Dark money’s always shadowed every good deed.

I watched the LBJ documentary tonight. IT IS EXCELLENT. What a great reminder that we’re only as strong as our weakest folk.

Between your Letter and this documentary I am again reminded to be grateful for President Biden. He is the man for the moment at this time in our history.

Thank you Professor.

Prayers for Ukraine. 🙏

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I am thinking of this holiday weekend as "Thank God TFG is No Longer President Day".

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I was JUST thinking that same thing!!

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Thankyou. He IS the man for the moment, and has been impeccable every step of the way - brave and courageous but also empathetic and gracious.But above all, he has been smart.

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And smart is such a relief. Every time President Biden gives a speech I think about how much he has had to overcome in his lifetime, including a stutter. He is a man both of integrity and deep humility. We need to support him and keep the right-wing, pro-Putin nut jobs from trying to tear him down.

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You are referring to Pres. Biden, yes?

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Yes she is

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Thank you for reminding us again that President Biden was the best man to lead us in these trying times. I'm so thankful we made the best choice for our candidate.

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Adding for clarity - CNN. Episodes 1-2 last night, 3-4 tonight. Well worth your time. It is fabulous, human, informative and provides amazing humanization of the life and times of America. Totally worth recording and reviewing.

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Which LBJ documentary?

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It was on CNN. Well worth your time.

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Thanks. I've read 3 impossibly large bios of LBJ by Robert Caro...cross your fingers Caro (in his 80s) lives long enough to finish the last one. All well worth the time to read.

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Watch the 4-part documentary. 2 parts last night, 2 tonight (Monday).

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E 1-2 aired last night. It continues tonight.

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And, continues tonight at 9 or CNN. It is over at 11pm EST. Tonight is part 3 and 4.

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Thank you, Sharon! I wasn't aware that there were two more episodes!

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Tonight, more than ever, I’m glad that Joe Biden is our president. Biden is ahead of Putin, calling out every single move. Our improved impeccable US intelligence is paying off. Can you imagine if Trump were still president and how this would have played out? Democracy will prevail.

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I always said Trump would sell out the US for a hotel named after him in downtown Moscow, (and we even found out he was planning it)!

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And he almost did. And he's still trying.

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Trump would have backed his buddy Putin. Thank God for Biden and our NATO allies.

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Truman was Bidenesque. The first time was when Stalin, after WW II, kept Soviet troops in oil-rich Azerbaijan (the Iranian segment.) Truman brought this before the UN while also bluntly informing Stalin that ‘if you don’t withdraw your troops within six weeks, we are coming back in.” This was Stalin’s first major Cold War defeat.

The next occurred when Stalin blockaded Berlin, which was under four-power [Soviet, American, British, French] administration. Stalin sought to starve 2 million Berliners and force the West to abandon Berlin. Instead Truman authorized the Hail Mary American/British air lift which supplied Berliners for many months. Ultimately Stalin surrendered.

It looks like Biden has inherited Truman’s brass balls.

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Brass balls, what could be better…

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Depleted Uranium....

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Putin only pulls this crap when Democrats are in Office.

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Keep in mind that one of Putin's primary goals is to undermine Democracy in the US. However, Biden's direct response (coalescing European and NATO support), threats of extraordinary severe economic reprisal, continuing effort to find a political solution and wise use of US intelligence (vs "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be") has stalled Putin. Hopefully, for the people of Ukraine and Europe, this will end peacefully.

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Snark, I hope. Putin does not need to act this way when the other folks are in office. At least not the current crop of them.

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There was a Repub that said “Putin was afraid of TFG “. I just bursted out laughing ! Whiney T never called Putin names did he. He made fun of all the other dictators. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you . Hahaha !

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I have a pic of tfg and Putin in Helsinki. Someone had photoshopped a leash on tfg with P leading him. The facial expressions and the body language were spot on. It should be front page in Every newspaper, as well as corner inset on every news show, especially the fake ones. The message is unmistakable…

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Or the marionetter that marionette's you.

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Marcia, exactly right! Love the rapper name for Jabba.

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Point well made, Jon.

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Marcia, I would respectfully suggest that this one is more than crap. It is a whole sewer system! I get your drift however, and appreciate your restrained use of words....you are one of my favorites on this forum.

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Back to ya guy. This planet of Ppl has been so ugly to so many. I get exhausted over so few causing the suffering of so many. If my walls in my living room lit up with my chosen words in Bright Neon, all my Cussing and Rantings over it, it would be blinding !

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Truth. The wall behind my TV screen has a bunch of words that are not in my daily vocabulary hanging on it. Sometimes it is the only way to describe the indescribable! But the forum ought to be a place where we take the sensitivities of others into concern and I did want to let you know that I noticed your effort -- even if one of us just has to drop a word or six sometime in the future. And we most probably will....

Peace to you, and Light.

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🦋❤️And to you my friend.

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It wouldn’t “play out,” it would be a done deal.

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Yes, the question of the day: “…can you imagine?” Imagination isn’t just fantasy. It’s predicting an outcome given certain conditions. Not perfect but we need to learn problem solving strategies. Collective WE. Why couldn’t half the country imagine the outcome of voting for a candidate who had lawsuits defending criminal and financial behavior and bankruptcies and blatant racism, sexism and assorted isms not yet imagined?

