Agreed...Merry Christmas to all! In the rush of urgent work, a pause is a gift—a moment to breathe, to gather strength. Clarity blooms in stillness, and renewed focus follows. Stepping back, even briefly, prepares the soul to move forward with greater purpose and resolve.
One of our son, John's, favorite books Is: "Stillness is the Key". He had tagged it, dog eared it and made comments. It is one of the books I collected from his bookcase after he died. Reading it brings me into renewed focus - as you say, with greater purpose and resolve. May we all gather strength in the stillness of this holiday season.
Oh Penny, I’m so sorry, the loss of a child is devastating. I share the same loss. Yes, there are so many things that bring back memories. When my son was a little boy, he would collect dandelions on his way from his school bus stop, and give them to me. During that time, there was always a glass of dandelions on my kitchen window sill. There was also a book children’s poetry, “If I was In Charge of the World and Other Worries”, by Judith Viorst, his favorite poem was “Mother Doesn’t Want A Dog”. Eight years later he shared it with his little sister. She in turn, used it in third grade classroom. The children loved the poems, and understood the significance of several. My son passed at 27 and my daughter is now 45. The binding is worn, but she read the poems, to her three girls. The inscription is on the inside page. ‘Merry Christmas’, with lots of love, Mommy and Daddy”.
Yesterday, I was so blessed to spend the day with his son, my daughter, and her three girls.
Thank you for sharing the title of the book that carried your son through many times and now supports you and no doubt many other friends & family. My heart lifts with these words~
I confess to breathing and gathering strength this morning by watching a deepfake of 45 U.S Presidents singing various songs: 😂 (Gotta catch a little relief somewhere, somehow!)
What a beautiful response! I concur and no one deserves a respite with family and friends more than Heather. She needs to rejuvenate and get ready for the onslaught awaiting her in 2025 and beyond. We all do.
Excellent—you deserve some nights off. I can’t believe how much you do every day and how extraordinarily informative your posts are. Thank you and enjoy the holidays!
Yes, Peter, just as you say. And thank you for the very beautiful 'Images from Maine' you generously share, and inspiring messages too. Those RALSTON GALLERY messages that land in my inbox, gratefully.
O, thank you Peter, for your kind wishes which I receive and return to you and yours. This morning, I revisited your December 22nd missive, which was lovely on its first read, as it was today. Replete with 'quiet images' of tender beauty.
And returning to the Mary Pipher essay, 'Finding Light in Winter' captures the moment we are in, radiantly, as you suggest.
So it seems you hang with some mighty gifted friends, present company included. ;)
I've so loved reading all these comments and feeling heard, understood and consoled.... and so relate to your "(gulp)"==so very appropriate to the moment...thank you for the perfect climax to comforting and inspirational and 2 new books for me for more consolation. Thank you to Heather and Your Devotees--good to be in good company.
Peter, I know I am not the only person here that hopes someday somehow, Heather's Letters are published in print. Perhaps each year could be a separate volume, with a sprinkling of worthy comments, and well illustrated with your photography!
I especially look forward to Heather’s next book; time and history keep marching on and given the God awful election results, Heather is going to have LOTS of material to work with.
This especially low point in American history will be documented - and narrated - by one of the greatest historians this or any country has ever produced. Heather’s voice has become incalculably more valuable than ever….as we all know.
I know that Heather sometimes engages on FB, and I don't use any social media. So I ask a favor of you--please let her know that her impact is greater than she might realize. I feel as though I have made GOOD friends by commenting on the Letters forum. I truly believe that via this forum, people who would otherwise feel very alone or isolated have found a community to sustain them. Certainly, that wasn't her initial intention, it was a side effect. And I am grateful.
Thanks so much, Carol…..aren’t we all SO lucky/blessed to be part of this extraordinary community Heather has given us?!? We’ve all got each other’s backs….which is wonderful and critical in times like these.
Please yes: take another day off! The awfulness can wait!!! And believe me: there will always be stupid nonsense to comment on, as well as horrible and ridiculous stuff. May we all stay sane this coming year . . .
Actually Kevin things are going much better for pollster Anna Seltzer & the Des Moines Register 2 of the 5 defendants in Trump's faux "defamation" IOWA case.
Per 'We Are Iowa' author Laryssa Leone updated on 12/20/24, Defendant GANNETT Co has successfully moved the Grifter's state case to federal Court where I expect some form of attack on the pleadings such as a Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss.
