Forevermore, when he was offered the chance to evacuate from his country, President Zelenskyy will be remembered for saying, "The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride." With those words he set the tone for the world to admire, encourage and respect the will and efforts of the Ukrainian people to remain free. 300 days of war!
Every morning when I turn on the hot water in my kitchen, in the shower, and otherwise go on with my mundane life, I think of the endurance and bravery of the Ukrainians. I am grateful that the US will continue to send them aid.
Zelensky's decision to stay in Kiev may quietly turn out to be one of the key choices of the century. It was bravery in the simplest and clearest presentation. Everyone knew he was Russian target #1. The Ukranians had just fought off a puppet government less than a decade ago; their country just beginning to be truly free and prosperous. Zelensky refusing to leave - and, very, very importantly, the other heads of government refusing as well - indicated clearly to the people part of what living on a democracy should mean: that leaders don't put themselves above the people. The citizens' lives were on the line, so his was going to be too. Democracy meant they really could and did choose someone who would fight for and with them.
On the first day of the invasion my Dad was grim. He appreciated Zelensky and company's bravery, but said his days were numbered. Ukraine would fall soon, because Russia would wear them down. Putin wouldn't stop, and another World War was likely.
I disagreed with vigor on all counts. Dad chided me for youthful optimism. I chided him for being an anthropology major who somehow seemed to forget human nature, and our own country's history to boot.
I had seen a video which told me all I needed to know: it was of a tiny elderly woman walking up to Russian soldiers in the middle of a street and offering them seeds, so "you can grow sunflowers when you die." People with that level of forceful and righteous existential determination will never provide an easy victory to a group of invaders who are "just following [evil] orders." Just like the colonists versus the Redcoats.
A new flashpoint for freedom. Now seen on screens across the globe.
I’m an art teacher at an elementary school. When I saw that video I knew we had to paint sunflowers! When our superintendent toured our school, every hallway had bright beautiful sunflowers all along the walls! Easy to tie it to Van Gogh. Since teachers are restricted from discussing current events.
How wrong, that teachers are restricted from discussing current events. Can you talk about the weather? I was going to say "how sad" but isn't sad it is wrong! Even Mr. Rogers could and did talk about current events, including very difficult subjects.
My friend here in Chicago teaches high school Spanish and IB Global Politics. In the latter class she is showing them the Netflix film about the Ukrainian Maiden Uprising called Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom. Next comes Freedom on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom.
Chicago is not suffering from the anti information movement as much as some places, although the private school Francis Parker is being attacked by a right wing parental group that infiltrated the annual People of Color Conference of the National Association of Independent Schools and pretending to be Gay, secretly filmed an administrator of the school who was there discussing his coming out story, and the optional Sex education curriculum offered by Howard Brown an organization dedicated to LGBTQ+ health. They have had bomb threats, picketing, their phone and internet hacked by this organization where no one in it sends their children to this school. So, they feel that they know better for other people's children as well as their own.
Wonder whether Twitter has let this troll back onto its website. Speaking of which I have read that US government is investigating Twitter and if they make pronouncements about business practices, then twitter will have to abide by them regardless of who is their owner or CEO. I am sure this is turning into a bigger headache for Musk than he seems to have anticipated.
The German courts are going after Twitter too. In fact, it is advocated that if you don't want Twitter trolling you, change your settings so your business is in Germany, and then their courts will be in charge of the content.
Like Trump, in his troubles he is losing a lot of fans, or it could be the other way around, he is losing fans and that helps him accumulate troubles. Either way, many people are jumping ship. He has not inspired the confidence he needs to, based on his behaviors which do not warrant confidence. This seems to be spreading to his other businesses. He has gone from being worth over a trillion to mere hundreds of billions, so he is falling closer and closer to earth.
TEACHERS ARE RESTRICTED FROM DISCUSSING CURRENT EVENTS!??? Seriously? I am so ignorant about school curriculum. I can understood not offering bold opinions. Just ignoring current events is what goes on in our learning institutions? Insane.
The biggest restrictions here in Texas come from the state. CRT and 1619 Project paranoia which we weren’t ever teaching anyway! But the district where I work parents got a court order to stop us from disciplining students that use racial slurs because it interferes with their freedom of speech. I think they want to whitewash history so their children won’t feel any guilt over what white people have done to minorities or indigenous people. And there’s so much more! Christian nationalists, Patriot Mobile, we’re running the gamut of dystopia.
What an uplifting thing to do! Sounds like teachers have to get uber creative to teach their students (I know that my ire would get me fired). What will these whackjob parents do when people quit going into teaching, and nursing. I guess they'll homeschool and homeheal....
A lot of them already do. I have several stories about home schooling and ensuing tragedies among other things. The worst was the people we bought meat from who, to their credit, did it right. But they were very fundamentalist and home schooled their kids The youngest one clearly had problems which a public school would have caught and perhaps helped hime with. He was always surly when he was manning the booth at the Saturday market. Then he got involved with an older woman and I think drugs. The end result was that he murdered both his parents by scything and beating them to death. As for home healing, they are ones most likely not to get vaccinated and use bogus remedies.
I used them in my local campaign. Some people didn't get the connection! I didn't bother to enlighten them. Apparently they were watching Fox Entertainment!
That's ridiculous that teachers aren't allowed to discuss current events. I remember in 5th grade (late 60's) that was one of our topics discussed every day. We each had to bring in 2 different articles from the newspaper and stand up in front of the class and tell about them and then answer any questions other kids might have.
Zelenski staying in Ukraine does indeed come with high risk.
The NY Times, today, has issued one of their "Video Investigations" showing what one paratrooper unit did to innocent children, women and men in one Ukranianian city. Truly one of the most brilliantly constructed "news" articles I have seen in my life.
If this is how Russia plans to rid the world of "ungodly" behavior, well, count me out. The cure is profoundly worse than the "problem" (which does not affect me in any way).
Also, one of the most horrifying news stories I have ever read in my 62 years.
Gift link for all. Send it to your relatives. Russia is a rogue state (as are we, BUT, I will stay my criticisim of our own horrors today).
We see Putin's war against Ukraine and its people as it took place last March in Bucha. 'When the war in Ukraine began, neighbors and residents of Bucha decided to flee with their families, protect their loved ones and search for food.' Russian soldiers killed them for it.' Words seem like dust compared to seeing the brutality of Russian soldiers against people like you and me.
Thank you, Mike S. for sharing these scenes of murder, destruction and ruthlessness against the innocent residents of Bucha. You have provided us with the the work of 'Caught on Camera, Traced by Phone: The Russian Military Unit That Killed Dozens in Bucha, By Yousur Al-Hlou, Masha Froliak, Dmitriy Khavin, Christoph Koettl, Haley Willis, Alexander Cardia, Natalie Reneau and Malachy Browne•December 22, 2022.'
'Exclusive phone records, documents, interviews and thousands of hours of video reveal how a Russian paratrooper unit killed dozens of people on one street in March.' published in video form by The New York Times.
I cannot read that article. I've seen enough about Bucha and every other community freed from the Orcs to make me ill. Regardless of what they say and who does it, Putin is out to wipe Ukrainians and Ukraine off the map. And apparently many Americans feel the same way. Adam Kirzinger tweeted about Boebert and Gaetz disgusting behaviour
The comments from their supporters were pure ignorance.
The Russians have a long history of barbarous behavior on the battlefield. Plus many of the Russian “soldiers” are criminals and desperate conscripts who need to convince their Russian superiors that they are doing all they can. Horrifying on so many levels. Let’s give Zelensky and that genius general of his everything they ask for and help them win the minds of Russians by defeating the Kremlin on the battlefield. Save lives by getting this over as soon as possible.
Thanks for this, Mike. I hadn't seen it. This is what I wrote in the comments section to the article: "Absolutely horrifying images. As we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, this report serves as a stark reminder of just how little peace there is for some people in this world. These images serve as a backdrop to the inspiring speech by President Zelensky to Congress last night, to show what they, and us, are fighting against. And then after the speech we get--almost bizarre--anti-Ukraine rantings from Tucker Carlson and a tweet from Don T***p Jr.: 'Zelensky is basically an ungrateful international welfare queen.' It only proves there are voices among us here who would indeed side with the forces that committed such atrocities. It becomes harder for me to feel the 'warm fuzzies' of the holiday when confronted with the harsh realities of this world and what fellow human beings can do to each other. Thanks to the NYT for shining a glaring and graphic light on what must surely rank as an international crime. For me at least, it tempers the 'Happy' of 'Happy Holidays'".
Thank you Mike for the link. I made myself watch it. Anyone who does not want to continue helping Ukraine needs to be forced to watch this and realize that this could be us. It's sickening - no regard for human life.
Thank you for this link, Mike. This is an extraordinary film, a collage that illuminated what is going on in Russia-occupied parts of Ukraine. Both story and evidence. Agree with your quiet observation that the US and Russia have some commonalities. I have witnessed some here. At the moment all I can feel is numbness, something I recognized in many of the people in the film (including the Russian soldiers: only an emotionally numb person could commit those acts). The Times' Video Investigations would make subscribing worthwhile, if I can find a way to jimmy it into my budget somehow.
I agree only as long as compassion is part of it. Emotional numbness is something that removes a person from their own feelings and renders them incapable of dealing with them in positive ways. It is not something to be used as a cudgel. I don't know how you meant your comment, but I wanted to make clear what I meant.
Will, from Cal -- I had seen a video which told me all I needed to know: it was of a tiny elderly woman walking up to Russian soldiers in the middle of a street and offering them seeds, so "you can grow sunflowers when you die."
Excellent, Will! yours are my sentiments, as well. I'm so glad you stood adamantly (and lovingly, I'm sure) against your dad's early grim assessment. It's that youthful optimism and spirit that will overtake the evil of Putin's war.
These are the same people, who having been starved by Stalin in the ‘30’s, welcomed German troops who has NOT starved them, for which they have been blamed ever since by people who don’t know history. They are fiercely independent, having refused to join the Polish empire when it was the strongest power in the Baltic and Muscovy only a rump state.
Have you seen what may be Zelenskyy’s magnum ois “Servant of the People.” It is the best of sitcoms and was his presidential “campaign” (accidental). This is a brilliant and brave man. Three languages (Russian, Ukrainian, and English) and three alphabets are a good start.
Thank you, Will. It is good to see such clear eyed optimism and determination in a young person today. Keep sharing your ideas and leadership with us and with your peers. It strengthens us all!
Let it be a reminder that Authoritarian regimes will always be a threat to democracies. They are kleptocrats and oppressive at home, but when their domestic popularity wanes, they rely on nationalism and demagoguery to claim a fake enemy to start wars abroad. Russia, North Korea, Iran, China, Saudi Arabia. To often we take the easy way in cheap oil, cheap labor, or alliance against another enemy, instead of sticking to our founding principles of self determination, the rule of law, and respect for human dignity.
Freedom is not "free"!!! I made a wreath for my door with sunflowers and blue ribbon. It will remain on my door, in all seasons, until Ukraine is free. I also pray that our country will assist in helping to rebuild Ukraine after it is free. It is a small thing compared to the great suffering Ukranian citizens are undergoing now, but it is a visual for me everyday. It is also a reminder that we too can allow our freedoms to be taken from us.
Our enemies use our religion to divide us and to create hate and separation. God loved me when I was far from Him and as I have grown into an old lady, I am grateful that I can receive His grace, His love, His forgiveness. I need Him everyday. I desire to allow the God of my faith to continue to work in me to give out those gifts of faith, hope , love, joy and peace that were freely given to me, to fight against prejudice....not to be used by others to hate, to separate, to destroy.
May God protect and strengthen Ukraine!!! and as He accomplishes that may He also save and bless the USA, each of us, all colors, all faiths, etc, etc.....
Ukraine will sure need a Marshall type plan to rebuild. It’s a good investment. One thing that really bothers me is the more than 1 million Ukrainian people removed and sent deep inside Russia, including children as some form of de Ukrainianization. The war will not be over till they are brought home.
"Not charity. Investment." Important point. Beautiful symbolism, the exchange of real flags. As for the Republican punks in question, we already knew who and what they are.
While we are at it, we really need to drive home this larger point in our daily conversations with fellow citizens: Stop thinking of every policy - foreign and domestic - in terms of "spending" and start thinking of it all on terms of "investment."
