This veteran lawyer has no idea how you manage to write what amounts to a top notch court of appeals brief six or seven times a week.

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The Awe Inspiring One stays up until 3 am almost every night. I know because I live in CA and read the column at midnight! Such devotion and energy. Admirable.

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Many of us on the right coast stay up past 3 AM, to get it hot off the presses....while we sip Decaf we can almost feel her editing and proofing. Sweet.

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And those of us on the best coast get to go to bed a wee bit earlier ❤️

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Gwen, just in case, I was referring to the east coast as the right coast using the popular slang of "left and right" not denoting the quality of one against the other!

However, having lived in CA (LA, Riverside, Long Beach, and San 'Berdue,' I would stipulate that the left coast is at least as "best" as the right coast! Before anyone gets upset with me, I was born in Waukegan, IL so I claim neutrality y'all....Hahaha!

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I'm in Portugal ... Eight hours ahead of all of you!

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Portugal, beautiful country with its history of struggles and democracy. I worked with Habitat for Humanity near Porto in 2019 and have walked the Camino to Santiago de Compostela, Spain inland and on the coast. We work together and walk together and meet people from all over the world, speaking different languages. Putin believes he can divide us, but the world response to his crimes against the people of Ukraine is a prayer for humanity.

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Thanks for your note. I volunteered for H for H in 2,000 in Palmeira outside Braga. I'm glad you enjoyed the North of Portugal. Come back and do more of the Santiago trails. Putin unifies his enemies.

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Hello Susan, We worked HfH in Amarante. Visited Braga where there are many volunteers. I’m signed up for another HfH for Armenia September 2022, but not sure that will happen. When every country will need help. Yes, Putin unifies his enemies. As do tyrants and despots. Do you walk the Camino? Maybe we can meet. I’m now a slow walker. I have walked different Caminos to Santiago six times since 2016. Starting 70th birthday from SJPdP in Pyrenees. Here’s my blog with Espiritual Variant.

https://walkingthroughtheages.com/2019/09/28/walking-espiritual-variant-stages-2-and-3/ I love being able to communicate with people from all over the world and making lifelong friends. We have more in common than language. Humanity. We are so much more than our governments.

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PS from my post below (can't seem to edit). My Portuguese friends will like to know what you have written. As residents, we see hundreds of "Pilgrims " walking the Santiago trails every year.

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Thznks for your blog site Irinie. I'll look it uoy. You must have some interesting stories to tell.

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Yes. What are they saying there about Putin's attack on Ukraine? He's bombing Kyiv and other cities. Bombed the airport in Kyiv and just threatened the world not to get involved or we'll see something that we've never seen before.

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The Portuguese national bird is the chicken. Remember that Portugal lost so many men in the WWI slaughter, so stayed neutral in WWII and became a spy center and European royalty hid here. My experience here is that the Portuguese can be very discreet. It has been suggested to me that I not say anything bad about the Portuguese people. I don't think I have in this response to your question, but that's a matter of opinion. The fact is, Portugal sent troops to NATO. It's a small country, ten million or so; one loss means a lot to this family oriented nation, the first nation, created before any others. Those who survived the fascist dictator Salazar will go along on the face of it, but will bide their time and subtly resist any dictator.

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Bravo to Portugal for their work in WWII!

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It pops up as I'm making my coffee the ¨next morning¨ here in Spain.

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That's a better time to be reading HCR than midnight or 1 am!

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Yes! Good sleep is so important. xoxo

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I love Spain. Do you live there? The history and government are complicated. I’ve walked different Caminos several times. Do you walk or hike? Hope you are staying healthy.

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We do and we love it. Unfortunately we got here two months before Covid, but our city has so much to explore. I'm doing research for a play now that has a thread of the Spanish Civil War. There are memorials all around. Including our home. Have not done any of the El Caminos yet but plan too. Let me know if you ever come!

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Yes, my sleep hours here in Northern California, too, have changed. Every night, waiting and reading and writing with so much gratitude!

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In her spare time.

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Exactly. It boggles the mind. And for two years and five months.

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Someone else should get two years and five months...as a good start for the amount of wreckage caused.

Heather, on the other hand, has the gift of a teacher and observer. I am so glad I discovered her several years ago to understand the scope of things political and put them in perspective (historically and for future ramifications).

p.s., the shot of Comm Ave. is delicious and evocative. Your Buddy is so talented. I'm glad you take "me time" because this frentic world can suck you dry, dear Heather.

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Yes! re Heather.

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Beautiful. Get some rest. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed

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You are a gift. Every one in our fragile country should be reading your column …. Thank you !

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A favorite view-I usually picture you by bobbing boats in a Maine harbor. Now another favorite image. I keep your health in my heart every night. That sounds so dramatic, but you are our warrior for democracy, and we are so grateful. Rest well please and know how grateful we all are to you. I am picturing you walking hand-in-hand on the median on Commonwealth Avenue.

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That 's so true...I told somebody I was phone banking to a while ago that I was doing what I was doing b/c my hair was on fire and that I was a Democracy Warrior. Now our phone bank captain calls us all Democracy Warriors. Maybe we should all start wearing Democracy Warrior T-shirts, or hats, or scarves...a new fashion line?

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Jeanne, I buy one for sure, but if I wore it in Jackson County where I live, there would be problems. Fulton County, no problem!

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Gus, I'm debating whether to put my Stacey Abrams sticker on my car even here in safely-Democratic Gwinnett County, as I value my paint. After the Orange Menace was elected, my Hillary sticker was removed at Home Depot. Maybe we should both be bold. . . .

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Nancy, hey in Gwinnet! So you know where I am, and I have shopped at the Home Depot where you lost your Hillary sticker.