Defamation? Where is the harm? Assume the facts are true. What damages? ALL federal litigators & their staff are on alert mid December of any year for state court mischief.
Trump has picked another far right wing chop shop to misdirect the way. The local shop styles itself as the "NCLU", the National Constitutional [not] Law Center that filed an amicus brief advocating Orange immunity when not working with the Not So Proud Boys.
I will take the 'Under' on the survival of this case.
Indeed, where is the harm? Trump is misusing his bully pulpit to do just that...bully! Indeed, where are the damages. What damage has been done? He won the election and is on his way to damaging all the rest of us. If there was a way a year from now, it is *we* who should be in federal court as plaintiffs in a case against the Donald. This is typical of what he does: create misery where there was at one time, none.
"This is typical of what he does: create misery where there was at one time, none" - I agree, but I also believe this case allows him to claim he is "fighting" for the rest of us. I also believe none of the associated expenses come from his pocket. This form of harassment will continue for the next four years. (The defamation suits against Fox, et al, emerging from the 2020 election, rankle his acolytes. This is one outcome.)
A "claim" that is wholly disingenuous. As often is the case, it is not the "claim" that is the problem, but the sycophants who are all too ready to lap it up. These are the same folks who proclaim the importance of lifting oneself up by their bootstraps and refusing any help from the government. And now, since DJT is "leading" the government, they are all too happy to receive all sorts of assistance that in the end will harm them. This is what we are really fighting: the populace who don't read, are uneducated, untraveled, unknowing of any knowledge that benefits their future. That these folks still support Fox, in spite of Fox's failures in the legal realm, only proves their stupidity and the point I make.
I know many multi-degreed and newspaper-reading professionals who watch Fox daily. The Fox “brand” fills a void, fulfills a (real or perceived) need, or provides a thrill for many Americans. I believe the “formula”’for current conditions took form during The Reagan Years. Decades in the making. A greater effort will be needed to address, counter, and replace it.
Hi Bryan. Thank you for sharing a reference to this Axios article. I believe Musk, et al are fermenting the impression that “… are being reordered at breakneck speed…” to justify their time in the spotlight and proximity to power (in the form of elected officials, world leaders, etc.) Arming space is several decades in the making. Threatening applications of AI are slow to emerge (human augmentation via brain implants, for example) and are still in research form (for military purposes.) We have had probabilistic modeling of <insert conflict or escalation here> for decades; always improving as the platform improves.
More change across more parts of life at more speed: More people today (in this country, at least) are poorer prepared to comprehend these changes (let alone participate in or benefit from them) resulting in greater, more intense, and increasingly demonstrative anger, frustration, and resentment. I believe this is the root intention of our (American) oligarchs resulting in a populace that is easier to deceive, manipulate, and abuse. The corresponding upheaval gave us Trump 47 likely as a proof of concept. The follow-on outcomes will be worse for 99% of us.
After an enjoyable day, a warm and sound sleep is due. Sweet dreams, dear Professor. My dream sleep has always been at anchor in a dream anchorage just like that. The sharp lobster boat works too.
How lovely. Give yourself some needed space; enjoy your holiday time. Thank you for all the analysis you’ve shared with us; and let’s hope for a brighter future.
Many thanks to Heather and Buddy. I hope everyone here is enjoying the respite. I have enjoyed the relative quiet of the neighborhood and now Oregon rain. I am full and about to dig into my new book, The Light Eaters.
Take the time you need. We’ve always been able to trust you to be there when we need you.
Merry Christmas to you, Buddy, and all who you love.
Agreed...Merry Christmas to all! In the rush of urgent work, a pause is a gift—a moment to breathe, to gather strength. Clarity blooms in stillness, and renewed focus follows. Stepping back, even briefly, prepares the soul to move forward with greater purpose and resolve.
One of our son, John's, favorite books Is: "Stillness is the Key". He had tagged it, dog eared it and made comments. It is one of the books I collected from his bookcase after he died. Reading it brings me into renewed focus - as you say, with greater purpose and resolve. May we all gather strength in the stillness of this holiday season.
