As one considers Trump’s request of GA Governor Kemp to conduct an audit of ballot envelope signatures, it is essential to understand what he seeks to accomplish. Once the ballot envelope signatures are judged by election officials representing both parties as matching signature records, the actual ballots are separated from the envelopes. To preserve secrecy of the ballot, the actual ballot carries no individual identification. This ensures there is no way to identify which candidate an individual voted for. Trump is not seeking to cast out some number of votes, but rather to delegitimize the entire electoral process and simply declare his victory by proclamation. This is the very essence of autocracy attacking the core of democracy, free and fair elections.
Only days after the 2016 election, Masha Gessen’s prescient column published in the New York Review titled, ”Auocracy: Rules for Survival," warned about this outcome. This column later served as the basis for her book, ”Surviving Autocracy.”
Democracy and Rule of Law are not inevitable. Norms thought to protect democracy are not enshrined in law, they depend on the virtue and morality of those in power. When political leaders lack that virtue norms are ineffective. Citizens can allow democracy to vanish as they are distracted by day to day events or grievances. This is how autocrats raise to power, not through conquest but by apathy and false grievance.
We have been warned and seen all this before in history. Professor Richardson now and earlier Professors Masha Gessen and Timothy Snyder in their writings have foretold the slide into autocracy. Resistance is an imperative if democracy and the American Experiment is to survive. A good outcome is not assured. Do not be complacent. Do not believe it will all work out or that it is merely Trump being Trump. The crisis is very real and depends on citizens demanding upholding the Rule of Law and free and fair elections be protected and actual election outcomes be upheld.
Victory does not come by proclamation it must reflect the will of the majority of those governed.
Excellent comment, Bruce. I ask how do we as citizens prevent this autocracy from occurring. I have been signing petitions from Common Cause and Is there more we can do?
In the article, Gessen warns us, that Trump is not a regular politician and the 2016 election was not a regular election. She says, "Trump will be only the fourth candidate in history and the second in more than a century to win the presidency after losing the popular vote. He is also probably the first candidate in history to win the presidency despite having been shown repeatedly by the national media to be a chronic liar, sexual predator, serial tax-avoider, and race-baiter who has attracted the likes of the Ku Klux Klan. Most important, Trump is the first candidate in memory who ran not for president but for autocrat - and won."
Gessen offers in the article 6 Rules for Surviving Autocracy. She knows of what she speaks, having lived under autocracies most of her life and studied and written extensively on Vladimir Putin. I urge you to read her article cited above.
Briefly, the rules she offers are:
1. Believe the autocrat. He means what he says.
2. Do not be taken in by small signs of normality.
3. Institutions will not save you.
4. Be outraged.
5. Don't make compromises.
6. Remember the future.
Gessen offers great insight in her article on each of these. What to watch for, examples from the history of other rising autocracies, why each of these rules is important, and what to do to follow each of these rules. She foretells exactly what we have seen under Donald Trump ... exactly. Unfortunately for us all, we have failed to heed her warnings or follow her rules.
You will also find her recent book, "Surviving Autocracy," a significant elaboration of her initial New Yorker piece well worth reading. She also was recently interviewed by The Guardian. In the interview, she opines that Trump is both worse than she anticipated in her 2016 article and in fact, worse also than Vladimir Putin. She continues to fear for America. I do as well. We all should.
When I read her New Yorker article in 2016 almost immediately after the Trump election victory I was concerned but could not have imagined then how right and prescient she would be.
Be aware and pay attention. Apathy and complacency are the enemy. Be an educated and informed citizen and voter. Know the issues and candidates positions on them and the candidates histories.
Be engaged, be active. Activism is your ally. Activism connects you to others who will work together. A single person or small group is opposition but thousands are the resistance. Plan, strategize, organize, activate, and execute together. There is strength in numbers and support each other.
Communicate collectively and individually the group’s message to others. Letters, post cards, phone calls to legislators and officials. Write to local news sources, letters to the editor and guest columns. Be polite, be succinct, identify problems and solutions, suggest actions and investigations. Get the message out and heard.
Be persistent. The challenge will not go away. The battle is not a new one, nor will victory be easy. The challenge persists, so must we persist as well.
Prepare the next generation of activists and citizens. Prepare, not indoctrinate. Support News Literacy and responsible use of social media. See the News Literacy Project and their Checkology tips and tools ( Support and advocate for the teaching of civics in public schools.
And above all vote. A vote is the most powerful way we have to express our viewss.
Shutdown DC is targeting hotels hosting ralliers in the Dec 12 white supremacy/MAGA rally - seems this has already forced ralliers to change hotels, and this action might force them to change again. Let's not make it easy to get people sick and threaten violence in the name of white supremacy! Voting is not always enough in these times. Here is text copied from an email I received - I emailed these hotels with a respectful note along the lines of the call script - if you decide to contact the hotels, please be civil and respectful, of course!: of the main Trumpist groups coming to DC on December 12 has told their members to avoid downtown hotels and stay at these hotels instead:
That means we need your help calling and emailing these new hotels! Can you contact these hotels today? You can use the same script as below.
Hi, my name is [NAME]. I'm calling because I am concerned that your hotel may be hosting organizations coming from outside DC to spread hate and COVID-19. The rate of new Coronavirus cases has risen nearly 30% in DC since November 14th, when conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, Proud Boys, and MAGA supporters marched on our streets while refusing to wear masks. They put Black lives in danger, ripped down memorials, and committed violence against DC residents including the stabbing of 3 people. Will your hotel commit to preventing the spread of violence and disease by:
1. Publicly denouncing white supremacy via social media in a published statement before December 12th? Specifically denouncing the white supremacist groups the Proud Boys and Patriot Front.
2. Refusing services to anyone who refuses to wear a mask?
3. Adhering to DC travel quarantine guidelines by ensuring that guests from high risk areas provide negative COVID-19 testing verification upon check in and placing them on isolated floors of the hotel?
Thank you, Bruce. And thank you for posting the link to Gessen’s article. I read the article previously and have also posted it here in the past and purchased her book when it became available. I agree with you on your assessment of her work. I have also read much of Snyder’s work. Thank you for the summation of Gessen’s action points. We would all be wise to heed and follow them.
Seek out a local Indivisible group ( and get involved. You will be able to connect with other activists and effectively advocate for responsible democratic government. They are among the most effective activist organizations. Form a local Social Justice Advocacy group aligned with other local Social, Racial, Economic, and Climate Justice organizations. Volunteer with local non-profit organizations doing good and effective work in your community. This is a great way to meet others committed to doing good work in your neighborhood and community and concerned enough about social causes to do something about them.
I want to become involved in reviving The Fairness Doctrine. Do you have any ideas about how to go about that? Is there a national group I can join forces with? Thank you for your insight. I've just ordered 'Surviving Autocracy'!
I do too! I don't know of any organizations now, but would love to connect with one or join forces to start one. I'm in rural TN and am angered how badly people are being used to unknowingly endanger their and others' lives.
One of the best organizations promoting News Literacy, responsible use of social media, and sifting truth from misinformation is the News Literacy Project I have already mentioned. I encourage all to visit their website, review and use their education tools and tips, and support them. The work they do is invaluable today and in the future. You can find them at
I wonder if there's a group specifically targeting the issue of having to provide proof, tell the truth, etc. going beyond the fairness doctrine. Those two groups have a lot of issues on their plates, but I wonder about just "truth in broadcasting"
Is there any way for us to share our contact info without broadcasting it to the whole world? Actually, not sure I care if the world has my contact info... If I post my email, would folks be interested in talking about this more?
Did you know (quoting snopes): "The Fairness Doctrine applied only to broadcast licensees, and as a cable television channel, Fox News would in all likelihood never have been constrained by the doctrine's requirement to present a range of viewpoints on every issue." Just a note that the doctrine in its original form is not enough.
I would like to get a subset of this group involved. However, I am not ready to broadcast my contact info to the whole world, especially since we know there are "trolls" on this site. If anyone has any ideas on how to do that, please let us know.
Bruce, thank you so much for these posts. As with Heather's Letters, your insights are invaluable. For those of us who had hoped that Trump would eventually fade into oblivion, I now see that this is just history repeating itself. The most chilling aspect of all of this is the question of who is pulling the strings. I remain convinced that Donald Trump is not intelligent enough to have authored this destruction. He is being manipulated by someone or some group - American or foreign, and that is even more frightening than what he has shown us thus far. For the record, I am not a conspiracy theorist - usually.
I have no question that Miller is involved, but Kushner's involvement is probably connected to feeding his ego, fancying that he's a mover and shaker, and Middle East broker. I'm more inclined to think that Breitbart and Bannon, among others, are hoping to dismantle our government.
I think there are a lot more players and this has been set in motion a very long time ago to put people in strategic places for this coup. The big moneyed people there are about six major families like the Mercers and Kochs that should be looked at and driven wedges into their power and fortunes. Boycotting, in numbers too big to ignore, could thwart their conspiratorial drive to maintain the rich/poor caste system which autocracies thrive upon.
My senators, Blackburn and to-be Hagerty, are Trump sycophants. Our retiring Repub, Alexander, refuses to speak the truth though it would not hurt his future election prospects. Our governor, Bill Lee, thinks masks are a “good idea” but mandates just don’t work. Our county mayor, ex-WWE wrestler (yes, it’s true) is a
“Libertarian” who thinks everyone is responsible for his or her own health. So you can see the our TN “leaders” really don’t give a sh&$.
I can relate! But I have still been calling to register my opinion, the tally of calls is recorded and might have some effect somehow someday.... Making it harder for politicians by letting them know how many people disagree is valuable even if it alone doesn't cause a shift, it can be a contributing factor to whatever else might sway them. I agree that it alone might not always be enough, though.
