This photo is heartbreaking to me. I wonder where those two little girls are now? What’s happened to their parents? Their brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles likely in the military?

The U.S. needs to do all we can to protect these girls and their nation from Putin’s deadly and destructive, greed-fueled bid for world domination. If we don’t protect Ukraine, Poland is next and then what? France? This war is a proxy war we must support. Full stop.

About these little girls: This scene of them walking hand-in-hand in virgin snow is so simple and pure, reminding me of the old Tampax ads with a cartoon of a girl hanging upside down from a tree.

“Remember how simple life used to be?” the headline said.


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I don't know the solution. The US needs to stand by Ukraine, without domestic politic preconditions, for sure.

On a lighter note, I do think they should be wearing hoodie sweatshirts to stay warm!

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Stand by Ukraine? Why?

Again Heather ignores any bad news. Read the Washington Post's article on the the debacle in the Ukraine. Without our money the war is over. Yet we were told that victory was imminent. After we were told sanctions would work. After we were told Russia would never invade.

We've pissed away $200 Billion dollars on an un-winnable war.

And then there is the Obama doctrine: Speaking with the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg after Russia’s annexation of Crimea and aggression in the Donbas, Obama emphasized the limits of his commitment to Ukraine. As Goldberg wrote: “Obama’s theory here is simple: Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one, so Russia will always be able to maintain escalatory dominance there.” Goldberg then cited Obama as saying, “The fact is that Ukraine, which is a non-NATO country, is going to be vulnerable to military domination by Russia no matter what we do.”

AGAIN - the fact is that Ukraine, which is a non-NATO country, is going to be vulnerable to military domination by Russia no matter what we do.”

WHAT CHANGED? Hillary Clinton's tantrum over the 2016 election. Someone had to pay for her loss.

CHALK up another foreign policy loss to Biden.

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You do not understand Ukraine. Nor the Russians. Ukraine does not belong to Russia as Putin claims. Read Tim Snyder to understand the relationship between the two countries. And be careful not to use glib comments.

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Yes. The comment by James A. mirrors something a MAGA Republican said to my daughter, that Ukraine belonged to Russia—as if they both had not been part of the Soviet Union. Putin is not protecting Russia but himself, and Ukraine does not belong to Russia or to him.

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Obama is a MAGA Putin lover?

Are you willing to die in Ukraine? Your sons?

There isn't the slightest strategic value in defending Ukraine.

$200 Billion later we have nothing to show for it.

What next? Do we go to war to defend Hong Kong from China? This is a joke.

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James you don’t understand from you heart about the situation. If you had family living in Ukraine, you would do everything in your power to protect them. And what the US democracy is trying to do is protect their democracy, not let them fall into dictatorship with Putin.

And there is no way in hell that Obama Is a maga putin lover as are you!

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You missed the point. Not Obama. You!

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Read again, those were Obama's comments NOT MINE.

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Relationship? Ukraine is a corrupt dictatorship.

Unless you plan on sending Americans to die its an un-winnable war.

That's exactly why Obama saw as unwinnable.

Obama was wrong?

BTW - Why does Heather choose to ignore the Hunter Biden indictment?

Hunter took millions from Burisma ( A Ukrainian oil company)

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Ukraine has a history of corruption, which President Biden has a history of trying to root out.

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, full stop. Whatever his legal problems or affiliations with foreign companies, they had and have zero effect on US policy. Was he appointed to the Burisma board because of his surname? Likely. Did his role as a board member have any effect on US policy? No. Was his compensation out of line with what board members of for-profit corporations earn? No.

Now let's turn our attention to Jared Kushner. Not only did he work in the White House, not only was his top secret security clearance denied by the intelligence community, not only did his father-in-law override that decision, not only did Trump give him the task of reading the Presidential Daily Brief, not only was he point person on the Middle East, he profited by it bigly. While everyone harps on the $2B the Saudis gave him to manage, despite having no experience in asset management, that happened after he left the White House. The true Kushner scandal is that the Qataris gave Jared $1.3B to save his 666 5th Avenue debacle -- while he was in the White House. As soon as their check cleared, the blockade that had been devastating their economy was magically lifted. If that isn't corruption then I don't know what is.

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An Indian Economist I rode to LAX with told me any form of government can succeed as long as corruption is minimized. The outrageously corrupt governments can only survive through brutal force. Some people fear disorder so much they will accept high levels of corruption as long as they at least let them live in a regime that lets them live in relative peace (reminding me of mafia controlled neighborhoods where people put up with extortion of about 15% for "protection" from common criminals they had little protection from).

Just look at who are the most outrageously corrupt and you will understand why people chose the far less corrupt that at least let them live closer to ideal freedoms.

