Various reports about the ruling by the CO Supreme Court have described it as airtight because it addresses all aspects of the 14th Amendment, and it does so in a ‘meticulous’ fashion ... this, from Constitutional scholars (Raskin amongst others). Former CO Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch wrote an opinion that was referenced by CO Supreme Court in its ruling. This challenge was brought by Republicans and independents here in CO.

One hopes it becomes a gold standard for other states to emulate.


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It is essential that the voters understand that the GOP is no longer a political party. It is a cult of liars and traitors, headed by a would-be dictator.

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Thank you Heather. It is a good day for democracy and justice. I am still gravely concerned about the matters before this corrupt, extremist SCOTUS.

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Cannot believe this is present day reality.

The noble "public servant" is being pushed out and having their lives and families threatened.

Due to the absurd claim of absolute Presidential immunity from ALL crimes

the stage is being set for the real qualified patriots to leave elected office or not seek to run.

Instead, every self-serving criminal is being emboldened to find shelter under that outlandish idea,

or to anticipate pardons for their conspiratorial crimes to end the federal government and the institutions that are at the heart of caring about human rights.

It really IS Democracy or Trump.

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According to the NY Times citing the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Interior, Women For America First, “intentionally failed to disclose information” to the National Park Service “during the permitting process regarding a march to the U.S. Capitol.” So Women for America First lied about their intentions. This is one more example that shows that the January 6th Insurrection wasn't some one off , spontaneous incident. That whole thing was a conspiracy. Thank you HCR.

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So proud of the Colorado Supreme Court for making this decision! And so incredibly amusing to see pro-States Rights Republicans howl and fling sound bites like a panicked pack of angry baboons.

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Wow, what a day! It baffles me that not every American is watching all these monumental and truly historic events unfold in real time like we all are. Boiling frog syndrome is real.

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Oh Lordy! What a sunny warm day in December it is!

I sense a sea change. I feel a momentum building. Even the usual Russian trolls seem to have disappeared from YouTube comments. Might the poison of Trump and the utter corruption of the Republican Party be coming to an end? I mean really?

The brooding cynic I have lately become is being crowded by a bright, irresistible optimism I haven’t felt for some time.

Thank you, Colorado! I forgive you for Lauren Boebert.

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If we must, I’m ok with this Death By A Thousand Cuts, but more states need to pile on to help empty MAGA coffers with legal bills and keep SCOTUS busy from their true love of eliminating everyone’s rights. Win-win-win.

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Thank you for this and all of your letters, We need them more tha n ever!.

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It is too bad President Biden can’t say, “Hey, SCOTUS, I’m looking forward to your answer about Presidential immunity. I’m working on some ideas which are dependent upon your answer”. I honestly think it would scare Republicans into full mass medical emergencies.

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From the article: "It is not just this case, but also the question of whether Trump has presidential immunity for his behavior in office that will likely come before the U.S. Supreme Court in the next few weeks." There is actually a third case relevant to this situation that is headed toward the Supreme Court: whether the actions of those arrested for participating in the Jan6 storming of the Capitol amount to 'obstruction of an official proceeding.' A Jan6 defendant has raised this as a defense, there is a split of opinions at the District Court level (one judge ruled for this defense) and it is headed to the DC Court of Appeals for resolution but may in fact be taken up by SCOTUS with the two other matters.

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He’s a thug. A dangerous, virulent thug: that waddling, orange Pig Face.

His narcissism, his illiteracy, his vulgarity often warp comically. But he and his bullying, his racism, his rape-friendly misogyny make him every bit as dangerous as the murderers Putin, Mohammed bin Salman, Kim Jong Un, Assad, and the ayatollahs.

More so. Where the young and talented Russians largely exit that country, to avoid complicity in the genocide in the Ukraine, too many Americans indulge, root for, egg on more Pig Face hatreds and vitriol – and violence, coupled with the Pig Face’s blowfish-bloated calls for that.

Where Putin, his accomplice oligarchs, and the long-skirted, heavily-bejeweled Orthodox priests have mass-stolen from Russia’s formerly public resources, U.S. billionaires largely but emulate that looting, that poisoning, that rot sicced on American public life.

Yes, the waddling, misshapen, fat Pig Face is an insurrectionist. And the U.S. Constitution speaks rightly duly to his – its – menace to the civilized world.

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Fantastic coverage, Heather. Thank you!

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The CO court decision should also open a pathway to disqualifying certain Senators and Representatives from reelection.

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No one taught Kramer of WFAF that her texts can be subpoenaed!!😂 Ha, ha!!! Stupid people...”yeah Mike, let’s keep this between you me and the lamppost” hah! I hope she gets indicted.

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