I served on the USS MILLER FF1091, named for Doris Miller

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I love your final sentence. So inspiring. So true. Thank you. You report factually and certainly do not apply spin, but you present in a way that lifts up humanity, equity, equality, empathy, compassion, and where we can identify strong positive ethics at work, sustaining, and even promoting, our democracy that is so precious albeit fragile.

Your voice is significant as it educates, encourages, motivates, and unifies while also being open to the breadth of humanity that is our society.

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Early this morning, I read HCR's letter. I was moved then as I am now on hearing it.

"I [too] hear a lot these days about how American democracy is doomed and reactionaries will win. Maybe. But the beauty of our system is that it gives us people like Doris Miller.

"Even better, it makes us people like Doris Miller."

And I am now, as I was earlier, grateful for the likes of Heather Cox Richardson. Deeply.

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You are keeping us saddened patriots uplifted with your words of hope and courage. The energy and fight will return. Thank you.

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My dad and 2 uncles fought across N Africa, Italy, and Europe to rid the world of Fascism. If only the 17,000 young men laid to rest (losers and suckers) across W. Europe were with us today, this cancer growing across America would not be allowed to exist.

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What an incredible story of patriotism, heroism and the love of one’s country before himself. Such great insight into the corruption of the impetuous Donald Trump and his band of corrupt cronies and criminals. You are awe inspiring and your love of democracy shines through. Keep on putting up the good fight.

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This is a great story. Unfortunately, Americans seem to close their eyes and cover their ears. I suggest Langston Hughes Poem "Will V-Day Be Me-Day Too? "https://poets.org/poem/will-v-day-be-me-day-too. How interesting that we had Japanese interment camps, but not not German or Italian interment camps, as white immigrants from European enemy countries were obviously "loyal". Note how we Americans were treating Nazi POWs versus what was happening in Europe https://prisonphotography.org/2011/08/26/pow-camps-for-germans-on-american-soil-dana-muellers-the-devils-den/. How interesting that blacks and native American servicemen were treated by other American service versus the enemy they were fighting https://www.npr.org/2022/11/07/1134756262/half-american-matthew-delmont-black-wwii. Yet, they were still patriots. Would you be?

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As a nation, we did have German internment camps....in Utah and Georgia for sure. Just sayin'.

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This podcast is recommended for REQUIRED reading and listening for all High School students in the United States

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The description of Doris Miller's patriotism and ultimate sacrifice brought tears to my eyes, and that does not happen often.

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