Thank you Heather. Why Letters From An American is so unique and beautiful. You tie the past with the present. You give us reasons to understand what our fight is about.

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Heather does so much more than inform us. She models compassion, empathy and understanding that make her unique as an historian and teacher. Her students, all of us are so fortunate to have this kind of access to such an amazing “ resource” as a person and scholar and fellow American. Thank you HCR.

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Oh Heather, your post today touched my heart. Tears sprang to my eyes.

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Me too.

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Me, too. Heather, we truly do appreciate your work and support your efforts in the otherwise dumbing down of America.

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Almost a century later, I served in the 7th Cavalry in Vietnam. We knew the story of the Little Big Horn but I didn’t learn of Wounded Knee until much later. History is, indeed, written by the victorious. I understand why some of our “leaders” fear the teaching of real history as it might damage the national naïveté about “America exceptionalism.” Keep telling our story - the real story.

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Oh Heather - we can't possibly know the toll this takes on you, but please know that you and your work are deeply, deeply appreciated. Truth be told, I pray for you to have the strength and stamina to continue wading through the quagmire untangling the current events for us, bringing clarity and understanding, so that we can, in turn, inform others, and take whatever action is necessary when it becomes necessary Thank you!

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You last sentence is so impactful. Keep writing. It is making a difference.

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Thank you! I love listening to you telling these stories. They make me sad and glad that you take on the work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Perhaps enough will listen and some future massacres will not happen.

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I echo Susan Y's sentiments! I so look forward to your letters. Thank you for helping me put things in perspective.

Happy New Year to you and yours!

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Thank you for bearing the pain you endured in bringing this dark chapter in American history to today's readers.

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Thank you for teaching us every day. You give us a way to understand how we’ve gotten here. And to work toward a country that inspires our children, not one that reviles them .

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The history we were never taught in grade school...

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I have established a morning routine that includes a cup of coffee while listening to “Letters from an American” each morning…on the weekends, my partner & I do this together. This entry was particularly haunting & inspiring. Thank you Heather Cox Richardson…you are making a difference…one far more impactful than I think you even know.

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Leaving this letter with tears and admiration. Thank you,

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I was born in North Dakota in 1945 and it seemed that Custer was some kind of hero. I learned later this was not true, but have not had the heart to read about Wounded Knee. Picturing the exhaustion, mistrust, terror, and slaughter is beyond the pale. How can we NOT admit these horrible mistakes and make amends as well as we can? Still the old prejudices that Natives are not somehow worthy. It sickens me.

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Thank you, Heather. Some here have expressed what I feel so beautifully, I will leave it at that. But thank you so much for all you do and are. Much love to you.

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Having grown up on a farm in Minnesota near the border at Big Stone Lake, I look forward to these stories that are reminicent of my own boyhood familiarity with that region.

Thank you for your very interesting renditions of that history.

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