My Senators Thune and Rounds are exactly the same. Citizens are responsible for themselves. Inconsiderate a$$holes. Yet, I continue to write and use my voice. Our governor is # covidkristi and is a minitrump from the word go. She has fired all local staffers and has hired the likes of Corey Lewandowski to help her. SD is all but lost.
Same here, Pam. But I’ve been donating to the GA dems and trying to amplify their message on social media. Other suggestions would also be welcome if anyone has other ideas.
I'm writing for also -- to get out the vote for Ossof and Warnock. One thing I like about working with this group is that you can request a specific number of addresses (in increments of 10) each time you're ready for a new batch. So on a day when you have a lot going on, you can ask for just ten addresses, and on a day when there's nothing else on the schedule, you can ask for more. Doing this is holding the despair at bay.
Seems to me that support for the Lincoln project by Ds who want to see Trumpism and with it nascent authoritarianism flushed out of right of center politics is the most efficient and likely effective way to return America to a general acceptance of democracy and rule of law. Then we can return to the contest of small government conservatism with those who want progress toward a more economically and socially "just" society.
I shot one off the the Baltimore Sun today. Don't know whether it has to be published to be effective or whether it's saved if it isn't published, just for information about and from the readership. I referenced the article about the contact info the feds have bogarted for the past three years (and just released this past week, presumably because of the imminent installation of the incoming administration) to facilitate reuniting the children taken from their immigrant parents at the border with Mexico. I am incensed that this administration stole three precious years from those children and their families.
The way to get your letters to newspapers published is to start them off with a reference to something which appeared in that newspaper. ex: "Your recent article describing the Trump rally ...."
I saw an interview with your losing dem.rep/senator? on PBS, I think. Too bad - he sounds like a decent man who wanted to do the right thing - cant remember his name.
Senator Warner (Dem) won. Kaine (Dem) not up for reelection til 2022 or '24. My 10th District Rep, Jennifer Wexton (Dem) also just won. Our Dem Governor Northam's term is up the end of 2021. I have not paid attention to anybody else, so not sure who you saw on PBS, Maggie, but not my district.
Yeah, probably from another district - of course I didnt pick up on that any more than his name! He just seemed to want to be there to do the right thing which you have to admit is a bit unusual at this point in time - either dem or repub.
Thanks so much for asking this. I have been having the same dilemma. Don't want to be complacent just because my life is ok for the time being! Never been an activist, never wanted to be but now it seems imperative to be one, as Masha Gessen would agree. Donating money to Fair Fight is a good start as is contacting public officials, but just doesn't seem enough. Helping people out of work and needing food is also important, but doesn't strike at the root cause. Love to hear what else folks have been doing (see my recent post also). What is your form of activism what activism can you imagine that could be truly effective?
Seek out local Indivisibles groups ( and get involved. You will be able to connect with other activists and effectively advocate for responsible democratic government. They are among the most effective activist organizations. Form a local Social Justice Advocacy group aligned with other local Social, Racial, Economic, and Climate Justice organizations. Volunteer with local non-profit organizations doing good and effective work in your community. This is a great way to meet others committed to doing good work in your neighborhood and community and concerned enough about social causes to do something about them.
Lynell, I have a friend who told me a year ago to stop signing online petitions as all they want is your address and $ to keep sending them to you. She has worked for politicians so she knows the game. I love these organizations so I have sent some $ to them all.
‘Twilight of Democracy, The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism’
by Anne Applebaum.
I learned of this book, and the author, from listening to a podcast in late summer from The Lincoln Project ( who interviewed her. Informative, educational, compelling, focused, and sometimes funny podcasts (which helps to laugh now and then during these times of stress). admiration, respect, and gratitude for you and your letters is boundless. But I must also add how much I enjoy the comments of your readers. They are thoughtful, intelligent, fact-based, respectful, and encourage me to continue the fight. I live in Texas, surrounded by trumper family and friends. I treasure the support I get from these letters and comments.
Deborah, I thank you for expressing my gratitude to both HCR AND her erudite readers. Even though I live in the blue state of NY, I’m in a lavender suburb with Trumpeter supporters all around me. HCR’s analysis of daily events and her historical perspective help me stay calm. As do her many readers here and abroad who add their experience and wise take on current events. One year soon, TX will turn Blue. Hang on. It’s coming. ❤️🤍💙
I'm fortunate that both my kids feel as I do and I have friends that do - since I've been quarantined so to speak for months I dont really deal with anyone else.
Dear Heather, There are days when your letter makes my jaw drop in awe if how you bring together the big picture. Today's put a big lump in my throat and turned my stomach in worry. My question now becomes "Do the Republicans know enough about American history to do exactly as the precedent you describe?" They certainly do seem intent on creating economic collapse by not rescuing the economy for the average person. And, they certainly are scaring their supporters with the fear of Democrats turning American into a Socialist country. Does history repeat itself? Arrrgghhh!
Newt Gingrich was a history and geography professor according to Wikipedia. He was co-author of the Contact with America. He was forced to resign his speakership in 1998 due to ethics violations and from congress in January 1999. He is reported to have played a major role in undermining democratic norms and hastening political polarization and partisanship. He is a key Trump ally and continues to be politically active. In my opinion his prior dreams of republican control are in place. His wife is the US Ambassador to the Holy See since 2017.
I taught for a while an international management course with graduate students in a couple of Universities in Montreal and had students who aimed to run global business....but they had stopped studying History and Geography at the age of 12! They had no idea how to use a map never mind find a place on it. One student was given a good job with Michelin Tire Co and was to start at their operation near Atlanta. I asked him how he could take a plane to get there when he really didn't know where he was going. He answered truthfully was a leap of faith. The flat-earthers have a big future in front of them with Hist/Geog teachers like Gingrich in the profession. Not all are like Heather and not all States or schools think the subjects are important.
This has always really bugged me. When you have textbook publishers that create and distribute different versions of texts for different areas theres something majorly wrong. And then come Betsy DeVos. What a crime against the humanity of our future generations. As I’ve said before, no one is born a racist, you are _taught_ to be a racist.
True but that's hardly something new. They could if they were sufficiently versed in their Party's history refer to Lincoln who educated himself! Bad faith means they prefer propaganda and brainwashing for all those not capable of paying Harvard's fees without subsidy! Keeps the worker bees with their noses to the grindstone. After all it was forbidden to teach slaves to read for the same reason.
And they are today critical of “The Elite,” of which the party used to be comprised. They decided they needed to appeal to more voters by condemning “The Elite.”
They just have a different definition of who constitutes the elite. Lots of money enables brute force and survives by assuring ignorance and dependence on the part of anybody else who might oppose them or try to constitute a rival "elite". If you can thus devalue any frame of reference based on values you have an easier furrow to plough.
If you don't know where you're going any road will get you there. When I was first starting up my home design business I taught music at the local Catholic school for a semester. By Texas law music teachers are to teach the Star Spangled Banner to 5th graders. The seventh grade teacher said when her students heard what the 5th graders were singing they asked "That sounds familiar, what is it?" We need Civics Education as well. Defunding education has been going on for a long time now. Keeping the masses ignorant is another way to keep the minority elite in power.
The Star Spangled Banner tune is actually an old British drinking song. But, I don't find America very Beautiful right now and the climate crisis will destroy the amber waves of grains with more derechos. At one of the big events at that Catholic School, I had the first graders sing America with children ringing the harmonizing chords with handbells. At the end on the "Let Freedom ring" they rang all the handbells together. It was a big hit.
Read “Burning Down the House” by Julian Zelizer (sp?). Gingrich kept leaving wives for staffers with whom he was having affairs, started the practice of the politics of destruction, beginning his career by zealously taking down the speaker of the house. And now he’s the husband of the Vatican ambassador (third wife for whom he left the second, for whom he left the first).
Gingrich's doctoral thesis was all about how the Belgians (who committed blatant genocide in their imperially-controlled lands in Africa) were "good" for the Congo. So no: I do not consider him an historian. I consider him an ideologue.
I think you do him too much honour. Being an ideologue requires thought...the ideologue actually invents something. Following an ideology imposes the absence of personal thought...much more his style.
But Bruce and Lucretia's activists ideas should take that terror and transform it into action. I have written a letter this morning to all my friends and family to read this Letter From an American and the comments which are excellent. And to use this quiet Christmas for people to stay home to keep us all safe and to join together creating a new To Do List for the holidays that will impact our democracy and our country's impact on the world. We need to be strong, brave and act collectively to thwart this coup. Our Christmas and Hannukah gifts this year can be for the entire country by our actions, calls and joining organizations out of love, transforming terror into love and action. Soldiers do it for us, we need to do it for them and for all our people and particularly our exhausted essential workers. Send this letter and the activist ideas of the commenters out to your loved ones. Tell them staying home is your 2020 sacrificial gift to all of us across the country and the globe to stop the spread of the pandemic. Let them know what they can do to shorten the pandemic and to save our democracy...and remember to be gentle and polite and full of love.
You can be sure there Is someone in the Trump administration that knows History...There are people that Are advising tRump...even if he does not necessarily take their advice.....He may, when he sees an Advantage to himself.....
It strikes me as unassailable that the Party of Trump’s refusal to accept President-elect Biden’s victory is simple lying.
They are lying: The elected officials who swore the oath to protect and defend the Constitution know the truth of the matter but have decided that political considerations justify their continuing to follow their Great Liar Leader.
The political considerations they timidly stand behind are simple – Trump corralled a large portion of the electorate, some who fear the loss of their weapons, some who fear the “other” among them, some who fear the imagined Socialist-Communist boogeyman conjured by Trump, who is poised to steal their money, their religious liberty and their freedom, and some who fear the loss of their (perceived) economic advantage. This later category, those who voted for Trump and religiously vote for Republicans across the board because they believe it benefits them financially, might almost be forgiven – almost. But how much is their 401K going to be worth in the country the Party of Trump is attempting to create? Is it a country is which they would want to live?
