Brava, Heather, and thank you for this brilliant overview of today’s highlights! I feel terrible though that because of the significance of this news you didn’t give yourself a Sunday off to rest and get an early night ... perhaps tomorrow.

A perfect conclusion.

“At a time when authoritarians are trying to demonstrate that democracies cannot function nearly as effectively as the rule of an elite few, he is proving them wrong. 

This is a very big deal indeed.”

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I agree, a brilliant summary that I very much appreciate since I did not get to the news today and was so surprised at the final vote! Biden is bad-mouthed in the news nearly every day, be it The NY Times, and more surprisingly to me, The Washington Post, as well as other news outlets. I think his decision on Afghanistan started the negativity. I think he is doing an admirable job and I believe history will look upon him with the respect he deserves now.

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NEWS. N. E. W. S.





I haven't watched the so-called "news" channels for years because they've all gone south and do not represent real events in other directions, other view points. Thank Goodness for Heathers synopsis.

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Reading Heather's letters feels to me like it must have felt to Americans listening to FDR's Fireside Chats during World War Two.

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Wish she had the audience he had.

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We can grow HCR's audience by suggesting that our friends, neighbors and relatives try visiting https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/ And that invitation should be in HCR's 'Letter' each day as well, which is available to non-subscribers. I've directed others to this newsletter, although most haven't becom paying subscirbers.

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I post her letter every day on Facebook and now I see others posting it as well, so the Heather readers are growing. I also see people recommending it including a person on the more intolerant progressive site here in Salem.

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Same here

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I forward her Letters to about nine friends every day. Some are Republicans, and they urgently need to be exposed to the truth.

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Me, too!

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As have I.

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Talia Spot on from someone who listened to FDR’s Fireside chats (31 from 1933 to 1945). Like FDR, Heather writes accurately, credibly, and with a tone of friendly sincerity that instills trust and admiration. Heather is our modern-day Edward R. Murrow!

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Nice analogy!

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I only watched about 2 minutes of Face the Nation yesterday before Margaret Tight Dress cleverly segued from Biden's HUGE SUCCESS with this bill signing, to whining and warning that he will never bring down inflation. Who needs enemies...

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I just signed up for a new online publication: 1440 Daily Digest (free) ... might be worth a look:


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Kathleen Allen -- "I just signed up for a new online publication: 1440 Daily Digest (free)"

I have been a subscriber for quite some time, and I concur... it is definitely worth it.

1440 provides an impartial view of what’s happening in the world so our readers can form their own conclusions. We scour hundreds of sources each day to bring you a single morning briefing thoughtfully curated by experts.

"𝑊𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟 100+ 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑠𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜. 𝐶𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒, 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑠, 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠, 𝑏𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒—𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒-𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑."

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Wow! A breath of fresh air - so good to hear!!

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I signed up about 2-3 months ago. I find it a good way to slowly start my news day before diving into Heather and other news.

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Excellent - good to know ... seems more oriented to news than gossip and partisan hype ....

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As have I

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I agree. I listen to some mainstream news( CNN and MSNBC mostly) , read the New York Times and some news on social media every day, and the Biden bashing continues unabated. Even yesterday with the passage of this monumental bill, the talk on CNN was still harping on gas prices ( even though they are down) and the hot button topic of inflation. I really think this is a lot of the reason for his low ratings. I remember back to the awful Trump years and the mainstream media fawning over his every word, I do have to wonder if these billionaire owned news outlets are sabotaging Democrats. What do others think ?

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I think that the "news" outlets like CNN and the legacy networks are in a desperate fight for eyes and ears. I think they jump on negative polls and stories that are sensational based on that competition. The "inflation story" is low hanging fruit. Show a few pictures of gas pump signs, interview a couple of angry customers - bingo, a story with draw that cost nothing in research or hard reporting. That's not news. That's cheap and lazy infotainment.

They are fighting for ad dollars to survive. And the fight will be more brutal as the majority of Americans are shifting from cable to streaming. Since we "cut the cord" we haven't watched CNN, MSNBC or the other alphabet soup survivors at all. For me, they are a blur of angst and ads.

