Everyone is saying so many of these issues are "illegal", yet they plow ahead and are followed as though it is business as usual. Where are our laws and our Constitution in all this? Why does Elon Musk have so much unquestioned power without being vetted by Congress? He seems to be sidestepping any Congressional questioning at all, and just shows up to fire people and take private information - yours and mine - without anyone saying "no". What is happening? The message Trump is getting is, "Green light, full steam ahead."

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"...all avoided the question by saying that Trump would never ask them to do anything illegal. Trump is saying nothing is illegal if it advances his goals.

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Trump was granted that prerogative by the Scotus. It was one of warnings of what was in the making. We didn't connected the dots ,stupid, ignorant people voted for them ,they claimed a "landslide and a mandate" and now we all will pay the consequences.

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I still think the Muskrat gamed the swing state votes. After all, ‘nobody knows those voting computers’ like him, as Trump gloated.

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look at 2020 & 2024 data from two districts in Ramapo NY 33 & 55 - compare registered dems & repubs, - compare who/how many voted for Biden in 2020 and how many voted for Dump in 2024. More Republicans voted for Dump in 2024 than registered Republican Voters in the district. How does that happen? Where were the Audits? Only TWO democrats out of all the registered Dems voted for Kamala? You can google this information, registered voters and results - it's public information. Our System has been compromised, which alarms were raised Dec 2023 by cyber security experts, data scientists, yet zero was done. Ask yourself Why? You can search the google article about the alarms being raised, I'm not sure but I think it was NPR....

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Right. The dems acquiesced with barely a peep to demonstrate a smooth transfer of power despite discrepancies that should have been checked out. https://youtu.be/cKDw2rlLAs0?feature=shared

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I worked the polls in Wisconsin and talked to my friends who also worked the polls asking them, did your machines jam? And the answer was YES, they were jamming all the time. My precinct leader did not document these jams, she just announced to the room she was opening the machine, opened it up and shuffled the ballots to supposedly help in unjamming the machines. However, my friend said her precinct leader did document these jams. I wonder if somehow this played a part.

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Not that it matters now--or ever will.

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What if it could be proven without a shadow of doubt that Trump did not win? That Musk had a lot to do with manipulating the vote count. In my book, it matters greatly! And my fantasy is that such a clear revelation could result in the necessary reversal of everything Trump has put in place. One way of saving our democracy...

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We must realize that a full-on putsch is now underway. Remember when Trump said, "Vote for me, and you will never have to vote again"? This is what he was hinting at.

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And prosecuting Musk for treason.

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Yes it is a fanatasy. The reality is the all the levers of justice and money have been corrupted. We have no legal, peaceful means to turn control back to responsible agents.

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Reversal by whom? Trump has installed only faithful cronies in the DOJ and elsewhere. There is nobody to reverse anything. The Democrats in Congress are outvoted. As someone said, the putsch is on.

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tRump did not win. Voter suppression won. If all legal votes were counted, Harris won. https://hartmannreport.com/p/trump-lost-vote-suppression-won.

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Hard to believe your fellow

Americans voted for Trump but the reality is that they did, overwhelmingly. They voted for change and for a man with the will to reduce the size and spending of the fed which is completely out of control and unsustainable.

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Carol, how would we get the process going? Toddler-Trump and his playground would do everything to stop the effort. Unless someone can actually figure out how the cheating was done, nothing will change the results.

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I used to believe things like that would work. I am finding a hard time believing anything will work against this blitzkrieg of illegality. The Brown Shirts are here and they are running the circus.

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Well Carol, it sure seems that if the same tenacity was put into verifying details that might dis-allow this election, as was put into the previous election, this one should be brought to a halt. Yet, there was nary a peep, was there. That's so hard to accept.

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I agree.

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I agree with this completely! He said that at his Inauguration Rally. He said those words and then said, "and we won Pennsylvania". He's so stupid, that he would admit that! What can be done though???

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Nothing, now. It's too late.

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We have no evidence of vote tampering, but we do know his PAC targeted swing state voters with advertising aimed at disheartening weak Harris supporters with lies and misinformation. The goal was not to get them to vote for The Felon Guy but to suppress the vote for Harris. That worked.

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Steven, read Greg Palast article. He is a former economist, turned journalist. Thom Hartmann featured him in his newsletter recently. https://hartmannreport.com/p/trump-lost-vote-suppression-won-c6f?r=bpxdl&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email&triedRedirect=true

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No. There is no evidence of that. Your ar wasting time and energy.

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I agree that we are wasting our time. The window for doing the necessary checks for that have passed and the Cybersecurity Division was one of the first grabs of this admin. I’m not going to go into the expert arguments that the systems were not as ‘closed’ as those trying to reassure us wanted us to think. Plenty of time to hack hardware compromised three years ago, and do it so as not to raise blaring flags. Plus there was a huge suppression of questioning in general because the Dems were trying to broadcast that they abide by the integrity of elections, vs the MAGA crowd. This led to an irresponsible lack of upper level curiosity.

Nothing to be done now. Those tracks are never to be found.

But we are at the end of uncompromised elections. 2026 will be nominal only.

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In June 1940, the French Generals (except for Charles de Gaulle) told their government that in three weeks Britain would have it's neck wrung like a chicken. As Winston Churchill later remarked, "Some chicken. Some neck." I'd rather be Churchill than the French generals.

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Heather, you come to the battle with a knife. tRump came to the battle with a nuclear arsenal.

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I agree.

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Heather, I unfortunately think the same. I don't know how he managed it, but I know he did. No one has checked the machines or done a recount comparing any of the ballots to the machine numbers and I am guessing it is now too late. Toddler-Trump learned a few things in his life and cheating is one of them. Toddler-Musk did too and also how to use his money to steal even more wherever he can and use it to hurt as many people as possible. I do wish we could send him off to Mars.

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My opinion: We have to acknowledge the massive voter suppression/gerrymandering that contributed to his win.

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There are more important, immediate needs. Like letting all Americans know that this is a coup in the making, and that they need to act to stop it now..

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What do you suggest to stop this coup?

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Send letters to Congressional REPUBLICANS! Ask Sen. Tim Scott whether the elimination of DEI is really the elimination of Blacks from government.

Same for Representative Byron Donalds of Florida, Representative Burgess Owens of Utah. Representative Wesley Hunt of Texas, and Representative John James of Michigan about the rejection of DEI as a pretext to discriminate on the basis of race.

How can they be Republicans?

Didn't they hear that the plane crash was caused by DEI? Did that mean the boogeyman did it?

We have three (3) Batistiano MAGATs here in Baghdad By the Sea, representing a Democratic majority electorate. Cubanos also happen to be beneficiaries of DEI. Some are Black.

Trump would send 30,000 deportees to Git-mo, which, even to MAGAT Cubans, should not be in US hands.

I keep sayin' that one size does not fit all. We need all kinds of Democrats. Biden and especially Bernie Sanders said stuff that was taken here to support a totalitarian dictatorship and the word on the street was that Harris was a communist. We could not rebut it. Due to effective psy ops, even Democrats voted for Trump.

The letter from super MAGAT Elvira Salazar, below, should give the Democrats an opening .... I remember when Congressman Mario Diaz Balart's brother Lincoln, flipped from a Dade County Young Democrat to the Republican Party. Republican MAGAT Congressman Carlos Gimenez had once been a Democratic county mayor. https://files.constantcontact.com/1849eea4801/cd2e90be-43c8-4171-b3c6-a357621f7db9.pdf?_gl=1*uo1jgf*_ga*MDMwMjhjMzctZTFlNy00YzExLWE3NTEtZGUxMmY1OGY0YjEw*_ga_14T5LGLSQ3*MTczNzc0NTk1My4zLjEuMTczNzc0Njg2Ny44LjAuMA..

FL 26th Mario Díaz-Balart (Miami)

FL 27th María Elvira Salazar (Miami)

FL 28th Carlos A. Giménez (Miami)

Same should go for Republican members who oppose a Russian takeover. MAGA Mike Johnson fired the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Ohio congressman Mike Turner, who supported Ukraine. How many others strongly oppose Russian imperialism?

Maybe Hakeem Jeffries can convince them to flip

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Call a massive coast to coast general strike.

Plans should be being made for underground resistance movements similar to WW2 and even Vietnam.

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The American people aren't stupid. They know this is a blatant attempt to destroy our democracy. Wait until they don't get their social security checks. tRump lost the election, if all legal votes were counted. Spoonamore, a voting machine expert, said as much last year.

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The American people, gulled by editors who do not have the guts to say what is really going on, would prefer to see the individual acts without having to deal with the whole thing, which is pretty damn scary. And there is no credible evidence that Trump won by fraud. There just isn't. Don't be like them.

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What you are saying Lynell is quite possible but we can't go back. We have to deal with the consequences naw.

Thanks for your reply.

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Just wanted to add to your post, Ricardo. I'm all in for not going back; dealing with the now

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That's the way to go Lynell . We learn from the past but we plan for tomorrow and beyond, I hope 😀.

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Agree, it is exactly what I have been claiming.

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I agree, Lynell - plus all those voters who for whatever reason -DID NOT VOTE!

Then move on from there - quibbling about what and how this disaster happened is not moving on. Read and listen to LFAA, Civil Discourse - all the various people who are attempting to inform and help us. Support the Democratic (mostly-if not all) reps & senators who are actively pushing back!

As Jon said above - wasting time and energy looking back doesnt help.

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-DID NOT VOTE! or were removed from voter rolls? We will never know.

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McConnell and his comrades in the Senate by not voting to impeach empowered the MAGA King! His handlers re-wrote their version of the constitution, Project 2025. It is game, set, match! Thanks Mitch!!

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History is important, but right now we need to act to save the nation. Literally.

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All true...but do you think that the American People..of ALL people are going to roll over and let a dictator take THIER Country - right in front of the Statue of Liberty ??? I can not see the People not rising up and in hard numbers (Peacefully !!!! as there are millions more of us than them !!!!!!!) I think Trump stole the WRONG country ???? !!!!!

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Wow Shauna you have much more faith in the American SHEEPle than I do.

They were barely paying attention when actual news outlets were reporting what was going on. Now they are going to get only propaganda, not any factual news.

Election after election, year after year Americans said loud and clear “I don’t care about democracy. It will always be there.” They sat out local, state and midterm elections and allowed the fringe to rise. All while taking for granted that other people would step in to take care of it for them. They get their news from 30 second video clips. They can’t name the three branches of government or why they are necessary as checks and balances. Gen Z thinks one strong leader might be a good idea. Based on what? Putin? Xi? mad Aura? Or was it based on a X man series.

Trump will blame everyone else and it will be the only information they hear so the idea they will ever realize they are being duped by MAGA and will rise up is not something I have faith in.

The more likely scenario is they start attacking people they are told are to blame - their fellow citizens who are in the same boat as them.

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Marcus. We did have a protest here in Salem, OR yesterday of Hispanics for immigrants. It wasn't at the state capitol building, but on a very busy street. The report was on a site that does accidents, traffic, etc. By the time I saw it the administrator had cut off comments, so i can imagine what some of them were. We have a very heavy Hispanic presence here in Marion, County including the city north of us, Woodburn, where the tension is quite high. Our neighbors across the street are Hispanic and we live in a diverse neighborhood which has also too many Rs. I am waiting for some Quisling to turn them in.

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I think you are quite correct in your reading of the American people attitude in front of the problem we are facing. I think that given the almost certain damaging effect of the policies being implemented on the general population, workers, teachers, scientists, laborers, retirees, unions and the whole spectrum of the American society, it will eventually react with caution, but will react and organize. By then we are going to need a leader that we don't have now. I'm a little more optimistic than you Marcus. Keep posting please.

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This is not the America of 1776, or 1861, or 1942. It's been too long since our security as individual citizens has been challenged by internal or external conflict. Americans today value entertainment above all else, so they voted in a reality show host as President. And he delivers, day after day, enough to entertain the rabble.

We've lived with the blessing of freedom for all of our lives, and don't know what it would be like to live without it. We're about to find out.

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Reading the dates at the beginning of my post, I realized they are almost exactly eighty years apart. That's roughly three generations. We learn about the risks of war and conquest from our parents, less so from our grandparents. After that, we forget the lessons that earlier generations learned through conflict and bloodshed. It appears at that point that we're doomed to repeat the cycle.

Fast forward eighty years from the end of WWII, and you reach 2025. Do we have the wisdom to learn from the past and avoid another round of violent upheaval? I fear the answer.

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I hope you are correct!!!

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Well said Rich. Definitely we have a new construction it's called Proyect 2025 and is being implemented each time trump signs one of those "executive orders". Thanks for your clarity 👍.

