You go Governor Mills!

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Day #33 - And, everyone else just sat there in silence which was the loudest most terrifying "voice" in the room.

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Yeah, I wish the fellow attendees had given her a standing ovation…apparently she was the only one w/ a spine in the room.

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This country will be saved if it is to be saved, by women and people of color. We will rely on diversity equity and inclusion to save our sorry asses from the white supremacists who are actually scared little boys who know that they are failures.

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Why white men hate DEI- it proves that they are not as good as they think. DEI shows that women, disabled people and minorities are every bit as capable

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WOmen are MORE capable. We had to be, to compete.

I was the second woman hired at HP for sales (recruited by the first and quickly followed by the third and fourth), and why? Because we could finally get a credit card in our own names so we could manage an expense account. And it took ten years of that ability before we could even get a shot.

The women were always in the top 5% of performers.

Men hated it.

Drumpf would have been nowhere wo the massive leg up daddy's money gave him. That and a penis will get you the presidency.

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Jen, don't tell my wife but if not were for her, managing our finances, and many other important things, I would be in deep trouble.

Ok, I have to confess 😅...she knows because I express my appreciation often. 😁

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You go girl? I was the "victim" of salary discrimination, when I was hired to teach at a private school, where I had a masters but my colleague did not and he made more money.

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Can we not divide each other? We are all needed in this fight. We all bring our own skills and type of courage. We are not all getting public opportunities. Each of us, women and men and all the LGBTQ folks, bring something valuable. Tearing one gender down serves nothing.

Wasting precious time and energy dredging up old battles is a huge waste of time and resources. Stay focused everyone.

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Jen—HP was such a interesting company…this big handsome guy came to our 5th grade class, my teacher Mrs. Collins had political connections in San Jose, and he talked about a tide floating all boats and excitement of creating a business…Dave made an impression on me and many others! They hired Valerie, a childhood friend, for an entry level position and then sent her to college because she had ‘potential’…she moved around over the years, in a number of companies, as the tide that floats all boats. This made them all successes!

We need to remember! This is how it works!

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I was divorced at the ripe old age of 45, and found that I could not get a credit card, as I had no credit history. I was married for 28 years, had five kids with him, and managed our finances for the entire time, with a credit score in the 800's, but needed a co-signer, because all our Credi cards had been based on his salary and in his name. I was mad as a hornet! As an aside, before I left, I had to teach him how to turn on the washer, dryer, vacuum, balance a checkbook, etc. He was an executive but had NO common-sense knowledge. He found a female partner in six months! HA HA

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Yes, Yes, Yes! When I went to get a small loan for grad school, I was told my father or another male relative had to sign. I told them, I didn’t have any. My father got a chuckle out of that …. He totally supported my independence and chutzpah!

Oh the experienced women could (and do) tell. All the women I know over a lifetime have more than one horror story!!!

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Frumpy may have a penis but no BRAINS!

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Spot on, Jen. I recall that they said of Ginger Rogers that she "did everything that Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels." The one I always heard that in order to be seen as half as good a cop as a man, you have to be twice as good. I saw this time and time again.

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To someone used to privilege, equality seems like discrimination.

I don’t know who said that first but it illuminates why so many men are unaware of the privilege that they have just because they are men. It’s not something they earn because they are smarter or more talented or more accomplished. It is handed to them because of their anatomy, reinforced by ancient sacred texts that were written by men.

Some men understand that this imbalance twists societies so they do not function as they should. Natural and human resources are wasted and we are weighed down by problems that don’t need to exist. The entire planet is threatened because of it. Yet instead of understanding it and working toward correcting the imbalance, men embrace the inequality without understanding why things keep getting worse.

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Federal employees were told that they had to go back to the office full-time. Five days a week; forty hours a week.

Has the con man spent five days a week at his desk working? I've seen him sign pieces of paper he never read.

Where does he spend his time? Maga-Lardo?

MAGA - Make Americ Golf Again.

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A school chum recoiled and protested when I mentioned our white privilege growing up in the South. Explaining white privilege to white Southerners is like trying to explain water to a fish. It's so completely integral to their being, they can't see it.

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I've said that here before Townie, but so have others.

I have also said that I dislike "Trustifarians" like Musk and Trump that never had to work a day in their lives and yet squandered millions of dollars due to their incompetence.

Of course, not all Trustifarians are ignorant greedy bastards, but a lot of them are. They could care less about anyone besides themselves.

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NLTownie, you are so right. White male privilege, is the default for many white men; when someone not white and male gets selected/chosen/promoted over them it has to be DEI. Could it, perhaps, possibly, that you AREN'T all that and a slice of bread???

Coming from a law enforcement background, I saw this All. The. Time.

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Not all white men hate DEI. I know many men, younger men in particular, who have zero problems working with and for women or BIPOC or whatever. Most just want to successfully get the job done. And so many men are loving being "allowed" to nurture their children.

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Sorry, but the only entity that can save our country now is the military. They need to surround the White House and Congress, remove the traitors, and hold new elections. No one is hearing our voices other than fellow, like-minded posters. I'm signing every petition and letter that comes my way but the carnage is raging every day-it's not enough to stop it.

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No. That's an insurrection. Believe me, we really don't want the military to unilaterally remove "traitors." That's a very dangerous idea and contrary to what we stand for: the rule of law. The military, in this country, has traditionally been subservient to the civilian government, not the other way around.

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Why do the males (white, black, etc.) hate DEI? I think the ignorance of what happens in the development of the fetus that results in one having homosexual and/or transgender orientations is a factor. There are other reasons, I'm sure, but I'm unsure what they are. Whatever the case, treating transgender and homosexual people like this is cruel and outrageous. Of course, racism is a factor, but that's another category.

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Rickey, this is the source of much of the resentment we see today because white men only had to be white men to be hired no matter how incompetent they might be. The federal government also has many veterans working for it which apparently did not save their jobs. My husband worked for the employment division here in Oregon (when it was still able to do its job). For hiring: 5 points for being a vet, 5 points for being a Vietnam vet, 5 points for being a disabled vet. The top post is a political appointment and for a time it was a man in a wheelchair although my husband does not think he was a vet. One of the deputy administrators, a woman, flew new military planes from the US to England in WWII; the other, was a marine at the Battle of Chosen Reservoir, one of the worst battles of the Korean War. All three of them of them must be turning over in their graves. My husband is waiting to see what happens with unemployment insurance.

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If proves that they are capable talented people, just like everyone else.

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Rickey, as you know, there will always be 'those' who finangle and abuse systems designed with the best of intentions in mind. Covid-$$, Welfare checks, debit cards, etc; and DEI. So often we accuse individuals of rampant abuse when in fact it's more the exception than the rule. Nevertheless, the molehill is portrayed as a mountain by those who would profit by that. But, even worse are fraudulent businesses that rake in millions defrauding our government or the benevolent agency involved. Trouble is, those dirtbags don't seem to get hung from some bridge by their ass (or thumbs, or..?) and fully exposed for the rest of us.., to see justice being done. Instead.., we are handed this cockamaney-crap by FAUX news or Alex-Jones or Shitface Hannity. That, Rickey is where the problem is. No? Digest it.

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...if not - more so capable than a good number of "[white]men"!!!

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Terry, I have a coaster made by a wonderful local vendor called Annie's Barn, that I have given to numerous people in the last few months. It reads, "Start each day with the confidence of a mediocre white man." Truer words were never etched onto wood . . .

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I love this! 👏😘

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Terry, I believe you are spot on. Women and people of color have everything to lose (their lives and fortunes ) and will stick with their sacred honor while white men, only interested in status and money sell US out.

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Particularly women of color....

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Exactly! As I watched the news clip of this public bullying attempt, I was at once ecstatic seeing Gov Mills calmly and firmly speak truth to power and was cheering her on in my kitchen, than immediately baffled by how not a single other governor clapped or stood in support — at the point where Trump continued to badger her, Mills and every other governor with integrity present should have just stood up and left.

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Must keep in mind that the room was filled mostly with men, useless invertebrate men.

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I don't know if the governor of Oregon was there. She is a lesbian woman.

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Even better! Thank you for an important reminder, Michele.

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Yeah Barbara as a woman, governor Mills has what the male maga legislators in Congress and governors of red states don't have.

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In fairness, certain female senators need to grow a spine, too.