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I think that was the plan…

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Watching this conflict, a worldwide catastrophe and feeling helpless. Knowing the real victims are the Ukrainian people who are pawns in the war games that dictators and fascists like Putin engage in. We can see how TFG believed he and Putin were friends. They sit on their thrones and make life altering and devastating decisions. Both are soulless and cruel. My heart breaks for every person caught in this war. In the crossfire. It is reassuring that our government, led by our President Biden and a qualified staff, is working with NATO and world leaders to try to negotiate peace. If peace is possible. What is so devastating in the bargain; the losses and death of ordinary people, citizens who have no choice in this conflict. And the environmental destruction of every war. Only loss prevails.

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All so true. I think we grew up with the fantasy that national leaders would be interested in the welfare of their people - if only for self interest. What a joke.

Putin is a super dangerous monster and should have been eliminated long ago. But now we watch thousands of Russians put on a uniform who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the ego of a "strongman" murderer.

It's insanity. It's horrifying. It's a war about to happen based on a manufactured threat. Does that sound familiar? Cuba? Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan? We have been just as bad.

But why the Russians have applauded Putin for so long is beyond my understanding. But....I never understood why more than a handful of people voted for TFG. People are just nuts.

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There are too many people that would rather not be concerned about politics. As long as they are comfortable, don't watch the news, and maybe vote if they feel like it, they don't care until it effects their lives. Currently they are only concerned about the cost of their food, gasoline, and utilities. Oh, and that is President Biden and the Democrats fault!!!! Most people don't even know for who or what they are voting! They listen to their friends and a whole lot of fake information. I remember when wearing your seatbelt was a big deal and against their freedom! Now it is educating their children. They can't see what the Republicans are actually doing to dumb down our country!

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Amen. I have a few friends who fit this description. One told me that she refuses to discuss politics, and doesn't watch the news, because it "upsets" her. I decided to sever relations.

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Nancy, my niece just told me she isn't interested in politics. She is about 7 years younger than me, and I told her that she better start being interested! That is how we have gotten here! I am guilty!

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Have you offered to send her Heather's Letters? Because Heather's never hysterical, snarky, or off-topic, maybe your niece would be willing to read them and educate herself. Many people want to ignore that which they can't grasp. You're right - lots of folks dismiss it all as "politicians are all crooks, and I can't change that," and here we are.

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I share Heather's letters every day. I am sure she has all of them available. There is an old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink."

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"People are just nuts". Amen, brother.

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Maybe uneducated!

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Or willfully ignorant, and proud of it.

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We saw only those who applauded him. Everyone else was killed or imprisoned. This might be the last straw. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the many dissenters in Russia united in revolt? while he's busy planning mayhem?

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What would be the difference in taking out Putin in the same way we took out Osama bin Laden. That he is recognized as a head of state makes little difference given his threatening of another country's sovereignity. Putin is a terrorist at this point, isn't he?

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Mary, I know you are just venting, but this is a very dangerous train of thought, there are monitors on this forum. Being a head of state makes all the difference. Assassination of a head of state automatically is an act of war....

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Thanks, Gus. Yes, mostly venting. But how can we tolerate such leaders in this nuclear age? And I recognize Putin is't the only one!

Secondly, I wonder if the content of my comment triggered its repitition, which Lin questioned. Something strange happened when I hit Post -- a red circle with a white center appeared and I couldn't get rid of it. Wondering if others have had that happen.

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Could you please think that through. Just a bit.

Assassinate Putin - and then what?

Magical thinking might get you through a dark night. But it ought not drive government policy.

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Yes, that would be disastrous! Like there are evildoers waiting in the wings to “serve our country”, just know that Russia probably has double or triple that amount.

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Feb 21, 2022
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Sharon don’t go there out loud....I am sure this forum is monitored.

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I deleted! Thank you!

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However, there would always be someone else to take their place!

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Yes — and they could be worse! Sheesh, what or who could be worse?

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I had those thoughts, too!

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I recommend this essay published today by Timothy Snyder. It illuminates the tragic history and suffering of Ukraine and its people. This sentence and others won't be forgotten given what appears likely to unfold in the coming days: "Ukraine was the deadliest place in the world during the time when Hitler and Stalin were in power, between 1933 and 1945."


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Thank you Michael. Another astounding history lesson not found in my history classes. It’s my heritage, Ukrainian and Lithuanian and with no living or surviving relatives, my poetry has been a mix of family stories and creative expression. On the Lithuanian side, my grandfather emigrated and living in America was the head of his family. His sisters journeyed all the way to Minnesota from home in Lithuania for his permission to marry, which he honored. The family in America begged them to stay. 1933. But the sisters left. Never to be heard from again. Reading about Baba Yar years later we knew their fate. Gratitude to you for shining light on dark stories without endings.

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And thanks to you for sharing your background and family history. They and other personal accounts help me not just see what's happening but feel it too. To our great detriment, we as a nation are numbed to war and its horror.

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I can see that Putin has passed on his playbook to what's his name and the other party. Maybe they will suffer the same fate?

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Michael, fantastic piece! Thank you for the link. I've gotta subscribe to the Atlantic....

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Good! It's worth it.

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Link didn't work for me until I deleted everything following 'normality'.

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Sorry about that. Have fixed above. Thanks.

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Even the Russian separatists in Ukraine are skeptical of the purported reasons to evacuate them to a safe place.

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Feb 21, 2022
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Why has this exact comment been posted 3 or 4 times? So far.

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I don't know, Lin. Certainly not on purpose!

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As President Biden, the National Security Council, the UN, and the world's heads of state huddle in dialogue, all I can think of is the fear that must hover in every household in Ukraine. Her people must be suffering so -- not knowing when they will be invaded again! My heart goes out to them. May thoughts of Peace triumph!

