I prefer reading these with my first cup of coffee early in the morning, but wowza, lots to unpack here! Lies, snarling, no tax audit, Jack Smith getting Jan 6 materials, republicans not wanting immigration reform, because, well..because
Thank you Professor! You made my night, and I will re-read with coffee tomorrow!
Regarding republicans not wanting immigration reform, kudos to ABC’s Martha Raddatz for calling out Texas Gov. Abbott for his disingenuous conduct:
“You talk about the border wall, you talk about open borders,” Raddatz said to Abbott, “but I don’t think I've ever heard President Biden say, ‘we have an open border, come on over.’ But people I have heard say it are you, are former President Trump, Ron DeSantis; that message reverberates in Mexico and beyond. So they do get the message that it is an ‘open border,’ and smugglers use all those kinds of statements.”
Yeah lots to unpack - and all of it - ALL OF IT - is exhibit "A" of a dangerous, obsolete, heartless, and corrupt political party that has way too much power in our supposedly great country. I don't even know where to begin. But y'all know this.
Here I was planning on giving all my Red relatives and sometime friends a copy of the J6 report and along comes Trump’s tax returns. Should I wait until after the first of the year to sent the later or should I just go ahead and do an enormous big Trump dump for the holidays?
To all LFAA followers, I send my season greetings and thank you all for your comments and conversations throughout the year. Be well.
I'll bet you are lots of fun at Christmastime. I'm sure they are too kind to tell you to your face what they think of you.
One day your face will be as (appropriately) red as Tim Robbins' during this interview. At least he is trying to come to terms with what Democrats have wrought.
Show me lack of spirit, name calling or fallacy in the comment.
Seriously, do you think giving political gifts to relatives for Christmas is unworthy of ridicule? I called him no names. He called his relatives "Reds", Dehumanizing his own family. Truly sad. You defend that by criticizing me?
Read my comments on the politics of immigration, directly above. It's complicated!
But responding to your one sentence about it, the GOPers may feel they're not getting anything in return for given the Dreamers citizenship. Yet, any immigrant who gets citizenship can become the first link in chain migration, bringing in scads of relatives. This on top of the country's basic policy of admitting over a million annually--which Biden (who I otherwise think is doing a wonderful job) wants to increase to around 2 million.
Those numbers would throw millions of Americans out of work--there are only so many jobs available in any given year, and the pay would tank--as it did for meat packers, and many othesr in the '80s, when the immigration surge turned into a flood.
Also, the US is already environmentally unsustainable (I learned about these kinds of issues in '75 from John Holdren, a UC Berkeley professor who later moved to Harvard, and still later became Pres O's Science Advisor.) Global warming will mke the US far more unsustainable, as this article by ProPublica in the NYT Mag makes dramatically clear. Millions of Americans will become climate refugees in the next 20-30 years.
Wouldn't it be gratifying if "the girls" got into it, right on the House floor? I mean right on the floor!! Greene would win if it's a bare-handed match (probably in better shape still from her gym days); Boebert if her AR-15 were to be
allowed in. What an embarrassment they are to my gender: all noise, crassness, brawn, and no brains. I can't wait until they have landed where they belong, in the dustbin of history.
I m not sure than Greene would last if the Whiskey Tango girl fight goes down the distance. If Greene goes full on, she could run out of gas burning out. All that muscle takes more energy. Boebert has the cardio and youth advantage, so it’s just a matter of her avoiding Greenes power shots. Plus Lauren’s new implants and Botox might shield her from Greenes power shots. Let’s get Dana White on phone. Might as well make some money on the side.
It sounds like a fight is brewing. Let us hope they are checking members of Congress for weapons. Both like to tote guns, although being from the Wild West Boebert seems more likely to try to conceal a gun. They are members of the new soap opera called "The American Republican Party." Perhaps they want to replace Donald Trump. Unfortunately for me, I don't like watching series where none of the characters are likable, so this is not the show for me!
You guys are missing the Trump-alike PowerUp Bonus. Marjorie has that one down cold. Boeberti sounds more like a Mortal Combat fighter, and has a longer cool-down.
She won't and that's what you have to fear. Rednecks Boebert and Greene are like unsightly oozing boils on the skin but Stefanik, who has fashioned herself as a "legit" legislator is a hidden cancer that insidiously metastasizes....
Since "Rednecks" are union miners fighting the powers that be, I would not be using that term to describe people like Boebert and Greene who are clearly union busters, as well as every other offensive thing they can do to working people, just because it might help someone who is not White out!
Ohh boy... "Lauren's new implants" !! Gag me! No wonder Gaetz & her have hooked up.. hhaahahaahahaa. Errr ahhh "hooked up" being my benign use of the expression....hahahaa. Really?
Oh my Gail. I am soooo reading from the same sheet of music. For me it was Michelle Bachmann, years ago. She shocked me into reality. I am a bit befuddled why this upsets me so. Except to say that I have harbored in the past some views that have a tinge of misogyny, views I have tried to correct as I grow older. And this might something like viewing humanity in terms of 20K years ago when women tended the children, gathered the roots and seeds, prepared the meat the men brought back, etc. And the men fought off invaders, did invading (and raping) themselves, and did dangerous hunting. While human society has evolved considerably compared to back then, one could reason that women on average had (and have) cooler heads than men, and therefore might be better fit to rule in a civilized society. Since then I have come to realize that such a view is at best overly simplified and presumptuous. Michelle Bachmann showed me just how toxic females in political leadership can be. Also, if you want to see exhibit "A" in toxic conservative women, look no further than Fox News. So my point is that terrible wingnutty leadership is gender neutral to a certain extent. And while everything else being equal, I would vote for a woman, one must do their homework first.
Republicans have had a long list of horrible women candidates, but Michele Bachmann really stands out. Other famous Republican women who actively worked against women's and LGBTQ rights are Anita Bryant and Phyllis Schlafly from the 80s Ugh. Horrible.
Given two highly qualified candidates with good ideas (i.e., ideas I support), I would generally prefer to vote for the woman, but as you say, a female horror show is still a horror show.
Thing is - Republicanism, as defined thoroughly by HCR in her various works, is a toxic way of looking at the world. It is heartless, anti-democratic, and incapable of dealing with what Al Gore calls "the inconvenient truth". Instead they believe there are indisputable truths, developed from ages of ancient thought and experience, that are as true today as in the past. So whenever something new comes (climate change is the prime example BTW), then their worldview gives them no choice but to reject it. That races of people are practically genetically identical? Uh, that's a problem for them too. This leaves its proponents struggling to fit in with today's realities without rejecting them, and/or engaging in disreputable activities to battle those who are better dealing to reality. There is a fundamental dishonesty in the Republican world view. So that partly explains why we see such "horrible candidates" whether men and women from the Republican party. Conversely, good hearted well meaning people have trouble sidling up to Republican views. Some exceptions, but IMO few.
It's junior high all over again. Name calling. Hair pulling. Maybe even a food fight. Being sent to the Principal's office where "This is going on your PERMANENT RECORD." While the rest of us snicker and talk smack.
Agree! I've got snarky smack talk going on in my head every time one of the GOP opens their mouth! Hershel Walker just about put me over the edge. Since I'm a civilized person I can mostly keep it to myself. ❤️
Laura And Wishy Washy McCarthy would be a bad referee, since he is sucking up to both these pistol packing mommas. Might Greene and Boebert shoot each other simultaneously? What a marvelous holiday thought! (And, perhaps, blast Jim ‘Pit bull’ Jordan in this blaze of bullets?)
You folks are way to hard on trailer parks, they are a protected class under civil rights laws. In all seriousness some low income folks don't have much choice when it comes to housing. We need solutions to raise income levels for all especially their children. (I have no support for MTG, I live less than 10 miles from her district, and even less Boebert.)
As we light the Hanukkah candles and pray for peace and Justice, the repub girls are fighting over “Jewish Space Lasers”. What a way to keep repub sponsored Antisemitism alive and what timing. How the repub party can govern at all is up for debate. They lied about the election, continue to support Superman, even though he could go to jail for his crimes and are working on ways to block legislation. The border, the Dreamers, the Haters. There is no longer a working two party system.
All true.... at some point the GOP will have to return closer to the center and leave the crazies alone with their lies, meanness, and conspiracy theories. Either that or the party will eventually become (1) more ineffective than the are now or (2) an even greater threat to our Democracy.
Unfortunately, the Republicans cannot move away from crazy because there are upwards of 74 million US citizens who think crazy is the new wonderful. The 74 million are not fading. They are doubling down. About the only hope is that maybe 10% of the women who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 but now find that fhey are tired of being treated as brood mares by the entire Republican Party will do what they did a few weeks ago: vote D and, to protect themselves from harm, lie to the Trump-loving monsters they are living with about how they voted.
Current Republicans can't back away from crazy and expect to get many votes. Without their smokescreen, "Make the rich richer and the poor poorer" would not be a popular sell.
I think you're right about the two options, but I don't have much faith in any return to "the center." I don't believe that what we think of as the center exists anymore. By whatever reverse alchemy has been at work in this country, the Republican Party has changed from deep inside out and is simply not the same party. It's not even a question of getting rid of the crazies. There's Crazy in their soul now. In my opinion, there is no Republican Party. What will be there when the dust settles, I honestly can't begin to imagine.
When Volodymyr Zelensky addresses Congress this week, wonder if MTG will suggest that Zelensky arrange for the space lasers rather than expensive American armaments?
I thought the sales site was a joke. Well, it is, but it’s also real. I got a good laugh but I wonder if it furthers antisemitism if trumpees believe it.
Since we are talking about cat fights with some humor, I want to post a comment from an LFAA commenter way back in September, 2022. I saved it because I feel it explains the often misconstrued question of how ANY woman can be tied to the conspiracy creators, election deniers, and traitors. Greene and Boebert often translate to physical, unattractive strength which reflects incorrectly on the source of a woman’s strength. In my opinion, Stefanik has risen in the Repub ranks as reflected correctly by the following “nails it” comment. I know many women like her. Always ready to attach themselves like a greedy parasite to what they perceive as the most strong, aggressive, racist, white patriarchal illusion which gives them a platform to coyly spew their own angst all the while saying….”I support my man”. Line up. A whoopin’ awaits them.
Credit to whomever wrote this. It’s brilliant.
From comment on LFAA Sept 2022
“I do find it actually a little extraordinary to see how far the extremists are willing to go to display their utter ignorance; to proclaim loudly and with apparent pride their devotion to fascism; and to revel in the depths of sadistic malignity into which they have plunged themselves. And, as usual, the women who have latched onto the patriarchal bargain as if it were the last teat in the universe are the utter worst, because they should know better. They DO know better. But their wagon is hitched to the triumph of autocracy and white male supremacy and they seem to actually enjoy out-horrible-ing their male colleagues.”
Unita, my compatriots on this forum. ‘Tis the season.