I read my news from a Google aggregation of international outlets - dumping foolish ones and adding respected ones on a regular basis. I read Heather. I read Hubbell, Reich, Rather and TCinLA. So 90% of my news is read - not viewed. I have almost completely removed advertising from my consciousness. A work in progress, of course.

We watch the PBS NewsHour. Turn it off. Eat dinner. And then stream entertainment or read a book before nodding off. Nothing beats drifting off to sleep with your last thoughts being from Ted Lasso.

When the legacy networks were first evolving they were split into two divisions. Entertainment which made money with ads (yes, dancing boxes of cigarettes) and a news division that lost money - but that division was committed to accuracy and integrity. Murdoch was part of a cable news trend that trashed that idea. News and skewed "news" became the money maker. He brought the London Tabloid to the screen. I refuse to participate. And as much as I agree with Rachel Maddow's views, I just can't listen to her. My thumb became numb from hitting the mute button as the ads intruded our living room. I did read her book about oil. :) It was compelling.

No, I don't think that billionaire news outlet owners are deliberately targeting Democrats or President Biden. I just think their business models are built on sensationalized reporting and minimal investment in really lazy reporting. Maybe a new generation of journalists will have read Sinclair Lewis or have been inspired by Ida Tarbell. Until then, network news is just a rehash of what you can read....with insultingly stupid ads. JMO.

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yes to your comments here , and thanks so much for the ‘gift link’ to Dana Milbanks’ WAPost piece yesterday. Very important piece.

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My ❤️ Button won’t work, but I agree totally with everything you’ve said.

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Well said (and well-lived!) The last legacy TV program I watched with regularity was CBS Good Morning America through the 80s. Watched evening news with Cronkite and Rather regularly as I do with PBS News today. Otherwise, I read, not watch. TV is a wasteland. Our first TV set, we we used to joke, was to watch Political Conventions and ACC basketball tournaments :-) .

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My favorite memory of legacy TV was definitely Cronkite. But also, the greatest TV series ever created and, IMO, never surpassed - The Twilight Zone.

Ever feel like you are living in one of those episodes?

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Todays pundits are not really discussing topics, they are parrots. Their understanding of the issues is miniscule. The worst part is that it is obvious. Sometimes they all sound like Sarah Palin! Substantiation? What is that? Everyone is a young pretty face because they are cheaper to hire for cable news and as all young people do, they think they are so very smart. There isn't a single person in TV right now that will grow up to be a Walter Cronkite. Most will be gone and forgotten in 10 years. The appeal of HCR, Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart et al is that they do the work.

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You are 100% correct!!! True journalism on tv or cable is exceedingly rare these days!

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I agree. I don’t understand why the Times continues to bash Biden and ignore the administration’s positive achievements. Inflation is a global problem.

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The MSM writes what they think will garner them the most support. If they looked at the polls at all they would realize that the general population has moved on to the demolition of rights.

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They are sabotaging the opposition and the orange one would always draw an audience, whenever he was the topic on the screen, as the ratings brought in more revenue.

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That is my thought, as well.

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We watch the local news on NBC and also at least part of the national news. If, they start blithering on about gas prices, etc. I either mute it or turn it off.

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I think “Of Course” is the only answer. It keeps their ad money flowing. That is the circulation system of our body politic.

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There was a time when the News department of the networks was not expected to make money, it was a public service required by regulations, in order to continue to keep a broadcasting license. That has all been discarded. Congress could fix all of this, but have a disincentive to do so. Big business tells congress what to do most of the time.

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The Afghanistan mess was a set up by chump. If he had “won,” it would have been lying business as usual and repubs spin machine would have nominated him for the Nobel prize. Joe was slow to figure out just how Machiavellian chump’s deal was, but our “free press” never did. And Lordy, did Rupert jump on that.

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Obviously Murdoch and Bezos both think they know what's best for the nation.

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Bezos at least supports the Washington Post, rather than Faux Snooze.