Thank you, Heather, for such a meticulous recounting of the highlights of the day's events!

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This is BREAKING NEWS: Not long after HRC finished the letter and substacked it out, diplomacy kicked in big time. Of course, there could be a snag...

'Biden agrees ‘in principle’ to summit with Putin if Ukraine is not invaded'

'The standoff over the expected Russian invasion of Ukraine appeared to have a diplomatic window open late Sunday after President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed “in principle” to a summit meeting.'

'The office of French President Emmanuel Macron said the two leaders had accepted the meeting and it would take place only if an attack doesn’t occur. The details of the summit will be worked out this week, when Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.'

'Although senior U.S. officials say they believe that Putin has made a decision to invade, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement that U.S. officials “are committed to pursuing diplomacy until the moment an invasion begins.” She confirmed that Biden accepted the invitation — “again, if an invasion hasn’t happened.”

'She also reiterated the administration’s position that Russia seems to be “continuing preparations for a full-scale assault on Ukraine very soon.”

'The development came after Russia continued to keep in place 30,000 troops it has deployed in neighboring Belarus despite earlier promises to withdraw them by Sunday. And earlier in the day, top administration officials echoed Biden’s assessment from Friday that Putin has made a decision to invade within days.' (WashingtonPost)



Another aspect of this is the Russia - China alliance.

'How will China respond to a potential Russian military escalation against Ukraine? Relations between Russia and China have intensified in recent years, with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping holding regular summits and the two countries’ militaries participating in joint exercises and cooperating in some defense industrial efforts. Ties between Moscow and Beijing are now closer than any time since the days of Stalin and Mao, driven by a shared perception that the United States is each country’s primary foreign policy challenge. One top Russian official told media in December 2021 that the relationship now “exceeds an alliance.”[1] Chinese state media, meanwhile, have vocally backed Russia in arguing that the current crisis stems from the US “using NATO as a tool to cannibalize and squeeze Russia’s strategic space.”[2]'(ForeignPolicyResearchInstitute)


'China would back Russia diplomatically and perhaps economically if it invades Ukraine, worsening Beijing's already strained relations with the West, but would stop short of providing military support, experts said.'

'U.S. President Joe Biden said on Friday that Russia's Vladimir Putin had decided to invade Ukraine within days, a claim Russia denies. read more'

'China's foreign ministry has repeatedly blamed the United States for "spreading false information" and creating tensions, urging it to respect and address Russia's demands for security guarantees. read more' (Reuters)


Will Russia Invade? Perhaps Putin didn't intend to all along. He will see what he can get without going to war. Think of what the Ukrainian people have been going through

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Hello, Fern. Ukraine checking in. Utilities (my canary) all functioning normally. Two days ago WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/19/ukraine-russia-donbas reported that the great evacuation to Rostov was staged. Sorry I panicked. Russians say 34,000 which is 1000 busses, which no one saw. And no sign of refugees in Rostov, maybe in Taganrog. Old people and orphans were evacuated because they could not resist and made good camera fodder. The article also covers a number of Russian fake stories.

This morning I read that some who evacuated are returning because there was no food or shelter provided.

Biden is sure going the extra mile to try to broker some kind of agreement. And the announcements of Russian plans appear to be accurate (see TCfromLA's last post).

My wife's friend phoned from Dnipro crying because a lifelong friend of hers in Moscow says it is Ukraine who is the aggressor. My Tanya told her to stop watching TV.

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Great to hear from you! Yes, that's what my 21 year old grandson in Slovakia says: "Sure, I'm happy! I don't read the newspapers!"

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Thanks for the update, Allen. I am glad that you are safe at least so far, and hope you continue to be so. Your story about the folks in Russia believing the propaganda has such chilling parallels to those watching the Faux News channel. They are being lied to as well and believe it hook, line and sinker.

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Propaganda works, who knew…

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Hello, Allen I have not been able to get to my computer for more than six hours. Very relieved to learn that you and your wife are alright. It felt like a miracle to read your words. We are all thinking of you and will be very grateful each time we hear from you. With continuing concern for your safety and to your good sense of how to proceed at this perilous time. Fern

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Never bank on my good sense.

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Okay, I know you mean what you say, Allen. Which foot goes in your mouth?🦶🏼😄🦶🏼❤️

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Yes, dear Fern, I am next to you and Allen, along with his family, during this insanely real chess game.

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Are we there yet.? If only we could say, stop watching Fox and clones…

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Allen, Just saw this from Reuters:

'The Kremlin said there were no concrete plans for a summit over Ukraine between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden, after the French president said the two leaders had agreed a meeting in principle. However, both Washington and Moscow played down hopes of a breakthrough, and satellite imagery appeared to show Russian deployments closer to Ukraine's border than before.'

REALITY is a many changing dynamic in politics and conflict.

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Saw that. Russia this minute is recognizing the independence of the Donbas republics. Well see what that means but it won't be good. Russia will be invited to send its military to the front lines.

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Agreed, Allen. It is all bad and tragic.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and friends and your country. Thank you for sharing this important information. Putin, is a scary neighbor! He scares me!

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Allen, you'll be in my thoughts. The best we can offer is our happiness that Trump is no longer in office. Biden will do his best.

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Hello Allen, I'll be watching for you to appear on the forum. I may not comment tomorrow but would like to know how you are doing. In addition to checking to see if you show up tomorrow, you can always reach me through my comments today. Sending you and your family blessings galore, Fern

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Okay, Allen. I'm where you checked in.