Just as the Press finally came out from under its rug and called Trump on his lies, so too must we all simply and categorically call the lie on the members of his party. The American people are being lied to – all of us, regardless of our views on any of the substantive issues of the day.
So too must the Biden administration abide unrelentingly by its pledge to square with the people. It must lead by example and that requires being honest in all things – and crucially, those policies that will be unpopular.
They must mount an unprecedented campaign of public information – to aggressively get out in front on the issues, beat the Party of Trump to the punch and call them out when they lie. And when they make mistakes – and they will – they need to admit those mistakes and take decisive action to repair the damage. If heads need to roll, then roll they must.
This must be an administration of compassion, yes, but for the people and not for political allies, friends, supporters, or members of the administration. Those in positions of trust must be held to the highest standards. The murkiness surrounding the Benghazi incident is a case in point – the Obama administration did not get out in front of that in a forthcoming manner and we, all of us, paid for it. That cannot happen in a Biden administration.
And it is time to ask those members of Congress who are supporting Trump through their silence, the hard question: Is the racist, misogynist, election-trashing, climate-hostile, Covid-denying, selfish world view of Donald Trump worth threatening the existence of our Union? Is it worth sacrificing all that those who came before us fought and died for, worth trashing the very foundation of our Democracy – the vote – to prevail in an election and by so prevailing destroy the election system itself?
My state, New Mexico is at over 100 percent hospital capacity. We are a small state and our population is spread out. Our infection rate is soaring. We have been on the highest level on the NYT charts of "Where Rates are High and Staying High" and where deaths are increasing. The Southern part of the state is largely Trump country and, not surprising, has a high infection and death rate.
Our reservations have locked down for a second time.
Trumpsters are angry that our governor has limited numbers for outdoor dining, kept non-essential businesses operating at 25 percent and has kept bars closed. She has tried an incentive plan county by county depending on rates.
As far as I am concerned, Trump and his followers (no longer Republicans) have blood on their hands. And yet they complain.
I am thankful our governor has apparently turned down a Cabinet post for President-Elect Biden and is still fighting hard to help us regain control of the virus and develop a vaccine administration plan.
It is so frustrating and angering that Trump does nothing but collect contributions to line his own pockets. I can only pray that the base finally figures out they have been conned. But, I would not bet a nickel on that happening. They all willingly added blinders instead of masks to their apparel.
Youre right - the country cant afford to lose the good people that are presently in office - they deserve to be in the new administration but we cant afford the loss elsewhere!
This era of the twin terrors of deadly COVID and enemy domestic trump is sapping our country's energy. But somehow, our BVF (Best Virtual Friend) Dr HCR gins up the energy to write on this site every day. And every morning, not yet caffeinated, I trudge to my Big Mac and log in to orient myself, via history and current events, to the new day. I don't remember how I found my way here, but I'm damn glad I did. On we go.
I think another reason has developed to keep Republican lawmakers silent--the fear of being targeted by violent Trump followers. The threats their spouses snd children are likely to endure must give them pause even if they are starting to see and care about the damage he's doing.
There must also be a real fear of the monster they created.
They are cringing before the bully hoping that someone else will stand up to him. This has a name...COWARDICE! They are elected to defend their constituents and the Constitution....and they are quivering in a corner with their hands over their eyes thinking that when someone else deals with the Bully they will still be around safe and sound....and everything will be alright...Well not on your life!
It's not only cowardice. Most of them have been just fine with profiting financially and politically from Trumpers' attacks on democracy and whoever they see as opponents.
Which they consider as their "just" share of the spoils of war. They pillage the fruits of others labours proudly as if it was them that actually fought the battle.
Where is “here” for you, Sandra? Just in a general way, not asking for specifics. I have an understanding that South, West, and Midwest are heavily armed. I would welcome correction on this. Was wondering if you might be referring to one of those regions?
Karen, "here" is all over the country! When I was still working - I made the statement that I really didnt think ANYONE needed an assault weapon & one of the drivers was in the office. He took offense informed me he had one, & no one was going to tell him he couldnt have one. Let me say I have no issue with anyone owning a gun but assault weapons are just that. There sure wouldnt be any point in hunting with one so exactly WHAT would be the point of having one? Needless to say - I dropped that subject right there. That feeling/attitude is really close to the present trump one. Just a little intimidating.
Maggie, you are so right! A friend and I were discussing this yesterday, about how the 'right' has stretched the meaning of the 2nd Amendment to mythical proportions. I said, "So, why can't I have a rocket launcher? An armed drone?" Where do you draw the line? The argument for their 'rights' has grown absurd, IMO.
I agree with Stuart that the members of the Gutlessly Omnicorrupt Party are cowards. But I think it is more than this. They have welcomed violence against their opponents. They have welcomed violence against immigrants, women, children, LGBTQ people. But when the threat of violence is turned toward them by their own supposed supporters--who are an unthinking rabid mob at this point--they start to cringe. Clearly they thought they had some kind of control. Clearly they don't.
I had long given up, having lived through the Gingrich years, on the idea that the Gormlessly Outré Party would ever recover anything like a soul. But I am old enough to have rather fond memories of real Republicans, like John Lindsey who was mayor of NYC, and Nelson Rockefeller, and, yes, even George Romney, who all had clear ideas about what differentiated them from Democrats (although Lindsey ultimately switched parties) and it wasn't that they were all intellectually-impoverished fascists-in-the-making.
Education has, and always will be, a threat to tyranny. Your efforts, Heather, have helped me and presumably many others, gain far greater insight and understanding of the machinations of those who would line their pockets and work relentlessly to divide us.
In 1671 Virginia's Governor William Berkeley said this about the state of schools in Virginia: "I thank God," he declared, "there are no free schools nor printing, and I hope we shall not have these for a hundred years; for learning has brought disobedience, and heresy, and sects into the world, and printing has divulged them, and libels against the best government. God keep us from both." I found this in David Hackett Fischer's book "Albion's Seed." Right out of Betty Devos's playbook.
Fast forward to present day, where one of my aunts recently opined, very seriously, that the worst thing that has ever happened to our country was the creation of public education. These are wealthy people, educated at fine private institutions (I think of them now as American madrasas), and often possessing advanced degrees. I've tried for years to get along with that side of the family, with little success and mainly out of respect for my long-dead mother, by attending their annual reunion, at least for a few hours. Needless to say, they are all solidly Republican/Trump supporters.
I've finally given up. I'm embarrassed to admit that it's taken me decades to realize that attending one of their family get-togethers is like having dinner at a genteel KKK picnic. After all, they're really pleasant, interesting people, aside from their "quirky" opinions, and they are prime examples of the idea that while racism is an underlying theme in all such groups, the reality is much more complex, involving religion, beliefs about money and government, and the comparative worth of people. They don't think of themselves as hurting anyone (who doesn't deserve it), and they see themselves as saving society, not destroying it. They would be appalled to learn that the example they've set was the original reason that I've never been able to tolerate Christ or Christianity.
It's all very confusing to someone, like me, who was raised in that milieu. Sure, the KKK was bad, but Aunt Mary? How could Aunt Mary, the one who made such wonderful pecan pies, be a terrible KKK person? For me, the scales have never "dropped from my eyes. Instead, my view of them has gradually sharpened over time as I've learned more about the societal implications of their casually-dropped views and their witty, class/race-tinged comments. I despair, because they will never, never, ever be convinced that they are wrong about any of their beliefs, and they are wealthy.
Take a look at "Albion's Seed." It's very long but it maps out how different parts of England settled in New England, Virginia, Pennsylvania and the Appalachian fold. Just another body of information trying to fathom this complicated country of ours.
From what I remember of U.S. History back in the 1960's, Georgia WAS a prison colony. From Wikipedia: "The colony of Georgia, for example, was first founded by James Edward Oglethorpe who originally intended to use prisoners taken largely from debtors' prison, creating a "Debtor's Colony," where the prisoners could learn trades and work off their debts."
One of the greatest gifts my grandparents ever gave me was to point out the HUGE family reunion we we emphatically NOT attending, as we drove by on our way to go camping for the weekend ;)
To avoid the frustrations of getting through to Republican Congress critters by phone, etc., try this:
(1) Buy USPS printed-postage-stamped postcards. They get through security faster than cards you stamp yourself and also letters. REMINDER TO SELF: Buy more postcards.
(2) Short, succinct messages are best.
(3) Start close to home and branch out.
(4) Stifle yourself if you're tempted to write what might be deemed inappropriate language, e.g., blockhead, jerk, enemy domestic, traitor, fecal outlet, etc. They'll probably be tossed.
(5) Flood them with postcards. Encourage your literal and virtual friends to do likewise.
(6) Stand by for link to U.S. Senate and U.S. House address links
RE: Do I have any creds re communications to Republican Rascals et al? Some. I used to facilitate election cycle workshops on the variety of ways to approach RRs and also liberals via technology and snail mail. I also did some training re writing effective LTEs and OpEds. I've had some success over the years having my LTEs published. StarTribune (Minneapolis) mostly, and assorted other publications including the NYTimes.
House of Reps doesn't provide a tidy contact list like the Senate's. I rely on lists sourced by the bodies themselves rather than random outliers. So, you'll need to do some digging for these rascals.
Thanks. I saw this when I was hunting down sources yesterday and made a snap decision that it might not be valid. I was wrong! You heard it here first!! : >}
How has the Republican Party existed this long, and why is it appealing to so many people over the years? 99% of us are obviously not part of the 1%. I am so disgusted with today’s party and especially its leaders. I am so pi$$ed off I cannot even form a coherent argument.