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Doesn't Bezos own the Wapo?

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Yes, Bezos owns WAPO, via an LLC.

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I agree!

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The abuse of facts by Republicans around the already established Republican agreement under tRump tp pull out of Afghanistan, which Biden stayed committed to, is where the negativity started. And Biden knows to ignore and just soldier on - with Great Success!!

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On numerous occasions I have written the editorial board of both WaPo and NYT asking if they too are trying to rid our nation of this pesky thing called democracy!!

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Pesky thing...

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Thank you Jacki.

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There's a serious ageism thing in our society. Read Norman Lear's piece in the NYT about turning 100.

https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/27/opinion/archie-bunker-donald-trump-norman-lear.html. President Biden is just a kid.

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I have a 96-year-old friend, true blue on a red mountainside, who served in Europe and SE Asia in WWII and after. Similar outlook on life. I loved Norman Lear's piece, but wish I hadn't dipped into the comments.

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Heather will have a much happier Sunday off, now that she's been able to give us this news!


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Morning, Rowshan! I was expecting to see a "picha" from Heather with maybe a nod to this exciting news. But Heather being Heather, she never fails to deliver!

As far as that pesky thing called democracy: Many people believe, it seems, authoritarianism is the preferred path for the country, with a leader who can quickly implement where we need to be and what we need to do. In contrast, democracy is messy as it marches slowly down that path, gathering all the many voices of the people who demand to have their say in where we need to be and what we need to do. How ghastly! How gruesome! How frightful! How utterly delightful!

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Morning, Lynell! I was expecting the same thing.

I bet that many of those in this country who idealize authoritarianism haven’t a clue about how it will deprive them of their freedoms. Some are so focused on their biases and bigotry that they are willing to bite their noses to spite their faces rather than delight in democracy!

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Yes, Lynell. It makes me want to shout!



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And after I shouted and danced, this popped up on my news feed:, "Hallelujah":


From Rolling Stone:

"Every word, holy or broken – this is the fulcrum of the song as Cohen first wrote it. Like our forefathers, and the Bible heroes who formed the foundation of Western ethics and principles, we will be hurt, tested, and challenged. Love will break our hearts, music will offer solace that we may or may not hear, we will be faced with joy and with pain. But Cohen is telling us, without resorting to sentimentality, not to surrender to despair or nihilism. Critics may have fixated on the gloom and doom of his lyrics, but this is his offering of hope and perseverance in the face of a cruel world. Holy or broken, there is still hallelujah."

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And HALLELUJAH!!! The FBI has just raided Mara Largo, the former U.S. President's home!!!!

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Just saw a headline, but didn't read yet...Hallelujah is so right!

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Astounding! The law is finally moving.

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Thanks MaryPat - that song always brings tears to my eyes - no matter WHO sings it but K D Lang really belts it out there.

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Also watched the little video after the kd lang one with the gorgeous little girl who told her mom she (little girl) was ugly!!! Her mom sure did fix that! What a little dollbaby.

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Excellent, MaryPat!

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Thanks, Lynell. I danced to this, too. Hope, and energy for the work we still need to do before November.

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Thank you, too, MaryPat!

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Thank you for this! I admit to not completely understanding the lyrics but loving the song.

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I, too, have to admit to not completely understanding Cohen's lyrics, even after looking up the explanation in Roling Stone today. Seems the goal of this beautiful song is to reclaim "Hallelujah."

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Yep, I was right! W.....E.....L.....L Let me hear you S.....H....O...U...T!!!!

Whoooheee...that felt good!

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Perfect at 5:38am PST!

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I bet I know what song you posted. Let me go see if I'm right...

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I danced the whole thing! Shout!!

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Just makes me smile and laugh, Christine FL! Thx!

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Morning Sister Rowshan…a complement to this Letter with also a compliment included to HCR.

Robert B. Hubbell “Keep This List” https://roberthubbell.substack.com/p/keep-this-list?r=l2aa7&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

Let’s go let’s go let’s go! For Democracy.