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Ricardo, it's not lack of balls, that's for sure!

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lol…Ricardo, I almost used the word “cojones”, but wanted to be gender-neutral…but, yes, exactly!

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Barbara you read in between my comment's lines....and don't be gender-neutral.....it's probably illegal now.

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Politicians only grow spines under certain conditions related to support. And those who support an idea will cheer unti it hits them in the wallet. Unfortunately there will be much financial bloodshed before his garden variety MAGAs walk away. And it’s happening now. The financial markets are about to suffer and recession will soon be upon us.

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If Trump has his way it could very well be a depression. He has proven over and over how inept he is at financial matters.

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Judy, it is beyond me how anyone could see running a country like a business is a good idea, and how anyone could see a TV fake-successful-businessman as someone who could pull it off. All anyone had to do was look at his ACTUAL business practices to see any “country” run that way would bankrupt just like his did.

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MAGA folk live in a culture of very very low expectations, and a paralyzing fear of the 'other'; 'other' cultures, 'other' cuisines, 'other' people, 'other' anything that would cause them to pause and consider expanding their microscopic world view. Not the kind of people any intellectually healthy person wants to hang out with.

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I'm thinking the bloodshed may be more literal, especially if Trump feels he's losing power.

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He will blame Musk who will blame Trump.

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It is always a woman with a spine! Men are typically too worried to speak truth to power.

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My husband has contra-danced with her, and yes, her spine is strong.

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I love this!

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Haven’t contra-danced in ages…love it!

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Exactly right, Barbara! And the Mango Mussolini's statement before he so rudely and condescendingly addressed Gov. Mills was revealing. "We are the law". NO, you are most decidedly NOT the law, as the President executes the law, while the Congress makes them.

The mendacious and moronic monster of Mar a Lago seems not to know that

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"Yeah.., I'm here". Is that what I heard? Only response that could possibly have been better would have been: "Yo.. You talkin to me?". K- BLAM!

Maine - Wicked Good!

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Mad Russian, love the “wicked”! Maybe add awesome after it:)

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Many are scared of billionaires and violent men in black trucks with weird grey flags…they have been let out of jail and given their orders. We need to provide them protection and as well support for political actions!

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Yes, Barbara. And if more people stood up, they'd (T and company) would have a much more difficult time silencing them.

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I keep posting this cuz it’s so good: Quote from Susan Sontag “Courage is as contagious as fear”. Let it spread far and wide!

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Sometimes all it takes is a single voice. Never hesitate to push back, BE that voice.

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So much swampiness . .

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Lacking anything of intelligence to offer, they sat on there ass(s). Pissah!

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Or balls!

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Janet: One of my favorite quotes is this: "The deepest feelings are said in silence"!

Be well.

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So what will he do with the remaining 3 years and 51 months after he has slashed the entirety of our government? Wouldn't he be kinda bored just playing golf and eating big Macs for the rest of his administration?

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He was so condescending, disrespectful and threatening to the Gov of Maine, who happens to be a woman. Am wondering if his tone would have been the same if a male Gov were in her place. Also, he called on her- she did not make the first move - so the evil genius puppet masters set this up. He thinks it makes him look strong. He is the bully boy in the school yard picking on the " little kids". Only, in this case the " little kid" spoke up. He missed a beat for a sec, then came back with a personal threat about her future--the main tool in his bully box! " If you come after me I will come after you!" It is all so sickening and dangerous.

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He basically told her, "Your state, my choice".

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As popularity wanes, look for Authoritarians to start an external war. Appeals to nationalism. Appeals to patriotism. Gives homeland security the authority to jail protesters.

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I fear that the administration is banking on a pandemic to control us. The evolution of Avian Flu gets little press. Having removed us from WHO, muzzled The CDC and NIH and put RFK Jr. at the helm of our Dept. Of Health, is it a too big a stretch to note an agenda?

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No, Susan it is NOT too big a stretch, as, I have already seen the “kill off as many poor and old as possible” agenda. It’s truly obvious.

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Hence Canada, Greenland, Panama, and who knows where else?

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Shouldn’t the pundits get ahead of this fact? He’s going to start a war of aggression as his popularity wanes. Probably will come as soon as the economy starts falling as his policies cause the slowdown.

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He will spend his time working on how to stay in office past 2030.

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He did it thru the entire first, failed presidency, why would it be different now?

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Janet, simple minds do simple things as they are NOT capable of anything else, no brains, no heart. Can't read jut sign his name and thinks he is accomplished!

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Not at all. That's really what he loves to do. Especially on our dime.

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He'll be happy that he is just not in jail.

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exactly what I said and thought. Cowards...

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Exactly. Similar the AP press ban from the WH. Stand together or be defeated. Eventually it will happen. And hopefully the cameras will be rolling. Will be quite a moment. Donnie will probably shit his diapers on national tv.

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In the early 1980’s, I was an investment office (at a now defunct Boston bank). When I was pregnant with my first and had to let my boss know early due to complications that would limit my travel), I was hauled up to HR where they said there is no maternity leave policy as “no investment officer has ever done this to us before!” All IO’s were men!

For 4 months after the baby was born, I kept telling them I was coming back and kept collecting my paycheck before they cut me off.

The Boomer generation of women (highly educated, motivated, and talented) were becoming fully engaged in the workforce - yet 10 yrs later when I returned to full time work in the industry (which had changed dramatically- and not for the better!) I was appalled by how little progress women had actually made in narrowing the money gap and positions of leadership. It’s better now but when Roe c Wade was turned over, that was another major setback for women.

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Next up, martial law.

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But realistically - NO, if your sex at birth was male - those transitioning or have transitioned to something else should be prohibited from competing in female sporting events where they have an unfair advantage over those who were/are females at birth!

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I get what you’re saying but if you’ve changed your hormone makeup to transition doesn’t that take away the advantage?

Do you think it’s odd no one ever says this about women who have transitioned into men and they remain silent when those are the athletes who are winning?

I think the problem is so minuscule that had the masculinity boys not felt so threatened we wouldn’t even know it happened. Plus, we are putting so much emphasis on sports while we ignore intelligence in this country. Attend any high school graduation or look at the money and accolades sports gets in any educational institution compared to sciences.

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Hormone treatment does remove the advantage. I hate Trump as much as anyone but he’s right here. This helped him win the election.

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Did you mean doesn’t? That’s the way I read it.

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Then why ban hormones in sports?

Fear is all he has. It’s a mob boss mentality and the reason mob bosses are so successful is because people are too lazy to think for themselves.

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To respond to your first question, I have no idea. As to your second question, if I were the man in that losing situation, I would keep my mouth closed too!

The problem is tremendously minuscule - but Sharon, dat's what d'ey do - make a mountain out of a mole hill and it escalates into a very big talking point that democrats [we] tend to ignore ... until it's too late!

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If it’s so minuscule then stop defending an unfair policy.

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This isn't the first time Mills has stood up to Trump or Maine politicians for that matter. Even though we receive billions from the Federal government, our tiny Congressional delegation is ready to speak up. Our brave Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, tried to keep Trump off of the primary ballot because she was following Maine state law. She was heavily criticized by the MAGA group. And Mills stood up to Trump during Covid-19 when Trump criticized her handling of the pandemic. Even Susan Collins is started to show some backbone.

May the rest of the silent politicians grow a pair and stand up to Trump/Musk.

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Susan Collins has proven over and over again she cannot be counted on to have a spine.

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She pretends to be concerned, but she really isn’t. I wish she would get voted out of office.

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Susan Collins pretends to be “concerned” about a situation because that’s how she gets attention.

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I've heard rumors that Janet Mills may challenge her in 2026. 🤞

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She is considering it.

I'm more excited about Chellie Pingree's daughter Hannah running for governor in 2026. She was a brilliant legislator and the 2nd woman Speaker of the House in Maine. I asked her when she was speaker what he political goal was and she told me that she wanted to be governor. She's 48 now and it would be a great time for her to get elected. That was about 15 years ago.

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I've seen jellyfish with more spine.

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All those Republicans that voted to confirms Trump’s terrible picks like RFK Jr.

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As a Mainah, I’m so proud of Governor Mills. I don’t always agree with some of her decisions, but I support her. Maybe she’ll run against Collins in 2026! Then we’d have 2 remarkable senators who speak truth to power- Senator King & Senator Mills! So trump thinks her political career is over- not if Maine has its way!

