We all have an obligation speak out to every politician who represents us. I wonder where is Joe Biden condemning lies and misrepresentations. The next four years will be the most challenging to this country since the civil war. Thanks Heather again and again!!!!

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We have the obligation to resist! Heather is an inspiration. To the Letters from an American community: I am a federal government worker whose career is in danger from MAGA/DOGE fascism.

Take heart that many public servants like me will do everything we can do resist Trump: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/public-servant-democracy-defender-introduction

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You and your fellow federal workers have my full support as well as the support of 75M Americans.

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I am all in with FULL RESISTANCE! I want a boycott. I want a work stoppage. I want every stick in every hump spoke!!

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Can anyone recommend any pro bono services in Washington that might assist those who find themselves in legal quagmire with the trump administration? Demonstrations and so on.

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I don't know about pro bono, but to start, I'd recommend:


The NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Southern Poverty Law Fund

CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington)

The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law

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Just got a solicitation for a donation from Common Cause with this reminder: "We’re fortunate to have amazing legal partners who often provide pro bono services..." so add them to the list of possible pro bono sources.

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Thank you. In my case, ACLU might be most relevant.

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I agree with Betsy Smith & there are many other pro-bono JD's.

FYI, There are more attorney's per square foot in DC than any place on Earth.

Hey Bill ... now I'm supporting you with my end-of-year donation to the ACLU. Heck, I'm even a Member of the ACLU : ---)

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Add Democracy Docket (pro bono).

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Betsy, I broke with the ACLU long ago when they supported a Nazi parade thru a Jewish neighborhood and in NYC they supported the operators of gay public steam baths. They can not distinguish "right" from "legal".

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George, I started contributing to the ACLU in 1997. The Nazis were proposing a peaceful march in Skokie, wearing uniforms, but not carrying weapons, and with no speeches. They were being deliberately cruel and antagonistic to the Jewish population of Skokie, many of whom were Holocaust survivors. But our Constitution does not forbid cruel and antagonistic behavior. It allows freedom of speech and peaceful assembly to all.

Definitions of "right" vary. We have the Constitution to help us with definitions of "legal." When a Hamas leader talks about the land from the river to the sea belonging to the Palestinians, how do you respond? When Bibi Netanhayu holds up a map, using the same words, "from the river to the sea," to claim that land for Israel, how do you respond?

Voltaire may or may not have said, "“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” but that is the basis for our understanding of freedom of speech. Unless, of course, you make the distinction that what is free for me is not free for thee.

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In both cases legal was also right. ACLU was correct to protect them both.

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A good place to start planning your life Jan 18-20........this is NOT our last chance to go to the streets and support Gerorgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Adding on:

Lawyers for Good Government (https://www.lawyersforgoodgovernment.org/)

National Lawyers Guild (https://www.nlg.org/)

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Do you not know about Democracy Docket, the conglomeration of lawyers who will be defending from Trump’s depredations? Warren(?) Elias is the founder and head.

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Marc Elias ;-)

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Direct contact with Marc Elias or his Team Members is probably best in order to protect your personal Attorney Client privilege if necessary.

And, to preserve Marc Team's "Work Product privilege" which belongs to lawyers & their staff. Only clients get what their lawyers are thinking & that is protected by the above.

That's "AC" for short: Attorney Client Confidential & Privileged, AC. Do not show AC to UN-privileged 3rd parties.

IMO, Democracy Docket is becoming more of smart Law Platform which is ⚖️👍

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Thank you. Face is familiar, but as often remembering the “a” vowel but not surrounding consonants.

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What if we hols our democratic public officials accountable instead? Where are their social media post? in NC in the last 10 years we have given 614 million to the voucher system, that takes away from public schools. I dd not see one post or campaign mention this in local elections, not even in state elections. Rarely mentioned in the presidential campaign and mentioned it a way not really demonstrate the danger. I have yet to see the top ten accomplishments for Biden. It is not them, it is us.

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Try MSNBC. I heard a number of them yesterday there.

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You mean MSRIP? Or we're history channel. In case you haven't heard they're being spun off and having to change their monitor.

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Matt 5:44 Love your enemies and pray for them. DJT is stuck in quicksand. Don't shoot him, throw him a rope and pray for him. Beyond Salvation is just BS !

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If I threw Donald Trump a rope, it would have a heavy - a really heavy - weight attached.

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Hope it's worth the effort.

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Nice. So sick. He's not even in office yet. Wow.

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No, he isn't, but he's already proving to be a national embarrassment and once again a disgrace to the presidency.

Here's a thought. Why don't you not respond to my posts to other people, and I will bet back to you on January 20th of 2026 so we can discuss the mess he's made of the country and the economy.

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No on the rope. Quicksand's gotta eat, too.

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Unfortunately, quicksand doesn't kill people in the real world like it does in literature and entertainment.

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But it does kill people. And it may not be where you expect it to be. Like Alaska.

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They don't eat rope? What was I thinking? Besides, there's always a chance the sharks get caught in the rope and the quicksand can suck it in like a meatball in spaghetti.

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I want to exhaust my peaceful options first, of course.

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And yes Herb, I’m in as well.

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Thanks for your service!!!

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Thank you. Do your best & hopefully you & your family will be safe.

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I am a retired state employee. I understand what you are going through due to working for many years under hostile state and federal government. I am also so proud to see you claim your public servant status. We make a choice to serve our country. It is more than just a job. Thank you for all you do every day.

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i do hope that folks like you, Defender, are not simply painted as “subversive” and demonized by the government-haters.

We need principled, experienced, honest, and dedicated people to keep our government functioning in ways that laws have decreed so far … Let’s hope we have enough such people who survive Trump’s plan to fire as many government employees as he can manage to fire …

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Nominal "government" hating is a bogus "GOP" concoction. They claim to hate "government", while maneuvering by hook and crook to totally dominate it, and a very heavy handed and intrusive way at that. It's ONLY government of the people, by the people, for the people that Reagan so intensely ridiculed and defamed. It's a play at governing of everyone BUT them; by the richest, for the richest.


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JL Graham,

As usual....your comment is clear and accurate! .....DOMINATION!

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DOMINATION is our species tragic flaw. That strategy may have had it's place in evolutionary development, but as our evolved primary guidance has shifted from instinct to learning, and understanding, so too has our awareness of justice and extended consequences. Moreover, our technologically amplified "reptile" impulses could easily end our species just as (compared to era of dinosaurs) we have begun. There is much to admire in human nature, but we have qualified as our own worst enemy.

Politics is all about whose will prevails, but that can be cooperative, reciprocal, or domineering. Families and friendships inevitably involve political transactions, as well as all other human organizations.

"As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy." - Lincoln

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Thank you for Lincoln quote. Feels especially pertinent in

This moment.

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Lincoln also said people are as happy as they make up their minds to be

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They dont hate govt they hate waste. EOS

if you ask a thousand people honestly if the govt wastes money. How many woukd answer no?

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I'm a retired federal employee and fully support any resistance you can put forth. This is all so disgustingly sad. A bunch of lunatics running the nuthouse.

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A best defence is an offence, especially for Trump. He was elected for promising inflation control. Now he says it is too difficult for him. He was not elected by promising annexing Panama and Greenland. Now he is calling for it. His election is therefore not justified anymore. File a law suit against his legitimacy of the elected.

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His word is his lie.

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Resistance will not get you far but education will. Unless HCR letters are broken down into smaller messages for social media we will still not reach those that need to hear.

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Please ‘break it down’ for me too.

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What can Biden do? He can lead us down a path that has some chance of success. Or call on others in the party to do that. The minutia of normal operations (appointing judges, commuting sentences, etc.) are nice but will not stop the oncoming train of destruction. In many comments you will hear repeated calls to "resist" and "fight back".

Emotionally understandable but utterly wrong. Like the advice Iran has been giving to Hamas, Hezbollah and the West Bank to go throw themselves into the killing fields of Israel. Trump has multiple steel swords all primed to slice us. While, on the surface at least, all we have is a piece of paper (the constitution) poorly supported by a population disgusted by 3 decades of failing government (especially a House that is no longer "the peoples house"). So frustrated that they have changed some major piece (House, Senate or President) almost every two years for 2 decades.

Calls to "resist" are missing the power, and narrow, but golden, opportunity, we really have. Read


Yes, gag at the title.

But then stop and think. What does Trump want? To make the world angry at him? No! According to his niece, Mary Trump, what Trump MAINLY wants is applause. Approval. And now, having messed up nearly everything in his life, stripped of any shred of wisdom by his cruel, abusive father, he also wants to avoid jail after his term and to keep most of the money he has stolen (or add more). Compared to the democracy we are on the verge of losing, what Trump wants are mere baubles.

Instead, the democrats can offer him a path to true approval. Popular approval based on wise choices.

How? The last 3 decades of bad policy (especially the failure to control big banks, leading to 2008) can all be traced to a Congress (of both parties) dominated by the need to spend all their time dialing-for-dollars from special interests and upper income elites.

Thereby losing touch with the 80%.

By going hat-in-hand to Trump with a fat offer, we could get Trump to support Campaign Finance Vouchers (similar to those used in Seattle and addressed in my other essays). With those in place for the 2026 election, the Democrats can free members of both parties to break the fat-cat stranglehold they live under. And Trump, no longer needing campaign finance money, could brush off the "successful" fat cats he envies and hates. And pave the way for wise policies to be addressed after 2026.

The "resist" option? Trump has 100% power to mess stuff up permanently. In a crisis (like another 2008) he could stop fair elections (see Orban). Or use an obscure bit from the Constitution to adjourn Congress and never restart it (see https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/12/16/donald-trump-andrew-jackson-recess-senate/).

A Slam dunk option? Of course not. Do any of you have a better option? (I can update my essay to incorporate any pushbacks that I have not or inadequately addressed.)

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Nope. There is NOTHING we could offer Trump that would induce him to act like a logical, normal, thoughtful person. You can't reason with angry cruelty. And if we did get him to support some new law or measure, he would just change his mind if it suited his twisted purposes. He has already tossed in the towel on "fixing inflation". Remember, he really believes he could get away with shooting someone on 5th Avenue. You can't make deals with the criminally insane.

And WE might think of him as a lame duck president because of term limits....but he doesn't think his term is limited. He thinks he is above the Constitution. I wonder if there will be a law enforcement agency that will lawfully escort him out of the White House on or before January 20, 2029.

Of course, there is no limit to the ambitions of JD Vance. Perhaps a 25th Amendment play? Invading Greenland, Panama...annexing Canada? This is not even funny.

Trump will be haunting us with bizarre thinking and brutality as long as he breathes. And millions of adoring fans will support him no matter what he says or does. That "train of destruction" is now unstoppable. Our only hope is that it will go off its tracks and implode.

Our strongest defense for now is in the states. I wake up every day grateful to live in a blue one where the leaders (imperfect as they are) are civilized, respect women and actually believe in equality, democracy, and freedom from religious extremism.

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It would help to offer the knowledge the people need to understand why democrats are so much better. If we spent 1/4 of the time promoting (with clarity) our plan and information as we do critiquing trump, we would have won. Recently there was a post from Congressman McGovern that the latest budget fight was really about Trump wanting the debt ceiling raised so he could blame it on the democrats and Musk wants to control the US Trade with China. Those were the real issues. Musk had over 150 social media post in one day.

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That was the real story. Follow the money. Musk got what he wanted for both Tesla -- no restrictions on his Chinese investments that also outsource critical US technologies while leaving US vulnerable to industrial and governmental espionage and both Tesla and X -- elimination of pesky car crash reports of which tesla self driving cars make 30+% and the shutdown of the 120 person foreign disinformation office that was tracking foreign disinformation since 2016. Musk's social media platform has been a firehose of disinformation since he bought it.

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Bill, thank you.

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Hey, you sound like me. lol.

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A reasonable response. One I attempted to address in the essay. Would he be willing to say "Yes" to a better deal than what the fat cats and MAGA followers' emotions are driving him to?

Impossible to be sure, but what is a better plan?

I do not think "the states" have a prayer of doing anything more than slightly delaying what he currently promises. The roaring bull is charging a balsa wood fence. We will do better with an attractive cow in heat to divert his path.


What about 25th amendment and JD Vance? That would simply put us back where we were for the past 3 decades (not having campaign vouchers, so not having addressed the root of the problem, a frozen House), only this time with a far smarter autocrat and a bunch of angry MAGA supporters even more ready to tear the place down. And a general population with even less faith in that ragged piece of paper, the constitution.

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The red states have been quite effective in protecting their “values”. They have blocked Medicaid expansion - to Hell with the health of their less affluent citizens. They have starved their school districts financially ensuring a production line of bigoted young people who couldn’t explain what “critical thinking” is. They have gerrymandered the voting system to keep their Confederate descendants in power forever. States do a lot. Red states have effectively erected a firewall against equality, decency and science. States can do a lot. I am so glad to be in a Blue Zone.

If Trump were to vanish (return to another time as in a Netflix series) - what and who would fill the vacuum? Could anyone command a crowd of angry drooling red hatted nutters the way he did?

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Yes, they have some power for good and ill. But I don't think they have enough power to fend off this particular bull. I favor trying to turn him aside. In such an endeavor, the blue states have an important supportive role.

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Nice Missive Michael... Sincerely... However DJT feels that He will Live Forever... With DJT, it is always, "ME!!!, ME!!!, ME!!!".... The 'Dark Siths Around Him Will Not Want To Lose Any Power.... DJT is their Dream Puppet...

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Apache, ironically I just happened to be thinking the same thing - but about Putin - after reading Heather’s Letter. He’s 72, trump is 78 and Biden is 82.

I feel that one of Biden’s biggest regrets is that he did not seek the Party’s nomination in 2016. Had he and Hillary run and won, we could possibly be saying President-Elect Hillary Clinton - who’s 77. Yes, I know that these ages are a bit depressing and I also know that the Party likes to reward longevity and loyalty - but look at how Madame Speaker passed or handed-off the gavel to Hakim Jeffries. Our Party does appear to have a deep bench, but within the next two years, let’s see the “cream rise to top”!

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Hello J L ... I hope that You are Right... The Gavels must be passed to Younger Blood... It is also Necessary that they Bring Fresh Thinking with them... USA Civil Society is Breaking Down, A.I. will become a Threat to the Work-Force, and the Evil Siths are Pillaging the National Wealth... For Example, Elon Musk was willing to have an USG Shutdown so he could build his Massive A.I. Facility in China... Where is Elon's Loyalty?...