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Allen, Glad, very glad to see your face. Checked out the map. If you can spare a few words, please do. Fern

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Tanya has been more scathing in her Facebook comments than I and hers are in Russian. Not a lot of sleep in a few houses last night. People in Russia are not happy with Putin either.

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Allen, I sure understand Tanya. It was hard for me to avoid curse words regarding Putin when communicating with a friend last night. The sky in Manhattan, NYC now is as ugly as my heart. No family in Ukraine now - all left a long time ago. Thank you for dropping by, Allen. You and Tanya, bring your strong spirits to the fore. Fern

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URGENT: ALLEN CAN YOU GET OUT? You know what is going to happen! It will be catastrophic.

From: Canada's Globe and Mail,

'Putin to recognize independence of two separatist regions in Ukraine - ...'

'Russian President Vladimir Putin said he will recognize the independence of two separatist regions in southeastern Ukraine, a move that could be used to justify sending Russian troops into the breakaway areas.'

'Mr. Putin’s televised announcement came following an extraordinary session of Russia’s Security Council that saw speaker after speaker provide Mr. Putin with reasons for recognizing the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk “people’s republics,” which have been under the control of a Moscow-backed militia since 2014.'

'In response, Ukraine appealed to the signatories of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum – a deal that saw Ukraine give up the Soviet-era nuclear weapons on its soil in exchange for promises that its independence and sovereignty would be respected – to take “practical steps to guarantee the security of Ukraine.” The United States and Britain, along with Russia, were the pact’s key signatories.'

Putin will destroy Ukraine's military first.


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Yes, we watched it on Russian TV tonight. I think I posted a comment on here somewhere to that effect. The Russians can now freely move their military to the Donbas front. Not that they haven't been there for 8 years already.

My step granddaughter is going from Kyiv to L'viv tomorrow to a friend's birthday party. Good timing on her part.

We have our documents ready and have a plan. Don't panic.

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You joked not to bank on your good sense.

'Don't panic. Have a plan and a 'go bag.'

That's not just good sense, it's the best.

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Allen, Our care and sense of urgency are your friends. We wish we could do more. Let us know of any way we can be of service.

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Thank you. Hope may not be a strategy but neither is dispair

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Whatever the outcome...violence or continued bluster...in Ukraine, the longterm drain on Russian ressources will diminish Russia's relative power and possibly thereby increase their dependence on China. War will be extremely costly for all sides but relatively more so for Putin as he is facing economic decline and a possible future difficulty in maintaining his disproportionate military spending. He may be thinking that it is now or never! But,This is the opposite of Putin's policy objectives. He has a delicate balance to play as his only real chance of staying relatively independant in the long run is an alliance with Europe that maintains Europe's internally non-threatening posture and allows him economic opportunities that will compensate for the poverty of his ressource-based economy while sabotaging Europe's links with America and breaking Nato; a third elephant in the global room.

So far he has managed to unite his enemies, it would seem, rather than the contrary and foster Ukraine's defenses....not what he hoped. If he really wants to annoy the Americans and thereafter the recalcitrant Europeans then he attacks while he is talking to Biden. He would thereby seemingly humiliate the US, demonstrating his "strength" but it would force all concerned to both support Ukraine through indirect...;and possibly direct... military aid and massively increase the sanctions....and his costs. He hasn't learnt, apparently, the adage about letting sleeping dogs ly.

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"So far he has managed to unite his enemies, it would seem, rather than the contrary"

That will only last as long as Biden is in office, which, is probably about two more years at the most.

Once Trump is back in office, then, Putin will have an ally in the White House supporting the invasion of Ukraine backed up with full Fox network propaganda.

The US will pull out of NATO and go full support for Putin.

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Mike I am convinced that you painted the landscape well, but the scenario has evolved. Putin no longer has Trump’s shadow to murk about in. The light of day is dawning and like all Jackals, Putin prefers the foggy shadows. World opinion and American opinion are beginning to align again. Thank you Mr. Bidon!

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I can say: I heartily support a more optimistic scenario and hypothesis than my own current hypothesis.

I can also say: I am 61 and I have watched for too long now as Americans have been easily played as the fools they appear to be.

I can further say: Trump and the Republicans working in concert with Putin to forge a "weak Biden" narrative, at least at the moment, is the only singular hypothesis I can think of that explains all of the actions currently in play.

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I concur with your connect the dots. At 71 I have met the Russians and Chinese in battle. They have strategies akin to how you say. But with the air full of steel we did not lose.

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Well geez Mike, you just may be prescient enough to make me drool my coffee...but Biden is not a newcomer to this game, and he knows he is a transitional one term president. That gives him a lot of freedom to do stuff,as long as he has a majority Congress — IF we can give it to him.

I’m not any more prescient than you, but I have to bet on Biden and what’s left of our courts — and the American Voters. May it be so, it must be so....

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tRump will be Al Caponed and bankrupt long before the 2024 elections.

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Mike, do you really believe that is the way it wil l go?!

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Yes. Kathleen, I even think the following narrative, which, has emerged clearly on this board and in America over the past few weeks is driving Putin:

The Republicans, Fox News and Putin are, potentially, all working together to generate this "weak Biden" narrative:


Biden, after his "weak" pullout from Afghanistan, where he left many Americans "behind" is now so "weak" that Putin is trying to take advantage of Biden's "weakness" and invade Ukraine. IF ONLY we had that good, STRONG man Trump back in office, Putin would never have thought about invading.

So, now, with this narrative being pushed by both Fox and the Republicans, Biden loses in a landslide because he is "weak".