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Mitch will explain it all on 60 Minutes tonight!

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Perhaps my once hope that the good generals invoked a military coup to ironically save democracy wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Now that there will be no more government of the people and by the people, I would have taken my chances with the good generals.

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The sooner the better.

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But now it’s too late. The Secretary of Defense is now part of the dismantling of Democracy. I was fully castigated for my foolish remarks but hey now they don’t seem so foolish do they?

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You are 💯 %right my friend. Be proud 👏

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Bill, are you suggesting our strongmen flight off their strongmen to save government by the people?

This cabal has to be defeated by the people. Otherwise democracy dies one way or the other.

Besides, practically speaking, the military has already been captured. Any general who stands up against the criminal in chief and his designated CEO of Defense will be removed and court-martialed for treason.

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No it’s not, it we can’t look to the generals to save us. We need to act—not just talk among ourselves—right now.

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He goes first

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Oh Bill, your emotions are getting the better of you again. I understand, but one of the reasons why our ‘adventures’ in Iraq and Afghanistan were such disasters was that we asked our military to rebuild a government. That’s not their job, and never has been. The military is the least democratic part of our government, as it has to be. Giving it that kind of power would be as bad as mistake as the one Trumpists are already committing. And even if we survived, the precedent would be catastrophic.

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Get back with me in a year. You might have a change of heart. There will be nothing left. And no, it’s not my emotions getting the better of me. the wholesale dismembering of our government is at hand.

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There was no plan for Iraq after they got rid of Hussein. Bush, Condi, et al made a concious decision not to do that. Cheney knew what a mess would ensue. He is on YouTube saying precisely what taking down Iraq would result in, ten years before the invasion, and he was spot on.

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It’s hard to escape feeling like we are fast approaching a point of no-return (I said this much more colorfully to my husband while reading today’s letter)

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Trump does not realize that Musk will replace him as King of America appointed by the Head of China.

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what an interesting idea! I hope TFG hears of it and it bothers him!

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Yup. Must make them so proud.

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If the president does it, it's legal. Welcome to the pleasure dome, Kubla Khan or what!

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Thanks for the Nixon reminder, Kevin. I knew something was familiar that I forgot while invoking the whole legal/illegal thing!

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Nixon was also responsible for the impoundment strategem, ruled illegal and there was a bill enacted to ensure it couldn't happen... go figure, it just did and although rescinded, musk has his hands on the controls for disbursement of the Congress-approved funds for the American people and is shutting down depts. left, right and centre. They are like a computer virus now, this is the infection-mild symptom-phase, 14 days is all it took by riding roughshod over the constitution and law... I came across a word the other day that sounds almost brutal in its descriptive simplicity, SCOFFLAW, your president is a SCOFFLAW... This letter from Heather today marks, for me, an epochal upheaval and such a sea change it is doubtful the US will recover in the medium-long-term. musk bought a democracy and pulled its trousers down and... well you can imagine the rest.

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I've seen their noses growing when they were avoiding the question 🤥

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Morning, Lynell. What you say is accurate, to the letter.

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Outrageous that such blatant avoidance can be even accepted as an answer.

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Where's the brake pedal?! .. the spike strips.. the concrete barriers.. even the exit ramps? This is a runaway train that some nonsentient computer system is driving at speeds never imagined! Helllp! Somebody!

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Legal, the Constitution...it's looking like they don't matter at this point. We need to think and fight outside the box.

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"It's legal if the President does it." - Richard Nixon

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Lynell, Republicans and anyone else who is associated with Toddler-Trump must be able to act like a 3-year-old with the weapons of an adult: lie constantly, pretend they don't know what is going on or why anyone would try to stop them, cheat when you can get away with it, do whatever the toddler-bully tells you to do and believe you'll get something for it, although you don't really know what that would be if it is anything.

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and yet the republicans green lighted them all. This is on the republican senators with no spine.

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Americans are afterall trusting good people, and can be easily deceived or manipulated by man like Trump or other like-politicians. But that is not a shame. Americans love to fight back and I count on this character.

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As long as Trump controls the military these branches have no means of enforcement of the laws. Maybe the police, but it seems like we will see what our law enforcement and military is made of.

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We will find out if we can organize peaceful demonstrations, boycotts & a general strike. Trump will probably declare martial law, which will tell us what we need to know.

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This is why it is important to do it early on to see whether you get a Putin like response, and will Trump get the military to cooperate.

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A nationwide general strike needs to be called very soon.

See what they do.......

Is it time to start looking at how WW2 and Vietnam underground resistance movements were started and operated?

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“Peaceful” is in the eye of the beholder in trump-world. Expect to see peaceful protesters shot.

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Yes, but any provocation will get them firing quicker. There will be imbedded trouble-makers & they must be weeded out. Carry signs that say "Stay Peaceful" and "No Violence".

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Brown shirts

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Those were all released on us as they were pardoned for their crimes by Trump.

The military is the Wehrmacht. Then there were Hitlers private security who became the elite state police, the SS. They wore Black shirts.

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And the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers. I'm sure there will be "freelancers" too.

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And he also controls the FBI Linda and the DOJ. Nobody to watch out for us against the Republican enemy.

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Yes Gary. Tulsi Gabbard said she no longer has a problem with the government spying on its own citizens abroad. So KGB, or rather FSB, or rather SVR.

When I was reading about the Intelligence community in Project 2025, I could see how the US was just going to be unsafe. There is nothing more ineffective than having a bunch of unqualified loyalists doing the investigations. I imagine that they will have a lot of infiltration of spies from other countries in our Intelligence Community because who are the trained people that are going to ferret them out? It is super unsafe to be a politician right now.

Expect a big brain drain from all government departments. Also, how safe is Trump going to be, or any of his people. Read Spy talk's discussion too.


I imagine there will be some chaos in all branches of government and as I have been saying this is a formula for turning the US into a third world country. Russia, which things may be modeled on, doesn't even have indoor plumbing for like 30% of their people. Filling your entire government with incompetent loyalists, see Karoline Leavitt, is not a formula for accomplishing your nefarious stuff effectively. My biggest concern is that Musk is heading the treasury and is going to be able to cancel anyone's social security that he wants to.

Unfortunately the rubes who voted for Trump have no idea how a government is run and how wrong things can go with just imploding it.

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I know a few people in the intelligence community (This may seem paranoid but I won't get any more specific) that are scared for their jobs and for their families. Most of them are afraid of the economic consequences, but the US has spooks all over the world and Trump will turn those names over to our enemies in a heartbeat. So these patriots lives are in danger because of the morons that voted for the master moron.

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I know no one personally in the Intelligence community, but I have been terrified of this. I have said in Spy Talk when it was brought up that I hope everyone working there is shredding everything before leaving. Of course that was before Jan 20. I understand that, as well as I understand that Putin's FSB or SVR can be infiltrating given that there is now no real vetting.

Here is a podcast of Prof. Kim Lane Scheppele who has lived in Hungary, and Russia explaining how authoritarianism is being introduced by law.


Right now I am in Germany fighting to keep authoritarianism at bay when Musk and Putin's interference is supporting illiberal parties.

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Didn’t he do that last time he occupied the White House?

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We can vote

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By the time we can vote, there will be nothing left if this destruction is not stopped. Musk and Trump are running wild. They are breaking so many laws and purging so many positions in the FBI and DOJ, plus gutting the military that there’s no way to contain them. This is a revolution. This is far beyond mere idle threats. Trump’s tariffs and hostile moves on trading partners and allies have indeed become shock and awe. Why is Congress standing by and watching without any meaningful opposition? This goes way beyond anything SCOTUS approved or even imagined. Who or what will stop this attack on not only the Constitution, but the American people? Paying the consequences? Who can imagine the severity of these consequences.

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Why isn’t anyone doing something?!?

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Indeed! Democrats are still going through the motions like this is a normal first 100 days and they just have to figure out where they went wrong; meanwhile Trump and Elon are robbing us blind, burning down the house and salting the earth after themselves

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Like what?

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Marj, I think that all we can do is to contact our Senators and Reps -- whether Democrats or not, and tell them they must take back the power of their branch and not advance the agenda any further.

I realize these demands will not succeed if your Congress people are members of the GOP (Give Oligarchs Power) party, but if we are quiet then they will assume that we are sheep.

In my case, all 4 members are Dems, so it's an easier push to say NO MORE COOPERATION with the GOP! No more votes to appear bipartisan! Their margins are thin, and they'll need Dem votes from time to time. JUST SAY NO!!!

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I wish I knew!

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Indivisible and Democracy Docket, as just two examples, ARE doing something, and we can only hope their efforts to stop the coup will be successful.

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Indivisible isn’t very active in my area. 😕

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Without the power of the military what can you do? You have 3 choices right now, fight, flight or lay low. Here is my article on making a plan to leave if you can, which most people can, but you have to determine your red line.


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I’d like to challenge your comment that “most people can leave“. Some people can leave. Countries do not want to take older people or families with children with disabilities. If you cannot provide that country with some kind of means that will progress that country they don’t want you. I am on Social Security and a pension. If either one of those stops, I cannot afford to pay for a home or my bills in another country must be here in the United States. Many people living abroad count on those two things to allow them to live in another country.If you must stop Social Security payments, they may not be able to stay in those other countries. If pensions drop into the toilet because their investments go awry, they will not be able to live in other countries.

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Thanks for sharing that link, Linda. In it, you provide a link to Indivisible. I enjoyed perusing their guidebook, but was distressed at the number of events nationwide (3 or 4 by my count). As we find groups that are organizing to resist Project 2025 and authoritarianism, let's continue to share those resources here.

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Leaving the country because a madman is in charge and all the loonies want to keep him there is not an option. Staying and fighting the good fight is the way we change the dialogue.

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You don't need to leave. Just shut your mouth. Don't say things that cause other people to question the wisdom of the supreme leader. Because doing so creates problems for him. Negative waves will not be tolerated - period. Other than that have fun at the mall. Also, you will need to get rid of those three volumes written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, they are bad influence. Oh yes, and please call if you know of anyone speaking in ill-terms about our leader. Friends.., you better check these books out before they are not legal to possess. This is where we are now headed. My father came from that part of the world. He related things to me when I was fifteeen, I'll never forget. Gulag Archipelago - Read them (3) and weep.

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Many Jews left Germany under Hitler and Europe for that matter, and many Russians have left Russia. I have a daughter who is of child bearing age. She is already damaged from Covid and that experience, so I am glad she is going to university abroad. It also means we can afford it and I could afford to retire because it is tuition free. She is in grave danger in the US of not having access to birth control, abortion care, pregnancy care, and facing the death penalty if she were to terminate a pregnancy if she was in or even traveled to a a state that successfully introduces the death penalty for having an abortion as many are trying to do, and will probably receive carte blanche to do it as well. If records from doctors reveal all past abortions any women in the US who has had one will be at risk, or not free to move around the country.

I am female and have brown skin. Last week I read about a Puerto Rican women living in New York who went to the store without ID and was picked up by ICE. Her husband was in Columbia and she did not speak English, so even though Puerto Ricans are citizens, she found herself in Mexico. Her husband had to fax picture of her passport to get her back to New York. Is that the level of scrutiny you feel you face in the USA?

I have left my White, Permanent resident husband behind in the States. I have a White female friend traveling to the US, because like me she has an ailing parent there, and she is not at all eager to go. However, I am a dual national, and I try to fight in both countries and for both countries where ever I may be. I have been going to demonstrations here regularly to protest right wing extremism, and climate change and to support vulnerable groups, myself included.

We women are notably more frightened than men in a Christian Nationalist Patriarchy all you have to do is keep your mouth shut and you can evade scrutiny. Our bodies become sinful and our self determination is defying Gods laws in such a theocracy, which is clearly what is planned.


Some resist from within, some from without. Some just by staying sane.

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It is like a coup d'état, partly a self-coup by Trump, partly a soft coup by Musk. They are both exceeding any possible authority the Administration should have, acting like an absolute monarch and his prime minister.

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Many are saying it is a coup d'état. Here is Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat speaking about it.


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Hard to believe your fellow

Americans voted for Trump but the reality is that they did, overwhelmingly. They voted for change and for a man with the will to reduce the size and spending of the fed which is completely out of control and unsustainable.

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Only 1/2 the voting public voted for the convicted felon. He did NOT win a mandate for change. 1/2 the voting public voted for someone other than the convicted felon. He did not earn a mandate for the change he is enacting-let’s not forget that.

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Not even half. The plurality of eligible voters did not vote. The plurality of people who voted chose Trump and the GOP, but they are not representative of the whole population. There was not a mandate from the people to destroy our government.