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King is a good man and fine Senator. Collins is nothing but "concerned." Her concern and a dollar or so will buy you a cup of coffee.

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Collins is already 72. (God, do I really seem that feeble?). Time to pass the baton.

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I did make it to the "No Kings Day" rally in Augusta on Presidents Day, though I had to leave a little bit before the end. I believe the wind chill factor was 6 degrees with the average wind at 7 mph and some gusts that chilled me to the bone. I had just finished shoveling a thousand sq ft of snow when we got picked up to go to the capital, still in the lighter clothes I use to not get too sweaty working off a little steam with aggressive shoveling (being sweaty and in lighter clothing didn't help).

60 years ago I was hanging on to an air raid siren as I was climbing a radar tower when it went off for the Friday noon test. It was so loud (like hanging on to a train horn), that I jumped off the tower before thrashing around for a bit from the shock to my ears, fortunately without other physical injuries (which I credit being in shape from working on tobacco farms), but I have ever worsening bad ears (hyperacusis that, while making everything louder, makes it much harder to pick out individual voices in loud backgrounds, garbling the words of all but the clearest voices), Sheena Bellows was the clearest voice I could hear that day.

I do wish I could have made out more of what the others were saying, especially a new song written for the day. Would love to see the verses in writing.

We need real Presidents and never need another King (except Angus as a Senator or President).

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I need some professional guidance from a true, knowledgeable tax attorney - I read somewhere that I can defer my federal tax withholding from my weekly paycheck and prevent it from going to the con man.

It is required that each person withhold 90% of their 2024 total federal tax liability during 2025 so as not to incur a penalty when filing their return in 2026. But WHEN to withhold that amount is a personal decision.

I read that I can withhold $1 a week for the next 9 months. I can put what I should have withheld from my paycheck into a savings account to be used later. That way, for the next 9 months, I can keep my tax obligation from supporting the con man.

Then, in the last 2 months of 2025, I can dip into that savings account to cover my expenses and withhold 70% or 80% of my check to cover my 90% tax obligation.

Someone tell me - is that true?

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Just keep in mind that if you don’t pay enough in taxes through your paycheck when you file your taxes there is a penalty and it’s not small. We got hit one year and dumped enough money into an IRA to avoid it.

As for the legality of the rest of it I don’t know.

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Gary, don't be fooled. Susan's backbone is made of accordion-pleated card stock. It collapses under the slightest one-finger pressure.

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Well he has support

Listen to Bernie Sanders' talk he gave in yesterday in Omaha Nebraska - very impressive

Go to

https://berniesanders.com - and the link to the video (it's long) is at the top

of the webpage. Not me - Us. Bernie's talk starts at 14 min. Very receptive


I can only hope that he can raise enough activity and enthusiasm - do share this.

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We CAN chime in .....

The 24 Hour Economic Blackout - FRIDAY February 28th

For one day we show them who really holds the power. Do not make any purchases. Do not shop online, or in-store. Nowhere! If we disrupt the economy for just ONE day, it sends a powerful message. the point of the exercise is to give this administration a swift and noticeable kick in the economics!!

No, the economy will not plummet ... that is not the point. It should be a demonstration of solidarity and 'rebuke'!

Friday, February 28 !!!!!!!!!!

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I plan to be a part of that Economic Blackout, but I’ve decided to implement my own “Frugal Fridays.” On Fridays, I will just stay out of the stores and not shop. No online shopping either.

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We're in, as well. We've drastically cut back spending every day because of that, plus all the uncertainty.

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Apparently an AirBnB executive has been seen cozying up to Musk… so we’re adding that company to our list of businesses to boycott.

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We often eat out on Fridays, at local small restaurants. We will eat on another day, or might make it up by purchasing gift cards (which is what we did in COVID to help keep one family business afloat).

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This could be very powerful, especially if there was a way to reach the Democrats and anyone else not in the MAGA camp who don't follow politics or the news who would want to join in. I'm not sure how we can do that. I'll tell my few friends, of course, but there needs to be some other, more impactful way to promote this.

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And don't forget the "Not My President" rallys - it's starting!

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The "not my president" motto made sense in 2000 and 2016. It not longer applies. Like it or not -- and I despise it -- Trump was elected in 2024. Continuing to use that slogan makes us look weak. Perhaps getting cheeky with "Trump is not my king"?

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Don’t Believe Him.

Please stop chasing the chaos . . . and start looking at the Real Story. Donald Trump never won an election. He was put into power. in 2016, he was not elected. This is the reason that he kept accusing Joe Biden of rigging the 2020 election. He had already done it once and knew that it could be done. He did not win in 2024 either ~ Whether it was the millions of disenfranchised black and brown voters, or those who fell for Russian Disinformation and Deepfakes, actual Russian Interference, or were just too frightened to go to the polls or were prevented from going, or Elon Musk's technological tampering or all of the above.

He is not a duly elected President. He never has been and he does not have a mandate.

Please don't blame the Magas either. They think they put him into office. Don't disturb their delusion. It might bother them. If you can hack into a Government, hacking an election or two should have been a piece of cake.

In several of his campaign speeches, Trump actually told his followers that he didn’t really need votes. He also told them that they would never have to vote again. (Scary)In his acceptance speech, he actually thanked Musk for “fixing it”for him.

Signing constant Executive Orders is a sign of weakness. It’s an acknowledgment that there aren’t enough votes to pass actual legislation. There is no mandate.

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You listened and paid attention. Putin has been the power behind chump with Rupert of course. I will blame the MAGAts even though I call them stupid instead of evil. Chump is evil. You can tell by the glee which he openly expresses at the cruelty of his actions. I worry about our investigative agencies since two presidential elections (and another in 2000) have been beyond suspect. Putin will prove my point.

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Totally agree with you JD (as usual). Trump is a figurehead for this Project 2025 led oligarchy. Many of us read part or all of the Project 2025 and Musk, his cabinet and advisors are following it to a T.

Musk and the oligarchs bought 2 Senate seats and several Congressional seats. Without their money, Congress might actually be a check and balance against Trump and the oligarchs.

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Spot on, JD.

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Sharon, thank you. I am not a conspiracy theorist as I am sure you are not. There have been rumbles since 2016, but even when the Mueller Report pointed out the Russian interference, nothing happened to Toddler-Trump and his playground. I think having a white male on the ballot in 2020 kept our Baby Donnie out of office because more people than expected actually voted. This time, with 10 years of practice it was no sweat or maybe a tiny bit for Toddler-Trump's sycophants to figure out how to screw with just enough machines, possibly mess with the mail, and the rest of the shenanigans you pointed out to eek out a supposed win. Toddler-Trump has dementia, can hardly function, His buddy Toddler-Musk who should have absolutely no role in our government is a druggie whose money scares everyone. That could be taken care of by ditching his government contracts and taxing him properly, the same with the other billionaires who shared the stage with their Toddler-boss on inauguration day. Now, people who care have to stand up and start calling him/them out all the time. Those who have a megaphone job should be more like Gov. Mills!

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And Gov Pritzker - who is looking more and more presidential to me.

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When are they going to dismantle USPS?

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I think they keep him happy with that big sharpie and lots of "important" things to sign while people watch.

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Sharon, you are conflating a mandate, which he definitely does not have, with being elected, which he was. We may hate that fact but it is what is. What he's doing in office is what we need to focus on -- not how he got there.

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He was elected President as confirmed on 1-6-25. We still have a peaceful transfer of power and he can not take it away even using people who think they are helping the rest of us. He is not anyone’s king but a ton of deplorable people did elect him President, fairly or otherwise.

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This post says so much OUT LOAD about the forceful undercurrent of what is going on. Must be brought to the surface and thoroughly examined…

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Sharon, I have made the same observations and conclusions. I believe the Trump juggernaut is powered by three M's: Money, Meddling, Menace.

The money comes from multiple sources, mostly hidden. We know about Musk's and a few others, but I would bet anything that a lot of laundered rubles are involved.

The meddling involves rampant disinformation inserted into social and broadcast media by Russian operatives, Murdoch and numerous domestic operatives. There is likely tampering with the electronic voting system provided by Musk's little band of digital vandals. Trump's accusations are always confessions. So his constant whining about "rigged elections" is strong evidence. It also serves to silence any election-rigging complaints from Democrats.