We know from history Americans really respond to this type of narrative because Ronald Reagan's landslide victory over Carter was designed around the same narrative.

I believe that the Republicans in Congress and Putin and Fox News are, potentially, all acting together now....

....with the goal to reelect Trump.

I believe that the probability of success is 0.8 or so.

Once Trump is back in office, then, he pulls out of NATO and Putin drops $400 million in a Swiss Bank account for Trump.

Yes, that is a complete hypothesis that hangs completely together with all that I know about America, Trump and Putin.

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Maybe it’s because I live in blood-red Texas but I see the octopus arms everywhere I turn. In 2004, I made a trip to DC and saw all the Kerry/Edwards signs, etc and thought that maybe I was wrong to be so discouraged. I wasn’t wrong. Even then, the octopus of evil had infiltrated my world. And I am older than all of you. Like Mike, would so love to see a ray of sunshine and will keep fighting, because it’s the only path we have.

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Hi Jeri ... I give thanks for a multi-dimensional universe in which 'evil' has it's place within the whole scheme of things. I feel every person - every one of us is choosing our way through the maze of challenges in life - as we choose, or simply react spontaneously out of conditioning or habit, so we lay the grounds for the path we must walk as we continue to learn and grow toward wholeness. Every one of us contributes to the bigger picture - every piece of the puzzle has a place - everything is moving and changing as the process unfolds ... for me, the solution is to choose what rings true in my own heart and soul - not always easy to discern - and trust that others will find a way to do the same. I believe truth and love are the deepest powers of life - that falsehood, hatred and fear are symptoms of disassociation from that true ground. So I ask and invite every soul to reach for the deepest truth and most abiding love as our hearts open to embrace the source of all being living and breathing through every one of us - even and especially those who are so caught up in deception and blinding desperation they only share the pain that binds them - may eyes and ears be opened - may hearts be healed - may we transcend the muddy waters and swim together in in the Cosmic Ocean of Peace!!

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I hear you Mike ... follows on the "Sleepy Joe" meme ... also, this would create a diversion/distraction from focus on human rights and concerns related to the economically underserved and people of color in America ...

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I hope I am wrong about my perspective. However, I know that the probability I am correct is way larger than 0.0.

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That is their plan, and it is shocking and befuddling how Biden is perceived by the Putin Republican Sect, they generally think he is the one causing this war - oh, and he has also prolonged Covid without doing anything to stop it as well! That being said, they are not even close to the majority in this country and I still believe that the rest of us will NEVER vote for Trump again, especially if he is in prison.

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Check this out:

From Brian Tyler Cohen (Love this guy!!)

BREAKING: Fox correspondent just DEMOLISHED her OWN Fox colleagues ON AIR over their Russia-Ukraine reporting.


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Well of COURSE they’re working together. No other explanation. Big money flows....

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I hope things don't play out this way though I can see it happening. Let's see how Fox and the Republicans behave if Putin indeed ravages Ukraine and non-Fox viewers see the likely horrible human toll over and over. Also, I believe many Republicans in Congress despite Trump and want him to disappear. They're just too cowardly to admit it publicly.

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Again the naysayers might be watching this crisis play out like just another movie, lacking the compassion and empathy to see that human beings are at the core of all this conflict. They, disconnected, do not consider, “walk a mile in my shoes” to be anything more than a trite and remote truth.

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While so many of fellow commenters have provided additional historical perspective to her commentary, all to other we are prone to ‘crystal balling’!

Putin, like his Manchuria candidate trump, needs the publicity, no such thing as bad publicity! Not since Stalin and Hitler have two sociopaths dominated the political mania in the Western world! They revel in the attention they are receiving!

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I think there is a risk when we lump TFG and Putin together. Donald Trump's defining quality is his stupidity. Nothing I have read or observed leads me to believe Putin is stupid. Someone mentioned the cartoon with the leash from Putin to Trump. What I remember of the film from that meeting between the two men is the look of barely concealed contempt on Putin's face when he looked at our president. It was chilling.

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He's cornered himself and Russia, Stuart. Putin's fantasy of being the conquering hero of a remade Russian Empire was ill-imagined. Putin could not have considered allying with Europe; part of his reason to BLOCKADE Ukraine was to cut its trajectory toward EU membership and all that would mean..

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And what he has achieved is the contrary...an affirmation of Ukraine-EU mutual interest. He also didn't want an economically successful Ukraine giving a bad example to his own poor Russians.

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The deal he strikes with China is likely to be like a loan with an escalator clause. Imagine Chinese oligarchs stashing their dollars and bullion in Ukraine protected by deals cut with Putin for western goods. Signatures on the agreements with Xi above Putin. You do raise some images Stuart.

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Bullies do what bullies do, sort of like Pavlov’s dog. Sadly, they are nipping at our heels everywhere. A United front May frustrate Putin in the short run; God knows in the long run…

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I am reticent in relying on the idea that Putin will follow a predictable military strategy. He’s not working for the people of his country. It’s all about him, his winning or losing, his power. He’s like TFG in the way of using his own people for his benefit, his profit.

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Expect he will do what has been successful in his calculations which will determine his next moves. Has he succeeded in managing western nations into nonmilitary responses? Has he brought the third superpower into his alliance? He succeeded and has his forces effectively in control of Eastern front, perhaps permanently. Check. Now, how will he reposition troops or trade agreements or third-world investments and partnership to link his Western borders in line with China's ambitions in the Asian corridor that reaches south to Australia and North through Japan, Korea, and on toward Alaska? Check(mate).What succeds toward restoring he the big bear that Russia was in his childhood could well be central to his actions. What succeeds more than what is planned as would be so in our Euro-American thinking. IMHO.