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Yes, to Fresh Thinking, and we never know from where that will come. It's not always about old blood versus young, but often about insiders versus outsiders. Those Fresh Thoughts may be at the perimeters awaiting recognition, welcome collaboration, and adaptation to change before penetrating whole complex systems.

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Apache, I too, question Musk’s loyalty - but a subject matter for another time - possibly?!? What we’re looking for and need are people who can offer a different perspective - who “think outside of the preverbal box” - and yes, often times that may come from a younger person. Many progressive thinkers from the democratic side of the U.S. Congress awhile back, did not want Madame Speaker to have a second go round at the Speakership - but who could have done it better than she, during trump’s first term? Nancy Pelosi was superb!!!

Our Party is not only fortunate to have a pretty well rounded and deep bench of potential POTUS candidates, but a pretty good group of young, smart and energetic up and comers waiting in the wings. There are things that we as a party must do to hold on to them and not let them become too complacent or we or we somehow lose them. Timing and transitioning [possibly a poor choice of wording] is important to our - the Democratic Party - success!

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Yes, Apache, he can be a puppet. Hardly a comfortable one, given his erratic nature.

But why not up the bidding and offer him a better deal? One that offers a path to criticize both those “dark Siths”he envies and hates AND the Dems who attacked him. AND a path to real popularity.

Right now we are doing nothing that has any realistic chance to succeed.

Wisdom is needed.

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Pardoning Trump is one of the stupidest ideas out there.

There are lots of ways to resist. Think of jiu jitsu, the self-defense technique that uses the enemy's energy against him.

Besides, to accept a pardon means you accept that you are guilty. Trump wouldn't do that. He also wouldn't have to accept the pardon. He believes he has everything he needs. In his mind, he has the country by the throat.

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Please pause & dig deeper. Yes, sounds stupid. Makes one want to gag. READ my essay (no need to subscribe unless you want to post a comment there). The essay proposes a form of jiu jitsu, in that it uses Trumps strength and MAGA supporters against not him but his euphoric, selfish fat cat funders.


Then get back to me. There are bound to be weaknesses in my argument and there is very little time until the hurting starts. Our Dem leaders are all running around with no plan. Their "No Kings Act" will go nowhere and just drives Trump closer to pulling a Sampson and Delaila in the Temple act.

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Hi, Michael

With all due respect, our current problems in my view started when Geralf Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. By the time Nixon died, he had largely rehabilitated his image. Had he been put on trial, successfully prosecuted and jailed, then January 6th might arguably not have happened.

What Trump did on January 26th is not Joe Biden's to pardon because it includes all of us, myself included. I will not "pardon" Donald Trump's traitorous attempt to hold onto power by having his mob violently attack and desecrate the Capitol, which is my house as much as it is the house of any other American.

Right now it is arguably only the right wing, the Republican Party, and some hacks on the federal bench and the SCOTUS who are protecting Donald Trump from the consequences of his actions. I will damn to hell any Democrat who does the same.

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I guess I'm more concerned about the "Hell" climate change is condemning my 4 grandchildren to.

Without active participation by the US, there is no possible way we (or probably our species) can escape what is coming. That participation runs through Congress. And Congress is currently frozen.

Is that justification for letting a criminal walk free and, on top of that, rub his freedom in my face and the face of every schoolchild in the world?

Yes, but only if we acknowledge openly that we did it to ourselves. For the last 3 decades we acted as if freedom was something we could subcontract, via campaign donations, to special interests and the elites.

How well did that work for everyone? I suppose I am an "elite" since I have enough income to make modest donations to the Dems and can afford to subscribe to Heather. I retired using 401(k), that federal program to subsidize the successful that basically leaves the 80% to retire on that poverty program called Social Security. Other advanced countries have rethought that. But we, our Congress, did not.

Until Trump woke me out of my self-satisfied slumber, I thought we were doing just fine.

Now, we are trying to find a way to scramble a way out of the increasingly hotter soup we are floating in.

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First of all Biden can be a lot more vocal and a lot more informative. Do you hear any democratic leaders talking about these issues in a way that reaches the masses? We have to start explaining things in a way that promotes our cause on social media. We need to offer something besides how bad Trump is....that is not getting us anywhere. We need proof democrats and better for the economy and the country.

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Exactly. While Biden's policies were good, his (and Harris's) focus of attention was on the donors: the special interests and elites who could donate campaign money. That is why they were so shocked when the public was not sufficiently moved by talk about "threats to democracy." Many voters could look around and wonder what "democracy" had been doing for them lately.

Just as Biden and Harris had a hard time seeing the public dissatisfaction, Congress has been forced to concentrate on policies that please donors but leave out the interests of the 80% who are not donors.

I have been pushing campaign finance vouchers with my writing for the past 3 years, this year switching to Substack. Why vouchers? They can put small (but cumulatively large) amounts of donation power into the hands of ALL voters, instead of just the upper 20%. Then Congress will be free once again to spend some precious time listening to ordinary voters.

Trump, if turned by the Dems towards doing something truly popular, would now take great pleasure in excoriating both parties for doing so poorly. And then whip out, with great fanfare, "Vouchers!" as a Brilliant Idea to Fix Everything that he would claim he invented. Many other Republican politicians would be forced to go along (reluctantly at first, since almost none of them have ever worked outside the dialing-for-dollars world). The fat cats and special interests would howl in outrage since "donation power" is their meal ticket.

My Substack (this essay and earlier ones) is an attempt to lay this out.


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Hmmm. Don’t know enough about all that is written here.

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Carol, my sympathies.

I have been working this issue since 2016. And I have a lifetime of being interested in public policy. Given that, I should be embarrassed at my utter cluelessness before Trump burst on the scene. But I have lots of company.

There was fat and happy Mike Foxworth of mid-2015. Compare that to the mystified Mike Foxworth of mid-2016 wondering why Trump was cleaning up the Republican primaries and trying to find some argument to stir my fellow citizens to join me in campaigning for a Hillary (a really weak candidate, I thought).

Yes, this is all quite complicated.

If I wanted you or anyone to get anything out of this, please try to understand that for 3 decades we have let campaign finance donors rule our government. And those donors, mostly good people (even most of the "special interests"), are in no position to accurately speak for those who do not have enough income to be donors. We let this situation fester for 3 decades with increasingly bad results.

I argue campaign finance vouchers would help change things for the better. We have tried other fixes and utterly failed.

Regardless, though, to fix things we need to always keep in mind the source of the problem.

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Keeping you and all public servants in my prayers. It's going to be a rough couple of years for you.

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I stand with you in head & heart.

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The minute there is any question of ridding the government of its workforce, we will go to the streets and force MAGA to back down!

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The 73 million plus who believe in Democracy will support you and challenged this nut who is unfit and seniel to lead this country.

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On the other hand you could choose to support your president AND your Country

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" I wonder where is Joe Biden condemning lies and misrepresentations. "

From Day 1 of his Administration President Biden has largely ignored trump. It is a brilliant tactic. President Biden was busy and he still is.

To engage in the cesspool of a madman's ravings is endless and a particular hell all of its own.

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Should be up to Congress to stop this madness. Thanks again Barbara.

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It is up to us to hold them accountable.

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Yes Sandra, it's up to us to hold them accountable by voting for them or not. Unfortunately the voting record of the American people is a mixed bag, but that's how the process works. Thanks again Sandra.

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Moderate Republicans from the house would have to rely on Democrats to get any bill passed. Mega Republicans alone couldn't pass a bill by themselves. I believe there are 22 members.

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Congress is doing nothing

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You are right as long as Congress is dominated by Republicans. In two years we'll have a chance to revert that.

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I agree that Biden's strategy has been a good one - but I think this Trump outburst requires a deafening response in my view -- from every elected official who can get in front of a mic.

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Unfortunately, it seems Uncle Joe told Merrick Garland to ignore DJT as well... Now look at where we are... :-(

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I believe Biden left Garland alone. Biden's fault is not judging the times and matching the right AG with them.

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I agree that Uncle Joe may have left Merrick Garland alone... I think that Uncle Joe operates from a Very Old Fact Deck... 'Gaza' is one Artifact... I also believe that Joe Biden misjudged the 'Political Calendar' not realizing how slow the Wheels-Of-Justice can Turn, and DJT's Evil Feralness...

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But it's not and never has been JUST DJT. It's a network of Putin, Orban and Netanyahu, with busy yapping dogs Bannon and Farage.

Current objective is the destruction of the European Union.

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Without the European Union and the Pax Americana Europeans are going to go back to their usual clan mentality and start again a vicious circle of killing each other as since prehistoric times culminating in tha 20th century at industrial proportions .

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BTW: Last Night 3-Babies Froze To Death In Gaza, Including A Newborn... Those Children had Absolutely Nothing To Do With The 7-Oct-2023 Attack By The HAMAS Militant Brigades...

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OMG I saw that on the news - so horrific. Froze to death. It's murder.

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Last Christmas in Jerusalem, a Lutheran Pastor gave a sermon titled "Christ in The Rubble".

This year, a short walk from the real Church of the Nativity, someone created a Holiday Season Shock Art: The political street art was a plastic 'Baby' nestled down in a collection of stone rubble not Away-in-a-Manger.

The 'Baby' was wrapped in shiny silk, 1/2 in silken white the other 1/2 the same but, partially wrapped in a silk print of a black Chain Link fence where the 'Baby' laid eyes open.

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100% agree--a rarity for me for sure.

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Thank-You Barbara...

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Old fashion Biden against the gangster ways of maga. Not a good match.

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Actually, Joe Biden is a brilliant Statesman. A good example of this is his 2024 SOTU. He actually cornered the MAGA into admitting they wouldn't touch "entitlements." I recommend you watch it. His ability to negotiate bipartisan Bills is unmatched. His international reputation is excellent in his strengthening of NATO.

What brought us all down was a toxic brew cooking for decades: Russia, MAGA courtesy of Newt Gingrich, Murdoch, covid, and a spoiled, ignorant bunch of voters. The behind the scenes efforts of Russia and Iran to concoct the Gaza tragedy in order to undermine Biden is a significant part of all of this.

So. You can see politics today is complex as hell.

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Agreed with your description of Biden's ability to negotiate bills in Congress or make excellent deals in the international arena. America and the world are better places thanks to Biden. But times fly and our minds follow.

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Can you suggest a better match?

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Any decent person or movement would be a better match and then I won't use the word "against"

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You are on a roll Barbara.

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Merrick Garland was appointed, yes. But beyond that, the timetable was in AG Garland’s wheelhouse—and he was too slow. He thought he’d prosecute the ‘little guys’ of the insurrection first and by doing so close in on DJT, common tactic with Mob prosecutions. Unfortunately DJT way is to stall, throw sand in the DOJ’s gears and with the help of the right wind SCOTUS it worked.

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I don't think Merrick Garland ever considered going after the big fish in the pond. He knew his strategy would fail and he wanted it to, otherwise he is an idiot.

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We have a different justice system for rich white guys - no one can deny that at this point...

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And in fairness he was rewarded by VERY cautious judges. I’m not claiming they were siding with tfg’s theory of the case necessarily. But some were ideological BFFs and others wanted to be EXTRA careful. And here we are.

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Yes , that was a major mistake for Biden. Attorney General Garland dragged his feet on this critical investigation. Biden should of fired Garland immediately right after the hearings.

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"Madman's ravings ...."Thank you once again Barbara Mullen particularly when MSM republishes the neokayfabe.

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I like that Barbara - I too, have long adopted this form [trump] when referring to our “useless idiot” or liar-in-chief”! Biden has been a stalwart [and not used here as a reference to a former faction of the Republican Party] of and for our Party, our Country and the world…and yes, he must still continue to have nightmares of not seeking the Party’s nomination in 2016 - and yes, I know that there were some other forces and factors helping him make that decision - but!?!

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I don't think Biden should ignore Trump but not get down to his level either. Someone needs to show how badly the internet is full of misinformation. I think if Kamila took a pointer and went down some of those line items of how much better we were with Trump, it would have helped. Grossly misrepresented info. Also, look at what Biden did when he exposed the plan to defund social security. He said this in a major speech, said Republicans want to stop funding social security. Was there news coverage, were there tweets going wild about this. He said there was a bill on his desk from the Republicans requesting this but where did this info go? People don't believe Trump wants to cut social security and medicare because we have really not pounded home that issue.

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Ignoring him clearly did not work.

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Thank you , Barbara

There’s a unique intent to disrupt the status quo and pointedly has been for the Republican mobsters for quite sometime. The WE fail to articulate this enough. Most of us The Blue Team and a few of The Red - rovers red rovers come over, though the facts what stands out most is the LIE granted followed by more (lies) by the feral few who wish to disrupt . Given are several in our midst who like myself see our own mistakes and admit this needs changed ( and about time).

That Heather ‘s ability to pen this, or talk the sense, carries along lines of decency and an approach of common truths we HAVE been through these times and survived …is now mixed with the ridiculous circus barking of kayfebe even -equating it with wrestling ‘s history is a summed up accuracy if not brilliance…AND IT WORKED FOLKS!

This approach has pointed out our flaws like none other and captured those soap opera mentalities of America.

Clever is as clever does, right ..Forest?

The cons jumped right on that band wagon long before The ‘Apprentice’ ending its pilot (program) showed its ass. They recognized it for its worth and disparity became the hollowed out middle class result…laws be dammed while duping JQP caught on and around the world history got repeated.

Complacency costs like mirrors and smoke screens do too.

I looked at ‘The Russian are coming’ heard since I was a child with a pointer now..once command was established people silently fell out of windows/off boats as is deported as is they’re building detention centers already as is the bark now has far more a plausible bite…there is no gulag here?

Whether it’s the rantings of a mad man/narcissist or patient clever puppeteerS still boils down to how to stop it.

Game on!

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I’ve been wondering the same. Isn’t Biden is still president till January 20? What is this trump $hit getting so much airtime? Why isn’t Biden responding?

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Do we really want President Biden to spend his last days in office publicly responding to every whackadoodle thing Trump says? Or, do we want him doing everything he possibly can to Trumpproof our government before he leaves? Like commuting death sentences, forgiving more student debt, appointing every last possible judge, and issuing permanent rules to protect our government employees and programs.

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Joe knows more about how the government, especially the executive branch, works than perhaps any other modern POTUS. He’s doing, diligently and quietly, everything he can to create some sort of sustainability before he leaves office.

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Everything, Margaret?

