I waver between bewilderment and rage when reading these daily summaries. I can almost "understand" his more political moves - installing loyalists, withdrawing troops, even trying to sell access to the Defense Department's wavebands. I don't agree or condone these actions, but they're consistent with his approach to governance to date.
I waver between bewilderment and rage when reading these daily summaries. I can almost "understand" his more political moves - installing loyalists, withdrawing troops, even trying to sell access to the Defense Department's wavebands. I don't agree or condone these actions, but they're consistent with his approach to governance to date.
What's comprehensible is ignoring - in any and every way - the coronavirus and its impact. Unconscionable doesn't begin to describe his failure to acknowledge the deaths of 280,000 Americans, or to endorse any means of protecting each other as best possible. It's inhumane. It's devoid of empathy, morally vacuous, and ethically deplorable. It is unequivocally and unalterably wrong.
And yet 74,000,000 thought it acceptable to return him to office. McConnell has personally obstructed any efforts to extend relief for 8 months and counting. It's Hobbseian in its social brutishness. Even Hobbes might be appalled. And Republican leadership is mute.
I'm almost beyond shock. Since the beginning, many thought each of Trump's transgressions would be the last straw, yet nothing happened. The only apparent imposition of accountability is his having lost the election. Court losses haven't swayed him. Our perverse campaign finance laws have given him license to steal despite the misleading fine print. His Cabinet, always incompetent for the task, is asleep, silent, or in on the game. Each day goes by with no visible effort to limit his efforts to salt the earth in advance of his successor. And Republican leadership ignores or enables him to proceed unhindered.
He's unmoored. He's looking to preemptively pardon family and loyalists who are most likely would be criminally liable but haven't yet been charged. His most ardent supporters are almost insane (read Giuliani and Powell) or seditious (read Flynn and Lin Wood). And still the Republican party watches with bloodless faces and dead eyed stares, saying not a word.
What is one to think? How does one explain this to children? How can one reason with any family, friends, or acquaintances who somehow believe Trump is in the right, brought low only by a grand, silent conspiracy of wrong minded citizens and foreign actors?
Perhaps history can look upon Trump's reign of terror more dispassionately. Today, however, I and many others feel like we're helpless, our minds and sensibilities best represented by the visage of horror in Edvard Munch's The Scream.
Thank you for such a well thought and equally well written post Scott Krasner. But I challenge you and any readers of HCR to reconsider this, and I don’t believe I’m considering only semantics: REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP - there isn’t any. There might be sycophants, there might be elected Republican officials, there might be RINO’s, call them whatever, but they are not leaders. They may be long serving Republicans or Republican majority in the Senate. However, I can’t give oxygen to their fire by calling them leaders. Romney has shown courage in the face of opportunity (finally but apparently didn’t have enough courage during the impeachment hearings), Charlie Baker (R Governor MA) has finally stepped up this year to speak out against Dumpster Fire but showed his cowardice in 2016 but announcing he voted for Dumpster FIre, Larry Hogan has consistently spoken up against Dumpster Fire . . . But as far as I can see, the vast majority of elected Republicans (or maybe name brand republicans) are cowards. Consider this, if McConnell, Hogan, Romney, Murkowski, Sessions, Collins were on an executive search committee to consider a CEO for a major organization, there is NO WAY they would put forth the CV of Dumpster Fire as a candidate. It would be laughable.
I know, the government isn’t a business. But it is simply the best analogy I can come up. All these individuals are guilty and it is their cross to bare but our collective mess to clean up.
The last 4 years have been a complete waste with countless lives lost and destroyed. What frustrates me is that Biden/Harris +team have even MORE work to do - to clean up but also put effective policy in place to improve lives. SMH
Laurie, good point, well made. I'm at a loss for any real shorthand term since they are technically in power. I agree that they've exhibited no leadership whatsoever. And for the most part, any Republican who has "spoken up" without qualification has been too little, too late.
AGREE. I’m so grateful for this community. In no way do I assume we are all the same or that we would all agree on policy. But we appear to be a thoughtful, rational, well-read group of individuals who cannot fathom how this imposter was elected.
I am entirely frustrated with the lack of experienced people that have been put into a position of power or leadership in the WH administration. Lewandoski’s appointment is my latest example. Good Grief - what we need is the A team and what we have is a bunch of thugs and members of the farm league for the D team.
You have eloquently expressed my outrage at what is happening in this country, and especially the total disregard for human life. 74M people are equally as guilty as the man in charge. WTF????
