of lies.

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MaryPat, thanks for the suggestion and the script; I just called Fox and left a message. I don't have cable, but I do very much care about how the Murdoch family, Fox News, and its propagandizing personalities are undermining democracy and actively supporting Russia.

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And I'm sharing your script on FB, to widen the action among my contacts. Thanks.

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Fox IS a propaganda outlet, like state-operated propaganda outlets in totalitarian countries. Think Tass, Chinese outlets. Think Orwell.

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I think Goebbels on steroids

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Roland, I don’t wanna think Orwell....

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