Biden’s greatest accomplishment has been to repair much of the damage to our international relations done by his predecessor.

Biden has made us great again.

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So far Biden has managed to repair exceedingly well the diplomatic aspects of US stategic foreign policy......rallying his European allies, demonstrating his faith in NATO and assuring them that he is with them all the way. Now it comes to the part requiring acts and not just words. Acting actually gets the job done and is the greatest part of the difference between succeeding and failing. The jury is still out and we have to wait and see what he will do as opposed to what he will say....so far so good. The title of "Greatness" in history tends to be written after the dust settles and the battle is won and is rarely accorded to those who gallantly failed with the best intentions in the world. Winning battles depends a great deal in having very clear objectives and that is never just containment of the enemy while awaiting his eventual suffocation...the siege of old!. What are the US objectives....not only to save Ukraine but also to make sure it doesn't happen again?

In the current situation Putin will do whatever he pleases in the short and medium term knowing that in the long term when the current sanctions eventually bite hard he might not be around to enjoy the fruits of his "greatness" for the mythique "Russian Empire". If you don't act to stop him in his tracks in the short term, he is home and dry. Unfortunately the US missed the "hypersonic" challenge and for the time being, Putin is ahead of the military technology game but he is not safe yet. Taking Russia out of the SWIFT system has considerable costs for everybody ....and particularly in Germany...but it will massively impact Putin's ability to operate NOW and it will make any pretensions for military occupation of the Ukraine difficult to sustain...while keeping his own Russian people fed and "happy". It forces him to rely largely only on his own ressources and prevents outside money backing him significantly. Belarus....and Ukraine too should Putin install a puppet in Kiev... needs to be firmly placed in the same camp and bear it's share of responsibility for Putin's crimes. Thoughts of only impacting the Oligarchs and not the people are for yesterday and unfortunately the whole people now have to suffer for the sins of the few.

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“Biden has made us great again,” was a way of stealing Trump’s thunder.

So, what should Biden do, today, that indicate “more than just words”? Send the 82nd Airborne to Kyiv?

Biden is not just going up against Putin, he has an opposition party behind his back at home dedicated to making him fail at whatever he tries, and whatever the consequences to the nation as a whole.

I stand behind President Biden 100%, and will leave any criticism, or assignment of greatness, to the historians well after the dust has settled.

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Me too and our former prez will go down in history as a sleazioid who got in because Russia manipulated our electoral system by making use of social media platforms. I would like us to do away with the easily manipulated electoral college.

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He also got in because many Americans fell for the Russian social media campaign to hurt Clinton and help Trump, but no one is talking about that side of it. I feel like it's important to point that out and try to get our friends and family members who participate it it to see their role and vulnerability, in the hope of them understanding and guarding themselves from being preyed upon or used as a tool from here on out.

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I remember it all

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Have you not read anything in the Durham report or other news? You leftist are going to hold on to that Russian infiltration propaganda until this ship goes down

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Hahahaha, how “right” you are

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Yet, I’m a liberal. Go figure

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Ralph, your earlier comment looks better when you add the quotation marks to "Biden has made us great again". Guess I'm a little slow on the uptake.

With Trump in charge we might have already been reduced to cinders.

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"With Trump in charge we might have already been reduced to cinders."

More likely been complicit in Russian aggression and under Russia"protection."

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Yet we weren’t! And now we are thanks to Biden.

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Please Thank Rep. James Clyburn and the Black voters he helped bring back to voting Democratic. And Stacy Abrams for her voter registration movement. And BLM for bringing civil rights activists back to political engagement.

The Clintons' atrocious primary treatment of Obama still rankled. And instead of mending fences in Milwaukee, Hillary was building bridges to nowhere in Texas. This alienation could have carried over to 2020.

Biden was not really much of anybody's first choice. Until Clyburn coalesced the party and the opposition movement around him.

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the tactics of the "opposition " party are the tactics of Putin. Probably the money behind the "opposition" party is from Russian oligarchs also.

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I often wish I had the opportunity to ask Tucker Carlson whether Putin pays him directly or through a shell company.

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Rubles to rubies is my guess.

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Ralph, I have often wondered if it is direct deposit or a paper check.

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Paid in Bitcoin, probably. Rumor has it that Putin, in preparation for this event and financial sanctions has put billions into Bitcoin or similar currencies. Their accounts are not traceable, if I read correctly. We should find out how many R's have cryptocurrency accounts!

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Robert Hubble said that the problem with cryptocurrency is that they still have to exchange it into dollars in order to buy anything. Also that it’s just losing so much money right now and not reliable.

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Heather connected the dots to the Rs, Manafort, etc., in her Facebook live yesterday. https://www.facebook.com/heathercoxrichardson/videos/327365416022555/

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Professor Richardson was so real and close during that hour with the listeners. Her definitions of democracy reinforces so strongly why we must not let it be taken from us.

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Christine, my heart ached for her when she cried at the end.

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I agree!

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Sending the 82nd Airborne to Kyiv would result in American deaths.

Choosing the 82nd is very old school and now completely passé.

To wit:

The solution to diminishing the threat of Putin’s bullies against the underdog Ukrainian’s is to even the odds.



Hundreds of American drones!

A multitudinous multitenancy of U. S. Military ordinance laden drones in a vast armada of 100’s of very rapidly undulating zig zagging drones operated from the U. S.

Each drone impossible to target because of the natural physical and electronic “Noise” caused by all the other numerous drones in immediate proximity to each other, each of which is controlled by intuitive computer programming.

On a much more simplified level many of you have witnessed the most recent innovation of fireworks’ electronically controlled choreographed drone displays wherein the only visible result is the perfectly timed computer programed performance.

The drones seem invisible.

It is a Fourth of July celebration finale during a very dark night with the darkness further enhanced by instantaneously bright light flashing from explosions of very brief bursts.

Your vision is obscured by your retinas’ attempting to recover from your normally previous “dark” vision immediately prior to the explosive light bust. Then that soon to be fatigued retina must, over and over again, compensate from the bright flash and then back to extreme darkness.

All of this visually demanding interference prevents all but the most spectacular to be witnessed as existing, while the true cacophony of actual objects in the dark sky remain invisible, even though there are hundreds in the sky at any one moment.

At a different more rapid interval this is how drones can escape precision detection by another adversarial computer desperately attempting “Lock-On-Targeting” to destroy even just one of the massed armada of attack drones.

The only effective methodology to incapacitate some of the drones, so far, is a massive air burst explosion that would achieve the destruction of some but not all drones.

However, such massively powerful air burst explosion would also destroy most all objects on the earth below the explosion both living and inert, (e.g. the enemy ground troops and their equipment our U. S. military drones were effectively destroying without the help of the same enemy’s air burst explosions!).

No American lives lost!

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You're right. Sending in the 82nd would be a bridge too far. BUT they could be sent to protect the surrounding NATO countries - this foray will not stop with Ukraine. Putin is proving he is no longer wrapped tight. But, dealing with those who aren't is an even more precarious operation.

This is a "brave" new world. Drones and hackers didn't exist the last time Russia tried this kind of caper.

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Putin is about to discover he can't compete any longer the way he has in the past...

