The oil companies have the world by the throat and are strangling us day by day. We need to eliminate our dependence on oil instead of complaining about the price of gas.
Does anyone remember this?
“What if I told you that a multinational oil company allegedly polluted the Amazon for almost three decades? And that the oil company has sp…
The oil companies have the world by the throat and are strangling us day by day. We need to eliminate our dependence on oil instead of complaining about the price of gas.
Does anyone remember this?
“What if I told you that a multinational oil company allegedly polluted the Amazon for almost three decades? And that the oil company has spent even more years refusing to accept liability? Or that a US attorney who agreed to represent thousands of Ecuadorian villagers in a lawsuit against that oil company has lost his law license, income, spent hundreds of days under house arrest in New York, and in 2021 was sentenced to six months in prison?”
This lawyer should be world-famous for his battle with Chevron – but he’s in jail | Erin Brockovich | The Guardian
Kristin, thank you for sharing this story. It’s outrageous and almost unbelievable that corporations like Chevron and DuPont and Monsanto will always have enough money and power to basically exploit people, land and countries with little accountability. They are so wealthy with money and power they will go on forever unless they are held accountable by the law. “Massive corporations can fund endless litigation against activists or critics. They don’t even need to win in court, because they can intimidate or bankrupt their opponents in legal fees.”
In Mexico I saw Monsanto graffiti with skull and crossbones all over. People vs. Corporations. How does it end? We know. Unless laws change there will be no end to the power of corporations over people.
Laws can change. Laws can be strengthened. New laws can be made. New language can be finessed to more accurately pin-point target the exact nature of the offense we are trying to eliminate. BUT if the enforcing arm of these laws is weak - as they always are- nothing of consequence happens. Our ability to enforce the laws and norms already around us fail because the enforcing arm of law is mostly made up of buddies of those they are tasked with enforcing. This happens in all areas of life, from gun law enforcement to environmental policy, to banking regulations, to political corruption. Power plays by different rules.
MLRGRMI, Your first line hooked me, but almost immediately my own rebuttal is yours. It’s possible but not probable. Your last line, “Power plays by different rules.”
The same legal system that batted down Trump's b.s. election lawsuits decided that the lawyer for the Ecuadorians falsified evidence. Erin Brockovich did great work on fighting those responsible for contaminating ground water, but that was a very different situation.
The oil companies have the world by the throat and are strangling us day by day. We need to eliminate our dependence on oil instead of complaining about the price of gas.
Does anyone remember this?
“What if I told you that a multinational oil company allegedly polluted the Amazon for almost three decades? And that the oil company has spent even more years refusing to accept liability? Or that a US attorney who agreed to represent thousands of Ecuadorian villagers in a lawsuit against that oil company has lost his law license, income, spent hundreds of days under house arrest in New York, and in 2021 was sentenced to six months in prison?”
This lawyer should be world-famous for his battle with Chevron – but he’s in jail | Erin Brockovich | The Guardian
Kristin, thank you for sharing this story. It’s outrageous and almost unbelievable that corporations like Chevron and DuPont and Monsanto will always have enough money and power to basically exploit people, land and countries with little accountability. They are so wealthy with money and power they will go on forever unless they are held accountable by the law. “Massive corporations can fund endless litigation against activists or critics. They don’t even need to win in court, because they can intimidate or bankrupt their opponents in legal fees.”
In Mexico I saw Monsanto graffiti with skull and crossbones all over. People vs. Corporations. How does it end? We know. Unless laws change there will be no end to the power of corporations over people.
You can add Dow Chemical to that list too.
Yes! A real oversight. Dow with DuPont and Monsanto plus how many more?!
Laws can change. Laws can be strengthened. New laws can be made. New language can be finessed to more accurately pin-point target the exact nature of the offense we are trying to eliminate. BUT if the enforcing arm of these laws is weak - as they always are- nothing of consequence happens. Our ability to enforce the laws and norms already around us fail because the enforcing arm of law is mostly made up of buddies of those they are tasked with enforcing. This happens in all areas of life, from gun law enforcement to environmental policy, to banking regulations, to political corruption. Power plays by different rules.
MLRGRMI, Your first line hooked me, but almost immediately my own rebuttal is yours. It’s possible but not probable. Your last line, “Power plays by different rules.”
Thanks for this reminder, Kristin.
Yes, thank you, Kristin. I remember this very well.
The same legal system that batted down Trump's b.s. election lawsuits decided that the lawyer for the Ecuadorians falsified evidence. Erin Brockovich did great work on fighting those responsible for contaminating ground water, but that was a very different situation.