I think it is. At least for the Americans I know what they worry about is getting their children into the right colleges, and their social activities. For some there are financial worries too, but I know a lot of comfortable people. Thinking about Trump makes them uncomfortable, but it reminds me of how many Ukrainians felt before Feb 24, 2022. They were comfortable with their lives the way they were, and then they were hit with bombs overnight. Well, Trump and the Republicans have been bombing Americans with legislation but that is clearly not concrete enough to engage in battle too. We are looking at legislation being enacted that is going to make birth control be illegal, because it will be tied to preventing conception and therefore aborting a fetus. Americans also have a terrible work-life balance, which means that no one has energy to work, then do things to relax and fit in protest. However, it is this very work-life balance that is being fought for with the programs Biden is trying to enact and the Republicans are trying to destroy. Clearly they feel that only the super wealthy deserve leisure and to feel secure in their well-being, something that people I know here in Germany take for granted without being millionaires. It is a house of cards that needs reinforcement in the USA, but for that people need energy.
i dont understand it either......if there is a movement to protest, please put me on the notification list. Life is too good, maybe, for Americans???
I think it is. At least for the Americans I know what they worry about is getting their children into the right colleges, and their social activities. For some there are financial worries too, but I know a lot of comfortable people. Thinking about Trump makes them uncomfortable, but it reminds me of how many Ukrainians felt before Feb 24, 2022. They were comfortable with their lives the way they were, and then they were hit with bombs overnight. Well, Trump and the Republicans have been bombing Americans with legislation but that is clearly not concrete enough to engage in battle too. We are looking at legislation being enacted that is going to make birth control be illegal, because it will be tied to preventing conception and therefore aborting a fetus. Americans also have a terrible work-life balance, which means that no one has energy to work, then do things to relax and fit in protest. However, it is this very work-life balance that is being fought for with the programs Biden is trying to enact and the Republicans are trying to destroy. Clearly they feel that only the super wealthy deserve leisure and to feel secure in their well-being, something that people I know here in Germany take for granted without being millionaires. It is a house of cards that needs reinforcement in the USA, but for that people need energy.