You want the country run like a business, eh? Well, **that's what good businesses do!!!** Will this expenditure get us more out than we put in in the long term, in terms of another something we value? If yes, then expend.
Or better yet, try thinking of running the country as running a big family in which everyone has a say. Buying good food and new clothes for your kids is considered worthwhile because we value the results of those purchases.
Every dollar spent helping Ukraine IS an investment in making sure you world democracy survives, and you can't put a price on that. Similarly, domestic programs like paid family leave, child tax credit, universal child & eldercare, expanded Medicare, and free community college are INVESTMENTS in a future. Spend big now on smart things, get a bigger return later with a more prosperous society.
This line of thinking, of course, DOES depend on being willing to think at any point about other people being worth helping. We'll have to still work on drilling that idea in too, apparently.
Brilliant. True. And a message that needs to be made clear -- repeatedly -- to a people who are feeling unsupported and threatened. That JD Vance defeated patriot Tim Ryan in Ohio is evidence of our need to make your points incredibly clear, repeatedly. Investments in our fellows are investments in our ourselves. We are only as strong as our neighbor. We have ignored the incredible physic and physical damage done to the collective by myriad daily traumas: racism, inequity in every corner of people’s lives: education, healthcare, opportunities, housing, transportation, access to healthy food, green spaces and recreation, access to peace of mind and faith in rule of law.
This is one of the most compelling weeks in our nation’s history. That the white patriarchy is NOT getting by with the election scam attempt of a corrupt cabal of self-centered old white men; that an old white man who ruined the lives of countless aspiring actresses by lording power over them as he raped and terrorized them has been sentenced to what amounts to life in prison plus, and that this brave soul Zelensky has shone as a guiding light of rule of law over an almost caricature of corruption whom TFG idolized? What a week. And it’s only Wednesday. Oh. Yes. And include in the litany of wins for democracy that TFG’s taxes are finally being given the light and air that should have been required for him to even think of running for office? This is a win for rule of law. Rule of law. That no one is above the law. Equity: that we do not favor one race or economic class over another (we have a LONG way to go on this).
Rule of law: that the patriarchy can withhold assets to some and SYSTEMATICALLY destroy the assets and opportunities of others? These are traumas in our nation’s long litany of colonization, genocide, kidnapping and enslavement.
Zelensky’s choice of military clothing during this war, his standing before congress with boots “likely covered in dust from the front lines of war,” show the willingness of a leader willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with all of his country men. That he and Joe Biden could share warm moments of solidarity and even laughter is a testimony to the human spirit. That Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris were literally behind Zelensky during his historic and inspiring speech (for a treat look up the Anderson Cooper interview with Doris Kerns Goodwin last night as she puts the importance of Zelensky’s visit in historical perspective), that all of this is happening as the Billionaire plutocracy in this nation seems to be just a little bit closer to being outed as Russian sympathizers yearning for autocracy, and wow. Again. What. A. Week. What a holiday gift not unlike the Hanukkah lights. The story of a baby born in a manger becoming one whose message of love and support for the poor managed to change the world without a single tweet. And on and on and on. This is a week of long fought for miracles. I do not take it for granted and I will draw strength from it for years to come. The love of fellow man and the power of the human spirit to rise above self for the greater good? Affirmed. That all of this happened as this fragile earth tipped its access to turn toward more light than darkness? Need I say more?
Brilliantly and movingly written Carey! That there could be a Rule Of Law is one of the most fundamental myths (or abstract beliefs like money or nations or government) that Homo Sapiens found it could believe in the Cognitive Revolution 70,000 years ago and go on to prosper and flourish! May we keep that idea, that myth, The Rule of Law ascendant over and above nations and governments who don't also hold the necessity of that truth above all others.
Nobody ever questions our own military industrial complex spending which now exceeds all domestic spending combined. They all lay down at the feet of the military contractor lobby.
Every time I read the dollar number of the Pentagon's budget I cringe as it is so telling what the priorities are in this country. Guns over homes, food, bridges, education, medical care, even research. It will be a great day when the schools get all the money they need and the Airforce has to hold a bake sale.
When we stop spending on defense we will be at the mercy of governments that hate us. Bake sale for the Air Force? No, the money for investment in education, housing, health care, drug addiction reduction, opportunity for minorities etc must come from taxing the wealthy. If we persist in the stratification we have now, there will be fewer and fewer reasons morally to have anything to defend. We are becoming an oligarchy, the last step before autocracy.
Our military budget is larger than most of the other countries combined. We could still have a military but not spend as much as we do. It often looks like the money goes for military "toys" that is more for the excitement of the new gadget than we actually need. In fact what the Pentagon often gets is way more than they ask for. And, it's our aggressive approach around the world that contributes to other countries and governments hating us in the first place. If a military weapon is devised you can bet somebody will come up with a rationale for using it. It's criminal and immoral. Aggression breeds aggression.
An established ratio that requires that domestic spending to be larger than military.
An audit of the military budget and complete review of what programs are funded and how contracts are awarded.
Have some fun and enter into Google "trillion dollar jet" (that doesn't work)
While I am in complete support of Ukraine and providing whatever assistance they need, the bill we just a watched go through Congress was just more tasty sausage for the Oligarchs who get fat on tax payer dollars.
Yes to all paragraphs. The last paragraph, especially, is so true---defense contract. ( I wrote "military" but realize that is NOT an appropriate description) "defense contract" includes all the fat cat bonuses built in to the contracts. If this country could find the will to appropriate just a fraction of the defense contract budget to building up this country instead of manufacturing machines of destruction it would be glorious and transformative. But the 'system' won't allow it until there is transformation. (Others may disagree, but Bernie stands enough against the current 'system' to offer hope, but he, like all of us eventually, has a limited time on this planet to work for good and transformation!!!!!) End of rant. Peace and Courage to All----and to the People of Ukraine as they fight True Evil.
WaPo: "But a small group of House Republicans critical of the ongoing funding to Ukraine, including Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado and Matt Gaetz of Florida, did not clap for Zelensky when he walked onto the House floor and rarely stood throughout his speech. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), the top critics of funding the war, did not attend."
Disgusting. Yet another truly contemptible example of what these people - and their ilk - represent. History will record them as what they truly are. As should each and every voter in this country claiming to value patriotism, democracy and decency.
Anne-Louise and Peter, one can fervently hope The Rule of Law eventually reaches them as well for their complicity in efforts to overthrow our government...sitting in Congress or absenting themselves for the last time.
That was my hope, also, as I watched last night. There are still 30-some members of Congress who aided and abetted the insurrection who should be on trial for their crimes, and then shown the door and barred from ever holding office again.
Oh, please, can we just stop using that word! If you have something to contribute, please don't just call names. Use sentences that say something meaningful and hopefully illuminating.
The primary snarkers seated together and caught on camera were Gaetz and Boebert. The primary snarker outside the chamber was Tucker Carlson who squawked and squeaked referring to Zelensky clothes as making him look like a “strip club owner”.
May we not mention the names of any traitors again this year.
Christine's message is a good one. I have not mentioned the name of 'the defeated former president' in my blog or in any emails for well over a year now, fearing that doing so might contaminate my keyboard in addition to giving him unwarranted exposure by its mere mention.
Hah...those who treated President Zelenskyy with such disrespect have caught the amoral, character-destroying virus that drumpf spreads. They no longer possess the ability to feel shame or embarrassment.
Indeed, I'm surprised they haven't yet bragged about their disrespect as though it was some kind of signifier of their 'strength of mind'.
Yes we do know who they are. Now we can vote those traitors out, if the rule of law doesn't catch up with them first! Why isn't Matt Gaetz in jail already for having sex with an underage girl???
It was quite a speech from quite a man--a seeming super hero because of his courage, resolve in democracy, and compassion for his people, NOT for power and glory. The contrast to Putin are of epic proportions--the Holy Spirit vs the ego. Zelensky is a real-life-once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show our children what a true superhero is....
There is something so very curiously similar between trump and putin that perhaps only a comparable reading of their astrology charts can bring us some clarity. Both men of the same authoritarian mindset stood together in the White House, in the height of their power, gloatingly heaping praise on each other. Both held secret meetings together, plotting who-knows-what and confiscating the interpreter's notes. Both have lifted up the Bible as cover and to infer that they were the chosen ones. Suddenly, the winds have shifted. Both men's egregiously deleterious actions have brought about their downfall as they desperately cling to power by cooking up big lies. In the face of desperation both demand unwavering loyalty as they further isolate. Both are in big the little mouse stands up and roars. It's truly biblical....
Agreed! It certainly makes me wonder who among the ultra-wealthy are paying the bills for these Republicans who want an authoritarian kleptocracy and why the Justice Department isn't perusing them.
Pursuing them? My spellchecker made the same mistake. But we see what you mean, even with stupid spells checker’s mistake. I would like to see those people names published for all to see. Along with how much tax the paid this year.
You can start with Koch Industries. Their fingers are in all the pies. Then there is a lot of foreign money flowing in now through organizations like the NRA. There's a reason Republicans won't allow any legislation that requires donors provide their names on donations. Also, when I worked for a very large corporation, they went around to all the offices collecting money for their political contributions. I raised questions about the ethics of being asked to give money, but no say in how it would be spent. I was laid off about 3 months later. Coincidence?
Yesterday, I continued plowing through the Executive Summary of the January 6 Committee Report.
And then, early this morning my time here in Germany, I watched President Zelensky, just hours from the battlefields of Ukraine, speak to the US Congress.
The tragic irony of that courageous defender of Democracy speaking in the building that so recently witnessed an insurrection crafted and executed by a sitting US President with the aid of some of the men and women in that very room, was stark.
The snarky grin on the face of Matt Gaetz, whose image was in the frame as Zelensky left the building, was infuriating. Ukraine may be without electricity, but it is the brightest light in the sky at the moment, while ours flickers to maintain its flame.
With all the problems facing mankind, one has to wonder why Repub thugs are intent on making things worse. That America first crap and make America great again blather are just dog whistles for those without a prefrontal cortex. Cause chaos and distract while we rob you blind. Make no mistake, greed and power rule these fools. Sacrifice for the future is beyond their comprehension. Zelensky’s humanity is in stark contrast to the evil of the Putin puppets in our midst.
It’s Hanukkah this week, the festival of light commemorating the ancient Maccabees and their fight against the Greek occupation. Zelensky is a modern day Maccabee, a Jewish man leading his Orthodox and Catholic nation against the Russian invaders. How ironic in this land of Holocaust trauma (Babi Yar) that Zelensky appears inspired by Hanukkah. In solidarity we will preserve the light at this time of darkness and inspire hope.
A bright light indeed! Its -10 below zero here and we had a foot of snow yesterday. When I think about living under those conditions without electricity or heat, as they might be right now in Ukraine, I marvel at their spirit, resolve, courage and unflagging humanity. Rather than buy extra gifts for my grand nieces and nephews this year, I’m making a big gift to World Central Kitchen at http//
May not be much but I hope it helps the light continue to burn. We have much to learn from these brave people about the costs of truly defending democracy.
I was driving, listening to his speech on KQED in full. It was so thrilling to hear the roar of applause before he spoke. It was lengthy , loud and I could hear his humble response “‘this is too much”. And then he spoke IN ENGLISH so we would hear him directly, not through a translator. I loved his simple sentences that perfectly expressed why we are there and why they are so brave. I was alone in the car, imagining their ordinary people struggling to be free, surviving in the shells of their homes this winter, asking us for more help to save their democracy, their lives. How could we not? We barely escaped our own demise this last election! I burst out crying, so thankful for this President who also spoke to the country, asking us ALL to vote to save our democracy and the rights of all of our people. And we did. Leaders like these deserve standing ovations.
Zelenky had proven his leadership’s integrity at least once before. Remember when “President Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, to hold back almost $400 million in military aid for Ukraine at least a week before a phone call in which Trump is said to have pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate the son of former vice president Joe Biden”? (WAPO link below) Zelensky did not acquiesce to the pressure, just as his resolve is now holding strong against Putin.
Indeed, Zelensky has amply earned our nation’s and the world’s standing ovation!
I cried also. It was very moving. A very emotional release for me. I am so proud of and humbled humanly by the response and aid the world is giving them.
The most intelligent and interesting I know listened tonight in awe, eyes full of tears.