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Prayers for the Ukrainian people!

Gratitude to you, Dear Fern, as always, for your intrepid reporting.

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Yes, I've just read that exact story in Le Monde. They are preparing for a summit on Thursday (unless the worst happens in the mean time), the day already earmarked for a meeting between Lavrov and Blinken. Macron spoke twice to Putin, and to Biden in between the calls.

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Yes, Anne-Louise that information is in the Washington Post article, which was quoted and linked in my comment. Thank you.

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Oops, my intention was to confirm the WaPo story - I didn't mean to undercut you - I see that I repeated the bit you included, about the proposed summit meeting. Sorry!

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No, Anne-Louise, you didn't undercut anything. You may not have read the comment. There is reporting in it about Russia's and China's alliance and other information about how China may have influence on Putin's decision making.

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I can't help thinking about the Munich Agreement as I read about a potential summit with Moscow "if there is no invasion." I recall that Hitler agreed to cease territorial claims to any other parts of Europe in exchange for the Sudetenland. And Europe bought it. Chamberlain's lauding of the piece of paper representing peace in our time was about as reliable a document as those likely to show up on Truth Social.

What's Putin's ploy? Let the Donetsk Russians go and let Crimea alone, and we'll withdraw the 150,000 troops? Yeah, right, maybe he'll pull back during mud season, but what about later?

Biden obviously knows not to believe anything Putin says. We ought to be thankful that someone is advising Biden to keep making the intel public, no matter what Russian propaganda is being put out there.

My main worry about potential support in this country for anything Biden may propose is that the vast majority of Americans are geographically ignorant. They would not be able to identify Ukraine on a map and know nothing about its strategic position or its resources.....let alone anything about Ukraine's history and culture. Sad commentary about how geography has been ignored as a subject of study in this country.

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Carolyn, Biden is not Chamberlain. Thinking about what the very vast majority of Americans know -- and the mind goes blank. Maps need to be used constantly for this. Most mature Americans are against Russian tyranny. I don't think Trump turned many of those folks around. This is a challenge for the Republican Party -- it will split the Party some more. I'm thinking Americans' sympathy for the 'underdog' may favor support for the Ukrainians.

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Fortunately the Munich Agreement has been taught in Europe as has been the humiliation of Chamberlain thereafter. Daladier didn't live long enough to feel his as he was murdered by Petain's thugs.

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Historian Timothy Snyder analyzed the tightening Russia-China earlier this month. Troubling to say the least. https://snyder.substack.com/p/the-geopolitical-olympics

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Thank you, Michael. I am a subscriber to 'Thinking about...' Everything he writes is illuminating. If you haven't read his 20 minute podcast on Soviet dissolution and America's slide from democracy, I strongly recommend it.

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I don’t understand how a meeting is going to change this. It looks to me like Putin is moving forward no matter what and this meeting will actually stop nothing. Why would Putin agree to a meeting but keep moving forward with invasion and what does Biden stand to gain with another meeting? Please explain if you can.

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Putin has not agreed to a meeting. Russia says nothing has been decided. Wish Biden would just tell him to GFY

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Good questions, but Putin is no fool. Another question that occurs to me is what does Putin actually have to gain by going to war?

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How many members of Congress, mostly of one political party, have Russian money, lots of it, in their campaign chests, or their retirement funds, starting with “Moscow Mitch” McConnell?

Many Cold War warriors would turn in their graves realizing how easily a hostile foreign government can threaten America not with ICBM’s but with suitcases full of cash.

I’m sure there are many throughout the world who share my profound gratitude that Joe Biden, and not Donald Trump, is President of the United States at this moment in history.

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"would turn in their graves realizing how easily a hostile foreign government can threaten America not with ICBM’s but with suitcases full of cash",

Yes, however, the entire history of the Republican Party since 1980, and, even the entire Democratic apparatus of the United States, since 1980, is about how effective big money from many sources, including foreign governments to the domestic Heritage foundation, can corrupt Democracy.

I would say, in retrospect, our own invasion of Iraq was about ensuring profit among military contractors.....or, in other words, money.

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Agreed. The money required to run for office, from all parties, is an enormous threat to our democracy.

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The only weapons of mass destruction were weapons for mass destruction manufacturers.

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Ralph, you nailed it on all three points. Thanks man.

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Moscow Mitch does.

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Dear Heather and LFAA friends -

I read this evening’s post aloud to my wife. We’ve been paying some attention to the developing and deteriorating conditions in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - and we’re aware of the nationalistic trends in Europe, the Philippines, Brazil, Australia, here in the US... And then there’s China. I keep wondering just how long any kind of power sharing agreement might last between China and Putin. Even if everything was peachy throughout the rest of the world, we’d more than likely be in the sociopolitical mess we’re in now.

I took some stock and gave thanks for our home, plumbing, electricity, food in the freezer, frig and pantry, our cats and freshwater tropical fish, our friends, family and music making. Chances are we’ll awaken tomorrow and get on with our day. It also seems possible that these blessings we enjoy may have a best by date. Tyranny begets misery. Love begets love. I guess we’ll see how this plays out.

Goodnight and God bless you, us and US.

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Thanks for the reminder that the easy life in the US can vanish at a moments notice.

Almost everyone has forgotten true tough times (except of course, the large fraction of Americans who live in tough times full time).