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The 82nd Airborne Division has been deployed to Poland "to assist with evacuees" but also (from photo caption, to train with Polish forces. "Paratroopers assigned to Troop B, 5-73 Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division train alongside Polish troops assigned to the 21st Rifle Brigade as part of a combined training event on Feb. 22, 2022, at Nowa Deba, Poland. The training event allowed the allies to get to know each other’s equipment, capabilities and tactics to enhance readiness and strengthen NATO forces. (Alexander Burnett/U.S. Army)" https://www.stripes.com/theaters/europe/2022-02-23/us-troops-poland-ukraine-russia-baltics-romania-5122202.html

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Oh my, I think that would qualify as a US direct intervention considering how they are operated by US forces right here at home. Also, didn't Obama, who also wanted no American lives lost see the tragedy of drone usage when multiple innocent lives were taken in Afghanistan? Sometimes the soldiers at the computers got trigger-happy and totally made wrong choices as we did right after leaving Afghanistan and a drone, retaliating for the bombing of our troops, took out 11 children but no terrorist.

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Over 50% of nations would be united in defeating that little old fat white man.

War is horrible.

It solves nothing.

Innocents always suffer the most injustice.

Nobody is perfect.


Standing by and doing nothing will kill more innocents than doing something while trying to protect as many innocents as humanly possible.

Do you know of a better method to stop the invasion lead by a insane sociopath!?

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Actually, I would wish for the Russian people to do that. I would wish for Navalny to leave jail and organize the citizens as it once seemed likely he would. I hope the NATO nations that are on standby will unleash a barrage of retaliation for one misstep over their borders as well as humanitarian relief for refugees. I think that Putin would be so enraged at the unified confrontation that he would pull the Iron Curtain down as he retreats and cowers and is replaced. Not standing by doing nothing, not wanting US military involvement unless by NATO.

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I really like the drones idea. If Ukraine has been trained to run them, it could be an excellent solution.

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One really wonders why current technology is not being utilized!?

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Yes, Ralph. Bravo! We can leave the nay-saying to the Trump Republicans and their wonderful, intellectual acolytes. Not one of us can dance through this as well as Biden has done.

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Can I join your club?

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Removing Russia from SWIFT will create a burden for NATO countries. I learned from a Latvian news broadcast that the pensions of Russians living in Latvia are paid through SWIFT. Latvia has decided to pay those pensions if Russia is removed from SWIFT.

Latvia is also providing humanitarian aid to Ukrainians, will offer shelter to Ukrainians and help them find employment if this war continues. It is opening its hospitals to injured Ukrainians. One group is collecting donations to be used in whatever manner may benefit Ukraine.

The Latvian president, Levits, wore a blue and yellow tie during the broadcast, to show solidarity with Ukraine.

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Latvia knows about solidarity. The Baltic Chain or Baltic Way was an amazing demonstration of solidarity August 23, 1989. An estimated two million people had been organized to form a human chain from Tallinn, Estonia through Riga, Latvia, on to Vilnius, Lithuania. That’s about 50 miles of people holding hands. It was photographed from the air. They were protesting the Soviet position that the Baltic states had willingly joined the USSR and demanding independence.

Oops, dropped a zero. Six hundred kilometers was the distance spanned, with few gaps.

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It would be cool if we could form a chain of linked hands in solidarity with Biden and Ukraine.

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Circle the Fox News buildings?

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Oh, yes!

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Or one across the EU.

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I was thinking chains any and everywhere people want to participate.

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Standing firm with Ukraine

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We, and Europe, must be willing to stand some discomfort, if not o pain, if our support for Ukraine, and democracy is to be more than words. In the case of a small nation like Latvia, perhaps we should pay much of the out-of-pocket costs that effective sanctions on Russia will bring.

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Alas, all the Foxoids will holler loud and prolonged about their "rights" and gas prices. They are more than us, but I will gladly tighten my belt.

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Agree. And Preventing the spread of war isn’t a sacrifice. Saving our planet is a necessity.

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get rid of SWIFT. Make it deadly for Russia. Yes, there will be pain and suffering- but take your pick- it can be short or long term sufferings because Putin doesn't stop until the USSR is recreated

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I wish more TFG followers would read the details & follow suit. They MUST be voted out

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Joyce53 min ago

"I wish more TFG followers would read the details & follow suit. They MUST be voted out"

Heart option not working. So can give you as many hearts as I like. How about one for each Democratic voter?

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Joyce, unfortunately we seem to live in different silos of truth. Yesterday, while I was waiting for President Biden to go live, I happened upon a stream of tfg followers on Facebook. The post that kept me tossing and turning last night said that trump had kept Putin reined in. What???

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Yes, even their own messages are self-contradictory!

On the one hand, they say: Who cares about Ukraine? Putin is a genius!

One the other hand, it's: Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if the mighty Trump were in charge!

They are so blind that they can't even see they are contradicting themselves!!

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I saw a friend (former recruit of mine who is now with another agency and is a Air Force reservist) say "well, at least we don't have mean tweets". The discourse on his post was 8 in favor and 3 saying "huh?". Their "truth" is not what mine is. I saved myself the tossing and turning by not engaging, but my gods they are brainwashed.

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In 2019, in NYC on Broadway, I saw the play, INK about Rupert Murdoch’s early years in journalism. And of course how he started FOX. 4 minute listen. https://www.npr.org/2019/04/28/717205939/ink-goes-back-in-time-to-remember-murdoch-before-he-was-a-mogul

Next day was HAMILTON. a contrast!!!

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Yes, they are, and they listen to Fox (FAKE) News!

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No, no, no. Trump was doing what Putin wanted.

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In NTX where I live, the chump approved ads are all there is. Yesterday, I saw the first ad for a Dem. Truly brain-washed cult nuts. Rupert is winning, hands down

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Those posters are disgusting. There’s always a rolling commentary on FB and even mainstream news from haters and trollers. And during press conferences and news events. I try to shut them off. Literally. Press the button.

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There are other sanctions than SWIFT with the same result.

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Thank you Latvia!!! ❤️

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Excellent comment, Stuart, I agree with you 100%. Adjectives like "great" should only be applied when outcomes are known. That Biden is actually trying to lead us and the Europeans in the interest of the common good is refreshing after the Trump years, but talk is cheap. He will need to walk the walk, never easy to do. Telling Putin he would not intervene militarily to help Ukraine was a mistake, though intervening at this juncture might well be a bigger mistake. I'll leave it to the experts and hope they get it right, but I have not been this afraid of nukes since I was a kid.

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"Great" is another word the trump cult usurped and has gone the way of Gazpacho, Yosamight, Patriot (I never liked that word anyway), Fake anything, Greatest in the Universe, But, but her emails!, Lock her up! Karen, Brandon, Stand by, I am the wealthiest person, sharpie, jeanius, etc., into the alternative universe's language. They tried to usurp "Truth," but we are going to keep that one in the Real World and use it against them with Justice.

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They can keep Truthiness.

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It will be a real possibility if Putin tries to invade NATO countries.

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Though I hate "liking" this, Kathy, it is very true and all Americans need to shake off their brainwashing from trump and the GQP traitors and stand strong together. Fascism is not pretty and is here in the republican cult.

Those who hate America and do not want to help it create a better democracy should leave it for a dictatorial country. That includes little trump and all the GQPers, including those still in our government. When winter is over, we need to march like hell.

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This is exactly why NATO members have been sending in troops, materiel and heavy military equipment. I just read that in Portland, the 82nd Airborne paratroopers are training Polish forces in use of this equipment.

I believe there may be NATO member forces in Latvia & Lithuania as well but Poland has the longest border with Ukraine and Belarus. Russia controls Belarus through a puppet government. Lithuania and Latvia share borders with Belarus. A real complication is Kaliningrad, a strange pizza-slice between Poland and Lithuania which is a non-contiguous part of Russia.