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He is the current President with a house and senate to back him up. The Democrats did not come through this election cycle. The administration is doing what they said they would do. Anyone who listened to the campaign knew and voted accordingly. You obviously feel frustrated that your candidate did not preform well in the election.

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OK, some of that is accurate, but how are you defining "overwhelmingly"? Most reports are that he got 49.8 % of the vote. Let's round that up to 50%. It's not clear that's an overwhelming victory.

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He won the election. You can keep “overwhelmingly” if you like. Kamala came close … but as we all know, close only matters in horseshoes and hand grenades.

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No. Far too many votes were spoiled and too many POC voters were disenfranchised. THIS election was manipulated to put Trump back into power. It's very clear that he did not win "overwhelmingly"--the election was, in fact, very careful rigged.

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You sound like an election denier. You can’t have it both ways. The fix is in. 😂

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I’m not sure which comment I made that led you to say Trump won overwhelmingly. A shade less than half the votes cast won the election, but that is not overwhelming. Despite his naming Musk to lead a non-existent DOGE, I don’t think anyone thought Musk’s intrusion in government would lead to his getting access to all Americans personal and financial histories and access to our Social Security numbers and possibly influence on our pay. Apparently, this was granted by Trump. Even if I had voted for Trump, I wouldn’t have wanted him to give Musk that power. He did tell us what he was going to do, but that wasn’t one of his promises/threats.

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Jenny, nobody is buying your millicent bullshit. Move your ass to Hungary and give Orban a kiss.

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Why? The people who could do something are the people in power, but they don’t do anything because they want to stay in power.

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What makes you think elections will still happen?

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I expect that elections in this country will conform to those used in Russia and other autocracies. You can vote for Dear Leader or not at all.

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So what? He’ll soon come for that one too

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You are delusional if you think Trump is going to allow another election.

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There is no one to enforce the law. All of Trump's appointees are supporting his dictatorship, without a peep and without exception.

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You guys. We need to start campaigning now. Trump campaigned for the last 4 years. Dems need strong leadership

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Trump was not only campaigning these past four years while in exile at Mar-a-Lago; he was running a shadow government. There was much preparation so that starting on day one of mr. Trump’s reign- everything was in place to dismantle the American government and hurt anyone who attempted to hold him accountable. This is not okay…

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Where is our shadow government? Timothy Snyder is right, we need one immediately.

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AltNationalParkService and others... there are pockets of resistance "inside".

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Hard to believe your fellow

Americans voted for Trump but the reality is that they did, overwhelmingly. They voted for change and for a man with the will to reduce the size and spending of the fed which is completely out of control and unsustainable.

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No, not overwhelmingly. Look at the actual numbers and how many of the people voted for him based on LIES? If they had been told the truth, would they have still voted for him?

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Yes the truth was out there. Trump campaigned on the truth every day. Perhaps you never listened to his campaign or his actual speeches. This IS what the people voted for.

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Changing federal spending is Congress’s role, under Art 1 of the Constitution.

Once funding is appropriated and contracts are signed, it is illegal and unconstitutional for the executive branch to renege, regardless of the rationale as to why some voters voted the way they did.

Regardless of what you assert, the American people did not vote to torpedo our constitution nor to throw our civil service and our economy into chaos.

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Jenny, agreed this is what he said he'd do, and people voted for him. Trump may have been truthful about his platform (although his denial of Project 2025 is questionable) it's not accurate to say his victory was overwhelming. He got 50% of the vote at best.

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No, that is a lie, because the whole Trump campaign was dishonest. Tariffs are NOT taxes on other countries, but on consumers in this country. Trump said he had nothing to do with P2025, but he is implementing much of it now. To say his campaign was based on the truth is extremely dishonest of you, Jenny K.

And there was no overwhelming vote for Trump who won by a plurality, not a majority, and only beat Harris by 1.5%.

If you read Professor Richardson's daily report above, you would know we are seeing unprecedented disestablishment of the government, which will disrupt the economy in unprecedented ways. There will be a Trump Recession, if not a Trump Great Depression.

So unless you have hundreds of millions of dollars to insulate yourself from the economic fallout (that will probably start this week and continue for several years), you are about to find out that carrying water for The Felon Guy will not be fun for much longer.

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Yeah, like legal Haitian immigrants are eating our pets. Trump campaigned on hate, misogyny, race, and invective against everyone who had criticized, opposed him, or attempted to hold him accountable for his tsunami of lawlessness. Truth was never a part of his claims to hold the nation's highest office. Staying out of jail and swindling his countrymen and women were his priorities.

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It would be one thing if they were just out to reduce the size of the government, or to save some spending. But what they are doing is nothing short of a wholesale destruction of all the democratic institutions that Americans have worked so hard for 200 years to put in place. Institutions like the right to vote, the right to our privacy, the right to sue for improper firing from a job, the right to organize. and to resist tyranny.

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They want anarchy, followed by crushing the protests. Violently.

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Free speech, secure borders, religious freedom? All trashed by the last admin. Forgive me if I want my government to do its job!

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More mendacity from you. Biden did a great job protecting the country form all of those.

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Biden’s limiting of what you would call ‘free speech’ during the pandemic was backed by even this right-wing, unethical SCOTUS.

Limiting free speech is censorship of Departmental and agency materials, empirical research, and threats to defund anything that does not comply with one ideology which is in play today. It’s eliminating consumer protections and labor protections which give voice to people cheated by these same ‘wolves’ which have been placed in the henhouse.

Trump btw nixed the bipartisan border bill because he found the problem too useful as a grievance to run on than one to fix. As is usual for Trump, whose main features as President in term one were to cut taxes for the ‘wolves’ despite the increase in our deficit it would (and will) cause; and to at first deny, then botch response to, an epidemic that killed over a million Americans. Despite his campaign promises, he never (as President Biden did) brought jobs from overseas, invested in infrastructure, improved healthcare and lowered prescription prices (with more than ‘concepts,’ ) and facilitated an historic economic recovery and employment numbers.

But FAUX Entertainment Network neglected to convey these Biden successes, so maybe you didn’t hear…

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...all things 45/47/maga claims the Biden Admin didn't do, yet only one, "secure borders," is true. You slippin, Jen.

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This comment is becoming spam-like. Seen it, read it, disagreed with it — 3 or 4 times now. Basta ya!

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Impossible to believe if you read Greg Palast’ report.

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Legitimacy of Voter Roll Maintenance: Election officials routinely update voter rolls to remove individuals who have moved, died, or become ineligible. These maintenance activities are legally mandated to ensure accurate and up-to-date voter records. Without specific evidence detailing wrongful removals, it's challenging to assess the validity of Palast's claims.

Legal Framework for Voter Challenges: Many states have established legal procedures that allow citizens to challenge voter registrations to uphold election integrity. While there is potential for misuse, the existence of these procedures alone does not confirm widespread voter suppression.

Standard Ballot Verification Processes: The rejection of ballots due to clerical errors is a standard practice to maintain election integrity. Voters are typically provided with opportunities to correct such errors, known as "curing" their ballots. Without comparative data from previous elections, it's difficult to determine if the 2024 rejection rates were anomalously high or indicative of systemic suppression.

Do your homework

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What is out of whack is the revenue stream. The amount of revenue the government gets is a fraction of what there was in the 50’s through 70’s. Instead of raising income tax on the rich, we have tariffs and soon massive tax cuts for the rich. The burden is transferred to those with the lowest incomes. Nice trick, huh?

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Sandra, I've made the.point a few times recently that 2026 is an important year for 2 reasons:

1. It's the midterms.

2. It's the 250th anniversary of the founding of our country.

We must remind voters in 2026 what has been lost, and declare re-independence from a Mad King.

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I fear that by 2026, it will be too late...

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Reese, here is my response to a similar question posed by Susan:

I'm not suggesting we wait until 2026. Rather, we must start NOW so that we are ready for 2026. The 250th anniversary provides a perfect messaging vehicle.

Before then, we must oppose at every opportunity, but let's face it: unless there are masses of people in the streets across America on a regular basis, there's not a lot we can effectively do (if there is, please let me know.)

If we apply pressure to Congress NOW, reminding them of their oath, their sacred duty to uphold the laws and the Constitution, that our country was founded upon an idea best expressed in 3 words: We The People, and that for 1/3 of the Senate plus the entire House their votes will be scrutinized if they want OUR votes, maybe we'll have a chance.

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We can't wait for 2026. Democrats and whatever reasonable Republicans still exist need to step up NOW. It will take more than a strongly worded letter to stop the demolition of our government, and the country with it.

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Susan, I'm not suggesting we wait until 2026. Rather, we must start NOW so that we are ready for 2026. The 250th anniversary provides a perfect messaging vehicle.

Before then, we must oppose at every opportunity, but let's face it: unless there are masses of people in the streets across America on a regular basis, there's not a lot we can effectively do (if there is, please let me know.)

If we apply pressure to Congress NOW, reminding them of their oath, their sacred duty to uphold the laws and the Constitution, that our country was founded upon an idea best expressed in 3 words: We The People, and that for 1/3 of the Senate plus the entire House their votes will be scrutinized if they want OUR votes, maybe we'll have a chance.


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Got it, and yes I agree. We have to start now, and tell our Senators and Representatives that we expect them to resist. I know many of them are, but sending a letter is not enough. There are 3 vacant seats in the House, and if Democrats win them, we will once again have a majority (though slim) in that body. One or two in the Senate could have the same effect. Special elections can be immediate, and voters must turn out to elect those who will work for the People vs. the Oligarchs.

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You really believe there will be a legitimate election. Stopping that will be a primary goal of Trump's regime. They have many tools at their disposal.

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Robin, do I believe it? I dunno. All I can do is hope whenever I feel despair.

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It will be too late by then

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Deborah, here's my response to others asking the same question:

I'm not suggesting we wait until 2026. Rather, we must start NOW so that we are ready for 2026. The 250th anniversary provides a perfect messaging vehicle.

Before then, we must oppose at every opportunity, but let's face it: unless there are masses of people in the streets across America on a regular basis, there's not a lot we can effectively do (if there is, please let me know.)

If we apply pressure to Congress NOW, reminding them of their oath, their sacred duty to uphold the laws and the Constitution, that our country was founded upon an idea best expressed in 3 words: We The People, and that for 1/3 of the Senate plus the entire House their votes will be scrutinized if they want OUR votes, maybe we'll have a chance.

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Start by getting Schumer to step down.

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He's an empty shit, not a leader and certainly not an organizer. He's a much better lawyer and person who writes legislation. Schumer is not meeting the moment.

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It’s too late for that now.

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Absent that, dems need to be strong leadership.

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Sandra is seems to me that campaigning now is trivial in comparison to this ongoing monumental take over. We are beyond campaigning. We becoming trapped w/out recourse.

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It's too late to wait for the next election.

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Once Trump declares martial law and sends the military because a rock gets thrown at a peaceful protest, there won’t be any more elections.

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And Trump was manipulating the GOP Congress, Senate, and aspects of the judiciary during the entire 4 years.

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Absent strong leadership from our elected representatives we need to look and see other People movements. Here is a piece I just posted which has some examples.


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Trump is fulfilling campaign promises. The question is what are we going to do about it

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Regroup, retrench and start fending for family/community/people, other than that, shellshocked is the first reaction for me, I never would have imagined this. Seek out and speak to like-minded people as I think this has to come from grassroots. Reach out as far as possible to others who think the same. Actually, what the hell do I know about the US, I am Spanish and live in the EU, this presidency has wrongfooted all decent people and to be honest, I am floundering somewhat with all the chaos, noise and bedlam... time to keep heads down and wait out the storm, the regroup. Sloppy thinking I know, but at present, all I've got. :)

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Just worried there won't be a rainbow 🌈 ever again.

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I've read reports of several court cases being filed. What's certain is that the next few years is going to be a bonanza for lawyers (as is everything Trump does. Boy, does he love to enrich lawyers!)

If I remember correctly, the law enforcement agency in charge of policing illegalities in the federal government is the FBI...which is being muzzled.

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I said in his first term, the whole reason they're going after fbi and doj, is because they're the ones responsible for finding/prosecuting the corruption that trump/republicans are doing. Seemed blatantly obvious.

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You're questions are good ones. You ask: "Where are our laws and our Constitution in all this?" I'll tell you where it is, it's in the hands of spineless Republicans who are doing NOTHING to stop this. They could have stopped this before it started. They had two opportunities to convict trump when he was impeached but did they, "NO". I see two reasons they abrogated their responsibility. They are more interested in their own careers, which may be coming to a quick close if trump & his cronies take this to the logical conclusion of forcing a Congressional recess so that he can reign supreme. And they are afraid of trump & a mean tweet & they are afraid of their own constituents. So thanks to feckless elected officials we are in this mess.