"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." — John Steinbeck
This look at history demonstrates that the Republican Party is better at sending a unified message than the Democrats. The GOP is now the “Party of Trump” and the majority of their members will fight within to tamp down any opinion to the contrary.
The Democratic Party MUST unify, against all attacks, sending ONE message, ONE goal, ONE preserve our democracy and the values outlined in our Constitution.
Progressives and Moderates UNITE! Do not squabble over cabinet appointments and other details of building our new Biden/Harris administration. Our big fight is not over. Keep our eyes on the bigger picture...defeating the “Party of Trump”
For a Brit who is not as familiar as he should be with US history, these deeply informed analogies are incredibly helpful. I have a faith that an awareness of history can render contemporary behaviour more rational and wise.
In my perspective the contemporary behavior of Republican elected officials and their supporters is not rational nor wise and does not show any inkling of being informed by an awareness of history. Even beginning to wonder if they've ever read the Constitution. Wish I could have your faith in America. Unfortunately, this discussion does not represent the common knowledge of Americans. Heavens, we have 30% of the populace believing conspiracy theories and living in a fantasy world.
Thanks for scaring the crap out of me on this beautiful frosty Missouri morning.
We moved here in 2003 in anticipation of tough times and have been vaguely aware that the other shoe would drop eventually, but went about our business as usual; switching from carpentry to nursing after the crash of 2009, entering nursing school at the age of 57 with a 4 1/2 year sojourn to work in an Indian hospital in the arid west, and then back to the deep red Ozarks in the face of the ravages of Covid to out wait the plague.
This story is obviously much larger and longer than one perverse administration and while I have been very aware of it in general terms I certainly appreciate the specifics of the timeline you've laid out.
What I'm very much afraid of now is that there is obviously no place to hide. I certainly appreciate knowing that someone is communicating an accurate historical picture to anybody who will listen. Forewarned is forearmed.
I share your fears, Tom, and am also a second-career nurse. I moved from SC to MA in 2010 for personal reasons and feel relatively ‘safe’ where I am, both in terms of politics and COVID, but I am not happy with my personal situation and hope to move within the next couple of years. My stumbling block is - to where? Nowhere else in America feels any safer and leaving my country of birth has, thus far, been something I cannot quite bring myself to seriously contemplate, though the thought crosses my mind repeatedly. I have lately been seriously considering VT, but am not completely confident in that, either. I have friends and family that I could return to in SC but, the politics..... It all leaves me exhausted, discouraged, and disheartened.
I feel that those of us in the NE states are, so far, a little safer than some of the other parts of this country. Its hard to be away from family but I guess with today's politics, it may not be as hard as before. I have a niece in RI who is the same mindset as we are here and she seems quite happy there. But her daughter & her family are now closer too, so different situation. I hope you find a completely safe & happy place to land.
Even if I were clairvoyant, 99% of my future is out of my hands and so far things have worked out well enough in spite of my own prognosticational shortcomings. History is fickle and most of my ancestors are from somewhere else.
Under the circumstances the future of the human race looks pretty bleak, but since I'm here now and have managed to survive thus far I'm inclined not to give up.
I was taking stock of some of the tough bastards I'm descended from earlier today. One of my great great G'pas walked back to his farm in Michigan from Louisiana after the civil war. He was in his 60's, and a "Sharp shooter" (sniper) for the Union. Another reenlisted twice in that war, in his 60's with a grade III heart murmur, and had jumped off a British naval ship in his teens to get here.
One of my G'grps made it through the Boer War and drove ambulance in WWI. One of his sons is buried in France. His son in law flew a Sopwith Camel in WWI and trained American pilots in WWII after emigrating to the US "illegally". Gran'pa may or may not have flown a few loads of Canadian Scotch into Lansing during prohibition.
All of them did what they had to do to survive . All of them lived here because this was, or became, home. You have a right to be here because you are. Don't give up until you're done. There's still lots of good you can do.
Tom, thank you for reminding me of my own history by sharing yours. As an American I am proud of your ancestors’ achievements and their courage. I have a multi-great g’pa who was a union spy (among other things) at Corinth, MS where he likely contracted what sounds a lot like malaria, from which he suffered for the remainder of his life. My father’s father was on Iwo Jima. I am a survivor and I am tough - I will not give up. Thank you so very much for the encouragement, it was much needed today. Onward.
I feel the same way. I live in south Florida and I am looking to move, but I need to remain in Florida for the weather. I have serious Cold-and-Gray afflictions. So my idea has been to find or start a kind of "community" of like-minded folks. I am looking at the Gainesville, FL area because there is a progressive community there, and the University of Florida and good medical facilities.I also want to be growing some of my own food and to get back to riding horses and there are places to ride up there. So, I'm just putting that out there and may post as it's own comment, because we all seem to be looking for "community" and "safety."
Perhaps I misunderstand the word, however so much of the destructive action of the current administration bring the word 'sedition' instantly to mind... at what point does action destructive to our democracy fall from being dishonorable to traitorous? As in history, money will continue to try to protect their hold so how do we get the distorting hold of money out of the government policies and processes? Utilities used to be protected since they supported the needs of the people until monied efforts removed the safeguards and allowed them to become for profit entities. News used to be protected by fair information standards, also with safeguards eliminated to allow for higher profitability, and 45 took over control of VOA which opens some scary scenarios for honest reporting globally. Too long a list to reiterate here but so many behaviors seem beyond tolerable in my opinion.
Thank you for keeping tabs on all this craziness for those of us who haven't the time or patience to track it ourselves.
Republicans call their representatives in Congress 10 times more often than Democrats do, a study I read....wonder what would happen if Democrats flooded the phone line, the tweets, emails for the next 30 days. Is it possible the Republicans in the Senate might get just a little squirmy and maybe do their job. ?
I know Senators keep a record of all calls, but what if your Senators always have full voice mails. I do tweet but it is frustrating not to be able to get through.
This is one of my pet peeves as well. I use Resistbot to send messages and I’ve gotten replies, so at least I’m getting through (though the replies often take weeks). I want to know how it’s possible for so many in Congress to simply *ignore* their constituents? Several of them haven’t had town halls in years, and as you say, their voicemails are always full. If you do get someone to answer the phone, you’re talking to a low-level staffer, who will simply note that you called about issue X. McConnell won’t take calls from non-KY residents, hiding behind the excuse “you’re not my constituent”, but his do-nothing policies affect every single one of us!
I have not called but have emailed and gotten replies from my Democrat Senators and Representative (Virginia). Some have been "canned" replies, but some also have spoken directly to the issue I emailed about. I am particularly fond of Senator Warner. He is all over my FB page relating to climate, cyber security, defense, etc.
This is exactly what we need to do and is one of the principles of the Indivisible movement which was built on the ideas used so successfully by the Tea Party.
As one considers Trump’s request of GA Governor Kemp to conduct an audit of ballot envelope signatures, it is essential to understand what he seeks to accomplish. Once the ballot envelope signatures are judged by election officials representing both parties as matching signature records, the actual ballots are separated from the envelopes. To preserve secrecy of the ballot, the actual ballot carries no individual identification. This ensures there is no way to identify which candidate an individual voted for. Trump is not seeking to cast out some number of votes, but rather to delegitimize the entire electoral process and simply declare his victory by proclamation. This is the very essence of autocracy attacking the core of democracy, free and fair elections.
Only days after the 2016 election, Masha Gessen’s prescient column published in the New York Review titled, ”Auocracy: Rules for Survival," warned about this outcome. This column later served as the basis for her book, ”Surviving Autocracy.”
Democracy and Rule of Law are not inevitable. Norms thought to protect democracy are not enshrined in law, they depend on the virtue and morality of those in power. When political leaders lack that virtue norms are ineffective. Citizens can allow democracy to vanish as they are distracted by day to day events or grievances. This is how autocrats raise to power, not through conquest but by apathy and false grievance.
We have been warned and seen all this before in history. Professor Richardson now and earlier Professors Masha Gessen and Timothy Snyder in their writings have foretold the slide into autocracy. Resistance is an imperative if democracy and the American Experiment is to survive. A good outcome is not assured. Do not be complacent. Do not believe it will all work out or that it is merely Trump being Trump. The crisis is very real and depends on citizens demanding upholding the Rule of Law and free and fair elections be protected and actual election outcomes be upheld.
Victory does not come by proclamation it must reflect the will of the majority of those governed.
Excellent comment, Bruce. I ask how do we as citizens prevent this autocracy from occurring. I have been signing petitions from Common Cause and Is there more we can do?
On November 10, 2016, Masha Gessen published an article in the New Yorker entitled, Autocracy: Rules for Survival. Here is a link to that article:
In the article, Gessen warns us, that Trump is not a regular politician and the 2016 election was not a regular election. She says, "Trump will be only the fourth candidate in history and the second in more than a century to win the presidency after losing the popular vote. He is also probably the first candidate in history to win the presidency despite having been shown repeatedly by the national media to be a chronic liar, sexual predator, serial tax-avoider, and race-baiter who has attracted the likes of the Ku Klux Klan. Most important, Trump is the first candidate in memory who ran not for president but for autocrat - and won."
Gessen offers in the article 6 Rules for Surviving Autocracy. She knows of what she speaks, having lived under autocracies most of her life and studied and written extensively on Vladimir Putin. I urge you to read her article cited above.
Briefly, the rules she offers are:
1. Believe the autocrat. He means what he says.
2. Do not be taken in by small signs of normality.
3. Institutions will not save you.
4. Be outraged.
5. Don't make compromises.
6. Remember the future.
Gessen offers great insight in her article on each of these. What to watch for, examples from the history of other rising autocracies, why each of these rules is important, and what to do to follow each of these rules. She foretells exactly what we have seen under Donald Trump ... exactly. Unfortunately for us all, we have failed to heed her warnings or follow her rules.