The menace comes from Trump's Bratva-inspired campaign of threats against enemies as well as insufficiently compliant allies. Crime bosses and terrorists know that everyone has a weak spot, whether it be their financial status, their love of family, their closeted sexual orientation, addiction, or some other weakness. Gangsters are adept at applying pressure on these chinks to get what they want.

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I like this assessment, Dale.

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Great essay. Standing ovation.

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If the president serves all of the people then he is all of our president, but when he says he only serves those who voted for him, those of us who did not vote for him can rightfully claim he is not my president, in that he does not work for me. He is an AGENT OF DESTRUCTION!

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Donald Trump has never been concerned about anyone or anything but Donald Trump and his bank accounts. He really cares nothing about the country.

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I hadn't considered that perspective. But, for me, it's a weak slogan that besmirched by the anti-Biden voters.. YMMV.

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I agree with that. Maybe more along the lines of Trump is our employee and we want him fired.

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Sorry but he has a four-year contract that can only be cancelled by death or agreement by the majority of his cabinet and the majority of both houses of Congress that he's unfit. How likely is that? Also, given what we saw in Munich, I actually fear Vance more. Better we should focus on disabling him by retaking the House and, goddess willing, the Senate.

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"Not My King" is better to me since I remember "Not my president" being used by Sean Hannity and the TEA party against Obama after the 2008 election.

See https://www.tuftsdaily.com/article/2017/02/point-counterpoint-not-my-president

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“NOT MY king” will fit nicely as a bumper sticker on my car and preferably over the gas emission pipe.

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On my way to Portland monument Square for 11 AM start of a short event

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Both Obama and, more recently, Biden.

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Go 50501!

Also 3 words Raskin uses to describe this administration



Use it! Let it be the competition to MAGA.

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Guess I will be a Bernie lover now, at least he is calling out the crap. Go Bernie

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Bernie’s been consistent calling out for 40 years.

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I've called lots of representatives in the last few weeks. Some have non-functioning message lines, many have message lines, a few actually have someone answer the phones. Bernie's staff is in the last group. It was wonderful to speak with them.

(And btw, good morning, Jeri. Always good to see you here.)

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It is, isn't it. I have noted a fall-off in posts from people I've come to "know" the past few years; I understand that it is far too time consuming to devote enough time to read and reply to 700+ comments daily.

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Hugh per your first sentence. Who is ‘he?’ The governor of Maine is a woman.

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oops! Sorry.

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You can find the little 3 dots ... to edit your comment.

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It’s so important to acknowledge every chance we get that women are right up there challenging this coup.

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Link indicates BS “live in 4 hours”? I failed to find anything else…. but very interested.

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I saw the video of his speech and donated to his Fight Oligarchy tour. He always puts himself on the line for us. ❤️👍

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And go Governor Pritzker. Tell it like it is!

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Pritzker has been nothing short of amazing.

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All those men, especially in Congress, who have kept silent, knowing that what Trump and Musk are doing is putting everyone's lives in danger, ought to feel "less manly." It took a woman of courage to dare to defy Trump, despite knowing the consequences she and her state may face. Trump does not know how to accept criticism face to face because he's never been in that position. The only other time was when he was interviewed in July by Rachel Scott at the National Association of Black Journalists. She questioned some of his actions, and in turn, he said her question was "nasty." He just can't take anyone questioning his "nasty" words and actions. Project 2025 "rules" are trying to "put women in their place." Yes. Let's put them in places of authority and importance, because, as has been shown, they're much braver than the men,and are more likely to do a better job. You go, girls!

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Add Bishop Maryanne Budde to that list! Love your comment.

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I've always found it telling that Trump tends to reserve use of the word "nasty" to apply to women. That word is absolutely dripping with misogyny and pretty much betrays how he sees women in general ... impure, dirty, less than men.

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Donald's grandpa operated brothels, which undoubtedly influenced his belief that women have only one purpose. It takes an unusual level of depravity for a father to lust for his own daughter, much less, to publicly confess it.

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An interesting discussion about Musk on the Bulwark where Sarah Longwell interviews Kara Swisher noted Tech Journalist who has been following Musk from the beginning. The people in the focus group are absolutely in awe of Musk for ALL THE WRONG REASONS! Clueless!


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The entire Republican Party knows the power Trump has with the Social media monopolies. One wrong move and Musk, Zuck, and Google can destroy their careers in a microsecond. That is real power.

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That’s an excellent point Ted. I hadn’t thought about the combined power of all the platforms to truly take someone down. And if all else fails, they have the J6ers to come in.

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Bravo, Janet, for crying out that the Emperor has no clothes! Trump just kicked the wrath of a hornet’s nest.

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Yup - about the Maine “thing:” I thought Trump wanted to send everything back to the STATES??? I mean, he said that we don’t need no Feds telling the States what to do! What has changed in his “thinking?”

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Some states disagreed with Project 2025 and wouldn't follow instructions. Besides, "sending it back to the States" is a Confederate dogwhistle. Not everybody gets it the way Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Trump , et.al., meant it.

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Trump mistakes extortion for negotiation.

Holding my breath for Susan Collins to come to Maine’s rescue.

I think she is one of those Congress critters to get defeated next. If this keeps up. Dems should frame it as Heather defined it. It’s not about trans girls competing in sports. It’s about force of will and extortion.

What’s that Lincoln quote about reframing slavery? “Who is to say how brown someone is to make them a slave? Soon we would all be slaves?” Arbitrarily wielding of power, to take away rights and freedom by those in power. This is why Congress has the power of the purse, not the President.

Extortion of Zelensky was the 1st impeachment and ( nod to Mitch), the orange mf is still doing it today for Ukraine’s rare earth minerals (forever btw). And now he is extorting Governors?

How much will Elon and Zuck spend in emotional anti-trans anti-governor of Maine Facebook ads and impressions? What other ways can they spend their money to influence through social media and right wing podcast sphere of influencers to voters in Maine to side with Trump?

Watch those SM newsfeeds, YouTube que’s, and podcast soundbites, in Maine. Something is about to happen.

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I thought extortion of Zelensky was the first impeachment.

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Ur right!

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You nailed it. That's exactly how they do it. That's how trump won, too. People need to be educated on how they use social media to influence people. And boy, does it work!

Didn't trump just promise us a "surprise" for the mid-term? Extra special social media influencing in store for us...

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$290 million bought 6 billion+ impressions, personalized ads/fillers to news feeds to predetermined profiles deemed “ easily persuadable”. Then focus that effort in the key districts of swing states. ( double check your work with AI modeling previous elections and expenditures… to maximize election meddling efficiency and RETURN IN INVESTMENT.

Understanding the what and how they do this st SCALE…you can deduce why Wall Street is behind Musk.

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This is not the first time Gov. Janet Mills has publicly defied Trump. She did so during a governors conference call with Trump during COVID.

Of course, Mills had a lot of experience 'reading the law' to self-styled "Trump before Trump" teaparty Paul Le Page. When Mills was Attorney General and then in gubernatorial campaigns.

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The 4 year old Musk boy was pretty defiant to #45 in the Oval Office press conference.

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Yes. I used to think that Trump would tire of Musk and throw him out because of the attention Musk was getting. But a commentator said, after watching the Oval Office press conference - it seems that Musk is Alpha. I tend to agree. Which makes today's HCR letter so important. The people don't like Musk.

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I’m surprised Musk has allowed Trump to still be play president ….

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He’s made sure Trump is busy with golf.

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Trump has had the Resolute Desk removed for refurbishment. 😂😜

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He’s a germaphobe but still held his hate rallies during Covid and shunned masks. None of it makes sense.

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Apparently the little Musk picked his nose and rubbed it off on the Resolute Desk 🙄

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I can’t believe I just wrote that. What strange times we live in.

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Trump probably wanted a bigger desk to appear more "commanding" and take notice away from his own personal bulk. The Resolute Desk is actually rather small.

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Why arent they playing that soundbite? The 4 year old telling Trump, “ I want you to shush your mouth.”

Is not that a tell? Elon is saying things about Trump in more private settings that the kid over hears, and then repeats in trumps presence.


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Called to thank Governor Mills.⬇️


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Indeed! I keep watching for potential candidates to win for us in 2028; thinking she will be one of those to watch, along with Gov Pritzker.

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Not surprised that a woman spoke up.