Communists, to me, had their shock troops who took over regions by extreme brutal force, but they also tended to weed a few out that they found upset the people too much, much like the Germans had done a little bit of. No safe bets on the shock troops being kept after they did their dirty work vs the ones killed off as counter-productive to the new rulers.

We had one President who wanted Ukraine more corrupted in his favor, and have one who is helping them reduce the residual corruption as so many Ukrainians became woke to the real threats to their independence (no matter what they thought before they were attacked).

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'Was', James A, 'was'.

Yes, O'Bama was wrong 3 or 4 times. Ukraine, Syria, Mars, and ??? He maybe part-Irish and part-Hoosier, but that does not make him infallible.

Burisma PAID Hunter millions, he did not just take it from it. Just as Ivanka took a wad of Chinese IP certificates nor Jared from his trading OUR PPE stockpile, which probably bought Ivanka's IP certs. We have plenty of Rs (and maybe 1 or 2 Ds) who have just taken money from People and Corporations. I don't read you blaming them for getting Paid.

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That is Obama's opinion NOT mine. Read a little more carefully.

That said Obama is right in his view on Ukraine and why our massive monetary support

is wasted.

We ALL know how this is going to turn out. Ukraine will surrender and we will have wasted trillions. The only winner will be Americans weapons manufacturers, just like the COVID winner was Pharma.

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What is your point?

Obama was right. As he said "The fact is that Ukraine, which is a non-NATO country, is going to be vulnerable to military domination by Russia no matter what we do.”

Its a waste of lives and American treasure. Period.

Even worse Biden lied about the whether would invade, whether sanctions would work, and now the inevitability of a Ukrainian victory.

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James A,

What is your point?

That your 'opinion' is correct when here in America only MAGA rethugLieQons agree with you?

As I read opinion from around the Globe, only pro-Communists share yours ... and let's face it ... the crowd in control in Moscow never changed their spots, only their terminology.

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The Russian war in Ukraine is not over, and Ukraine has had many successes despite much of the American press insisting the spring offensive was a failure.

1 - the Russian Baltic fleet has been driven from Sebastopol, its leadership dead, and from the western half of the Black Sea itself.

2 - Ukrainian troops have made their way through the Surovikin line in the south, with its hundreds of thousands of land mines and of course tank traps and repeated trenches for scared, underclothes and underfed Russian conscripts.

3 - every attack by Russian troops in the east has been repelled, with Russian casualties said to exceed 35,000 troops.

4 - defense of the Ukrainian electrical system has been hardened throughout the country.

5 - The Ukrainian forces are close to cutting the main supply road from each to west which would complete hobble the rest of the Russian defenses, and Ukraine plans to continue fighting throughout the winter.

Some failure, eh? Only fools would underestimate the creative talents of the Ukrainian military as it expands the range of not only drones but artillery shells and cruise missiles as well.

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The United States should cease all military support to Israel as long as the corrupt Netanyahu government wages genocide against the Palestinian population. We also need to support Ukraine which is fighting for democracy.

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Yes, Netanyahu has yearned for this for years. As usual, his idea of "fair and equal" or proportionality is 15 dead innocent Palestinians for every dead innocent Israeli. (Not sure whether an outsider Jewish immigrant to Israel can be considered 'Innocent' when he/she knew the land he/she was emigrating to was land stolen from a Palestinian. But, whatever.)

Yes, so, the US should cease all military support to Israel. And the US should cease all $5B annual donations from the Funds contributed by US Taxpayers to the US Govt every Payperiod. But, both Parties think donations made to their campaign funds by AIPAC and rich Jewish-Americans is well worth these minor pocket pickings from American Taxpayers.

This whole situation has made it impossible for honest Americans of any stripe to discuss the situation with most Jewish friends nor, certainly, Publicly, without ending a relationship.

No, they are not being "anti-semetic". According to the Old Testament Palestinians are semites, too. Descended from Abraham's sons....

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Thanks for expounding on my very basic comment. I have learned from you. Peace

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Genocide? Is this a joke?

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The situation in Ukraine is critical, and our support for Ukraine is absolutely vital. As others have correctly pointed out, Putin has no intention of stopping with Ukraine, but will use it as both a choke point and a springboard to attack and annex other European nations.

I'm reminded of an old ad for a car repair service whose tag line was, "Pay me now, or pay me later."

And if we have to pay later, which we surely will if we don't support Ukraine now, the cost will be orders of magnitude higher.

You display faulty reasoning when, in answer to your question "What changed?" you claim it was a fictitious "tantrum" by HRC. In fact, what changed was that Putin invaded a sovereign nation to prevent it from joining NATO. The irony, of course, is that it insured that other nations that had been on the fence about doing that, hastened to join.