Biden could call Chuck Schumer and ask him to bring a vote in the Senate to settle the orange felon's status as an insurrectionist.

The Constitution's Article 14, Section Three says no insurrectionist can take any public office, with its last lines specifying that, if there's any doubt, Congress can settle it if 2/3 of both houses vote to release one from that status.

If either the Senate or the House of Representatives does not clear Trump by that 2/3 necessary, he remains legally an insurrectionist and cannot be sworn in to any office, even one to which he may have been elected.

Biden should have called Chuck Schumer to have had this vote long ago. He ought do it now, in the few days left before the new, 119th Congress comes in.

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And … he could tell the archivist to publish the ERA, thereby making it law.

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I don't know enough to know if Biden could do this, but it's a very interesting idea.

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Ahhhh...do you think paying off a porn star is insurrection?

Black's law dictionary:

"Insurrection shall consist in any combined resistance to the lawful authority of the state, with intent to the denial thereof, when the same is manifested, or intended to be manifested, by acts of violence."

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Jan. 6 and the planning for it was the insurrection, 100Panthers.

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Strongly agree. He is more knowledgeable and cunning than many will give him credit for. I'd place serious money (if I had any) on him quietly working every lever he can pull before he leaves office. Publicly commenting on every trump pipe dream would be a massive waste of time and energy.

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I sure hope so.

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and instructing the National Archivist to enter the Equal Rights Amendment as a live constitutional document.

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Now, John, THAT I would like to see….have waited too damn long to see it come to fruition.

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Trumpproof our government!

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My genuine fear is that once trump occupies the WH, he will obliterate any and everything Biden has and is doing and no one is going to stop him.

I never thought in my lifetime we would end up in this situation where we are going to find out what it is like living in an evil, totalitarian dictatorship. People continue to resist to no avail and/or eventually acquiesce. We only need to look to any totalitarian government to see what happens to protesters . . . it is a lot easier (and safer) for the masses to just go along. It is beyond sad and didn't have to be this way. I hope beyond hope that I live long enough to see the tide turn without incurring an actual violent revolution (which is how these things typically end).

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The one perverse hope I have is that Trump is too lazy and stupid to really follow through on his craziest ideas and pronouncements. He needs committed acolytes who truly believe in him and have the power to do things like an invasion of Panama, for example. Many of the wackiest ideas of the first term never came to pass. The fear I have is that there are now people coming to power who are willing to carry out the evil deeds.

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All the Project 2025 people, Terri, are organized to destroy our government.

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As I might've said earlier, Terry Trump has no plans or compunctions to take over Panama. Read his book art of the deal as I know you guys are big readers. Try that book. Maybe you'll understand his rhetoric

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However, as we know, Tony Schwartz actually wrote the book. As he has explained over the years, donald didn’t have the attention span to finish even a paragraph let alone a thought.

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Yikes. How gullible. Do you ACTUALLY think Trump is gonna take over The Canal or even try ? .

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Besr news America has heard in nearly four years.

Just about everything Biden did hurt this Country here and abroad

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Well said Riversong Pond.

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It sure doesn't do Biden any good to just talk....when he is working and has worked for 4 years to save our county that that tffg wants to destroy!

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Biden’s talking is not his strong suit. He needs other orators to stand up in his stead. People just won't get the required urgency and motivation from Joe, even though what he says (when I can understand it) is valid and on point.

It falls back on the old Campaigns Inc rules for political campaigns: " the average American doesn't want to work consciously at being a good citizen. There are only two ways to get Mr. or Mrs. America interested in a candidate. (And always sell the candidate, not the policy.) They like a good hard fight first; but if you can't invent an enemy for a fight, give 'em a big, entertaining show. If the show is good enough, Mr. and Mrs. America will turn out to see it."

Clearly, the WWE and kayfabe also followed plenty of these successful 1950's era political campaign rules. All the while, America has turned to childish entertainment instead of sober maturity.

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Good point and I agree. I’m just so frustrated that the orange nightmare is already commencing. I thought we had another month before the shit show started.

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Sharon B in ATL,

Surely you do NOT BELIEVE this is Trump's agenda! He is being used by a much larger and much more dangerous entity and he loves the power and position he has been given.

Thank you to the men and women who are doing all they can to protect our Democracy.

We must find a way to do our part. If we lose this great nation.....it is US who will bear the blame. We have not been on guard!

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And getting the ERA published as an amendment to the Constitution (in which the word 'woman' is still not mentioned one time).

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We live in scary times

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Putting poison in all of the cups of the incoming cabinet

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Finally someone rational. 👍

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Biden's doing neither. None of them are. Expect nothing from Democrats.

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how do you know that? The mainstream media have NEVER publicized what Biden was doing, however significant, because Trump is more 'interesting'... however lunatic. Sanity is not as interesting, apparently.

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John....spot on. The msm only wants clicks. Notice that the feel good stories are always at the end of a news broadcast. We are mired in nonstop bad news which can break our spirits if we let it. I am glad to know that government workers like Public Servant exist. Notice the use of Public Servant...something that death star and his band of criminals and rich egos do not understand. Mostly they like being at the public trough.

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And pardons to J6 committee

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Of we do. However, once this mad man is president, we don't know what he's capable off.

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Doing what President Biden can for ERA, any foot hold can help!

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How can an insurrectionist take the oath of office?

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It's easy with a bought and paid for Supreme Court.

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2 of those Justices prejudiced themselves & should have recused themselves from that decision. 3 of those Justices had written dissenting opinions. 3 State Supreme Courts DID DiSQUALIFY Trump. It is is section 3 of the 14th amendment. It’s not too late to disqualify him.

Plus he cheated. The data in the swing states is proof. Read below “Nine Ways To Prove the 2024 Election Was Stolen.”


This video below explains it very clearly:


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Grow up, sir, and acknowledge that our system failed us all by not doing what it should have to bring Trump to justice quickly and appropriately. That problem sadly falls on the shoulders of Biden and Garland. Trump is just the beneficiary.

However that failure doesn't justify trying to use extra-constitutional means to violate his right to be elected. I certainly wish it was, but it's not.

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he puts his hand on a Bible and lies.........just like he always does.

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The Bible means nothing to him....

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Hey! Don't say that! They mean $59.99 to him every copy he sells!

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Nothing has meaning for the SOB: only his self interest. He would throw his children and wife under the bus if that were to benefit him.

Repugnants and autocratic leaders know this and have used the knowledge to pull the strings of the puppet with false praise.Behind his back it is a VERY DIFFERENT STORY.

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Daniel Solomon, Trump will lie. Just like he always does. And he knows his followers will do the same. I took the oath of office on my first day of employment with the federal government at the age of 21. It was a solemn oath and I meant every word. It pains and terrifies me to know that anyone could say it without meaning a word of it.

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I've answered your Q separately here, Daniel, in reply to Margaret MacKenzie, above.

That is, "How can an insurrectionist take the oath of office?" has its answer in the Constitution's Article14, Section Three, whose last lines say an insurrectionist can take public office if both houses of Congress by a 2/3 say it's OK.

If either house votes and does not give the 2/3 necessary, Trump is legally an insurrectionist and may not take any public office.

Why haven't Dems thus acted to clarify the orange felon's insurrectionary status?

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I'm going to say it's easy for them to take the oath.

First, they have no integrity so an oath means absolutely nothing to them. Second they'll cross their fingers & put their hands on a trump bible & that'll protect them. If you cross your fingers & out your hand on a trump bible it absolves them from EVERYTHING!

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Professors Baud & Paulsen don't think he can. Professor Laurence Tribe agrees. But ChatGPT thinks he can since, according to ChatGPT, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously reversed the Colorado Supreme Court's declaration that Trump engaged in insurrection; it ruled that States "lack the authority to disqualify federal candidates under Section 3; only Congress holds that power."

No where in Constitution does it say only Congress has the authority to adjudicate who is an insurrectionist - they just made this up.

The other weak link is Sec 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't categorically state that a person who swore an oath as President is prohibited from taking the oath - only "members of Congress or an officer of the United States" or State officials.

In the end we all know where this challenge would end up . . . Heads they win, tails America loses.

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Exactly, they are IGNORING our constitution. Those that voted to allow him to run should be impeached and Trump should be disqualified!

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The Clarence court, ASB, did not go anywhere near his status as insurrectionist.

That status remains with Congress to settle. If either house votes and does not by 2/3 majority clear him, that vote affirms his insurrectionist status -- preserving his disqualification from any public office.

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Hmmm interesting. How to make this happen?

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Biden and crew have been mum on this, deliberately, I think, Carol.

I think -- admittedly with little evidence -- Dems are negotiating with Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Lisa Murkowsky of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, Mitt Romney of Utah, Joni Ernst of Iowa, and various other Republicans.

On January 6 Congress must certify the election. I think we'll then see them invoke the disqualification clause concluding the 14th Amendment, Section Three.

Lacking 2/3 majority to override, disqualification will stand.

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Too late for that question.

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Daniel Solomon -- He Who Shall Not Be Named (or HWSNBN if you like) has not been confirmed yet. Let's see what happens on **his** January 6th!

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This gives me hope. I think there is hope Biden/Harris are going to “Do Something!”

Read Tin Foil Matt’s Substack below.


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Who IS “Tin Foil Matt” or, at the very least, what are his qualifications for offering such technical analyses and/or inferences? I admit these allegations run in alignment with my shock at the election results. However, this opens far more than an electoral can of worms”. Perhaps an “ocean”?

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I think the right question is how can any ethical jurist administer the oath of office to any convicted felon and traitor and do so with a straight face…

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I wonder that too.How can someone take the oath of office, hand on Bible, swear allegiance to the Constitution and the American people when he is actively trying to destroy the world order and our democracy?It doesn’t make sense and appears to be a national emergency to me.

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He can do that because he is a liar. He lies about everything. I bet Putin has something on him. He is a narcissistic psychopath.

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Chuck Schumer hasn't called for a vote in the U.S. Senate, Syd.

That vote -- failing to get 2/3 required to give a pass to the orange felon -- would have kept his disqualification legally in place.

Could it be that various people in Congress might have a way to show on Jan. 6, 2025, that the constitutionally necessary 2/3 do not give him a pass on that day, and so at that time the disqualification is demonstrably final?

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It's WWE!

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It is indeed 'Bread & Circuses'.... Isn't Linda McMahon serving in DJT's Administration again? Only two substantial acts occurred during Trump 1.0... They were his massive Tax-Cuts for the Rich, that Cratered the National Debt, and the utter failure of DJT to manage COVID... I have Served with Genuine 'Tough-Guys', and DJT is definitely not One-Of-Them... Indeed DJT, Is A Drama-Queen...

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Apache, yes bread and circuses while death star and his minions destroy as much as they can and create chaos while stealing from the public trough. And the response to COVID when we are one mutation away from bird flu becoming a pandemic. I just read a long article today about how we have done virtually nothing to stop it particularly in dairies. Yesterday we had our Christmas dinner and we had four oldsters and three younger people. All the older people were glad that they were as old as they were and were worried about what younger people will face. So while we enjoyed each other, laughed a lot, and ate good food, there was this uneasiness about the future.

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Michele, Good Points... I Agree... My Family is scattered thru the U.S.... When We gathered at my Thanksgiving Table, the Sentiments were Similar... I tell my Children that the Public Mood was Hopeful in the '60s for the most Part, Hopeful on Y2k, and Grim ever since... Read Paul Krugman's Last Editorial for the New York Times... Seems that Paul Krugman is preparing for the Coming Storm...

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Mostly circuses. Trump is a con man who inherited a huge fortune to play with. The $$$ made him flashy enough to successfully pose a veneer of legitimacy, at least in the eyes of many. That, and his sociopathic ability to lie without the slightest flicker of shame.

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Hello J L ... DJT also stole a portion of his Inheritance from his Family Members Inheritances... Ask Mary Trump... DJT is indeed a Remorseless Sociopath...

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I remember being in 1st or 2nd year Undergrad and thinking. This guy is totally over leveraged and dumb as Stubnägel. Nothing changed over the 53 years since then., except he is now also a convicted felon and rapist.

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J L, our cleaner lived in Queens for a while and she says that he was hated there and known for what he is, a crook. It's too bad that so many others have been fooled. Unfortunately, I think he also speaks to worst impulses of many people.

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Bruce, I’ve long thought of Fox News as the WWE of “news” coverage!

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yeah, I love that analogy. I had never thought of Trumpian politics that way. I never watch TV, so I missed WWE altogether. I did see though that the Dumpster took Elon and Useless to the WWE match the other day. Maybe it was a strategy session?

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Bruce, I’ve only seen WWE in passing….SO not my schtick. I am unable to stomach even legit boxing, wrestling (bullfighting), etc…too “gladiator” for me. I did know, perhaps via a vid, that TFFFG was a fan & even saw one of him outside the ring “taking down” some person—of course it was fake and all for show…just like he is

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About right, except that they call it "news", which is fraud.

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Yeah, JL, that’s why I put it in “ “…..faux new is NO news. IMHO I don’t think any information site should be allowed to blatantly lie, opinions, yeah, but lying…no. Maybe should be called Prop News aka Propaganda News! Or maybe Fox Noise?! Can’t stomach the channel & have never been able to watch it for more than a few (very few) minutes—not that I wanted to, but sometimes is good to have the experience & to see it for myself…but 🤮!

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Easily Daniel just turn on your TV on January 20.

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I asked the same question. The most common answer is because our bought Supreme Court majorit has said that Congress has to enact a law to make Section 3 of the 14th ammendment to the Constitution invocable in this case. It has never been invoked before, therefore there is no precedent.

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maybe the March 4 demonstration will change the Awareness. Too bad it isn't January 4.

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Excellent question

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As far as I can tell he had never been adjudicated to be an insurrectionist. Maybe he should have been brought to trial by Garland much more quickly, but he wasn't. "Innocent until proven guilty" was the mantra most of us learned in school so despite all our beliefs that Trump IS probably guilty of those crimes, he has only been proven guilty in one case involving payoffs to Stormy Daniels, hardly the work of insurrection.

I am disgusted by that outcome but my disgust or yours doesn't permit us to unilaterally declare Trump guilty of a crime he hasn't even been charged with, let alone convicted.

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Hope you're not a lawyer.

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I am actually, although non-practicing. So please enlighten me why you think anything I've said suggests an ignorance of the law. All I've said is that to consider someone guilty of insurrection would require either a trial AND conviction or a successful impeachment, neither of which, to my knowledge, had ever happened to Trump. If you are actually aware of anything that would suggest otherwise (like a court precedent), I would love to be enlightened by someone more knowledgeable than me.