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Professor has written, again, a key letter. Democracy fight against a wouldーbe dictator if in the early stage, major medias keep publishing polls, another outlet of voter voices. Polls encourage judges, office holders to act as laws define. Public polls provide the courage to defend democracy. America will show to the world a democratic way to MAGA. Thank you Professor. When Trump and Musk crisis is over, you do not have to say to your students you are writing articles sitting on an ivory chair.

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If Trump gets his way with military appointments, it’s all over. While some military grunts will refuse orders to kill domestic protesters, most will comply and the Trump-Musk putsch will be complete. Trump-Musk just might beat the record held by Nazis in their fascist takeover of Germany referred to by Governor Pitzker.

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There are folks who do the math each day in positions of leadership, who may even trend rational conservative who find the arsonists approaching appalling! Need a fire brigade on the Capital Steps! Buckets are a great metaphor! Stop them before the burn down the whole house!

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Thank you for the thought-out recap of evidence that not only are Trump’s tactics a wholesale failure, the court system that inherently takes more time than Trump spends churning out his Copy/Paste crap from Project 2025 distilled into Exec Orders to review, consider its implications, and rule against him.

Long live the Rule of Law.

Long live resistance through legal and brilliant minds who know it here in the US.

I hope and pray your brilliant methods of reporting and analyzing the facts here continue. It is worth it to me and so many others.

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Project 2025 is the same old Reaganism peddled by ideologues 40+ years ago. Since that ideology is exhausted and has bankrupted the country, its current re-cycling is far more belligerent and radical. (Like having to up the drug to get the same pop after four decades.) Add to that the mental impairment of Trump et al., and we have a BIG problem.

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The Reaganites may have dreamed of destroying the country but they never produced a 900-page how-to-manual to dismantle the federal government. That's what makes Project 2025 and its principle author, Russell Vought, so dangerous. That said, a lot of the wind got taken out of Russ's sails with the unexpected insertion of Musk into the operation.

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Muskrat is a chief destroyer since chump can golf and watch the shit show and enjoy the cruelty of Musk making lives a living hell. Our mistake is thinking that the damage will only destroy those not like us. They will likely put off SS and Medicare since that will bring out the pitchforks, but they are on the table since the blather has already started.

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Nailed it. The assumption that they and theirs won't be hurt by these slashes is self-defeating to the max. Already mid-west farmers who voted for Trump are feeling deep pain because of the sudden shut-down of USAID and the reality that they've lost a market for their products worth billions. I'd like to say that my heart goes out to them but I find it hard to do so.

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Rick Wilson said yesterday in a Times Radio interview that Elon is the head of government and Trump is the head of State. Up until now these two functions had resided with the Executive but no longer. The president gets to do all the fun things like fly Air Force One over the Daytona speedway and preside oven the Kennedy Center board, but Elon is in charge of the government, Nothing happens there without his approval. https://substack.com/home/post/p-157645930

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. . . and he leopards are beginning their feast.

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I think Russ is perfectly happy to be pulling both Musk and Trump's strings from behind the curtain. He's a true believer and he's accomplishing exactly what he wanted to accomplish while avoiding scrutiny.

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Exactly so. He is a BAD man. A BAD man. Do not underestimate he or Miller's callousness toward we citizens.

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Oh they had all of that in the 1980s. The difference is that President Reagan was not willing to burn the house down and knew what he was doing.

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With respect, they most certainly did not have that in the 1980s. They may have had the philosophy that government was bad but they didn't produce a detailed plan to do undo it. I don't claim to have read all 900 pages but I did peruse it fairly closely and found the level of detail to be both astounding and frightening.

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As an intern for the Senate's Republican Policy Committee in 1982, I do remember conversations back then. There were right-wingnuts talking this stuff. They had not yet risen. I remember thinking, "If this is the future of the G.O.P., we (Republicans) are in trouble." At that time, there were adults in the room.

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I left my old party in 1996 (same time frame as Elizabeth Warren left), for me, primed by the expansion of support of the Newt Gingrich/Frank Lutz GoPac memo, "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control," instead of it being repudiated a couple of years after it appeared. Th straw that really broke the camel's back was a highly placed fund raiser telling a half dozen or so of us that we had to "Fight dirtier than Democrats" and seemingly offering us support and training I sensed was like that offered by ALEC. It was at a meeting of a professional organization I belonged to, started by Werner Von Braun to improve our production standards to the quality required for space programs (otherwise I wouldn't have been there).

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And now the quiet part of all that back room scheming is being acted upon.

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From Prospect.org “ Indeed, Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership shares the same name, and same format, with the volume Heritage published in 1981. That volume sported about a thousand pages, with chapters for each major executive branch unit—accompanied with 2,000 more pages of supplementary volumes, including one devoted to banning Earth Day.” Many others are found in Wikipedia, including one Nicknamed Malek which surfaced during Watergate. Heritage has put out these plans with regularity.

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Interesting. Thank you. It reminds me of the invasion of Iraq. It was a fringe idea until 9/11 happened, then the NeoCons manipulated the situation to get the invasion. Colin Powell said that his part in that was the worst mistake he ever made. He told that to his son, who reported it after his dad's death. Powell was an honorable man who was misled, who stood publicly behind unclear evidence that he believed and maintained was true. It's honorable to admit a mistake rather than try to blame.

The Heritage ideas would be fringe if not for the cult phenomenon of Trump.

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Thank you. I learned something new today.

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Nah, but he had people who did know.

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One ray of hope is that (according to military strategists) plans are merely a list of what can go wrong. Muck proves the point. He's a complete wild card. His actions have been key in stirring up dissent.

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I don't know how voluminous all the previous "Mandates for Leadership" were but the 1st was 20 volumes with 2,000 ideas according to: https://www.marketplace.org/2017/05/03/from-reagan-to-trump-how-heritage-foundation-influenced-policy/

I have a vague memory of Reagan saying he had achieved 5 out of 6 of his major goals but can't remember what they were, surely not the huge increase in national debt he left us with. I tend to think it was the failure to get Robert Bork confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Can anyone imagine if we had to live with such appointees starting back then, and assuming more such extreme ones would be stacked into the court much earlier?

[Added] I hadn't seen Gail's comment which provides more info than I had,

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I think this is a make or break threshold for total plutocracy.

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Agreed. I hope that this is a political super nova: bright for a while then dead.

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Ned, I like that metaphor. Super nova, flashes bright, then exhausted.

And the sooner, the better.

Those supernovas remain visible for a long time, offering a reminder and a warning about what can happen.

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Agree, I ve been watching for the start of the military action, one way or the other…

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Scarey times, Mark. Glad to see you again, good man.

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Same here, Ned.

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Yep, it is indeed, but the money is on the destroyers. We all know that breaking things is easy. It’s why there should be consequences. So far there is precious little push back. That must change.

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Ned, what is different is that Trump allowing an outsider to fire government employees in virtually every department and also withholding funds from states and agencies.

My wife asked if we are going to file our taxes along with what we owe? I told her that, of course we are, on April 15th and not a day before.

If all of the Fortune 1000 companies decides to withhold payments to Uncle Sam or Uncle Elon then it might have an impact, but any of us alone can't make a difference.

The markets are in a 2 day freewill and consumer confidence is dropping like a rock. Even Trump's bullshit can't turn this around.

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I'd. planned to live off investments until 70 and then start SS to maximize the amount, but have started it now at 69 and will use the funds to support Planned parenthood, ACLU and other organizations working to oppose the agenda of the current administration.

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I started mine at 69 last year, but I am still working part time. We'll see what that does to our taxes this year.

Two years ago I gave to the ACLU and they gave my info away to several PACs and every Democrat running for anything. I dislike giving to PACs because without looking at their financials you don't know how the funds are divided. And for some reason, they NEVER take you off their list.

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I favor the states severing the automatic money transfer link into the I.R.S. The states like California and New York that pay out a lot more than they get would have the Governors collect the taxes, deduct any monies being impounded in Washington and forward the rest up until the level of funds received the previous year.

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I do not believe that action would be legal under federal law. Federal tax transfers are specified in law and I expect any state challenging those laws would lose in court. This is not a Trump/antiTrump issue, it is a federal law issue and any attempt to refuse to follow the law could have severe consequences for that state.

Taking an action like this would provide incentive for "red" states to do the same if/ when Dems once again lead the federal government.