I have found Google Earth invaluable to understand all of these relationships, both cities within and the neighboring countries, and see the inherent dangers to NATO companies with an obsessed man in absolute control in Russia. I was disturbed to see how close my cousin's Ukrainian brother-in-law lives, barely 20 miles.

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President Biden is exhibiting greatness. He has united NATO and shored up the United States' role in foreign affairs all the while repairing and restoring the damage done to the United States by trump. In addition President Biden has been fighting his own anti-Democracy forces on United States soil.

I am of the opinion that when a leader such as President is obviously making the right moves that nitpicking is unproductive and bears the possibility of undermining a great leaders work. It appears that a masterful job of dismantling Russia's purchasing power is occurring a step at a time. Eventually perhaps Russia will not have the resources to fund this invasion. We will see.

Stuart Stevens said President Biden would prove to be the man of our time.

And may I ask who would have repaired and strengthened NATO if not President Biden?

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I do not understand war, or war-making. Those who say Biden is weak seem to have a bull-headed, club-footed idea of what it means to be strong and make war. I have the impression that Biden's application of economic sanctions is selective and geared to target moneyed interests supporting the fascist deception - attempting to spare Russian people on the ground as much pain as possible - that seems uncommon, conscientious and admirable to me - though as Putin presses harder, more sanctions will come - from democratic nations around the world - and average citizens in Russia will suffer the consequences ... maybe they will be the ones to rise up and overcome the oligarchic autocrats currently at the helm ...?

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The awful news of Russian missiles exploding in Kiev and other cities in Ukraine is countered by the uplifting news of Russians who’ve been filling streets in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and elsewhere to protest the war.

If you want to sign a statement of solidarity with those courageous Russian protesters, click here now.


The statement expresses strong support for antiwar protests in Russia, and also says that we here in the United States “rededicate ourselves to nonviolently resisting the militarism of the U.S. government.”

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I tried to like this but the heart didn't respond. I agree. They don't recognize strength in words, only in force.

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... thank you diana - they also do not give a hoot who gets hurt or killed so long as they can assert their misbegotten sense of power by blowing something up, regardless of cost or consequence to others (and, of course, putting more profits into the coffers of the military industrial complex that puts food (lots of it) on their tables ... this is where Biden is a horse of a completely different color - acting out of concern for impact on lives of people effected by the conflict ... kudos!!!

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Isn't that the truth!

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This weekend at CPAC, I think we can expect unqualified and unconfirmed Trump acting intelligence appointee Richard Grennell, reprise his Congressional GOP 'expert' witness testimony that 'NATO deadbeats started this invasion.'

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Targeted sanctions, as opposed to affecting Russian citizens in general, demonstrate empathy for a people not in control of their dictator. This gives the Allies a form of moral authority in the minds of those Russian citizens and the world. It also keeps the threat of increased sanction options available

Squeeze, do not crush. Wait to see how long Putin (and by extension Trump’s GOP) can hold it together

Play the long game

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Yes, Putin wants to move quickly and claim victory because he cannot hold out long with troops on the ground combat.

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But what if you're dead in the short term?

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The reality of death is already upon the world. There is no winner in a military conflict. Diplomacy is an art/science not practiced by the majority of any population, and as such its roll out not understood as a calculated series of steps to arrive at an overall goal that minimizes and mitigates the deaths we all know will accompany Putin’s aggression

I’m not a diplomat, but I will defer to their efforts

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Stuart, I forgot to say thank you for your thoughtful response to my post.

Thank you.

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This comment right here, Ralph, and Stuart. Thanks to both of you for the discourse. I am troubled by “liking” both views, but I do see the 360 point of view of them, combined. Maybe the orange one’s biggest job was to burn trust and patience out of the populace—it’s difficult to soothe the stomach-churning and trust this awful process. Squeeze vs. crush, indeed. I am sending resolve to our leaders, and am honestly so grateful to not have their job.

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What a great assessment. I have a similar experience quite often: Poster A makes a great comment. Poster B makes a counter comment that is different, and yet still a great comment as well. There is (98% of the time) polite discourse, and I come away much better informed.

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That is the beauty of Heather's Herd.

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Poster A, then Poster B, "98% of the time polite discourse...come away much better informed." And here we have illustrated the essence of the democratic process!

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"Like" does not mean "100% agree" or even 50%. It means, to me, "I read your comment and appreciate your thoughts on this issue" or "I appreciate that you read my comment, thought about it, and composed a response."

The latter very much applies to you, Donna.

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Thanks Ralph!

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Thoughtful (compromised sanction because of real-time effects on member nations and the global economy certainly weakens the severeity of effects on Putin's aggression) and concerning (what are 2, 3, 4, and knockout punches planned if the effects of the sanctions are not substantial). How long and to what level of pain can (will) this Euro-American alliance extend? Is counter invasion, peacekeeping support a clup needed to follow up on the silk clothed diplomatic use of sanctions? How do we stop the cat from clawing, now? And yes, I too am in pleased support of Mr Biden's leadership.

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What you said Fred!

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Greetings, Stuart! I agree, Russia must be cut out out of Swift immediately.

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Judith, thanks. I will read right now.

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BTW, Daria, I saw a Ukrainian woman interviewed on MSNBC or CNN. Her name was given as Darya.

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We can't freeze Germany. I believe Biden when he says the current sanctions will work better.

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MaryPat and Stewart, how would it freeze Germany?

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The West should be worried about President Zelinskiy's safety. Russia has won if it gets Zelinskiy, because Zelinskiy is the heart of Ukraine.

To sit back without providing adequate assistance to Ukraine is plain just not right. We need to do what's right. Anything else is short-sighted.

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A thought: if Russians in Ukraine and Ukrainians had the choice to vote for either Putin or Zelinskiy for president, who would win? I bet Zelinskiy would win even in Russia.

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Isn't that the story of war-- the whole people suffering for the sins of the few?

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Last sentence always true

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Spoken like a true war mongerer. Why else would have increased the pentagon’s budget to the largest in history.

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YES but only the people who value democracy are acknowledging this truth. Some people just don’t anymore. I was in DC a few days ago and had a very interesting conversation with a Hungarian woman in her 30’s. Her boyfriend who is Austrian was teaching law in DC and she came to visit. I asked about whether shewas concerned about Putin. Not at all she said. Putin isnt interested in taking over our country. She made it clear that the citizens of Hungary would keep electing the authoritarian leader they have because it allows Hungary to go on looking the way it always has. Then she made France an example of leftist stupidity.

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And that observation is precisely why Trump got over 70 million votes.

A lot of Americans don’t want to see their community or state become like the Left Coast.

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And the Blue states are underwriting the economies of those states

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Yes, living in an authoritarian state keeps the status quo for a certain group. This is partly what death star donny followers want. They want to be the top dogs because they are white and/or male. This way they can maintain their status and can be totally awful and without merit. Fear of losing status is a powerful motivator.

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For so many it’s true but what they lose sight of is that their lives then depend on a benevolent dictator or the illusion of one— I’ll take our flawed democracy any day.

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Likewise. Democracy is much more difficult.

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'A few more ways to help Ukrainians

'My friends are in basements, in flight, and under fire. Help.'