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Not a criminal standard, The 14th Amendment Paragraph 3 has been posted here many times. The burden shifts to the office seeker. That;s what Mario, Phil, Syd et al were sayin'.

Actually Trump had an administrative hearing in Anderson, the Colorado case, and they found that he was an insurrectionist, as set out by statute, but SCOTUS decided that states can't enforce the Constitution. Congress can. They should have but haven't so far.

All of this has been laid out here many times.

It could also be that the Colorado fact finding is viable.

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Why, Jon, so unaware of the decisions of a Colorado state court and then final adjudication by its Supreme Court?

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Highly aware and of course u am not ignoring the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States which said the state had no right to litigate this issue. That is reserved for federal courts and maybe Congress via impeachment and its power to certify presidential elections. But there is no power of a state court to decide on the ability of a presidential candidate to be elected, not even in their own state.

You seem very focused on picking and choosing which court decisions to read and which to ignore. In the US you hopefully remember, the US Supreme Court has precedent over state courts. What the Colorado Court decided was overturned on appeal. And so it is meaningless until the US courts change their minds.

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He has responded but they don't cover him.

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Would we know if Biden has been responding. The air time goes to DT.

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What for? What do you want him to say?

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Barbara you are definitely a rational person. We have to stay focused, all the rest is distraction. 👍

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: )

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Please, that's not the point. Don't create distractions. There's only one to blame and the ignorants happily following him .

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I understand President Biden not responding. What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is tRump and his SA ho acting as if they were officially in charge. WTF??

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Good point and I agree. I’m just so frustrated that the orange nightmare is already commencing. I thought we had another month before the shot show started.

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The media has been focused on Trump mostly for quite some time. They pretty much ignore Biden. Sad.

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Everybody, I have reported 'Sender today & asked Substack Inc to go to their favored Mediator JAMS SF to get a confidential & lawful read on their 9/24 Terms of Use (TOU) which is not ready for Prime Time or 2025.

Substack Inc has counsel I respect, Wilson Sonsini. Substack Inc is located right around the corner from JAMS SF & my old Law Office in SF. We are all close neighbors.

You would think Substack inc would want know, yes or maybe, whether their legal defenses are evaporating. Substack Inc is vividly aware of the legal trend since 2022-- a strong current against digital Platforms.

I will keep the Community & "Authors" updated when relevant but, others & I have asked politely for yet another revision of Substack's 9/24 DOA, Terms of Use (TOU).

More later.

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I don’t think Joe is home.

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Who cares? Stay focused on the real problem.

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You mean like the lights are on but

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Are you familiar with the term Awol

the acronym AWOL It's a military term. And there you have your reason that Biden isn't responding. You must realize, of course that Biden is less coherent, substantially less coherent than he was during the Trump debate

In fact, even many people from the Democratic Party are wondering who's running the country

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What really matters now is that, once the Groper-in-Chief takes Greenland and the Panama Canal Zone, America Will Be Great Again and we will never again have to vote. And the Groper-in-Chief can pay for taking over Greenland and the Panama Canal Zone with the money left over from the check that Mexico sent to pay for the wall.

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I’m familiar with asinine words of liars.

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Joel, Rick Sender is a bot. It's writing style has changed markedly over the past several weeks - something humans rarely do. Engage if you like, but no one is home.

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So you're familiar with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and alejandro Mayorkas "meanderings". Yikes

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Anyone who questions Biden’s coherence should see Biden’s interview with Meidas Touch a couple of weeks ago.

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Carole, if anyone wanted to find out about Biden's competency, MEIDAS would be the last place anyone in the right mind would look. If you haven't seen the Wall Street Journal article with all the Democrat pundits legacy media and X supporters chime in realizing that he's been in mental decline since right after his election. It's a shame that they hid it for so long or they could've had invoke the 25th amendment like they were talking about with Trump and then they would've had a viable candidate to run in his stead, but why do you think they pushed him out? Why do you think they actually had a coup in America?

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My feelings precisely.

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It's tough for Biden. The media presents him as senile though he's far from it. Russian misinformation wants him seen as senile, so the republicans and right wing media follow their lead.

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I am so sick of seeing that ugly orange face, no matter what the story is. 💩🤡🎃🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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You know Russian disinformation didn't work well for you guys during this campaign. It's not gonna work well for schiff nor Hillary or the 51. Group. Perhaps you should change the channel and see what's really happening or just take a look at the latest Wall Street Journal analysis.

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You mean the Rupert Murdoch-owned font of unbiased analysis. It’s reliable of course if you say so.

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There is good and bad just like there isn't every news organization, although there is much suffering and loss of viewership and readership right now in the liberal precincts. The Washington Post apparently has lost $77 million this past year. The New York Times has lost a great deal of its credibility based on the backing of stories that turned out to be incorrect or extremely biased.

Legacy media has lost its legs

CNN and MSNBC are probably going to be sold and at least one of them is going to have to change its network name

Salaries there have already been cut

Los Angeles times has come to his senses it fired the entire editorial board in favor of a balanced coverage.

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Do you actually have a point?

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Are you in denial here? Obviously, I have a point I wouldn't be getting so many responses and so many protests and so many one-sided posts that obviously have not looked at alternative opinions, and other perspectives, which is why I got here in the first place by mistake because somebody sent me an email that I couldn't believe.

Maybe you would like to respond to some of the points I made unfortunately too many of them are true.

Just support your president and America

BTW Did you happen to watch the ARMY NAVY GAME?

See if you see a point here in this analogy

Before the game each team had one of their leaders speak to the media. They were both asked the same question about the outcome of the game

Both men independently and without knowing what the other said, basically said the following, we will fight like hell we want to win this game badly

But then, without having been questioned? both independently without knowing what the other had said, added the following


There is my point in this particular case

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Can you share the email please? Just the part you couldn't believe that led you here.

Best to you,


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Tim, Rick means no harm. We just need to let him do some intelligent reading which he has promised. He’ll turn out all right. Trust me.

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Tim, I have explained this before however I was having a discussion with a friend of mine about extreme right and extreme left-wing sites and while posting on a right wing site, he mentioned sub stack of which I had never been involved and in fact the site I was texting on or posting on was not a social media site. It was a news site. And he mentioned sub stack and for some reason I stumbled on Heather posts. And c'est la vie.

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Yes share the email. Trump has no morality, integrity or intelligence. Or he wouldn’t have: 1. cheated on 3 wives; 2. blackmailed Ukraine to find dirt on Biden; 3, sexually molested multiple women; 4. stole, kept & lied about top secret classified documents; 5. threatened to sue any school that revealed any information about him while at school; 6. demanded heads of the FBI, etc. be “loyal” to HIM when they are supposed to act INDEPENDENTLY; the list is endless.

Trump is untrustworthy.

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What about love our constitution? Trump participated in an insurrection! People died. He shouldn’t even be running, he is UNQUALIFIED!

And now he wants to take other country’s land.

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Two answers no he didn't and no, he didn't and the only people that violated our constitution where the people that stage a coup de etat our own country, removing Joe Biden and our president and placing in a imposter

And when the January 6 committee gets investigated by the incoming administration, you're going to see how little of a role that Donald Trump actually played in the January 6 protest how much was covered up by both the committee and the FBI how old Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser were involved.

How he was denied the 10,000 extra soldiers that he requested and now Muriel buyer refused to assist Trump in providing police as well

But there's gonna be a lot more

Plus, you should read my post about the real insurrection in this country that happened with Officer Chauvin and George Floyd

Where somewhere between two and $4 billion of damage was done to multiple cities in this country burning down police precincts taking over of cities and the killing of 25 policeman.

Now imagine these two things and then one more I will add as a holy crap

What if George Floyd was white what if officer Chauvin was black? Would anything have happened. ?

And after you answer those two questions remember that officer Chauvin was convicted of his crime and yet they didn't wait for the conviction they went and destroyed this country anyway.

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Right Rick you will turn out all right.

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You rick! Who are you guys, and who are we guys. I am an American 🇺🇸, what bullshit cool aid are you drinking?

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I'll tell you the difference, Sean. Most of the people here are talking about the word. RESIST. That's you guys the guys on the other side of the aisle so to speak are using this


I am now and will forever be actions over words. People can talk and talk and talk and talk, but it's what they do that counts.

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Rick, history has demonstrated our country is only strong when the middle class is strong (Read Robert Reich’s “The Common Good”).

Trump is only helping his wealthy friends, not the people that need help.

“The 2017 Trump Tax Law Was Skewed to the Rich, Expensive, and Failed to Deliver on Its Promises

A 2025 Course Correction Is Needed”

“Was expensive and eroded the U.S. revenue base. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated in 2018 that the 2017 law would cost $1.9 trillion over ten years,[3] and recent estimates show that making the law’s temporary individual income and estate tax cuts permanent would cost another roughly $400 billion a year beginning in 2027.[4] Together with the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts enacted under President Bush (most of which were made permanent in 2012), the law has severely eroded our country’s revenue base.”


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First of all I don't read socialist human beings. I know what they stand for. I continually read what they say, and they should belong somewhere else not in the United States, who believe in capitalism, unlike Robert Reich.

Regarding President Bush, he had one good quality and a number of bad ones one good quality is that he loved America his bad qualities included being a dim bulb and not increasing his understanding of why wars are bad. Ok?

And finally much to your chagrin, Donald Trump is the course correction that is needed. Sorry

Why not sit back and watch and learn. And if he's wrong, call me out no problem. But a lot of liberals are negative in advance.

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Well, you've done absolutely no research. About 4 billion of the increased deficit was caused by a little tiny virus called Covid, which leaked from a Wuhan lab with participation from the United States and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The rest of it went to saving over 100,000 businesses from closing and over 2 million jobs that will just answer one of the points I read in your post more to come

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Well, guess what the Democrat party has lost the middle class and that's why 77 million Americans voted for Trump

NY 49 out of 50 states turned red or or more conservative this election cycle.

If you wanna know the truth about Trump's administration, try this if you're at least

Intellectually honest Google Trump administration, accomplishments it's gonna take you a while to read it all

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Do you understand the implication of trump intentions?

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Not trying to implicate Biden, I am begging him to speak out!

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And say what? what should Biden say?

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He should go on the attack on issues like threatening the sovereignty of other nations for a start!

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Biden will be revered in history. The historians have ranked him high. He has accomplished a great deal. Biden is a man of integrity, intelligence, and class.

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Where is Biden?

Did you read Dr Richardson's letter tonight?


And President Joe Biden issued a statement concerning Russia’s Christmas bombardment of Ukraine to cut heat and electricity for Ukrainians in the dead of winter. “Let me be clear,” he said, “the Ukrainian people deserve to live in peace and safety, and the United States and the international community must continue to stand with Ukraine until it triumphs over Russia’s aggression.”


Pretty clear to me. He's responding to actual events.

As far as responding to Trump's latest on absorbing other countries is concerned, we've all seen that going after Trump's outrageous comments is like wrestling in the mud with a pig... after a while, you realize the pig likes it.

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This is not the time to implicate president Biden. It's all trump and his deranged followers fault.

I agreed with you Christopher that we will be tested during the "most challenging times since the Civil War"

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Ricardo Grinbank and others -- Remember this?


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The appointment of 235 federal judges is not an insignificant move to counter Trump's legalised unlawfulness. The Supremes are a mess and there's every likelihood that Thomas and Alito will step down allowing Trump to appoint at least two more younger illiberal judges. However, the appeals courts alone handle more than 50,000 cases each year. Since the Supreme Court hears arguments in fewer than 100 cases each year, almost all of these lower-court decisions will be final. Trump cannot expect the Supremes to come through on all his crazier policy ambitions.

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Christopher, Biden does speak out and has during his entire presidency. The problem lies in the fact that not enough of us listen. Yes, he's a poor communicator and he has tried to behave like a statesman and not wrestle in the mud with this showman, but that belies the fact that he's worked feverishly to right the ship and help all of us. The loss of Kamala Harris to the proven evil idiot who aims to move us to Putin's camp has to be even more heartbreaking to Biden than it is for those of us who didn't vote for Trump. If Americans need a daily recitation of all of Trump's outright criminality when he uses a megaphone to rub it in our face, whose fault is that? Perhaps if more members of the GOP stood up against him, we wouldn't be facing Armageddon.

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I agree with what you are saying but nobody from the GOP will speak out and who will? I agree and believe Biden has been the best president in decades no question about that but you can be both statesmen and fighter.

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Christopher, I agree with you and often wished that Biden would publicly refute Trump's lies, but there are many people who just refuse to listen and would probably have insisted that Biden's pushback wasn't worth listening to, since "all politicians are alike." Of course, I'm speaking from the viewpoint that I never could have believed that this ignorant grifter and racist never should have made it to the White House -ever.

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I don’t understand why Biden isn’t actually supporting Ukraine—with long range missiles, adequate ammunition, fighter jets, etc etc. he seems to want you not to lose, but also not to win. Democracy in the world is at stake there.

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He released 20 million dollars of seized Russian assets to Ukraine to help them purchase weapons and has provided them with the actual materiel you mentioned, I believe. This is the problem - no one knows what Biden’s doing because the media is too busy reporting on Trump’s latest nonsense.

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The war has been going on for nearly 3 years. Biden has been very, very timid and cautious. Only in the last two months as Ukraine been able to shoot any US missiles into Russian territory and then only in one specific spot and the supply of those missiles that’s available to Ukraine is minuscule. Meanwhile, Russia is Bombing and targeting with missiles, shopping centers, hospitals as well as military targets. I’m a big Joe Biden fan but on Ukraine this last effort is way too little and way too late.

I recommend the sub stack of Phillips Obrien. Is in authority on matters of Ukraine and war.

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AI Bot.

I hesitated to engage. for actual fear of the unknown repercussions.

But - «  Don’t agree in advance » has stuck with me since I first read On Tyranny.

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Try imagining what is on the president’s plate! He has been doing all he can to protect Ukraine money and weapons from the Putin/Trump combo. Trump, however, takes orders from Papa Putin instead of being a grown up patriot and supporting freedom for Ukraine.

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We do not have four years. We have three weeks of Biden presidency. Trump is calling for invasion of other countries against UN resolution, thus inviting Russians follow. Biden should call martial law to take over the country.