If Stefan Passantino is ripe for disbarment for advising someone to lie during testimony, it seems to me that a bunch of other attorneys affiliated w/ Trump, his businesses, and his administration should be vulnerable also - for not notifying federal authorities about Trump's plan to overturn the election, for finding loopholes for Trump's years of lying and financial grift and cheating, and for helping his administration break and ignore laws for 4 years. Lawyers were disbarred for less as a consequence of their Watergate/Nixon-related crimes. I know some admirable attorneys who do stellar work. In sharp contrast are Trump's attorneys, including Bill Barr, who seem little better than their client in terms of integrity and allegiance to the law and Constitution.
The attorneys who advise their clients might be disbarred, but ultimately the clients must be responsible for their lying. I hope the focus stays on every one of these repubs who lied. Both the liar and the adviser are guilty.
I think the DOJ and the various bar associations have at least a decade of material to keep them busy surrounding the events of the tail end of TFG's term in office. The yahoos who stormed the capital are low hanging fruit, and there are alot of them. There will come a time when the next rank of co-conspirators reach the docket. May it continue on until the last individuals who supported the emperor and his sycophants in their nefarious plans have been brought before juries.
Yes, but you have to truly appreciate the great irony that Passantino was “the top ethics lawyer” for the Trump White House. I think that says it all. Ethics? Ethics?
Stephan sounds like VP material to me. Gay, criminal, dresses well, looks groomed, knows how to get away with larceny, and notably hasn't any charges pending for killing anyone. I admit a Trump-Passantino ticket would be hard to swallow, least of all pronounce, but the idea of a genuine "Family Values" team based upon characters writ small from sone Goodfellows film has a certain charm to it.
The Trump-Pasantino ticket could be entertaining. Another option: I thought Boebert and MTG were duking it out to be VP. It could come down to which person DT finds the most physically attractive.
Oops. That's Santos, not the disbarrable lawyer, who is gay and criminal. Old age causes me to mix up my criminals and their attributes or the adjectives that apply.
Wow, a very busy week already. Your Letters always allow me to keep up to date with what's happening in Washington and around the country. I still can't figure out how you (HCR) manage to do these nearly daily in-depth news digests on top of your many other full time jobs!! -- Thanks as always!
House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Jerrold Nadler, on twitter tonight:
'Every president has released their tax returns, except for one: Donald Trump. We will soon find out what he is hiding and why he won't share them with the American people.'
'Members of the Ways and Means Committee argued on Tuesday night that their votes to release the former president’s taxes were in support of the idea that no one person is above the law, …'
There is going to be a tremendous amount of fallout resulting from the release of Trump's tax returns on the IRS; on Trump's appointments and on Trump and the Republican Party, while revealing how regular citizens have been paying our government's bills, while the ultra-rich have gone tax-free.
Trump was right about one thing; the SYSTEM HAS BEEN RIGGED.
Most importantly, it will be out in the open how taxes fall the hardest on the most vulnerable and the rest of us are next. Capitalism has run amuck in the USA, and it took Donald J. Trump and a band of dedicated public servants to lift the curtain. We have to get a list of those fine patriots.
Has Trump ever imagined being crowned and Biggest Loser of all time? We have imagined it, and that day is coming.
In my mind, the committee was just helping him follow through on a campaign promise - to reveal his tax returns. He always said he would do it and was just waiting for the right time. We’ll, here it is!
Fern, thanks for Nadler’s quote. My congressman, Mike Thompson, is on that Ways & Means Committee. This is justice in the biggest way possible! There’s not a dang thing the Pro-Rape Party members can do about it...nada! I am very happy.
I am trying really hard to put myself into the shoes of one of those hardcore trumpster factory workers with his meager salary trying to put food on the table and worrying about how he's going to pay his taxes. I mean, I'm really wondering what is his reaction after learning that trump paid less than his tax bill...how can this not break the fever? But then, every time I've watched Fox news, there has been no mention of the hearings, just border news, Hunter Biden, and drag queens....
More of Trump's behavior -- lawlessness, self-interest, complete lack of respect for other human beings, without a conscience, no sense of morality.... The truth is becoming more and more evident. We have our work to do. Does it make sense to live in a 'character' we have put together in our minds? Can we wish them well in healing? We are working toward making our country better for all Americans.
I mean, I know what that guy would think about the situation. He would think Cheeto won't have paid up because he was smart enough to get around it, which we all should be able to figure how to do so that the liberal deep state gets less money for their woke helping of welfare queens.
It's paranoid culty mad-libs nonsense, but also very predictable at this point.
Yes, and who did he direct to do comprehensive detailed audits of James Comey and Andrew McCabe at the same time...two of Trumps designated enemies hmmm
Keep in mind that the vast majority of IRS employees are civil servants, nothing to do with politics. The Treasury Secretary and the IRS Commissioner are appointed by the president. Commissioner Rettig is an attorney who has made his name defending high dollar tax cheats, so of course he was appointed by trump to the job. trump didn't take office until 2017, so his first return subject to audit as president wouldn't have been filed until 2018. With an extension, around September 2018. Rettig was installed in September 2018. IRS would not have begun the audit until at least late 2018 or in 2019. Seems both Mnuchin and Rettig need to be looked at. This article from CREW explains Rettig's involvement with trump in real estate - and reasons he wouldn't want that made public.
I'm a cold, hard numbers guy, so one thing jumps out to me here: "about 70%".
How many times have we seen that approximate number (or some similar very high amount), being reliably provided as the amount of Americans who agree on every so-called "hot button" "controversial" "wedge" issue? Believe it or not, a supermajority of Americans of all stripes agree on the things we keep arguing about: abortion protections, gay marriage, gun control, Build-Back-Better-esque social programs, and yes, support for immigrants.
This is a democracy (yes, it is! still! for now!), so why on Earth would these not be considered settled issues? Any RATIONAL, REASONABLE politician or political party looking at such overwhelming support would conclude that the smart move would be to mold your platform to be more in line with the clear direction of public sentiment, so as to maximize your potential voter base. But the Republican Party isn't rational or reasonable, and no one should hold their breath expecting them to develop these qualities of their own volition. And it has little to do with the leaders being charlatans, and unfortunately much more to do with the everyday folks who make up the party and the attitudes they carry.
I cannot emphasize this enough: these people truly believe that this is their country, and this country in its pure, natural, *real* form is theirs alone. They do not see themselves as part of a greater whole, instead they are the rightful center, and everyone else is allowed to exist out of their good graces, provided the guests don't get too pushy and know their proper place: out of sight and forever in deference to the pure, true, good, *real* Americans. This is why every civil rights advancement is treated with righteous fury and proper hysterics. ("We never should have given those racial minorities/immigrants/liberated women/gays/godless heathens an inch! Those ungrateful hooligans always take advantage if given the chance!")
And it is why no matter how outnumbered they are on any issue, they will never reconsider the veracity of their stance. They are so absolutely sure of themselves and their rightful place of the center of gravity of our culture, why would they? Plus, the basic tenet of the conservative mindset, *very* generally speaking, is that the way it has been is the way it naturally is and should be; change is to be resisted and imagination is suspect.
So what you get is the recent Supreme Court oral arguments about that web design lady who is willing to bring the whole precedent of non-discrimination in the business arena down with her, rather than either serve gay couples (*shudders and clutches pearls*) or not "do weddings" (*wipes away solitary tear while viola plays mournfully*). When the Big-Shot Lawyer was asked to replace "gay couple" with "interracial couple" - just to, ya know, see how *that* sounded out loud - Big-Shot Lawyer replied that it was not a fair comparison because reasonable people still disagree on gay marriage (~70% of Americans support gay marriage), whereas that is no longer true of interracial marriage (~90% approval). And you know that argument will gain traction, because Justice Handmaiden pretty much used the same forehead-slapping logic when asked about a possible overturn of Roe v Wade, and how that would be different from an overturn of other bedrock cases like Brown v Board. She replied that Brown was safe on account of being a "super-precedent" (this is a made-up thing), while Roe was simply precedent and hence not. The difference? Roe is still argued over amongst reasonable people, while Brown is not.
But... if 70% of people agree with a certain stance, and the percentage keeps increasing, and the law and precedent has already decided in favor of that 70% supermajority, and years or even DECADES have passed... are those remaining 70% truly "reasonable" people simply having a disagreement? How close to damn 100% do we have to get before they are no longer reasonable? 75? 82? 88?
Truth is, it doesn't matter how small a minority these righteous intolerants become. The words "but of course, I'm in the minority on that one" will never cross their lips, for they are the *real* Americans, and whatever stance they take will always be a reasonable thing we need to take seriously. They will never accept having to adopt a change in behavior to keep up with the times, and these righteous intolerants will bring the whole operation down if threatened with the thought that those they dislike will get something they are undeserving of.
Despite always touting immigration as one of the most pressing issues facing the nation, they will shoot down an immigration bill that gives them everything they say they want because it gives protections to a few they would rather not share space with. Even though they are outnumbered in their spitefulness by 70% of their fellow citizens.
Let's stop letting them get away with this attitude problem for much longer, shall we?
That's for sure. Even the title of it is deceptive and misleading. As long as that disgraceful supreme court ruling exists, we will continue living in a Corporatocracy.
(How do I bookmark this? It's brilliant. I could read it as a novel.)
Will, from Cal, I recognize the America you describe.
No form of protest is acceptable to those in power.
It is too much to ask these folk to simply "treat everybody right."
The karma individual business people should experience is when they discriminate against someone, reviews and word-of-mouth should lead customers to choose the competition.
In capitalistic business America, the only color that matters is green, not one's skin.
Is it too much for someone to want to use their talents to enhance another person's life?
What harm does it do to make someone happy?
As has been noted, how does same-sex marriage threaten "their" "sacred" (using TFG as an example) "third marriage with five children by three different people"?
"If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex."
"If you don't like abortion, don't have one."
Oh, and for those who want book ban/burn - do you realize there is plenty in the Bible worst than what you object to in books to help kids learn and develop empathy? You just want everyone to remain ignorant?
Kids (and adults) should be encouraged to read
- to develop imagination,
= to be able to gain understanding of another person's lived experience,
= encouraged how to develop skills in how to think, discern, compare, contrast, make decisions
- Just NOT WHAT to think, THAT is indoctrination.
By reading what has happened in the past, subsequent generations can learn the lessons and avoid repeating the mistakes and injustices of the past.
As if the things available through the Internet are not even more treacherous and addicting than what can be accessed in a public library.
In Catholicism, there is a thing called reception of a teaching by the faithful. That means if a teaching (e.g., the prohibition of birth control) is “received” by the laity, it’s further proof of its acceptability. (As we all know, this one is not.) anyway, if such a thing were applied to Americans’ preference toward abortion with limits, dreamers’ citizenship, SSM, etc., wouldn’t we be better off? Instead we have our congresspeople imposing THEIR beliefs on us. Ps not sure I explained the ‘reception’ teaching quite right, but you get the idea.