Bad idea, sorry if you disagree. We should be challenging Trump's illegal actions, not engaging in our own.

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While that may be true, Trump thinks and acts like the money in the US Treasury is his to spend or not spend any way he wants. His #1 goal seems to be renew the 2018 tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

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To try to reduce the polemic for a moment, let's discuss/argue the question of whether the President has the legal authority to not spend money that is passed into budget by the Congress. This is a legal question that needs to be resolved by the Supreme Court.

There is a second question which is can the President reallocate funds from one spending bill to pay other expenses?

In either case, depending on the decision, we still end up in a constitutional "crisis" situation if the President says "okay, how are you going to make me do it?" If we had a functional Congress, they would impeach. But with a majority acting like a rubber stamp for anything the President does, it is unlikely that there would be any effective opposition from the Congress.

If the nation survives it may be necessary to amend the Constitution to create a fourth branch of government, call it the "enforcement" branch which has the sole function of litigating against the other three branches to ensure they do their jobs appropriately. It is clear that the DofJ as presently constructed can't do that effectively because it answers to the President himself (or herself if that ever happens ). The courts can't do that because they DECIDE questions, not raise them and the Congress could do it but it is subject to political whims.

And there would need to be severe penalties for refusing to follow decisions which could be enforced by this new branch against any of the other three.

It's honestly a mess and it might prove to be undoable.

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International confidence (both political and investing) is cratering, too. We are well on the way to losing our status as a safe haven for investing. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing capital flight. The political and financial hit would be devastating should that happen.

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According to Paul Krugman and Jim Chanos, the market is overvalued. Warren Buffett is betting this is true as well. Excerpt from Krugman/Chanos interview in today's Krugman letter.

KRUGMAN: What struck me about it, someone who really, doesn't do markets much, is the, know, these soaring prices for sort of very ordinary companies where there isn't even really a new idea. that I don't remember happening. Again, I wasn't paying attention.

CHANOS: Yeah. We have a number of companies we still follow that are trading forty and fifty times earnings that haven't grown in the last five years and and you know again a bit of a head scratcher but yes the that they are out there the median stock is a lot more expensive today that it was in 1999 back in 1999 you had kind of a real bifurcated market you have the dot com and telecom guys. And then you had a lot of things that were relatively cheap at 12 times earnings, 10 times earnings, whatever. Today, very hard pressed to find things at 10 or 12 times earnings, even the sort of stodgy, no growth companies often are trading at 20 times or more. it's an expensive equity market, there's no doubt about it.

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I think it's important to note that Ronald Reagan was a prototype for Donald Trump. Both individuals were/are puppets in mental decline when they took office. They were/are "managed" by people with sharper wits. Reagan's religiosity was minimal and superficial, but he was propelled into office by the Moral Majority, founded by Baptist minister, Jerry Falwell 1.0, who got on board with the destroy-government folks.

Trump's rise is similar, in that he's been "ordained" by evangelical leaders, but his secular support is coming from a different group, namely, the uber-wealthy technocrats.

The christo-fascists didn't get as much as they'd hoped for from Reagan. They've fared a little better with Trump. But he only used them to get elected and has little use for them now. Elon's wealth outranks cultural issues, so he's surging right now. I think there will soon be a showdown between the christo-fascists and the technocrats to determine who controls the Trump regime.

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We sure do.

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Bear in mind, there is more to find about the bigger frame this all is taking place in. For reasons inexplicable to me in some ways, a group of billionaires are listening to a bonehead (IMO) named Curtis Yarvin. Start with his NYT interview late Jan2025. Then go to his blog and read about the patchwork. It’s a remarkable piece of short-sighted planning, written by a guy who loves to position himself as an intellectual elite, post-progressive, neo-monarchist. He’s fucking nuts, and dangerous, and theil, Vance, all these other MF’s are tuned into him. Not a guy to be feared- a guy to destroy with better thinking than his, not a tall order for most readers here.

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Trump is an illiterate moron.

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But an extremely lucky one, if you believe the miracle of the ear. His first election was a result of Russian lies, he had covid and was saved by medical science that he has now taken a hatchet to. 🙏🏻 Time for his luck to run out.🙏🏼💙💩🤡🎃🐍💙

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I don't believe he actually had covid, so perhaps his luck might indeed run out. Not that I'd wish him any harm, of course.

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I don't believe the "miracle of the ear" was anything more than political stage craft.

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All theatre supplies shops sell sachets of "blood" that break open when punched, stabbed, or otherwise impacted. We saw him swat his ear, look at

his hand, bend at the knees and take cover. But I still haven't found out why the hot mic picked up his "Let me get my shoes!" as they tried to haul him to his feet and set him up for that heroic photo under the flag.

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HRC wrote that he wanted his shoes because he wears lifts in them to appear taller.

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That figures. Then why did he take them off?

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I do find the level trajectory from a rooftop to the stage as purportedly shown in the video interesting as well as the disappearing ear damage. Miraculous bandage after all.

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What about the vanishing would-be assassin?

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I've been asking that question, too. He's like the Invisible Man.

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Yes, I considered both. Was there any sign of blood before he brought his hand to his ear? Very easy to fake such a small "injury."

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No, there wasn't. See my other post, below (or wherever it turns up).

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The “miracle of the ear” is a lie. #45 was hit by blood splatter from the man behind him. When something splatters, the droplets can go all over the place. The young man who was the shooter in that terrible incident was an awful shot. He missed #45 and hit the guy behind him and to one side. If he had been grazed by a bullet from a powerful weapon, his ear would have been damaged. No details were released, so 45 could control the narrative.

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Exactly and our MSM bought the bullschittery

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Did you notice how quickly the bandage disappeared afterwards? There was no sign of an wound on his ear, either. That much blood would only come from a wound that would be visible for days afterwards. Do I think that this cabal would sacrifice an innocent bystander for political gain? Hell, yes.

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It's a disgusting thought, which I have also had.

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I can wish for him the hell he is making for the vulnerable…

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Which includes most of us here, give or take a few degrees of vulnerability.

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I do.

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Heather wrote: “… Trump is feeling the pressure from voters … Trump is also under pressure from the law … Trump is also under pressure from principled state governors.”

I will be satisfied when he is feeling the pressure of six feet of freshly dug dirt.

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Dale, the freshly dug dirt won't stay fresh for long even if he is 25 feet deep.

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You know, I've also been forming this opinion.

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I laughed too hard at that. But thanks.

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He actually has a sort of sewer rat shrewdness.

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I saw sewer rats when I lived in Italy. They're about the size of a cat. They were rife in the courtyard of the building I was living in. I had two young children, so I went and bought some rat poison, shuddering as I read the label, and at lunchtime when there were no rats about I went downstairs and laid the bait. The neighbours for several floors up watched eagerly from their windows and gave a running commentary - "Hey, look at that big black one! He's going for it!" The rats were never seen again. Well, I did see them again, but I'll spare you the gruesome details. All of this to say, sewer rats are fat and dangerous, but not invincible.

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Can't believe you are insulting sewer rats by comparing them to scumbag trump. 🙄

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Speaking of RATS... anyone know where the MUSKrat resides? We could storm his Hole, might freak him enough to send him over the brink. OH yes! Storming, maybe we could simultaneously storm the CHUMP HOLE TOO!!! Excuse me, but it's Fri/Sat and having just made my Dailies to the Congressional Switch Board after reading Heather, I'm just a bit jacked up. Hoping FOR A WEEKEND OF ACTION. OUR country needs every voice now!

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It was in the Miami Herald that he purchased a condo in Palm Beach, in addition to his other properties.

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Evidently he has a place in La Ribera, Southern Baja California, but has no security - or at least, had no security - when he'd visit. Not sure if he's too busy to visit right now but he also might be too afraid to do so.

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Jack, you are being an ableist. He has dementia. The only other option is you are committing elder abuse.

I'm not suggesting feeling sorry for him either. Being sorry is both demeaning and a cop-out. When you are sorry it gets you off the hook. You no longer have to care as you've traded feeling sorry for caring. You and I, all of us are on the hook for his being where he is and there is no getting out of that. None.

With that said, I'm good with calling his actions evil as they are literally killing the aliveness of billions of people and have will kill the life of very many.

From ChatGPT:

Ableism is discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities, including cognitive impairments like dementia. It can also be seen as insensitive, cruel, or dehumanizing language because it disregards the reality that dementia is a medical condition affecting cognitive function, not a reflection of intelligence or character.