'Timothy Snyder'

'Yesterday I sent out a list of charities and NGOs who are helping Ukrainians during Russia’s senseless and murderous invasion. Some of you asked for places where you could use your credit cards instead of bank transfers. The below list are international charities working in Ukraine who can take donations from credit cards:'

Libereco Partnership for Human Rights, evacuation and medical assistance


Caritas, humanitarian assistance


Malteser International, evacuation assistance. (Make sure you have selected "Ukraine")


'And then others of you were intrigued by the mention of the crowdsourcing of the Ukrainian army. If you want to do that, go to'

Army SOS


To fund protective and other defensive gear for the Ukrainian army, go to

Save Life


Ralph, I hope that you understand this reply. Initially, posted a while ago, it landed at the end of forum's exchanges. As this message from historian Timothy provides subscribers with ways we can help the Ukrainian people, I chose put it upfront with you. Salud!

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Thank you, Fern ❤

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Biden's performance has been average. If you think he's "great" it is only because his predecessor is mentally ill and an active piece of human trash who infected millions with a brain fungus that rots them until they self-destruct.

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Fabulous satire. However, I believe is might be plagiary from The Onion or the Babylon Bee.

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Oh good grief.

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Sorry. No time today for posting. We are busy organizing our house against flying glass just in case. I have not looked at Twitter. Tanya has been watching TV so I have some idea. My thanks to all of you for your support. We need a no fly zone but that is impossible. The Russian soldiers are just kids who where lied to about where they were going .

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Allen, we’re with you. Wishing you, your family and all Ukrainians, safety and a complete ending to this heinous attack on your Democracy and people.

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It seems that you are on your own.

From The Guardian.

“Zelenskiy has pleaded with western countries to ramp up their sanctions on Russia and send more military support. In an address to the nation just after midnight, the president said: “We have been left alone to defend our state. Who is ready to fight alongside us? I don’t see anyone. Who is ready to give Ukraine a guarantee of Nato membership? Everyone is afraid.”

On Thursday evening, Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, voiced his fury shortly before the EU decided against blocking Russia from Swift, an international payments system through which it receives foreign currency – potentially the most effective sanction the bloc could impose. “I will not be diplomatic on this,” he tweeted. “Everyone who now doubts whether Russia should be banned from Swift has to understand that the blood of innocent Ukrainian men, women and children will be on their hands too. BAN RUSSIA FROM SWIFT.”“

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Because Ukraine is not in NATO nor quite fully in the EU yet, other nations have their hands tied, as do we, inasmuch as we are still regarding international accords. Meanwhile, Putin is showing his true self with his rage, lies and antics, as the megalomaniac that he is. He would not shy away from using his nukes if, say, we were to send in our jets. I take hope that the nearby NATO countries are offering shelter, medical care and their militaries at their borders. We shall see...

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Four quick lines from you are precious!! Your comments are so good. So NORMAL.

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I thought about you all day yesterday, and am glad to read your few lines this AM. Please know this community and the rest of the country, (minus those rethuglicans who can't seem to get out of their own way) are with you. Stay safe, Allen, Tanya and Lucky.

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You just look after yourselves and let us know that you are ok with a line. Good luck with making the house safe and be gentle with yourselves. My heart is with you and our Ukranian kin. Sending blessings and hope your way.

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Sharing an update from Timothy Snyder with links on how we can help Ukrainians:

"Yesterday I sent out a list of charities and NGOs who are helping Ukrainians during Russia’s senseless and murderous invasion. Some of you asked for places where you could use your credit cards instead of bank transfers. The below list are international charities working in Ukraine who can take donations from credit cards:"

Libereco Partnership for Human Rights, evacuation and medical assistance


Caritas, humanitarian assistance


Malteser International, evacuation assistance. (Make sure you have selected "Ukraine")


And then others of you were intrigued by the mention of the crowdsourcing of the Ukrainian army. If you want to do that, go to:

Army SOS


To fund protective and other defensive gear for the Ukrainian army, go to

Save Life



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I am passing these on Facebook to my friends in Canada.

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There also is this, to help orphans and handicapped people evacuated to Poland. https://thesmartblueprint.com/orphans/ The organization receiving the funds is Abundance International, a 501(c)3 corporation.

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Thanks so much, Judith!

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Thank you so much for these resources, Ellie!

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Dead sadlier today and shared on my FB page. Thanks for sharing again

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Thank you, Ellie. I’ll be sharing as well.

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Many thanks, Ellie!!

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Scrolled til I found you this morning. So glad you’re here.❤️

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Me too :)

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I haven't found your post yet, Allen, but I thought of you all day yesterday until my eyes closed last night. I'm hoping and praying for your safety and that of Tanya and Lucky today and going forward. Please drop a line when you can, thanks!

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Allen, they're not just kids. Russia has conscripted professional soldiers from various countries. An interviewee who was traveling through Ukraine reported this on a Latvian news broadcast. Our thoughts are with you.

Latvia will treat Ukraine's injured in its hospitals, and is providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Latvia has cancelled all Russian work visas.

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They are not all kids of course but enough to make me sad for them and their mothers

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ThankYou. AH. Literally grace under fire to think of the kids in the Russian military and their mothers.

Oct 2021

"A Russian nongovernmental organization that has defended the rights of conscripts in the Russian Army for more than two decades says it has ceased its activities because it faces possible persecution from the authorities.

Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg made the announcement on October 5, citing "serious restrictions" imposed by Russia's main domestic security service on the group’s activities.""


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A 50 year old is still a mother's kid.

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Latvia will treat Ukraine’s injured in their hospitals? How is this realistic, given their distance from one another and the fact that Belarus sits between these two countries?

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Possibly an airlift from Poland. I read that there are two routes open.

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Stay safe and even if all you can do is post one sentence to let us know you are alright we will keep you and your family and all of Ukraine in our hearts and prayers.

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Stay safe and be well. We deeply appreciate hearing news on the ground.

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Wonderful to hear from you! Please keep us posted as you are able.

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I feel heartened now that I found your post this morning. Much seems impossible and improbable right now, Allen. What is possible are millions of us united in thought and praying for the nation of Ukraine. If you must leave, give yourselves enough time to do it. Salud, Allen, Tanya, and Lucky!

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Thank you for the update and stay safe. My dog, Mongo, sends a special woof to Lucky.

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Lucky woofs back

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❤️ Even our dogs support peace and send love. So tender is such a horrible moment. Tears...

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Apollo looks concerned but did not hiss. Even though he doesn't much care for dogs, he does hope Lucky is OK.

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Ally, my cats Gris Gris and Rouger are with Apollo, sending good juju to Lucky and family🇺🇦!

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So glad to hear from you- the headline in today's Globe and Mail- Ukraine Stands Alone- I hope that won't be the case for long. Lots of stories today about people deciding whether to flee to safety or stay with their families- the kind of choices that most of us hope we will never have to make in our lifetime. Keep communicating, Allen. Lots of folks on this blog want to know you're OK.

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Your composure is admirable and speaks highly of you. I feel so helpless here in the US, that I want to flood the media with photos of Putin with a little black mustache scribbled under his nose.

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I really like the one with a rainbow flag mustache.

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So I found the one on Twitter and retweeted it. It's from Sweden, so possibly the American chain has just begun.

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Hahahah! Those are wonderful, MaryPat! I see I am not alone. May they spread far and wide. Thank you.

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DO!! Can someone post Putin's Hitler face for us to copy?!!

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Thank you for taking the time to post a short update from within. With thoughts for you and your family and all people in Ukraine.