Completely agree, and would add that many, if not most, of these Republicans have deluded themselves with an absolute conviction that they are right and that their cause is just. As a kid who had Catholicism crammed down her throat, I was taught that only baptized Catholics would get to 'see God.' (Seriously!) The people around me had this notion that Catholics were better than everyone else, and they acted accordingly. We were not allowed to go to other churches for weddings, funerals, god forbid ceremonies of induction. I could go on. We gave our nickels and dimes for fundraisings to 'buy' pagan babies to bring them into the Catholic fold…one of many schemes used to reinforce the superiority and 'rightness' of our cause. Never once was a question of an alternative path entertained or tolerated.
I guess my point here is that I understand these bastards from the inside out. I thought they were losing their grip, but they still know how to get and keep power … How many right wing Catholics on SCOTUS?
Sadly, many of these attitudes are "we're right, everyone else is wrong." It's judging, not loving.
Still cannot ignore the legacy of child abuse documented in the Catholic Church, but that doesn't make me brand ALL Catholics as pedophiles or rapists.
When JFK ran for President, the opposition included the belief as a Catholic he would be subject to the Pope. The makeup of the SCOTUS is alarmingly and apparently trying to impose human versions of religious intolerance on the population and policies as a whole.
The importance of separation of church and state is the government is not to dictate how one worships, or even chooses not to.
Even the original colonies were largely established by those being persecuted for their "brand" of religion.
It should never be forgotten the KKK has been led by law enforcement and preachers.
The film "Mississippi Burning" is recommended as an example.
There is so much Hypocrisy (especially in Christianity).
This is in the for what it's worth category: I worked with priests for 10 years and one of my close friends for 30 years is also a priest. When I repeat the crazy stuff we were taught as kids, they roll their eyes. Most likely, they too (at least close to my age) were taught the same stuff by the nuns.
Yes, but the eye rolls from the sane clergy do not make up for the absolutist dicta of the entrenched Catholic hierarchy. The US Catholic bishops still hold that they know best…for everyone….and they are the ones who hold power and influence. I used to be able to laugh at the nuttiness, too, but when people like Kavanaugh and Barrett get appointed to SCOTUS, it ceases to be funny. I too had a priest friend for many years, but when I started asking questions about why he stayed on, given his supposed liberal views, he punted, opting to keep his cushy life rather than even try to rock any boats. He rolled his eyes, too, but is now a Monsignor.
Only a radical right Republican would give the time of day to anything said by Elise Stefanik (R-NY). It's her job to rabble rouse, bitch, moan and groan about anything that could be interpreted as calling "R"s to account. One of Trump's sheep dogs. As to the release of Trump's tax records, the House Ways & Means Committee is only helping Trump keep a promise he made over and over as far back as 2016. Only his constant whining and delay tactics have made voters as interested as we are to see what he's been hiding and lying about.
Professor Richardson, a story getting buried by all the bigger news is long island congressman-elect Santos. Turns out nothing about this guy is legitimate, and somehow everyone missed the obvious series of lies until the NYT broke the story a couple days ago. Daily Beast is now reporting the MAGA candidate is funded by a Russian oligarch. The playbook here has a striking resemblance to that of WA state MAGA candidate Joe Kent, who narrowly lost his race after reporters discovered his job was fake. Someone was paying his “salary.”
The story is comical in just how many obvious lies were packed into one person. The guy in charge of oppo research for the losing campaign should never work again.
It's fine by me, though. Two solid years of spreading this story throughout his district will put it in play in 2024. For reasons that are bizarre to me, people seem to tolerate an extremist if they clean up nice enough, but are less forgiving when it comes to kindergarten-level obvious liars. Which means now we have FIVE likely House flips in NY next time. Which means presidential year turnout in *NY alone* will by itself give us the House, even if we make no further gains anywhere else, or win any redistricting lawsuits at all. Which we will.
"Jewish space lasers" refers to Marjorie Traitor Goon's insane belief that the California Camp wildfire of 2019 was caused by "lasers" in orbit (thus "space") paid for by George Soros.
When it comes to what needs to be done to Marjorie Traitor Goon, aka "Potato Face", it's another case of "If my thought dreams could be seen, they'd probably put my head in a guillotine. "
On the off chance that anyone in this erudite group is unaware, Soros is a Jewish Holocaust survivor. His name, like Rothchild’s, is a common dog whistle used by antisemites. While neither should be, I find the use of Soros’s to be obscene.
Thank you for reminding readers that the repubs antisemitic memes and name calling come in many forms. It seems repubs don’t worry about the company they keep. Soros has been vilified in Hungary, where Orban celebrated with the repub party. And last summer Orban was in Texas at the Conservative Political Action Conference annual gathering in Dallas. https://forward.com/fast-forward/513245/in-u-s-speech-viktor-orban-invokes-holocaust-attacks-george-soros/
And here are the details. Greene posted a rant online, took it down later, but it is captured by Media Matters here for us to reexamine. Truly she is unhinged, just read this.
So, technically, I think she was positing… lightening flashes occurred in a wicked bad storm in vicinity of CA Camp Fire 2018-11-08, contributing to or causing the Camp Fire disaster… she was proposing a mirror on an orbital satellite that would concentrate the sun rays and “beam” it to earth surface, maybe THAT beam was the real cause of the fires? You know, Jewish space lasers, of course they are a real thing. Cause, you know, look it up on Qanon. Like I recall this was a Bond movie plot, or from some sci fi flick….? TC i understand you are an LA script writer, can you track down the story plot that became her fever dream?
“‘The Republicans’ extreme are extreme on the level of the insane taking over the asylum.” And it continues… wasting our class time, so they can throw spitballs. So much work to do: around reducing carbon emissions, (we NEED more immigrants for our workforce, so let’s) get the immigration laws reformed, international diplomacy and defense against aggressors like Putin… to name just a few.
Repubs will NEVER agree to immigration reform, what else could they hang around Dems neck like the heaviest albatross. It’s what attracts their most devoted cult nuts. True from the escalator ride
Respectfully, I would rather have our focus on income Equality, living wages being paid to ALL workers. Immigrants are great. This should not be a band aid for our work force woes. Hospitals in particular have systemically reduced work forces to improve the bottom line. Focusing on treating all workers well seems more fitting than rushing to fill crappy jobs with immigrant labor paying slave wages.
It is so important that TFG face legal consequences. His constant whining that every investigation is political continues to tear at the fabric of democracy, because he is mixing justice with revenge and the illegal acts with “witch hunts”. He told Americans the system is fixed to protect and give advantages to people like him, and then he showed them that he could use his station to grift and steal from America, proving his point. If he doesn’t face consequences, I would bet he would almost certainly win the 2024 election. He can always say that the evil Democrats were always out to get him, but if convicted, America will know those Democrats hold the ground of integrity and truth.
Not to disagree with you in particular, Jane, but the only doom-laden projection I think has less plausibility than "If he gets put in jail that will lead to an even greater uprising!" is "If he's not in jail he'll take over again for sure!"
A disconcertingly slim but unmistakable majority of this country will never support this man or anyone like him in the White House, and never has. He couldn't even get a plurality of votes in '16 and won through the most extraordinary and unfortunate mathematical fluke in our history, and we have three history-making elections since then in which voters rejected him and his political style. There is absolutely no evidence other than our own perpetual anxiety that he has what it takes to stage a comeback, no matter what the DOJ does or doesn't do. Just as there is no evidence an indictment would be any good or bad for Democrats in general.
I'm not a pure nihilist, but perceptions around this man and his brand are baked in in this country by now. The need for the DOJ to indict isn't because they are a political savior, but because it would simply be the ethical thing to do in terms of upholding rule of law by the ultimate example, social repercussions de damned.
I guess my point is that I don't see a more educated Cheeto-lite replacement as viable either.
I'm not counting anything out and keeping my guard up, because any possibility above 0% of further Cheeto or Cheeto-lite is too high to not take seriously. But swing state voters seemed very clear last month they want nothing to do with not just the man himself, but anyone endorsed by him or running in his mold.
I would disagree on that by not prosecuting Trump for what a majority of Americans are real crimes, the institution of America is handing him a win. His floundering is because he is losing, and handing him a win will bring back the fans who walked away.
What infuriates me is the number of liberals who still characterize the Cheeto Cultists as people who are gullible. "I can't believe they keep falling for those lies!" "They can't *really* believe this man represents them!" "They are so dumb they don't know how awful what he is saying is!" It's the damn liberal Achilles heel: the true belief and need to believe that everyone is good at heart, and that those people we thought of as friends and family could never actually identify/agree with something so clearly monstrous. They must just be stupid. Stupid we can forgive!
But... they're not gullible. They honestly do fully identify with this horrible dude because he does say what they think in the depths of their id, and seeing someone powerful finally express these ideas and embody these attitudes to their fullest extent is exhilarating. So the demagoguery of "they're not after me, they're after you" actually rings true in ways both twisted but direct. He does have the same ideas and attitude as they do, and represents everything they want, so when he - or his ideas and attitudes - are attacked, it *is* personal to them. Devil's advocate (kind of literally), but they are being attacked.
We are really, really bad at admitting that people who are perfectly pleasant in daily life can hold beliefs and desires about the world that if brought to fruition, would cause untold violence and damage. Understandable. It's pretty damn dark. But it's not the case for MOST people (yay), and either way, you can't fully solve a problem if you aren't brutally honest about it.
My mental gymnastics every hour of every day. People that I have always known to be anything but stupid are deliberately ignorant of the machinations of propaganda masters. Orwell warned us, Rupert proves it over and over and the cult (yes it is) metastasizes before our eyes.
You are right. While I’m conditioned by my faith to look for the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt, but you are correct. Trump normalized their deepest and darkest ugliness and allowed them to be proud of it, unbelievable as it seems to those who don’t think like that. Racism, misogyny, hatred for lgbtq-it’s deeply embedded and like an infection, has risen to the surface. We have a lot of work to do as a nation to teach the next generations to do and be better. In Florida, that’s not possible-but I’m hoping Desantis is derailed before hitting the national stage.
Don't get me wrong, looking for the best in people is definitely the best way to live life unless you enjoy being a bitter old hag. And I believe in second and third chances. I AM a bleeding-heart tree-higging liberal after all.
But as Maya Angelou says, "When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time."
"They honestly do fully identify with this horrible dude because he does say what they think in the depths of their id..." That perfectly captures their mind-set (or id-set), Will.
The amygdala might have something to do with it, too.
Will, you've hit the nail on the head. It isn't gullibility, it is that what the RepubliQans are spewing is what they want. They want the "other" to be subservient, whether that "other" is of race, religion, gender/gender expression, nationality, or ethnicity. What they call "freedom" is not anything that looks like freedom to me; they want a white, heteronormative, Christian (but only the right flavor), male dominated world where business can do what it wants, and no one tells them what they cannot do.
Yes, which is even more horrifying...that’s why facts don’t matter to them. They finally got someone who “normalized their ...darkest ugliness” ...why would they give that up?