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Stop the nonsense with each post to become more disassociated with reality in my opinion

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Christopher, you wonder where is Joe Biden speaking out? I think it's because the media (who has complied in advance of Tump's presidency) doesn't cover him, but hangs on every word (tweet) Trump spews 24/7. I think Kamala Harris faced the same thing during her campaign. I expect the next four years will be a battle to find the truth with the daily performance and chaos Trump and his propaganda machine will scream from every microphone and media outlet they control and bully. I'm depending on forums like this to continue to speak truth to power.

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- Pulled Quote -

Exactly this:

''...“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist,” she wrote, “but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction…and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.”...'' AND to do this:

''...If Trump "really wants to stop the third world war,” he said, “the way out is simple: dividing up the world into spheres of influence."...''

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My question is where is Kamala Harris? I can empathize with her disappointment and pain - we all feel it - but leadership is about putting that behind you and marching forward. Churchill said it best: ""Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

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Don't be concerned regarding Kamala Harris....she loves this country and is serving.

The vote is past. Her patriotism has NOT!!!

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It all depends on the GOP senators and representatives. Yes, we can resist and protest, but really this insanity and its consequences are on them. We can't just complain about Trump. The responsibility belongs to the GOP. They can control this or they can let it all go to hell.

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The tradition that presidents , after leaving office , become mute IS NUTS. President Biden needs to speak out loudly about these ramblings of Trump. He needs to keep speaking after leaving office . ALL present and former sane (operative word ) politicians who care about the future of the country and humanity must speak out. And yes we all have an obligation to speak out .

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President Biden is not a dictator. He is closing down the official days of his Presidency, working at all the things he can do while in office and preparing the way for the Elected upcoming President. I am sure he has done and will continue to do what he is able to do to protect us from the rising tide of hell and chaos that is soon to catch up to us!!!!

George, we have minds. eyes and ears and may I add hearts of our own. As a nation this is what WE the PEOPLE have allowed. We as a nation will pay the consequences. Our friends and allies will also suffer.

Everyone of us....children born and unborn and their MOTHERS who are often left alone after the "fun" is done.....no matter the danger of her life or the life in the womb.....often abandoned by the "father". No matter the life of the mother,

whether married or not....whether raped or not (0f course that would really be all her doing anyway).

I will add...we do not know all that may be going on to protect us and the world, as each day comes and goes.

We too as citizens must do our part...."do something for good"............no matter our circumstance.


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Mitch McConnell. Wonder how he likes them apples? Panama, Greenland, Canada, Gaetz, Hegseth, Gabbard, and the roars of approval from Moscow and Putin. Very curious dive into the dumpster by the GOP. What's happened to them?

Well, one thing: 2010's Citizens United decision enabled politicians to be bought, lock, stock, and barrel.

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Absolutely!!!! Except that Citizens United should be renamed Billionaires United.

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It's Newspeak, the language of the (Anti) Republican Party.

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Not to mention the curious absence of Senior Aide Jiggly Dongle Vance.

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That sentence says it ALL 😱

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You mean like the $2 billion that fueled the Harris campaign you mean like that ?

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No. We mean trumps cabinet full of Billionaires, intent on making MORE.

You believe trump gives a crap about the people?


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Rick is a troll…don’t feed it and perhaps it will go away!

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Why do people here feel the need to respond to this commenter? I’ve seen him disrupt the discussion numerous times. When someone is spouting nonsense, it’s okay to ignore them. This is the policy I use whenever the idiot who was just elected opens his mouth as well. Don’t give these folks more of a megaphone than they already have.

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Exactly RS just keeps coming like a Russian bot

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To all those who keep using the word troll, that's nothing but denial. I'll give you an example.

Many people here, post and post and post different ideas and answer questions and add their thoughts, etc. And most of their thoughts align with the previous posters.

A troll is defined by you people who does exactly the same thing, but has a different opinion than you and many of the other followers. That's a troll according to you

Let me give you a little DIFFERENT perspective ABOUT BILLIONAIRES IN THE CABINET. not that any of us are experts in deciding what and what not makes a good Cabinet. I could say the same about most cabinets in recent history

But let me say this

You should not be afraid of billionaires becoming politicians

They're already billionaires

What should WORRY you is the average citizen That becomes a Cabinet member or a congress person earning a government salary for 20 years or so who becomes a multimillionaire!!!

Much more concerning

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Specifically for Rick... who has no friends and just tries to disrupt. We need to put some billionaires in their place. Greedy, selfish, thank less people who have made their money of the sweat of hardworking people. Example Musk's family came from his father winning a emerald mine in a poker game. Then African slaves were forced to work the mine. Explains his racists remarks and his mother's who was asked about people who couldn't afford more children having children. Her comment was priceless, they should have more kids and not go out to dinner or see a movie. Bottom line.... people mean nothing to them ...they want more babies so another group can pay their TAXES and serve them. Not what I call good people. I hear pitchforks are on sale.

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Don’t be jealous. They took the money from an Emerald mine and turn it into being the richest person on the planet by about $200 billion. What a loser

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I think you’re a provocateur- aka as a troll with a bigger vocabulary and good writing skills. Same RW talking points and buzzwords, though. Same desire to get people wound up.

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Actually he does not have a bigger vocabulary and good writing skills, which is the giveaway to what he really is.

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Kim I have never proactively posted anything here I only post a reply to a post that I read and in which I take Umbrage or see in a different light. I'm not here as an antagonist. I'm here as I see things differently than most of the people on this forum.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You have the ability to disagree with my opinion discard my opinion, block my opinion, etc.. over the past few days I've been getting a lot of likes on my commentary. Where for a while I was getting nothing but as you put it antagonistic responses.

I have been an independent voter for over 40 years. I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative.

If you would like more of an explanation to those points of view fine but I feel like I mirror what most people in this country feel like

And by the way, let me just say this because I think it's important

I am not a Trump fan. I am a Trump policy fan. I don't listen to his antics. I don't care for his mouthpiece many times, but his policies worked for more than a great share of Americans during his first administration and if not for Covid, he would just be leaving the White House now not be going back in. Prices were low on food and gas and mortgage rates and interest rate rates. The streets were safer. The world had no major wars. And did I ask you to do something risky?

Google Trump administration accomplishments. I don't look at the verbiage from a man I look at the policies of the man or woman. And act accordingly.

As a quick example, I voted for Bill Clinton twice despite his Marriott of both marital violations affairs and $850,000 non-disclosure document to cover up one and the incident in the White House while president and married with an employee and lied about it under oath

Voted him for him anyway, because he did his best for the voters of America for the citizens of America

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No, because that was generated by donations from ordinary people.

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If you're talking about Kamalas $2 billion and think it came from ordinary people think again. Obviously you don't watch a lot of different networks or investigate things like this. As an example about oh I guess I'm not good with time but I'm gonna say two months before the election Hollywood celebrities raise some $25 million for him by George Clooney and two weeks later threw them under the bus. They have some heavy donators and billionaires just like the Republicans do.

If that's not what you're referring to, please excuse me

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And PS: I don’t watch any networks. I get my news from credible media.

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And who determines it's credulity ?

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Credibility, not credulity. I do.

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I’ll tell you where it didn’t come from. A quarter billion of it didn’t come from a neofascist multi-billionaire.

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Who is defining him as Neil fascist? A neo fascist doesn't waste $40 billion trying to restore free speech to America. In which he succeeded.

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Comical. He endorsed the AFD. He most definitely did not restore free speech to America. Adios.

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Here’s the list. I’m good with most of these organizations. And George Clooney’s celebrity donation went to Joe Biden, not to Kamala Harris. The two billion she raised was AFTER Mr. Biden belatedly withdrew from the race.

Contributor Total

Future Forward Usa Action $136,459,651

American Bridge 21st Century $39,263,770

Asana $38,043,618

Bloomberg LP $19,232,155

League of Conservation Voters $15,434,257

Democracy PAC $15,150,000

Greylock Partners $11,803,800

Ripple $11,687,371

Evidence For Impact (DC) $10,200,000

Euclidean Capital $9,117,646

Sequoia Capital $8,807,375

Climate Power $8,142,762

Laborers Union $8,136,464

Newsweb Corp $8,016,565

Environmental Defense Fund $7,735,278

Bright Future Fund (DC) $7,070,000

Alphabet Inc $6,434,951

University of California $5,297,113

State of Illinois $5,262,821

NextGen Climate Action $5,200,025

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Wait a minute he be belatedly withdrew????? Lmao

In most countries that would've been called a coup.

So much for credibility or credulity so Kamala Harris had zero money, 107 days before the election and raised $2 billion? Half of that money raise was for Kamala Harris maybe and the other half was will do anything so that Trump doesn't get elected. Some candidate.?!

And she still managed to lose by a wide margin and 49 of 50 states became redder

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Billions is the rule of the game, courtesy of the Extreme Court. I fervently wish it weren’t so, but here we are. You want to play, you need to ante up.

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Are you still here?

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Why wouldn’t I be here? It made me feel so welcome.

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Trump is trying to emulate his Hero Putin. In his mind he wants to be feared as a World Conquerer. The comparison to Wrestling is apt. Uneducated people have lost touch with reality. It may assault them where they live.

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@ Darrel, if not a Russian agent, a willing idiot.

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Most likely a Russian agent and a willing idiot.

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I agree completely that Trump wants to emulate Putin as an aggressor. About 20 minutes ago, I submitted a post saying exactly that. For some reason, however, my post does not seem to have been published. Anyway, we agree.

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I realize that many of your here read extensively. But I also would think that none of you are very few of you would've read Trump's book art of the deal perhaps that might shed some light onto his verbal behavior

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The real author shed light on it. He could not get trump to concentrate for 5 minutes at a time and he made most of it up.

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By the way, William wouldn't you like to see the actual video transcript of Biden's interview with Robert Hur overseeing the documents case you know the case where he had a garage full of documents for like 10 years in open boxes and the redacted interview that they refused to reveal.

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Exactly. And never has a ghostwriter more thoroughly regretted his contribution to a client’s success.

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William have a point please.

And I'll say it again and again if not for Covid, Donald Trump would just be leaving the White House on January 20.

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Rick Sender - You mean the book Trump didn’t write? That gem?


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You mean the book that was ghost written for Trump?

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Many people use ghost riders, but where did they get the information from? Do you know? The public no because that's how he does his deals.

And everyone here that wants to put him down he owns hotels and golf courses all over the world and has 22,000 employees and a $10-$12 billion social media website. And will have been president twice. Not a bad resume.

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Keep on kissing the ring, Rick, it might get you a cabinet post. Oh wait, maybe you didn’t have billions to buy the job with. So here you are. By the way, I don’t believe a word you say, and I find it hard to believe that anyone with the ability to type would believe you either. Including you. Also by the way, work on those typing skills.

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Lots of people can say they “own” property, when actually a lender owns it.

Can we see Donald’s tax returns?

The website is worth whatever it is on paper. In stock value. It is worth whatever because people have faith that it is worth something. Do financial statements back up the stock value?

By the way, the term is not ghost RIDERS. Practice your typing, spelling, and English please.

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Well, first of all Martin I didn't think that being on sub stack required certain typing skills lol yikes. I am not in 10th grade English class anymore. And I know you understand what I'm saying so there's that.

As I've told many people and a lot of people here know who I am I voice text everything I happen to answer a lot of responses and I don't have time to go back and check all my errors so to speak as I said to you earlier, I think I believe in content over form

And as far as business sense, you may be out of your lane here. Everything involves a mortgage when it comes to big business very few people own their businesses outright there's financing done at all times for growth. Most people have mortgages on their homes, but they still own them.

What a ridiculous argument, Martin but as a matter of fact, Trump is even smarter than that, and the way he either leases out or franchisees his entities in many cases but he does have 22,000 employees according to the records here and hotels and golf course courses around the world and a social media site that apparently now is worth about 10 billion And has been president or will be president twice that that's quite a résumé

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Ghost riders… that imagery gave me a chuckle.

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Well Kim, you know me and I voice text everything. AutoCorrect is a bitch sometimes. I'm glad I could bring a smile to your face, though that's important.

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A political independent who restocks exclusively rightwing comments and creators. Sure, you're "independent "

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I am a fiscal conservative and socially liberal. With all the major causes that the left stand stands for. Such as abortion such as the LBGTQ community, such as transgender rights. And other major social issues.

Voted for Bill Clinton twice, despite his major indiscretions during his presidency and before including having sex with an employee in the White House while president and married and lying about it under oath

He did a great job as president

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Trump is a convicted criminal who tried to overthrow our government on January 6. In the eyes of our society NOTHING else should matter. The fact that it doesn't matter shows the rot of our nation that will continue to grow. Heathers substacks only highlights that we've seen this before. Her discussion of these historical facts are of how poorly they worked out for the whole of society, and/or to the favor of only a few....which apparently is viewed by you as a political statement.

But discussing actual measures of poverty, actual cause and effect outcomes, actual institutional racism and attacks on the general population are not political, they simply are what they are.

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Actually, he is not a convicted criminal. All the cases are falling apart one by one. It's called Lawfare and it's usually only happens in Russia and China and Iran and countries that have an oligarch but this is what happens when an administration uses the DOJ as a weapon. All the cases are going away bye-bye

If you wanna be open minded, honestly open minded, google Trump administration, accomplishment. And on one further note if not for Covid, Donald Trump would just be leaving the White House now.

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It works both ways. The Groper-in-Chief is a self-proclaimed victim of Lawfare, but the Groper-in-Chief is also the proud beneficiary of media Sanewash. Fortunately, President Musk will soon be handing out high tech visas to Make America Great Again. This of course will be something of a disappointment to the Groper-in-Chief's cult members who are sure they heard him promise to Make America White Again.

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Is everything works both ways

But it's not a very attractive comment to use group or in chief because the poor woman waited 10 years to bring these charges against him until he was president elect Trump so if this appeal is heard and ends up in a different precinct, I doubt it will stand.

Media sane wash?

The entire media is carrying water for the liberal left. Let me name them for you ABC NBC CBS CNN MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, and until very recently the LA times. Facebook, Twitter, until musk intervened, and Google. So what's left who is left the sand wash anything? Sad

Wow, and now you pull the race card. That's absolutely shameful. You need a mirror and a conscience.

I don't know where the hell that came from, but it certainly doesn't belong in a political commentary at this point in time or in very recent history

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He was found guilty in 34 counts by a jury of his peers. He has been convicted, not sentenced. None of the cases are 'falling apart'. They are simply being pushed aside, for now, while he is our president.