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The lack of responsible leadership from elected representatives is the direct result of the SCOTUS decision to allow corporations and oligarchs to buy our politicians, combined with the lack of term limits. All moot points now....................

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Remember though that the captain of the Titanic proceeded on pretty much the same basis. Man the lifeboats!

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The Titanic was in icy waters. Trump is not surrounded by water….but we can vote

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I think the metaphor is apt. There are plenty of metaphorical icebergs around that will threaten Trump's hold on power and he's even creating some himself by his addled policies. Recent history (following the pandemic) shows that electorates have not been kind to incumbents and if Trump fails to address the cost-of-living crisis in America and fulfil the hopes and expectations of his own febrile voter base then he may well lead the Republicans to heavy losses in the mid-terms.

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I think the tariffs are going to help sink the economy and Trump's popularity. Already, Canada is boycotting American products. Boycotting works. I've refused to patronize businesses whose owners are known Trump supporters, including restaurants I used to enjoy. No more. I don't buy as much from Amazon, and boycott other suppliers who support this Trumpian mess. I also avoid friends and relatives who voted for him, to maintain my inner peace and mental health.

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I don't buy ANYTHING from Amazon. I have switched to Lowe's over Home Depot or ACE Hardware, even though I do not like the Lowe's stores. I've gotten off FaceBook even though I miss communicating easily with my friends and seeing what they're doing. I use Goods Unite Us even though a lot of companies aren't on there. Am I hurting myself? Maybe, and I know the loss of one customer isn't going to do anything, but if a lot of us stop buying from the Walmart's or the world, maybe we can put a dent in their profits. Alone, I am nothing, but I can be part of a whole and have an impact - just like with voting.

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I quit Facebook too, a while back, and have been so much happier and clearer about many things. I actually communicate MORE with the people I care about, and I send real birthday cards and make in-person plans more often than I did when I was on Facebook. In time, you might find you are happier too. Good luck!

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This is what Trump posted on Truth Social: “Will there be some pain? Yes, maybe (and maybe not!). But we will Make America Great Again, and it will all be worth the price that must be paid." That's alright for him as he won't be paying the price, but I suppose at least he's recognised that his tariffs will lead to increased prices for domestic consumers. We've not heard much lately about his ludicrous proposal for an External Revenue Service to gather in all the loot he believed his tariffs would raise from the countries affected. I note also that very wisely the Federal Reserve has decided not to lower interest rates in view of these irresponsible moves from the government. Markets are expected to register falls and J.P. Morgan has delivered $4bn of gold bullion to New York against contracts due to expire this month. Trump responded to fears of negative effects on global supply chains by saying: “There could be some temporary, short-term disruption and people will understand that...The tariffs are going to make us very rich and very strong," Nuts!

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I'm pulling back and not spending money on anything but necessities. I've heard we'd all be wise to do that until this mess settles down ... if it ever does.

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We cannot wait that long.

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I know. I know too that Trump is insensible to the pain and suffering his policies are likely to cause. Any failure of governance has potentially serious consequences, even in normal times, but especially so when danger looms, and danger is looming. Supposing, for example (as many virologists fear) the H1N1 virus mutates and acquires the ability to spread from human to human. There is obviously no good time for an administration to be appointing a nincompoop to lead the NIH, but Kennedy may soon find himself too busy with the normal business of a health service to implement some of his crazier proposals.

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Trump announced that there will be pain due to his implementation of tariffs on Canada and Mexico. Pain for who? You and me perhaps, but not for him or his.

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We did vote- this is the outcome

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You took the words right out of my mouth.

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Maybe we can vote............

His lie was that we wouldn't have to vote again, when I think he meant we won't be allowed to vote again.

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Desperate times call for desperate measures- Vichy republicans are surrendering to Trump and company's appropriation of dictatorial powers without a peep. Democrats- placating- finding common ground- tactics that may have worked in previous regimes don't work here. These are the weapons of the weak and those currently in power view them with contempt. What's happening in the USA right now reminds me of a film I saw years ago- Seven Days in May. Except that it had a happy ending.

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Professor is writing this letter without taking her normal weekly break. I can see why and am worried for the first time. Because our legal system cannot stop Trump destruction of the federal government that implements the will of voters. There is no guarantee anymore that every voter receives her/his social security, medicare, medicaid, and other safety net paymnets. It is all controlled by Musk who is not even elected. Trump does seem concerned except seeking his third term. Can anyone share a bright path of America?

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What is happening? We are in the middle of a coup, and nobody is doing anything to stop it. Chuck Schumer is whining about the price of pizza instead of screaming from the rooftops that this is a coup. Not only are we on our own, but it looks like most people on our side are either too cowardly or too gullible to do anything to help. This is damn scary, and I’m a cis white woman, not a minority.

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What's happening Bonnie is that Musk, with all his obscene wealth bought this country the same way he bought Twitter and transformed it into X. He is doing the same, transforming democratic America into a fascist dictatorship. The results are going to be the same as with X, only bloody.

A business it's not the same as a country.

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Passed along from another Substack:

"I learned early that business is business and politics is politics. The proof is how few important businessmen have made good politicians. They may think that they are very smart about everything because they made millions of dollars by digging a hole in the ground and finding oil, but the talent and luck needed to become rich are not the same talent and luck needed to succeed on Parliament Hill." --Jean Chretien

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It should be obvious that the mission of even the most responsible business differs from the mandate of good government. Both may depend on organization, but business is way more like a dictatorship. I know someone who was one of the top officers of a big company. He made one remark that was misinterpreted by the CEO and given one hour to be off the premises. That's not just, and yet a just society requires just governance. Milton Friedman claimed that corporations owe nothing to society but maximization of profits for stockholders, but service to society is a good government's mission. And what IS a corporation but a collection of people with a license to do business? People. And if people have not responsibility to the outcome of their society's fortunes, does not government of the people, by the people, for the people perish from the Earth?

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I am speechless....The stench, the toxicity from Trump, et al is unimaginally repugnant. We are truly living in a broken country; we are being ruled by the lawless. If there are no principles or values ... then what??

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I don't know just how far we may plunge, but the public has to defend,, individually and in unison the better angels of our nature more than ever.

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And where are the grey beards? Where are the experienced members of the Bush, Nixon and Romney teams? Are they all moving to another country?

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Perhaps it's more relevant to ask, "Where is Kamala?" Her silence is understandable on one hand and needed on the other.

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"Consent of the Governed", the bedrock principle of our Declaration of Independence, is slowly raising its head. The current reign of oligarchic terror by the plutocrats and for the plutocrats will not abide.

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I hope not. America is under attack.

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The chaos is bound to affect the stock market. I am no fan of Wall Street, but they have power with Congressional Representatives. That gives me some hope. Another thing that gives me hope is HCR's clarity. She is not giving in to panic. Panic is never going to help. I'm going to take a walk.

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I can't even see the evil method in the madness of a trade war with our two neighboring trading partners. It's hard to see the business sector reassured by these antics.

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America has never faced this before. During past four years, our legal system failed to finish Trump off. Now he is back to payback joined by MAGA voters. Musk is taking advantage of Trump and MAGA to shape his own empire by privatizing federal government. We can at least raise our voice against by regular polls if major medias are willing to support us. Other than that we can show up as a big demonstration in front of WH.

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Heather, thank you for putting the fire hose of actions in a logical order.

I’d like to add that Elon Musk’s aides have hooked an outside server to the OPM computers and locked out senior OPM civil servants from the system so that they can’t do their job of oversight of OPM (the federal government Human Resources department).


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This is a coup d'état. Our last hope is that military leadership has enough sway over the troops to belay orders and take over the machinery of the U.S.G., place it back in the agencies, bring the workers back, and seize the funds to pay civil servants through the Pentagon system.

Finally the re-captured funds will be released per the institutional and Congressional mandates. Such a counter-coup can be executed in accordance with the U.S. military honouring its constitutional oath. If General Milley is assassinated, that coup with go through in a hurry.

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What orders would the military be refusing to carry out that could provoke the scenario you describe?

Thus far, Trump’s orders to the military arguably fall within his express powers when a state of emergency is declared (border, CA wildfires).

Refusing to execute an unlawful order is one thing, taking control of government is quite another.

It may come to pass that he gives such an order, one that military leaders instruct their troops to belay, but to move on the body of the government itself would almost certainly spark our second Civil War.

And perhaps most troubling at present is the question of the unity of loyalty to the Constitution v. the current President among the members of our Armed Forces.

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A Civil War has already happened, and we are rapidly losing. People aren’t recognizing what it is until the pain hits, and by then it will be too late.

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Trump has now egregiously broken his OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION twice, and every senator or congressperson who supports Trump's illegal actions have also BROKEN THEIR OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION. Where is the law, the repercussions? Trump is destroying our democracy and we're all just going to sit here with our thumbs up our asses?

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David and I are so conflicted.... do we leave the country (and we are earnestly exploring other countries - Ireland and France? At the same time, do I allow Trump to force me from the home I like: my photos, my pottery wheel, art work, my bike routes, my friends.....?

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Stay home. We need y'all, Stephanie.

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Don't let the bad guys drive you away Steph. This country needs good people such as yourself!

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¡Hear, here!

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Well, we are trying to use our heads; realizing that moving would entail so much readjustment. You're right; the country needs people to fight for their country whether we're writing letters, calling our representatives, or, if safe, protesting.

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Leave. Please leave and take your politics with you. You will

never find a place with freedoms and respect for the individuals desires and aspirations like you enjoy in America but sometimes in order to appreciate it you have to leave it behind. Goodbye

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Out of curiosity, do you have a passport? Have you traveled outside the US?

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Thumbs up our asses or gun barrels in our neighbors’ faces: Are those the only options?

Think about it for a moment before you load your weapon and aim, because once you do, you need to be prepared to pull the trigger.

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No, of course not. They will be if the majority of this country who still believes in our republican experiment if we do not push back non-violently, muscularly, compassionately, and now.

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‘’…push back non-violently, muscularly, compassionately, and now.’’

That I agree with!

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radical right members of scotus made the patsy frontman above the law.

The folks really running things are using him as cover while they destroy democracy and install dictatorship

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As an ex military special operations soldier, I have been afraid of a civil war since trump got in. It's very unnerving, possibly having to engage those who are currently serving, when we were once on the same side. What civilians do not understand is: dictators like trump, musk and others sadly, do not respond to the rule of Law, they only understand force, which is why we (special operations) exist ! If we work outside the Law, we still believe, it is for the betterment of the world at large. "Fighting the "good fight" sort of speak.

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We don’t need a civil war. We need to have Congress complete the constitutional impeachment process - a political removal of a President and Vice President who manipulated voters by lying that they would not implement Project 2025. They are also violating the emoluments clause, due process and other constitutional edicts and federal laws. Supreme Court Justices should be impeached as well for violating the emoluments clause. Mike Johnson has an ethical dilemma on his hands; he should be protecting those who put him in office by following the Constitution’s instructions on how to address this coup without a war. The Supreme Court’s immunity decision protected Trump only from criminal liability - not from impeachment.

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Libby: I totally agree with you however, who do you think in politics, on either side, is strong and loyal enough to America to go against trump? They would be throwing away their career if the attempt fails. In my humble opinion, the supreme court (appointed mostly by trump) will vote for him. They also need to be fired and replaced. God knows, a civil war is the very last thing a retired soldier like me wants. With that said, a dictator responds to opposing strength, not court action.

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Good insight, there, Gary. You hit the sticking point for me. Half of my extended family voted for Trump. They are educated people, quite active in volunteerism; better people than I. I have been acquainted with other Trump voters, including veterans, and they strike me as loyal and almost always polite,

The over-riding intuition for me is that American voters did send a mandate in 2024. Not the one Trump thinks, but a clear and present message that they are fed up with career politicians.

They like the 'Cincinnatus' type. Another inference, if not message, from the less educated is not that they have given up on democracy but that they feel that democracy has given up on them.

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If he's impeached, will he leave voluntarily?

If he doesn't leave, which federal law enforcement agency is going to enforce the impeachment?

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Great discussion, there, ma chère Libby. Merci bien.

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I worked in Iraq and Afghanistan. Though my exposure to Special Forces was limited, y'all were very bright and high-minded. The foot soldiers I more often worked with were, for the great majority, quite fine, too. I still believe that there will not be a civil war if non-violent push-back is muscular, sustained, and immediate. I salute your service to my country, Gary.