A lot of this has to do with the fact that he has enabled their racism and hatred of anyone who does not think and look like they do. Part of this is also certain types of religious folks who see him as a way to address hot button social issues and all the other things they whine about. My home county is Elkhart County in Indiana, which is very conservative and made the WaPo in an article about how bad the virus is there and how public health officials are justifiably worried about getting people to comply with the guidelines. Some time ago one of my classmates posted something which was an attempt to undermine the covid numbers. I did respond. Very recently one of her best friends passed away from the virus and she now posts about following the guidelines, so some do respond when it strikes close to them. In the obit for this person was the best written account of covid and a plea for people to follow the guidelines that I have seen anywhere. Will this do anything about support for death star, no, because they don't see the connection. Here in Salem, OR, where I now live, we have a local nurse who now is has national notoriety for her Tik Tok post about how she, an oncology nurse at the hospital, doesn't follow the guidelines while not at work. She has been suspended and we will see what happens. Then we have a doctor who has his own clinic in a nearby town and was seen at a local protest about mask wearing bragging how at his clinic, they don't bother with any of this. I would have to check, but he may be on his way to losing his license. We had a procedure at the hospital this week and on the main street where people turn in or exit for parking were two younger people with antimask signs. A local gym owner defied the governor's orders about closure and has been fined 90k. The person who signed the fine found a crowd in front of his house to protest his doing his job. (Thank you Google). In the crowd were young children. The gym owner has been ranting about like he cares about the people who go to his gym while the whole enterprise is a tax write off. In the meantime, we had the worst daily number for cases and deaths thus far. But the whiners do not see the connection between this and their behavior. They actually believe the governor likes shutting down businesses or limiting them. I don't see anyway to reach people like this. Biden and Harris have their work cut out for them, so I hope people do not expect miracles. And I hold Mitch equally responsible for the failure to help people...talk about craven.
Your post encapsulates my fears, outrage, and perfectly expresses my disgust of the present administration. These despicable cons have not only fooled one half of our citizens, but have unleashed such hate and violence. I’m concerned about what the coming days hold for our Nation.
Scott this reflects my thoughts and feelings much more articulately than I can state. Not only screaming, but scared at the bottomless well of evil contained in this single human specimen.
This "specimen" would not have power to be so evil and wreak havoc on us without his henchmen. One pull-back of the big RED curtain by enough significant henchmen and the weak and vulnerable Oz would be seen in his glutinous nakedness and fake everything. However, there is a cadre of characters in there with him beginning with putin, the mercers, manafort, bannon, conway, flynn, etc., and we have no idea who it will end with yet.
Why am I feeling this strange, twisted, rather forgotten feeling that might be called pleasure at the deposed Ivanka today for her doubling the bills of inaugural costs at her family hotel. Was that just DAY ONE of the crime family's bilking of America? Circus music. Stayed tuned because the show must go on. Thank you to the justice departments that still work!!
Scott, you have articulated so well my thoughts on what has become of our country that is no longer functioning for its citizens, and barely holding onto democracy.
You expressed what I’ve been feeling, perfectly. Last night, I had another “good cry.” What have we become? As a country and as Humanity. It feels like being in an apocalyptic Zombie movie.. which makes this community so very important and helpful to me. Where do we go from here, and how do we best effect change?
"What is one to think? How does one explain this to children? How can one reason with any family, friends, or acquaintances who somehow believe Trump is in the right, brought low only by a grand, silent conspiracy of wrong minded citizens and foreign actors?"
Just refer to Nazism. Just a different version. You know, "I didn't know what was going on." and "I was just following orders.".
Scott, for me the way to "take it all in" is to revert to the simplicity of my childhood. That some people are just evil, that there is good and there is bad. Thats it! Once you get into the nuances of human character and think about shades of grey etc. you lose your way. The absence of connections to our physical and metaphysical universe that keeps us in balance produces evil. The presence of evil is overwhelming as is the presence of sentient and caring beings.
Scott, it occurred to me when I read your list of wrongdoing by 45 and his administration without any consequences, that there is only one right thing that has been accomplished. And that is that the people voted him out of office. Now we are stuck having to wait before our new president can begin.
I waver between bewilderment and rage when reading these daily summaries. I can almost "understand" his more political moves - installing loyalists, withdrawing troops, even trying to sell access to the Defense Department's wavebands. I don't agree or condone these actions, but they're consistent with his approach to governance to date.