President Zelenskyy addressed our congress tonight, he spoke to every American household, and to the people of the world - tonight. He is a skilled orator, speaking in English, his third language.
Our congress roared its approval, rising to clap again and again, from a long applause to greet the president, before he said a word, to countless show stopping applause to punctuate every single pause. The drama of president Zelenskyy‘s speech was beyond compare. He may be the most popular person on the planet. And it is clear, president Zelenskyy isn’t going anywhere. He and his people intend to win. We will now progress. Our domestic tranquility will return, and we shall overcome.  To watch President Zelenskyy tonight was like going to theater to listen to the words of the best playwright. President Zelenskyy is an incredible speaker. He is also an incredible politician.
Well said, Sandy. I got very emotional when he took the Ukrainian flag out that was signed by troops. When he handed it over to our two most powerful women, my eyes got teary. I guess for me, I was witnessing a strong leader who just happens to be Jewish, be a decent human being. He wants what is best for his country and its people. It is apropos that he and Biden, another decent person, stand together. Harris and Pelosi represent the strength and dignity of women in any fight.
And he did that less than 24 hours after flying from a war zone to prosperity and Christmas preparations, in a language not his own. He is truly in a class by himself. Give the man whatever he and his General, who also appears to be a military genius, whatever they want, and let them defeat Putin for the good of the world.
Yes, I had a similar impression that I was watching a spectacular Hollywood Special, but I stopped myself and said, “Naw, Hollywood can’t write this. Hollywood can’t describe a ‘Christmas in Candlelight - not for romance, but because there is no electricity’ (paraphrased)” moment.
An incredible night in the midst of an incredible week. More to come. Christmas and Hanukkah presents galore. We have, indeed, been good little girls and boys.
Thankful for the fact that Ukraine has such a courageous leader. But also thankful for President Biden I do not want even want to think of what could have been if the election had turned out differently. Ukraine would not have gotten any support putin on the other hand would have through our inaction.
Fortunately both nations have the right leaders for this time in history
Absolutely! . . . it makes one shudder to think what would be happening if trump were still occupying the WH! Forget that visual - it is just too much of a horror show and a stomach turner!
Yup. He would have traded Ukraine for that hotel he has been attempting to build in Moscow. "Chump" is and always will be about money: bullying and conning to get it.
Trump trading cards? Pictures of someone who has lost or influenced electoral office losses are valuable?
We needed a leader like Volodymyr Zelensky to show us what real courage looks like—courage to defend democracy no matter the sacrifice. And it’s a form of justice that among Zelensky's audience were cowards—cowards who in the same historic room sought to overturn our democracy. I hope but doubt they felt shame in their heart of hearts.
Only 86 Republicans showed up for Zelensky's speech, and 20 of them were there to oppose him, not standing when others did, generally showing disrespect. At least Boobert and Marjorie Traitor Goon didn't heckle him. The Goon wasn't there, after tweeting earlier that foreign aid was like the American people being raped every day by their "leaders."
Nice to be reminded which party is the Party of Traitors.
Marge traitor goon also called Zelensky the “international welfare queen” She is an embarrassment and disgrace to our country. And needs to be removed from congress
As despicable as Le Goon is, she should only be excoriated for the asinine acts she actually does. The "welfare queen" slur came from noted silver spoon booby Donald Trump Jr., who generally is said to constantly look "high as a kite" nowadays.
Sorry, I got this wrong. It was actually Don jr that called Zelensky the Welfare Queen. Thank you TC for the correction. Although it doesn’t make her any less despicable. She has plenty of other ridiculous and dangerous statements.
MTG is known as a "Representative," because she represents quite a few Americans from Georgia-14, who just reelected her by a vote of 170,162 to 88,189, with only 49% of registered voters even bothering to vote. As distasteful as I find her to be, it is the vast majority of her constituents - GQP or otherwise, who should really draw your and my ire.
John, if it really was self-interest...why then do they vote AGAINST their own self-interest--such as FOR candidates who would actually work to improve the conditions in their districts--time and time again.
It isn't greed; it can't be. It is an evil infection of anger, hatred and revenge that drumpf has fed, nurtured and then loosed upon the land.
Oh I think it is greed, indeed. You're being logical - improved conditions for all? Ha! They just want conditions to improve for them, and emotionally, to feel superior to others they despise.
Exactly the type of educational reform Desantis is enacting in Florida, all designed to raise a next generation of ignorant racists. He can NEVER attain national office.
Mike S, as above, it's not so much Americans as it is the core belief in unalloyed capitalism (aka: greed) in which so many Americans have invested themselves; the same thing driving resistance to fighting global climate change which appears to afflict other nationalities as well.
I even have more appreciation for the racists who voted for her, then the majority of registered voters who couldn't be bothered. Who cares about gerrymandering when you've got voter self-suppression? They are the true un-Americans I loathe.
"Georgia-14, who just reelected her by a vote of 170,162 to 88,189, with only 49% of registered voters even bothering to vote" The only thing that comes to mind is WTF? I resent that we breath the same air.
They all have watched Fox for years (or worse) and have no idea of just how evil the man they worship is. Well, some worship him because of the evil. But Rupert put lipstick on a pig like none other. Just look at those propaganda cards, that’s the image they worship. Not an iota of reality. Carnival barker hucksterism that only haters, phony patriots, Pharisees and greedy bastards could love. 74 million of them…
tactless, gauche human at this point seems as low as one can go. Why insult other creatures? And I'd add smug and stupid to the list. She's chosen a narrow, narrow world view. She's going to sink into that crevice in the foreseeable future, IMO.
Nope. Not even a dung beetle. A dung beetle is totally focused on its work. It works extremely hard at perpetually cleaning up the messes of others. MTG is NONE of those things. A dung beetle can be admired for a job well done. There is absolutely nothing that can be admired about MTG.
Brings to mind what the DI said to us as we stood on the yellow footprints at USMC depot in San Diego: "You are not civilians, you are not Marines, you are lower than whale s**t."
Look, I'm one of them peaceniks. The amount of money we pour into the Pentagon each year to be poured down the drain on projects inefficient and/or destructive is something I continually oppose as a citizen, especially when you consider the resistance that any appreciable spending on any social program receives.
But I'm not a pure pacifist, because unfortunately evil still exists, and sometimes evil comes to your doorstep, and evil usually has no problem spending its time making the most advanced tank it can, so as best to destroy you with. So boy will you be glad when you remember you have an even bigger one.
The Ukrainian people have had evil in the form of bloodthirsty authoritarianism visited upon them unasked. A dictator wishes to subsume their nation and culture, just recently freed, to fulfill nothing more than his own ego, destroying the international rules that governed a century of increasing stability in the process. They are shouldering the entire defense of not just their home, enduring unspeakable crimes in areas that just a year ago were as comfortable as your house or mine, but also shouldering the symbolic weight of the conflict between democracy and autocracy made real. Many are doing this with their bodies and their families bodies, while we the *very very concerned* sit at home an ocean away eating more gingerbread before bed.
GIVE THEM WHATEVER THEY ASK FOR. For as long as they need it. Until they win unequivocally. God knows we have spent ungodly sums to have this weaponry. If our ally can't use it now for this cause, when should they ever be used? Never.
At the same time tax the freaking plutocracy of this nation to force it into providing the same investment in our weary and traumatized parents and their precious children. Work to stabilize our nation with equitable housing, education, healthcare, opportunities. This is a myth of the patriarchy: that we have to choose guns or butter. By listening to Elizabeth Warren and going back to pre-Reagan (what a disaster he was! Or Eisenhower era!) taxes on the wealthy, our nation can begin to deliver on the promises of more equal opportunity (this is a fallacy now and always had been in this land of genocide built on stolen land and on the backs of kidnapped and enslaved people). We don’t have to choose. We have the means to do both. Create a safe, stable, nurturing environment for our children AND defend democracy. Two sides of the same coin. Coins we’d have if we taxed appropriately. Rule of law needs back in the tax code. To whom much is given, much has the opportunity to make change for the greater good. Tax. Tax. Tax these billionaires and help our families as families in other developed countries are helped: paid family leave; subsidized childcare; universal healthcare, free community college tuition, a universal basic income to compensate for multi-generational inequity and systemic oppression, subsidized campaigns with limits, equitable education.
We live as if we’re NOT the wealthiest nation in the world by punishing parents on a daily basis as they contribute our most valuable assets: our people.
Better yet, let's go back to the tax structure of Eisenhower's era. And use all that extra we get from the billionaires to fix the roads and bridges: we'll all benefit. And we'll easily be able to afford helping the Ukrainians defeat Putin.
I agree with Will from Cal, and Carey, here. Much of our 'military' or 'defense' budget is actually our form of a kind of national jobs program. The Pentagon has more than once submitted to Congress a list of recommended military base closings, and senators from the affected states have refused to support the budgets which included those closings. Why? Lost jobs and revenue in their states' economies. So the huge 'military' or 'defense' budget has become a structural problem in our whole national economy. Strengthening this structure are all the pension funds and large endowments which have investments in the companies serving the military, directly or indirectly. I agree that our money would be much better spent for better health care, education, affordable housing, preparation for effects of climate change, etc. Altering this structure to something healthier is not impossible, but would be very difficult.
These are such important points that so few people know or understand. Keep beating this drum. It is crucial to our overall shift as s society that is focused on peace instead of war. I know most say our strong offense is our best defense. But I believe our teaching our children another way — that of making friends of our enemies in wise ways (tv shows that show the non flashy side of it of our country and our report on aide) could be beneficial.
“Create a safe, stable, nurturing environment for our children AND defend democracy. Two sides of the same coin. Coins we’d have if we taxed appropriately”. And creating that safe and nurturing environment is exactly an antidote to a world of would be bullies aligned with more powerful bullies.
Thanks, Christy! I wrote a big long post and I don’t know whether it made it up or not. Will check. But I turned around and tried to recreate it — and vowed to copy-paste these rants into an email so I could act like sane person and go back to sleep instead of "having to" recreate a lost rant. 😜 I love HCR and this community!
Russia being awarded the Sochi Winter Olympics was just like Qatar getting World Cup. Ego(s) and power. Zelensky focusing on the need for Russians to change the Kremlin was very good.
I wholeheartedly agree. If the republicans are so worried about welfare, why not start with the biggest welfare queen in our country - the military industrial complex! Limit the amount CEO’s of government contractors can earn, start charging for cost overruns and waste, have meaningful audits and prosecute fraud. Not gonna happen, but a girl can dream.
"The amount of money we pour into the Pentagon each year to be poured down the drain on projects inefficient and/or destructive is something I continually oppose as a citizen, especially when you consider the resistance that any appreciable spending on any social program receives."
Actually, I do think the current spending proposal by Congress has more military spending, total, than all domestic US programs.
I completely agree that our representatives are bought and paid for by the military contractor lobby. And have been for a long time.
I love that Zelensky said, "The Russians will stand a chance to be free only when they defeat the Kremlin in their minds." It's so important to also include the Russians in this global UNITED fight against the Kremlin. ❤
All of us need to get the divisive Kremlin's propaganda out of our minds. It's like putting the headphones on in Stranger Things and listening to Running up that Hill.
YES! He was right on target. The real enemy resides in those beliefs we choose to act on. The real enemy for humans lies in one's mind and beliefs ...ever since the Cognitive Revolution some 70,000 years ago!
Not easy for the Russians or anyone in ANY country, receiving it, to cunningly manipulate their worst fears and feelings of emptiness. How can we use our apparent infinite intelligence to protect our precious minds from manipulation by others intent on doing harm
And it's so many continuous centuries and generations who have been ruled under one authoritarian regime or another. Where would they even begin unraveling all the fear, and brainwashing that has caused?
My neighbors/friends are from Ukraine. They came here many years ago and built a terrific life including an MD for him and a small business for her. Bc of them we have met other Ukrainians here in SoCal. Bc of them we hear details about the Kiev bombings, the frigid apartment in which her 90+ yo father and his wife reside (the doors of which are often behind journalists reporting from that city) and we hear of the resolute nature of their friends and family who gratefully unpack our group donations of coats and socks and hats and gloves. They layer these as they prepare for even colder months, determined but aware of the desperation of the situation - as are we.
And we - our friends’ friends - feel a bit impotent. If it’s a waiting game... a “last man standing” game... am I the only one who wants to change games?