Oh Penny, I’m so sorry, the loss of a child is devastating. I share the same loss. Yes, there are so many things that bring back memories. When my son was a little boy, he would collect dandelions on his way from his school bus stop, and give them to me. During that time, there was always a glass of dandelions on my kitchen window sill. There was also a book children’s poetry, “If I was In Charge of the World and Other Worries”, by Judith Viorst, his favorite poem was “Mother Doesn’t Want A Dog”. Eight years later he shared it with his little sister. She in turn, used it in third grade classroom. The children loved the poems, and understood the significance of several. My son passed at 27 and my daughter is now 45. The binding is worn, but she read the poems, to her three girls. The inscription is on the inside page. ‘Merry Christmas’, with lots of love, Mommy and Daddy”.
Yesterday, I was so blessed to spend the day with his son, my daughter, and her three girls.
Mark Manson! I love his work!
Thank you for sharing the title of the book that carried your son through many times and now supports you and no doubt many other friends & family. My heart lifts with these words~
Beautifully said...🎄
I confess to breathing and gathering strength this morning by watching a deepfake of 45 U.S Presidents singing various songs: 😂 (Gotta catch a little relief somewhere, somehow!)
What a beautiful response! I concur and no one deserves a respite with family and friends more than Heather. She needs to rejuvenate and get ready for the onslaught awaiting her in 2025 and beyond. We all do.
Excellent—you deserve some nights off. I can’t believe how much you do every day and how extraordinarily informative your posts are. Thank you and enjoy the holidays!
Amen! Love to you and yours and to all those who also hold you in the Light……
Yes, Peter, just as you say. And thank you for the very beautiful 'Images from Maine' you generously share, and inspiring messages too. Those RALSTON GALLERY messages that land in my inbox, gratefully.
Very kind of you……thanks so much, Jean. Holiday greetings to you and yours….and here’s to a good year ahead for all of us (gulp!)
O, thank you Peter, for your kind wishes which I receive and return to you and yours. This morning, I revisited your December 22nd missive, which was lovely on its first read, as it was today. Replete with 'quiet images' of tender beauty.
And returning to the Mary Pipher essay, 'Finding Light in Winter' captures the moment we are in, radiantly, as you suggest.
So it seems you hang with some mighty gifted friends, present company included. ;)
I've so loved reading all these comments and feeling heard, understood and consoled.... and so relate to your "(gulp)"==so very appropriate to the moment...thank you for the perfect climax to comforting and inspirational and 2 new books for me for more consolation. Thank you to Heather and Your Devotees--good to be in good company.
Peter, I know I am not the only person here that hopes someday somehow, Heather's Letters are published in print. Perhaps each year could be a separate volume, with a sprinkling of worthy comments, and well illustrated with your photography!
I especially look forward to Heather’s next book; time and history keep marching on and given the God awful election results, Heather is going to have LOTS of material to work with.
This especially low point in American history will be documented - and narrated - by one of the greatest historians this or any country has ever produced. Heather’s voice has become incalculably more valuable than ever….as we all know.
Indeed, Peter!
I know that Heather sometimes engages on FB, and I don't use any social media. So I ask a favor of you--please let her know that her impact is greater than she might realize. I feel as though I have made GOOD friends by commenting on the Letters forum. I truly believe that via this forum, people who would otherwise feel very alone or isolated have found a community to sustain them. Certainly, that wasn't her initial intention, it was a side effect. And I am grateful.
And, you are NOT alone.
I echo your sentiment.
Splendid idea, Miselle; I second the hope!
Special greetings to you, Peter from downstream in Scarborough.I cherish your gifts to us.🙏💖
Thanks so much, Carol…..aren’t we all SO lucky/blessed to be part of this extraordinary community Heather has given us?!? We’ve all got each other’s backs….which is wonderful and critical in times like these.
Love the quiet of the holidays. Enjoy and gird up for the incoming
Heather, I appreciate you SO MUCH! Good to hear you’ve taken a few days off. 🙏❤️🙏
Please yes: take another day off! The awfulness can wait!!! And believe me: there will always be stupid nonsense to comment on, as well as horrible and ridiculous stuff. May we all stay sane this coming year . . .
Good call!
Merry Christmas to you and Buddy, and the rest of your loved ones! More than ever, we must hold each other close.
Merry Christmas, Heather and Buddy!
The total feeling of peace that photo evokes is much appreciated!
Thanks for all you do for us!
Happy that you get to enjoy that special family time!!
Back to the regularly scheduled dysfunction tomorrow.
Actually Kevin things are going much better for pollster Anna Seltzer & the Des Moines Register 2 of the 5 defendants in Trump's faux "defamation" IOWA case.
Per 'We Are Iowa' author Laryssa Leone updated on 12/20/24, Defendant GANNETT Co has successfully moved the Grifter's state case to federal Court where I expect some form of attack on the pleadings such as a Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss.