Editing P.S., and the work ethic of my younger brothers and sisters in uniform out in the Provincial Reconstruxion Teams! As a group, my country(wo)men really cared about their mission. There was dissent, of course, but almost everyone gave a scheiße,

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Ned: In my haste to respond, I forgot to Thank You personally for serving with the teams. Although, I was too old to go, I was painfully aware of their actions over there (because of a Friend still in country) . You risked your very life with those guys and gails. What civilians don't realize is, (no offense- meant) in times of crisis we (soldiers) run into the fight!

Be Well Ned!

As Always Salute!

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WOW. I have never been so honoured, Gary. I was not risking my life very much, not like the soldiers on the foot patrols. I am still a closet optimist on Iraq and Afghanistan. It takes a long time for cultures to change, a colleague suggested two generations.

The seeds were planted, not by weekly visits by people like me but from the example set every day by people like you. I really wish I had joined the Army or stuck with R.O.T.C. in school.

Certainly, I would not have been Ranger or Special Forces material but I would learned the value of humility in being part of a team and in a chain of commend. Worst of all, I would been in the Navy. 🤭

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Thanks Ned: Please understand that the very last thing I want, is a civil war or gun battle of any type, especially if it is against a former brother, (meaning any U.S. citizen). I solemnly Pray, to the Lord My God, that this situation is corrected, ASAP. That stated, in my experience of more than 26 years in our Government, when diplomacy fails, the gun battles begin.

Salute! Lastly my guess, trump will never go quietly or easy, just saying!

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Hopefully, senior military officers -- perhaps with back-up by the D.C. National Guard -- will escort him from the premises should the situation rightfully call for it. 🤞

On my talk of civil war. I am sixty-eight and I can talk brave on the inter-net. Hopefully, should the worst case scenario unfold, I hope I show up. 🫣

Your are right, though, Gary. This is a time for profound prayer to our G-D in whatever manifestation prayed humbly for our neighbors to remember that life together beats being dead forever. 🙏

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use signal dot org and keep your cover, please

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what is a signal dot?

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A civil war would happen if the US Armed Forces were to split.

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That's exactly right. Are we willing to fight for our country or do we just roll over and let it be destroyed? These questions were asked back in Lincoln's day when it split families apart with some support the US and some all for breaking away and supporting the Confederacy.

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Split in two. Sundered. With one half taking the MAGA side and the other fighting to restore democracy. That’s one possible (probable) scenario in case of civil war.

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Sophie: I don't understand when you say split? Are you saying that the soldiers for trump would fight against those who do not agree with him. MY God that really scares me! As a retired soldier, I can't imagine having to engage another U.S. soldier in my uniform because of his belief. Orders are orders. and we will follow them until, they become unlawful , ie: executing an unarmed civilian. Then and only then will we refuse the unlawful command. I must also tell you, because we refused that order, there is a very high probability that we would either be shot or imprisoned for treason. Execution for treason is real, but it is sometimes referred to, as collateral damage!

When the military takes the field of battle, it is no video game!

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they're systematically firing the members of the military who will stand up to fascism

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we see that!

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Calling General Milley a traitor really galled me.

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Trump & Co. aren't following the law. Why do you think the military will? Trump has unleashed powerful forces he doesn't know about.

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Two things that I have seen. An oath that our military takes seriously. And a tight culture of professionalism and self-discipline.

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Vote! Trump campaigned for 4 years. Dems start running now

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Vote where? When? We have to survive first.

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There will be nothing to vote for in 2 years if this administration continues at breakneck speed to take a wrecking ball to our Constitution and the rule of law.

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That’s what my partner has said for the last for years- just vote. He does not understand that with the gerrymandering, the scrubbing of voter roles, the firehouse of propaganda and disinformation, and billionaires controlling Starlink and other social media platforms; we have little chance of coming out of this. Plus once the Republicans are in power, they give jobs to Republicans. Of course, they are not Republicans but Trumplicans.

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They are NAZIs. Full stop.

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Exactly, they can't wait for the next election cycle!!!!

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And start taking back state legislatures.

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Trump has continuously campaigned since his 2015 official down the escalator announcement, but he has been campaigning Unofficially since Obama’s Presidency.

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Wow! Now that definitely is sedition!

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The outline above contemplates the military taking over disbursals so states get the funds mandated to them by Congress. The other two branches would have to settle the crisis at hand. The military would step back.

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States owed money from the government are perfectly capable of going to the courts to get it. Some of the Trump administration's actions are recklessly unlawful. People are fond of claiming that the court system in the US is utterly corrupt but prior to his re-election Trump had remarkably little success before the courts. Indeed, they slapped two gagging orders on him. After the 2020 election he had brought some 60 cases before the courts claiming widespread election fraud and lost all of them. He survived this time mainly due to his lawyer's' delaying tactics, aided by the Supreme Court; the blatantly corrupt behaviour of one judge Aileen Cannon, who remember was summarily overruled by the appeals court on one occasion over her undue interference (and probably would have been overruled again had there been time); and the timidity of Garland's DoJ. I don't believe that the administration will get a free pass to proceed unlawfully. Besides, if you lose faith in your institutions then you really are lost. There will need to be patient but determined resistance to Trump, not just in the courts but in Congress and state legislatures. Trump doesn't like criticism, even gentle protestations from a bishop, and he will overreact if there is opposition to his policies.

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Oh, Russell, I agree with you that most courts and the personnel serving in them are honest. Aside from the Supreme Court, the objections raised toward (intellectually) corrupt jurists -- at least that I hear -- are limited to two: District Judges Cannon and Kacsmaryk.

Here is the problem as I see it. Trump can argue that he is executing his core executive powers by correcting constitutional violations pr legislative over-reach embedded in the laws passed by Congress or in managing the resources of the nation. Those arguments sound squidgy to me and likely to you. Yet, such an "immunity" argument my stick.

Additionally, l find it hard to believe that Trump would not invoke the declaration allegedly stated by President Jackson, "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it."

EDITing P.S., Russell, please know that I have not lost faith in any institutions or machinery of republican governance; I am willing to fight -- hopefully, only in a metaphoric sense -- to preserve them. Yes, I find the mechanics to be frustrating, but I revere them. Yes, I have lost faith in many individuals: Trump, Vance, Patel, Bondi, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh et many al.

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It would be a stretch even for those rascals Thomas and Alito to contend that deliberately flouting the law and the Constitution were 'official acts' since by definition they would fall outside the scope of the president's executive powers and indeed his oath of office.

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Thank You Mary... This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS... Howard Lutnick is also a Billionaire, and watching him at his confirmation, one could see he is very Duplicitous... Another Tax-Cut for the Billionaires is more important than a Living Wage for Millions of Workers? Are the Millions of Workers Expendable, and the Billionaires irreplaceable?

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Well, Forbes reported in November that the top ten billionaires in the US had already made a whopping $64bn in the few days after Trump's election victory, so perhaps the feeling is that they should really spread it around more amongst all those billionaires and multi-millionaires who have so far missed out - you know, in the interests of equity.

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To have an answer to your question you have to ask Viktor Orban. Don't waste your time with middleman.

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Vladimir Putin.

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What are we going to do about it. Stop complaining and start campaigning.

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Sadly, I am afraid it will take more than campaigning.

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So they think.

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French Revolution... King Louie XVI?

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That is what happened to my partner, who was fired from their civil service job last week. We are in the midst of a fascist takeover: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/dei-public-servant-fired

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Yes, I read that on Reuters.

This is classic state capture.

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Sofa beds! Incredible.

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Feb 2
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Careful now! That might be interpreted by Kash Patel's FBI as sedition.

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Is that a joke? You sure that WAS a joke? you don't think Patel has people reading these threads and looking for people they can lock up for "sedition" (ie anything they don't like)

I think you meant that as a joke - but actually it's the first stirrings of the warnings people are going to start seeing - "Shhh - you don't know who's listening - or what "they" will do. . . "

Welcome to Hungary.

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Let's say for now that it was tongue in cheek. However, it is well-known that Kash Patel has an 'enemies list'. He may have denied this in his confirmation hearing, but it was included in a schedule to his 2023 book. We learnt only a few days ago that the FBI had been asked to compile a list of all agents involved in the J6 prosecutions. Since it was the largest law enforcement exercise ever undertaken by the agency the list could include many hundreds of names, possibly running into the thousands (the FBI employs around 38,000 people). Those involved in the Trump prosecutions (J6 and the classified documents trials) have already been sacked, without cause, in the FBI and the DoJ. Hungary has been met with severe EU financial penalties for its disregard of the rule of law.

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Non violent protestors had their rights trampled on and were thrown in jail for less during the last four years by a corrupt DOJ. They may come

Knocking on your door now, illegally search your home and take you into custody. I would be carful what you say

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We may have to adopt OPSEC Protocols...

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Of course, by the time Trump's finished there'll be too few people in the FBI to pursue you and too few DoJ prosecutors to prosecute you.

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Hello Russ... I doubt that they will lack the Resources... They would just have to make examples out of the perceived Leaders... That would Terrorize the Rest...

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That's a very important observation. Trump really could weaponize the DoJ and FBI to pursue vexatious, but extremely costly investigations and legal actions against anyone suing the government. It was always a tactic of his to counter-sue those seeking redress from him as an individual. And there's also the threat of reprisals from the MAGA horde recently released from prison. No doubt, many people with genuine cause for action will be intimidated.

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They will get Trump to send in his militia - the ones who just got pardoned and the others - and they will crack heads, destroy a few houses and families to make an example, and dissent will be stifled.

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Perhaps, although I suspect that most of them are cyber bullies and there will be some who will not be too keen to reaquaint themselves with the inside of a cell. It is true that they are all too easy to mobilise.

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Trump and his enablers are dismantling the government piece by piece, purging officials, seizing power, and handing the keys to billionaires. This isn’t about leadership or policy—it’s about revenge, profit, and control. They aren’t just breaking democracy; they’re ransacking it while daring anyone to stop them.

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Feb 2Edited

Further evidence of this attack on the United States as we know it - check out and support the Facebook page of Alt National Park Service. This is a site that was created during the first T administration.

It’s described as the “first official “Resistance” team of the United States Park Service.” But it is a place where government employees share their horror stories of what it looks like on the ground as these attacks occur.



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I did before FB banned me.

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They are also on Bluesky and the web https://ourparks.org/

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Having their own website is a good thing. My assumption is that Facebook (T’s generous donor) will kick them off at some point.

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Thank you. They recognized evil.

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Found them

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Recently I've been drawn back to Holocaust studies. How ordinary people became Nazis, how the Nazi agenda changed from making Germany great again to the Final Solution, and daily personal acts of resistance. No, I don't think Republicans are intent on death camps, but neither was Hitler - at the beginning. It started with: non-governmental militias; putting categories of undesirables outside the protection of the law; deportations; copying USA Jim Crow laws; and belligerence towards neighboring countries.

Christipher Browning on decisions for the Final Solution


Claudia Koonz, How Nazis made antisemitism respectsble


Wolf Gruner, Resisters how ordinary Jews fought persecution


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My husband knew WW2 history and so did I from his interest. We are on the same path…EXACTLY

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Here is the history somewhat summarized- https://www.yadvashem.org/holocaust/resource-center/timeline/1914-1933.html - you can click on other links to see history after 1933

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Within the document, some dates are getting burned into my memory.

- 1933-03-22 Dachau camp established. My parents toured it near the time of the Nuremberg Trials.

- 1933 -03-24 Enabling Act

- 1933-04-01 Boycott of Jewish businesses

- 1933-04-07 Civil Service "Reform"

- 1933-04-25 School Quota System ((Jewish limited to 1.5% HS and College)

- 1933-05-02 Dissolution of German Trade Unions

- 1933-05-10 Books Burned

- 1933-07-14 Germany proclaimed One Party State

- 1933-07-14 Denaturaliztion Law

- 1933-07-14 Forced Sterilization

(skipping 3)

- 1933-09-13 Race Theory in German Schools

My mother taught us mostly about what happened in Germany was entirely possible here, stressing that Hitler was more popular in Germany during the 30s than FDR was here.

I picked up a bit more, on my own, wondering about how Vidkun Quisling came into "power" in Norway (real power was held by the German appointee, Reichskommissar Josef Terboven as described at Wikipedia. He seems to have finally been allowed to head the collaborationist government on Feb 1, 1942. It did not end well for him.

Now I'm starting to look at how Heydrich (to me, looking similar to Stephen Miller) seemed to be more careful in how he applied control in Czechoslovakia before he was eliminated (with huge reprisals that Hitler wanted, but Himmler was able to reduce to somewhat reduce the backlash that would likely cause a crippling "slave revolt." They needed to keep the war materials production higher than would be possible if so much of the labor force was lost.

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I have a relative “retired” after the civil service reform - her “crime” was to marry a Jew

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It is a scary read

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If The Trumpists Are Unchecked... They will leave few Peaceful Choices...