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Ugh! I could barely stomach reading the treacherous accusations hurled at President Biden by the likes of US Senators & Congress critters who cheer on behalf of Team Putin.

The American people deserve to know in greater detail where each Republican stands on key points. I agree with Jennifer Rubin, who proposes that each of them should go on the record with their answers to these questions:

* “Is Putin a war criminal? Would you reject a political leader who praised him? Is such a person fit to be commander in chief?

* Is Putin a “genius”? Are you comfortable that Russian state networks think remarks from Trump-acolytes are so effective that they air them on TV?

* How can you criticize President Biden for being weak when Trump appeased Putin for four years and still roots for him?

* Why did you not stand up to Trump during his presidency when he attempted to extort Ukraine and so often sided with Putin? Was that “America First”?

* How can you call yourself an advocate of a strong U.S. foreign policy if you’d support Trump for president again?

* Don’t you think fawning over Putin gives him the impression that the West is divided? Doesn’t this aid his invasion?

Republicans should not be allowed to run away from reporters asking such questions or move on to other topics. For once, they need to be held accountable for their tacit approval, if not active participation, in an anti-American, antidemocratic, pro-authoritarian movement that marries defense of political violence at home (“legitimate political discourse”) with encouragement for authoritarian rogue states.

. . . . . .

In the midst of an assault on democracy and the concept of a rules-based international order, a major political party has thoroughly debased itself and boosted the enemy of both. To reaffirm objective reality and identify the threats to democracy, the public has a right to know: Are Republicans on Team America or Team Trump/Putin?”

To read Ms. Rubin’s entire opinion piece, click here:


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We already know that The lawmakers mentioned are subversives. They should receive no press coverage.

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Agreed, Charlene! By leaving them out of the spotlight, their damaging voices would be muffled and my blood would not boil each time I’m forced to hear a sound byte from any of Team Treason.

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I suspect they are “useful idiots” influenced by oligarchs who support them with laundered money

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If the J6 committee doesn’t have proof of their involvement in J6 yet, their blatant support of a murdering tyrant that has basically declared war on us should be enough to remove them from office. They are actively undermining our security.

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It sure feels like treason, though I’m guessing in the legal language world we wouldn’t actually be legally engaged in this war until Putin invaded a NATO ally?

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The constitutional language is of ...war or... enemies, giving them aid and comfort. The "or" gives the potential for that, since we can declare Russia to be an enemy and yet not actively engage in a war directly with them.

WARNING: I am NOT a constitutional scholar. Opinion only.

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Ally, I’ve tried to read about it, but the “legalese” language and various lawyerly interpretations leaves me uncertain. This is one that I read that makes it sound like a declaration of war is a component?

“Time of war.

Treason by aiding the enemy can't be committed during peacetime; there must be an actual enemy for the traitor to aid. The requisite enemy designation typically requires a formal declaration of war.” Maybe you read it differently?


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Exactly. They thrive on telling us who they are, just like Trump. Unfortunately, their constituents live in a world of reality (scripted) tv and love being entertained by hearing their world view grievances thrown around as if truth of the highest order. None care about critical thinking, they just want to bask in the attention.

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I work at not clicking on stories about/from the "subversives". Since journalists seem to be going for clicks, this is my boycott. There are days that there's not much to read in the NYT & WaPo!

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I do the same thing.

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Agreed. Boycotting stories from the racist side is essential for us.

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I’m with you Betsy. 🥰

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That’s censorship.

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There are hundreds of legislators whose every word is not reported. Reporting on these subversives has gone way beyond need to know to being done for titillating only.

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We need to know what they are saying so we can apply the adage, "when someone tells you who they are, believe them." When all the Trump signs went up in my hometown, I knew which businesses to avoid.

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Does it matter that their words help to embolden a murdering tyrant to kill even more people?

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We have done the same. It is a pity in one case, because there are some fabulous chainsaw art sculptures that we'd love to buy, but two of the larger outfits (one in Reedsport and one in Florence, both towns of under 10K people) have so much tRump propaganda visible we won't even go in.

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All those anti-American Republicans should be impeached. Who the fuck do they think they are. Their constituents should think twice about voting traitors into office.

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I am so with you, William. Enough of traitors to our republic.

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Sadly, the constituents are gobbling up the rhetoric and conduct and asking for more.

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There are one or two things I regret about having cancelled my subscription to WaPo - Jennifer Rubin is one. Alexandra Petri is another!

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I have WaPo on line.

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I don’t usually promote anything commercial, but I just got an email from WaPo, which is rare (2-3 X a month maybe). Here is a select quote:

“With seven staff reporters, videographers and photographers on the ground across Ukraine, The Post has more people covering Russia's invasion of Ukraine than any conflict since the Arab Spring. Our team is spread across the country, led by Moscow correspondent Isabelle Khurshudyan, a fluent Russian speaker who is now in Kharkiv. Their coverage is supported by journalists around the world working to deliver 24-hour live updates.

All conflicts are unpredictable, and this war is particularly so. At The Washington Post, we bring you fact-based reporting that illuminates the truth of what is unfolding at a time when misinformation is rife.”

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I’m keeping WaPo, but I got rid of NYT awhile back. LA Times and Guardian are still my primaries, along with Heather.

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OK; sold. I'll reinstate WaPo. (They've been sending me alluring letters ever since I left, which was when the Biden-bashing started. ) It will be my third, with Guardian and Le Monde.

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Ah, Le Monde. My French is not up to that level, but Agence France-Presse often has excellent English-language articles I run across on Huffpost. Without a European viewpoint, it is easy to miss the big picture just reading mainstream US media. Rather insular.

The Washington D.C. bubble has distinct limitations, but they also have deep connections into the U.S. government, so they find news you can’t find elsewhere. Like any other single source, necessary to exercise care & caution.

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The true irony is if those that insult and disrespect President Biden in a “Free Speech Right of Democracy country “ saying anything negative about Putin they would be punished, tortured, perhaps killed in Russia for saying It.Hope the Republican Voters remember who they are on Election Day.

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They won’t where I live

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I know Jeri, I thought of that. But let a Dumbass tell them to drink bleach and it’s” Bottoms Up !” Somebody needs to put a Sign on TFG” Dangerous ! Do No Swallow !” He’s not running for Office again, the Repubs don’t want him. Ivanka and Mel won’t play again.The Jewish Republicans are not abiding the TFG’s “Fine People “.

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Hope you are right

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A good article to read is on justsecurity.org . U.S. V Donald Trump. TFG’s big downfall was trying to bring Pence into it. There’s evidence and Pence is cooperating. And I really think Vindman has a strong case. That’s just 2 of the 19 cases still in the works. TFG better hope they keep donating to pay all his Legal Fees. My concern is how bad they are going to make it to Vote.

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In Summary:

Fox News Wins the Cold War!

For Russia.

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You get it Mike

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Bless you, Jennifer Rubin

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Feb 25, 2022
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Sophia! Ms. Stefanik is the new Amurcan patriot!

Poorly read and can barely read.

On Twitter most of the day.

Not working at any real job.

Aware that tearing down is easier than building up.

Highly adept at currying favor

Has a Swiss Bank account for deposits.

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Oh, she sounds like the one who golfed his ass off for four years on his own resorts and some called "president."

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It feels so unbelievable! Watching the scenes coming out of Ukraine, people living an ordinary life one day are huddled in subway tunnels the next day. Trying to leave, running out of gas and supplies. It makes our lives so far from it feel tenuous. I just feel so much sorrow and compassion for them!