I haven't mentioned this here, not sure if I should, but I have received threats on the house phone. One definitely for killing me, the other one the caller started speaking before the beep. Not sure what he wanted to do to me--but I know exactly what he thinks of me and where he wants me to go.

So I'm dark in JC, doing my 'politiking' by phone, text, and mail.

You should be okay in Gwinnet, but be careful if you're shopping the outlets in Commerce. My kids were loading their truck at the Home Depot up there, and a bunch of 'necks pulled up inches away and started coughing on them from the bed of their truck, because my kids were masked! We the People--just not quite all of us....

So fight on, from wonderfully diverse Gwinnet. I love it.

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Here in Indiana, County of Clay. I had Biden/Harris signs stolen from my yard, a private threatening message on the internet from a fake account and a letter in my mailbox (no stamp) calling me every name in the book and then ended up telling me to kill myself! I informed the sheriff and was told to get security equipment for my home! Heather has convinced me to run for County Treasurer and I am 78 years old. Heather has taught me so much since I started reading her letters and watching her live or her video's when it is not possible to watch live!

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Let us know how your campaign is going. Proud of you, and Clay County, IN needs you - whether they know it or not! Buy that security equipment. 🎉

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You GO girl!

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I am so proud of you!!!!!! You truly are a Democracy Warrior. If you need help with your campaign, I am in.

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Gus, you're clearly in a more tenuous area than we are. We moved to Gwinnett County from DeKalb over 40 years ago, and at the time it was much more rural. The attraction was a Metro county that offered less expensive real estate. Over the years, it has grown immensely, and is now one of the most diverse areas near Atlanta. I displayed an Obama yard sign during both of his campaigns, with no push-back, and displayed an Ossoff/Warnock sign in 2020, as did our next-door neighbors. Having driven through Commerce toward the mountains in an infrequent outing during the pandemic, however, I became well aware of our proximity to a totally different brand of politics - AK-47's portrayed on every political banner, with no exceptions. What the "necks" probably didn't realize was that your children were probably vaccinated as well as masked, so they were protected, while the deplorables might have ended up hospitalized after a Marjorie Taylor Greene rally.

After being hailed by another Democrat at Costco with my Kerry sticker years ago - we decided we were the only people in the area brave enough to have one, I think I'll chance my Abrams sticker, but for the time being, perhaps you should stick with your "undercover" efforts. Good luck!

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Even bigger hugs

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You should be okay in Gwinnett, though as Gus points out it does have its "red" areas. Since like Gus I'm very solidly in Trumplandia (my county (Hall) abuts his (Jackson)), we sadly have to be a bit more cautious. It's a sad state of affairs, but in these times it is the reality. Even with the city I'm in being nearly 40% Hispanic/Latino (the county of 200,000 is nearly 30% Latino), I still need to be careful. I live in hope things will change, but it will most likely be slow. There are already some little glimmers of light.

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I think your area would have been more open to change if TFG hadn't been in office (that he didn't really win) and caused the QAnon, etc. onslaught. Yes, we have lots of red-ish neighbors, as was evident when a long-established small Muslim mosque nearby petitioned the County for a building permit to expand. The mosque was a few miles away - nowhere near our house. A neighbor of ours circulated an email railing against this request, prefacing her comments with "If you value your way of life..." to which I responded that I was under the impression that our country was founded on the principle of freedom of religion. (Okay, as it turns out, maybe not). Considering the uproar that ensued, I have been gratified that my Democratic yard signs haven't been stolen, our house hasn't been defaced, and our yard hasn't been turfed. Change has begun, and hopefully will continue - even in Hall County.

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I've wondered if our country wasn't founded on freedom FROM religion (the main religion in Europe at the time being Catholicism)?

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Thanks Gus :-) I think I am going to get on this idea. Without a democracy we have nothing. I am artist -- although not professional really. But I keep having so many ideas! I am very Climate Crisis focused at the moment and have a slogan: Blue Water, Blue Sky, VOTE BLUE! (A work in progress)...BUT if anyone wants to grab it and make something out of that, I would be honored. :-)

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Would you consider creating the artwork for a Democracy Warriors logo?

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I love this, Jeanne. Puts the message right where it belong. We the People, All of Us this time! Salud!

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Thank you...I love this smart collaborative community! We will prevail!

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I just love this. Are there graphic artists here who could create the art work? Those interested can form a company.

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What a fabulous idea! IF anyone knows where to get one, I’m game.

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Connie, your note is beautifully written, and truly for all of us--to a great American scholar indeed!

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Aw, what a wonderful comment!

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Bless you and all that you do. You make a difference.

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It has been a very long couple of weeks and I thank you for taking the time to keep us informed through these letters and your live chats on Facebook…you lift my spirits and give me hope. Enjoy your well deserved early night…hugs!

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Your writing brings light to the dark deeds swirling around us. Then, to be treated to such exquisite photography, to help illuminate your words. Thank you a thousand times over.

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Thank you Buddy, for the elegant photo. And it goes without saying: Thank You HCR. It's only mid-February and it has been a very long, hard year so far. Rest up. This week is going to be brutal.

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How pretty. We’ll take that image to bed while we worry about democracy. Enjoy your evening.

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I agree with the first part; I'll not worry about anything--though I'll pray about a few things.

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Buddy takes great pictures

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Glad you are giving yourselves a break. Thanks for all you do!

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Thank you for all you do to educate us. Sleep well. We need you to take care of yourself.

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Captivating…such a calm and peaceful picture. Wish the world was as calm and peaceful as this picture:)

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Great winter photo.

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Get some well deserved rest!

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Lovely shot !

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