You will also find her recent book, "Surviving Autocracy," a significant elaboration of her initial New Yorker piece well worth reading. She also was recently interviewed by The Guardian. In the interview, she opines that Trump is both worse than she anticipated in her 2016 article and in fact, worse also than Vladimir Putin. She continues to fear for America. I do as well. We all should.
When I read her New Yorker article in 2016 almost immediately after the Trump election victory I was concerned but could not have imagined then how right and prescient she would be.
The most important things are:
Be aware and pay attention. Apathy and complacency are the enemy. Be an educated and informed citizen and voter. Know the issues and candidates positions on them and the candidates histories.
Be engaged, be active. Activism is your ally. Activism connects you to others who will work together. A single person or small group is opposition but thousands are the resistance. Plan, strategize, organize, activate, and execute together. There is strength in numbers and support each other.
Communicate collectively and individually the group’s message to others. Letters, post cards, phone calls to legislators and officials. Write to local news sources, letters to the editor and guest columns. Be polite, be succinct, identify problems and solutions, suggest actions and investigations. Get the message out and heard.
Be persistent. The challenge will not go away. The battle is not a new one, nor will victory be easy. The challenge persists, so must we persist as well.
Prepare the next generation of activists and citizens. Prepare, not indoctrinate. Support News Literacy and responsible use of social media. See the News Literacy Project and their Checkology tips and tools ( Support and advocate for the teaching of civics in public schools.
And above all vote. A vote is the most powerful way we have to express our viewss. Thanks, Bruce. Will not be complacent.
Shutdown DC is targeting hotels hosting ralliers in the Dec 12 white supremacy/MAGA rally - seems this has already forced ralliers to change hotels, and this action might force them to change again. Let's not make it easy to get people sick and threaten violence in the name of white supremacy! Voting is not always enough in these times. Here is text copied from an email I received - I emailed these hotels with a respectful note along the lines of the call script - if you decide to contact the hotels, please be civil and respectful, of course!: of the main Trumpist groups coming to DC on December 12 has told their members to avoid downtown hotels and stay at these hotels instead:
That means we need your help calling and emailing these new hotels! Can you contact these hotels today? You can use the same script as below.
JW Marriott DC
Front Desk: 202-393-2000
Sales Team: 202-626-1457
Grand Hyatt Washington
Front Desk: 202-582-1234
Crowne Plaza Crystal City
Front Desk: 703-416-1600
Manager: Elena Cowan
Holiday Inn National Airport
Front Desk: 703-684-7200
Call script:
Hi, my name is [NAME]. I'm calling because I am concerned that your hotel may be hosting organizations coming from outside DC to spread hate and COVID-19. The rate of new Coronavirus cases has risen nearly 30% in DC since November 14th, when conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, Proud Boys, and MAGA supporters marched on our streets while refusing to wear masks. They put Black lives in danger, ripped down memorials, and committed violence against DC residents including the stabbing of 3 people. Will your hotel commit to preventing the spread of violence and disease by:
1. Publicly denouncing white supremacy via social media in a published statement before December 12th? Specifically denouncing the white supremacist groups the Proud Boys and Patriot Front.
2. Refusing services to anyone who refuses to wear a mask?
3. Adhering to DC travel quarantine guidelines by ensuring that guests from high risk areas provide negative COVID-19 testing verification upon check in and placing them on isolated floors of the hotel?
This is what organizing and activism looks like. Yes, do it by the thousands, the tens of thousands.
Thank you for this list! I plan on emailing or calling each of them.
Thank you, Bruce. And thank you for posting the link to Gessen’s article. I read the article previously and have also posted it here in the past and purchased her book when it became available. I agree with you on your assessment of her work. I have also read much of Snyder’s work. Thank you for the summation of Gessen’s action points. We would all be wise to heed and follow them.
Seek out a local Indivisible group ( and get involved. You will be able to connect with other activists and effectively advocate for responsible democratic government. They are among the most effective activist organizations. Form a local Social Justice Advocacy group aligned with other local Social, Racial, Economic, and Climate Justice organizations. Volunteer with local non-profit organizations doing good and effective work in your community. This is a great way to meet others committed to doing good work in your neighborhood and community and concerned enough about social causes to do something about them.
Appreciate the News Literacy link, an important project!
Thank you for the resources and the To-do list. Very helpful.
I want to become involved in reviving The Fairness Doctrine. Do you have any ideas about how to go about that? Is there a national group I can join forces with? Thank you for your insight. I've just ordered 'Surviving Autocracy'!
I do too! I don't know of any organizations now, but would love to connect with one or join forces to start one. I'm in rural TN and am angered how badly people are being used to unknowingly endanger their and others' lives.
One of the best organizations promoting News Literacy, responsible use of social media, and sifting truth from misinformation is the News Literacy Project I have already mentioned. I encourage all to visit their website, review and use their education tools and tips, and support them. The work they do is invaluable today and in the future. You can find them at
You can get involved with MoveOn and Indivisible right from your own home.
I wonder if there's a group specifically targeting the issue of having to provide proof, tell the truth, etc. going beyond the fairness doctrine. Those two groups have a lot of issues on their plates, but I wonder about just "truth in broadcasting"
Is there any way for us to share our contact info without broadcasting it to the whole world? Actually, not sure I care if the world has my contact info... If I post my email, would folks be interested in talking about this more?
Did you know (quoting snopes): "The Fairness Doctrine applied only to broadcast licensees, and as a cable television channel, Fox News would in all likelihood never have been constrained by the doctrine's requirement to present a range of viewpoints on every issue." Just a note that the doctrine in its original form is not enough.
I would like to get a subset of this group involved. However, I am not ready to broadcast my contact info to the whole world, especially since we know there are "trolls" on this site. If anyone has any ideas on how to do that, please let us know.
Me too! I think the elimination of it has greatly contributed to the two world views Americans hold.
Bruce, thank you so much for these posts. As with Heather's Letters, your insights are invaluable. For those of us who had hoped that Trump would eventually fade into oblivion, I now see that this is just history repeating itself. The most chilling aspect of all of this is the question of who is pulling the strings. I remain convinced that Donald Trump is not intelligent enough to have authored this destruction. He is being manipulated by someone or some group - American or foreign, and that is even more frightening than what he has shown us thus far. For the record, I am not a conspiracy theorist - usually.
Yes and that manipulation is being done by Kushner and Miller.
I have no question that Miller is involved, but Kushner's involvement is probably connected to feeding his ego, fancying that he's a mover and shaker, and Middle East broker. I'm more inclined to think that Breitbart and Bannon, among others, are hoping to dismantle our government.
I think Karl Rove and Cheney are also.
I think there are a lot more players and this has been set in motion a very long time ago to put people in strategic places for this coup. The big moneyed people there are about six major families like the Mercers and Kochs that should be looked at and driven wedges into their power and fortunes. Boycotting, in numbers too big to ignore, could thwart their conspiratorial drive to maintain the rich/poor caste system which autocracies thrive upon.
Support FairFIght and the Ossoff-Warnock campaigns in the Georgia Senate run-offs. Donate money, write letters, send postcards, text- or phone-bank.
Yes, Joan, that I've been doing!
Contact your senators, Congress Critters, write letters to the editor of your area newspaper.
My senators, Blackburn and to-be Hagerty, are Trump sycophants. Our retiring Repub, Alexander, refuses to speak the truth though it would not hurt his future election prospects. Our governor, Bill Lee, thinks masks are a “good idea” but mandates just don’t work. Our county mayor, ex-WWE wrestler (yes, it’s true) is a
“Libertarian” who thinks everyone is responsible for his or her own health. So you can see the our TN “leaders” really don’t give a sh&$.
I can relate! But I have still been calling to register my opinion, the tally of calls is recorded and might have some effect somehow someday.... Making it harder for politicians by letting them know how many people disagree is valuable even if it alone doesn't cause a shift, it can be a contributing factor to whatever else might sway them. I agree that it alone might not always be enough, though.
This is what I read to change my mind about calling (it answers the opposite dilemma, why call if my member of congress already agrees, but applies in this case as well):
I continue to call and write for the reasons you and others enumerate. Why let them off the hook?
Excellent! Personally, it took me a while to catch on....
My Senators Thune and Rounds are exactly the same. Citizens are responsible for themselves. Inconsiderate a$$holes. Yet, I continue to write and use my voice. Our governor is # covidkristi and is a minitrump from the word go. She has fired all local staffers and has hired the likes of Corey Lewandowski to help her. SD is all but lost.
Alexander never accomplished anything in his 30 years of office. Mind-boggling!
I live in the bluest state, MA, with a solid dem base. I'm not sure my postcards to other members of congress would get much traction.
Same here, Pam. But I’ve been donating to the GA dems and trying to amplify their message on social media. Other suggestions would also be welcome if anyone has other ideas.
I've donated as well and write for
I'm writing for also -- to get out the vote for Ossof and Warnock. One thing I like about working with this group is that you can request a specific number of addresses (in increments of 10) each time you're ready for a new batch. So on a day when you have a lot going on, you can ask for just ten addresses, and on a day when there's nothing else on the schedule, you can ask for more. Doing this is holding the despair at bay.
Seems to me that support for the Lincoln project by Ds who want to see Trumpism and with it nascent authoritarianism flushed out of right of center politics is the most efficient and likely effective way to return America to a general acceptance of democracy and rule of law. Then we can return to the contest of small government conservatism with those who want progress toward a more economically and socially "just" society.
