Agree. Nobody told me that “Letters” was written for women. All along, I’ve been reading, appreciating, recommending, and delighting in this newsletter as a 70-year old man. I can’t figure out which part is not directed to me; I love it all. (And all y’all too).
Yes. I've been a regular reader and commenter since June and I never perceived any kind of "for women"motivation. I do perceive a "for history-minded people of good will" motivation. Whatever Dr. Richardson (see what I did there?) uses as a reason to share her considerable efforts on a daily basis is just fine with this sixty-five year old male.
I was a little surprised by the quote attributed to HCR that she is writing to women. “What I am doing is speaking to women who have not necessarily been paying attention to politics, older people who had not been engaged,” Dr. Richardson said. “I’m an older woman and I’m speaking to other women about being empowered.”
Did I miss something? I've been reading the Letters daily since February and never, ever did I get the sense that the Letters were directed to one gender or another, or to a particular age group for that matter. A young man 30 years my junior recommended HCR to me.
Betcha a nickel her reply was in answer to a question that was subsequently not mentioned. I was so excited to see an article on Heather in the NYT. Alas, I definitely detected some misogyny and journalistic envy. The reporter did several things to undercut her. It really galled me that he said she prepares dinner every night and afterwards begins to read, implying read and research the news (like she hadn't done anything else all day except prepare dinner). In fact, her articles are so well informed, unlike anyone else's, because she reads the news all day long, and sits down to WRITE after dinner. She works like a superhuman. Someone needs to write a more accurate article! Or perhaps we should write letters to the NYT editor?
And the writer missed the context of Heather’s saying “prepare dinner.” She mentioned in last Thursday’s loosey-goosey chat that what she does for fun is cook and bake, so it’s not like a female chore.
and what about us men who are rooting with you all?
Agree. Nobody told me that “Letters” was written for women. All along, I’ve been reading, appreciating, recommending, and delighting in this newsletter as a 70-year old man. I can’t figure out which part is not directed to me; I love it all. (And all y’all too).
My BROTHER was 61 when he recommended her to me! He was a history buff.
The journalist, Smith, evidently believes it is for an audience which is not he.
Yes. I've been a regular reader and commenter since June and I never perceived any kind of "for women"motivation. I do perceive a "for history-minded people of good will" motivation. Whatever Dr. Richardson (see what I did there?) uses as a reason to share her considerable efforts on a daily basis is just fine with this sixty-five year old male.
I was a little surprised by the quote attributed to HCR that she is writing to women. “What I am doing is speaking to women who have not necessarily been paying attention to politics, older people who had not been engaged,” Dr. Richardson said. “I’m an older woman and I’m speaking to other women about being empowered.”
Did I miss something? I've been reading the Letters daily since February and never, ever did I get the sense that the Letters were directed to one gender or another, or to a particular age group for that matter. A young man 30 years my junior recommended HCR to me.
Betcha a nickel her reply was in answer to a question that was subsequently not mentioned. I was so excited to see an article on Heather in the NYT. Alas, I definitely detected some misogyny and journalistic envy. The reporter did several things to undercut her. It really galled me that he said she prepares dinner every night and afterwards begins to read, implying read and research the news (like she hadn't done anything else all day except prepare dinner). In fact, her articles are so well informed, unlike anyone else's, because she reads the news all day long, and sits down to WRITE after dinner. She works like a superhuman. Someone needs to write a more accurate article! Or perhaps we should write letters to the NYT editor?
And the writer missed the context of Heather’s saying “prepare dinner.” She mentioned in last Thursday’s loosey-goosey chat that what she does for fun is cook and bake, so it’s not like a female chore.
Very good point. Thanks.
Plus, as 56 y/o I can say that HCR is not an older woman! These are the middle ages.....!
BTW, how does he know the age and gender of all who subscribe?
From the article it sounds like Heather told him that many of us are like her, female and wanting the truth, not the hype.
I believe I am in better-than-average company here.
(Not sarcastic! I mean it!)
You guys are great.