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Morning, my sister, Christine, and thank you for the link! We’re on our way!

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I copied it to fb, will add info on how our reps & senators voted.

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Ditto what Rowshan said. ❤️🔥💥

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Thanks, Imogene❣️

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It is a very big deal to read some positive news for a change. The authoritarians are bought and paid for by big dark money like the Koch network who are only interested in themselves. They were quite happy with the Tax and Jobs Act of 2017. That bill was unpopular with the public.

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Indeed, it is a very BIG deal!

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There was a token tax cut for us peons, although the change from personal exemptions + standard deduction to only the larger standard deduction actually cost me over $500 in taxes that year, because it no longer paid to itemize.

I recall that whatever the savings was to the average citizen would expire in a few years. I’m wondering if that has already happened.

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The r’s are doing all they can to undermine our democracy for that very reason. They prefer to rule as authoritarians.

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The r’s want to rule, dominate, eliminate, impoverish, enslave, brainwash, and drain the country of education and the educated.

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The empire. Mapped out for decades. And this isn't maybe.

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Congratulations to the Democrats and to the Biden White House. It is not perfect, but it is a big step forward. And it got done despite the political land mines. A good start to the upcoming season.

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It was a tremendous start! Many thanks to those that got the job done

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Is the ink dry? Can the SC negate important parts? Still need at least two more Dem senators , my wish list goes on.

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It has to pass the House.

Please everybody, listen to Trump's CPAC speech. He spoke of instituting a theocratic police state. And the crowd cheered. Tent city reeducation camps on cheap real estate outside major Democratic run cities. Executive authority expanded to purge the civil service. A hollowed out legislature and judiciary. An expanded military - getting rid of LGBTQ service people, forced rehiring of the dishonorably discharged. An Orban state with participatory government in name only. A Potemkin village democracy.

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Do we have to listen? You just did a good summary, and I don’t need to be frightened any more than I already am by these , hard to know what to call them, oh yeah, fascists in search of power and money.

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"Do we have to listen? You just did a good summary, "

I barely scratched the surface and gave it my own spin. I find it less scary and more useful to actually hear things for myself. For me an antidote to temptations of paralysis or complacency. Knowing how busy they are is an impetus for me.

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Normally Lin, Your comments are good to go. Even refreshing. Solid. Informative. But now I hate your guts. Right after I get through being thoroughly nauseated I will hopefully be able to put you on a better path. Okay, I had an apple and a cup of black coffee. Never, ever, cross your heart and hope to die, tell anyone to listen to that lying despicable ignorant piece of human excrement. It will take me a while to remember how good your comments have been in the past. Nothing that passed his festered lips was worth hearing or repeating. The time it took to listen ha s been permanently erased from my life.

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One needs to know who is trying to destroy you, what I tell my family. Ostriches never win

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Always busy, do Dems have a tail on Roger Stone. They had better

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Do we have to listen to Trump's CPAC speech? Of course not. But knowing thy enemy is not about us as individuals--it's about us collectively knowing what we are up against so we can fight most effectively.

To date, Republicans have only named these items to their platform:

Middle-Class Tax Increase

Eliminate Social Security

Eliminate Medicare

Interestingly, the RNC website says first thing that it is the party founded to abolish slavery, followed by prominent photos of African Americans and an Asian man. Way to co-opt People of Color by denying the racism!

But in Trump's CPAC speech of not-boring 1 hour and 45 minutes, he laid out a number of policy points, some of which lin listed. He also talked about death sentence for drug dealers, "drain the swamp" without naming "Schedule F," and cheap land outside the cities for homeless people but with "psychiatrists, psychologists, and drug rehab." These Trump policy points will be the Republican Party platform.

We need to know it as well as Democrats' accomplishments as we make our voices heard and engage voters!

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Thanks Ellie!!

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They have the money, just waiting for a chance to seize back the power

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Aug 8, 2022
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The descriptor is: racist right wing religious extremists in service of unregulated greed and unconscionable wealth. That about covers the GOP populist base and plutocrat puppet masters.