But it did happen and it illustrated his lack of qualifications for being a president. It was because of his mismanagement of a public health crisis, more than a million Americans died. And you don't know that he would have won the election...if COVID hadn't happened.

In my open mind about Trump's administration, and believe me, I wanted him to be MORE than the self obsessed, foul mouthed, adulterer, misogynist he presented during his campaign, I found NOTHING he did correctly or in the interest of our nation or national security. All he did was enrich himself, his family, and break laws. He was impeached twice.

You clearly have not paid attention. You clearly need to spend some time reviewing his presidency.

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Impeached twice? Lololol for what a couple of hoaxes. ?

Russia Russia Russia is dead no longer works sorry but maybe if they could recover those 33,000 emails or the bleach bit computer Hillary had in Colorado they might uncover the reason why including Christopher steeles dossier

And by the way, the misogynist and chief placed two women and the most important and potent positions in his cabinet for your information so much for a misogynist.

First ever woman, chief of staff of a president and an Attorney General of the United States the second most important position in the Cabinet they're both held by women placed there by the misogynist

And if you think he enriched himself during his presidency, he actually lost money during his presidency, but in addition, wait till you hear the crap from the Biden family that's coming out very soon, including clandestine meetings that Biden said he never took but now there's photos showing he actually took the meetings oops.

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My favorite response to people like you are this, please share with us, your exalted vast reservoir of experience and education and scientific knowledge as to how to handle a once in a lifetime GLOBAL pandemic global with a new virus. AND IF I WERE YOU, I WOULD LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS A LITTLE CAUSE IT'S GONNA GET WORSE FOR YOU.

I'll wait Lol

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Well, I'm glad you're the consummate optimist. All the cases have either gone away or in the process of going away. And there were all nothing but political warfare, no basis and fact for any of the crap that they threw at them. In fact Alvin Bragg had to twist the law almost to shreds in order to reignite the BS case against Trump for the NDA and including having a convicted

Perry and a porn star as the star witnesses doesn't get any better than that

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Then you desperately need to Google Trump administration, accomplishments.

Because obviously, you know nothing about what he accomplished during his administration nor what was the state of the country when he handed it off to Mr. Biden, we immediately torpedo it and headed right off a mountain cliff straight downward let me know when you've googled that and what you find then maybe we can have a discussion instead of you coming off with a half cock un researched uneducated response like that one

You've made the case for the prosecution now to be fair. Try making the case for the defense actually pretend like you're Trump's defense lawyer and see what you find.

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Susan, have you ever been in a courtroom and a jury trial and sat in the audience? Have you ever watched the trial in which 34 counts are proposed by the prosecution? In extremely rare cases does a jury come back in a day or two or even three because each count is different and needs to be examined from the perspective of the count itself. This was not a jury of Trump's peers. It was a kangaroo jury in a kangaroo court with a kangaroo judge and the worst part for you. It's going away Weather. It's gonna go away now going away during Trump's term or going away on appeal. It's done it's over so give up your hopes on Trump being a convicted felon.

And by the way, a gentleman by the name of Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to a lady for an NDA and they never did any investigation about that. I wonder why. They don't have any idea where the money came from to pay for that.

And I'll answer your other issues in the next post

Bottom line Trump will not be convicted of anything

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It is not the uneducated, it is those who are willing to believe the fantasy, the lies & Hallmark version of life.

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Well said Darrell 👏

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TRDS. very sad. Try a bit more introspection. And try to figure out which would be easy for most people why the Democrats lost this election

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You are absolutely right. It is easy. Too many people did not want a black female as president, and they used the price of eggs to justify their racial and gender bigotry. Maybe we will be able to bring in more eggs from Greenland once the Groper-in-Chief takes over Greenland. That is probably his very clever strategy. He wants us to have Greenland in order to lower the price of eggs.

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Monro Morgret -- What makes people think that Greenland is negotiable? That Denmark would be willing to "give it up" just because Trump wants it for himself?

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Do you think Greenland would will sit there and heel to his needs?

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It is a pass down. President Musk says jump, and the Groper-in-Chief says, "How high?". The Groper-in-Chief then assumes that if he says jump, Greenland will say, "How high?"

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You know you aught to listen to people on your side of the aisle like Bill Clinton, who said very shortly a woman, regardless of color will be elected to the White House. And then he said, and most certainly will be a republican woman.

If the Democratic Party would've put it out a credible candidate black or any other color, they would've had a good chance of winning

I'm not gonna get into it, but this woman couldn't put together Never answered a question never had an opinion on what to do And the thing that killed her, according to all the Democrats was her interview asked what if anything would you do different from what she did with the Biden administration and her answer was I wouldn't have done anything different. Boom over

There are plenty of women candidates and black women candidates or Asian women candidates who could easily be elected president. She most certainly wasn't it

For example, I believe a woman like Condoleezza rice if she ran would get elected, although she's getting older. I think Win some Sears could also become president at some point in time

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“Win some Sears”? I hope they pay you more than you are worth.

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Martin, I'm voice texting. I hope you know who I am referring to don't have time for trivial's but why don't you look her up? She's I believe she's of lieutenant governorof Virginia

She would be a good candidate if she would moderate a bit and I believe Condaleeza Rice could've been a good president

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Voice texting???? What an excuse!!

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Dear Ricky, if you are a fiscal conservative and a social liberal why in hell are you stumping for Trump. He is about the farthest from either of those things than anyone I can think of. If you are a fiscal conservative and a social liberal, you must also have cognitive dissonance.

Why, oh why, are you spending good money to post on this Substack? I think it displays a certain pathology. I have known people who are so starved for attention, victims of extreme parental neglect perhaps, that they provoke negative attention as a balm for their tortured souls.

Bless your heart.

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Winsome Sears will have to moderate some of her positions on social issues, but then again, with voters such as you, who are willing to sell women's lives down the river so you get yours, would vote for Winsome Sears and her story of pulling herself, and ONLY HERSELF up by her bootstraps.

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I was simply giving you an example of people I know, and have heard of and seen superficially. I would not sell my life for anything to anyone if I didn't think I was selling it for a good cause which is supporting America. If there was a democrat female, black, green, brown, purple or yellow, and she was qualified and held policies that were meritorious of election I'd vote for her twice OK ? I don't care about party. I never look at party nor do I vote as such. I look at the candidate and what they stand for and their love of America and their love of Americans

I would think that from either side of the aisle, a woman of any color race or religion would have to be affiliated more towards the center and would get elected in a landslide as such

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Well that explains it. ☺️

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“Trump ran on the promise that he would lower prices, especially of groceries. Yet in mid-December he suggested in an interview with Time magazine that he doesn’t really expect to lower prices. That promise seems to have been part of a performance to attract voters, abandoned now with a new performance that may or may not be real.”

He will backpedal on the immigrants once these billionaires and corporations start to complain about the labor needs.

And the wall will remain the same.

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And his followers will always be behind him no matter what he does or doesn’t do.

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That is not true, but that is true apparently of Joe Biden and his supporters who still believe that Joe Biden did a good job as president which is why of course they removed them from the office through a coup in the United States of America because he was doing such a good job

Had they treated him like they treated Trump? They would've tried to invoke the 25th amendment a year or so into his term and you would've had a more acceptable candidate to run for office. And you might even be in the White House come January

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Respectfully disagree. Democrats are not lobotomized by their media sources, social media and addition to RussIan bots. They are mindless and/or greedy or both.

They also know decency and know indecency.

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Not sure what you're saying there you mean the media didn't lobotomize all the Democrats during Biden's mental meltdown. They backed him all the way till the end until they realized it was futile. Just last week there was a litany of video memories of many of the Legacy media saying Joe is a spry as he's ever been. He's as acute as a mentally as ever him even KJP I work with him every day and he's fine and where the hell was Kamala not calling him out when she knew it wasn't the case. The worst offender was probably morning Joe. Go watch that piece of video. It's incredible. He just stepped in it up to his elbows.

Do you like reading right? Go read the Wall Street Journal report that included interviews with many Democrats and pundits that now know that Joe's mental capacity was the minister from the day. He took Office, but I didn't hear you guys calling him out. Oh Biden needs to go Biden needs to go. If he had gone two years into his term, things would've been a lot different. But instead, the Democrats covered up his severly diminished mental capacity and then couldn't hide it anymore after the debate but if you read any detail history about Joe, and when he started to lose it, the lobotomized left, bought it hook line and sinker.

And if you can't admit that then, why did Kamala and companypull the coup. Even Clooney has left politics because of the dastardly events that transpired. He raised $25 million for Joe late in the campaign only to run a bus over him two weeks later.

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And you honestly think any sane person would vote for Trump because

they thought Biden was mentally incapacitated? Sorry, listen to one minute of Trump rambling and one knows the meaning of mental decline

and grandiosity. Yes, there are those who did not vote but voting for Trump is like broadcasting one’s diagnosis with STD, at least in polite society. Otherwise it is because outside $$$$$ have polluted the “minds”

of Americans.

Trump barely won, which gives me a bit of hope.

I look at not misogynistic black and latino men, but those who stayed home. That is who Ds need to reactivate.

And forget Republican women. Talk about a sad group of self loathing

souls, ugh.

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Lol. Was this not the same electorate that elected Joe Biden? ???

This is the problem with you guys. Trump didn't barely win. 49 of the 50 states became redder than before the election 49 or 50. The only state not to go further red was Washington state. Do yourself a favor and take a look at the electoral map.

Kamala Harris is electorally dead her party wouldn't reelect if she were the only candidate tochoose She just pissed away $2 billion Because she couldn't articulate a coherent thought

Do yourself a favor stop the denial. He won by a couple million votes two or three I don't know. He swept the swings stares he swept the battleground states. Yikes

And by the way, the misogynist put two women in the most powerful positions in his cabinet and without trying, has one of the most diverse cabinets in history, including two from the opposing party.

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We’ve already seen the Trump camp focus on deporting those with criminal records. They say that’s where they’ll start. They’re so inept I bet they don’t even get that done but I fear the worst because of their drive for fear and power.

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My thoughts is, as usual it was a ploy, telling people he will only go after criminals. Going after actual criminal elements would be palatable to most everyone so that's the story they gave. They have no intention of sorting anyone except maybe by color, if you have an Anglo last name & you're white, not some kind of Latin color you might slide through at first. But never fear, the last round up will get everyone.

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Why are most people here so pessimistic? Wouldn't it be better to get rid of the criminals who are raping and killing young women and setting them on fire in a subway car? Imagine if that was your family member? Or the couple that they pistol whipped after taking over their home invasion and pulling the woman's fingernails out.

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Gee, so we need an adjudicated rapist, felon, lier, conman , etc. to serve

as President because he hasn’t set a woman on fire in the subway…. so Trump is not that bad? Like we need a Mafia boss in the Oval to help with crime. Just don’t look at his crimes while he rapes our nation.

The twisted way people who support Trump will try and explain their

sick choice for our highest office. Not buying it at all.

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Homelessness in the US reached the highest level this year since the federal government began keeping records roughly two decades ago. Nearly 772,000 people experienced homelessness on a single night in January, up 18% from 2023, according to federally required tallies taken across the country.

The data, released yesterday, attributed the rise to various factors, including high rents, the end of pandemic-era protections, and an influx of migrants that have overwhelmed shelters in cities like Chicago, New York City, and Denver. (However, since the tallies, migrant border crossings have dropped this year.)

Other data points include family homelessness increasing by 39% and 150,000 children experiencing homelessness, with the latter figure reflecting a 33% rise from 2023. Meanwhile, homelessness among veterans dropped 8% this year to roughly 32,000. Dallas, which made plans in 2021 to overhaul its homelessness response system, saw a 16% drop in homelessness from 2022 to 2024. In Los Angeles, which increased housing for the homeless, the rate has dropped by 5% since 2023.

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Deirdre- 'save your breath to cool your porridge'

3 dot collapse to any Rick Sender comment.

he is a trall and not worth your time nor any real readers of our wonderful HCR

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Have you seen how I defined troll on this forum?

A troll is anyone who posts more than once and disagrees with the major majority of the other opinions

On the other hand, somebody in favor of all the opinions could be posting all day and all night and never be called a troll


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I'm suggesting you'd be very careful with your choice of words it cost a $16 million when ABC used the word rapist or haven't you seen that lawsuit or the two others that are now pending because of bad choice of words.


By the way, you should know that there are many people that don't like their president, but they like their policies which affect all Americans in someway. It's more important that you look at the actions of a president while president then selective behavior.

I don't happen to like Trump, but I like every one of his policies that helped almost all Americans during his administration other than a once in a lifetime GLOBAL pandemic.


But if you care to be an analyst, you should try to figure out why Donald Trump is going back to the White House now.

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Gee again. How many millions died of Covid because of the total incompetence of Trump? Not even adding in “bleach”.

And what do people like about his policies? Dirty air, dirty water, open field on anything with four legs, drill anywhere…f**k the environment and climate change. We want cash NOW! Oh, and the severe climate issue is a “hoax”. And women? F them, correct?

I suppose “they” so love the strong-man vibe to

foreign policy. What utter simpletons they all are. It is all a smoke and mirrors game to camouflage the “elected Presidents’” real effort:

To make money for his tacky “brand” and to hand our nation over to

Theocrats and radicals on the right to dismantle our democracy.

That was the deal he made and the GOP happily obliged.

The democrats acted like gentlemen in a bar brawl. Sorry Rick,but I always go with the man in the White Hat who is fighting for all.

Not the dark force. How could anyone sleep at night otherwise?

It is as clear as day.

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You probably should go back and actually read the bleach remark, which was not what you think in your head and has been debunked many times if you'll just listen to his quote. But that tells me a lot about how you think or how your research and by the way, it's not about cash now it's about lowering prices for every day Americans Donald Trump could live on a half $1 billion a year and still have money left over when he died and as I mentioned to another poster earlier, you shouldn't worry about billionaires that become politicians you should worry about your politicians that started out poor and 20 years later or multimillionaires and that's why term limit should be mandatory already I don't think I have anything else to add, but I'll certainly welcome your comments

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I know this will probably ruffle your feathers even more, but almost every prediction about climate change has been debunked or has been wrong since the 60s. Scientist keeps pointing to carbon dioxide, which is .04% of the atmosphere what does I point out to many over the last 50 years if you went outside today and you had never heard the word climate change or seen it on TV you wouldn't know a thing it happened.