If the intent is to demean or mock the person, it could also fall under verbal abuse or elder abuse, depending on the context. Using more compassionate and respectful language is always a better approach.

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I gave you a ❤️. It’s not a like of what you reported but a thank you for reporting so thoroughly. It’s 1:36 AM and I’m wondering what will be the reaction to the military firings this morning. I’m hoping it’s loud and strong, especially from republicans. It seems donthecon and others are following hitler’s timeline. Impeachment is the obvious route if we want to keep our democracy.

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Not much to❤️in recent events, but beauty is in truth, and forewarned is forearmed.

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And I think Vance will follow whichever way the wind blows.

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Liar, liar, Vance on fire.

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Good one!

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Having no principles gets you into the club.

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And that wind calls Thiel......

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I disagree; Vance is Peter Thiel's puppet; he will do EXACTLY what he is told to do by Thiel.

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I think there should be a checkmark symbol to use when we agree. The heart is rarely what we intend these days.

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Actually what I really want is an eye-roll emoji, a laugh emoji, and a vomit one. All would be useful on Substack.

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Spot on

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Good on Janet Mills. More of that, please. You hear that, guys?

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It’s the first time in a long dark winter that I have read the morning Substack and felt inspiration rather than dread.

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“Something happened at the White House Friday afternoon that almost never happens these days. Somebody defied President Trump. Right to his face.”

She showed us how it's done.

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Yes she did. And you could tell that she got under Trump's skin by his childish response.

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Who dares to oppose the Great and Powerful TWERP!!!

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Maybe Janet Mills has read Bishop Bugge’s book, “How We Learn to Be Brave”…

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It seems only women have the guts to stand up to him. (You know what Betty White said about balls.)

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I love Betty White.

I always use the phrase "grow a spine."

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I think the explanation is pretty simple. Men don't experience childbirth, so they're never called upon to access superhuman levels of courage and fortitude.

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Governor Mills said “no way, buddy” to Trump’s face. That’s how we begin, folks.

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We need to get that slogan out there: ball caps, t-shirts, bumper stickers - whatever.

Proceeds to go to funding the counter-revolution.

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This is such a great, inspiring, positive idea. “NO WAY, BUDDY!!!” Make it happen!!!

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It’s the women that stand up. Some men have. But in proportion to their numbers?! Way more women are leading the calling out and the truth telling and the resistance. When are all the men going to grow a pair … of boobs?!

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They’re not just breaking the rules—they’re rewriting the game. Shock tactics, corporate muscle, and loyalty purges all aimed at one goal: power without accountability. But history shows that institutions, states, and people who refuse to back down can turn the tide.

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Trump has obviously never cracked a history book; Vance has likely never cracked an ethics manual; and, Musk is just plain cracked.

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The ketamine is affecting Musk’s thinking, and eventually it’s going to ruin his urinary tract and possibly his bladder and kidneys if he doesn’t knock it off.

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" Never underestimate the enemy, boys. If you don't figure him to have as much sense as you've got, you'll have trouble." Lewis B. Puller USMC

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I live in Chesty’s neck o’ the woods. Time for heroism from the military, although I don’t know what form it could take.

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Well, I am not sure either on that. I just don't know. I have always remembered his quote during the Chosin Reservoir withdrawl - " Sir, do you know they've cut us off? We're entirely surrounded?" "Those poor bastards," Puller said, " They've got us right where we want 'em. We can shoot in every direction now." He was one of those guys, you know? Some loved him. some hated him. He was a student of the Gaulic campaigns though, he did his homework.

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I like that!

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Might this be the beginning of the END of Don-the-Con? I'm hoping so...and will enjoy watching more of it!

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I sense that as well. This is rapid overreach, driven by this fear that they just have this one shot. But I don’t think they have what it takes to pull it off. That’s why I wonder in my own separate comment if this could be the first administration to crumble into total dysfunction, with Trump essentially seen as a raving lunatic, shouting into the wind. I don’t know what we would do under those circumstances. 🤷‍♂️

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Recently someone pointed out that Trump made a fatal error when he decided on this everything-everywhere-all-at-once procedure. If he'd quietly taken his time, he could have gotten a lot of frogs into a pot and before they could react they would be boiled. Instead, he threw them into a pot of boiling water and they're jumping out bigly.

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Hopefully sets the stage for a sweeping repudiation in 2026 to brake Trump and break M.A.G.A.

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Yes. But that’s a trad electoral timeline.

Believe US majority pushback needs to be very obvious to courts & legislators in next 2-3 weeks, or 2026 will be window dressing, rather like elections in the new Soviet.

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Yep. What I see here is some of the weak spots in this maga offensive being uncovered and brought to light. We should exploit these weaknesses. It is nice to have some good news, but we have a long road ahead to '26 and we need to keep agitating. Keep building support. It is either agitation or stagnation.

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Well let us hope your prognosis does not bear out, though it is possible. I am wondering what happens when -- I mean "when" and NOT "if" -- Trump tells the courts to enforce their decisions.

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Shhh...we don't need to give his successor ideas! Seriously though, this is very true...and also very scary to think it is only because of frightening incompetence that the anti Trump and Anti Musk movement is having any "success" in slowing their roll.

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That idea of grabbing all he can when he can makes a lot of sense to me, too, Steve. EDIT: ¿King Lear, anyone?

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I certainly hope so.

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Quick capitulation is ungood:

"Course materials at the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center at the University of Hawaii will delete mentions of “climate change”, leaked emails seen by the Guardian show. The alterations, at the behest of the Trump administration, affect about a dozen different course materials."

“Specifically, references to ‘climate change’ and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) have been removed or revised to align with the new priorities,” an administrator at the center wrote. “Please exercise caution when referencing these topics during instruction.”


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Double plus ungood

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Click on the NYT link in HCR’s sources re Gov Mill’s standing up to Trump to read the weak comment from the Gov of Hawaii.

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Yes. The compliance of far too many federal workers with such repugnant orders as removing mention of the climate is spineless amorality.

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Do not comply in advance. Wait until they bring the fight to you.

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Of course I suspected but wanted to know exactly what "Musk seemed to have trouble speaking" meant so looked it up. Here it is:

"The Pod Save America bros aren’t convinced that Elon Musk was entirely in his right mind during the billionaire’s erratic appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

As he took the stage at Thursday’s gathering, Musk accepted a bedazzled chainsaw from Argentinian President Javier Milei, then waved the power tool around before sitting down for a bizarre interview with Newsmax host Rob Schmitt.

“He’s got sunglasses on indoors, and a heavy gold chain, and he is holding a chainsaw. I don’t think he was okay,” Favreau said. “He seemed kind of f---ed up.”

“I am become meme,” Musk declared at one point in the interview.

“My mind is a storm,” he said at another.

The world’s richest man seemed a little “punchy” and a little “silly,” Jon Favreau said, “But he wasn’t making much sense.”

As Musk struggled at times to form a coherent sentence, the word “ketamine” was trending on Musk’s social media platform X. Musk has been open about using the drug as an alternative to anti-depressants, though too much of it can lead to dissociative states and difficulty speaking."


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I think we can assume he was high as a kite on ketamin.

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Is light sensitivity a side effect of Special-K? Here is the MUSKrat Lover's interview.


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I could stomach about 5 minutes of that hot mess. It looked like a terrible game show with a pasty bloated white boy attempting to look and be "cool".

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From Wikipedia;

“At anesthetic doses, ketamine induces a state of dissociative anesthesia, a trance-like state providing pain relief, sedation, and amnesia.”

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In any way, you don't really want a drug addict to be the most powerful man in the land as little as a secretary of defence who needs a maintenance drink during a presser. And the teetotaller is a sociopathic liar and narcissist <sigh>

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This actually makes me laugh in a very pathetic, “Can you believe it?” manner.

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Yeah, our timeline is heavy on absurdity.

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Just even their names “Trump” and “Musk” are cartoonishly absurd. I feel like I’m living in a comic book.

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Couldn't make it up, could you?

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Governor Mills amazes me. How do we let her know that we have her back? I don't live there, but I still have her back.

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Governor Janet Mills

1 State House Station

Augusta, ME 04333

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Thank you, I will be sending her a card!

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Thank you! I just put my thank you card in the mail!