Further fact-warping was your faulty interpretation of President Obama's statement about defending Ukraine. He was correct in stating that our role in defending non-NATO nations is constrained. He did not say it is prohibited. Constraint means that certain particular restrictions exist. But I'm sure you actually know that, just as I'm sure you're only here to roil the waters.

You chose the wrong audience for your propaganda.

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If Europe was really worried about a Russian invasion, why have they only kicked in 4 Billion to support the Ukrainian war? Its a joke.

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Please become better informed.

According to The Economist:

"For much of the war America has been Ukraine’s most generous backer. But aid from the EU, including long-term pledges, has grown to almost double America’s sum, at €131.9bn since January 2022 compared with €69.5bn. Add non-EU European countries like Britain and Norway, and the gap grows yet wider.

The discrepancy results from a difference in approach. America’s and Europe’s short-term commitments—support for one year or less—are roughly equivalent. Yet European donors are increasingly pledging multi-year aid packages. For instance, the EU’s “Ukraine Facility”, a €50bn budgetary-support programme, lasts until 2027. Germany has pledged €10.5bn of military support, to be delivered between 2024 and 2027. And Norway has set up a €6.5bn fund to provide military, humanitarian and economic help to Ukraine for the next five years. Pledges are different from delivery—and some European promises are conditional on Ukraine’s government meeting certain obligations.

America remains vital. The amounts totted up by the institute cover financial, humanitarian and military aid. All are crucial. But when it comes to the weapons and munitions that make a difference on the battlefield, America still dwarfs its European peers. Its military pledges stood at €42.1bn by the end of July, more than double those of Germany, Europe’s largest military donor (see chart two)."

Here's a link, though unless you subscribe, which I do, you won't be able to read the entire article.


If you want to be taken seriously, do better research before you post inaccurate statements.

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What? WHY?? How about a simplistic answer like stopping hyper-bully Putin from realizing his wet dream of recreating the USSR? Ukraine fighting for democracy is not in our interest?

If you want to talk about unwinnable swerve your scope to Israel and the millions we are pouring into a war with no endgame, the slaughter of thousands of innocent Palestinians, and the ire this is fomenting not only in Arab countries but in nations all over the world!

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We are aiding and abetting the creation of the next 2 Generations of Palestinian "terrorists"/"patriots".

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Hunter Biden’s indictment? He’s not a gov. official. He’s the son of the president. The indictment is a maga tactic. No comparison to trump’s 4 felony charges for inciting a treasonous rebellion in Washington DC and 13 felony counts of tampering/interfering with an election in GA. Hunter’s indictment includes tax evasion of which he’s already paid in full. False equivalency at best. And why save Ukraine? Democracy works. Autocracy doesn’t. Putin is an autocrat who is losing more power every day. Sanctions hurt his country; in turn weakening his rule. Heather knows exactly what to write and it is always the truth.

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Many knowledgeable observers believe Russia maybe down for the count because of Putin's flawed decision - and his belief that if he just holds out long enough, the Marjorie Greens of the West will hand him a gimme.

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I agree that Russia has been struck multiple blows. There aren’t enough MTG’s in this world to protect Putin. He is a war criminal and the world knows it.

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I would say, "Get lost!" but you are so clearly lost already that there's no point.

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An immutable truth is that war is good for business. That $200 billion wasn't pissed away, it went to US arms manufacturers who paid US workers good wages. The whole business of war is terrible on every level but let's be real about who's benefiting from US support of the Ukrainian effort. As I usually do in these situations, I point you to Major General Smedley Butler's "War Is A Racket." You can read the entire book here for free: https://www.heritage-history.com/site/hclass/secret_societies/ebooks/pdf/butler_racket.pdf

Hillary Clinton had a tantrum? When? Where? She conceded the loss on the 9th, then spent the next several months hiking in the woods around her house and writing a memoir about the campaign.

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Based on that logic WE should find as may wars as possible to benefit the military industrial complex.

Who did Clinton blame for her loss? BTW the link between Putin and Trump, where did that come from? Try the Clinton campaign. In the summer of 2016 then CIA Director James Brennan brief Obama on the Clinton plan to tie Trump to Putin as a way to take pressure off

of her email scandal.


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Email scandal? Trump hides hundreds of boxes of highly classified info at Mara Lago and you’re still whining about Hillary’s emails! What a joke.

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You know damn well that's not the point. It's directed at people like you who say we're sending all that money to Ukraine when, in fact, the vast majority of it is staying in the US. I wish we could stay out of all wars, dismantle the military-industrial complex and build an economy based on the well being of the human race. Alas...

Your reference deals with the campaign not the result. If you want to see a tantrum about election results? Watch any random two minutes of any speech Trump has given in the last three years (Including last night) and you'll see what truly qualifies as a tantrum. Three years! He's not just a cry baby, he's an unhinged one.