Beautifully said. What little support we can give as citizens seems like too little - but I am sure it is greatly appreciated. To understand what these Ukrainians are enduring to keep their freedom when barely half of our citizens won’t even freaking get out and vote!! Knowing how hard we are fighting to keep our democracy - this really puts into perspective how easy (relatively) our fight is. So we have no excuse NOT to keep fighting. At least we are warm and have running water and food while doing it!
Thank you, Professor Richardson, for featuring Ukraine President Zelensky’s Historic speech here in Washington D.C. today. And thank you, President Biden, for recommitting the U.S. to the NATO alliance and knowing the importance of our cooperation with free world Democracies to protect Ukraine and fight against fascist Putin. And to protect the United States and the world’s Democracies. Zelensky “… described Ukraine’s defense as a battle between democracy and authoritarianism across the globe, and assured Americans, “Your money is not charity. It’s an investment in the global security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way.” HIllary Clinton called the speech extraordinary.
Of course she does. She's pretty much always been right about everything. It's why so many folks can't stand her: they never outgrew the dynamic of being the dumbasses snickering in the back of class about the girl in the front row who knew all the answers.
My 1st and 2nd vote for President (primary & general). No regrets.
You are so right, don’t show up the dumb asses or they will taunt you forever. We are teetering on the brink and the taunting masses continue their mockery of competence, intelligence, and humanity.
Lynell, after listening to the speech, and reading/listening to Hillary’s comment, I thought about the contrast between competence and incompetence in our government. Where would our country be today if...?
Speaking of competence, I was struck by one of Biden’s answers to the question about whether the US and Ukraine had discussed to possible Russian reaction to the introduction of Patriot missiles into the battle. Without faltering or fumbling, Biden stated that Putin shouldn’t have any sort of reaction to the Patriot missiles since they are DEFENSIVE tools. They do not represent AGGRESSION in any way.
Two things: 1.) I immediately said to my wife, “Can you imagine Trumpie answering that question?” 2.) I would have coached Biden to add, “And, Putie, if you don’t like Patriot missiles shooting down your missiles and jets in Ukraine, then stop sending the FRICKIN’ missiles and jets. Then, no more Patriot missiles. DUH.” (Not too diplomatic, I suppose, but....)
Irenie, I am just now struck that Biden and Zelinsky and HCR chose the day after the winter equinox, the first day of growing light and the middle of Chanukkah to send their collective message of light and hope! Karmic coincidence?
Santa Lucia, il giorno più corto che ci sia. Italian proverb dating from the middle ages, when the winter solstice fell between 12 and 13 December. Pope Gregory sorted all that out by cutting about a fortnight out of the calendar, but in Italy you still say it, on 21 December. (Santa Lucia, the shortest day there is. All proverbs rhyme in Italian). St Lucia is patron saint of the blind, and also, oddly enough, of Sweden, where her feast day on 12 December is celebrated with many candles. She's the bringer of light in the darkness. Which is the point of this post...
Until 2022 most of us had only briefly heard of Ukrainian President Zelensky because of the Trump/Giuliani effort to withhold American aid to Ukraine until Zelensky agreed to target Hunter Biden in an effort to smear Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential campaign. [First impeachment of President Trump]
Now Zelensky has just met President Biden at the White House and addressed a joint session of Congress. He has been named Man of the Year by Time magazine and Ukraine has been named Country of the Year by The Economist.
Seldom in my lifetime has one man made such a dramatic difference. On the negative side, there are such people as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Putin. The positive side includes FDR, Churchill, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and, most recently, President Zelensky.
There was little in his background to suggest that he would become an international hero. His earlier claim to fame included being a comedian and having won a dance contest.
However, when Putin threatened and then invaded Ukraine, Zelensky emerged with extraordinary courage and with a Churchillian voice. He survived several Putin-orchestrated assassination attempts. In the days just after February 24th, President Zelensky indicated that he likely would be captured and/or killed at any moment.
President Zelensky daily became the image of Ukrainian courage and resistance in response to Putin’s ‘special military operation.’ He provided the spark that lit the fire of NATO support fanned by President Biden. Zelensky has been and continues to be the symbol for those brave Ukrainians who have sacrificed so much to protect Ukrainian sovereignty and to resist Putin’s brutal calumny.
We all owe President Zelensky our profound gratitude for putting his life on the line to protect his country AND the sovereignty of other countries adjacent to Putin’s Russia.
Next time you are asked whether one person can make a difference in our lives or our world, respond PRESIDENT ZELENSKY.
Keith, it is important to point out that although Zelenskyy was a comedian and participated in a dance contest, he was also an attorney, so he is well educated. Not only is he extraordinarily brave, but he's intelligent and a good strategist.
Nancy Agree that Zelensky is extraordinarily brave and a Churchillian orator/leader. Still, he was a non practicing lawyer and, I believe, had several bank accounts overseas during his professional comedy/acting career. Except for his stage presence, I (and, perhaps, Putin?) did not see anything in his background that would have predicted the current President Zelensky. (Of course reading Churchill’s teacher’s sixth grade assessment of Winnie, he was a ‘sloth with limited writing skills.’) Nobel Prize in Literature.
Keith, while it is true that Zelenskyy apparently didn't have a passion for his legal profession, we both know that guts and determination are not taught in school, but emanate from the soul. I believe that because it was easy to underestimate him, bullies like Putin and TFG thought he was an easy mark. As with most of what these buffoons have toyed with, they were mistaken, and will doubtless regret their error. Regardless, the price that the world will pay for their folly will be enormous.
Now hold on, several bank accounts overseas? You need a bank account where you work. I've still got two, and my two little overseas pensions get paid into them. I'm as poor as a church mouse, and honest as the day is long. Sort of.
Dear poor mousy Keeping money in the Ukraine is not similar to having several dollar-denominated stores next door. My info on foreign bank account came from Wikipedia. For me, cash hidden under my mattress still suffices.
Ok, his previous claim to fame was for his job of being a comedian. That said, his role was that of being the President. Since the corrupt guy he replaced was a really bad comedian, he can be excused for being motivated to become President himself and give the guy some stage pointers. Being Putin's puppet still just amounts to being a puppet. So, I'll encourage President Zelensky to keep up the act, to be the kind of piper fair people will pay for with real, hard earned money.
All I can say is than goodness for Volodymyr Zelensky and the backbone he has shown us and the world at a time when things seemed so dark. He knows where he will probably stand when his country’s history is written but that isn’t important to him. What is important is that a history of his country, Ukraine, will be written at all. The same goes for the Ukrainian people. Courage and love of country is being seen by us this time. I hope the turn coats here will see the error of their ways sooner rather than later. They have disgraced us enough already.
Ukraine's situation now is the American situation at Valley Forge. If we would have helped those soldiers then, we should help Ukrainian soldiers now. They are fighting the battle which we fought. As we won with French help, they can win with our help and NATO's and EU's.
The "... American situation at Valley Forge" was that Washington was on the attack. Zelensky made several references to American history all examples of perseverance that continues both in Ukraine and the US now.
Forevermore, when he was offered the chance to evacuate from his country, President Zelenskyy will be remembered for saying, "The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride." With those words he set the tone for the world to admire, encourage and respect the will and efforts of the Ukrainian people to remain free. 300 days of war!
Every morning when I turn on the hot water in my kitchen, in the shower, and otherwise go on with my mundane life, I think of the endurance and bravery of the Ukrainians. I am grateful that the US will continue to send them aid.
Zelensky's decision to stay in Kiev may quietly turn out to be one of the key choices of the century. It was bravery in the simplest and clearest presentation. Everyone knew he was Russian target #1. The Ukranians had just fought off a puppet government less than a decade ago; their country just beginning to be truly free and prosperous. Zelensky refusing to leave - and, very, very importantly, the other heads of government refusing as well - indicated clearly to the people part of what living on a democracy should mean: that leaders don't put themselves above the people. The citizens' lives were on the line, so his was going to be too. Democracy meant they really could and did choose someone who would fight for and with them.
On the first day of the invasion my Dad was grim. He appreciated Zelensky and company's bravery, but said his days were numbered. Ukraine would fall soon, because Russia would wear them down. Putin wouldn't stop, and another World War was likely.
I disagreed with vigor on all counts. Dad chided me for youthful optimism. I chided him for being an anthropology major who somehow seemed to forget human nature, and our own country's history to boot.
I had seen a video which told me all I needed to know: it was of a tiny elderly woman walking up to Russian soldiers in the middle of a street and offering them seeds, so "you can grow sunflowers when you die." People with that level of forceful and righteous existential determination will never provide an easy victory to a group of invaders who are "just following [evil] orders." Just like the colonists versus the Redcoats.
A new flashpoint for freedom. Now seen on screens across the globe.
Not just any flowers. Sunflowers. Their national flower.
Thank you. I knew I was missing something. I have used the almighty edit button to add this crucial detail.
I’m an art teacher at an elementary school. When I saw that video I knew we had to paint sunflowers! When our superintendent toured our school, every hallway had bright beautiful sunflowers all along the walls! Easy to tie it to Van Gogh. Since teachers are restricted from discussing current events.
How wrong, that teachers are restricted from discussing current events. Can you talk about the weather? I was going to say "how sad" but isn't sad it is wrong! Even Mr. Rogers could and did talk about current events, including very difficult subjects.
We can allow students to discuss everything. But we can’t intervene to guide the discussion or give our opinion. It’s very wrong!
My friend here in Chicago teaches high school Spanish and IB Global Politics. In the latter class she is showing them the Netflix film about the Ukrainian Maiden Uprising called Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom. Next comes Freedom on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom.
Chicago is not suffering from the anti information movement as much as some places, although the private school Francis Parker is being attacked by a right wing parental group that infiltrated the annual People of Color Conference of the National Association of Independent Schools and pretending to be Gay, secretly filmed an administrator of the school who was there discussing his coming out story, and the optional Sex education curriculum offered by Howard Brown an organization dedicated to LGBTQ+ health. They have had bomb threats, picketing, their phone and internet hacked by this organization where no one in it sends their children to this school. So, they feel that they know better for other people's children as well as their own.
Wonder whether Twitter has let this troll back onto its website. Speaking of which I have read that US government is investigating Twitter and if they make pronouncements about business practices, then twitter will have to abide by them regardless of who is their owner or CEO. I am sure this is turning into a bigger headache for Musk than he seems to have anticipated.
The German courts are going after Twitter too. In fact, it is advocated that if you don't want Twitter trolling you, change your settings so your business is in Germany, and then their courts will be in charge of the content.
Like Trump, in his troubles he is losing a lot of fans, or it could be the other way around, he is losing fans and that helps him accumulate troubles. Either way, many people are jumping ship. He has not inspired the confidence he needs to, based on his behaviors which do not warrant confidence. This seems to be spreading to his other businesses. He has gone from being worth over a trillion to mere hundreds of billions, so he is falling closer and closer to earth.
TEACHERS ARE RESTRICTED FROM DISCUSSING CURRENT EVENTS!??? Seriously? I am so ignorant about school curriculum. I can understood not offering bold opinions. Just ignoring current events is what goes on in our learning institutions? Insane.
The biggest restrictions here in Texas come from the state. CRT and 1619 Project paranoia which we weren’t ever teaching anyway! But the district where I work parents got a court order to stop us from disciplining students that use racial slurs because it interferes with their freedom of speech. I think they want to whitewash history so their children won’t feel any guilt over what white people have done to minorities or indigenous people. And there’s so much more! Christian nationalists, Patriot Mobile, we’re running the gamut of dystopia.
Yes. She teaches in Texas, FWIW.
Visit Florida, where being 'woke' isn't allowed in schools, to get a feeling for the atmosphere that grew in Germany in the early 1930s.
Yes, it's like the students do live in the real world where current events are happening. Totally insane
What an uplifting thing to do! Sounds like teachers have to get uber creative to teach their students (I know that my ire would get me fired). What will these whackjob parents do when people quit going into teaching, and nursing. I guess they'll homeschool and homeheal....