Then I see “friends” on social media posting how it’s none of our business and stop the sanctions. How can they be so callous and uninformed? I’m stunned by their lack of sympathy.

Putin lives in an illusion of an archaic Cold War scenario. Long over and long gone. I hope the Russian people continue to fight against him and fight for freedom!

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With people like tRUMP, MTG, Cruz et al, it could happen here. Dems better ramp it up and use all this Republicans vitriol to win in 22

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Yes, exactly. This could be America if trump and his comrades succeeded on J6. Putin and trump have the same goals of being megalomaniacs. Our own war is not over with all the anti-democracy implants in our government. We should be marching in the streets against the party of sedition.

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Putin said he wants to liberate Ukraine from neo-Nazis. Right. The tens of thousands of cars leaving Ukraine for the West are the neo-Nazi's who voted in Zelinskiy (a Jew) as president. Putin makes no sense at all.

If Putin is liberating them, why aren't they all running toward Russia with open arms?

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Same bs that Rupert foists on the cult.

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It will be our turn if Putin and chump rule the world

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Fiona Hill thinks Trump's world view is from around the 1980's and it seems Putin's is back there too. They have similar temperaments and ways of organizing yes men around themselves.

I still find it hard to believe it came to actual invasion.

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During chump's term, I expected that Putin was ready to invade European countries when chump said NATO served no purpose. This position served Putin, and not the Allies, and it reflected Putin's view that the USSR never should have been dissolved, voiced many times by Putin over the years. Other statements made by Putin over the years convinced me that he would love to invade prior involuntarily-held republics.

Putin's present invasion may have been an act of desperation. Chump is no longer in office and may never be again, so Putin will lack support from that end. But the world is somewhat unstable due to the pandemic, making it vulnerable. And I bet Putin thought that after the EU destabilization resulting from Syria's refugee crisis, the EU wouldn't be able to pull itself together to oppose an invasion. He confiscated Crimea in 2014, and has been dabbling in Donetsk and Luhansk since then. It seemed that it would happen sooner or later. I guess I've been worried about Putin's potential aggressions since before chump took office.

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Yes - I think and feel the same.

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Hallelujah for Anonymous in taking down Russia’s media site! It appears Biden has gathered all of the musketeers together for a united front. I pray the US and our allies take Putin down and soon. I do wish NATO had approved Ukraine’s entry when Zelensky took power. He was fairly elected by the Ukrainians and won by over 73%.

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Over 73%? Haven't they got an Electoral College? Obviously corrupt, obviously. (Sarc.)

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Imagine! No electoral college? (More sarc.)

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What, you mean their votes actually count. What a concept.

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I think this every election, wow, the one with the most votes loses…only in America.

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They are a real democracy! Wish we had one here.

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May there be a jail-break and Alexei Navalny is freed! It appears he has many Russians in his corner. Do I hear the sounds of a revolution?

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We can only hope…

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Yes, yes!! We must keep hope alive!!

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I saw a photo earlier today of a Ukrainian woman speaking to some Russian soldiers.

Apparently she told them they should keep sunflower seeds in their pockets so years from now people would be able to tell where their bodies had fallen.

This is the country Putin chose to invade...

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The sunflowers again! I mentioned (yesterday?) the families killed when MH17 was downed by a missile. It took an incredibly long time for the bodies to be recovered and identified. One Australian helper had the idea of loading a bag with sunflower seeds (which is where the plane went down), and posted one or two to each bereaved family. Months later the letters of gratitude started arriving- the seeds were growing! they had a living memorial of their loved one, in their home gardens, far from Ukraine, in Holland, in Malaysia, in Australia.

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Two points about sunflowers- #`1 it's Ukraine's national flower and #2 Ukraine had the highest production volume of sunflower seeds of ANY (my emphasis) country in the world in the 2021/2022 crop year. During that time period, Ukraine produced around 17.5 million metric tons of sunflower seeds (found this info online).

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Isn't she brilliant! Is she cowed? Is she impressed by the battledress, the helmet and the gun? There's a wise peasant head under that thick rope of white hair.

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Feb 25, 2022
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Chilling. Really.

The Russian kids being forced to kill in Ukraine are almost as victimized by Putin as Ukranians.

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Days ago American intelligence reported that the Russians had a list of Ukrainians targeted to be killed and others who would ‘disappear.’ Plans were crafted for a puppet government. Special troops appear to have been infiltrated into Kyiv ready to execute these orders. President Zelensky announced that he was #1 on the list. Russian troops seem poised to encircle Kyiv and move to seize the capital city within 24-48 hours.

Ukraine has over 42 million citizens, including a few million in two eastern provinces that Putin declared to be ‘independent countries.’ The great majority of Ukrainians are proud nationalists who totally oppose the Russian invasion.

Assuming that an overwhelming Russian force can occupy much of the Ukraine and install a puppet government, this is the beginning of a long-term occupation and smoldering insurrection.

Occupying a city of 1-3 million population is far easier than controlling it. An organized guerrilla force can inflict significant casualties on an occupying Russian army with the fig leaf of a Quisling government.

I recall an incident during the Russian 1956 crushing of the Hungarian Revolution, the murder of Imry Nagy and others, and the installation of a puppet government.

There were reports that some Russian troops were swiftly puzzled to encounter a broadly-backed Hungarian revolution that contradicted the official Soviet line. There were reports that some of these troops hesitated in following orders to crush these Hungarians.

Russian troops were briefly withdrawn from Budapest. The press reported that Asian troops were brought in to re-enforce a brutal suppression of the Hungarian Revolution.

According to an unconfirmed report, a platoon of Russian soldiers has already surrendered to Ukrainian military because they had been deceived about the reason for ther invasion. Were Putin to occupy major Ukrainian cities and much of the countryside, combat troops would be replaced by occupation troops. They could expect a hostile population and organized guerrilla warfare.

Ukraine is distinct from Afghanistan, where Soviet troop morale sagged as soldiers realized the futility of their mission. As casualties mounted, Soviet citizens increasingly became aware of the human cost of this forever war. In Ukraine, where millions of individuals have common familial links between Ukraine and Russia, it will be even more difficult to maintain the charade that Ukrainians are the ‘enemy.’

Under Hitler, the SS would eliminate entire villages in reprisal for guerrilla activities. I doubt that this would be possible in Ukraine. Over months, perhaps years, the stench of Russian occupation could become insufferable.

I don’t know how the Gordian’s knot will become untangled, but Putin would be the ultimate loser, as long as the West and others maintain lock-step unity against Putin’s calumny.

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Yes Keith. On the news in Vienna they interviewed many people who said I am part Russian and part Ukrainian. I don't support the war. Then, on German news they interviewed Russians who said that they were connected to people in the Ukraine. The young people they interviewed were against the war, but a lot of the older people were saying it was started by NATO, because that is apparently what Putin has told them. In fact a Russian journalist based in Moscow was saying that the news is so sparse. Putin does not call it a war and does not explain what he is doing or his goals, he just explains that he is defending aggression by NATO. However, the internet in Russia appears to be fairly free, unlike China, I guess Putin forgot about this piece of it, or he has cultivated a country of too many hackers, but in any case, it just seems like they are more skeptical and better informed. They are not just getting the Putin line but news from other, and relative in the Ukraine. I want us to offer Zelenskyy asylum. Also, now would be a good time to foment another rebellion in Kazakhstan, a country of 19 mil, where they tried to overthrow their president. We should be arming them too. Russia has its hands too full with the Ukraine to be much help right now. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/world/asia/kazakhstan-protests.html

I am glad to hear so many countries say they will absorb the cost because this is about human lives.