I shot one off the the Baltimore Sun today. Don't know whether it has to be published to be effective or whether it's saved if it isn't published, just for information about and from the readership. I referenced the article about the contact info the feds have bogarted for the past three years (and just released this past week, presumably because of the imminent installation of the incoming administration) to facilitate reuniting the children taken from their immigrant parents at the border with Mexico. I am incensed that this administration stole three precious years from those children and their families.
I feel the same. Cruel and criminal.
Thanks, Sandra. I'm in VA with Dem Senators and Rep. Will write letter to area newspaper too.
The way to get your letters to newspapers published is to start them off with a reference to something which appeared in that newspaper. ex: "Your recent article describing the Trump rally ...."
I did exactly that and my letter was published in today’s paper.
Congrats - what paper?
Thanks, Jacob. This is helpful!
I saw an interview with your losing dem.rep/senator? on PBS, I think. Too bad - he sounds like a decent man who wanted to do the right thing - cant remember his name.
Senator Warner (Dem) won. Kaine (Dem) not up for reelection til 2022 or '24. My 10th District Rep, Jennifer Wexton (Dem) also just won. Our Dem Governor Northam's term is up the end of 2021. I have not paid attention to anybody else, so not sure who you saw on PBS, Maggie, but not my district.
Yeah, probably from another district - of course I didnt pick up on that any more than his name! He just seemed to want to be there to do the right thing which you have to admit is a bit unusual at this point in time - either dem or repub.
Thanks so much for asking this. I have been having the same dilemma. Don't want to be complacent just because my life is ok for the time being! Never been an activist, never wanted to be but now it seems imperative to be one, as Masha Gessen would agree. Donating money to Fair Fight is a good start as is contacting public officials, but just doesn't seem enough. Helping people out of work and needing food is also important, but doesn't strike at the root cause. Love to hear what else folks have been doing (see my recent post also). What is your form of activism what activism can you imagine that could be truly effective?
Seek out local Indivisibles groups ( and get involved. You will be able to connect with other activists and effectively advocate for responsible democratic government. They are among the most effective activist organizations. Form a local Social Justice Advocacy group aligned with other local Social, Racial, Economic, and Climate Justice organizations. Volunteer with local non-profit organizations doing good and effective work in your community. This is a great way to meet others committed to doing good work in your neighborhood and community and concerned enough about social causes to do something about them.
Lynell, I have a friend who told me a year ago to stop signing online petitions as all they want is your address and $ to keep sending them to you. She has worked for politicians so she knows the game. I love these organizations so I have sent some $ to them all.
Thanks, Marlene. I did suspect as much and have not signed too many. But I will take your advice for the future. Thanks, again, for letting me know.
‘Twilight of Democracy, The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism’
by Anne Applebaum.
I learned of this book, and the author, from listening to a podcast in late summer from The Lincoln Project ( who interviewed her. Informative, educational, compelling, focused, and sometimes funny podcasts (which helps to laugh now and then during these times of stress).
Many thanks for the book suggestion. I particularly appreciate Timothy Snyder's recommendation. It's now on my list for the new year.
Thank you Bruce, for this excellent information. admiration, respect, and gratitude for you and your letters is boundless. But I must also add how much I enjoy the comments of your readers. They are thoughtful, intelligent, fact-based, respectful, and encourage me to continue the fight. I live in Texas, surrounded by trumper family and friends. I treasure the support I get from these letters and comments.
Deborah, I thank you for expressing my gratitude to both HCR AND her erudite readers. Even though I live in the blue state of NY, I’m in a lavender suburb with Trumpeter supporters all around me. HCR’s analysis of daily events and her historical perspective help me stay calm. As do her many readers here and abroad who add their experience and wise take on current events. One year soon, TX will turn Blue. Hang on. It’s coming. ❤️🤍💙
I'm fortunate that both my kids feel as I do and I have friends that do - since I've been quarantined so to speak for months I dont really deal with anyone else.
Dear Heather, There are days when your letter makes my jaw drop in awe if how you bring together the big picture. Today's put a big lump in my throat and turned my stomach in worry. My question now becomes "Do the Republicans know enough about American history to do exactly as the precedent you describe?" They certainly do seem intent on creating economic collapse by not rescuing the economy for the average person. And, they certainly are scaring their supporters with the fear of Democrats turning American into a Socialist country. Does history repeat itself? Arrrgghhh!
Newt Gingrich was a history and geography professor according to Wikipedia. He was co-author of the Contact with America. He was forced to resign his speakership in 1998 due to ethics violations and from congress in January 1999. He is reported to have played a major role in undermining democratic norms and hastening political polarization and partisanship. He is a key Trump ally and continues to be politically active. In my opinion his prior dreams of republican control are in place. His wife is the US Ambassador to the Holy See since 2017.
I taught for a while an international management course with graduate students in a couple of Universities in Montreal and had students who aimed to run global business....but they had stopped studying History and Geography at the age of 12! They had no idea how to use a map never mind find a place on it. One student was given a good job with Michelin Tire Co and was to start at their operation near Atlanta. I asked him how he could take a plane to get there when he really didn't know where he was going. He answered truthfully was a leap of faith. The flat-earthers have a big future in front of them with Hist/Geog teachers like Gingrich in the profession. Not all are like Heather and not all States or schools think the subjects are important.
Conservatives put a lot of effort into insuring that our schools don't teach very much.
This has always really bugged me. When you have textbook publishers that create and distribute different versions of texts for different areas theres something majorly wrong. And then come Betsy DeVos. What a crime against the humanity of our future generations. As I’ve said before, no one is born a racist, you are _taught_ to be a racist.
Spot on Linda. They’ve successfully “defunded education"
Conservatives do not believe, generally speaking, in our public education system, because it does not instill their values and beliefs
True but that's hardly something new. They could if they were sufficiently versed in their Party's history refer to Lincoln who educated himself! Bad faith means they prefer propaganda and brainwashing for all those not capable of paying Harvard's fees without subsidy! Keeps the worker bees with their noses to the grindstone. After all it was forbidden to teach slaves to read for the same reason.
And they are today critical of “The Elite,” of which the party used to be comprised. They decided they needed to appeal to more voters by condemning “The Elite.”
They just have a different definition of who constitutes the elite. Lots of money enables brute force and survives by assuring ignorance and dependence on the part of anybody else who might oppose them or try to constitute a rival "elite". If you can thus devalue any frame of reference based on values you have an easier furrow to plough.
And what is the first thing a tyrant does in his effort to control? He burns all the books. An educated population is a threat.
If you don't know where you're going any road will get you there. When I was first starting up my home design business I taught music at the local Catholic school for a semester. By Texas law music teachers are to teach the Star Spangled Banner to 5th graders. The seventh grade teacher said when her students heard what the 5th graders were singing they asked "That sounds familiar, what is it?" We need Civics Education as well. Defunding education has been going on for a long time now. Keeping the masses ignorant is another way to keep the minority elite in power.
And to replace "The Star Spangke Banner" war victory song to "America the Beautiful."
The Star Spangled Banner tune is actually an old British drinking song. But, I don't find America very Beautiful right now and the climate crisis will destroy the amber waves of grains with more derechos. At one of the big events at that Catholic School, I had the first graders sing America with children ringing the harmonizing chords with handbells. At the end on the "Let Freedom ring" they rang all the handbells together. It was a big hit.
Song came from the Anacreontic Society
— gentlemen’s club aiming to promote conviviality & music (18th C London)
Absolutely, MaryPat - replace the war victory song with "America the Beautiful". I fully second you.
He's credited as the one who started the no cooperation tactics that have led to the dead lock and dysfunction of the Congress.
Read “Burning Down the House” by Julian Zelizer (sp?). Gingrich kept leaving wives for staffers with whom he was having affairs, started the practice of the politics of destruction, beginning his career by zealously taking down the speaker of the house. And now he’s the husband of the Vatican ambassador (third wife for whom he left the second, for whom he left the first).
This may sound petty but, newt Gingrich? Does he wear pheromones? Cause that dude doesn’t seem a lady catcher. Ick
He smells of Power and Money. Some women go for that! And look what #3 got for it--a sweet ambassadorship. My guess is there are separate bedrooms.
Maybe there is a radicalism to women simply standing up for their right to be physiologically attracted...ick is right
🤣 indeed
That sounds like someone else we know.
Gingrich's doctoral thesis was all about how the Belgians (who committed blatant genocide in their imperially-controlled lands in Africa) were "good" for the Congo. So no: I do not consider him an historian. I consider him an ideologue.
I think you do him too much honour. Being an ideologue requires thought...the ideologue actually invents something. Following an ideology imposes the absence of personal thought...much more his style.
Where did he get his money?
He's been involved with Koch for years.
I call Gingrich's plan the Contract ON America, a contract to kill the country as many of us see it.
Wow, sadly that's exactly it.
Arrrgghhh! indeed. short sighted little worms.
HCR's letter today has left me feeling exactly the same. Terrified.
But Bruce and Lucretia's activists ideas should take that terror and transform it into action. I have written a letter this morning to all my friends and family to read this Letter From an American and the comments which are excellent. And to use this quiet Christmas for people to stay home to keep us all safe and to join together creating a new To Do List for the holidays that will impact our democracy and our country's impact on the world. We need to be strong, brave and act collectively to thwart this coup. Our Christmas and Hannukah gifts this year can be for the entire country by our actions, calls and joining organizations out of love, transforming terror into love and action. Soldiers do it for us, we need to do it for them and for all our people and particularly our exhausted essential workers. Send this letter and the activist ideas of the commenters out to your loved ones. Tell them staying home is your 2020 sacrificial gift to all of us across the country and the globe to stop the spread of the pandemic. Let them know what they can do to shorten the pandemic and to save our democracy...and remember to be gentle and polite and full of love.
You can be sure there Is someone in the Trump administration that knows History...There are people that Are advising tRump...even if he does not necessarily take their advice.....He may, when he sees an Advantage to himself.....