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So far, sad to say, the trumpists ere unchecked. It's not an "if". Brace yourself.

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Peter, when the control you are talking about, when is total, will reveal a dictatorship. That's our future in short time.

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Minor quibble. Not “profit”, theft.

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Timothy Snyders post today is excellent! He states something that I have suspected but not heard anyone in the media bring forth. The tariffs, which make no economic sense, are there to destroy the economy and help to destroy our democracy. The rich will survive and thrive by stealing what we have and forcing us to be beholden to them and any strongman they put in place. That’s just a part of it. Well worth a read.


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Where are the Dems? Are Chris Murphy and Ron Wyden the only ones incensed by the machinations of the Cult? Where is Ken Martin, the new head of the DNC? Why are people being "forced to resign" instead of demanding to be fired? Now is the time for strong leadership to resist the demolition of our country, not for cringing in the shadows.

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To your point, Betsy, The Atlantic's Elaine Godfrey posted an excellent article on Saturday titled "Democrats Wonder Where Their Leaders Are: Activists want to see their opposition party do some actual opposing," including this spot-on quotation:

“I assumed that we would be prepared to meet the moment, and I was wrong,” Shannon Watts, the founder of the gun-control group Moms Demand Action, told me. “It’s like they’ve shown up to a knife fight with a cheese stick.”

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Gene, every single day that passes without democratic leadership, the 3 factions described by HCR are more entrenched in our system of government and the destruction of our democracy is being guaranteed. Democrats wake up!!!@

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Not a new thing, Dems weapons for decades

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Whoa... now that's a burner. Gentle, compared to iL Duce's assaults, but something.

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Indivisible MA is holding a Zoom tomorrow (Monday, 2/4) on how to get our legislators to stand up and make noise on every possible medium.

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Ron Wyden, my senator from Oregon, was the one who raised the alarm over Musk (Fascist Sadist - State of Praetoria) taking over the payment system of the US.

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One voice in what should be millions.

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Where is the head of the DNC? He just got there. As for the resignations - because then they have access to severance (good luck with that) and their retirement. If they are fired, they do not. No one is cringing in the shadows. Democratic Senators are doing their part, just because you can't hear or read about it doesn't mean it isn't being done. The Democrats are there......and what are you doing?

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This! This! This!


I suggest googling The Congressional Progressive Caucus then googling CSpan. Type in the name of a caucus member and hear for yourself,

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If we have to go to CSpan to hear what the Dems are saying, we've lost. How many people do you think who need to hear a message of resistance go to CSpan for their news?

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"If we have to go to CSpan to hear what the Dems are saying, we've lost"

No, we have NOT lost. C-SPAN has it's own channel on YouTube, which is easy to find, and to watch Democrats in action. There you can find many videos of Dems standing up for this country via speeches on the floors of the House and Senate. Also most Dems have their own YouTube channels posting their appearances (and all have official government websites), and appear as guests on other channels.

The info IS out there, and listening to the Dems fight back is empowering. Don't believe the MSM's (deliberate?) blackout of those fighting back; they are there, they are fighting, and they need OUR help.

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Thank you for this info. A friend sends me links to CSpan, but I don't think that they're YouTube links, so I didn't know that they're more widely available. I'm VERY glad to learn that videos of our Dems speaking truth to--I won't say "power"--idiocy are out there.

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Sorry for my late response, but thanks for your comment.

For me, it's easier to find videos on C-SPAN's YouTube channel bc I get notifications when new videos are available. And, their website is a great source of info, too, and I watch House and Senate hearings on both their website and YouTube channel, depending on which is more convenient for me at the moment. C-SPAN also has a Facebook page.

Another great source for videos is PBS News Hour's YouTube channel (and, I'm sure, its Facebook page).

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May be it would be a good idea not doing their valuable work behind closed doors and not letting anybody know about it? I'm surprised - Trump never did really hold back much during his campaign - I would have expected them to hit the ground running the day after the election, but - as Adam Kinzinger put it "they all go home for the weekend" so - business as usual?

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You mean just post it so the MAGAs can block it? That sounds like a good idea when you're the minority party. As for all going home for the weekend. The Speaker of the House calls recess, not the minority party.

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The Dems PR and public presentation is currently abysmal - there, I said it. And never was it more important then today to get the masses moving.

And nobody forces senators to go home when there is such important work to do. I tell you as a former staffer of an Australian party - if there is work to do, there is work to do. I don't think that they all quite got that - sometimes you have to give the work-life balance a miss.

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This is not Australia - We are a republic. Australia is a Constitutional Monarchy. We elect our president. Australians do not elect their prime minister.

By the way the work of the American government is done in WASHINGTON. not in the hustings they can either be in Washington, VOTING, you know, trying to stop the bulldozer of bills MAGA is trying to slam through to turn this country into a dictatorship. Or working at in their home state or district. There is no absentee ballots - except during COVID

There are three established parties in Australia, not here. In Australia, every citizen over the age of 18, MUST vote - not here, in fact, based on the race of the voter, in some states, it is strongly discouraged. Think the south. Australians do not elect their prime minister, that person is chosen by the ruling party - nothing like the United States, The president may not be of the same party as the Congress.

Apples and oranges may look nice in a fruit bowl. not when trying to make an argument about the governance of two divergent countries. And disparaging the work of the Democrats. This is not Australia.

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Hahaha - oh I am sooo impressed 😁 but what has that to do with the bad performance of the Dems?

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Wow, Carol-Ann. More snark from you. I guess we have nothing to learn from other countries or from other people's experiences.

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Typically, sometimes they don't even tell other branches of government what they're doing - the cluelessness of Trump's press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, is a case in point.

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That's one of the biggest problems Carol, "just because you can't heard or read about it".....

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The biggest problem is lame stream won't report it! Have you not noticed they are bought and sold . They they can save their dirty butts by playing nice with the Nazis, just like the media did in Germany in 1933. Another thing, the Democrats are the minority party. Praise God Johnson does not have to let anything they propose come to the floor. Ever. In the Senate, the same situation exists. So keep on whining people. By the way, y'all are still working for the party, right ? Or you still sucking your thumbs and sniveling ,"it's not fair." If you hadn't noticed, politics is a blood sport, not a game of charades.

Again, the three "G"s: Give of you time and talent, Get moving with that time and talent, or ....Get out of the way.

This is not a drill.

This is not directed at you, Ricardo. It is just Democrats spend too much time denigrating those who are the only ones who have the power to make things happen. Just like the MAGA branch of the Nazi party knew we would.

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Wow, Carol-Ann. Still more snark from you. So okay, tell us what you're doing. Please inspire us with your example instead of lecturing us.

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Right and remember we the people! We the people need to stand up and contact our legislators every single day if that’s what it takes to let them know we are here, we are watching and we will be voting! Democrat or Republican whatever you have in your state, contact them at least every week. Demand impeachment

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Wow, Carol-Ann, so you really want to know what I'm doing, or are you just being snarky? I'm working with Indivisible to rouse our legislators. I'm working with our local schools and churches and law enforcement to make sure that everyone is on the same page with state laws and has know your rights info. I'm working with a group to get M4A in MA finally passed. And that's only some of what I'm doing. I hope that you're doing even more.

Ken Martin should have been formulating actions and proposals for how to block the takeover of our government while he was running so that he could inspire us all from the first day of his tenure.

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If you are a the best Indivisible has to offer as a public voice? We are in trouble.

I wouldn't exactly consider HB1239/SB744 a hard sell. It's Massachusetts. The same plan almost bankrupted Vermont, that may be why it isn't flying through the legislature. Yes, everyone wants it. No, no one wants their taxes to go up to pay for it.

Before you show your colors again, about "snark?" You might to consider that your comments can also be consider both combative and snarky. Some people will give back as good as they get.

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Did I say that I was Indivisible's public voice? No, I'm a member, working slongside millions of other members. And you?

I'm glad that you don't consider last year's M4A bills a hard sell. So why didn't they pass? If you're in MA, please join Mass-Care (https://masscare.org/) so that we can pass our current legislation, SD.2341 and HD.1228. Maybe you'll learn that our taxes won't go up, but that our communities will save millions of dollars while we all get better coverage.

Snarky is not my usual style. I guess your know-it-all condescension, abundantly clear in your other comments, as well as in your responses to me, brought out the worst in me. Sorry.

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Get over yourself. Why didn’t they pass? Guess you didn’t do a good enough job.

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Thank you for that reassurance.

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Thank you, Carol-Ann!!!!

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I agree, Betsy! It feels like we’re watching the horrifying attack on the Capitol, January 6, all over again. Where’s the Calvary? Where’s the National Guard? Is there no one who can save us from this onslaught of crimes against our country? All of the guardrails are gone. Blind Justice holding her scales is no longer honored by this administration. We knew it was coming, Project 2025 was clear. We’re in the reality of war.

What did the start of 1930s Germany look like? What did the start of Apartheid look like? THIS!

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I blame Biden. We all saw this coming. We all knew what rumpy was going to do. Biden and Harris didn't even fight it - just rolled over and let rumpy destroy the country. It's like watching a young child reach out to the flame on a gas stove. As an adult, as a parent, as a leader you actively reach out and pull the child's hand away. You don't let them get badly burned to teach them a lesson. You protect them from themselves, from making bad and dangerous choices because they don't know better and can't see the danger. Biden, the Dems and Independents in Congress did nothing to stop it. They knew about the gerrymandering. They knew about the voter suppression. They knew he was unfit for office and what he would do but let him run anyway. We just had to "take the high road" and have a smooth transition of power. Didn't matter that it totally destroyed our country.

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I’m done with the blaming. I’m sure there is plenty to go around, and it’s not helpful.

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As our leader, Biden was responsible. He did an excellent job as President (except, in my opinion, for his support of Israel) but was "too nice" to counter the evil attacks and gish-galloping of the very vocal liar and conman. It's by taking Michael Obama's "high" road that has put us in this position. I agree that blaming is not generally helpful but one needs to learn from mistakes and put the onus on the person responsible for preventing the catastrophe.

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Actually, Kathy Price, there are so many to blame, it's pointless to even bother trying. And it is definitely pointless to keep posting about whom you blame. Everyone here has seen what you've seen. We're aware of the failures. Rather than reiterating your accusations, I would ask, based on what you've learned from those failures, what are your suggestions for actions we can take now?

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Yes, I know, but I was/am super frustrated and just venting. What would I have had Biden do? That's the problem - I don't know - but SOMETHING to have stopped this. Replaced Merrick Garland so the "wheels of justice" would have moved faster to put rumpy behind bars; not allowed him to run at all as a convicted felon and someone who instigated an insurrection; protested the vote count since Elon was in charge of Starlink which was used to transmit votes. I am sure there were other avenues to explore. I am also frustrated because I am not in any sort of position of power to affect change.

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Blaming, or scapegoating won't help us come together and defeat the Leviathan

It's not about just 1 person

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But it is about one person Virginia, it’s all happening because of one person, it wasn’t happening a year ago because that one person had no political power, now he does and we are seeing it’s results. As much as I loved Joe Biden and supported him, I fault him for letting this happen, we were fore warned about what they wanted to do, it’s extrajudicial as we are witnessing, and it would have taken an extrajudicial act to stop it, while he may have thought about it, he didn’t do it. I don’t doubt that he thought that the Constitution would see us through this trial, we’ll see down the road if he was right, if we live through this as a nation.

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Kathy, absolutely true! Where are they now. I hoped they'd come out of hiding. So far no sight of them.

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Harsh awakening.

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TRUE. Awakening from Somnambulism.

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Presumably, some people who have been summarily and unlawfully sacked without cause will seek and probably obtain legal redress against the government but it will be small consolation to the many others who cannot afford to do this and, of course, those millions of ordinary folk who will inevitably suffer from this irresponsible contraction of government.

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A small satisfaction will be to know that many of those that "inevitably will suffer from this irresponsible contraction of government " are maga voters or those that didn't bother to vote at all.

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And "therein lies the rub", as the Bard says. This was the case with the precipitate and ill-considered freeze of federal loans and grants.

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The Democrats have the same problem that the reasonable Republicans have. If they fight back, or, rather when they fight back, they will be faced with so much 'anti-funding' at election time they will disappear. That is, IF there is an election. I have serious concerns about that. The Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society have planned well.

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What we are witnessing is not aFriday Night Massacre, or the Saturday Night Massacre Redux. This is America's Night of the Long Knives, without the screams and gunfire and bodies in the streets and blood on the walls. As sure as Hitler made himself acceptable to the German oligarchs with the massacre of his internal party opponents, Trump is making himself acceptable to the oligarchy here.

