I hope Jen Psaki sticks it out - she is super smart and capable of fielding the b.s. and graciously throwing it back in the face of those who think they can divert and derail truth and progress with inane, empty assertions ... please, Ms. Psaki, stay with the job, as thankless and tedious as it is - we the people need you, and more profe…
I hope Jen Psaki sticks it out - she is super smart and capable of fielding the b.s. and graciously throwing it back in the face of those who think they can divert and derail truth and progress with inane, empty assertions ... please, Ms. Psaki, stay with the job, as thankless and tedious as it is - we the people need you, and more professionals of your caliber to turn the tide on these game playing grifters.
I have rarely watched press conferences, but I find myself watching some of them now. I love how she manages to be polite, but shuts down the nonsense.
Kathleen, I completely agree. I just checked my news feed and several news outlets are suggesting that she was endorsing letting school children stay outside in the freezing cold because she said her 3 year old goes outside, properly dressed, to eat a snack at school. FOX headline tomorrow will no doubt say that The White House wants all school children to be "Psaki-icicles". Crap, I shouldn't give them any ideas .
I hope Jen Psaki sticks it out - she is super smart and capable of fielding the b.s. and graciously throwing it back in the face of those who think they can divert and derail truth and progress with inane, empty assertions ... please, Ms. Psaki, stay with the job, as thankless and tedious as it is - we the people need you, and more professionals of your caliber to turn the tide on these game playing grifters.
I have rarely watched press conferences, but I find myself watching some of them now. I love how she manages to be polite, but shuts down the nonsense.
I set reminders to see her. Strength. Knowledge. Wit. Trifecta!
Don't forget the head tilt that makes everyone in the room squirm 😆
Kathleen, I completely agree. I just checked my news feed and several news outlets are suggesting that she was endorsing letting school children stay outside in the freezing cold because she said her 3 year old goes outside, properly dressed, to eat a snack at school. FOX headline tomorrow will no doubt say that The White House wants all school children to be "Psaki-icicles". Crap, I shouldn't give them any ideas .
... off the rails ... Psakicles ...?!