Once again I've learned something from the professor's recounting of history, this time General George Washington's resignation of his wartime commission. And, as always, the lesson carries meaning today, specifically how our democracy was designed around the peaceful relinquishment of power.

It stands in stark contrast to the House Republicans, who in the next Congress will use their power to blackmail Democrats and the nation itself. They are not there to govern. They are there to destroy.

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Truly an inspiring moment in the history of our country. Thank you for sharing the story of Washington’s resignation. It was part of his legacy as a great leader that I did not know, but am very happy to have now. Hoping you & Buddy are safe and warm.

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Thank you Heather.

I realize I have been super busy these last few days, but did I miss if Kevin McCarthy has told his fellow Republicans that if they vote for him he'll get them a pony?

He reminds me of that kid in school that will tell you absolutely anything you want to hear if you just like him.

Be safe. Be well

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Thank you Professor for all the work you do to prepare these letters. I have learned so much from you and from the people who offer their comments here. This is why I want to wish you and all the people who write here and those who read what is written a very happy holiday season. Stay safe, warm, and healthy. From Texas where we are freezing!

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I haven’t commented much but I do want to say that I appreciate what I read here every day. It gives me hope and I always learn something new.

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I have never felt such a shiver of awe as I did reading Heathers description of Trumbull choosing Washington’s peaceful relinquish of power as his theme for the fine painting to grace the rebuilt Capital rotunda. The J6 rioters defaming that spirit, egged on by a egotistical despot that carnival-barked his way to power and would not let go, even though Americans said “Enough!” Heather, you inspire me every day with these history lessons. Blessing on you and your family in the coming holiday and New Year. I am so grateful for your time, intellect, and effort with your LFAA posts. And warm wishes to all in our commenter community that keep the discussion lively.

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The lymphedema treatment act was also attached to the omnibus bill, after several years of trying, finally women with mastectomies for breast cancer who have swollen arms from lymph blockage will have their compression sleeves paid for by Medicare. Hundreds of people and thousands of hours were spent in getting this finally in the pipeline. Enough men finally understood the problem and the awful expense to vote for it, though many Republicans in the House never understand anything. It shows how hard it is to get a job done when legislators are distracted by lies and corruption. Also how our Senator Cantwell persisted in working for human decency, and how compassionate reason finally won.

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Blast those who voted to put a Mafia Mob Boss in charge of our United States, Democracy and the U.S. Citizens. Blast them for going along with their foiled plan and blood thirsty actions of January 6th. I suspect many will fall and pay a dear price, but truly want to see the Bafoon clothed in Orange and Shackles.

Merry Christmas to millions.

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What a great great contrast between the actions of Democratic Congress Critters to propose “an aggressive investment in American families, American workers, American national defense” versus TFG and his supporters’ attempts to overturn a legitimate election. I’m glad that Congress is taking steps to close the loopholes in the counting of electoral votes. One is designed to benefit all citizens; the other is designed to ignore the wishes of the majority of the voters. Thank you for highlighting how George Washington modeled putting the health of the country ahead of his interests.

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As I see it the Republican party had 2 choices. Go back to the moderate party that was concerned about big government and overspending, or choose to play the 'Whacknut' card. They chose the later and they rolled "Snake Eyes" Bye Bye.

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Happy Festivus!

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The wonderful Frank Bruni, in his last newsletter, included a hilarious and brilliant takedown of McCarthy, who seems to be syntactically challenged. I include it here. Have a great holiday all: stay safe, stay warm. Dana Milbank has been listening closely to Representative Kevin McCarthy as the California Republican campaigns, ineloquently, to become the next speaker of the House: “Deep in his brain there seems to be a syntax scrambler (I’m guessing it was put there by Hunter Biden, or perhaps the Chinese) that causes violent clashes between subjects and objects, nouns and verbs, singular and plural, and past and present.” (Thanks to Donna Silver of Madison, Wis., and Arlyne Willcox of Manhasset, N.Y., for nominating this.)

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What wasn't mentioned in the lesson about Washington turning his power over to the civilian political power, when in fact he could have declared himself Tribune of the People (the official title of the Caesars), or king or dictator, and had the support of the army and enough of the country to make it stick - because the civilian power was already in the disrepute that would lead to the Constitutional Convention 4 years later, is that it established that in the United States, the military power was beholden to the civil power. It established civilian control of the military. That's why it was considered so important 200+ years ago.

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... Jim McGovern (D-MA) to say: “After listening to that, it’s clear he doesn’t have the votes yet.” After hearing McCarthy ranting and raving against folks who voted for the package.

I can breathe a sigh of relief because this happened before the repubs take control where they threatened to hold the Dems hard fought legislation hostage.

Unfortunately, I have to agree with increased military spending. We may be heading for an inflection point with Russia and China. We know those folks only respect power and a credible threat of their own existence.

I wasn't familiar with Bennie Thompson before he became chair of the Select Jan 6th Committee. I'm so impressed with him and I hope I continue to be.

Great analysis Dr. Richards and thanx !

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This bill is an enormous investment in working America and our exquisitely unique landscape. Anyone opposing it reveals themselves as a person who does not support Democracy.

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Professor Richardson, it is with gratitude that I read your words. Thank you for this holiday gift of information about the Omnibus Budget Bill being passed and tying the current events to their historical antecedents. How interesting. I am so fortunate to have found this community of patriots that you have nurtured through your letters. It gives hope for the coming year. I feel like the Democrats woke up and took charge and all of the seeds that Biden was sowing in the beginning are starting to bear fruit. This has been a powerfully inspiring week, capping off a very tumultuous year! Great minds are at work, and yours is one of them.

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