Remember this weekend. Its the weekend the man his niece described tonight as "a human being so bad a worse one could not have been created in a lab" who is running things now with a coterie of people who share his dark vision, his cruelty, and his insatiable need for more, took a shit on the graves of our ancestors.

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“Whether ours shall continue to be a government of laws and not of men is now for Congress and ultimately the American people.” Archibald Cox, 1973 after the Saturday Night Massacre by Nixon.

(Thanks, Joyce Vance-Substack)

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The only vision trump has is getting richer no matter what. Other than that, he is a puppet being controlled by the Proyect 2025 ideological mentors and the billionaires. His job is to sign with great pomp and ceremony all those "executive orders" in front of the cameras without any knowledge of the content or consequences.

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He knows exactly what he is doing.

We should stop saying he does not

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Ignorance is not synonymous of innocence. In his second term he is just performing a show, signing orders someone put in front of him with all cameras rolling and speaking like a child about an helicopter that should have stopped to let a passenger jet pass first to blaming the state government in California for not letting the water flow. The ideological group behind Project 2025 and the billionaires are the responsible ones, as guilty as trump.

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Actually, Ricardo is correct. Anyone who is familiar with Donald's life story knows that he has been learning-disabled since birth. This disability was exacerbated by serious character flaws that were not corrected by his negligent parents. All of this led to Donald's becoming a megalomaniac, but he has still depended on, and has been easily influenced by persons with higher mental acuity.

In recent years, he has exhibited signs of dementia. This makes him even more vulnerable to being manipulated by people with hidden motivations.

Donald doesn't "know exactly what he is doing," but he is motivated by basic survival instincts which include: amassing wealth and its resulting power, and avoiding incarceration for crimes he's committed.

Donald's understanding of his criminality is complicated. He was raised to believe that (paraphrasing Leona Helmsley) "following rules is for the little people." He believes that he is somehow "special" and above the law, and that others who try to hold him accountable are pests who "treat him unfairly." He pays lawyers to deal with these pests and clear the path for him to do as he pleases.

Donald shares a specific mentality with other autocrats and dictators who have risen to power over the course of human history: What is good for him is all that matters.

Donald's only interests are becoming as wealthy as the tycoons he admires (a "daddy issue") and staying out of prison. If the strategy laid out in Project 2025 helps him achieve his two goals, he will sign whatever the P2025 architects put in front of him, without having a clue about what is contained in the document he is signing. Being functionally illiterate, he relies on what his aides tell him is contained in the orders he signs.

Donald is many things, all bad, but he is not a "criminal mastermind." He's a weak-minded puppet being exploited by a coterie of villains who intend to remake the U.S. into a theocratic oligarchy.

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No, it's not the Night of the Long Knives, which got rid of internal enemies of Hitler. This is Gleichschaltung ('bringing into line'), the state capture that happens at the start of authoritarian regimes (in Germany, in January-April 1933). You can read about it here: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3180720

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The coup is complete. Now the consequences.

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Coup 2.0 is NOT complete. Do NOT republish defeatism.

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Sabrina, it's not completed, far from it, but the consequences are being felt indiscriminately. Hope affects most of their voters.

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Majority of this country voted for and asked for and authorized this anti-democratic mayhem. I don't think it ends until a solid majority decide they have had enough and toss these clowns out or debts to Ronald McDonald or Colonel Sanders come due. Let's see if the judicial system staunches the bleeding of our democracy. No 100s of murders of MAGA adversaries as in Night of Long Knives but withdrawing security details from people like Fauci and Milly it is a step in that direction.

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Less than 35% of the eligible voters in this country voted for this. More chose to not vote than voted for either candidate.

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I agree. But people are talking about Trump.

Media is not focusing in on creators of project 2025– like they should. Those are names we should be hearing— not Trumps.

We should also be barraged with names of senators who voted for crazy nominees.

Media glosses over them too.

These senators are not victims.

The American people are.

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Timothy Snyders post today is excellent! He states something that I have suspected but not heard anyone in the media bring forth. The tariffs, which make no economic sense, are there to destroy the economy and help to destroy our democracy. The rich will survive and thrive by stealing what we have and forcing us to be beholden to them and any strongman they put in place. That’s just a part of it. Well worth a read.


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This is so so so scary.

Elon doesn't need another checkbook. But I definitely need my social security check. He doesn't need my banking information either. I guess I'll have to open a new account that is deposited only so i don't get robbed. He is not elected or officially appointed to run the cash account.



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Kim, the office where you could lodge your complaint was put out of business by Mu$k two days ago.

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Some of us are reading your complaint now. Here.

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I don’t know!!! I’m terrified too!!!!

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Join Indivisible, MoveOn, and Working Families Party on Sunday, Feb 2. at 8pm ET for a national strategy call on fighting Trump's dictatorial actions.


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Good suggestion. They’ve been reading the tea leaves for longer than most.

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Just tried this and was blocked.

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No problem signing up for "Indivisible.org per Wendyl Link above.

Simple. Just plug in your ZIP code.

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I tried. No results for the state of Oregon, which I find unbelievable. The link that I get for the one local group does not work.

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Yes, "cataclysmic."

Heather's not been able to take a night off since some time before the inauguration. So much so dreadful has been going on.

That inauguration? It's one that should never have permitted an insurrectionist to take office -- as the Constitution clearly says.

Chuck Schumer could have effected Article 14, Section Three's disqualification clause -- made the orange felon's disqualification legal, final, just by calling a vote in the Senate. (Read the last lines of Article 14, Section Three -- how not clearing the orange felon by a 2/3 vote would have left him disqualified beyond any court's action).

The Supreme Court earlier, prior to the Senate, could have enforced it, too, but that, really the Clarence court, showed its reach of corruption total -- disdaining U.S. law, scorning the Constitution. As bad as the Dems were when they controlled the Senate, and did not do what they could have, should have, Merrick Garland had been worse, letting so much time go by before getting prosecutions going as to hand to the orange felon all his best chances for full-bore criminality.

I see nothing possible to combat all this. As Heather notes, the convicted U.S. criminal (and fraud, rapist) aligns now with all the worst of Putin, Xi, Orban, and all the world's other oligarchs and criminals.

He is not only openly dismantling the U.S. government, but also throwing the scraps to all his nihilist billionaires buddies.

Heather may not get a break for some time, valiantly as she keeps up with, details, grieves over our worsening cataclysm.

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Stopping the inauguration would have been way to late…

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As the Republican ticket won, the other half of that ticket could have been inaugurated.

I'm sorry, JDinTX, Dems were so out of touch with the tens of millions of the abandoned working class, but Americans have for decades accepted all the schools without humanities, and elites similarly without.

It's a crime that we have the orange felon's rampant criminality now, and billionaires amuck, fattening on the people But the convicted criminal (and insurrectionist) at the top knows how to speak to those tens of millions in ways that keep all of them from ever imagining how those billionaires are going to damage them as well as corrupt our institutions and kill our democracy.

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I disagree the Dems were out of touch. Look at all the good things Biden did with jobs and unions, infrastructure, education, etc. The huge problem was that rumpy yelled his lies and criticisms and foul nicknames loudly and over and over again while Biden et. al. quietly went about doing their jobs and didn't push back. All rumpy did was push on how horrible immigrants were, our "open borders" with hordes of criminals flowing across and nothing being done. He broke laws and was able to get away without being punished. Should have been arrested Jan. 6th.

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I thought B and H focused on the middle class, but were no match for the onslaught of bullschittery from repubs. An onslaught that ticked up with Obama and continued non stop. There is plenty of blame to go around but Rupert has the lions share. Dems just wanted things to be normal, and that has not been possible since Ronnie declared war on “normal.”

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"Out of touch" means not citing the novels, films, songs, or other arts, Kathy.

Please read Arlie Russell Hochschild's "Stolen Pride." In it she does cite the humanities which our tens of millions of fellow Americans turned to to make sense of the massive hurt and pain that came to them with the offshoring of their jobs.

It's primarily the elites -- Dems elites worst of all -- who remained ignorant, insensitive, dehumanized. Sure, Dems did well in standardized testing, which are all neutered instruments, good for nothing human -- see Diane Ravitch, "The Language Police." Those Dems could go to college, where group identity conceits ruled -- everyone sorting out by abstractions, separating by dehumanized specialization silos.

Yes, I like the Biden admin's achievements. I rue the orange felon's vulgarity, reliance on stochastic violence. But if the only measure of education is testing, goodbye democracy.

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Sorry to be so clueless but I am not getting what you are trying to say. I don't want to get into a culture wars discussion here but there are a lot of people out there who revel in their ignorance and resent those who are educated - either through formal education or being self- taught. We need college educated, sophisticated people (not elitist snobs) as much as we need competent plumbers, electricians, car mechanics, janitors, etc. and education doesn't have to come from a formal classroom. Those who lack competence and expertise in any field need to refer to someone who is competent and capable. If you don't understand well enough, either learn or find someone who knows how.

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Hate to say it but I had no idea of the Reagan agenda to dumb down the schools, and I worked for schools and had a daughter in schools. Also, I was politically active and not a tea party nut. I was aware that Rupert lied non stop but I missed so much.

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Trump’s use of the military, specifically the US Army Corp of Engineers, to release California’s water reserves was an intentional attack on the State of California. Trump is using the military and water rights to create conflict while at the same time reducing California’s emergency water reserves. I wrote my Assemblymember, Gregg Hart, and Congressman Salud Carbajal. Assemblymember Hart promised to contact the State’s attorney general. We are literally in a Cold Civil War.

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Releasing so much water from those dams right now is an act of sabotage. That water doesn't even go to L.A. It's for agriculture and irrigating crops in the hot, dry summer months when it's really needed and vital that that water is stored until then.

Normally much advance notice is given before there is such a release of water from dams. But on Friday morning the flow from Terminus Dam into the Kaweah River near Visalia increased from 57 cubic feet per second to more than 1,500. The flow from Lake Success near Porterville into the Tule River increased from 105 cubic feet per second to 990. Many water & irrigation district managers said that normally such flood releases are done with a great deal of prior notification and coordination, even saying they've never seen something like this before.

Just like so much else that Mad Don the Con is doing to wreck this Nation and any semblance of good governance; the cruelty is intentional, the chickenshit antics are on purpose, the fascists wanton destruction and takeover are brazenly steamrolling over the rule of law as Heather's letter makes clear tonight.

Not feeling good about this one tonight but they've got to be stopped...somehow...

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So who actually opened the taps?

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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers abruptly increased the amount of water flowing from two California dams.

The federal agency made the decision after President Trump signed an order calling for increased water deliveries.

Local water managers, who were caught off-guard by the decision, said they convinced Army Corps officials to release less water than originally planned.

Trump, meanwhile, shared a photo on X of water pouring from a dam, saying: “Photo of beautiful water flow that I just opened in California.”


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Trump ordered the US Army Corps of Engineers to release the water. Per Wikipedia, the USACE "plans, designs, builds, and maintains infrastructure in the United States" and according to its website (link below) supports US troops abroad building bridges and roadways where needed.

Special Note: The current website's mission starts as follows: "With environmental sustainability as a guiding principle, our disciplined Corps team is working diligently to strengthen our Nation’s security by building and maintaining America’s infrastructure and providing military facilities where our servicemembers train, work and live."

I can assure you, GI Joe Hegseth will scrub the website of any reference to "environmental sustainability" shortly. Will make a calendar note to check the website weekly for when the maladministration eliminates concern for the environment from their mission.


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US Army Corps of Engineers, I read.

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Yes. This is 100% correct. And there is no downside for them since they have no morality. CA crops will fail and their gdp will plunge and there will be less money to send to the rest of the country and all those Trump voters will suffer too. But chaos is the plan.

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The representatives (state and federal) of central California are often Republicans, as are the rural Californian voters that depend on that water. Some are MAGA. How is Trump's actions taking care of his own people?

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Assemblymember Hart dryly noted the following in a subsequent text:

"I’ll bet the big ag guys that gave Trump millions to support his candidacy are now asking themselves “what have we done”?

How will they save their production with him taking the water they need in summer and deporting the farm workers they depend on to harvest their crops."

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(A) With Trump, it’s the cruelty that matters. He wants to hurt people. I wish more people understood that is truly central to who he is.

(B) Where Are The Protests By Schumer, Jeffries, Obama, Clinton, et al?  I want someone to organize a mass protest by every Democratic Party member in the country, joined by every member of the FBI, who is not a Trump loyalist… And I want that protest to go on for as many days and weeks and months as it takes to wake the American people up to the impending death of their country. Those with the ability to draw attention from the media must stop acting like this is just another day in the life of America! America is literally on life-support. It’s days are numbered. If Schumer and the rest cannot see this, we should demand they all resign!