“The Dems’ extreme people are extreme on progressive policies. The Republicans’ extreme are extreme on the level of the insane taking over the asylum.” Well said. Couldn't be clearer. (Jonathan Blitzer, "New Yorker")
I’ve been saying for a while that the Democrats in the House should find a handful of Republicans who want government to work, and elect one of those Republicans as speaker. It’s doable.
Yeeah... while I agree this scenario is DOABLE, and I would like to see it happen, I have my doubts.
First off, you have a ton of "only McCarthy" people. Look it up. You wouldn't think that clown would have such a devoted cadre, but you don't fail all the way upwards to party leader without cultivating the requisite number of relationships/favors. So when you add the folks that won't vote for McCarthy or anyone more moderate than him with the people that will vote for only him, that leaves you with a whole lot of Democrats who will have to board that train. And the longer the failed ballots go on, the better all Democrats look, so the impetus isn't really there, at least not for a while.
And who would that Mystery Moderate Speaker be? It would have to be someone *really* unafraid of a primary challenge and severed ties with others in the party, because accepting such a role would mean an instant primary challenge and litany of smears from those accusing him/her of selling out and joining up with the enemy (Dems) to attain power.
As a matter of fact, if he really doesn't have the votes, McCarthy himself would be forced to get Dem votes. Those Dems will want concessions. Any concessions he gives will get him the same response Mystery Moderate would get, only more harsh. His crazies are crazy enough to abandon his entire non-agenda and vote against him the whole term out of spite, which means either continued chaos and a collapse of already non-existent public support, or continued Dem deals and an increase in animosity from the right flank. Which is why literally every move the dude has made to this point has been to shore up his more extreme flank, rather than even thinking about cutting a deal with Dems, so that would be a really late U-turn.
Essentially, the most likely outcome is still a session beginning with unorganized chaos, pandering to extremism to no avail, and total gridlock. Soon-Speaker Hakeem Jeffries is rubbing his hands together as we type.
I've been writing for a while about this possibility--The obvious choice is Brian Fitzpatrick R -PA01 ) which is Bucks County. He is Co -Chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus. I have a separate post up about this. He won his very centrist district by 56%/44%
Former FBI supervisor and lawyer. And just look at the list of committee assignments below.
Fitzpatrick was assigned to the following committees:[Source]
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Europe, Energy, the Environment and Cyber, Ranking Member
Committee on Intelligence (Permanent Select)
Defense Intelligence and Warfighter Support (DIWS) Subcommittee
Intelligence Modernization and Readiness (INMAR) Subcommittee
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Highways and Transit
Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
Fitzpatrick was assigned to the following committees:[Source]
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee on Foreign Affairs
At the beginning of the 115th Congress, Fitzpatrick was assigned to the following committees:[3]
61.8% with Trump (Republican) of the time over the last 6 years. He is an R after all. He went from 84.4% aligned with Trump in the 115 Congress (Trump's first 2 years in office) to 37.9% in the 116th in Trump's 2nd two years in office to 33.3% in the 177th under Biden.
Only 11 Rs had a weaker pro Trump score over the last 6 years out of 200+ and Fitzpatrick moved in the right direction towards more centrist positions.
There is no way there will be a Democratic Speaker so the question is what Republican is the least bad alternative. Fitzpatrick or someone like him has bipartisan creds with the problems solvers caucus. I know he is not loved by Progressives but he is far far better than McCarthy who will make Congress a circus and pull very dangerous stunts like not raising the debt ceiling.
Some more scary numbers from five thirty eight--31 Republican members of the House voted 100% of the time for Trump's positions over the previous 6 years during the time they were in Congress. Another 85 voted for Trump policies between 95% and 99% of the time over the same period. That speaks to the the lack of bipartisanship in congress due to the Republicans drinking the cool aid. Kevin McCarthy came in at 97.3%.
Among the Democrats only 17 never voted for a Trump endorsed policy over the last 6 years during their terms and only an additional 2 voted for Trump policies less than 5% of the time.
And what on earth makes anyone think this Republican speaker would ever support any Democratic legislation? The Speaker's job is to see to it that party legislation gets the support it needs to oass and be sent to the Senate. Would any Democrat trust a Republican, in the age of Republican criminality to do this?
I must confess to some gleefulness on reading through tonight's LFAA, tempered with cautious optimism that justice may finally eventually be served to tfg...
I prefer reading these with my first cup of coffee early in the morning, but wowza, lots to unpack here! Lies, snarling, no tax audit, Jack Smith getting Jan 6 materials, republicans not wanting immigration reform, because, well..because
Thank you Professor! You made my night, and I will re-read with coffee tomorrow!
Regarding republicans not wanting immigration reform, kudos to ABC’s Martha Raddatz for calling out Texas Gov. Abbott for his disingenuous conduct:
“You talk about the border wall, you talk about open borders,” Raddatz said to Abbott, “but I don’t think I've ever heard President Biden say, ‘we have an open border, come on over.’ But people I have heard say it are you, are former President Trump, Ron DeSantis; that message reverberates in Mexico and beyond. So they do get the message that it is an ‘open border,’ and smugglers use all those kinds of statements.”
Raddatz should lead a master class on media interviews.
That would be great, is there a way to message through substack?
I am!
She’s taking a reasonable bedtime. Well deserved given she’s still under the weather.
Yeah lots to unpack - and all of it - ALL OF IT - is exhibit "A" of a dangerous, obsolete, heartless, and corrupt political party that has way too much power in our supposedly great country. I don't even know where to begin. But y'all know this.
Here I was planning on giving all my Red relatives and sometime friends a copy of the J6 report and along comes Trump’s tax returns. Should I wait until after the first of the year to sent the later or should I just go ahead and do an enormous big Trump dump for the holidays?
To all LFAA followers, I send my season greetings and thank you all for your comments and conversations throughout the year. Be well.
You would first have to pay for all of them to have a “Reads with Comprehension” test and pass it.
Oh. I thought if I sent them in ginormous print or in very loud audio formats they'd follow. Comprehension now, that is a bigger issue.
😜🤪 😜🤪 😜🤪 😜🤪
I need a chuckle emoji to go with your trump dump!
Seasons greetings and happy holidays to you and yours, Fred WI!
I'll bet you are lots of fun at Christmastime. I'm sure they are too kind to tell you to your face what they think of you.
One day your face will be as (appropriately) red as Tim Robbins' during this interview. At least he is trying to come to terms with what Democrats have wrought.
You are not living up to your aspirations are you:
“I enjoy a spirited debate, without logical fallacy and name calling.”
Show me lack of spirit, name calling or fallacy in the comment.
Seriously, do you think giving political gifts to relatives for Christmas is unworthy of ridicule? I called him no names. He called his relatives "Reds", Dehumanizing his own family. Truly sad. You defend that by criticizing me?
Put on some Rouge, lots of it.
Thank you for your thoughtful response.
Same here!
Read my comments on the politics of immigration, directly above. It's complicated!
But responding to your one sentence about it, the GOPers may feel they're not getting anything in return for given the Dreamers citizenship. Yet, any immigrant who gets citizenship can become the first link in chain migration, bringing in scads of relatives. This on top of the country's basic policy of admitting over a million annually--which Biden (who I otherwise think is doing a wonderful job) wants to increase to around 2 million.
Those numbers would throw millions of Americans out of work--there are only so many jobs available in any given year, and the pay would tank--as it did for meat packers, and many othesr in the '80s, when the immigration surge turned into a flood.
Also, the US is already environmentally unsustainable (I learned about these kinds of issues in '75 from John Holdren, a UC Berkeley professor who later moved to Harvard, and still later became Pres O's Science Advisor.) Global warming will mke the US far more unsustainable, as this article by ProPublica in the NYT Mag makes dramatically clear. Millions of Americans will become climate refugees in the next 20-30 years.
Just as the GOP has been in denial about global warming, so the Democratic Party is in denial about immigration.
See, every Jew I know (including me) is still patiently waiting for our space laser to show up in the mail. I could get the pin (https://dissentpins.com/collections/secret-jewish-space-laser) but what's the fun in that?
Que the SNL SKIT: Boebert vs Greene laser tag/white trash trailer park girl fight
Wouldn't it be gratifying if "the girls" got into it, right on the House floor? I mean right on the floor!! Greene would win if it's a bare-handed match (probably in better shape still from her gym days); Boebert if her AR-15 were to be
allowed in. What an embarrassment they are to my gender: all noise, crassness, brawn, and no brains. I can't wait until they have landed where they belong, in the dustbin of history.
I m not sure than Greene would last if the Whiskey Tango girl fight goes down the distance. If Greene goes full on, she could run out of gas burning out. All that muscle takes more energy. Boebert has the cardio and youth advantage, so it’s just a matter of her avoiding Greenes power shots. Plus Lauren’s new implants and Botox might shield her from Greenes power shots. Let’s get Dana White on phone. Might as well make some money on the side.
It sounds like a fight is brewing. Let us hope they are checking members of Congress for weapons. Both like to tote guns, although being from the Wild West Boebert seems more likely to try to conceal a gun. They are members of the new soap opera called "The American Republican Party." Perhaps they want to replace Donald Trump. Unfortunately for me, I don't like watching series where none of the characters are likable, so this is not the show for me!
You guys are missing the Trump-alike PowerUp Bonus. Marjorie has that one down cold. Boeberti sounds more like a Mortal Combat fighter, and has a longer cool-down.
Will the referee mind Boebert's Glock? and who will be the referee...Gym Jordan?
Is he Gym even interested in girl athletes?
I think Mitch McConnell is your man, I can just see a little spittle sliding out the corners of his mouth.
I'm sure, just for posterity (and attention), that Elise Stefanik would get in on it too.
She won't and that's what you have to fear. Rednecks Boebert and Greene are like unsightly oozing boils on the skin but Stefanik, who has fashioned herself as a "legit" legislator is a hidden cancer that insidiously metastasizes....
Since "Rednecks" are union miners fighting the powers that be, I would not be using that term to describe people like Boebert and Greene who are clearly union busters, as well as every other offensive thing they can do to working people, just because it might help someone who is not White out!
I learned about this from reading Barbara Kingsolver's latest book, Demon Copperhead.
Now that is a fight I would buy a ticket for.
Me too. I think Stefanik is the most dangerous one of all.
Be safe as well, my compatriot.
Ohh boy... "Lauren's new implants" !! Gag me! No wonder Gaetz & her have hooked up.. hhaahahaahahaa. Errr ahhh "hooked up" being my benign use of the expression....hahahaa. Really?
But don't forget: greene owned a fitness center, and likes to show off her muscles. My money is on greene.
LOL Ted!!!!
Greene and Boebert are two examples of why I've never bought into the whole "always vote for the woman" idea.