What's comprehensible is ignoring - in any and every way - the coronavirus and its impact. Unconscionable doesn't begin to describe his failure to acknowledge the deaths of 280,000 Americans, or to endorse any means of protecting each other as best possible. It's inhumane. It's devoid of empathy, morally vacuous, and ethically deplorable. It is unequivocally and unalterably wrong.
And yet 74,000,000 thought it acceptable to return him to office. McConnell has personally obstructed any efforts to extend relief for 8 months and counting. It's Hobbseian in its social brutishness. Even Hobbes might be appalled. And Republican leadership is mute.
I'm almost beyond shock. Since the beginning, many thought each of Trump's transgressions would be the last straw, yet nothing happened. The only apparent imposition of accountability is his having lost the election. Court losses haven't swayed him. Our perverse campaign finance laws have given him license to steal despite the misleading fine print. His Cabinet, always incompetent for the task, is asleep, silent, or in on the game. Each day goes by with no visible effort to limit his efforts to salt the earth in advance of his successor. And Republican leadership ignores or enables him to proceed unhindered.
He's unmoored. He's looking to preemptively pardon family and loyalists who are most likely would be criminally liable but haven't yet been charged. His most ardent supporters are almost insane (read Giuliani and Powell) or seditious (read Flynn and Lin Wood). And still the Republican party watches with bloodless faces and dead eyed stares, saying not a word.
What is one to think? How does one explain this to children? How can one reason with any family, friends, or acquaintances who somehow believe Trump is in the right, brought low only by a grand, silent conspiracy of wrong minded citizens and foreign actors?
Perhaps history can look upon Trump's reign of terror more dispassionately. Today, however, I and many others feel like we're helpless, our minds and sensibilities best represented by the visage of horror in Edvard Munch's The Scream.
Thank you for such a well thought and equally well written post Scott Krasner. But I challenge you and any readers of HCR to reconsider this, and I don’t believe I’m considering only semantics: REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP - there isn’t any. There might be sycophants, there might be elected Republican officials, there might be RINO’s, call them whatever, but they are not leaders. They may be long serving Republicans or Republican majority in the Senate. However, I can’t give oxygen to their fire by calling them leaders. Romney has shown courage in the face of opportunity (finally but apparently didn’t have enough courage during the impeachment hearings), Charlie Baker (R Governor MA) has finally stepped up this year to speak out against Dumpster Fire but showed his cowardice in 2016 but announcing he voted for Dumpster FIre, Larry Hogan has consistently spoken up against Dumpster Fire . . . But as far as I can see, the vast majority of elected Republicans (or maybe name brand republicans) are cowards. Consider this, if McConnell, Hogan, Romney, Murkowski, Sessions, Collins were on an executive search committee to consider a CEO for a major organization, there is NO WAY they would put forth the CV of Dumpster Fire as a candidate. It would be laughable.
I know, the government isn’t a business. But it is simply the best analogy I can come up. All these individuals are guilty and it is their cross to bare but our collective mess to clean up.
The last 4 years have been a complete waste with countless lives lost and destroyed. What frustrates me is that Biden/Harris +team have even MORE work to do - to clean up but also put effective policy in place to improve lives. SMH
Laurie, good point, well made. I'm at a loss for any real shorthand term since they are technically in power. I agree that they've exhibited no leadership whatsoever. And for the most part, any Republican who has "spoken up" without qualification has been too little, too late.
AGREE. I’m so grateful for this community. In no way do I assume we are all the same or that we would all agree on policy. But we appear to be a thoughtful, rational, well-read group of individuals who cannot fathom how this imposter was elected.
I am entirely frustrated with the lack of experienced people that have been put into a position of power or leadership in the WH administration. Lewandoski’s appointment is my latest example. Good Grief - what we need is the A team and what we have is a bunch of thugs and members of the farm league for the D team.
Or, as Rachel Maddow suggested - the G team! Frankly I think D or G is giving them far too much credit.
The F (for failure) Team
You have eloquently expressed my outrage at what is happening in this country, and especially the total disregard for human life. 74M people are equally as guilty as the man in charge. WTF????