I think the term you are looking for is: authoritarians.

In context of United States history, I suggest the neologism Neo-Confederates

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The actual term is FASCISM

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Yes, but Neoconfederates is specific to the USA, and refers to the treasonous Civil War South

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It just does not sting like "Fascism" does. Most would not even understand what that means, sounds rather southern and polite. I would call them what they are. Fascists or Nazies. Short, accurate and to the point. Those who feel they are superior to everyone else and their rights need to be called out.

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I think they would love that. Fascism fits and reminds one of Mussolini. May chump’s Mussolini fate await…

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I've been going with the American Taliban lately.

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I've been going with the tem "christo-fascism" a lot lately.

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I don't know what big "C" conservatives conserve, unless it is their own sense of privilege. I think of conservative with a small "c" as "cautious", which implies a degree of humility; the opposite of what the big "C" crowd displays. I think of the scientific method as fundamentally conservative, because it acknowledges the possibility of the unknown, and is very careful in supporting conclusions. A "conservative estimate" is cautious enough to trim off some of the chance of error.

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Ha! I like your thinking. But I think the scientific method is essentially and effectively progressive in that, however cautiously and carefully, it is a method for moving forward - by coming to consensus through reasoned debate of empirical evidence. Through continuing revisions. I think the Framers translated the scientific method into our protocols for good government - in the legislative, judicial, and electoral systems. And allowing for progressive revision through transfer of power and amending the law.

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I think a number of fundamental concepts that politics presents as dichotomies are in fact complimentary and often inseparable. Yes, the underpinnings of science are philosophically democratic. Authority comes from observation, testing, and measurement, that anyone with the skills and the means can draw from nature. Virtually anyone could repeat Galileo's seminal measurements of gravitational acceleration, and amateur astronomers sometimes contribute to the findings of astronomy. And yes, collaboration and cross examination is central to reliable science. And yes, awareness of novel science and egalitarian social theory emerged hand in hand in the Enlightenment era thinking reflected in US founding documents.

To re-imagine time, space and gravity, Einstein needed an adventuresome and unconventional imagination, but also the empirical, by the numbers, discipline to make it into a practical theory. I think open-mindedness and fealty to evidence is immensely useful in combination. In political terms that might mean exploring and potentially embracing what is new and in some sense unprecedented, but also considering lessons extracted and adapted from history, logic and available evidence. I think many supposed irreconcilable positions are similarly dialectical, and like modern CPAC "Conservatism", irreconcilable because what is behind the use of the term is counterfeit.

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Counterfeit conservatives

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They “conserve” only that which suits them and be damned with the rest of us!

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They have become a cult of malignant narcissists. They cast themselves as the deserving ones when they take whatever they want, and victims if they can't take it all. They glory in lording it over others. Their Dear Leader embodies this.

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BK….We must start using the term “conservative” to describe ourselves! As I quoted from a TC essay above….”’ The strange alchemy of time has somehow converted the Democrats into the truly conservative party of this country - the party dedicated to conserving all that is best, and building solidly and safely on these foundations.’”….Adlai Stevenson 70 yrs ago.

I’m sick in my spirit of talking about “them”. Their message from their CPAC this weekend was Fascism. Enslavement. Police state. One party. Corruption.

I will talk about them only by shouting what we are…A Democracy. The complete opposite of their cheap fascist trumpetry.

We the People….all of us this time. 🗽Unita!

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We can debate forever on what a “conservative” is & while I like Stevenson’s definition, too, how many Americans could tell you anything above AS today? Not many. & most Americans will continue to view a conservative (whether capitalized or not) through the lens of alignment w the gop & family values.

And while I consider & refer to myself as a progressive, that word has its own baggage--though NOT with many younger voters & would-be younger voters. So, for me, in general political conversations, it’s just simpler to say I’m a FDR-style Democrat & move on, semantics-wise, from there, depending on who I’m talking to & their level of engagement.

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How many youngins’ will know what FDR style is?

I just liked the timelessness of Adlai’s statement. True then. True now.