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Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister had two parallel statements:

oppose Russian invasion, AND pull back NATO from Moscow's front porch.

We've seen in this invasion the reality of miscalculation. The NATO advance creates a consequence for miscalculation we must not forget in all the hue and cry, because at the heart of Putin's actions is a rejection of a five to seven minute time period for deciding whether to destroy the planet over a false alarm re incoming missiles. Which miscalculation is more dangerous? I'd rather my grandchildren not face a nuclear winter over a misinterpreted false alarm, and i think our community here would rather allow a longer time for reflection and verification than five minutes. Are we capable of that analysis? The current miscalculation is serious. I hardly can find language for the other one.

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I forgot Varoufakis' key third element for a sustainable outcome. It was just mentioned by the President of Ukraine: Neutrality for Ukraine.

Not exactly a radical solution.

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I am hoping that the White House offers the president of Ukraine asylum and the people of Ukraine a place here. I think we should get ready to take as many as possible in as European countries are doing.

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Neutrality and a four-power administration (my uncle was the British representative) was a temporary solution for post-WW II Austria. It would be totally inappropriate for the sovereign state of Ukraine today.

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Yikes... a four-power administration! You must have some stories about that.

Greg Palast's recent report refers to "deadly men with funny hats" (not language many of us would use) sharing some neglected realities of recent history.


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Berlin had four sectors—American/British/Soviet/French. There were a few problems—Berlin Airlift and Berlin Wall. Still, the three Western powers were still there when the wall came down.

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I see Biden has offered Zelenskyy asylum but as of yet he won't accept it. Also Putin has offered to discuss neutrality in Belarus, which is the wolf saying to Red Riding Hood, come into my bed. No thanks. Putin also just threatened his lovely Scandinavian neighbors that they better not dare join NATO or else. He is becoming so unhinged it is scary. Like a suicide bomber will he take us all with him if he does not get his way?

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Linda Putin is offering Zelensky ‘unconditional surrender,’ with his safety not assured in Belarus. Zelensky is a brave hero who has chosen to stay in Kyiv and probably be killed sooner or later by the Russians. He is doing this to be a symbol of an independent Ukraine. Hopefully his spirit will live on for an ultimately free and independent Ukraine, perhaps years from now. He would deserve our Presidential Medal of Freedom. Zelensky, by his heroism, may prove the ultimate thorn in Putin.

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Keith, thank you! This is so important; “As casualties mounted, Soviet citizens increasingly became aware of the human cost of this forever war. In Ukraine, where millions of individuals have common familial links between Ukraine and Russia, it will be even more difficult to maintain the charade that Ukrainians are the ‘enemy.’”

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And many Ukrainians speak the same language as the oppressing soldiers! It is not an "incomprehensible linguistic babble and a totally alien culture but slavic peoples who have alternately shared and fought over the same ground for a milenia.

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The Olympic Games were on in Melbourne. The Russian and Hungarian water polo teams came to blows - in the water - blood flowed! Big influx of Hungarians into Australia in the following months.

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Anne=Louise In December, 1956 I watched the Hungarian-Soviet Union Olympic water polo match a month after the Soviets had brutally crushed the Hungarian Revolution. The Hungarians were fighting a war against the Soviets. The water was bloody, the underwater fighting brutal, and the Hungarians triumphed 4-0.It was headline news throughout the Free World.

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In December 1956, I was 6 months away from being conceived. I had never heard this water polo story before.

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Ally I was born in October, 1933. Until very much later I wasn’t aware of the informal German-British truce in WW I, when soldiers gathered to swap cigarettes and chocolates, play soccer, and sing Christmas carols. One British soldier encountered a German soldier who had been a barber in his British town.

In 1916 British officials declared that any British troop fraternizing with the enemy over Christmas would be dealt with harshly. They seemed concerned that, if British and Germans met and got to know one another, they might refuse to fight. HORRORS!

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Great story, and true

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Thank you, Keith. I so value your input here.

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And chump is sent to the trash bin

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Keith, I am echoing Ally House: your contributions here are so valuable to me personally. Thank you ❤️❤️

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Again, thank you, Heather. Your commitment to and passion for the principles of democracy came though loud and clear on your FB Live session Thursday afternoon. Clearly those in the US who are standing with Putin never understood democracy and are willing to throw it away. They are disgraced for all eternity.

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Here's the link to Heather's powerful and emotional video chat today (2/24/22):


As Heather was connecting the dots between Putin's actions toward Ukraine and toward the U.S. since 2014, I think she was describing global oligarchy as a threat to global democracies. Looking at the faces of oligarchy as the faces of unregulated capitalism and white supremacy/racism, the hard truth is that we are all participants in these socially constructed relationships--it's all a matter of to what degree. It is, however, significant at which end of the spectrum one is, but it is not zero, particularly for people born with white privilege.

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Thanks for sharing the link, Ellie. Two of the important points Heather made during her talk is don't believe anything we see, read or hear until it's been verified by a trusted source. The other, if you don't know about a person or event being discussed, look it up. Our curiosity and ability to dig for facts/truth is a personal asset we should not waste.

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Thank you, Ellie! I just finished listening to Heather's 'connect the dots' talk. I completely agree with Daria's comments!

Also, I hope Heather never loses what she referred to as her "naivete", or her optimism (or her mind, for that fact). She reminds us of the fragility of our humanness while giving us focus and hope.💜

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This was so powerful to watch in real time! And again an hour later. And again just now...

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Thank you Ellie, as I don’t Facebook your link made me her audience and I was inthralled. Thank you. She is dope.

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Ty for sharing link, if this could only be shared and shared and shared. I will do my part.

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They are chump cultists

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Putin hedged his bets on a Republican Party 'fifth column' being a more reliable co-conspirator (than a not so useful idiot working his own angle.) And Republicans are falling all over themselves to deliver. Shameful.

This is no time for GOP 'business as usual' sniping and obstructionism. There is a war going on. A big question right now is, what's happened at Chernobyl? It is possible that the war now has a nuclear component.

Republicans are making themselves complicit in Putin's crimes and irrelevant to America's part in the world wide response.

Meanwhile, Russians are protesting in major cities. Putin talked about bringing Ukrainians to trial/jail in Russia. The facilities may be too full of Russians.

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However, there are a also Republicans who are backing the President. We need to get the press not to give the traitors air time. This is war! It is said that Putin's forces have taken over Chernobyl. However, I hope that they have radiation outfits and a plan like the Ukrainians guarding it use, where they do not stay too long on shift because of the radiation. I cheer on the brave Ukrainians who fight and the brave Russians who protest!

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Yes, there are some Republicans who give a nod to the international diplomatic effort and support a regime of sanctions. I have not heard/read every single statement by every single Republican, but I have not heard/read any statement by any Republican which does not include some derogatory reference to the withdrawal from Afghanistan and/or (usually 'and') some derogatory assertion that America weakness under this administration is a cause of Putin's aggression. For starts.

Ukrainians report that radiation levels have been exceeded at Chernobyl since Russians seized control.

There is speculation that the Russian military presence in the Chernobyl exclusion zone including heavy vehicles (it is on a most direct route to Belarus) has stirred up radioactive dirt.

Russians claim their paratroopers seized the facility, it is operating normally (ie controlled leakage), and that radiation levels are normal. Of course, Russian assertions cannot be trusted in this 'military action'.