Oh my Gail. I am soooo reading from the same sheet of music. For me it was Michelle Bachmann, years ago. She shocked me into reality. I am a bit befuddled why this upsets me so. Except to say that I have harbored in the past some views that have a tinge of misogyny, views I have tried to correct as I grow older. And this might something like viewing humanity in terms of 20K years ago when women tended the children, gathered the roots and seeds, prepared the meat the men brought back, etc. And the men fought off invaders, did invading (and raping) themselves, and did dangerous hunting. While human society has evolved considerably compared to back then, one could reason that women on average had (and have) cooler heads than men, and therefore might be better fit to rule in a civilized society. Since then I have come to realize that such a view is at best overly simplified and presumptuous. Michelle Bachmann showed me just how toxic females in political leadership can be. Also, if you want to see exhibit "A" in toxic conservative women, look no further than Fox News. So my point is that terrible wingnutty leadership is gender neutral to a certain extent. And while everything else being equal, I would vote for a woman, one must do their homework first.
Republicans have had a long list of horrible women candidates, but Michele Bachmann really stands out. Other famous Republican women who actively worked against women's and LGBTQ rights are Anita Bryant and Phyllis Schlafly from the 80s Ugh. Horrible.
Given two highly qualified candidates with good ideas (i.e., ideas I support), I would generally prefer to vote for the woman, but as you say, a female horror show is still a horror show.
Thing is - Republicanism, as defined thoroughly by HCR in her various works, is a toxic way of looking at the world. It is heartless, anti-democratic, and incapable of dealing with what Al Gore calls "the inconvenient truth". Instead they believe there are indisputable truths, developed from ages of ancient thought and experience, that are as true today as in the past. So whenever something new comes (climate change is the prime example BTW), then their worldview gives them no choice but to reject it. That races of people are practically genetically identical? Uh, that's a problem for them too. This leaves its proponents struggling to fit in with today's realities without rejecting them, and/or engaging in disreputable activities to battle those who are better dealing to reality. There is a fundamental dishonesty in the Republican world view. So that partly explains why we see such "horrible candidates" whether men and women from the Republican party. Conversely, good hearted well meaning people have trouble sidling up to Republican views. Some exceptions, but IMO few.
“What an embarrassment they are to my gender”. Exactly
It would be like Annie Oakley and Dale Evans shooting it out! Nothing like watching two pigs sling mud at each other.
I don’t know --sounds like pigs in the mud to me --
Please note: girls, not women.
It's junior high all over again. Name calling. Hair pulling. Maybe even a food fight. Being sent to the Principal's office where "This is going on your PERMANENT RECORD." While the rest of us snicker and talk smack.
Sometimes, talking smack is good therapy as long as we can remember that it is not actual conversation.
Agree! I've got snarky smack talk going on in my head every time one of the GOP opens their mouth! Hershel Walker just about put me over the edge. Since I'm a civilized person I can mostly keep it to myself. ❤️
As a former middle school teacher, for 22 years, I say you are spot on!
Hahaha - great GIF!
Laura And Wishy Washy McCarthy would be a bad referee, since he is sucking up to both these pistol packing mommas. Might Greene and Boebert shoot each other simultaneously? What a marvelous holiday thought! (And, perhaps, blast Jim ‘Pit bull’ Jordan in this blaze of bullets?)
Yes, an embarrassment to the human race, but particularly to women.
and to pigs
Is there a state where dueling is not illegal?
They remind me of audition candidates for the next “girl-mud wrestling” try-outs!
I don’t think that the AR-000 would be successfully traded for a cane, Ma’am.
Return of Tina Fey and Amy Polar. We need ya back ladies. Democracy needs comedy.
LOL. Those two going at each other: Gangrene and Blight Barbie. The whole trailer park might go up.
You folks are way to hard on trailer parks, they are a protected class under civil rights laws. In all seriousness some low income folks don't have much choice when it comes to housing. We need solutions to raise income levels for all especially their children. (I have no support for MTG, I live less than 10 miles from her district, and even less Boebert.)
Agree, Dave, about trailer parks. There are trailer parks & then there are Trailer Parks - not places to look down on - legitimate homes!
As to the gruesome twosome? Shows exactly what having financial perks and no morals does for you. Altho - we should be used to that after TFG!
They are both to dumb to know how they are being used.
"Blight Barbie?" ::LOL:: That's new for me.
Someone who lives in Colorado called her a blight which I thought I should include as a nickname.
Too funny. But, an accurate picture!
I would pay good money to watch the two of them fight to the finish.
as long as at the finish both have been deminished into nothingness.... which is what they are.
Jews are capable. Im sure the lasers are perfect in every way for mutual Whiskey Tango Girl destruction.
Oh, my. Does this mean they won't be sitting together during Biden's 2023 State of the Union?
We need Representative Katie Porter and her white board at the State of the Union.
It is going to be QUITE a list of actions taken for the American people - ALL, not some.
Amazing what can be accomplished when one doesn't spend (all) his days on the golf course (or watching Fox, or stealing classified documents...).
I would pay good money to never have to hear either of their names again!
Where can I sign up?
“Blood and lust is the candy.”
I'll sell admission tickets.
Now that's hilarious!
I have a cough—you started me coughing again while laughing!
As we light the Hanukkah candles and pray for peace and Justice, the repub girls are fighting over “Jewish Space Lasers”. What a way to keep repub sponsored Antisemitism alive and what timing. How the repub party can govern at all is up for debate. They lied about the election, continue to support Superman, even though he could go to jail for his crimes and are working on ways to block legislation. The border, the Dreamers, the Haters. There is no longer a working two party system.
All true.... at some point the GOP will have to return closer to the center and leave the crazies alone with their lies, meanness, and conspiracy theories. Either that or the party will eventually become (1) more ineffective than the are now or (2) an even greater threat to our Democracy.
Unfortunately, the Republicans cannot move away from crazy because there are upwards of 74 million US citizens who think crazy is the new wonderful. The 74 million are not fading. They are doubling down. About the only hope is that maybe 10% of the women who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 but now find that fhey are tired of being treated as brood mares by the entire Republican Party will do what they did a few weeks ago: vote D and, to protect themselves from harm, lie to the Trump-loving monsters they are living with about how they voted.
Current Republicans can't back away from crazy and expect to get many votes. Without their smokescreen, "Make the rich richer and the poor poorer" would not be a popular sell.
It’s what they are all about
3) They have to convert the country to a Fascist state where we don't matter.
I know which one I think they are working on the most.
Haven’t they hit that bottom yet???
Oh, Jeri, you pure, sweet soul.
There is no bottom.
At least not in any of the other black holes in the Universe.
Even the new Webb telescope can't see to the bottom of the GOP pit.
The worst is yet to come. For the GQP. I think we are watching a spiral dive. And when they hit the ground they will keep going all the way to Hades.
The bottom seems to be a moving target…
Fast diggers. Really fast.
You know, in the spirit of truth-telling -- maybe the “Drain the Swamp” campaign slogan should have been “Fill the Sewer”.
I think you're right about the two options, but I don't have much faith in any return to "the center." I don't believe that what we think of as the center exists anymore. By whatever reverse alchemy has been at work in this country, the Republican Party has changed from deep inside out and is simply not the same party. It's not even a question of getting rid of the crazies. There's Crazy in their soul now. In my opinion, there is no Republican Party. What will be there when the dust settles, I honestly can't begin to imagine.
Well, we just had our little laugh. Now eyes front again.
Patricia -- As another member of the tribe, I feel very safe because I know the Jewish Space Lasers will not be targeting my home.
When Volodymyr Zelensky addresses Congress this week, wonder if MTG will suggest that Zelensky arrange for the space lasers rather than expensive American armaments?
I hope the Republicans give Zelensky the respect he deserves.
So doI! I hope they at least have the decency to be quiet.
I hope he points his Jewish laser right at her face!
Zelensky is Jewish. Space lasers would be welcome
They recognise your lintel-post, to which you have attached a...
Happy Hanukkah to you and all!
The candles are starting to dance, ted!
Thanks, Ted!
I’m getting my kids “official” Space Laser Corps t shirts for Chanukah!!
I thought the sales site was a joke. Well, it is, but it’s also real. I got a good laugh but I wonder if it furthers antisemitism if trumpees believe it.
50% of profits from this product will be donated to candidates and organizations working to defeat QAnon supporters running for Congress.
Yeah, that would be very unfortunate for us...
Hahaha. ;-)
Since we are talking about cat fights with some humor, I want to post a comment from an LFAA commenter way back in September, 2022. I saved it because I feel it explains the often misconstrued question of how ANY woman can be tied to the conspiracy creators, election deniers, and traitors. Greene and Boebert often translate to physical, unattractive strength which reflects incorrectly on the source of a woman’s strength. In my opinion, Stefanik has risen in the Repub ranks as reflected correctly by the following “nails it” comment. I know many women like her. Always ready to attach themselves like a greedy parasite to what they perceive as the most strong, aggressive, racist, white patriarchal illusion which gives them a platform to coyly spew their own angst all the while saying….”I support my man”. Line up. A whoopin’ awaits them.
Credit to whomever wrote this. It’s brilliant.
From comment on LFAA Sept 2022
“I do find it actually a little extraordinary to see how far the extremists are willing to go to display their utter ignorance; to proclaim loudly and with apparent pride their devotion to fascism; and to revel in the depths of sadistic malignity into which they have plunged themselves. And, as usual, the women who have latched onto the patriarchal bargain as if it were the last teat in the universe are the utter worst, because they should know better. They DO know better. But their wagon is hitched to the triumph of autocracy and white male supremacy and they seem to actually enjoy out-horrible-ing their male colleagues.”
Unita, my compatriots on this forum. ‘Tis the season.
OMG! That is too funny. Thank you for sharing. I’m not Jewish but I’m tempted to get one anyway because they are so cool!
😂😂 Yep, I have been waiting patiently for my laser! Santa must’ve forgotten it’s still Chanukkah.
There have Beem reports of the Grinch stealing and hoarding said space lasers.
I had no idea they were available! I think my favorite is Mazel Tough!
I’m kinda partial to the Goyim division T-shirt. Haven’t found it on the site yet, but I will!
I wear my pin proudly!
Oh, I don’t know -- I want my Jewish Laser pin -- and I’m a Protestant Christian. Where can I get one right away! 🥸
I saw a "Goyim Squad" shirt for Gentiles when I looked at the site. https://dissentpins.com/collections/secret-jewish-space-laser/products/goyim-squad-secret-jewish-space-laser-corps-t-shirt
Ha! Ha! Ha!Ha! Ha! Ha!Ha! Ha! Ha!
50% of profits from this product will be donated to candidates and organizations working to defeat QAnon supporters running for Congress.
Yay! Just bought my own official pin!
If Stefan Passantino is ripe for disbarment for advising someone to lie during testimony, it seems to me that a bunch of other attorneys affiliated w/ Trump, his businesses, and his administration should be vulnerable also - for not notifying federal authorities about Trump's plan to overturn the election, for finding loopholes for Trump's years of lying and financial grift and cheating, and for helping his administration break and ignore laws for 4 years. Lawyers were disbarred for less as a consequence of their Watergate/Nixon-related crimes. I know some admirable attorneys who do stellar work. In sharp contrast are Trump's attorneys, including Bill Barr, who seem little better than their client in terms of integrity and allegiance to the law and Constitution.
