Marlene, is that all you got out of that intensely thoughtful post? I'm sad for you. It's only grammar, after all, and therefore arbitrary. It also happens to be a construction that I sometimes use myself, learned from my grandmother and other elders in my family. It's not only an old construction, but also one that lends itself readily to typing fingers and quick minds. I'm so glad.
I truly do not understand what you are saying to me. I was merely correcting my sentence structure from what I had said earlier which is right above my second reply.
Marlene, I truly owe you an apology. Thank you for pointing out what would have been obvious to me had I been paying attention. This is a classic mea culpa. Your first post was beautifully and thoughtfully written. I read it several times to appreciate what you were saying and then somehow failed to notice that you were answering yourself. No wonder you couldn't understand- and that's my fault. not be easy?? *It won't be easy!
Marlene, is that all you got out of that intensely thoughtful post? I'm sad for you. It's only grammar, after all, and therefore arbitrary. It also happens to be a construction that I sometimes use myself, learned from my grandmother and other elders in my family. It's not only an old construction, but also one that lends itself readily to typing fingers and quick minds. I'm so glad.
I truly do not understand what you are saying to me. I was merely correcting my sentence structure from what I had said earlier which is right above my second reply.
Marlene, I truly owe you an apology. Thank you for pointing out what would have been obvious to me had I been paying attention. This is a classic mea culpa. Your first post was beautifully and thoughtfully written. I read it several times to appreciate what you were saying and then somehow failed to notice that you were answering yourself. No wonder you couldn't understand- and that's my fault.
No apologies needed. My fingers seem to get carried away. :) Wish Substack allowed us to make corrections.