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Just sent a postcard to her.

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Me, three!

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Just to illustrate we males can join this celebration with enthusiasm, me too.

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You can also leave her a voicemail at (207)287–3531.

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It seems like a good time was had by all at CPAC yesterday. Musk gave an interview to the hosts in which he repeated his claim that the federal government was a 'target-rich environment' for cuts. He asked his host to imagine a room with targets on the ceiling, floor and all the walls so that wherever one was to shoot a viable target would be hit. That's clearly not the case since DOGE has been in a spin trying to rehire workers recently - those involved with the nuclear arsenal and people responsible for monitoring the bird flu. Furthermore, they've been reduced to making transparently false claims about the amounts of money they've been saving ($8bn instead of $8m) and about who's getting social security benefits (the dead people thing). And here's a piece of irony for you about DOGE's clampdown on DEI. Wired magazine reports that some of Musk's Space X engineers have been onboarded at the FAA under a policy designed to increase “employment opportunities for people with disabilities” (under Schedule A, a special authority that allows government managers to “hire persons with disabilities without requiring them to compete for the job,” according to the Office of Personnel Management). It's also reported that French right-wing nutjob Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, had cancelled his CPAC speech because of a nazi salute given by Steve Bannon from the podium. It seems that even the far right in France has some reservations about neo-nazism- https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2025/feb/21/steve-bannon-gives-fascist-style-salute-at-us-conservative-political-action-conference-video

Meanwhile, when Trump was asked yesterday about the many protests at town halls about the damaging effects of the cuts he made two patently false claims: firstly, that Musk was doing great work in making the government more efficient and that the only federal workers who were being fired were those who had been caught stealing(!!), and secondly, that his approval ratings were the highest of any president in history (they're actually the lowest for a new president and falling fast). And finally, Proud Boy leader, Enrique Tarrio has been arrested for assault near US Capitol. He was giving a speech that was being interrupted by two indefatigable ladies, one with a whistle and the other with a bullhorn and he clumped one when she tried to film him with her cellphone.

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Hmmm…reading your and other’s comments, I started hearing the “Jaws” theme music….maybe the sharks are now circling his ship….we can hope.

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Trump is like this polar bear evading sharks. Someone always comes to his rescue whether it's corrupt judges, politicians or billionaires. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EctuVezE5ng

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Steve Bannon giving the salute now,,,emboldened…

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I'm sure that it's all perfectly innocent!


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Kudos for Illinois governor J.B.Pritzker for calling those opposing programs that benefit them, IDIOTS. We need more leaders like governor Pritzker to keep spreading simple, clear ,loud and repeated messages.

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Anyone else find it ironic that Hegseth/Trump fired General CQ Brown because of *checks notes* DEI hire and therefore unqualified, while replacing him with General Raizin Caine who, quite LITERALLY does not meet the legally-prerequisite qualification for the position and thus needs a Presidential waiver to hold it? Just curious.

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It sure fits the pattern of donold, the tiny handed "king", relentlessly flouting the law and his insane desire to rule by kakistocracy.

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Irony dies in the corner.

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At this point, I don’t care what the polls say.

I want to see liar, fraud, con, grifter, racist, fascist, scumbag, Hitler lover, Putin’s puppet, traitor, America’s Disgrace Trump IN PRISON!!!!!

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Along with Musk and Vance.

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Preferably at Guantanamo

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Go Governor Mills, Go!! That was so fortifying, thank you. ✊🏼

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“Learning How to Be Brave” !!! The DC Bishop!!!

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1. Contrary to the administration recently telling a court that Musk is neither an employee nor the leader of the so-called Department of Government Efficiency, here is a link to Trump saying just the opposite *after* the court filing:


2. Contrary to the claim “[T]he American people actually feel great about the direction of the country…." the stock market dropped almost 1% wiping out the "trump bump"; reality is perhaps settling in?

3. Good for Gov. Pritzker, Governor Mills and Maine state AG Aaron Frey!!! They are demonstrating the leadership that is sorely lacking in the Democratic Party. Pritzker's statement is spot on:

“Tyranny requires your fear and your silence and your compliance. Democracy requires your courage. So gather your justice and humanity, Illinois, and do not let the ‘tragic spirit of despair’ overcome us when our country needs us the most.”

Ad AG Mills defense of our rule of law is outstanding.

4. The military purge is completely expected. We’re eventually going to be facing our own Tiananmen Square moment on Pennsylvania Ave. The People vs Trump/Musk and, it's difficult to fathom but the US Military (at least those officers and soldiers who abandon their oath to the Constitution). We need to prepare ourselves for what’s to come. I suggest going to the International Council on Non-Violent Conflict (ICNC), sign up and learn about the tools we can use to oppose this coup:



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Contrary to what administration????

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Trump’s DOJ.

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Yes, as to Chainsaw Elon Musk.

As to that, Rebecca Solnit in her most recent Substack suggested two books.

I’ve already gotten one of them (it happened to be here in Japan) – Jonathan Schell’s “The Unconquerable World.” About violence, and how much we need it.

Though I’m only about one-third through, I can venture something on how some of our time’s most nihilist criminals rely on it to insulate themselves in power: Putin, who had his number one rival murdered – Alexei Navalny, plus others whom assassin teams have killed worldwide, and whole small nations prey to Putin’s militaries; Mohammed bin Salman, who had his number-one critic murdered (Jamal Khashoggi); and Donald Trump, whose thugs stormed the U.S. Capitol in an orgy of violence, worsening with chainsaw Elon Musk and his pack of incel boys.

Violence unchecked leads to terror, legits oligarchs, criminals. So many tens of millions badly educated, sunk to cults. So many elites impotent.

Will the last two-thirds of the Schell provide counterweight to the world now run by thugs, murderers, and other insolent criminals?

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I read once that the majority of citizens abide by the law, not through fear of the consequences of committing a crime, but because they understand right from wrong. Which means absolutely anyone, from that majority, would make a better president than the lunatic currently in power.

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It also means they can be persuaded to turn away from Trump.

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I think they already have, I think many people may be feeling stunned, like a rabbit in front of headlights. There are three responses to a traumatic event - fight, flight or freeze. Trump 2 is definitely traumatising. Once people process the freeze state, they’ll no doubt join the fighters.

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Kazz, I am not seeing that in my former work cohort. They are thrilled with the "waste" that is being "found". They are loving what he is doing so far. I suspect that it is not as much lacking the comprehension of right from wrong, but their absolute belief that what they are being told is fact and not fantasy.

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Saw a great bit of graffiti the other day: the body of a slug with the face of Musk, a swastika on its body. Above it? Salt coming out from a shaker.

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A gangster régime run by mentally ill and spiritually extinguished personalities.

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"spiritually extinguished personalities"

That's pretty vivid. Satan is supposed to be an angel that got too full of himself. I don't know if Musk was ever an angel, but something is clearly wrong when some of the richest, most privileged people on the planet want those with less to suffer more. I don't believe in angels and devils, yet history abundantly reveals their existence in the twisted knot of human character.

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I think mentally ill is more on the money. Trump has a certifiable personality disorder as did Hitler. He should be medicated and put out of harm’s way ASAP.

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Anti-Social Personality Disorder, nastier than it sounds.

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Over here we call it Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I’d go one step further and call him a psychopath, he’s a text book case:


Lack of empathy: Psychopaths may be unable to understand or share the emotions of others.

Lack of remorse: Psychopaths may not feel guilt or remorse for their actions.

Pathological lying: Psychopaths may lie to manipulate, control, or influence others.

Egocentric: Psychopaths may have a grandiose view of themselves and their accomplishments.

Shallow emotions: Psychopaths may have shallow or blunted emotional experiences.

Impulsive: Psychopaths may behave in an impulsive and risky manner.

Associated traits: criminality, promiscuity, lack of responsibility, charm, and deception.

Clinical diagnosis:

Psychopathy is considered an extreme form of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). It's often associated with criminality, but it's not a clinical diagnosis.

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Trump and Musk both have narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. These are untreatable personality disorders and can’t be fixed. What you don’t do is to give people with these personality disorders power.

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And tens of millions, Kazz, went to schools okaying all the above.

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Dr Bandy X. Lee (M.D./M.Div.) is leading a lonely charge in calling Trump out for just what you described. J.L., I got the spiritually extinguished idea in part from Dr Lee's Research.


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