The attorneys who advise their clients might be disbarred, but ultimately the clients must be responsible for their lying. I hope the focus stays on every one of these repubs who lied. Both the liar and the adviser are guilty.
I think the DOJ and the various bar associations have at least a decade of material to keep them busy surrounding the events of the tail end of TFG's term in office. The yahoos who stormed the capital are low hanging fruit, and there are alot of them. There will come a time when the next rank of co-conspirators reach the docket. May it continue on until the last individuals who supported the emperor and his sycophants in their nefarious plans have been brought before juries.
Sadly a continuation of manpower lost to work that should not be needed.
Yes, but you have to truly appreciate the great irony that Passantino was “the top ethics lawyer” for the Trump White House. I think that says it all. Ethics? Ethics?
Over dinner my husband and I froze with our loaded forks in the air when we heard that....
Top ethics… well, that is ‘the kind of ethics’ one expects from TFG, no?
Only the biggest ethics, the very best ethics… not!
I keep hearing Cheeto compared to a mobster.
But the mob had/has smarter lawyers.
The mob also paid their lawyers. As we all know 45 is known far and wide for not paying his bills. Why do you think he turned into a NFT huckster?
Only $99 for a copyright infringed NFT? Pure trumpery.
(The English word "trumpery," which derives from a French word meaning "to deceive," is defined in the dictionary as "showy but worthless.")
Love me some dictionary dives!!
He does miss his Roy Cohn…
That's probably because the mob actually pay their lawyers and pay them well. Most mobsters know the worth of a good lawyer.
Everything was better in the olden days.
Yeah, like when George Washington said as a kid, "I cannot tell a lie."
hmmm...I often wonder if every generation of old folks think and say this.
Stephan sounds like VP material to me. Gay, criminal, dresses well, looks groomed, knows how to get away with larceny, and notably hasn't any charges pending for killing anyone. I admit a Trump-Passantino ticket would be hard to swallow, least of all pronounce, but the idea of a genuine "Family Values" team based upon characters writ small from sone Goodfellows film has a certain charm to it.
The Trump-Pasantino ticket could be entertaining. Another option: I thought Boebert and MTG were duking it out to be VP. It could come down to which person DT finds the most physically attractive.
Oops. That's Santos, not the disbarrable lawyer, who is gay and criminal. Old age causes me to mix up my criminals and their attributes or the adjectives that apply.
Wow, a very busy week already. Your Letters always allow me to keep up to date with what's happening in Washington and around the country. I still can't figure out how you (HCR) manage to do these nearly daily in-depth news digests on top of your many other full time jobs!! -- Thanks as always!
House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Jerrold Nadler, on twitter tonight:
'Every president has released their tax returns, except for one: Donald Trump. We will soon find out what he is hiding and why he won't share them with the American people.'
'Members of the Ways and Means Committee argued on Tuesday night that their votes to release the former president’s taxes were in support of the idea that no one person is above the law, …'
There is going to be a tremendous amount of fallout resulting from the release of Trump's tax returns on the IRS; on Trump's appointments and on Trump and the Republican Party, while revealing how regular citizens have been paying our government's bills, while the ultra-rich have gone tax-free.
Trump was right about one thing; the SYSTEM HAS BEEN RIGGED.
Most importantly, it will be out in the open how taxes fall the hardest on the most vulnerable and the rest of us are next. Capitalism has run amuck in the USA, and it took Donald J. Trump and a band of dedicated public servants to lift the curtain. We have to get a list of those fine patriots.
Has Trump ever imagined being crowned and Biggest Loser of all time? We have imagined it, and that day is coming.
In my mind, the committee was just helping him follow through on a campaign promise - to reveal his tax returns. He always said he would do it and was just waiting for the right time. We’ll, here it is!
Fern, thanks for Nadler’s quote. My congressman, Mike Thompson, is on that Ways & Means Committee. This is justice in the biggest way possible! There’s not a dang thing the Pro-Rape Party members can do about it...nada! I am very happy.
If they don't put him in prison, expect to see him revealed on "The Masked Singer."
Wonder if anyone (judges or audience) would walk out if that happened?
The more important question would be what animal he would be.
My bet is on the naked mole rat.
Doubtful, naked mole rat colonies are ruled by a queen, and are industrious and hard-working.
wow, Steve Abbott, you've helped me learn something new every day! LOL
Golden Toilet?
leave innocent animals out of it...
I am trying really hard to put myself into the shoes of one of those hardcore trumpster factory workers with his meager salary trying to put food on the table and worrying about how he's going to pay his taxes. I mean, I'm really wondering what is his reaction after learning that trump paid less than his tax bill...how can this not break the fever? But then, every time I've watched Fox news, there has been no mention of the hearings, just border news, Hunter Biden, and drag queens....
More of Trump's behavior -- lawlessness, self-interest, complete lack of respect for other human beings, without a conscience, no sense of morality.... The truth is becoming more and more evident. We have our work to do. Does it make sense to live in a 'character' we have put together in our minds? Can we wish them well in healing? We are working toward making our country better for all Americans.
I mean, I know what that guy would think about the situation. He would think Cheeto won't have paid up because he was smart enough to get around it, which we all should be able to figure how to do so that the liberal deep state gets less money for their woke helping of welfare queens.
It's paranoid culty mad-libs nonsense, but also very predictable at this point.
I really really hope this exposes the dark money he has been receiving to keep his lying ass afloat.
Skimming over this sure does make clear how far the system leans/tilts towards anyone with financial means & ability to hire "experts".
Appears his audit is still unfinished? Why?
And all those business LOSSES!!! By this fantastic "businessman"!
Very focused mind.
IRS is Treasury Department. Subpoena Steve Mnuchin. Who did he direct not to audit TfG’s returns?
Remember, tfg did not expect to win at all in 2016. So he never covered all his financial misdeeds and crimes.
Yes, and who did he direct to do comprehensive detailed audits of James Comey and Andrew McCabe at the same time...two of Trumps designated enemies hmmm
This! Time to do audits on Coney and McCabe, but not to give any attention to tfg’s? Is that prosecutable-negligence and weaponization of the IRS?
Are not Steve Mnuchin and Jared Kushner running an investment fund with Saudi billions?
Kushner also got 666 sold to Quatar while in office. Billions in debt relief for Ja rod.
Yep, in my opinion 666 exceeds by far the latest Kushner deal to run the Saudi investment fund.
Maybe a few top secret classified documents thrown in to the deal too
So they say. It seems to me more like a payoff for favors
Indeed. Who in the irs is on the trump payroll???
Keep in mind that the vast majority of IRS employees are civil servants, nothing to do with politics. The Treasury Secretary and the IRS Commissioner are appointed by the president. Commissioner Rettig is an attorney who has made his name defending high dollar tax cheats, so of course he was appointed by trump to the job. trump didn't take office until 2017, so his first return subject to audit as president wouldn't have been filed until 2018. With an extension, around September 2018. Rettig was installed in September 2018. IRS would not have begun the audit until at least late 2018 or in 2019. Seems both Mnuchin and Rettig need to be looked at. This article from CREW explains Rettig's involvement with trump in real estate - and reasons he wouldn't want that made public.
Good information, Dianna. Thank you.
Steve this-guy? Remember this pic, holding the sheet of bills at the treasury printing plant?
From one random source:
Or try internet search of,
steve menuchin and wife holding sheet of bills
I do remember that pic, and I just may throw up. Mr Smirkface and his trophy wife in control of the money. It pretty much explains it all.
That pic is better than any words.
Brilliant! Thank you!
I'm a cold, hard numbers guy, so one thing jumps out to me here: "about 70%".
How many times have we seen that approximate number (or some similar very high amount), being reliably provided as the amount of Americans who agree on every so-called "hot button" "controversial" "wedge" issue? Believe it or not, a supermajority of Americans of all stripes agree on the things we keep arguing about: abortion protections, gay marriage, gun control, Build-Back-Better-esque social programs, and yes, support for immigrants.
This is a democracy (yes, it is! still! for now!), so why on Earth would these not be considered settled issues? Any RATIONAL, REASONABLE politician or political party looking at such overwhelming support would conclude that the smart move would be to mold your platform to be more in line with the clear direction of public sentiment, so as to maximize your potential voter base. But the Republican Party isn't rational or reasonable, and no one should hold their breath expecting them to develop these qualities of their own volition. And it has little to do with the leaders being charlatans, and unfortunately much more to do with the everyday folks who make up the party and the attitudes they carry.
I cannot emphasize this enough: these people truly believe that this is their country, and this country in its pure, natural, *real* form is theirs alone. They do not see themselves as part of a greater whole, instead they are the rightful center, and everyone else is allowed to exist out of their good graces, provided the guests don't get too pushy and know their proper place: out of sight and forever in deference to the pure, true, good, *real* Americans. This is why every civil rights advancement is treated with righteous fury and proper hysterics. ("We never should have given those racial minorities/immigrants/liberated women/gays/godless heathens an inch! Those ungrateful hooligans always take advantage if given the chance!")
And it is why no matter how outnumbered they are on any issue, they will never reconsider the veracity of their stance. They are so absolutely sure of themselves and their rightful place of the center of gravity of our culture, why would they? Plus, the basic tenet of the conservative mindset, *very* generally speaking, is that the way it has been is the way it naturally is and should be; change is to be resisted and imagination is suspect.
So what you get is the recent Supreme Court oral arguments about that web design lady who is willing to bring the whole precedent of non-discrimination in the business arena down with her, rather than either serve gay couples (*shudders and clutches pearls*) or not "do weddings" (*wipes away solitary tear while viola plays mournfully*). When the Big-Shot Lawyer was asked to replace "gay couple" with "interracial couple" - just to, ya know, see how *that* sounded out loud - Big-Shot Lawyer replied that it was not a fair comparison because reasonable people still disagree on gay marriage (~70% of Americans support gay marriage), whereas that is no longer true of interracial marriage (~90% approval). And you know that argument will gain traction, because Justice Handmaiden pretty much used the same forehead-slapping logic when asked about a possible overturn of Roe v Wade, and how that would be different from an overturn of other bedrock cases like Brown v Board. She replied that Brown was safe on account of being a "super-precedent" (this is a made-up thing), while Roe was simply precedent and hence not. The difference? Roe is still argued over amongst reasonable people, while Brown is not.
But... if 70% of people agree with a certain stance, and the percentage keeps increasing, and the law and precedent has already decided in favor of that 70% supermajority, and years or even DECADES have passed... are those remaining 70% truly "reasonable" people simply having a disagreement? How close to damn 100% do we have to get before they are no longer reasonable? 75? 82? 88?