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As HCR reader JF has written, "A few Republican senators, such as Lisa Murkowski, are conservatives. Most Republican senators are participants in the Trump-CPAC axis, which makes them radical reactionaries."

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RepubliCONfidence men:

A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust. Confidence tricks exploit victims using their credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed. Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent conduct [...] intending to further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial", as they "benefit con operators ('con men') at the expense of their victims (the 'marks')".[1] Wikipedia

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Their tricks are evil and are promulgated by the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, ad nauseam

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Con men and conwomen like Susan Collins

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Titled "Fraud-in-the-Inducement" in Jury Instructions.

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My vote is for “Radicals”, usually with the addition of “right wing”. Tearing down the government is NOT conservative.

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They have equated conservative with Nazi, as I told on FB and T years ago. They didn’t like it.

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I see Nazis as fake conservatives, looking for a cover story for being thugs. As far as connecting the new "GOP" with Nazism, I used to think it a stretch, but now even the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff sees Parallels.

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Excellent point. Reclaim the definition of conservative The Lincoln Republicans?

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The House is set to pass it. All Democratic groups in the House have announced their support.

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Believe it when the ink is dry

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Shouldd be this coming Friday.

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Hey, lin. Thanks for listening to the speech (you're brave!) and this summary. The good news if the country gets taken over by the Orban wannabes is the 2nd Amendment will be no longer?

"In Hungary, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms, firearms disguised as other objects, and armour-piercing, incendiary and expanding ammunition." The link below has a bunch more about firearm possession in Orban's world.


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I believe the rules for guns will get more strict in the EU in general given that there have been the issues with people getting guns in one EU country and using them in another which has stricter rules.

I am watching Orban as the Big Man right now. He is siding up to Trump and Putin as his buddies and making nice with CPAC. Well, he is the leader of a European Country not a US State. So, in Europe, with his politics there is only one head guy and that guy's name is Putin. He can only be equals with Putin as long as he can hide within the EU. Still, the EU is putting him on notice.



Hungary has to count on Poland to back them up with their illiberal stance, and one does not see Polish leaders courting CPAC even if it fits with their politics. Poland and Hungary are going to get more pressure from the EU is what I see. If Poland succumbs due to political alliances that go beyond their mutual hatred of refugees, Abortion and LGBTQ rights, because they are on different sides of the Putin buddy fence, which is ultimately about the right to rule your own land, I think they may not be going the same way. That remains to be seen. Clearly there are groups in Poland that want a Polish exit from the EU, so that they can have a policy more in keeping with Putin, but the war in Ukraine has made it crystal clear what that alliance would bring for them. See Belarus. Right now Hungary has a choice to make, EU and a good standard of life, or leave the EU and see what that brings them? Poverty and being ruled by Putin. How fun!

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Thank you for your commentary, Linda. Way beyond my pay grade, so am grateful to have your critical thinking skills.

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Yep, their are quite a few Hungarian policies that do not align w the GQP. Abortion is another & universal healthcare as well. It’s the Christian xenophobia & strong borders that appeal to our crazies.

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Interesting, Linda, about abortion and universal healthcare.

Often, Heather talks about the rubber meeting the road. I'm guessing these are the kind of things she is talking about if ever an Orban-like regime comes to the U.S.

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Lynell -- "if the country gets taken over by the Orban wannabes is the 2nd Amendment will be no longer?"

𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗺𝘀

• In Hungary, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law

𝗥𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗺𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

• In Hungary, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms, firearms disguised as other objects, and armor-piercing, incendiary and expanding ammunition

• In Hungary, private possession of fully automatic weapons is prohibited

• In Hungary, private possession of semi-automatic assault weapons is permitted only with special authorization

• In Hungary, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted only with special authorization

𝗚𝘂𝗻 𝗢𝘄𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

• In Hungary, only licensed gun owners may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition

• Applicants for a gun owner’s license in Hungary are required to establish a genuine reason to possess a firearm, for example hunting, target shooting, collection, personal protection, security

