Pretty much. Paraphrase what Jesus is reported to have said and the MAGA's would brand it "communist". Aid the poor and rejected? Nope. Eschew wealth? Nope. Love your enemy? Nope. Pay your taxes? Are you kidding me?
Absolutely. A couple of years ago, I decided to stop capitalizing the "C" in their so-called "religion". I just write "christians". If you think of a better idea, please let me know.
Old habit for me I guess. I agree small c works because they aren't. They are just loudly praying in the Temple. And of course, I disagree with Luther about faith alone. It has to be deeds which I express by talk don't wash.
I have called the Rs the party of death for some time now. They have bowed down to a festering cancer who is basically the AntiChrist.
Yes, the orange sadist behaves and speaks exactly the antithesis of Jesus's actions and words.
Pretty much. Paraphrase what Jesus is reported to have said and the MAGA's would brand it "communist". Aid the poor and rejected? Nope. Eschew wealth? Nope. Love your enemy? Nope. Pay your taxes? Are you kidding me?
You are 100% on target.
Which makes all his "Christian" supporters into hypocrites of the highest order.
Absolutely. A couple of years ago, I decided to stop capitalizing the "C" in their so-called "religion". I just write "christians". If you think of a better idea, please let me know.
I employ the term "Xtians" as there is nothing Christ-like about them. And when I am really ambitious, I use "American Xtian Taliban."
I have seen Xistians as one possibility.
Yes, closely related to Elon's X.
Or "crossing out"... as one does with an "X".
Old habit for me I guess. I agree small c works because they aren't. They are just loudly praying in the Temple. And of course, I disagree with Luther about faith alone. It has to be deeds which I express by talk don't wash.