Exactly what the plutocrats are aiming for. Uneducated sheep
A lot of them already do. I have several stories about home schooling and ensuing tragedies among other things. The worst was the people we bought meat from who, to their credit, did it right. But they were very fundamentalist and home schooled their kids The youngest one clearly had problems which a public school would have caught and perhaps helped hime with. He was always surly when he was manning the booth at the Saturday market. Then he got involved with an older woman and I think drugs. The end result was that he murdered both his parents by scything and beating them to death. As for home healing, they are ones most likely not to get vaccinated and use bogus remedies.
Your lucky students, that you are in their lives! ❤️🤩
I used them in my local campaign. Some people didn't get the connection! I didn't bother to enlighten them. Apparently they were watching Fox Entertainment!
Wonderful, Denise!! I love that you found a way to be subversive for a good cause!
That's ridiculous that teachers aren't allowed to discuss current events. I remember in 5th grade (late 60's) that was one of our topics discussed every day. We each had to bring in 2 different articles from the newspaper and stand up in front of the class and tell about them and then answer any questions other kids might have.
Back in the early 1960's I remember that we discussed the friction in Cyprus between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots.
The seeds were to go into the soldiers’ pockets so when they died the spot where they lay would sprout sunflowers.
Of course!
I, too, Will, reflected on that tiny elderly woman's remarks that day. It was, and remains, epic.
Kindly delivery + Savage spirit × Unexpected Source = Ultimate Badass
(I hope she's still ok and has a blanket tonight.)
Zelenski staying in Ukraine does indeed come with high risk.
The NY Times, today, has issued one of their "Video Investigations" showing what one paratrooper unit did to innocent children, women and men in one Ukranianian city. Truly one of the most brilliantly constructed "news" articles I have seen in my life.
If this is how Russia plans to rid the world of "ungodly" behavior, well, count me out. The cure is profoundly worse than the "problem" (which does not affect me in any way).
Also, one of the most horrifying news stories I have ever read in my 62 years.
Gift link for all. Send it to your relatives. Russia is a rogue state (as are we, BUT, I will stay my criticisim of our own horrors today).
We see Putin's war against Ukraine and its people as it took place last March in Bucha. 'When the war in Ukraine began, neighbors and residents of Bucha decided to flee with their families, protect their loved ones and search for food.' Russian soldiers killed them for it.' Words seem like dust compared to seeing the brutality of Russian soldiers against people like you and me.
Thank you, Mike S. for sharing these scenes of murder, destruction and ruthlessness against the innocent residents of Bucha. You have provided us with the the work of 'Caught on Camera, Traced by Phone: The Russian Military Unit That Killed Dozens in Bucha, By Yousur Al-Hlou, Masha Froliak, Dmitriy Khavin, Christoph Koettl, Haley Willis, Alexander Cardia, Natalie Reneau and Malachy Browne•December 22, 2022.'
'Exclusive phone records, documents, interviews and thousands of hours of video reveal how a Russian paratrooper unit killed dozens of people on one street in March.' published in video form by The New York Times.
I cannot read that article. I've seen enough about Bucha and every other community freed from the Orcs to make me ill. Regardless of what they say and who does it, Putin is out to wipe Ukrainians and Ukraine off the map. And apparently many Americans feel the same way. Adam Kirzinger tweeted about Boebert and Gaetz disgusting behaviour
The comments from their supporters were pure ignorance.
The Russians have a long history of barbarous behavior on the battlefield. Plus many of the Russian “soldiers” are criminals and desperate conscripts who need to convince their Russian superiors that they are doing all they can. Horrifying on so many levels. Let’s give Zelensky and that genius general of his everything they ask for and help them win the minds of Russians by defeating the Kremlin on the battlefield. Save lives by getting this over as soon as possible.
Thanks for this, Mike. I hadn't seen it. This is what I wrote in the comments section to the article: "Absolutely horrifying images. As we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, this report serves as a stark reminder of just how little peace there is for some people in this world. These images serve as a backdrop to the inspiring speech by President Zelensky to Congress last night, to show what they, and us, are fighting against. And then after the speech we get--almost bizarre--anti-Ukraine rantings from Tucker Carlson and a tweet from Don T***p Jr.: 'Zelensky is basically an ungrateful international welfare queen.' It only proves there are voices among us here who would indeed side with the forces that committed such atrocities. It becomes harder for me to feel the 'warm fuzzies' of the holiday when confronted with the harsh realities of this world and what fellow human beings can do to each other. Thanks to the NYT for shining a glaring and graphic light on what must surely rank as an international crime. For me at least, it tempers the 'Happy' of 'Happy Holidays'".
Thanks for this post Mike. So much of the footage was captured by citizens with cell phones. Pretty hard to deny these terrible crimes.
Thx for sharing
Thank you Mike for the link. I made myself watch it. Anyone who does not want to continue helping Ukraine needs to be forced to watch this and realize that this could be us. It's sickening - no regard for human life.
Thank you for this link, Mike. This is an extraordinary film, a collage that illuminated what is going on in Russia-occupied parts of Ukraine. Both story and evidence. Agree with your quiet observation that the US and Russia have some commonalities. I have witnessed some here. At the moment all I can feel is numbness, something I recognized in many of the people in the film (including the Russian soldiers: only an emotionally numb person could commit those acts). The Times' Video Investigations would make subscribing worthwhile, if I can find a way to jimmy it into my budget somehow.
I agree only as long as compassion is part of it. Emotional numbness is something that removes a person from their own feelings and renders them incapable of dealing with them in positive ways. It is not something to be used as a cudgel. I don't know how you meant your comment, but I wanted to make clear what I meant.
Will, from Cal -- I had seen a video which told me all I needed to know: it was of a tiny elderly woman walking up to Russian soldiers in the middle of a street and offering them seeds, so "you can grow sunflowers when you die."
Excellent, Will! yours are my sentiments, as well. I'm so glad you stood adamantly (and lovingly, I'm sure) against your dad's early grim assessment. It's that youthful optimism and spirit that will overtake the evil of Putin's war.
These are the same people, who having been starved by Stalin in the ‘30’s, welcomed German troops who has NOT starved them, for which they have been blamed ever since by people who don’t know history. They are fiercely independent, having refused to join the Polish empire when it was the strongest power in the Baltic and Muscovy only a rump state.
Have you seen what may be Zelenskyy’s magnum ois “Servant of the People.” It is the best of sitcoms and was his presidential “campaign” (accidental). This is a brilliant and brave man. Three languages (Russian, Ukrainian, and English) and three alphabets are a good start.
Thank you, Will. It is good to see such clear eyed optimism and determination in a young person today. Keep sharing your ideas and leadership with us and with your peers. It strengthens us all!
And then there is "The Sunflower" by Simon Wiesenthal. How to forgive.
Beautifully written...
Yes, that video set the stage for me as well. So inspirational.
That sunflower story is marvelous! And so is the rest of your comment.
And I know personally of wives who had gone to safety (and comfort) in Austria, and who have now preferred to return to be near their husbands.
Let it be a reminder that Authoritarian regimes will always be a threat to democracies. They are kleptocrats and oppressive at home, but when their domestic popularity wanes, they rely on nationalism and demagoguery to claim a fake enemy to start wars abroad. Russia, North Korea, Iran, China, Saudi Arabia. To often we take the easy way in cheap oil, cheap labor, or alliance against another enemy, instead of sticking to our founding principles of self determination, the rule of law, and respect for human dignity.
Freedom is not "free"!!! I made a wreath for my door with sunflowers and blue ribbon. It will remain on my door, in all seasons, until Ukraine is free. I also pray that our country will assist in helping to rebuild Ukraine after it is free. It is a small thing compared to the great suffering Ukranian citizens are undergoing now, but it is a visual for me everyday. It is also a reminder that we too can allow our freedoms to be taken from us.
Our enemies use our religion to divide us and to create hate and separation. God loved me when I was far from Him and as I have grown into an old lady, I am grateful that I can receive His grace, His love, His forgiveness. I need Him everyday. I desire to allow the God of my faith to continue to work in me to give out those gifts of faith, hope , love, joy and peace that were freely given to me, to fight against prejudice....not to be used by others to hate, to separate, to destroy.
May God protect and strengthen Ukraine!!! and as He accomplishes that may He also save and bless the USA, each of us, all colors, all faiths, etc, etc.....
Ukraine will sure need a Marshall type plan to rebuild. It’s a good investment. One thing that really bothers me is the more than 1 million Ukrainian people removed and sent deep inside Russia, including children as some form of de Ukrainianization. The war will not be over till they are brought home.
And Jamie Raskin pointed out yesterday that only democracies are focused on climate change - the worst enemy.
100%. And the most powerful Autocracy’s are oil exporters. Hmmmm
Slavi Ukraini!
Yes, exactly! And I also think of the courage and commitment of Americans in WWII.
That was quite the speech. We must continue to support Ukraine. Shame on the Republican punks who were disrespectful.
"Not charity. Investment." Important point. Beautiful symbolism, the exchange of real flags. As for the Republican punks in question, we already knew who and what they are.
While we are at it, we really need to drive home this larger point in our daily conversations with fellow citizens: Stop thinking of every policy - foreign and domestic - in terms of "spending" and start thinking of it all on terms of "investment."
You want the country run like a business, eh? Well, **that's what good businesses do!!!** Will this expenditure get us more out than we put in in the long term, in terms of another something we value? If yes, then expend.
Or better yet, try thinking of running the country as running a big family in which everyone has a say. Buying good food and new clothes for your kids is considered worthwhile because we value the results of those purchases.
Every dollar spent helping Ukraine IS an investment in making sure you world democracy survives, and you can't put a price on that. Similarly, domestic programs like paid family leave, child tax credit, universal child & eldercare, expanded Medicare, and free community college are INVESTMENTS in a future. Spend big now on smart things, get a bigger return later with a more prosperous society.
This line of thinking, of course, DOES depend on being willing to think at any point about other people being worth helping. We'll have to still work on drilling that idea in too, apparently.
Brilliant. True. And a message that needs to be made clear -- repeatedly -- to a people who are feeling unsupported and threatened. That JD Vance defeated patriot Tim Ryan in Ohio is evidence of our need to make your points incredibly clear, repeatedly. Investments in our fellows are investments in our ourselves. We are only as strong as our neighbor. We have ignored the incredible physic and physical damage done to the collective by myriad daily traumas: racism, inequity in every corner of people’s lives: education, healthcare, opportunities, housing, transportation, access to healthy food, green spaces and recreation, access to peace of mind and faith in rule of law.
This is one of the most compelling weeks in our nation’s history. That the white patriarchy is NOT getting by with the election scam attempt of a corrupt cabal of self-centered old white men; that an old white man who ruined the lives of countless aspiring actresses by lording power over them as he raped and terrorized them has been sentenced to what amounts to life in prison plus, and that this brave soul Zelensky has shone as a guiding light of rule of law over an almost caricature of corruption whom TFG idolized? What a week. And it’s only Wednesday. Oh. Yes. And include in the litany of wins for democracy that TFG’s taxes are finally being given the light and air that should have been required for him to even think of running for office? This is a win for rule of law. Rule of law. That no one is above the law. Equity: that we do not favor one race or economic class over another (we have a LONG way to go on this).
Rule of law: that the patriarchy can withhold assets to some and SYSTEMATICALLY destroy the assets and opportunities of others? These are traumas in our nation’s long litany of colonization, genocide, kidnapping and enslavement.
Zelensky’s choice of military clothing during this war, his standing before congress with boots “likely covered in dust from the front lines of war,” show the willingness of a leader willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with all of his country men. That he and Joe Biden could share warm moments of solidarity and even laughter is a testimony to the human spirit. That Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris were literally behind Zelensky during his historic and inspiring speech (for a treat look up the Anderson Cooper interview with Doris Kerns Goodwin last night as she puts the importance of Zelensky’s visit in historical perspective), that all of this is happening as the Billionaire plutocracy in this nation seems to be just a little bit closer to being outed as Russian sympathizers yearning for autocracy, and wow. Again. What. A. Week. What a holiday gift not unlike the Hanukkah lights. The story of a baby born in a manger becoming one whose message of love and support for the poor managed to change the world without a single tweet. And on and on and on. This is a week of long fought for miracles. I do not take it for granted and I will draw strength from it for years to come. The love of fellow man and the power of the human spirit to rise above self for the greater good? Affirmed. That all of this happened as this fragile earth tipped its access to turn toward more light than darkness? Need I say more?
"Need I say more?"
That was quite a bit, but, very well written. Thanks!