In the Chernobyl disaster under Soviet control, Soviet authorities withheld critical information from their own first responders, did not report the disaster, and then when Sweden reported increased levels of radiation, Soviet authorities first denied there was a problem and then lied about the extent of the disaster. So ...

From reporting yesterday. Hundreds of Ukrainians have been killed so far. Around 2000 Russian protestors have been arrested.

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From Pjotr Sauer of The Guardian Angry Putin calls on Ukrainian army to overthrow the government. "Addressing the Ukrainian military in a televised address, a visibly angry Putin urged the military to 'take power into your own hands'."

Now in my playbook it should be the other way around and Zelenskyy should be making this appeal to the Russian soldiers. Of course their boss has the nukes including the ones the someone convinced the Ukranians to give Russia. That was a turning point moment in history. Let that go down as a bad, bad decision.


Again I am reminded of the dystopian reality we find ourselves in. Hindsight is 20-20. Now let us hope everyone stays awake and alert. Still, Putin sounds absolutely unhinged. This is dangerous for the whole planet. Someone needs to slip him some sleeping tablets. I was just discussing with my 16-year old who is learning about Mania in school that it can be induced by things like lack of sleep. Both leaders clearly have not been sleeping much, although I am inducing this about Putin because he appears to be in a manic state. Zelenskyy is just the opposite. He just looks exhausted, but noble.

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ThankYou. Really heartening comment. Very helpful.

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Thank you Heather for keeping us updated on this horrific invasion though I could have done without the delirious Elise et al. alternate universe. Tfg-idjt and his wannabe bullies are clearly involved. Not surprising that the same treasonous legislators who were eye witnesses and probably participants to Jan 6 and 4 years of pals with Putin are still lying but where are the rest of the republicans?

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Yes indeed where are the real republicans? The American republicans ?

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Are there any "real Republicans?"

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Okay Pam, You forced my hand. Forgive me I live in Idaho. There are many many republicans. So many in fact that if you flip a coin one side would be Republican the other Democrat. Heads for Democrats, tails for Republicans.

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These days I could ask...."Are there any real democrats?" Heads/tails.

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Thank you for an easy question. Phew! I have never liked labels for humans. We are what we are. The answer is there are no demos or repos. Only a political system that slots you to choose yes or no unwaveringly to one label or the other. We do, however, live in a world of variables, color if you will. Being channeled into black and white no longer serves us. Ask the Catholic Church about contraceptives or divorce. See how w ell that served them. So no there are no elephants or donkeys in our DNA, just “real people”.

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Gone long ago

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This Eisenhower republican went Independent & now leans left.....but I left the party in the 1980s when the moral majority infiltrated. Some Rs are now part of the Lincoln Project.

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When you describe Pres. Biden's actions or speeches, it's not necessary to mention comments by three outliers in the Congress, i.e., the GOP woman from Western CO, the other GOP woman from NW Georgia and the soon-to-be-convicted GOP felon from FL. In so doing you're giving oxygen to these three miscreants.

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The same applies to the failed insurrectionist.

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I beg everyone to scroll up to Andrew Worthman's tweet and call out every traitorous republican. calling President Biden weak. It is easy to do. He lists them with their twitter name and you can just click on it.

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For a bombastic and bellicose reactionary regime, Vladimir Putin's Russia has not shown itself particularly adept in carrying out this invasion of its nonthreatening neighbor. Given the overall resources that Putin assembled to carry out the invasion, it appears that Russian forces are already meeting substantial resistance from Ukraine. More importantly, Vladimir Putin has garnered little or no international support for this effort. What he has done was to trigger the trade and economic sanctions that President Biden assured the world that he would impose, and those sanctions can only grow stronger with time. Sadly, the Ukrainian people must bear the cost of the military defeat being inflicted upon them until the sanctions take hold. It is also regrettable that for those sanctions to fully take effect an extended timeline will need to be projected for the enforced economic isolation measures to show positive results. One surprising development was the degree of dissent that has been publicly registered against the invasion by the Russian people. In 2014, when Crimea was seized, there was virtually no protest; but today was a different story. Relatively large demonstrations appeared in Moscow and St. Petersburg that were filmed by the international media. Those demonstrations signify a degree of weakness in the Putin regime's popular approval that Russian officials would be loath to admit.

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We need to be coming out here and showing our dissent as well.At the same time that shows support for our government, and hopefully drowns out the trucker convey heading to Washington. Also, Myanmar just came out in support of Russia. We should be sanctioning them too. I heard a reporter on DW news claim that the official report in Russia is that 60 percent of the people support war against NATO. No one can really fact check that.

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Well, Myanmar are probably struggling to find friends at the moment.

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China is openly supporting Putin.

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and Timothy Snyder has posted an update of organizations that accept credit cards instead of bank transfers:


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'You can show solidarity. You can give an organization a little bit of your money. IT WILL NOT STOP A WAR. BUT IT WILL HELP UKRAINIANS TO HELP THEMSELVES. AND IT COULD SAVE LIVES.'

'Ukraine is not a rich country. The average household makes less than $7000 a year. A little money, sent in the right direction, can make a meaningful difference. And it might give you a sense that you have done the right thing, at least in a small way, at the right moment.'

'Please do something.' (Historian, Timothy Snyder)

NGO that arranges life-saving equipment for Ukrainian soldiers: https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate

Hospitallers working at the frontline: https://www.facebook.com/hospitallers/posts/2953630548255167

Ukrainian Women’s Veteran Movement: https://www.uwvm.org.ua/?page_id=3437&lang=en

NGO that assists internal refugees: https://unitedhelpukraine.org/

NGO that assistants internal refugees, especially from Crimea: https://www.peaceinsight.org/en/organisations/crimea-sos/?location=ukraine&theme

NGO that aids traumatised children: https://voices.org.ua/en/

Foundation that assists healthcare and education in eastern Ukraine: https://razomforukraine.org/projects/zhadan/

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Thank you, dear Fern!

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Thank you, J.P.!

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The news this morning made me physically sick. It is clear to me (and many others) that there is an allegiance from the far right wackos and FOX News Corps to Putin. Paul Manafort worked for Putin’s puppet pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych and then Mueller's investigation found that as Trumps campaign manager he is guilty of associating with Russian intelligence, lies to the FBI and Muellers team, convicted and then pardoned by the leader if these wackos. Yet the Republicans think that consorting with the enemy of democracy is “strong” and “smart”. Ugh. They are as one woman put it “Traitorous pigs”; giving support to a crazed dictator who would destroy a thriving democratic nation in order to control it.

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I wonder if of the classified files at MaraLago had proved useful to Putin. And how much TFG may have been compensated.

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Tucker Carlson is Putin's mouthpiece; and Fox news is Russia's propaganda channel.

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It's more a matter of thinking big. Google a map of Hitler's planned "Lebensraum" - I think that's what he has in mind.

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We are on high alert. A Russian fighter circled Zhovti Vody and we have no idea what it means. Lina, friend Lenchik and son from town have moved to our home for the duration. We are rural enough to be safe. Glued to TV and Twitter.

If they bomb every small town of 40 thousand like us they will be busy. I think it is a false alarm but we thought the whole war was a false alarm.

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How kind to bring in others at this time. Still wishing you all safety at this dreadful time.

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Maybe done to intimidate. Nothing more. Hopefully.

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Allen. Have you considered leaving Ukraine??

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