The "Reagan Revolution" was the political weaponization of media and the triumph of quasi-feudalistic plutocracy. Both Carter and even corrupt Nixon were environmentally oriented. Nixon established the EPA and Carter the Dept. of Energy, which Republicans since Reagan have decried and vowed to dismantle. Nixon was the last environment…
The "Reagan Revolution" was the political weaponization of media and the triumph of quasi-feudalistic plutocracy. Both Carter and even corrupt Nixon were environmentally oriented. Nixon established the EPA and Carter the Dept. of Energy, which Republicans since Reagan have decried and vowed to dismantle. Nixon was the last environmentally concerned Republican president:
"I hope the automobile industry's present determined effort to make the internal combustion engine sufficiently pollution-free succeeds. But if it does not, then unless motor vehicles with an alternative, low-pollution power source are available, vehicle-caused pollution will once again begin an inexorable increase... I am inaugurating a program to marshal both government and private research with the goal of producing an unconventionally powered, virtually pollution free automobile within five years." -Nixon
"Therefore, I urge again that the energy measures that I have proposed be made the first priority of this session of the Congress. These measures will require the oil companies and other energy producers to provide the public with the necessary information on their supplies. They will prevent the injustice of windfall profits for a few as a result of the sacrifices of the millions of Americans. " -Also Nixon. A Republican?!!
The "Reagan Revolution" was the political weaponization of media and the triumph of quasi-feudalistic plutocracy. Both Carter and even corrupt Nixon were environmentally oriented. Nixon established the EPA and Carter the Dept. of Energy, which Republicans since Reagan have decried and vowed to dismantle. Nixon was the last environmentally concerned Republican president:
"I hope the automobile industry's present determined effort to make the internal combustion engine sufficiently pollution-free succeeds. But if it does not, then unless motor vehicles with an alternative, low-pollution power source are available, vehicle-caused pollution will once again begin an inexorable increase... I am inaugurating a program to marshal both government and private research with the goal of producing an unconventionally powered, virtually pollution free automobile within five years." -Nixon
"Therefore, I urge again that the energy measures that I have proposed be made the first priority of this session of the Congress. These measures will require the oil companies and other energy producers to provide the public with the necessary information on their supplies. They will prevent the injustice of windfall profits for a few as a result of the sacrifices of the millions of Americans. " -Also Nixon. A Republican?!!