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And many do…

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Thank you for your poignant comment Jean-Pierre, and may you, your wife, your kin, and the cat-people who bless your lives be well and happy, and free from harm. And indeed, may our Maker bless us all, especially the people of Ukraine in these very dark hours.

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"Taking stock and giving thanks" are things we all should do as we watch the Ukrainian people suffer. I so worry about those who only want "home, plumbing, electricity, food in the freezer, frig and pantry, our cats and freshwater tropical fish, our friends, family and music making." And, it appears, they are all willing to fight for their freedom to choose. Pray for them....

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Joe and Company are being challenged to a chess match by Putin. Joe is taking no chances by calling Vlad’s bluff. The US has reentered the stadium and our allies are the welcoming committee, rather than shunning away from us. This is what diplomacy looks like when you have competent adults in charge. Now we wait to see what the next move is and please, do not discount China.

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Is this an unprecedented number of women at a National Security Council meeting? Sounds like it.

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Sue Bass, it is an unprecedented number of women in the room!

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May that portend a change… all across the globe

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This is a great challenge to democratic nationss to stand up to Putin. May reason prevail!

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Speaking at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, President Zelensky said,

“We don’t need your sanctions after the bombardment will happen and after our country will be fired at, or after we will have no borders and after we will have no economy or part of our country will be occupied,” Zelensky said.

He added that, at a minimum, the United States and Europe need to “articulate what sanctions they would impose on Russia, to serve as a deterrent.”

The UK, for all of Johnson’s bluster, is still a haven for ill-gotten Russian money, as the country has failed to close the loopholes that allow over 85,000 properties in the UK to be registered anonymously.

Zelensky’s address at the MSC was painfully compelling – at once desperate and at the same time, courageous. I had the sense that he felt he was being left to fight the Russian giant alone, while Europe and the US wrung their hands, gnashed their teeth and spread fear without exacting consequences on Putin. He thanked the West for providing defensive equipment and helmets (a not so subtle swipe at the government here in Germany) but hammered on the theme that his economy could not survive in an atmosphere of fear and the constant ratcheting up of anxiety and uncertainty.

What are we waiting for? That’s the question Zelensky is asking Europe and the US. He believes his small, struggling country is acting as the bulwark of the West against a determined Russia hell-bent on crushing all that stands in the way of its goal to recreate the post-war Iron Curtain – my words not his.



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So powerful such incredible research and weaving of all the events in this precarious situation Once again so impressed with how Biden and his smart team are handling this and being the leader of the free world Prayers for all in Ukraine and our country and world 🌎 Thanks always Heather for your cool rationale telling always I ve never felt more informed just wish more we could do for unity and peace all around

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Think if Putin were gone and the natural gas wealth of Russia were shared with the Russian people a la Norway with its people. The Russian kleptocrats need to be removed from power.

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"The Russian kleptocrats need to be removed from power".

But how Duke? Even in the US we have trouble with "Kleoptocrats" in power.

If, for example, you define Kleptocrat as someone able and willing to steal other people's money and resources to support their own wealth, then, Trump, with his six or more bankrutpcies falls within this definition.

Duke, Trump is currently the front runner to be the next President of the United States.

So, if we cannot control Kleptocrats here, how much more difficult is it in Russia?

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Putin is a different category. He's a menace, poisoning political enemies and worse. He does business through threats and intimidation, cutting off gas supplies to punish those who don't give him what he demands. This is not free market capitalism. It's a criminal racket. It's degenerate behavior. It needs to be stopped.

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Immediate and harming sanctions will cause him and his kleptomaniacs severe harm. Sadly, also the Russian people.

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Not sure if sanctions will be enough.

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Agree. But not sure about the path to effect change.

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Better if it happened from inside. But I wonder if the world will look for alternatives if they take the following from White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan seriously (excerpted from the Hill this morning):


"We believe that any military operation of the size, scope and magnitude of what we believe the Russians are planning will be extremely violent. It will cost the lives of Ukrainians and Russians, civilians and military personnel alike," Sullivan said during an appearance on NBC's "Today."

"But we also have intelligence to suggest that there will be an even greater form of brutality because this will not simply be some conventional war between two armies," he added. "It will be a war waged by Russia on the Ukrainian people to repress them, to crush them, to harm them."


If we allow that to happen, I think the notion of free society, liberal democracy, etc. are pretty much done for as Europe eventually knuckles under. Some say that Europe and Germany have more bargaining power to avoid this outcome. I'm not so sure.

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Kleptocrats agree to support the leader that gives them the access to those illicit dollars. We saw this in Bannon, Kushner, some of Drump's cabinet members, etc.

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That's what I said too (but was "censored" here.) Doesn't there need to be a discussion of how that might be done/?

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I don't like to think that way either, but what is the alternative? People think of the disaster in Iraq, which had nothing to do with the preventing the downfall of liberal democracy. If only there were time to move to alternative (non-extractive) energy, then these petro states could be neutered. As it stands, Russia has planted its money all over the world, corrupting every place it lands. The cancer is in place. Perhaps the West can make the argument that we've tried negotiation, but honestly, I sometimes wonder if the West itself isn't slow walking us to realignment with corrupt forces, with the right only pushing for it harder than the left (who acts reluctant). It's depressing.

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Correction - Sheba Crocker is Ambassador to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, while Linda Thomas- Greenfield is the United States ambassador to the United Nations - full stop. I know - it’s confusing. But the “Other International Organizations in Geneva” part is important, and makes the difference between LTG being a member of the Cabinet, while Crocker is “only” the Personal and Plenipotentiary Representative of POTUS at the US Mission, Geneva …

Michael Zorick

(US Foreign Service Officer, ret.)