The ice calfs were supposed to have melted a couple decades ago. The oceans were supposed to rise and sink continents a decade ago the The Antarctic ice pack has been growing for two decades, and only just leveled out the past couple years. Noa has continually miss predicted tropical storms, time and time again by at least half and many cases and blame it on something called El Niño and La Niña, which they have no control over and don't even know when which will appear.

And I mentioned to one of your more stubborn posters here back in the 60s all the major magazines we're talking about the next Ice Age where the ice pack and the glaciers were gonna come down to the Carolinas

We are not the defilers of our land or our water and you have to realize that about 80% of the pollution is coming from only two places in the world and it's not the US so there's little that we can do further or maybe even should

Fossil fuels will be around till we're all fossil fuel however, the good news is it looks like nuclear will start coming back online starting with the 3 mile Island plant and that will be a great relief as it's carbon neutral non-pollutant and a relatively low cost and far more effective than solar or wind

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Now I know the kind of thinking I'm dealing with unsupported unsubstantiated beliefs that have been debunked for a long time

The same number of people died under Biden's administration as under Trump's and Trump was caught by surprise where Biden had a year and a half of experience and supposedly by many on this post, cured a couple of the epidemics that proceeded it during the Obama administration, but was unable to stop this one and we all know why it wasn't his fault wasn't their fault it's a brand new once a century global pandemic that was probably caused by the participation of the United States in a lab where they should've had no business being in China as this is getting along, I'll respond in another post to the other items mentioned

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I know you are gonna expand your mind with some reading real soon.

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Well I hope you got your message about your book delivery. Amazon's not delivering it till the 14th and I'll be on a ship and won't be back till the 28th. I will read it then.

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The pessimist, who is here to tell us all how wrong we are and how awful we are, never a good word because we see Trump for who he really is, has thoughts. Rick, you are the biggest hypocrite of them all. You ignore facts and evidence and fall all over allegations and I use do.

You have never once acknowledged all the good things Biden did. Start with how he got those vaccines in peoples arms, move on to the infrastructure bill Trump couldn’t put together in 4 years and then let’s look at CHIPS. While you’re at it let’s compare disaster response. Trump held it back from my state, CA, and Puerto Rico like a baby throwing a tantrum. Grow up, go find some dignity.

Let’s talk about all the women Trump raped and his buddy Crow & Epstein who trafficked women and girls. How do you support that?

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Please don't put words in my mouth. Never said you were awful. And I believe you're wrong and not supporting your president. That's correct.

The president represents America like it or not

I judge every president based on their policies, not in their personal behavior. Every president is a narcissist every president has his peccadillos

I'd be surprised if you haven't heard about how the Biden family hasn't reached themselves and why Joe had to pardon Hunter. And it wasn't for the two federal offenses either. Otherwise he wouldn't have part of him back to 2014 the day in fact that he started his employment with Bama, which, of course Joe had no knowledge of whatsoever.

Here's the other thing most of what I hear from liberals is all about the infrastructure.

What I never hear from liberals is why did gas prices and food prices and Mortgages increase the day Biden took office more or less and continued throughout his entire term

You can try to make all the excuses you want for him, but they won't work because the public suffered through all those things on a daily basis and they didn't say oh geez, look how good the infrastructure is and that's why Trump is back in the White House. That's just one of the reasons one of the many.


What I judge a president upon are his policies and how they affect the majority of population

If not for Covid, Donald Trump would just be leaving the White House now not be entering it again. So you have to try to figure out why he's going back in there right now.

By the way is this is probably a public forum. I would try to hesitate from using the word rape that's what cost ABC news 15 actually $16 million.

Don't talk about epstein cause he was joined at the hip by Clinton so they say

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Blah blah blah…. You put those words in your mouth and more and are here solely to be an antagonist. You’re spewing more allegations and innuendo about Biden while holding Trump up as some god who has done everything to perfection.

I normally ignore the hate you spew here but I’m sick of people like you who think only their opinion matters and come out the second these letters appear to tell everyone else how wrong they are. You’re as big a narcissist as Trump.

Anytime someone shoves something in a woman’s vagina or any other orifice without permission it’s rape. That you make excuses because he had to use his fingers since his dick is too small to penetrate anything and hasn’t functioned for years because of drug abuse shows what kind of a monster you are.

Anyone that had anything to do with Epstein’s rape of girls is a monster too. Whataboutism doesn’t take blame from Trump. Grow up.

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By the way, you started out your post with I'm a pessimist. I have nothing to be pessimistic about on the other hand. Look at everybody else on this for him. Pessimistic resisting hateful negative in advance pre-judging when nothing has happened yet it's actually incredible

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Well, I think number one if the trial was held in a neutral city, the outcome of the trial would've been much different

Number two why did Miss Carole wait 10 years to make the accusation and bring him to trial? Could've been because he was now president elect.? Hmmm

Let me stay from the beginning. I'm only here by mistake because I got a stray email which led me to Heather's sub stack posts, and when I realize that almost every single person reporting or posting was simply patting each other on the back and commiserating with them with only one set of facts.

I'm sure you would agree that in every courtroom you should hear not only from the prosecution, but from the defense as well. And hopefully by now you have heard the term Lawfare. And that is the reason almost every case against Trump has fallen apart.

Well from what I understand it it's one person's word against the other 10 years later.

That's something like this could've happened in a woman's dressing room in a major department store ?

And by the way, both cases are under appeal

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You mean the trump's of the world? No one rapes more women than trump has.

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Again nothing personal William, but George Stephanopoulos is no knows full well not to use that word at their own peril

I'm just curious there William just give me an honest answer.

With all of Bill Clinton's peccadillos, I'll call them for being more polite, and John Kennedy's philandering did either of those things affect how he ran the country ?

Did any of those things physically and actively affect the everyday citizen?

Not ethereally, but specifically in their day-to-day lives ?

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Trump is going to steal everything that isn’t nailed down. Period. There is no agenda other than lining his pockets with our country’s wealth.

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Especially with bitcoins and other ways to disguise fraud.

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Eileen Trump could live on a half $1 billion a year and still have money left over when he died. And I’ve made this comment a lot, but maybe you haven’t read it. You shouldn’t be worried about billionaires becoming politicians because they’re already billionaires what you should worry about is the average citizen who want a government salary 20 years later becomes a multimillionaire

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trump's chirping about lowering grocery prices during his campaign was transparent blatant lying to everyone but his base. Pivoting 180 and now saying that it is hard to bring grocery prices down in the Times interview sent his base spinning. He thought he didn't need to lie anymore because he won. Oops trumpy, did you forget about the reality called the midterms?

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“ He believes wholeheartedly as to his supporters that he will do exactly that.”

Generally I ignore your comments but i agree with this one. He also wants to do away with the H2A program that only spells out that farmers, dairies and meat packing plants will go belly up. I was told by Mexican neighbors that a stream of illegals are fleeing in fear of being rounded up in detention centers. People have been whining about the price of eggs. Pretty soon there won’t be any eggs or orange juice. Are you ready to get your friends to join you to head out to Florida and pick oranges? Thankfully we’ll be able to import them from Mexico with a 20% tariff slapped on….

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That’s a nice illusion, but that will never happen. Trump doesn’t believe in illegal immigrants. Do you know the difference between illegal immigrants and the one that goes through the actual process of petitioning to become legal or provides with a H2 a visa that you’re spelling out? Trump has no problems with those things if they’re needed.

You don’t understand Trump‘s negotiating tactics, which obviously have worked. Trump never expected to place tariffs. On Canada or Mexico that was a negotiating tactic and now Canada has just committed $1 billion to border security for us and Mexico has done likewise and committed not to allow the cartels entering a country or clamping down on fentanyl and stopping the caravans from coming. That’s called exactly what he wanted to have happen. He had no intention of doing anything else. Here’s an idea for you. Why don’t you pick up this book Art of the deal and try to understand him better.

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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He made one comment on one interview and you pretend that that’s his where with all and all and he never said he wouldn’t do it. He said he would try and on every other interview he’s given he said that that’s what we’re going to do so why don’t we do this Sophia? Why don’t we wait and see what happens instead of predicting which nobody can do

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Once again I agree with you—to wait and see what’s in store for us after this demented failed “businessman” who has already agreed to let Putin take half of Ukraine’s territory in exchange for Putin’s withdrawal after immediately taking office, when he will declare himself a hero and, once again demand being bestowed the Nobel Peace Prize….

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Hey, you guys were supposed to be the compassionate group

Would you rather give up a piece of land or another half 1 million lives in a war that's gonna last 20 years like Vietnam ? It's already cost America a quarter of $1 trillion killed 225,000 people destroyed cities and by the way if you wanna blame somebody blame Bill Clinton go look it up early 90s he made a deal with Poland that made it possible for Russia to invade, but you wouldn't know that.

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And he will declare victory for all those promises.

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Yes, he did suggest that he also said we're going to try the best we can and until he doesn't do it there's nothing more that you can comment upon.

He believes wholeheartedly as to his supporters that he will do exactly that.

And as usual, the Democrats will do everything possible to stop him from doing that just as he stopped him to build the wall and caused the United States to spend $150 billion so far to handle the illegal immigrant population and will spend another hundred50 billion $ trying to repatriot them.

For example, did you know that Joe Biden was selling off the remaining unused parts of the wall at five cents on the dollar? You probably hadn't heard that but it's true. Look at the website thank goodness Texas is buying up all they can and a nickel on the dollar.

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The more I read your posts, the more I believe you really are just a troll. And not a very smart one either. Why can’t you use proper English and get your typing edited? Your handlers are watching.

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Did you know that Joe Biden was selling off the remaining parts of the wall for five cents on the dollar?

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Will Martin I'm sorry to really disappoint you. But let me see if I can translate the word troll to you.

I see people here repeating, and repeating and responding and answering and agreeing with and following other people ad infinitum but you don't refer to those people as trolls

What I have found is that a troll is considered someone who does a lot of posting but with an differing set of opinions or perspectives that don't agree with yours then and only then are they a troll

So in that light guilty as charged

I've voice text everything which I may clear on a number of occasions here and since I'm very busy responding to multiple remarks, I don't have time to go back in correct punctuation and syntax, and perhaps even diagramming the sentence properly. This is not an English class.

I revere content over form. So you may pick on my errors and omissions as much as you like, but I know that you're intelligent enough to understand what I mean so you'll have to take it at face value like that

Or not

Content over form

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Are you talking about those pieces of garbages Trump’s cohorts lined their pockets with our taxpayer dollars. An ineffective wall, easily scaled and falling over. Certainly you’ve seen the environmental disaster caused by that mess. Certainly you’ve know Trump took money from our military family for that garbage. Certainly you can point out just one location where that wall has actually stopped immigrants.

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Sharon before you speak up like this why don’t you ask yourself a question as to why Hunter was pardoned all the way back to 2014 which had nothing to do with his gun issue nor his tax evasion issue.

Under Biden, nobody had to scale the wall. They just walked simply right around it and had no intrusion or interruption in their path.

And the reason Trump didn’t finish the wall is because they refuse to fund it and now we’ve spent $150 billion on a legal immigration feeding them housing them giving them free medical and debit cards when American citizens aren’t even given the same benefit

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Rick, go find some dignity. You sound like a lonely, crazed maniac. No one believes anything you say out here and each reply gets more insane and filled with conspiracies. If you’re lonely go volunteer at a homeless shelter or food bank. Maybe go to church and see if they have something you can do to help others. Honestly, I feel sorry for you.

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I have held more others than you could possibly imagine I have helped create least 1000 millionaires and have helped create over 50,000 jobs

And increase sales at the company that I work with over four or $5 billion and just a few short years.

Now send me your résumé

Like I said, I need nothing and I am happy and extremely optimistic and thank God you didn't elect that woman as the leader of the free world!

Talk about a global embarrassment

Oh, and Joe Biden today said he should've stayed in the race and he could've beat Trump talk about delusional and demented wow

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And what has that gotten you? Apparently a lonely life where you need to harass and denigrate others to make yourself feel like somebody. I’m going to ask you politely, don’t bother me anymore. I have no need to answer to you. You’ve ignored every real question I’ve asked you to spew hatred. You never have a positive comment or a kind word for anyone on here.

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Conspiracies ?

Well, the fact that you don't believe anything I'm saying is the reason that you lost the election maybe that will make you realize exactly what you're saying

What I'm telling you are the reasons that the election was

Lost and Donald Trump is in the White House again

That's not a conspiracy that's a fact of life. You'll have to deal with for at least four years.

Do you not know why Hunter was pardoned and it was not for the federal gun issue or the IRS tax issue? Do you not know that are you not aware of that?

If not, it's no wonder you guys lost the election.

There's no reason for you to be sorry for me. I am as thrilled as I can be. Trump won the election. Hopefully he'll hold it together with the rest of the Kris and will run with his policies. Illegal immigration will slow to a halt. Food prices gas prices will come down. Interest rates will eventually come down Ukraine war and Russia war will cease pretty soon. Hamas will disappear from the Earth and if you think that that's a bad thing you don't need to be in America.

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Blah blah blah blah blah… you’re such a troll you keep posting the same BS repeatedly. Seek mental healthcare.

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Lololol. Why would anybody try to scale the wall when all they have to do is walk right through all the ice agentsand the border patrol and get to walk right into the country. If the wall would've been completed and remain in Mexico would've kept on going. Was the intention we wouldn't be spending $150 billion on housing feeding and giving free medical to a illegal immigrants when our own citizens don't get the same benfit. And in New York, they weren't even further by giving them debit cards.

If you'd like to be real, take a look at the chart that Trump was showing the day he got shot and look at the immigration differences between the Biden administration and the Trump administration and if you don't see that it's a problem then we have nothing more to talk about cause that's facts in your face and everybody knows that that's the truth Truth there's been between 12 to 15,000,000 illegals plus getaways plus over 350,000 children that they don't know where they are plus numerous killings and rapes by people that not only were here, but were sent back and got here again and still managed to kill

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So why didn’t your god finish the wall? He only built a few miles of new wall in 4 years. If he would have had another 4 years we would have had 30 more miles of wall.

What are you afraid of? What did an immigrant do to hurt you?

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Why do people put words in my mouth? I don't happen to like Donald Trump for who he is. I like his policies they're all correct and they'll all work for all Americans. And why didn't he finish the wall? Why don't you read up on it and understand that the Democrats wouldn't vote and approve the funds which would've been about 1/5 of what will eventually spend deal dealing with all the illegals after having spent 150, billion

Already on food, shelter, and free medical care that American citizens are not entitled to and including debit cards in New York and not to mention all the crime and rapes that you hate and murders by many of these illegals including the most recent one where the man burnt the woman alive in a subway car while he watched

Or lakin Riley. Were the young teenager I think her name was Lugo. I don't remember the spelling of her name who is raped and murdered by two gang members illegally here.

