In these awful days, nature is the cure. I’m convinced that other generations before did the same thing. We all need to feed our souls with nature’s beauty and have faith. Have a lovely sleep and everyone , buckle up for another week. Thank you Heather for all you do. 💐❤️

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We are all becoming Buddy photo fans, some days those images are the balm we, too, need.

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Yes! We came the dialogue but stayed for the landscapes.

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You sound like my favorite Sicilian chef, Nick Stellino. "Come for the recipes, stay for the stories".

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These posts where you take a break are SO good for me. It makes me feel that if YOU can take a night off, maybe the rest of us can too. Thank you!

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I'm so glad you took the day off. As much as I look forward to your letters, I realize what a toll they, and the videos, and preparing for your classes take. Thank you for your generosity of spirit, knowledge, and sense. Thank you for all that you do!

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A well-deserved break. Thank you for speaking the truth. You are my North Star.

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Rest. You are a national treasure and we want you whole and strong, and a happy day with your hubby sounds like needed respite.

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Sleep well, my history ninja!

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Hope your dreams are laced with peace and love. Thank you for your dedication to all of us who appreciate your excellence in delivering current affairs Through your lens of history. Sleep tight

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It's important to take a rest from the news if you want to maintain your sanity. (Today I went sheepherding with my dog instead of being glued to CNN and Twitter.) Have a nice, restful sleep.

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Thank you for your hard work. Get some good rest. The scene above looks like being there would make black fly season almost worth it. 😉😁

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It makes me happy that you took a peaceful day off in the outdoors. You are very much appreciated.

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Glad to see you taking a break. We wouldn't want you to burn out or feel weight of obligation. You are what is needed, a voice of reason with the perspective history holds. Happy to read what you have when you have... Thank you!!

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Great to read that you are taking a break.

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How restorative for the spirit! Lovely part of the world. I hope you know in every fiber of your being how valuable you are and how much we value your self care as much as your letters.

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Taking breaks is so important. Glad you had some time away. Thanks for all you do!

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I'm surprised you made it this far. I've been taking news break days for a few weeks now to maintain some semblance of sanity. Glad you enjoyed the day.

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