Brilliantly and movingly written Carey! That there could be a Rule Of Law is one of the most fundamental myths (or abstract beliefs like money or nations or government) that Homo Sapiens found it could believe in the Cognitive Revolution 70,000 years ago and go on to prosper and flourish! May we keep that idea, that myth, The Rule of Law ascendant over and above nations and governments who don't also hold the necessity of that truth above all others.
Thank you Carey for this.
Thank you!
Thank you Carey. So true. I missed the boots.
Nobody ever questions our own military industrial complex spending which now exceeds all domestic spending combined. They all lay down at the feet of the military contractor lobby.
Every time I read the dollar number of the Pentagon's budget I cringe as it is so telling what the priorities are in this country. Guns over homes, food, bridges, education, medical care, even research. It will be a great day when the schools get all the money they need and the Airforce has to hold a bake sale.
When we stop spending on defense we will be at the mercy of governments that hate us. Bake sale for the Air Force? No, the money for investment in education, housing, health care, drug addiction reduction, opportunity for minorities etc must come from taxing the wealthy. If we persist in the stratification we have now, there will be fewer and fewer reasons morally to have anything to defend. We are becoming an oligarchy, the last step before autocracy.
If we taxed the wealthy we could have housing, superior school buildings, healthcare etc etc. the rich get richer by impoverishing others. Dr
Our military budget is larger than most of the other countries combined. We could still have a military but not spend as much as we do. It often looks like the money goes for military "toys" that is more for the excitement of the new gadget than we actually need. In fact what the Pentagon often gets is way more than they ask for. And, it's our aggressive approach around the world that contributes to other countries and governments hating us in the first place. If a military weapon is devised you can bet somebody will come up with a rationale for using it. It's criminal and immoral. Aggression breeds aggression.
You hit on one of my biggest frustrations, military spending. Sickening.
J. Nol, Wish I could deliver a tractor trailer load of hearts❤❤❤ for your comment! Thank you; very well said, indeed.
I would like to see:
An established ratio that requires that domestic spending to be larger than military.
An audit of the military budget and complete review of what programs are funded and how contracts are awarded.
Have some fun and enter into Google "trillion dollar jet" (that doesn't work)
While I am in complete support of Ukraine and providing whatever assistance they need, the bill we just a watched go through Congress was just more tasty sausage for the Oligarchs who get fat on tax payer dollars.
Yes to all paragraphs. The last paragraph, especially, is so true---defense contract. ( I wrote "military" but realize that is NOT an appropriate description) "defense contract" includes all the fat cat bonuses built in to the contracts. If this country could find the will to appropriate just a fraction of the defense contract budget to building up this country instead of manufacturing machines of destruction it would be glorious and transformative. But the 'system' won't allow it until there is transformation. (Others may disagree, but Bernie stands enough against the current 'system' to offer hope, but he, like all of us eventually, has a limited time on this planet to work for good and transformation!!!!!) End of rant. Peace and Courage to All----and to the People of Ukraine as they fight True Evil.
A wonderful message during this season of giving. Thank you, Will, from Cal. I look forward to your comments. Always refreshing.
Republicans would much prefer a big tax cut for the
rich and corporations than invest in anyone else. Their moto is “I got mine; Fuck you”.
Can I share your post with credit to you?
Yes, we can guess who they were, but wouldn’t it be nice to see an official list of who they were? Give them a little unwelcome publicity???
WaPo: "But a small group of House Republicans critical of the ongoing funding to Ukraine, including Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado and Matt Gaetz of Florida, did not clap for Zelensky when he walked onto the House floor and rarely stood throughout his speech. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), the top critics of funding the war, did not attend."
Disgusting. Yet another truly contemptible example of what these people - and their ilk - represent. History will record them as what they truly are. As should each and every voter in this country claiming to value patriotism, democracy and decency.
Anne-Louise and Peter, one can fervently hope The Rule of Law eventually reaches them as well for their complicity in efforts to overthrow our government...sitting in Congress or absenting themselves for the last time.
That was my hope, also, as I watched last night. There are still 30-some members of Congress who aided and abetted the insurrection who should be on trial for their crimes, and then shown the door and barred from ever holding office again.
Hear, hear!
Oh, please, can we just stop using that word! If you have something to contribute, please don't just call names. Use sentences that say something meaningful and hopefully illuminating.
If you are paid by Putin to do what he wants, then, you do what he wants you to do.
I am sure they are being paid directly by Putin.
After all, since Citizen's United, it is legal to take money from any dark source.
Same list as the insurrectionists.
The primary snarkers seated together and caught on camera were Gaetz and Boebert. The primary snarker outside the chamber was Tucker Carlson who squawked and squeaked referring to Zelensky clothes as making him look like a “strip club owner”.
May we not mention the names of any traitors again this year.
Salud Patricia.
TUCKER CARLSON!!! Now, how would he know what a strip club owner looks like? Actually, now that I come to think about his appearance on Faux News...
Christine's message is a good one. I have not mentioned the name of 'the defeated former president' in my blog or in any emails for well over a year now, fearing that doing so might contaminate my keyboard in addition to giving him unwarranted exposure by its mere mention.
LOL. Our keyboards are grateful, Jack.
Slavi Ukraini!
That's all Repugs can see . . . the surface. The appearance. The show. They have no ability to see the substance of a person or their worth.
Oh, they do. It’s just that the substance and worth they see is so much more than their own.
Creo que si!
Yes. I tried to google the list, but couldn't find it. Only 86 (!) pugs attended. Among them were the nasty punks.
See the list of Traitors compliments of Michael Moore:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Hah...those who treated President Zelenskyy with such disrespect have caught the amoral, character-destroying virus that drumpf spreads. They no longer possess the ability to feel shame or embarrassment.
Indeed, I'm surprised they haven't yet bragged about their disrespect as though it was some kind of signifier of their 'strength of mind'.
Ah! But that is what they think.
We know what they are: pathetic scum. Here's who they are:
Some right-wing members repeatedly remaining seated in standing ovations during the Zelensky speech:
- Matt Gaetz
- Lauren Boebert
- Andrew Clyde
- Dianne Harshbarger
- Warren Davidson
- Michael Cloud
- Jim Jordan
Thanks to @AndrewSolender
Thanks for calling them out Richard... I hope they go down as Traitors and get an education in Prison!
Yes we do know who they are. Now we can vote those traitors out, if the rule of law doesn't catch up with them first! Why isn't Matt Gaetz in jail already for having sex with an underage girl???
It was quite a speech from quite a man--a seeming super hero because of his courage, resolve in democracy, and compassion for his people, NOT for power and glory. The contrast to Putin are of epic proportions--the Holy Spirit vs the ego. Zelensky is a real-life-once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show our children what a true superhero is....
Also a contrast of epic proportions to the Anti-leader, wannabe dictator trump.
How can we forget tfg’s bone-spurred resolve to not serve in our country’s military? Zelensky is his polar opposite!
There is something so very curiously similar between trump and putin that perhaps only a comparable reading of their astrology charts can bring us some clarity. Both men of the same authoritarian mindset stood together in the White House, in the height of their power, gloatingly heaping praise on each other. Both held secret meetings together, plotting who-knows-what and confiscating the interpreter's notes. Both have lifted up the Bible as cover and to infer that they were the chosen ones. Suddenly, the winds have shifted. Both men's egregiously deleterious actions have brought about their downfall as they desperately cling to power by cooking up big lies. In the face of desperation both demand unwavering loyalty as they further isolate. Both are in big the little mouse stands up and roars. It's truly biblical....
And a contrast to how tfg treated Zelenskyy, making his visit to,the US dependent on “favors.”
Remember Zalensky’s expressions when he sat with TFG….priceless.
TFG behaves like the true a-hole he is!
yes, Holy Spirit (or soul) vs Ego.
Agreed! It certainly makes me wonder who among the ultra-wealthy are paying the bills for these Republicans who want an authoritarian kleptocracy and why the Justice Department isn't perusing them.
Pursuing them? My spellchecker made the same mistake. But we see what you mean, even with stupid spells checker’s mistake. I would like to see those people names published for all to see. Along with how much tax the paid this year.
You can start with Koch Industries. Their fingers are in all the pies. Then there is a lot of foreign money flowing in now through organizations like the NRA. There's a reason Republicans won't allow any legislation that requires donors provide their names on donations. Also, when I worked for a very large corporation, they went around to all the offices collecting money for their political contributions. I raised questions about the ethics of being asked to give money, but no say in how it would be spent. I was laid off about 3 months later. Coincidence?
It's very difficult to get the ultra wealthy donors because they own the Congress that should be pursuing them and reining them in.
Yeah, I know. I saw the nasty look in Gaetz's eyes while he sat with a buddy while everyone else was standing and cheering. What a schmuck.
I’ve heard it said that our eyes are a window to our soul. I see nothingness in his eyes.
When will somebody track the mony trail from Russia to Matt, Loren and Marjorie?
There needs to be legislation that requires full disclosure, or better yet, get money out of politics.
No private money in politics is the way to go. Some countries operate like.
None! Give all candidates the same budget and media coverage. Level the playing field.
And even if there were such legislation, would people like these three be honest about the sources of their funds?
I guess it depends on how the law is written and if our lawmakers have the gumption to enforce it.
They have sold their souls and are no longer capable of shame. May they rot in obscurity forever.
They have souls?
Thanks, Evelyn. Yes, I was embarrassed at those "punks" audacity! They should be shipped to Ukraine's frontlines.
I doubt they would last an hour. OK, maybe a day since they would be hiding somewhere, peeing in their pants!
How about dropping then off in Russia? They would fit right in and bend their knee to Putin, just wonder how long they would last.....
Yesterday, I continued plowing through the Executive Summary of the January 6 Committee Report.
And then, early this morning my time here in Germany, I watched President Zelensky, just hours from the battlefields of Ukraine, speak to the US Congress.
The tragic irony of that courageous defender of Democracy speaking in the building that so recently witnessed an insurrection crafted and executed by a sitting US President with the aid of some of the men and women in that very room, was stark.
The snarky grin on the face of Matt Gaetz, whose image was in the frame as Zelensky left the building, was infuriating. Ukraine may be without electricity, but it is the brightest light in the sky at the moment, while ours flickers to maintain its flame.
“Ukraine may be without electricity, but it is the brightest light in the sky at the moment, while ours flickers to maintain its flame.”
Well said! I applaud such eloquence.
Flickering in the winds of attempted coups!
With all the problems facing mankind, one has to wonder why Repub thugs are intent on making things worse. That America first crap and make America great again blather are just dog whistles for those without a prefrontal cortex. Cause chaos and distract while we rob you blind. Make no mistake, greed and power rule these fools. Sacrifice for the future is beyond their comprehension. Zelensky’s humanity is in stark contrast to the evil of the Putin puppets in our midst.
It’s Hanukkah this week, the festival of light commemorating the ancient Maccabees and their fight against the Greek occupation. Zelensky is a modern day Maccabee, a Jewish man leading his Orthodox and Catholic nation against the Russian invaders. How ironic in this land of Holocaust trauma (Babi Yar) that Zelensky appears inspired by Hanukkah. In solidarity we will preserve the light at this time of darkness and inspire hope.
Ring the bells that can still ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
Leonard Cohen
Wonderful comment. The irony is mind blowing.
Definitely. Justice prevails
A bright light indeed! Its -10 below zero here and we had a foot of snow yesterday. When I think about living under those conditions without electricity or heat, as they might be right now in Ukraine, I marvel at their spirit, resolve, courage and unflagging humanity. Rather than buy extra gifts for my grand nieces and nephews this year, I’m making a big gift to World Central Kitchen at http//
May not be much but I hope it helps the light continue to burn. We have much to learn from these brave people about the costs of truly defending democracy.
Beautiful, thank you!
Slava Ukraini
heroiam slava!
Even a flicker of flame can be strong when it is true.
Unita, RDooley.
From a spark ...
The best of wishes for you in the coming year, Christine. R.
I love starting with a spark. When humans made fire with that original spark, that was truly creative.
The best back to you, fabulous RDooley.