None of that was necessary, but for spite, the Democrats didn't want him to build the wall. It was immoral, they said. Let's see how immoral it is now. When Biden even didn't have the courtesy to call Lake and Riley's mother and apologize for allowing this criminal to be here in the first place look up look up the case go ahead. It's sickening. Or jocelyn Jocelyn nungaray that stripped a 12-year-old girl naked, raped her and killed her

I believe my own personal feeling is Joe Biden needs to be accused of it being an accessory to murder.

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Apparently, you didn't know that the Democrats voted against the funding and he was trying to even take money from other parts of the government budget to build the wall and they wouldn't let him But now he's in control of the government and on day one the wall will begin to be completed again

In fact, the spiteful SOB leaving the White House is trying to sell off much of the unfinished wall parts collated plumbous at a nickel on the dollar so that Trump has to buy new stuff which will take time And cost the taxpayers 95% more than need be, but thank goodness the government of Texas decided to buy the material. It's sickening. It's disgusting.

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What's particularly disgusting is that the mainstream media continue to sane wash everything that comes out of his mouth.

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Trump's chaos is both a smokescreen and his personal pathology serving a smokescreen. "Look over here, not over there!"

The powerful who back Trump want the smokescreen so voters don't notice who benefits from the oligarchy who support him. An example is Musk injecting chaos into the Continuing Resolution to keep the government open. Real action against for profit health insurers was cut, for instance, but how many MAGAs have even heard of the Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) shell game to funnel profits to the mega insurers?

Trump's personal pathology spews hate and ignorance to unload his delusional grievances -- and this adds flash bang grenades to the smoke screen.

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And there is no sanity to be had there.

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So why do you think Trump is back in the White House? Just curious

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Russian misinformation and republican cowardice.

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TRDS is not an attractive trait.

By the way, with regards to republican cowardice, I have suggested from the beginning that every time the Republicans have control of the triumvirate , they splinter and it looks like this is gonna be the case again on the other hand the Democrats stick together like a real team.

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Mark, when you say mainstream media, think billionaires.

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Matt Gaetz. President elect Trump had the confidence in Gaetz to nominate him to be our AG. All that's just been revealed about Gaetz's behavior and character was known beforehand by Susie Wiles and Mike Johnson, and all senior members of the GOP. If we hold this up as exhibit #1 in an examination of the Trump team's vetting process, to say nothing of it's own moral standards, we are in for an extraordinarily grim next 4 years.

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Hopefully will be two if we do the right thing and work hard for the midterms.

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Yes, and he was investigated by the DOJ for a few years and they didn't charge him. Had you thought about that at all?

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I read Mueller's report. Obviously, you haven't.

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I watched his entire worthless years worth of work that went nowhere. He couldn't charge Trump with anything in fact what he didn't do because of the reason he was sent there and the people that put him up to this task. Talk about Hillary Clinton and her role in the Russia hoax to begin with and the steelier and the struck and Page affair. So what was the outcome according to you of the Mueller report? Absolutely nothing.

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As with Germany in the 1930s, the amoral Trump-Musk (or Musk-Trump) kleptocracy is capable of anything, none of it good for us. In 25 days, we'll start to find out what authoritarianism feels like.

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But in Germany, they had 100% of the people having suffered from the world wide depression and the Paris treaty restrictions.

President Musk has only half the people with a very strong economy from Biden.

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Yes, the depression and the Paris treaty are important factors in Hitler's takeover. Also, in the 30's Germany still had a relatively short history of constitutional government, so it was still ripe for autocracy. The Groper-in-Chief is president (or Musk is president) because of the dismantling of Jim Crow, and it is difficult to conclude that the resentment caused by the dismantling of Jim Crow will be as culturally destructive in the US as were the depression and the Paris treaty in Germany.

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Adolf only ever got 44% of the German vote (that was on March 5, 1933), before that (on July 31, 1932) he took control after being named Chancellor with 38% of the vote. Right after that in Nov of 1932 he only got 32% of the vote for the Reichstag. Herr Schickelgruber (his family name at birth) completed his journey to Führer with even less votes than Donald Duck (his real name at birth?). All Donald has to do now to emulate his real hero is to start filling the camps...and start feeding the greedy MI-complex. More F-35's any one?

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You might have a point with the voting count. There were fights between parties. I mean fights in beer halls. Gun shots that put Hitler in.

I just look at his powerful speeches, the millions gathered in unison screaming “Heil Hitler”. Millions. The military marches lined with cheering citizens.

Trump speeches are dull. He would gather about 10k of bored folks. His biggest being Madison Square Garden and that was the same monotone delivery stating the same things. They didn’t pour out into mid Manhattan and rioted, they came out and went home. Happy they attended and happy that it was over so they can return to their well paying jobs.

I will say that once Hitler was in place, this evil person ruled Germany. Maybe not 100%, but it gave the country a purpose and put people back to work. There were the Sophie and Hans’ towards the end along with assassination attempts once his generals realized he was crazed, but at the beginning they were on a purpose. A bad purpose with soldiers on methamphetamine ready to take over Europe for Germany.

I just don’t see it happening. But the networks will sell commercials making it seem that way.

To make the rich richer.

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John I liked where you were heading until: "They didn’t pour out into mid Manhattan and rioted, they came out and went home." They didn't go home in Charlottesville, they didn't go home in DC on Jan 6, They didn't back off on the Steal myth, etc. etc., they empowered the Supreme Court to remove self determination from women again. John, its not the oratory style difference that is important, it's the result. A whole small army of thugs is waiting in Prison to be pardoned and out on the street again.

As far as Hitler doing some good for 100% of the population. As you said.. OMG, John by 1934 in the Early years of Nazi rule (1933-1934) numerous so-called "early concentration camps" were already built:

At least 70 concentration camps for opponents of the regime

30 "protective custody departments" in judicial and prison institutions

60 detention centers of the Gestapo, SA and SS

The number of prisoners fluctuated over the years:

Up to April 1933: Over 45,000 people (mostly men) were incarcerated in various detention centers

End of 1938: Almost 60,000 people in concentration camps

Before the start of the war in 1939: The number fell to around 21,000 because most of them were murdered.

By 1941 there were 1000 Concentration Camps in Germany alone, often in the middle of towns and bigger cities.

At the same time, any people, especially Jews and political opponents of National Socialism, fled Germany:

An estimated 500,000 people left the German Reich during the Nazi era

Of these, around 360,000 came from from Germany (before the Anschluss of Austria)

80-90% of the exiles were of Jewish descent

1938: 40,000 Jews left Germany

1939: 78,000 Jews fled the country

The main receiving countries were:

USA: about 140,000 immigrants

Great Britain and Palestine followed as other major destinations6

It is important to note, John, that the exact numbers can vary and are often based on estimates, as not all data are fully preserved or accessible.

Hitler emptied the country of opposition and/or put them in camps, and then "put them to work" as you say BUT AS SLAVES to build arms and a German war machine. John, read your history...there is a lot written. Trump is getting ready to follow a similar path. Just wait til the Oath Keepers Trump pardons become his "Leibstandarte". He will say that the Secret Service obviously can't protect him. John, wake up, smell the Napalm, get prepared and READ.

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Incredible data. What I wrote was they didn’t pour into the streets and rioted. I believe that was 100% true. I stand by that.

I think he has less violent followers today and hope that to be true. But if you’re right, I think we have shown them that we have crazy enough people to shoot of an ear, attempt an assignation on a golf course, and shoot a CEO in the back.

Like minutemen of there past.

They won the election, so what are they rioting for? We have a good economy, low unemployment, so what is their frustration? We haven’t taken away their guns. And we have them too because of that.

I would like to take this country back by the way our forefathers wanted it to be. And I believe that to start in November of 2026.

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As far as the economy goes, we may well be in the same economic straits soon. If Trump succeeds in getting rid of the Fed and FDIC as he's threatened, it won't be long.

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Gene, it's true but the important thing is not when it will start but when is going to end.

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The next four years will be challenging not only for the United States, but for the entire world. With Trump and Musk at the helm — backed by Putin — no European country will feel safe … not to mention, the Middle Eastern world with Netanyahu meddling in the fray, nor can one dismiss the safety and welfare of Far Eastern nations. We are in for a world-wide brouhaha!

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Remember it's the WWE! Who is on which side, and when did they switch side? Thanks again Professor, you nailed it!

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What is with you? People with the Russian crap. I'm pulling for America but if you keep up this Russian stuff you're just gonna lose more you're gonna keep losing. The Russia hoax was over when Hillary was found out. And that's why Hillary and Chef for the 51 are scared to death. Because they know it was a hoax.

By the way, have you seen that video of Trump peeing on the women in Russia video ? Yeah I didn't think so.

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You sound like a Russian troll. Because I haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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He is a troll. Or maybe a bot. Ignore him, please.

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The more I read, the more I am convinced that “Rick” is not an American. English usage is subpar, and syntax is suspicious.

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Let me say it again, William I'm pulling for America. If you people keep using Russian troll it's only gonna get worse for you. You're gonna get less votes and you're gonna have less support from the public. Especially when more evidence is going to come out with investigations once Trump gets an office.

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"more evidence is going to come out with investigations once Trump gets into office."

Right you are. The Groper-in-Chief's investigations are going to uncover the fact that Panama is using the canal to inflate the price of eggs in the US.

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Monroe nice try. Once again, deflection and denial.

You probably should investigate why Trump is talking about the Panama Canal at all right now and standing up for America against the CHinese. You probably don't have a clue about that to you. Didn't think so.

Trump has no intention of taking over the Panama Canal unless you're a gullible fool, which I doubt you are so buy a copy of his book part of the deal and maybe you'll understand a bit better

There was a program that my wife recorded by a gentleman by the name of Mark Levin Stirratt Ted through video evidence from people's own mouth like Nancy Pelosi, who took blame for January 6 and there will be more investigations into the January 6 committing for either destroying, avoiding and or denying to hear testimony from appropriate witness

You may not even know that there was a exposition of a cover-up by the FBI who had three agents assigned there by 23 additional agents " Were there on their own accord? ". Lol

And there is also a video of these "under cover" agents, escorting people through the barricades, as well as this piece of information, which you probably don't know

So, with all the arrests that were made on that day, not one of the 23 agents that were not supposed to be there, especially in certain areas that they were designated specifically not to be not one of them was arrested amongst this entire crowd. Hmmmm

And of course you probably haven't seen the video with Nancy Pelosi and her daughter while Nancy admits to having made an error and judgment, and should've done more to stop what happened and blamed herself. Ooops if you haven't seen that video you will.

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Frightening, but important information to know. Thank you - just hope Trump pays attention to what you write, although he doesn't really care about anyone but himself. So, never mind about that hope. A combination of him and Musk should actually frighten the WORLD. They are heartless, not to mention not all that bright. I just hope that our grandchildren even have a world. Thank you again for all that you write and share.

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I would hope that once out of office, Biden will return the favor by continually and publicly trolling Trumps failures, mental mistakes and idiotic behavior. He might find it not only helpful for the nation but cathartic.

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Glenn, it would take more than one person to accomplish that. It would take a Village.

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Biden had his chance at the debate and failed.

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Please, stop blaming Biden and focus on the real tragedy 😔

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You can't trolling Trump from a rest home. Biden has enough problem, just knowing where he's at.

If you're an open minded person, check out the Wall Street Journal article a couple of days ago about what they've uncovered about's mental capacity ever since you took office, including interviews by the Democrat party

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I don’t think Joe is home.

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Maybe so. Or maybe the old adage applies: never wrestle with a pig; you get all dirty and it irritates the pig.

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"I just won't get into a pissing contest with that skunk." Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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Glen - I didn't see your response until after I posted mine, with the same comment on pig wrestling. The pig analogy really fits. Here's another:

Calling out Trump's outrageous comments is like trying to teach a pig to sing... it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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I think another analogy for Trump is Ali and professional boxing: "Move like a butterfly, sting like a bee." He says something completely absurd, deftly flits around, and moves to another absurd thought before (or as) a counterpunch is thrown. He keeps everybody off balance and reactive.

He is an absurd character soon again to be the most powerful person on earth, truly a danger to us all.

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Not very deftly though. He is an awkward, fat old man.

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Reader, he's deftly avoided multiple trials (and likely prison sentences.) He's also managed to become elected -- twice -- by deftly changing the subject to the latest outrage. The whole country is one big ADHD diagnosis and he is the shiny object or the squirrel. (And I don't knock anyone with ADHD -- mine was diagnosed 20 years ago.)

And he's less of a fat old man than a disgusting pig.

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Pigs are smarter

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Ali was the greatest boxer ever, and he gave up the prime of his career because of his pacifist beliefs.

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Aggrandizing territory against the will of the inhabitants makes us “the bad guys.”

I can only hope enough legislators and judges choose the law and peace instead of forcing Trump’s way on others.

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Phil, your hope is the hope of every decent person.

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My head is spinning as I read this letter now. The analogy of wrestling with Trump’s chaotic and dangerous wannabe foreign policy, country grabbing hype boggles the mind. Thank you, Dr. Richardson for the definitions and clarity.

Keeping my eyes on the ball as I try to figure out what’s going on is crazy-making. Tweeting and posting about potential policy decisions is upsetting. Trump wants to plow through whatever he wants and doing Putin’s bidding is terrifying.

In this season of light with Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza it’s time for us to shine through together.

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The wrestling cult is not an analogy. It was the beginning of brainwashing young boys and donthecon was deeply involved. This is why he keeps rewarding the McMahons. It’s where the difference between reality and lies was lost and January 6 proved it.

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Terrifying. It’s almost a given that Trump can’t find Denmark on a map. Now he’s setting us on course for confrontation - all because he realizes that he can’t lower food prices.

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We keep underestimating him/them. Don't, and be prepared!

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Maybe if we get Greenland and the eggs and bacon prices would be sky high the orde will be happy. Tragic circus. Not funny.

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It's terrifying!

Not a reality I'm willing to accept!!

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Paula, many people and myself share your desperation. It's a nightmare. Calm down but stay focused.

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I paused a movie about Jack the Ripper to read tonight's column. This is scarier than the movie.

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