I grew up in MI so I often find myself interested in all things MI. There is a pipe line that runs along the Mackanaw Bridge. There is a group I write letter for sometimes but I can not make to protests or committee meetings as I live in CA. The group is: oilandwaterdontmix.org There is a new proposed tunnel to run under the lakes, yikes. After the Kalamazoo River accident you would think one would question why ever endanger The Great Lakes.
Yes. Thanks for writing the letters and supporting Oil and Water Don't Mix!!! Enbridge has conned folks in the U.P. into believing that without Line 5 they will freeze to death when most of the natural gas in the pipeline goes from Canada, across the north part of the state and eventually back to Canada in the east. Two of my friends lives closest to where the pipe enters Lake Michigan at St. Ignace and have been very politically active. Scary stories they tell of anchor strilkes from big steamers. And yes. after the Kalamazoo spill you'd think we Michiganders would have more sayso, but Big Oil bought our seditionist U.S. Representative, Jack Bergman, his seat (he actually lives in Louisiana). We fought hard to get the fabulous Democrat, Dr. Bob Lorinser from Marquette, elected in his place, but couldn't compete with the lying campaign commercials Big Oil bought for him. Not giving up though! Thanks for your support!!
I grew up in MI so I often find myself interested in all things MI. There is a pipe line that runs along the Mackanaw Bridge. There is a group I write letter for sometimes but I can not make to protests or committee meetings as I live in CA. The group is: oilandwaterdontmix.org There is a new proposed tunnel to run under the lakes, yikes. After the Kalamazoo River accident you would think one would question why ever endanger The Great Lakes.
Yes. Thanks for writing the letters and supporting Oil and Water Don't Mix!!! Enbridge has conned folks in the U.P. into believing that without Line 5 they will freeze to death when most of the natural gas in the pipeline goes from Canada, across the north part of the state and eventually back to Canada in the east. Two of my friends lives closest to where the pipe enters Lake Michigan at St. Ignace and have been very politically active. Scary stories they tell of anchor strilkes from big steamers. And yes. after the Kalamazoo spill you'd think we Michiganders would have more sayso, but Big Oil bought our seditionist U.S. Representative, Jack Bergman, his seat (he actually lives in Louisiana). We fought hard to get the fabulous Democrat, Dr. Bob Lorinser from Marquette, elected in his place, but couldn't compete with the lying campaign commercials Big Oil bought for him. Not giving up though! Thanks for your support!!