I was driving, listening to his speech on KQED in full. It was so thrilling to hear the roar of applause before he spoke. It was lengthy , loud and I could hear his humble response “‘this is too much”. And then he spoke IN ENGLISH so we would hear him directly, not through a translator. I loved his simple sentences that perfectly expressed why we are there and why they are so brave. I was alone in the car, imagining their ordinary people struggling to be free, surviving in the shells of their homes this winter, asking us for more help to save their democracy, their lives. How could we not? We barely escaped our own demise this last election! I burst out crying, so thankful for this President who also spoke to the country, asking us ALL to vote to save our democracy and the rights of all of our people. And we did. Leaders like these deserve standing ovations.
Zelenky had proven his leadership’s integrity at least once before. Remember when “President Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, to hold back almost $400 million in military aid for Ukraine at least a week before a phone call in which Trump is said to have pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate the son of former vice president Joe Biden”? (WAPO link below) Zelensky did not acquiesce to the pressure, just as his resolve is now holding strong against Putin.
Indeed, Zelensky has amply earned our nation’s and the world’s standing ovation!
I cried also. It was very moving. A very emotional release for me. I am so proud of and humbled humanly by the response and aid the world is giving them.
Slavi Ukraini.
A beautiful season of giving to you, Diane.
Best to you, Sandy.
The most intelligent and interesting I know listened tonight in awe, eyes full of tears.
President Zelenskyy addressed our congress tonight, he spoke to every American household, and to the people of the world - tonight. He is a skilled orator, speaking in English, his third language.
Our congress roared its approval, rising to clap again and again, from a long applause to greet the president, before he said a word, to countless show stopping applause to punctuate every single pause. The drama of president Zelenskyy‘s speech was beyond compare. He may be the most popular person on the planet. And it is clear, president Zelenskyy isn’t going anywhere. He and his people intend to win. We will now progress. Our domestic tranquility will return, and we shall overcome.  To watch President Zelenskyy tonight was like going to theater to listen to the words of the best playwright. President Zelenskyy is an incredible speaker. He is also an incredible politician.
Well said, Sandy. I got very emotional when he took the Ukrainian flag out that was signed by troops. When he handed it over to our two most powerful women, my eyes got teary. I guess for me, I was witnessing a strong leader who just happens to be Jewish, be a decent human being. He wants what is best for his country and its people. It is apropos that he and Biden, another decent person, stand together. Harris and Pelosi represent the strength and dignity of women in any fight.
Oh, yes, Marlene!
I felt it too, Marlene.
Yes, Marlene. A moment for us.
And he did that less than 24 hours after flying from a war zone to prosperity and Christmas preparations, in a language not his own. He is truly in a class by himself. Give the man whatever he and his General, who also appears to be a military genius, whatever they want, and let them defeat Putin for the good of the world.
He is truly an expert in the sacred and the profane
Very well said, Sandy, thanks.
Yes, I had a similar impression that I was watching a spectacular Hollywood Special, but I stopped myself and said, “Naw, Hollywood can’t write this. Hollywood can’t describe a ‘Christmas in Candlelight - not for romance, but because there is no electricity’ (paraphrased)” moment.
An incredible night in the midst of an incredible week. More to come. Christmas and Hanukkah presents galore. We have, indeed, been good little girls and boys.
Poor Donnie Dumpster.....
Absolutely agree!
Thankful for the fact that Ukraine has such a courageous leader. But also thankful for President Biden I do not want even want to think of what could have been if the election had turned out differently. Ukraine would not have gotten any support putin on the other hand would have through our inaction.
Fortunately both nations have the right leaders for this time in history
Absolutely! . . . it makes one shudder to think what would be happening if trump were still occupying the WH! Forget that visual - it is just too much of a horror show and a stomach turner!
Chump would have handed over Ukraine in a NY minute. I still think that was what Helsinki was all about…
Yup. Was Helsinki before or after that "perfect call"?
Yup. He would have traded Ukraine for that hotel he has been attempting to build in Moscow. "Chump" is and always will be about money: bullying and conning to get it.
Trump trading cards? Pictures of someone who has lost or influenced electoral office losses are valuable?
As good a use of my tax money as I can imagine! 😻
Agreed...I would by far see my tax dollars go toward an investment in Ukraine as opposed to the bloated military budget that the U.S. staggers under.
We needed a leader like Volodymyr Zelensky to show us what real courage looks like—courage to defend democracy no matter the sacrifice. And it’s a form of justice that among Zelensky's audience were cowards—cowards who in the same historic room sought to overturn our democracy. I hope but doubt they felt shame in their heart of hearts.
The have no shame, that much is as clear as Zelensky’s heartfelt gratitude.
Well, Biden and this administration has been a conduit for this courage. And that is very courageous too.
Only 86 Republicans showed up for Zelensky's speech, and 20 of them were there to oppose him, not standing when others did, generally showing disrespect. At least Boobert and Marjorie Traitor Goon didn't heckle him. The Goon wasn't there, after tweeting earlier that foreign aid was like the American people being raped every day by their "leaders."
Nice to be reminded which party is the Party of Traitors.
Marge traitor goon also called Zelensky the “international welfare queen” She is an embarrassment and disgrace to our country. And needs to be removed from congress
MTG is not the problem. The problem is our fellow citizens who elected and then re-elected her.
God, that is so true
As despicable as Le Goon is, she should only be excoriated for the asinine acts she actually does. The "welfare queen" slur came from noted silver spoon booby Donald Trump Jr., who generally is said to constantly look "high as a kite" nowadays.
Thank you for the correction TC. You’re right, it did come from junior. Seems I received some misinformation.
It's easy to get Our Little Margie and Our Little Donnie confused.
With interchangeable clown heads that happens
Well, he should know...the Trumps have received PLENTY of government largesse--via cheating and lying.
Yes. Margie is not that clever. Would hate to see her fueled as donnie jr is these days.
Salud, TC.
She said WHAT??!!! She is a disgrace to humanity.
"She is an embarrassment and disgrace to our country."
Sorry, I got this wrong. It was actually Don jr that called Zelensky the Welfare Queen. Thank you TC for the correction. Although it doesn’t make her any less despicable. She has plenty of other ridiculous and dangerous statements.
Wasn't that from Trump, jr.Jr.? In any case traitors both!
Yes, my information was wrong but she is still a disgrace. And so is junior
Amen to that! 1,000 times!
What happened there in your district, anyway?
MTG is known as a "Representative," because she represents quite a few Americans from Georgia-14, who just reelected her by a vote of 170,162 to 88,189, with only 49% of registered voters even bothering to vote. As distasteful as I find her to be, it is the vast majority of her constituents - GQP or otherwise, who should really draw your and my ire.
Good point. And a perfect example of the result of poor education and ingrained racism.
It isn't just poor education (which could be fixed), some of those people are just plain evil (cannot be fixed).
Janet W, methinks it is less plain evil than unadulterated self-interest, the core of capitalism otherwise known as greed.
John, if it really was self-interest...why then do they vote AGAINST their own self-interest--such as FOR candidates who would actually work to improve the conditions in their districts--time and time again.
It isn't greed; it can't be. It is an evil infection of anger, hatred and revenge that drumpf has fed, nurtured and then loosed upon the land.
Oh I think it is greed, indeed. You're being logical - improved conditions for all? Ha! They just want conditions to improve for them, and emotionally, to feel superior to others they despise.
Exactly the type of educational reform Desantis is enacting in Florida, all designed to raise a next generation of ignorant racists. He can NEVER attain national office.
We thought that about Trump.
And narrow range of experience and fear of being marginalized in a changing world. And their political choices marginalize them further.
The problem with America is Americans. Although, I hate to say it like this.
But, as you poiint out, it is not MJT who should be excoriated, it is the Americans that voted for her.
Mike S, as above, it's not so much Americans as it is the core belief in unalloyed capitalism (aka: greed) in which so many Americans have invested themselves; the same thing driving resistance to fighting global climate change which appears to afflict other nationalities as well.
I even have more appreciation for the racists who voted for her, then the majority of registered voters who couldn't be bothered. Who cares about gerrymandering when you've got voter self-suppression? They are the true un-Americans I loathe.
And considering that her opponent would have been an awesome Representative, these numbers are especially depressing.
"Georgia-14, who just reelected her by a vote of 170,162 to 88,189, with only 49% of registered voters even bothering to vote" The only thing that comes to mind is WTF? I resent that we breath the same air.
They all have watched Fox for years (or worse) and have no idea of just how evil the man they worship is. Well, some worship him because of the evil. But Rupert put lipstick on a pig like none other. Just look at those propaganda cards, that’s the image they worship. Not an iota of reality. Carnival barker hucksterism that only haters, phony patriots, Pharisees and greedy bastards could love. 74 million of them…
And the other 200 million are saddled with them. System needs changing.
The electoral college does not express the will of the people.
She really is a tactless, gauche pig.
No comparison to pigs. They're far better. Slug, perhaps.
tactless, gauche human at this point seems as low as one can go. Why insult other creatures? And I'd add smug and stupid to the list. She's chosen a narrow, narrow world view. She's going to sink into that crevice in the foreseeable future, IMO.
Even slime is a cut above
Dung beetle?
Nope. Not even a dung beetle. A dung beetle is totally focused on its work. It works extremely hard at perpetually cleaning up the messes of others. MTG is NONE of those things. A dung beetle can be admired for a job well done. There is absolutely nothing that can be admired about MTG.
I think she's like a corona virus. Or a soft tick. Unless someone can think of any positive characteristics of either of those...
Brings to mind what the DI said to us as we stood on the yellow footprints at USMC depot in San Diego: "You are not civilians, you are not Marines, you are lower than whale s**t."
Hey, even slugs, repulsive as they are, have a useful purpose in this world!
Empty Greene is a worthless, useless waste of oxygen and carbon.
Good point!
Was there ever any doubt…
Excellent. It's not too harsh. Telling that little piece of shit that she's a little piece of shit brought a smile to my face.
Same here TC.
I prefer to think of it as the best. :-)
I love it Janet! You nailed it!
Not harsh at all. Just the truth. Happy Holidays to you too Janet.
Nailed it!
Look, I'm one of them peaceniks. The amount of money we pour into the Pentagon each year to be poured down the drain on projects inefficient and/or destructive is something I continually oppose as a citizen, especially when you consider the resistance that any appreciable spending on any social program receives.
But I'm not a pure pacifist, because unfortunately evil still exists, and sometimes evil comes to your doorstep, and evil usually has no problem spending its time making the most advanced tank it can, so as best to destroy you with. So boy will you be glad when you remember you have an even bigger one.
The Ukrainian people have had evil in the form of bloodthirsty authoritarianism visited upon them unasked. A dictator wishes to subsume their nation and culture, just recently freed, to fulfill nothing more than his own ego, destroying the international rules that governed a century of increasing stability in the process. They are shouldering the entire defense of not just their home, enduring unspeakable crimes in areas that just a year ago were as comfortable as your house or mine, but also shouldering the symbolic weight of the conflict between democracy and autocracy made real. Many are doing this with their bodies and their families bodies, while we the *very very concerned* sit at home an ocean away eating more gingerbread before bed.
GIVE THEM WHATEVER THEY ASK FOR. For as long as they need it. Until they win unequivocally. God knows we have spent ungodly sums to have this weaponry. If our ally can't use it now for this cause, when should they ever be used? Never.
At the same time tax the freaking plutocracy of this nation to force it into providing the same investment in our weary and traumatized parents and their precious children. Work to stabilize our nation with equitable housing, education, healthcare, opportunities. This is a myth of the patriarchy: that we have to choose guns or butter. By listening to Elizabeth Warren and going back to pre-Reagan (what a disaster he was! Or Eisenhower era!) taxes on the wealthy, our nation can begin to deliver on the promises of more equal opportunity (this is a fallacy now and always had been in this land of genocide built on stolen land and on the backs of kidnapped and enslaved people). We don’t have to choose. We have the means to do both. Create a safe, stable, nurturing environment for our children AND defend democracy. Two sides of the same coin. Coins we’d have if we taxed appropriately. Rule of law needs back in the tax code. To whom much is given, much has the opportunity to make change for the greater good. Tax. Tax. Tax these billionaires and help our families as families in other developed countries are helped: paid family leave; subsidized childcare; universal healthcare, free community college tuition, a universal basic income to compensate for multi-generational inequity and systemic oppression, subsidized campaigns with limits, equitable education.
We live as if we’re NOT the wealthiest nation in the world by punishing parents on a daily basis as they contribute our most valuable assets: our people.