A lot of this has to do with the fact that he has enabled their racism and hatred of anyone who does not think and look like they do. Part of this is also certain types of religious folks who see him as a way to address hot button social issues and all the other things they whine about. My home county is Elkhart County in Indiana, which is very conservative and made the WaPo in an article about how bad the virus is there and how public health officials are justifiably worried about getting people to comply with the guidelines. Some time ago one of my classmates posted something which was an attempt to undermine the covid numbers. I did respond. Very recently one of her best friends passed away from the virus and she now posts about following the guidelines, so some do respond when it strikes close to them. In the obit for this person was the best written account of covid and a plea for people to follow the guidelines that I have seen anywhere. Will this do anything about support for death star, no, because they don't see the connection. Here in Salem, OR, where I now live, we have a local nurse who now is has national notoriety for her Tik Tok post about how she, an oncology nurse at the hospital, doesn't follow the guidelines while not at work. She has been suspended and we will see what happens. Then we have a doctor who has his own clinic in a nearby town and was seen at a local protest about mask wearing bragging how at his clinic, they don't bother with any of this. I would have to check, but he may be on his way to losing his license. We had a procedure at the hospital this week and on the main street where people turn in or exit for parking were two younger people with antimask signs. A local gym owner defied the governor's orders about closure and has been fined 90k. The person who signed the fine found a crowd in front of his house to protest his doing his job. (Thank you Google). In the crowd were young children. The gym owner has been ranting about like he cares about the people who go to his gym while the whole enterprise is a tax write off. In the meantime, we had the worst daily number for cases and deaths thus far. But the whiners do not see the connection between this and their behavior. They actually believe the governor likes shutting down businesses or limiting them. I don't see anyway to reach people like this. Biden and Harris have their work cut out for them, so I hope people do not expect miracles. And I hold Mitch equally responsible for the failure to help people...talk about craven.
Just saw that the doctor has had his license revoked.
Actually that should read suspended. I hope it is ultimately revoked.
Actually, although I grew up in Indiana, I am in Salem, OR. We have plenty of people here who are concerned about their "rights."
And thankfully, a state government who takes their ethical responsibilities seriously.
If I encountered anti-maskers demonstrating outside a hospital, I'd have to restrain myself from spraying them down with an economy size can of Lysol.
We gave the thumbs down. Now I wonder if this was the nurse and her spouse.
I'd hope I didn't have my baseball bat in my car.
Your post encapsulates my fears, outrage, and perfectly expresses my disgust of the present administration. These despicable cons have not only fooled one half of our citizens, but have unleashed such hate and violence. I’m concerned about what the coming days hold for our Nation.
Scott this reflects my thoughts and feelings much more articulately than I can state. Not only screaming, but scared at the bottomless well of evil contained in this single human specimen.
This "specimen" would not have power to be so evil and wreak havoc on us without his henchmen. One pull-back of the big RED curtain by enough significant henchmen and the weak and vulnerable Oz would be seen in his glutinous nakedness and fake everything. However, there is a cadre of characters in there with him beginning with putin, the mercers, manafort, bannon, conway, flynn, etc., and we have no idea who it will end with yet.
Why am I feeling this strange, twisted, rather forgotten feeling that might be called pleasure at the deposed Ivanka today for her doubling the bills of inaugural costs at her family hotel. Was that just DAY ONE of the crime family's bilking of America? Circus music. Stayed tuned because the show must go on. Thank you to the justice departments that still work!!
Frighteningly, all so true.
Wow, Scott, you've read my mind.
Scott, you have articulated so well my thoughts on what has become of our country that is no longer functioning for its citizens, and barely holding onto democracy.
You expressed what I’ve been feeling, perfectly. Last night, I had another “good cry.” What have we become? As a country and as Humanity. It feels like being in an apocalyptic Zombie movie.. which makes this community so very important and helpful to me. Where do we go from here, and how do we best effect change?
"What is one to think? How does one explain this to children? How can one reason with any family, friends, or acquaintances who somehow believe Trump is in the right, brought low only by a grand, silent conspiracy of wrong minded citizens and foreign actors?"
Just refer to Nazism. Just a different version. You know, "I didn't know what was going on." and "I was just following orders.".
In on the game!!!! In my opinion, THAT'S just what the republicans have been!!!!
Scott, for me the way to "take it all in" is to revert to the simplicity of my childhood. That some people are just evil, that there is good and there is bad. Thats it! Once you get into the nuances of human character and think about shades of grey etc. you lose your way. The absence of connections to our physical and metaphysical universe that keeps us in balance produces evil. The presence of evil is overwhelming as is the presence of sentient and caring beings.
Scott, it occurred to me when I read your list of wrongdoing by 45 and his administration without any consequences, that there is only one right thing that has been accomplished. And that is that the people voted him out of office. Now we are stuck having to wait before our new president can begin.