My best guess is Stephen Miller.
It strikes me as unassailable that the Party of Trump’s refusal to accept President-elect Biden’s victory is simple lying.
They are lying: The elected officials who swore the oath to protect and defend the Constitution know the truth of the matter but have decided that political considerations justify their continuing to follow their Great Liar Leader.
The political considerations they timidly stand behind are simple – Trump corralled a large portion of the electorate, some who fear the loss of their weapons, some who fear the “other” among them, some who fear the imagined Socialist-Communist boogeyman conjured by Trump, who is poised to steal their money, their religious liberty and their freedom, and some who fear the loss of their (perceived) economic advantage. This later category, those who voted for Trump and religiously vote for Republicans across the board because they believe it benefits them financially, might almost be forgiven – almost. But how much is their 401K going to be worth in the country the Party of Trump is attempting to create? Is it a country is which they would want to live?
Just as the Press finally came out from under its rug and called Trump on his lies, so too must we all simply and categorically call the lie on the members of his party. The American people are being lied to – all of us, regardless of our views on any of the substantive issues of the day.
So too must the Biden administration abide unrelentingly by its pledge to square with the people. It must lead by example and that requires being honest in all things – and crucially, those policies that will be unpopular.
They must mount an unprecedented campaign of public information – to aggressively get out in front on the issues, beat the Party of Trump to the punch and call them out when they lie. And when they make mistakes – and they will – they need to admit those mistakes and take decisive action to repair the damage. If heads need to roll, then roll they must.
This must be an administration of compassion, yes, but for the people and not for political allies, friends, supporters, or members of the administration. Those in positions of trust must be held to the highest standards. The murkiness surrounding the Benghazi incident is a case in point – the Obama administration did not get out in front of that in a forthcoming manner and we, all of us, paid for it. That cannot happen in a Biden administration.
And it is time to ask those members of Congress who are supporting Trump through their silence, the hard question: Is the racist, misogynist, election-trashing, climate-hostile, Covid-denying, selfish world view of Donald Trump worth threatening the existence of our Union? Is it worth sacrificing all that those who came before us fought and died for, worth trashing the very foundation of our Democracy – the vote – to prevail in an election and by so prevailing destroy the election system itself?
Is it worth being derelict in your oath and duty to the American people, the world and our Constitution?
It appears some believe it to be.
My state, New Mexico is at over 100 percent hospital capacity. We are a small state and our population is spread out. Our infection rate is soaring. We have been on the highest level on the NYT charts of "Where Rates are High and Staying High" and where deaths are increasing. The Southern part of the state is largely Trump country and, not surprising, has a high infection and death rate.
Our reservations have locked down for a second time.
Trumpsters are angry that our governor has limited numbers for outdoor dining, kept non-essential businesses operating at 25 percent and has kept bars closed. She has tried an incentive plan county by county depending on rates.
As far as I am concerned, Trump and his followers (no longer Republicans) have blood on their hands. And yet they complain.
I am thankful our governor has apparently turned down a Cabinet post for President-Elect Biden and is still fighting hard to help us regain control of the virus and develop a vaccine administration plan.
It is so frustrating and angering that Trump does nothing but collect contributions to line his own pockets. I can only pray that the base finally figures out they have been conned. But, I would not bet a nickel on that happening. They all willingly added blinders instead of masks to their apparel.
Cliché, I know, but what jumped to mind was, "None so blind as those who will not see." Never truer than now.
They really come in handy sometimes!
Youre right - the country cant afford to lose the good people that are presently in office - they deserve to be in the new administration but we cant afford the loss elsewhere!
This era of the twin terrors of deadly COVID and enemy domestic trump is sapping our country's energy. But somehow, our BVF (Best Virtual Friend) Dr HCR gins up the energy to write on this site every day. And every morning, not yet caffeinated, I trudge to my Big Mac and log in to orient myself, via history and current events, to the new day. I don't remember how I found my way here, but I'm damn glad I did. On we go.
BVF, I love it, Barbara...and did a double-take on your Big Mac every morning!
Desktop: Big Mac
Laptop: Middle Mac
Cell phone: Little Mac
I was wondering about that No coffee/Big Mac combo.
I think another reason has developed to keep Republican lawmakers silent--the fear of being targeted by violent Trump followers. The threats their spouses snd children are likely to endure must give them pause even if they are starting to see and care about the damage he's doing.
There must also be a real fear of the monster they created.
They are cringing before the bully hoping that someone else will stand up to him. This has a name...COWARDICE! They are elected to defend their constituents and the Constitution....and they are quivering in a corner with their hands over their eyes thinking that when someone else deals with the Bully they will still be around safe and sound....and everything will be alright...Well not on your life!
It's not only cowardice. Most of them have been just fine with profiting financially and politically from Trumpers' attacks on democracy and whoever they see as opponents.
Which they consider as their "just" share of the spoils of war. They pillage the fruits of others labours proudly as if it was them that actually fought the battle.
Don't know why I didn't think of this sooner, but The Base, at least around here, is heavily armed. And very trigger happy.
Where is “here” for you, Sandra? Just in a general way, not asking for specifics. I have an understanding that South, West, and Midwest are heavily armed. I would welcome correction on this. Was wondering if you might be referring to one of those regions?
Karen, "here" is all over the country! When I was still working - I made the statement that I really didnt think ANYONE needed an assault weapon & one of the drivers was in the office. He took offense informed me he had one, & no one was going to tell him he couldnt have one. Let me say I have no issue with anyone owning a gun but assault weapons are just that. There sure wouldnt be any point in hunting with one so exactly WHAT would be the point of having one? Needless to say - I dropped that subject right there. That feeling/attitude is really close to the present trump one. Just a little intimidating.
Maggie, you are so right! A friend and I were discussing this yesterday, about how the 'right' has stretched the meaning of the 2nd Amendment to mythical proportions. I said, "So, why can't I have a rocket launcher? An armed drone?" Where do you draw the line? The argument for their 'rights' has grown absurd, IMO.
There have been moments where I ask the same question!!
Central North Carolina, in a very red county.
I agree with Stuart that the members of the Gutlessly Omnicorrupt Party are cowards. But I think it is more than this. They have welcomed violence against their opponents. They have welcomed violence against immigrants, women, children, LGBTQ people. But when the threat of violence is turned toward them by their own supposed supporters--who are an unthinking rabid mob at this point--they start to cringe. Clearly they thought they had some kind of control. Clearly they don't.
I had long given up, having lived through the Gingrich years, on the idea that the Gormlessly Outré Party would ever recover anything like a soul. But I am old enough to have rather fond memories of real Republicans, like John Lindsey who was mayor of NYC, and Nelson Rockefeller, and, yes, even George Romney, who all had clear ideas about what differentiated them from Democrats (although Lindsey ultimately switched parties) and it wasn't that they were all intellectually-impoverished fascists-in-the-making.
That is quite a statement on the consequences of "going along".
Education has, and always will be, a threat to tyranny. Your efforts, Heather, have helped me and presumably many others, gain far greater insight and understanding of the machinations of those who would line their pockets and work relentlessly to divide us.
In 1671 Virginia's Governor William Berkeley said this about the state of schools in Virginia: "I thank God," he declared, "there are no free schools nor printing, and I hope we shall not have these for a hundred years; for learning has brought disobedience, and heresy, and sects into the world, and printing has divulged them, and libels against the best government. God keep us from both." I found this in David Hackett Fischer's book "Albion's Seed." Right out of Betty Devos's playbook.
Fast forward to present day, where one of my aunts recently opined, very seriously, that the worst thing that has ever happened to our country was the creation of public education. These are wealthy people, educated at fine private institutions (I think of them now as American madrasas), and often possessing advanced degrees. I've tried for years to get along with that side of the family, with little success and mainly out of respect for my long-dead mother, by attending their annual reunion, at least for a few hours. Needless to say, they are all solidly Republican/Trump supporters.
I've finally given up. I'm embarrassed to admit that it's taken me decades to realize that attending one of their family get-togethers is like having dinner at a genteel KKK picnic. After all, they're really pleasant, interesting people, aside from their "quirky" opinions, and they are prime examples of the idea that while racism is an underlying theme in all such groups, the reality is much more complex, involving religion, beliefs about money and government, and the comparative worth of people. They don't think of themselves as hurting anyone (who doesn't deserve it), and they see themselves as saving society, not destroying it. They would be appalled to learn that the example they've set was the original reason that I've never been able to tolerate Christ or Christianity.
It's all very confusing to someone, like me, who was raised in that milieu. Sure, the KKK was bad, but Aunt Mary? How could Aunt Mary, the one who made such wonderful pecan pies, be a terrible KKK person? For me, the scales have never "dropped from my eyes. Instead, my view of them has gradually sharpened over time as I've learned more about the societal implications of their casually-dropped views and their witty, class/race-tinged comments. I despair, because they will never, never, ever be convinced that they are wrong about any of their beliefs, and they are wealthy.
Take a look at "Albion's Seed." It's very long but it maps out how different parts of England settled in New England, Virginia, Pennsylvania and the Appalachian fold. Just another body of information trying to fathom this complicated country of ours.
And to Georgia, I.was told, they sent the criminals.
From what I remember of U.S. History back in the 1960's, Georgia WAS a prison colony. From Wikipedia: "The colony of Georgia, for example, was first founded by James Edward Oglethorpe who originally intended to use prisoners taken largely from debtors' prison, creating a "Debtor's Colony," where the prisoners could learn trades and work off their debts."
But was set up on a "free" basis. Debters were mostly just poor. Eventually the plantations effectively took over in a rolling coup d'étât!
One of the greatest gifts my grandparents ever gave me was to point out the HUGE family reunion we we emphatically NOT attending, as we drove by on our way to go camping for the weekend ;)
Thanks for sharing this Dan. It helps.