Better yet, let's go back to the tax structure of Eisenhower's era. And use all that extra we get from the billionaires to fix the roads and bridges: we'll all benefit. And we'll easily be able to afford helping the Ukrainians defeat Putin.
I agree with Will from Cal, and Carey, here. Much of our 'military' or 'defense' budget is actually our form of a kind of national jobs program. The Pentagon has more than once submitted to Congress a list of recommended military base closings, and senators from the affected states have refused to support the budgets which included those closings. Why? Lost jobs and revenue in their states' economies. So the huge 'military' or 'defense' budget has become a structural problem in our whole national economy. Strengthening this structure are all the pension funds and large endowments which have investments in the companies serving the military, directly or indirectly. I agree that our money would be much better spent for better health care, education, affordable housing, preparation for effects of climate change, etc. Altering this structure to something healthier is not impossible, but would be very difficult.
These are such important points that so few people know or understand. Keep beating this drum. It is crucial to our overall shift as s society that is focused on peace instead of war. I know most say our strong offense is our best defense. But I believe our teaching our children another way — that of making friends of our enemies in wise ways (tv shows that show the non flashy side of it of our country and our report on aide) could be beneficial.
“Create a safe, stable, nurturing environment for our children AND defend democracy. Two sides of the same coin. Coins we’d have if we taxed appropriately”. And creating that safe and nurturing environment is exactly an antidote to a world of would be bullies aligned with more powerful bullies.
Carey, you’re on fire with your words today. 🙏🙏❤️ Thank you.
Thanks, Christy! I wrote a big long post and I don’t know whether it made it up or not. Will check. But I turned around and tried to recreate it — and vowed to copy-paste these rants into an email so I could act like sane person and go back to sleep instead of "having to" recreate a lost rant. 😜 I love HCR and this community!
The focus on one man’s ego is apt.
Russia being awarded the Sochi Winter Olympics was just like Qatar getting World Cup. Ego(s) and power. Zelensky focusing on the need for Russians to change the Kremlin was very good.
I wholeheartedly agree. If the republicans are so worried about welfare, why not start with the biggest welfare queen in our country - the military industrial complex! Limit the amount CEO’s of government contractors can earn, start charging for cost overruns and waste, have meaningful audits and prosecute fraud. Not gonna happen, but a girl can dream.
"The amount of money we pour into the Pentagon each year to be poured down the drain on projects inefficient and/or destructive is something I continually oppose as a citizen, especially when you consider the resistance that any appreciable spending on any social program receives."
Actually, I do think the current spending proposal by Congress has more military spending, total, than all domestic US programs.
I completely agree that our representatives are bought and paid for by the military contractor lobby. And have been for a long time.
Finally, someone who gets it!
That is a great comment, Will. Thank you.
You speak for me
This. Thank you!
I love that Zelensky said, "The Russians will stand a chance to be free only when they defeat the Kremlin in their minds." It's so important to also include the Russians in this global UNITED fight against the Kremlin. ❤
Yes, he stressed that. In their minds. This is the thing. Dodging the propaganda. Not easy for the Russians, who receive it in an unbroken stream.
almost like Rupert Murdoch
All of us need to get the divisive Kremlin's propaganda out of our minds. It's like putting the headphones on in Stranger Things and listening to Running up that Hill.
YES! He was right on target. The real enemy resides in those beliefs we choose to act on. The real enemy for humans lies in one's mind and beliefs ...ever since the Cognitive Revolution some 70,000 years ago!
Not easy for the Russians or anyone in ANY country, receiving it, to cunningly manipulate their worst fears and feelings of emptiness. How can we use our apparent infinite intelligence to protect our precious minds from manipulation by others intent on doing harm
the majority of Russians are brain-washed. They need to be in order to survive, sad as that is.
And it's so many continuous centuries and generations who have been ruled under one authoritarian regime or another. Where would they even begin unraveling all the fear, and brainwashing that has caused?
My neighbors/friends are from Ukraine. They came here many years ago and built a terrific life including an MD for him and a small business for her. Bc of them we have met other Ukrainians here in SoCal. Bc of them we hear details about the Kiev bombings, the frigid apartment in which her 90+ yo father and his wife reside (the doors of which are often behind journalists reporting from that city) and we hear of the resolute nature of their friends and family who gratefully unpack our group donations of coats and socks and hats and gloves. They layer these as they prepare for even colder months, determined but aware of the desperation of the situation - as are we.
And we - our friends’ friends - feel a bit impotent. If it’s a waiting game... a “last man standing” game... am I the only one who wants to change games?
Beautifully said. What little support we can give as citizens seems like too little - but I am sure it is greatly appreciated. To understand what these Ukrainians are enduring to keep their freedom when barely half of our citizens won’t even freaking get out and vote!! Knowing how hard we are fighting to keep our democracy - this really puts into perspective how easy (relatively) our fight is. So we have no excuse NOT to keep fighting. At least we are warm and have running water and food while doing it!
Thank you, Professor Richardson, for featuring Ukraine President Zelensky’s Historic speech here in Washington D.C. today. And thank you, President Biden, for recommitting the U.S. to the NATO alliance and knowing the importance of our cooperation with free world Democracies to protect Ukraine and fight against fascist Putin. And to protect the United States and the world’s Democracies. Zelensky “… described Ukraine’s defense as a battle between democracy and authoritarianism across the globe, and assured Americans, “Your money is not charity. It’s an investment in the global security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way.” HIllary Clinton called the speech extraordinary.
Thanks for this link, Irenie. Hillary so clearly spells out where we are in this war.
Of course she does. She's pretty much always been right about everything. It's why so many folks can't stand her: they never outgrew the dynamic of being the dumbasses snickering in the back of class about the girl in the front row who knew all the answers.
My 1st and 2nd vote for President (primary & general). No regrets.
You are so right, don’t show up the dumb asses or they will taunt you forever. We are teetering on the brink and the taunting masses continue their mockery of competence, intelligence, and humanity.
"She's pretty much always been right about everything."
The one thing about Hillary that kept her from being President?
Well, that and 20 years of Republiqan targeting her for everything under the sun.
But her e-mails...
Lynell, after listening to the speech, and reading/listening to Hillary’s comment, I thought about the contrast between competence and incompetence in our government. Where would our country be today if...?
Speaking of competence, I was struck by one of Biden’s answers to the question about whether the US and Ukraine had discussed to possible Russian reaction to the introduction of Patriot missiles into the battle. Without faltering or fumbling, Biden stated that Putin shouldn’t have any sort of reaction to the Patriot missiles since they are DEFENSIVE tools. They do not represent AGGRESSION in any way.
Two things: 1.) I immediately said to my wife, “Can you imagine Trumpie answering that question?” 2.) I would have coached Biden to add, “And, Putie, if you don’t like Patriot missiles shooting down your missiles and jets in Ukraine, then stop sending the FRICKIN’ missiles and jets. Then, no more Patriot missiles. DUH.” (Not too diplomatic, I suppose, but....)
That was one of the outstanding statements yesterday, spontaneously made. We are very fortunate that Biden is President now.
And it's our job, Irenie, to make sure competence in our government remains elevated!
Take that Steve Bannon, your European travels yielded crumbs
Good one (among many), Jeri!
Irenie, I am just now struck that Biden and Zelinsky and HCR chose the day after the winter equinox, the first day of growing light and the middle of Chanukkah to send their collective message of light and hope! Karmic coincidence?
Yes, Poet Wendell Berry says it best; the Winter Solstice
“To Know the Dark
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.”
Happy Solstice!
Day of the winter solstice, where the light does begin to return.
Santa Lucia, il giorno più corto che ci sia. Italian proverb dating from the middle ages, when the winter solstice fell between 12 and 13 December. Pope Gregory sorted all that out by cutting about a fortnight out of the calendar, but in Italy you still say it, on 21 December. (Santa Lucia, the shortest day there is. All proverbs rhyme in Italian). St Lucia is patron saint of the blind, and also, oddly enough, of Sweden, where her feast day on 12 December is celebrated with many candles. She's the bringer of light in the darkness. Which is the point of this post...
Until 2022 most of us had only briefly heard of Ukrainian President Zelensky because of the Trump/Giuliani effort to withhold American aid to Ukraine until Zelensky agreed to target Hunter Biden in an effort to smear Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential campaign. [First impeachment of President Trump]
Now Zelensky has just met President Biden at the White House and addressed a joint session of Congress. He has been named Man of the Year by Time magazine and Ukraine has been named Country of the Year by The Economist.
Seldom in my lifetime has one man made such a dramatic difference. On the negative side, there are such people as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Putin. The positive side includes FDR, Churchill, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and, most recently, President Zelensky.
There was little in his background to suggest that he would become an international hero. His earlier claim to fame included being a comedian and having won a dance contest.
However, when Putin threatened and then invaded Ukraine, Zelensky emerged with extraordinary courage and with a Churchillian voice. He survived several Putin-orchestrated assassination attempts. In the days just after February 24th, President Zelensky indicated that he likely would be captured and/or killed at any moment.
President Zelensky daily became the image of Ukrainian courage and resistance in response to Putin’s ‘special military operation.’ He provided the spark that lit the fire of NATO support fanned by President Biden. Zelensky has been and continues to be the symbol for those brave Ukrainians who have sacrificed so much to protect Ukrainian sovereignty and to resist Putin’s brutal calumny.
We all owe President Zelensky our profound gratitude for putting his life on the line to protect his country AND the sovereignty of other countries adjacent to Putin’s Russia.
Next time you are asked whether one person can make a difference in our lives or our world, respond PRESIDENT ZELENSKY.
Keith, it is important to point out that although Zelenskyy was a comedian and participated in a dance contest, he was also an attorney, so he is well educated. Not only is he extraordinarily brave, but he's intelligent and a good strategist.
Nancy Agree that Zelensky is extraordinarily brave and a Churchillian orator/leader. Still, he was a non practicing lawyer and, I believe, had several bank accounts overseas during his professional comedy/acting career. Except for his stage presence, I (and, perhaps, Putin?) did not see anything in his background that would have predicted the current President Zelensky. (Of course reading Churchill’s teacher’s sixth grade assessment of Winnie, he was a ‘sloth with limited writing skills.’) Nobel Prize in Literature.
Keith, while it is true that Zelenskyy apparently didn't have a passion for his legal profession, we both know that guts and determination are not taught in school, but emanate from the soul. I believe that because it was easy to underestimate him, bullies like Putin and TFG thought he was an easy mark. As with most of what these buffoons have toyed with, they were mistaken, and will doubtless regret their error. Regardless, the price that the world will pay for their folly will be enormous.
Now hold on, several bank accounts overseas? You need a bank account where you work. I've still got two, and my two little overseas pensions get paid into them. I'm as poor as a church mouse, and honest as the day is long. Sort of.
Dear poor mousy Keeping money in the Ukraine is not similar to having several dollar-denominated stores next door. My info on foreign bank account came from Wikipedia. For me, cash hidden under my mattress still suffices.
What on earth are you talking about?
Ok, his previous claim to fame was for his job of being a comedian. That said, his role was that of being the President. Since the corrupt guy he replaced was a really bad comedian, he can be excused for being motivated to become President himself and give the guy some stage pointers. Being Putin's puppet still just amounts to being a puppet. So, I'll encourage President Zelensky to keep up the act, to be the kind of piper fair people will pay for with real, hard earned money.
All I can say is than goodness for Volodymyr Zelensky and the backbone he has shown us and the world at a time when things seemed so dark. He knows where he will probably stand when his country’s history is written but that isn’t important to him. What is important is that a history of his country, Ukraine, will be written at all. The same goes for the Ukrainian people. Courage and love of country is being seen by us this time. I hope the turn coats here will see the error of their ways sooner rather than later. They have disgraced us enough already.
They will never, they are shameless.
Ukraine's situation now is the American situation at Valley Forge. If we would have helped those soldiers then, we should help Ukrainian soldiers now. They are fighting the battle which we fought. As we won with French help, they can win with our help and NATO's and EU's.
The "... American situation at Valley Forge" was that Washington was on the attack. Zelensky made several references to American history all examples of perseverance that continues both in Ukraine and the US now.
He knows us better than many in Congress, how sad
Not to mention he has a better command of the English language than those same Congress members...
I found that truly remarkable, Bryan.
Well said!