Truth is, it doesn't matter how small a minority these righteous intolerants become. The words "but of course, I'm in the minority on that one" will never cross their lips, for they are the *real* Americans, and whatever stance they take will always be a reasonable thing we need to take seriously. They will never accept having to adopt a change in behavior to keep up with the times, and these righteous intolerants will bring the whole operation down if threatened with the thought that those they dislike will get something they are undeserving of.
Despite always touting immigration as one of the most pressing issues facing the nation, they will shoot down an immigration bill that gives them everything they say they want because it gives protections to a few they would rather not share space with. Even though they are outnumbered in their spitefulness by 70% of their fellow citizens.
Let's stop letting them get away with this attitude problem for much longer, shall we?
End Citizens United
That's for sure. Even the title of it is deceptive and misleading. As long as that disgraceful supreme court ruling exists, we will continue living in a Corporatocracy.
(How do I bookmark this? It's brilliant. I could read it as a novel.)
Will, from Cal, I recognize the America you describe.
No form of protest is acceptable to those in power.
It is too much to ask these folk to simply "treat everybody right."
The karma individual business people should experience is when they discriminate against someone, reviews and word-of-mouth should lead customers to choose the competition.
In capitalistic business America, the only color that matters is green, not one's skin.
Is it too much for someone to want to use their talents to enhance another person's life?
What harm does it do to make someone happy?
As has been noted, how does same-sex marriage threaten "their" "sacred" (using TFG as an example) "third marriage with five children by three different people"?
"If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex."
"If you don't like abortion, don't have one."
Oh, and for those who want book ban/burn - do you realize there is plenty in the Bible worst than what you object to in books to help kids learn and develop empathy? You just want everyone to remain ignorant?
Kids (and adults) should be encouraged to read
- to develop imagination,
= to be able to gain understanding of another person's lived experience,
= encouraged how to develop skills in how to think, discern, compare, contrast, make decisions
- Just NOT WHAT to think, THAT is indoctrination.
By reading what has happened in the past, subsequent generations can learn the lessons and avoid repeating the mistakes and injustices of the past.
As if the things available through the Internet are not even more treacherous and addicting than what can be accessed in a public library.
(Stepping off my soap box now.)
My "bookmarking" is to copy/paste into Word both the commenter's name and comment. My document is pretty large at this point.
In Catholicism, there is a thing called reception of a teaching by the faithful. That means if a teaching (e.g., the prohibition of birth control) is “received” by the laity, it’s further proof of its acceptability. (As we all know, this one is not.) anyway, if such a thing were applied to Americans’ preference toward abortion with limits, dreamers’ citizenship, SSM, etc., wouldn’t we be better off? Instead we have our congresspeople imposing THEIR beliefs on us. Ps not sure I explained the ‘reception’ teaching quite right, but you get the idea.
Obstructionism and claiming the gov is broken or can’t work well goes hand in hand.
Will, thank you for your writing. You say things very well, and have keen observation and assessment skills.
Completely agree, and would add that many, if not most, of these Republicans have deluded themselves with an absolute conviction that they are right and that their cause is just. As a kid who had Catholicism crammed down her throat, I was taught that only baptized Catholics would get to 'see God.' (Seriously!) The people around me had this notion that Catholics were better than everyone else, and they acted accordingly. We were not allowed to go to other churches for weddings, funerals, god forbid ceremonies of induction. I could go on. We gave our nickels and dimes for fundraisings to 'buy' pagan babies to bring them into the Catholic fold…one of many schemes used to reinforce the superiority and 'rightness' of our cause. Never once was a question of an alternative path entertained or tolerated.
I guess my point here is that I understand these bastards from the inside out. I thought they were losing their grip, but they still know how to get and keep power … How many right wing Catholics on SCOTUS?
Carolyn Ryan, thanks so much for sharing.
Sadly, many of these attitudes are "we're right, everyone else is wrong." It's judging, not loving.
Still cannot ignore the legacy of child abuse documented in the Catholic Church, but that doesn't make me brand ALL Catholics as pedophiles or rapists.
When JFK ran for President, the opposition included the belief as a Catholic he would be subject to the Pope. The makeup of the SCOTUS is alarmingly and apparently trying to impose human versions of religious intolerance on the population and policies as a whole.
The importance of separation of church and state is the government is not to dictate how one worships, or even chooses not to.
Even the original colonies were largely established by those being persecuted for their "brand" of religion.
It should never be forgotten the KKK has been led by law enforcement and preachers.
The film "Mississippi Burning" is recommended as an example.
There is so much Hypocrisy (especially in Christianity).
The guiding principle should be LOVE.
This is in the for what it's worth category: I worked with priests for 10 years and one of my close friends for 30 years is also a priest. When I repeat the crazy stuff we were taught as kids, they roll their eyes. Most likely, they too (at least close to my age) were taught the same stuff by the nuns.
Yes, but the eye rolls from the sane clergy do not make up for the absolutist dicta of the entrenched Catholic hierarchy. The US Catholic bishops still hold that they know best…for everyone….and they are the ones who hold power and influence. I used to be able to laugh at the nuttiness, too, but when people like Kavanaugh and Barrett get appointed to SCOTUS, it ceases to be funny. I too had a priest friend for many years, but when I started asking questions about why he stayed on, given his supposed liberal views, he punted, opting to keep his cushy life rather than even try to rock any boats. He rolled his eyes, too, but is now a Monsignor.
My Catholic friends are anti-abortion because their priest told them they have to be. The sheep stayed in the fold. We wild things left.
At least we lost a bunch of 'em to Covid.
I know them well
Only a radical right Republican would give the time of day to anything said by Elise Stefanik (R-NY). It's her job to rabble rouse, bitch, moan and groan about anything that could be interpreted as calling "R"s to account. One of Trump's sheep dogs. As to the release of Trump's tax records, the House Ways & Means Committee is only helping Trump keep a promise he made over and over as far back as 2016. Only his constant whining and delay tactics have made voters as interested as we are to see what he's been hiding and lying about.
All Stefanik needs to become a middle-aged Republican "matron" is the blue hair.
That comment was both sexist and ageist. I’m sure you can do better.
I'm going for the orange streak down the middle.
Professor Richardson, a story getting buried by all the bigger news is long island congressman-elect Santos. Turns out nothing about this guy is legitimate, and somehow everyone missed the obvious series of lies until the NYT broke the story a couple days ago. Daily Beast is now reporting the MAGA candidate is funded by a Russian oligarch. The playbook here has a striking resemblance to that of WA state MAGA candidate Joe Kent, who narrowly lost his race after reporters discovered his job was fake. Someone was paying his “salary.”
The story is comical in just how many obvious lies were packed into one person. The guy in charge of oppo research for the losing campaign should never work again.
It's fine by me, though. Two solid years of spreading this story throughout his district will put it in play in 2024. For reasons that are bizarre to me, people seem to tolerate an extremist if they clean up nice enough, but are less forgiving when it comes to kindergarten-level obvious liars. Which means now we have FIVE likely House flips in NY next time. Which means presidential year turnout in *NY alone* will by itself give us the House, even if we make no further gains anywhere else, or win any redistricting lawsuits at all. Which we will.
Sorry-but can this guy be removed for this?????? I’m ignorant of the process, but damn!!!
Reported Nov. 30.
"Jewish space lasers" refers to Marjorie Traitor Goon's insane belief that the California Camp wildfire of 2019 was caused by "lasers" in orbit (thus "space") paid for by George Soros.
When it comes to what needs to be done to Marjorie Traitor Goon, aka "Potato Face", it's another case of "If my thought dreams could be seen, they'd probably put my head in a guillotine. "
On the off chance that anyone in this erudite group is unaware, Soros is a Jewish Holocaust survivor. His name, like Rothchild’s, is a common dog whistle used by antisemites. While neither should be, I find the use of Soros’s to be obscene.
Thank you for reminding readers that the repubs antisemitic memes and name calling come in many forms. It seems repubs don’t worry about the company they keep. Soros has been vilified in Hungary, where Orban celebrated with the repub party. And last summer Orban was in Texas at the Conservative Political Action Conference annual gathering in Dallas. https://forward.com/fast-forward/513245/in-u-s-speech-viktor-orban-invokes-holocaust-attacks-george-soros/
Exactly right.
Yup. Face like a potato. The name. I KNOW who you're talking about, TC!
“Is potato”
Lots of company there
And here are the details. Greene posted a rant online, took it down later, but it is captured by Media Matters here for us to reexamine. Truly she is unhinged, just read this.
So, technically, I think she was positing… lightening flashes occurred in a wicked bad storm in vicinity of CA Camp Fire 2018-11-08, contributing to or causing the Camp Fire disaster… she was proposing a mirror on an orbital satellite that would concentrate the sun rays and “beam” it to earth surface, maybe THAT beam was the real cause of the fires? You know, Jewish space lasers, of course they are a real thing. Cause, you know, look it up on Qanon. Like I recall this was a Bond movie plot, or from some sci fi flick….? TC i understand you are an LA script writer, can you track down the story plot that became her fever dream?
Is potato!
There isn't a specific story, but there are s-f stories that have "lasers in space."
“‘The Republicans’ extreme are extreme on the level of the insane taking over the asylum.” And it continues… wasting our class time, so they can throw spitballs. So much work to do: around reducing carbon emissions, (we NEED more immigrants for our workforce, so let’s) get the immigration laws reformed, international diplomacy and defense against aggressors like Putin… to name just a few.
And they continue to waste our precious time…
Repubs will NEVER agree to immigration reform, what else could they hang around Dems neck like the heaviest albatross. It’s what attracts their most devoted cult nuts. True from the escalator ride
Respectfully, I would rather have our focus on income Equality, living wages being paid to ALL workers. Immigrants are great. This should not be a band aid for our work force woes. Hospitals in particular have systemically reduced work forces to improve the bottom line. Focusing on treating all workers well seems more fitting than rushing to fill crappy jobs with immigrant labor paying slave wages.
It is so important that TFG face legal consequences. His constant whining that every investigation is political continues to tear at the fabric of democracy, because he is mixing justice with revenge and the illegal acts with “witch hunts”. He told Americans the system is fixed to protect and give advantages to people like him, and then he showed them that he could use his station to grift and steal from America, proving his point. If he doesn’t face consequences, I would bet he would almost certainly win the 2024 election. He can always say that the evil Democrats were always out to get him, but if convicted, America will know those Democrats hold the ground of integrity and truth.
Not to disagree with you in particular, Jane, but the only doom-laden projection I think has less plausibility than "If he gets put in jail that will lead to an even greater uprising!" is "If he's not in jail he'll take over again for sure!"
A disconcertingly slim but unmistakable majority of this country will never support this man or anyone like him in the White House, and never has. He couldn't even get a plurality of votes in '16 and won through the most extraordinary and unfortunate mathematical fluke in our history, and we have three history-making elections since then in which voters rejected him and his political style. There is absolutely no evidence other than our own perpetual anxiety that he has what it takes to stage a comeback, no matter what the DOJ does or doesn't do. Just as there is no evidence an indictment would be any good or bad for Democrats in general.