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Your ignorance is abominable. You cherry pick and call it knowledge..

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Another dumb response. What did I cherry pick that is untrue?

Hunter Biden's indictment? Washington Post article that the war is going badly?

Obama doctrine that Ukraine and Russia conflict was not winnable?

ALL 100% percent true. YOU ARE AN IDIOT.

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Oohh mama’s boy got keyboard courage!! Obama’ s doctrine is 10 years old and no longer relevant even to Obama. The others are op-eds of which dozens of opposing articles can be found. Try The Foreign Review. But you only use articles which support what you want to believe. That is cherry picking. And the joke of the century is where in your profile you declare yourself as an "intellectual" .

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And that’s how righty’s respond with name calling.

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You are not worth our time!

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The truth must be brutal to read. Leftist love to pretend there is no reality.

This is exactly WHY Heather didn't bother to acknowledge the Hunter Biden indictment

or the Washington Post article outlining all the failures in Ukraine.

You can lie to yourself, you can't do it publicly

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At my school, we have two little girls from Ukraine. I call them my sunflower girls, and I hug them every day! They are thriving and not exactly struggling refugees. I’m just grateful I get to show them love and be there for them.

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Bless you!

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Carey: More likely that Putin will go after Moldova-it's next door to Ukraine and smaller than Ukraine. Please look for a map of the two (set-up wouldn't let me post the map). Also, here's a Reuters article in regards to this political issue. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-cancels-decree-underpinning-moldovas-sovereignty-separatist-conflict-2023-02-22/ Here's a British video about the possible conflict between the 2 countries. https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-iba-3&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-3&hspart=iba&p=Putin+and+Moldova&type=teff_10019_FFW_ZZ#id=3&vid=bbc1a473e18db25ed4baf56a63702347&action=click.

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Moldova, Baltic countries and Poland. :(

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Life could be that simple again for all of us if we learn to like one another at a minimum except one another, and if not accepting, just leave them alone. It’s a willful appreciation.

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Gorgeous photo, so peaceful and calm. It reminds me of a Gaelic blessing I came upon, loved it so much I used it on our Christmas card this year:

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you

Deep peace of shining stars to you

Deep peace of the gentle night to you

Moon and stars pour their healing light on you

Deep peace to you

Deep peace to you

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I love that sentiment Pat !

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Somewhere I have a recording of that being sung, but I cannot recall who sang it.

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Wonderful! Thank you Pat for sharing that poem!

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One of my favorites, thank you!

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I love this so much. What a gift...thank you!

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Love that.

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Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing

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May there be similarly peaceful photos of wintertime in Ukraine soon. Unfortunately, it is likely to be a very difficult holiday season this year for many..

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You're a knitter! Another reason I like you so much! Beautiful picture. Enjoy your rest.

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Knitting is a great way to get grounded, counting the stitches, feeling the wool and the silk slide through your fingers, solving the world's problems ....

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A wonderful meditative activity!

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Perfect way to spend the evening. Enjoy. And as always, thank you for all you do!

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So very glad to know knitting by her own fire is in order for DR HCR. I had the privilege of my life to hear her in person on Wednesday evening in Grapevine, Texas. My 93 year old mother and I had front row seats. Brilliant, funny, engaging, inspiring. There aren't enough adjectives. Thank you for the patriotic service you render to your country by writing and speaking. Grateful I truly am.

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And I feel so fortunate to have found your letters a few years ago when my niece shared it with me. Enjoy your night, your knitting and the peace I sense you’re sharing with us after a long trip across this piece of planet that we love so much.

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Beauty with two beauties! Thank you for all you do!

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Feeling fortunate to have had a Hanukkah party last night full of over 35 people. Many know nothing of Judaism or Hanukkah. Evangelicals. Vietnam war vets. Dance friends. My babies and grand babies. Food by the best Palestinian restaurant in town. Baked goods by me! Spoke to the owner of the restaurant and my guests about how the Jewish people have been oppressed and sent into the diaspora for all of time. How Jews and Palestinians, we eat the same food. I chose their restaurant because it is the best and because I believe we all have to speak up and stand together for love, peace and freedom. I received love and hugs and blessings. This is what we can do. Continue to speak up and offer love.

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That is wonderful!!

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Knit away!!!

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So lovely! Enjoy your rest and stay cozy.

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That’s the background of my (unused) Facebook page. Has been since the last time you posted it.

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What a GREAT photo! I love it. Hoping your friend is safe.

Thanks for all you do!

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Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦!

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Wonderful image, both of you cozy and relaxed, and in Nadia's photo. Thanks for sharing your quiet time with us.

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What are you knitting? I’m working on a prayer shawl for my church knitting group. Knitting is so relaxing and very therapeutic!!! Enjoy your cosy home!

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