Dear Heather, thank you for being a voice of calm, reason, and sanity in these truly alarming times. I look forward to your email every day. You make me think democracy and decency may yet live. And live into its potential, as yet unrealized, for all. Bless you. Thank you for bothering to stay up late, apply your education and intellect, to times I find all but overwhelming.

Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, and all festivals of light and hope.

Gene Robertson, Seattle, WA

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Dear Heather, I hope in your humility you realize that from your offerings has grown a beloved community. I can see from others’ posts how much your truth telling and perspectives sustain, inspire and challenge us to pay attention AND keep our feet on the ground. Deep bow and great thanks.

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From my home in Western Massachusetts come the warmest wishes that you, Buddy and those you love have a restful holiday. And, thank you not only for your Letters From An American, but for creating this community of bright, engaged and committed people from all over the globe. To all of "Heather's Herd", Happy Holidays and let's look forward to a peaceful and healthy 2021.

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Thank you for providing me a touchstone of reality among a sea of misinformation. Your letters have been grounding, guiding, and gifted. You are a national treasure. My best wishes for a wonderful 2021.

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Merry Christmas Heather. Thank you for the gift of your letters, they are a big part of my early morning quiet time. Your letters have calmed me, encouraged me and kept me sane.. 🎄☃️💕

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Merry Christmas to someone I think of as a friend I don’t know yet and a most trusted advisor!

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Happy Holidays! Here’s to Blue skies, President Biden and Vice President Harris, Vaccines and normalcy in 2021! 🎄❤️🎅🏼

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Happy Holidays, Heather! Wishing you and yours a joyful Christmas and much improved 2021. Deepest gratitude for your extraordinary work and guiding spirit. You are essential to us! Hopefully, together we can create a more sustainable, compassionate, and equitable democracy grounded in a sense of shared community. ♥️🌟💚

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Season’s Greetings to you and your loved ones. We are enormously grateful to them (and you of course) for sharing your time and energy with a nation hungry for hope. Discovering your letters has been been one of the brightest parts of 2020 for me.

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Greetings from Madrid and best wishes for a great holiday season. Your columns have provided a beacon of sorts in the last year so, a light in the swamp. Your grounding and guidance will be needed for months or years to come, as our democracy continues to face challenges. I look forward to reading your daily missive to make sense of it.

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Happy Christmas, Professor. Thank you for helping maintain my sanity this year, and increasing my understanding of this country in the year I, finally, became a citizen. (It only took 38 years and it was driven by my wish to vote 45 out!)

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Thank you for all that you do Heather. May the new year bring us all a more loving, kind, healthy, sane world.

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From a rather cold (for us...22 F.) GA with a light dusting of snow--not exactly a white Christmas, but we'll take it--a warm and Merry Christmas to all y'all!! I see there are a LOT of folks on the eastern seaboard who've lost power, so I hope things aren't too nasty. 2020 refuses to go quietly! I'm staying away from politics today so as not to give He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named anymore space in my head. Y'all wrap up if it's cold, and watch it on TV if you're in a warmer clime!! Love and admiration to everybody here...and above all, peace.

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From our home on the west coast (WA), to yours on the east coast, a very Merry Christmas! Your posts have actually been the best gift I could have gotten this year! Thank you.

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Happy Holidays, Heather, and thank you for illuminating our world. You've made a huge difference to so many of us.

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Christmas and birthday greetings to you and those you love from downstream in Scarborough, where you and I are experiencing a blustery Maine Christmas Day. Nice day to rest, read and drink egg nog and feel the gratitude for our blessings, and you are chief among mine, and so many. Thank you.

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