Janjamm is right--these long letters received only a glance. There are thousands of them. It is better to make your point in a short concise way. If not, your letters won't be read. They will be filed in a subject/matter file. The letter should also include a subject heading: "Voting Rights Passage". They will be counted and filed as "Pro" or "Con". The numbers will be reported to an assistant who may or may not report the numbers to the President. If so, Pro 127,120 / Con 52.
Excellent. I will borrow (plagiarize) part of your excellent letter and send to my Democratic Senators and Biden. Thank you
Feel free to take anything worth taking. (Read close and you may notice rearranged words plagiarized from HCR's letters.)
Janjamm is right--these long letters received only a glance. There are thousands of them. It is better to make your point in a short concise way. If not, your letters won't be read. They will be filed in a subject/matter file. The letter should also include a subject heading: "Voting Rights Passage". They will be counted and filed as "Pro" or "Con". The numbers will be reported to an assistant who may or may not report the numbers to the President. If so, Pro 127,120 / Con 52.
I'm going to use part of it. In today's world anything longer than a tweet or bumper sticker is ignored.