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Thank you.

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Rep. Tom Malinowski says he's 'never seen such unity between our parties'. Low bar. I am not reassured.

Friday, I listened to a Congressional hearing on Russia and Ukraine. There were witnesses with expertise on military and diplomatic strategy in that region. Democrats asked serious questions and got serious answers.

And then there were the Republicans and Richard Grenell - a regular on Tucker Carlson, who Trump made acting director of the United States National Intelligence. An appointee so unqualified that even the typically complicit Susan Collins was concerned. Trump often appointed 'acting' managers to bypass the congressional approval process. Grenell's signature achievement in office was declassifying and releasing info on people on Trump's enemies list. Particularly relating to the Russian collusion investigation. But having acted in a position, Grenell is now a GOP go-to when they need to channel the Tucker Carlson world view for the record.

So one after another Republicans claimed that when Trump was flexing his powerful America fist muscle, Putin behaved himself. And with week wobbly Afghan withdrawal bumbler Biden, the world is in danger. Grenell went them one better by blaming NATO deadbeats for destabilizing the region, when what we need is Trump in charge. Putin doesn't want any democratic neighbors. Republicans don't want any Democratic neighbors. Authoritarians rule. I would not count on them supporting United States policy.

Republicans, like other terrorist entities, like to have a high body count. They weaponize their own dead as martyrs and brag on the number of enemies they've killed. For the rest of us, the goal is to get to the negotiating table. And it is better not to have too many bodies to climb over.

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"So one after another Republicans claimed that when Trump was flexing his powerful America fist muscle, Putin behaved himself. And with week wobbly Afghan withdrawal bumbler Biden, the world is in danger. "

Interesting narrative that I saw someplace else this week as well.

Maybe that narrative: "Biden is weak, look how Putin is acting now" is really what Putin and the Repuiblicans are working together on now?

In fact, that would make so much sense that I am going to consider that narrative as the main gain Putin stands to gain from this entire exercise.

Putin + Republicans + Fox News create a tale of Biden weakness so strong that Biden loses in a landslide and "strong man" Trump comes back in to save the day.

This actually makes sense to me.

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Mike, you have done it again. Nailed it. Personally, I thought I saw Presidential weakness when TFG handed Putin the murderer a soccer ball.

IMO, most Republicans and the "Carlsons" are fascists who don't care how they maintain power - as long as they do so. At any cost. As Rep. Eric Swalwell said, the platform of the GOP is "Rule or Ruin".

I still don't understand how Rupert Murdoch gets away with undermining American democracy so easily. Why isn't he called out for the puppet master he is?

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Rupert is the puppet - not the master ....

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Do tell me who the puppeteer is…. Rupert may be part of a cabal, but a puppet???

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Rupert may be the prompter and diehard supporter - and yes, master of Jabba, but he is someone or something else’s puppet himself.

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Would love to know who. Biographer thought it was his first wife and her religion. She is long gone, but still the mother of his older children…

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Look at his face, Jeri - his whole posture shrivels - not a sign of command in power ... same with McConnell - these are not happy campers ....

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Wondering that since the 80’s, then Fox went “viral” and hasn’t slowed down. Rule or ruin expresses it perfectly.

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Mike S. if but for where you are posting your comments, I would think you secretly want TFG to be re-elected. I still wonder. I think you are a bit of a conspiracy type guy, assuming all the evil forces arrayed against Democracy are simply there to make sure Biden loses in '24 and Jabba wins. Of course there is that reality, that is what the autocrats in the US want, but in the end, we get the government we deserve, and I am not convinced that Jabba, with all the legal and financial problems that he has, will remain even nominally of sound mind and good health long enough to be re-elected. His base is dying off both from Covid and natural causes, bad diet, all that, and there are lots of Republicons who want to ascend to the highest office, and although they may appear to be Trumpists, in the end they would throw him under any random passing bus just like he would do to them. I give TFG/Jabba no more than a 10% of re-election. Thank God for our sane, responsible, occasionally rambling President Joe Biden.

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😊. No. I don’t want tRump to win. I have been puzzled about why Putin is doing the Ukraine move now and what he will gain.

But. If. In concert with Fox News and Pubs then Putin can make Biden look weak we know Americans will vote for Trump.

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... or the next one in line behind him ...

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In other words, dying off from inbreeding and ignorance?

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Wow, what an accusation

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It’s also a very handy distraction from Trump’s numerous legal messes right now! And if Trump gets arrested, I do expect war.

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Sadly, some will promote such upheaval

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It does indeed

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Tonight on PBS' Newshour, my newest nemesis, Amy Walter, said how most Americans see Biden as weak. Such a circular means of "evidence!" I swear I think she is plugged into Fox for her survey conclusions.

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"Republicans, like other terrorist entities, like to have a high body count."

... more parts for the body bank (another lucrative industry) ...?

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Not really. Harvesting of organs is done in hospitals. Roadkill is of little use.

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Exactly, republicans skew, lie and spew propaganda non-stop. Never wonder why Fox (and clones) viewers never have a thought that hadn’t passed Rupert’s smell test. Trump was the biggest “pussy” to ever don a political robe; that he is perceived as strong can be directly attributed to Rupert’s henchmen and the toadies that slurp his venom.

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Thankful for the 81+ million voters who chose Biden. Thankful for the dozens of court cases that said ‘No’ to the trump campaign’s protestations. Thankful that the January 6 coup attempt failed. Real world problems faced by people who have a moral compass and a sense of history.

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