(C) I recommend watching the 2007 Bruce Willis movie, “Live Free or Die Hard“.  in that film, John McClain goes up against an evil computer genius. Seeing what that fictional character is willing to do, might help people better understand what we are up against. 

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I’m ready. Where do we meet? I won’t accept these actions. Our Senators & Representatives must step up and put an end to this. Impeachment should begin now.

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According to posts I’ve seen on Facebook and Instagram, there will be protests at all 50 state capitals on February 5th. I have not yet found a website devoted to organizing these protests. So, I cannot verify who is organizing them. But even before February 5 arrives, reaching out to local Democratic clubs seems like an appropriate first step to getting off of social media and out into the streets.

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Thank you

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What's the point of protests? You need to organise actions.

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Protest IS Action. It's how you make resistance VISIBLE. Other activities are great too but making it clear to everyone that MOST Americans are not agreeing with this is significant.

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I'm sorry - I should have said that protest on its own isn't enough. But it's certainly an important part of action when it accompanies things like general strikes, class actions, commercial boycotts, tax boycotts, etc.

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Good luck with that Cathy, you'll be in charge to convince Mike Johnson to start procedures in Congress.

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Impeachment with all of its requirements in the House of Representatives & the United States Senate.

Do not give up on a potentially useful & lawful tool.

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We have no cred for impeachment. We load twice and would loose again

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Likelihood of getting permits?

Demonstrations are fine, getting out the vote is essential.

There are many state elections between now and 2026. Start postcarding.

Volunteer with your local Democratic committee to do outreach. Form a Rapid Response team to phone/write officials anc write LTE.

Seriously, Bruce Willis? Die Hard?

Why not John Lewis and the Civil Rights Movement?

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Seriously Permits? We aren't showing up to protest the worst violation of the Constitution in its history because we couldn't get PERMITS ?!? Dear god, who ARE we?

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Mate, life and government are not like a Hollywood movie. This is state capture: you must think and act outside the individualistic box. Only by acting together in a united front will you get rid of these goons.

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Strive toward solidarity of purpose! Organize. Agitate. Confront. At EVERY opportunity. United we can weather this attack! Yes! we can. Get busy with it!

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You have my support from Europe.

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Good idea to start protests and persist.

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Steve, I asked for a million man march last year.

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Instead of asking nominees whether they would obey an illegal presidential command, every Trump nominee - and Republican Senator - should be asked "Do you believe that any presidential command can be illegal?"

According to the Federalist Society Roberts Court majority and The Heritage Foundation Russell Vought's Project 2025 chapter on the Executive - by definition the president is the law unto himself. This is FedSoc's entirely anti-constitutional notion of 'a unified executive.'

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What we're witnessing, at an ever-accelerating pace, is the systematic breakdown of our government and the rule of law to suit the darkest impulses and most malicious whims of a 78-year-old madman.

How utterly tragic.

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He is just a figurehead. He just signs those "executive orders" without any knowledge of what those orders mean. He feels so powerful performing those acts in front of the cameras. And he doesn't care about the consequences as long as he he is allowed to get richer.

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Ok. I read an interview in which he answered questions about his rambling speeches.

I do not understand, but his crowd does and all at rallies loved those speeches.

I am not have a degree in language, but one person who does explained how in one speech he degraded Kamala to delight of his base.

Guys, he is no longer worth our time— what’s done is done.

Make plans that make sense for your state and families. We have to protect elections in blue and purple states. Also get background on whose is running— not all folks are real Democrats.

Join a Democratic organization. That is a start!!

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Right on target 👍

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Please stop calling him a figure head. He knows what he is doing and does not need anyone feeding sorry for him

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He's the front man. That doesn't make him stupid or unaware but differently motivated. Is that better? The description was apt. He doesn't bother himself with the details of implementation or of the future. His role is to be the face and make this coup the cover of governance.

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I think Trump has dementia and was never very smart in the first place. There is definitely someone else pulling the strings. I watched Heather's podcast from the 28th, and she was wondering the same thing. WHO exactly is running the show? Heather, when you figure it out, please let us know.

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Please do not forget that Trump was tutored in all things devious by lawyer Roy Cohen. He knows!!

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That was too many years ago, when he had some neurons actively working. He was never a thinker as is Viktor Orban or Vladimir Putin. He is now acting to be in charge. Musk is driving this country towards the abyss without supervision

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And no one is trying to send HIM back to South Africa or sees (sp?) his assets like they would any other citizen.

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It would be nice to be able to send him back right? I will add a few others to the list of "need to be deported". For instance, Rupert Murdock, brain washer in chief, Peter Thiel as puppeteer of the Manchurian Candidate, Vance and few others. How about some first generation Americans like Vivek Ramasomething and Ka$h Patel. And if we can bend the rules a little bit more, how about Mitch McConnell and Joni Ernst and Mike Johnson to be send back to wherever their families come from.....looking for freedom. Since we are there, where trump 's family come from?

To be continued.

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Would like ..., I replied to a similar comment you made to Ricardo elsewhere in this conversation. Please find it.

Apparently, you are not familiar with Donald's life story. He is, in fact, learning-disabled and now affected by dementia. As such, he is a figurehead ... a hood ornament. Instead of the White House, he should be in the memory care unit of an assisted living facility or in the psych ward of a prison.

Operatives with a dark, destructive agenda are exploiting his mental weakness to achieve their own ends. Acknowledging Donald's psychosis is not "feeling sorry for him."

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Thank you for update.

Will keep what you shared in mind.

Question: do you think they will let him serve 4 terms??

Or will we soon end up with Vance.

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Sorry, Would like ... I wasn't notified of your reply and just discovered it in my "activity" summary. I think Donald will be allowed to remain in the office as long as he is useful. I suspect that he is nearing the end of his usefulness. If/when Musk and Vought succeed in replacing the U.S. government with a christo-fascist oligarchy, which seems imminent, they'll have no use for Donald. He'll be put out to pasture in some form or fashion.

Peter Thiel is an important member of the "Oligarchs' Club," and he spent a considerable amount of time/money grooming Vance for the top office. I'm certain Thiel intends to get a substantial return on his investment, so he'll be pushing to get Donald out and Vance in.

In short, no, I don't think Donald will get a fourth – or even third – term. His only interests in the presidency were increasing his wealth and staying out of prison. As he continues to monetize the White House and remake the DOJ into his personal legal team, he has no need for the office. He'll be happy with some sort of "emeritus" position. "King" would be objectionable to the rabble, so maybe they'll call him "potentate." And they could create the office found in many other countries, "prime minister" for Vance. The evangelical dufuses will think it's a fitting title for the leader of a "christian nation."

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Thanks for your reply. Interesting.

So much is happening since we last communicated. Will see if what you indicate takes place.

I just wish we did not have to be in this real “ reality show “.

Take care.

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He knows what he's doing, but the brains behind the power is Musk and Russell Vought.

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This is beyond tragic.

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It's state capture. Your very own Gleichschaltung.

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48% of voters wanted this. They own it.

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Actually, only 31.82% of eligible voters wanted this – 36.1% of those registered *didn't vote*.

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To not vote is a blind “ yes”

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I’m speaking of those who voted, not all eligible voters. Nevertheless, that 36.1% is a whole different problem.

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To be fair, 48% of the voters were fooled by right- wing media. They don't really want a dictatorship. They are still being fooled today. They will be fooled until its to late.

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That is true. But if you break the law and have to go to court, you can’t get away with saying “so sorry—I didn’t know.” Similarly, if one voted for Trump, who was ubiquitous in the media but let’s set that aside for a moment and at a minimum was known to be a convicted criminal, that voter still owns the consequences. the alternative is to educate oneself before casting a vote, at least minimally. I was one of MANY who worked to tell people before the election. Too many chose not to believe what Trump SAID he would do and which he is now doing. Or maybe they were blindly allegiant to the R party despite how it has turned into a cult. I could maybe cut a little slack if this was his first term, but we’ve been through this before.

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Last week told them that it was too late.

Bc we READ and keep up, we are somewhat ahead.

Thank you Heather, Thom Hartmann and SubStack!!

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They certainly do.

And it is our job not to let them an Republicans walk it back

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It seems that most of these firings and pressures on civil service employees are illegal. So why does everyone just seem to accept their dismissals or voluntarily resign?

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"Everyone" does NOT "seem to accept their dismissals or will resign" in any manner.

Do not re-publish cynicism.

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Yes, they are illegal. But who will enforce federal law? The FBI?

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What are you going to do Michael, complain to the DOJ ?

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Some are doing so to preserve their pensions before being fired takes effect, unfortunately.

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Their pensions are very likely already gone. Y'all really need to be problem solving from the perspective that federal programs are all ending and anything that survives this is corrupt or useful to them so that one got lucky.

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They haven’t. There has been resistance by civil servants.

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Heather; thank you for all you do to keep us informed and educated about the travesty underway in the White House.

Honestly, Heather; I'm scared. Every night, I go to bed thinking, we've seen the worst and tomorrow, things will change. And every day, things get progressively worse. I'm assessing the situation, tRUMP has the White House, both chambers of the house, the judicial and the SCOTUS!! Who will stop him??? And How?? We can't wait for 2026 mid-terms; by then, we will no longer be the United States of America.

I always try to look for the positive in these situations, but honestly, I see nothing except darkness.

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You are not alone, and that's what we must remember.

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Peter I know exactly how you are feeling. I’m sending you light for the darkness.

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This is all mind-bendingly horrific. I am really glad that you didnt end your letter with “and no one has taken to the streets!” Because the laundry list of federal big wigs who rolled over and didn’t stand their ground makes me wonder what would going into the street do? Really? I think most of the country isnt getting the news of what is actually happening.

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They are scared! You would be too. The thugs were let loose last week and they all know where these people live. That is part of the plan. The Convict-in-Chief now has his own SS. Would you put your family in danger? This is how it works.

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Carol-Ann, I have no idea how to explain apparent aquesiance of the "federal bigwigs" that are simply giving up. The part of Tina's post that is 100% accurate is that "...most of the country is not getting the news of what is actually happening." The people who get their "information" are not being told the breadth and scope of what this administration is doing, and they deny reports contrary to what they are being told.

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This is the best comment yet!!!

You think Fox and Sinclair that owns all stations in red states told their viewers all this!!!

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Timothy Snyders post today is excellent! He states something that I have suspected but not heard anyone in the media bring forth. The tariffs, which make no economic sense, are there to destroy the economy and help to destroy our democracy. The rich will survive and thrive by stealing what we have and forcing us to be beholden to them and any strongman they put in place. That’s just a part of it. Well worth a read and share as widely as you can.


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That is quite a read!

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I guess the legacy media doesn't find it that important, just a blip on the radar screen unless it denigrates the time Biden was in office. If, if, the legacy print media, the NYTimes, WaPo, and the major news networks have already bent a knee, paid the bribes - aka settling specious law suits, what do you suggest happen? Why would the right wing conglomerates that became the owner of most of the rural networks in this country give information to those they want to become fascists? These decisions were made when the FCC, who decides who get the right to broadcast, was controlled by the Republicans.

You might want to ask Dr Fauci, Gen Millie, Sec Pompeo how it feels to live under the constant threat of death because of the actions of the Convict-in-Chief without protection - vengence is the motto of the MAGA party - or those politicians who still voices of clarity and honesty have enjoyed the death threats, verbal and written, or being SWATed. Or how about Dr Blasey Ford who testified against the less than truthful now Supreme Court justice Kavanaugh. This is just a few examples out there.

Let's just say, "we will primary you," most likely has become a triggering phrase.

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Carol-Ann this is public service. This is protect & defend the Constitution. Courage is in the job description. Don't you think our soldiers are scared ? I expect my colleagues in public service to honor their oaths too. Our laws only protect us when WE defend THEM. If we're all willing to do whatever we're told when they threaten us then it's already over. We are the sheep they said we are and we gave our freedom away for perceived safety because it's safer to do as we're told. That's not freedom.

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And it’s still winter. It’s still fucking cold out.

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Of all the things the orange felon has done or allowed, putting Elon Musk's people in charge of government payments with access to every citizen's confidential information is the worst. They can simply shut off any payments whenever they want and Americans' SS# and so on would be in the public domain. And no one can stop it.

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As it becomes clearer and clearer that the "election" had more than a little help from computers, so it becomes clearer that Kamala came much closer than a hair's breadth to being elected. I don't know how Heather manages to continue with her clear analyses - but thank goodness she can and does. The loss of the Sunday sea views is very telling.

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I used to complain about those calm days of and a nice picture but I myself need one naw.

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I am distraught .

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