I'm not a pure nihilist, but perceptions around this man and his brand are baked in in this country by now. The need for the DOJ to indict isn't because they are a political savior, but because it would simply be the ethical thing to do in terms of upholding rule of law by the ultimate example, social repercussions de damned.
Yet voters stay home, so beaten into them the idea that they are powerless. Perhaps a resurgence of the idea "power to the people" has begun.
If not Trump, then DeSantis or some Trump-y replacement -somebody who will pardon him; somebody who will take revenge on his prosecutors.
I guess my point is that I don't see a more educated Cheeto-lite replacement as viable either.
I'm not counting anything out and keeping my guard up, because any possibility above 0% of further Cheeto or Cheeto-lite is too high to not take seriously. But swing state voters seemed very clear last month they want nothing to do with not just the man himself, but anyone endorsed by him or running in his mold.
I would disagree on that by not prosecuting Trump for what a majority of Americans are real crimes, the institution of America is handing him a win. His floundering is because he is losing, and handing him a win will bring back the fans who walked away.
Those that never left will never walk away, and those who left, IMHO, will never return.
His favorite saying about Dems. “In reality they are not after me, they are after you. I’m just in the way.” People at rallies ate that up. Still do.
What infuriates me is the number of liberals who still characterize the Cheeto Cultists as people who are gullible. "I can't believe they keep falling for those lies!" "They can't *really* believe this man represents them!" "They are so dumb they don't know how awful what he is saying is!" It's the damn liberal Achilles heel: the true belief and need to believe that everyone is good at heart, and that those people we thought of as friends and family could never actually identify/agree with something so clearly monstrous. They must just be stupid. Stupid we can forgive!
But... they're not gullible. They honestly do fully identify with this horrible dude because he does say what they think in the depths of their id, and seeing someone powerful finally express these ideas and embody these attitudes to their fullest extent is exhilarating. So the demagoguery of "they're not after me, they're after you" actually rings true in ways both twisted but direct. He does have the same ideas and attitude as they do, and represents everything they want, so when he - or his ideas and attitudes - are attacked, it *is* personal to them. Devil's advocate (kind of literally), but they are being attacked.
We are really, really bad at admitting that people who are perfectly pleasant in daily life can hold beliefs and desires about the world that if brought to fruition, would cause untold violence and damage. Understandable. It's pretty damn dark. But it's not the case for MOST people (yay), and either way, you can't fully solve a problem if you aren't brutally honest about it.
Oy. This got long.
My mental gymnastics every hour of every day. People that I have always known to be anything but stupid are deliberately ignorant of the machinations of propaganda masters. Orwell warned us, Rupert proves it over and over and the cult (yes it is) metastasizes before our eyes.
You are right. While I’m conditioned by my faith to look for the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt, but you are correct. Trump normalized their deepest and darkest ugliness and allowed them to be proud of it, unbelievable as it seems to those who don’t think like that. Racism, misogyny, hatred for lgbtq-it’s deeply embedded and like an infection, has risen to the surface. We have a lot of work to do as a nation to teach the next generations to do and be better. In Florida, that’s not possible-but I’m hoping Desantis is derailed before hitting the national stage.
Don't get me wrong, looking for the best in people is definitely the best way to live life unless you enjoy being a bitter old hag. And I believe in second and third chances. I AM a bleeding-heart tree-higging liberal after all.
But as Maya Angelou says, "When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time."
Spot on "Will, from Cal" Thanks for putting into words what I've been thinking for years. -saw-
"They honestly do fully identify with this horrible dude because he does say what they think in the depths of their id..." That perfectly captures their mind-set (or id-set), Will.
The amygdala might have something to do with it, too.
The amygdala is indeed quite annoying to those of us attempting a lifestyle with greater forethought, isn't it?
It does put a damper on forethought.
Will, you've hit the nail on the head. It isn't gullibility, it is that what the RepubliQans are spewing is what they want. They want the "other" to be subservient, whether that "other" is of race, religion, gender/gender expression, nationality, or ethnicity. What they call "freedom" is not anything that looks like freedom to me; they want a white, heteronormative, Christian (but only the right flavor), male dominated world where business can do what it wants, and no one tells them what they cannot do.
Yes, which is even more horrifying...that’s why facts don’t matter to them. They finally got someone who “normalized their ...darkest ugliness” ...why would they give that up?
That’s what is so scary. There seems to be no way back.
Thanks for an insightful post, Will. Gives me some food for much thought.
Trump and his minions gave them permission to show these deep-seated beliefs. Sad, but true.
“…Stefan Passantino, the top ethics lawyer for the Trump White House,”
We may have the Oxymoron of the Century here.
One can imagine the memos to staff;
“Ethics; How to Identify and Avoid”
“How to Spot Ethical Behavior in Others”
“How to Anonymously Report Suspected Ethical Behavior of Co-workers to This Office”
This is just too rich!
The Trump Administration was an ethics-free zone from the top down. Was it the ethics lawyer’s job to keep it that way?
Headline I’m looking forward to seeing; “Former White House Ethics Lawyer Disbarred for Ethical Lapses”
Please, somebody stop me!
Have a great day, everyone!
Love your take on this, my second laugh attack tonight, well early morning…
Ralph - No, we're not going to stop you. You're on a roll and I'm chuckling up a storm. Thanks so much for starting my day ...
Well done!
No, don't stop! I love this!
“The Dems’ extreme people are extreme on progressive policies. The Republicans’ extreme are extreme on the level of the insane taking over the asylum.” Well said. Couldn't be clearer. (Jonathan Blitzer, "New Yorker")
I’ve been saying for a while that the Democrats in the House should find a handful of Republicans who want government to work, and elect one of those Republicans as speaker. It’s doable.
Yeeah... while I agree this scenario is DOABLE, and I would like to see it happen, I have my doubts.
First off, you have a ton of "only McCarthy" people. Look it up. You wouldn't think that clown would have such a devoted cadre, but you don't fail all the way upwards to party leader without cultivating the requisite number of relationships/favors. So when you add the folks that won't vote for McCarthy or anyone more moderate than him with the people that will vote for only him, that leaves you with a whole lot of Democrats who will have to board that train. And the longer the failed ballots go on, the better all Democrats look, so the impetus isn't really there, at least not for a while.
And who would that Mystery Moderate Speaker be? It would have to be someone *really* unafraid of a primary challenge and severed ties with others in the party, because accepting such a role would mean an instant primary challenge and litany of smears from those accusing him/her of selling out and joining up with the enemy (Dems) to attain power.
As a matter of fact, if he really doesn't have the votes, McCarthy himself would be forced to get Dem votes. Those Dems will want concessions. Any concessions he gives will get him the same response Mystery Moderate would get, only more harsh. His crazies are crazy enough to abandon his entire non-agenda and vote against him the whole term out of spite, which means either continued chaos and a collapse of already non-existent public support, or continued Dem deals and an increase in animosity from the right flank. Which is why literally every move the dude has made to this point has been to shore up his more extreme flank, rather than even thinking about cutting a deal with Dems, so that would be a really late U-turn.
Essentially, the most likely outcome is still a session beginning with unorganized chaos, pandering to extremism to no avail, and total gridlock. Soon-Speaker Hakeem Jeffries is rubbing his hands together as we type.
I've been writing for a while about this possibility--The obvious choice is Brian Fitzpatrick R -PA01 ) which is Bucks County. He is Co -Chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus. I have a separate post up about this. He won his very centrist district by 56%/44%
Former FBI supervisor and lawyer. And just look at the list of committee assignments below.
Fitzpatrick was assigned to the following committees:[Source]
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Europe, Energy, the Environment and Cyber, Ranking Member
Committee on Intelligence (Permanent Select)
Defense Intelligence and Warfighter Support (DIWS) Subcommittee
Intelligence Modernization and Readiness (INMAR) Subcommittee
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Highways and Transit
Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
Fitzpatrick was assigned to the following committees:[Source]
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee on Foreign Affairs
At the beginning of the 115th Congress, Fitzpatrick was assigned to the following committees:[3]
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Committee on Homeland Security
Committee on Small Business
But, what % of the time did he vote with Trump?
61.8% with Trump (Republican) of the time over the last 6 years. He is an R after all. He went from 84.4% aligned with Trump in the 115 Congress (Trump's first 2 years in office) to 37.9% in the 116th in Trump's 2nd two years in office to 33.3% in the 177th under Biden.
Only 11 Rs had a weaker pro Trump score over the last 6 years out of 200+ and Fitzpatrick moved in the right direction towards more centrist positions.
There is no way there will be a Democratic Speaker so the question is what Republican is the least bad alternative. Fitzpatrick or someone like him has bipartisan creds with the problems solvers caucus. I know he is not loved by Progressives but he is far far better than McCarthy who will make Congress a circus and pull very dangerous stunts like not raising the debt ceiling.
Thank you for all that information...especially the decreasing % of supporting tfg, always a good sign
Polls are not reliable. Why do people continue to believe them?
Some more scary numbers from five thirty eight--31 Republican members of the House voted 100% of the time for Trump's positions over the previous 6 years during the time they were in Congress. Another 85 voted for Trump policies between 95% and 99% of the time over the same period. That speaks to the the lack of bipartisanship in congress due to the Republicans drinking the cool aid. Kevin McCarthy came in at 97.3%.
Among the Democrats only 17 never voted for a Trump endorsed policy over the last 6 years during their terms and only an additional 2 voted for Trump policies less than 5% of the time.
And what on earth makes anyone think this Republican speaker would ever support any Democratic legislation? The Speaker's job is to see to it that party legislation gets the support it needs to oass and be sent to the Senate. Would any Democrat trust a Republican, in the age of Republican criminality to do this?
I didn't attack anyone. If you don't like my comments, please feel free not to respond to them.
The truth is, there are NO Republicans who will be in office in 2023 who are trustworthy. Anyone who thinks otherwise is naive.
I must confess to some gleefulness on reading through tonight's LFAA, tempered with cautious optimism that justice may finally eventually be served to tfg...
It brings to mind “revenge is a dish best served cold...”. I hope every dish 45 ever eats again is COLD. Freezing cold....
Nothing worse than cold, congealed french fries.
Yes, congealed is such a great word…..
The arc of the universe bends towards ( choose one)
Hysterical laughter
Self destruction
Madness of crowds
... toward Earendel, per JWST the furthest star from Earth located so far ... about 28 million light years out (cosmic break from homo sapiens).
Bryan, is that the destination of Elon's next trip? Elon on Earendel?
Don't think so ... Elon is too busy with Brand destruction including all the Tesla vehicle returns & Space XXX.
Bryan, Wait -- think about it. What a story, that wouldn't get reported. Elon destroys Earendel!
I would settle on just sending him out there. In fact, Twitterdom is going to vote on it.
The results are in; the majority want him out, and he says he's looking for something to replace him.
I choose roar of grease paint :)
Louise Penny reference? Good book.