Albion’s Seed is one of the best, most enlightening books I have ever read about the history behind the regional differences in America.
I've just put it on my list for the New Year, thanks for the recommendation.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, Stuart!
To avoid the frustrations of getting through to Republican Congress critters by phone, etc., try this:
(1) Buy USPS printed-postage-stamped postcards. They get through security faster than cards you stamp yourself and also letters. REMINDER TO SELF: Buy more postcards.
(2) Short, succinct messages are best.
(3) Start close to home and branch out.
(4) Stifle yourself if you're tempted to write what might be deemed inappropriate language, e.g., blockhead, jerk, enemy domestic, traitor, fecal outlet, etc. They'll probably be tossed.
(5) Flood them with postcards. Encourage your literal and virtual friends to do likewise.
(6) Stand by for link to U.S. Senate and U.S. House address links
U.S. Senators contact information:
Ok. Got it.
RE: Do I have any creds re communications to Republican Rascals et al? Some. I used to facilitate election cycle workshops on the variety of ways to approach RRs and also liberals via technology and snail mail. I also did some training re writing effective LTEs and OpEds. I've had some success over the years having my LTEs published. StarTribune (Minneapolis) mostly, and assorted other publications including the NYTimes.
House of Reps doesn't provide a tidy contact list like the Senate's. I rely on lists sourced by the bodies themselves rather than random outliers. So, you'll need to do some digging for these rascals.
Links to contact your federal, state, and local elected officials can be found here:
Thanks. I saw this when I was hunting down sources yesterday and made a snap decision that it might not be valid. I was wrong! You heard it here first!! : >}
Great idea! Thanks Barbara.
Permission to repost this? What would be on the postcard?
Absolutely re repost!
As to content, I haven't really thought about this yet. But something like this:
Dear (Republican Rascal's name),
This is not the time for silence.
America needs to hear your voice.
Please publicly acknowledge Joe Biden's election victory.
And please stand up to Donald Trump.
Your silence is damaging our country.
(Or something along those lines.)
We can do this...thank you, Barbara!!!
Thank you, Barbara!
How has the Republican Party existed this long, and why is it appealing to so many people over the years? 99% of us are obviously not part of the 1%. I am so disgusted with today’s party and especially its leaders. I am so pi$$ed off I cannot even form a coherent argument.
Racism is the root of appeal for Republicans....racism.
As always, money is the root of all evil. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." — John Steinbeck
LOVE of money....
Ah. Now THAT makes sense. It all comes down to that, doesn’t it!!
This look at history demonstrates that the Republican Party is better at sending a unified message than the Democrats. The GOP is now the “Party of Trump” and the majority of their members will fight within to tamp down any opinion to the contrary.
The Democratic Party MUST unify, against all attacks, sending ONE message, ONE goal, ONE preserve our democracy and the values outlined in our Constitution.
Progressives and Moderates UNITE! Do not squabble over cabinet appointments and other details of building our new Biden/Harris administration. Our big fight is not over. Keep our eyes on the bigger picture...defeating the “Party of Trump”
For a Brit who is not as familiar as he should be with US history, these deeply informed analogies are incredibly helpful. I have a faith that an awareness of history can render contemporary behaviour more rational and wise.
In my perspective the contemporary behavior of Republican elected officials and their supporters is not rational nor wise and does not show any inkling of being informed by an awareness of history. Even beginning to wonder if they've ever read the Constitution. Wish I could have your faith in America. Unfortunately, this discussion does not represent the common knowledge of Americans. Heavens, we have 30% of the populace believing conspiracy theories and living in a fantasy world.
Thanks for scaring the crap out of me on this beautiful frosty Missouri morning.
We moved here in 2003 in anticipation of tough times and have been vaguely aware that the other shoe would drop eventually, but went about our business as usual; switching from carpentry to nursing after the crash of 2009, entering nursing school at the age of 57 with a 4 1/2 year sojourn to work in an Indian hospital in the arid west, and then back to the deep red Ozarks in the face of the ravages of Covid to out wait the plague.
This story is obviously much larger and longer than one perverse administration and while I have been very aware of it in general terms I certainly appreciate the specifics of the timeline you've laid out.
What I'm very much afraid of now is that there is obviously no place to hide. I certainly appreciate knowing that someone is communicating an accurate historical picture to anybody who will listen. Forewarned is forearmed.
I share your fears, Tom, and am also a second-career nurse. I moved from SC to MA in 2010 for personal reasons and feel relatively ‘safe’ where I am, both in terms of politics and COVID, but I am not happy with my personal situation and hope to move within the next couple of years. My stumbling block is - to where? Nowhere else in America feels any safer and leaving my country of birth has, thus far, been something I cannot quite bring myself to seriously contemplate, though the thought crosses my mind repeatedly. I have lately been seriously considering VT, but am not completely confident in that, either. I have friends and family that I could return to in SC but, the politics..... It all leaves me exhausted, discouraged, and disheartened.
I feel that those of us in the NE states are, so far, a little safer than some of the other parts of this country. Its hard to be away from family but I guess with today's politics, it may not be as hard as before. I have a niece in RI who is the same mindset as we are here and she seems quite happy there. But her daughter & her family are now closer too, so different situation. I hope you find a completely safe & happy place to land.
I think you are right. I have relativex in Vermont who are mostly sheltered.
Even if I were clairvoyant, 99% of my future is out of my hands and so far things have worked out well enough in spite of my own prognosticational shortcomings. History is fickle and most of my ancestors are from somewhere else.
Under the circumstances the future of the human race looks pretty bleak, but since I'm here now and have managed to survive thus far I'm inclined not to give up.
I was taking stock of some of the tough bastards I'm descended from earlier today. One of my great great G'pas walked back to his farm in Michigan from Louisiana after the civil war. He was in his 60's, and a "Sharp shooter" (sniper) for the Union. Another reenlisted twice in that war, in his 60's with a grade III heart murmur, and had jumped off a British naval ship in his teens to get here.
One of my G'grps made it through the Boer War and drove ambulance in WWI. One of his sons is buried in France. His son in law flew a Sopwith Camel in WWI and trained American pilots in WWII after emigrating to the US "illegally". Gran'pa may or may not have flown a few loads of Canadian Scotch into Lansing during prohibition.
All of them did what they had to do to survive . All of them lived here because this was, or became, home. You have a right to be here because you are. Don't give up until you're done. There's still lots of good you can do.
Tom, thank you for reminding me of my own history by sharing yours. As an American I am proud of your ancestors’ achievements and their courage. I have a multi-great g’pa who was a union spy (among other things) at Corinth, MS where he likely contracted what sounds a lot like malaria, from which he suffered for the remainder of his life. My father’s father was on Iwo Jima. I am a survivor and I am tough - I will not give up. Thank you so very much for the encouragement, it was much needed today. Onward.
Good for you Karen & Tom - you have a lot to live up to!!!
I feel the same way. I live in south Florida and I am looking to move, but I need to remain in Florida for the weather. I have serious Cold-and-Gray afflictions. So my idea has been to find or start a kind of "community" of like-minded folks. I am looking at the Gainesville, FL area because there is a progressive community there, and the University of Florida and good medical facilities.I also want to be growing some of my own food and to get back to riding horses and there are places to ride up there. So, I'm just putting that out there and may post as it's own comment, because we all seem to be looking for "community" and "safety."
Perhaps I misunderstand the word, however so much of the destructive action of the current administration bring the word 'sedition' instantly to mind... at what point does action destructive to our democracy fall from being dishonorable to traitorous? As in history, money will continue to try to protect their hold so how do we get the distorting hold of money out of the government policies and processes? Utilities used to be protected since they supported the needs of the people until monied efforts removed the safeguards and allowed them to become for profit entities. News used to be protected by fair information standards, also with safeguards eliminated to allow for higher profitability, and 45 took over control of VOA which opens some scary scenarios for honest reporting globally. Too long a list to reiterate here but so many behaviors seem beyond tolerable in my opinion.
Thank you for keeping tabs on all this craziness for those of us who haven't the time or patience to track it ourselves.
Republicans call their representatives in Congress 10 times more often than Democrats do, a study I read....wonder what would happen if Democrats flooded the phone line, the tweets, emails for the next 30 days. Is it possible the Republicans in the Senate might get just a little squirmy and maybe do their job. ?
I know Senators keep a record of all calls, but what if your Senators always have full voice mails. I do tweet but it is frustrating not to be able to get through.
This is one of my pet peeves as well. I use Resistbot to send messages and I’ve gotten replies, so at least I’m getting through (though the replies often take weeks). I want to know how it’s possible for so many in Congress to simply *ignore* their constituents? Several of them haven’t had town halls in years, and as you say, their voicemails are always full. If you do get someone to answer the phone, you’re talking to a low-level staffer, who will simply note that you called about issue X. McConnell won’t take calls from non-KY residents, hiding behind the excuse “you’re not my constituent”, but his do-nothing policies affect every single one of us!
I have not called but have emailed and gotten replies from my Democrat Senators and Representative (Virginia). Some have been "canned" replies, but some also have spoken directly to the issue I emailed about. I am particularly fond of Senator Warner. He is all over my FB page relating to climate, cyber security, defense, etc.
You might be interested in this article about the most effective ways to contact your political official (spoiler alert: call a lot, town halls and not in this article, but via indivisible, arrange in-person meetings):
It says emails and social media messages are easy for them to ignore, calling or meeting not so much.
They all have regional offices in addition to their DC office. Try contacting them.
This is exactly what we need to do and is one of the principles of the Indivisible movement which was built on the ideas used so successfully by the Tea Party.
Some nice news, The Fauci Effect:
I also heard a report that nursing school applications are way up.