Defamation? Where is the harm? Assume the facts are true. What damages? ALL federal litigators & their staff are on alert mid December of any year for state court mischief.
Trump has picked another far right wing chop shop to misdirect the way. The local shop styles itself as the "NCLU", the National Constitutional [not] Law Center that filed an amicus brief advocating Orange immunity when not working with the Not So Proud Boys.
I will take the 'Under' on the survival of this case.
Indeed, where is the harm? Trump is misusing his bully pulpit to do just that...bully! Indeed, where are the damages. What damage has been done? He won the election and is on his way to damaging all the rest of us. If there was a way a year from now, it is *we* who should be in federal court as plaintiffs in a case against the Donald. This is typical of what he does: create misery where there was at one time, none.
Riad Maharani, I concur with your 2025 litigation strategy. The Donald has been racking up successive losses. No breather for the Wreck nor Musk.
The IOWA targets have smarts & money. We must support those that don't in many creative ways.
"This is typical of what he does: create misery where there was at one time, none" - I agree, but I also believe this case allows him to claim he is "fighting" for the rest of us. I also believe none of the associated expenses come from his pocket. This form of harassment will continue for the next four years. (The defamation suits against Fox, et al, emerging from the 2020 election, rankle his acolytes. This is one outcome.)
A "claim" that is wholly disingenuous. As often is the case, it is not the "claim" that is the problem, but the sycophants who are all too ready to lap it up. These are the same folks who proclaim the importance of lifting oneself up by their bootstraps and refusing any help from the government. And now, since DJT is "leading" the government, they are all too happy to receive all sorts of assistance that in the end will harm them. This is what we are really fighting: the populace who don't read, are uneducated, untraveled, unknowing of any knowledge that benefits their future. That these folks still support Fox, in spite of Fox's failures in the legal realm, only proves their stupidity and the point I make.
I know many multi-degreed and newspaper-reading professionals who watch Fox daily. The Fox “brand” fills a void, fulfills a (real or perceived) need, or provides a thrill for many Americans. I believe the “formula”’for current conditions took form during The Reagan Years. Decades in the making. A greater effort will be needed to address, counter, and replace it.
I take each of your points Greg. The rules of the political universe are also changing rapidly.
If you haven't checked out the future that is now, check out Axios' "Behind the Curtain: The Great Upheaval" by Mike Allen & Axis Founder:
Jim VandeHei published 12/12/24.
First sentence: "Governance, media, business and global politics are being reordered at breakneck speed -- all simultaneously."
Hi Bryan. Thank you for sharing a reference to this Axios article. I believe Musk, et al are fermenting the impression that “… are being reordered at breakneck speed…” to justify their time in the spotlight and proximity to power (in the form of elected officials, world leaders, etc.) Arming space is several decades in the making. Threatening applications of AI are slow to emerge (human augmentation via brain implants, for example) and are still in research form (for military purposes.) We have had probabilistic modeling of <insert conflict or escalation here> for decades; always improving as the platform improves.
More change across more parts of life at more speed: More people today (in this country, at least) are poorer prepared to comprehend these changes (let alone participate in or benefit from them) resulting in greater, more intense, and increasingly demonstrative anger, frustration, and resentment. I believe this is the root intention of our (American) oligarchs resulting in a populace that is easier to deceive, manipulate, and abuse. The corresponding upheaval gave us Trump 47 likely as a proof of concept. The follow-on outcomes will be worse for 99% of us.
Greg, have you thought of becoming a Substack "Author".
I only have 1 rule on "Bryan's Substack"; I do not accept paid Subscriptions --
All is free as in freedom.
After an enjoyable day, a warm and sound sleep is due. Sweet dreams, dear Professor. My dream sleep has always been at anchor in a dream anchorage just like that. The sharp lobster boat works too.
How lovely. Give yourself some needed space; enjoy your holiday time. Thank you for all the analysis you’ve shared with us; and let’s hope for a brighter future.
I love the calm
Many thanks to Heather and Buddy. I hope everyone here is enjoying the respite. I have enjoyed the relative quiet of the neighborhood and now Oregon rain. I am full and about to dig into my new book, The Light Eaters.
Michele, love the irony in your last sentence!
I think it was unintentional, but now I see that it is ironic. The book is about plants.
It can wait. Much of it is negative, these days. Enjoy the peace!