• The minimum age for gun ownership in Hungary is 18 years

• An applicant for a firearm license in Hungary must pass a background check which considers criminal, mental health and domestic violence records

• Where a past history, or apprehended likelihood of family violence exists, the law in Hungary stipulates5 that a gun license should be denied or revoked

• In Hungary, an understanding of firearm safety and the law, tested in a theoretical and/or practical training course is required for a firearm license

• In Hungary, gun owners must re-apply and re-qualify for their firearm license every five years

• In Hungary, authorities maintain a record of individual civilians licensed to acquire, possess, sell or transfer a firearm or ammunition

• Licensed firearm owners in Hungary are permitted to possess up to two short firearms for self-defense purposes

• Licensed firearm owners in Hungary are permitted to possess only ammunition suitable for the intended firearm

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Thanks for expanding the list, Ron. Maybe we should let the other side know about this!

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Ha! Hungary, huh? Well well well

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How I was hoping to never have to see or hear from his evil ever again. Yet the cult roars, just like Hitler’s brainwashed legions. Our jeopardy has not lessened. I don’t have to listen to him, I know his evil goes to his soul. The Republican Party as well.

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However the difference between the followers of Trump and those who lived in Germany under Hitler is that when you live in an authoritarian state even if you don't agree you have to pretend to. Not everyone was brainwashed. Some were just trapped. Not true of the followers of Trump. They are not yet living in an authoritarian state. They are not really envisioning the difference. That may be the true effect of the brainwashing. Perhaps they won't care if they are in an authoritarian state, but reality is often different than the idea.

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"reality is often different than the idea" BINGO!!!

I've been muddling around with some form of "this does not mean what you think it means" when talking with the few Republiqan friends I have left (this is them ending contact with me, not me with them.)

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Tried to ❤️. So very true. Unfortunately, once they realize it, it will be too late.

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Do you have a link?

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Thank you lin. Know the enemy.

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sadly, I can't bear the sight of his face anymore, even less the sound of his voice.

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It’s his words that are intolerable. Yes his voice too.

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And the body language, a sideways slouch over the lectern, narrowed eyes, everything signals disdain and self-satisfaction. Antidote: think of the picture of him climbing the steps to Air Force One with a strip of white tissue stuck to the heel of one shoe.

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I feel the same way about Trump but C-Span has the speech transcribed below. Believe me, it is a lot easier to read his speech than to listen to Trump deliver it.

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L. Murphy, it was actually HARDER to read than listen to because one could actually see each and every lie he annunciates. There was not one sentence in that god-forsaken speech that was even remotely correct. The lies, lies, lies and more lies are too much to read….

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Same here. I cannot tolerate him.

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I have the same impediment/shield. His face and voice have sullied the last five years of my life.

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Not sad

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Lin, thanks for the link. TFG tooting his horn and introducing those peeps that I bet the “mainstream “ repubs would like to lose. Matt Gaetz, MTG. When he introduced Lauren Boebert, he complemented her on the campaign ad where she said, “you can come into my house” and pulled out a rifle. I couldn’t watch any more. Maybe later. Every day is a show, just like his term in office. What is real? Eight minutes with the “l’m Proud to be an American” anthem blaring and the crowd cheering. And TFG waving, grinning, posing.

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All I can manage is listening on the radio. Limiting myself to the audio lets me hear the message. Usually while I am doing chores.

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I cannot and will not watch him unless...he appears in front of the J6 committee and the DOJ!

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Or when they cart him off in handcuffs…then I’ll watch, with pleasure.

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I cannot stand watching tfg prance, preen and pose on a stage. Sick making.

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Thank you for the link.

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Sorry Irenie, you did not deserve that.

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Yes, it’s an ordeal. We don’t deserve that. He won’t go quietly into the night. At least so far we can turn him off.

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I don’t have the words for him. There isn’t enough language to describe such a putrefaction.

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It’s likely the main selling point for republicans, he is driving the libtards mad. Many Foxers have said as much. Part of Rupert’s strategy.

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lin• -- "Please everybody, listen to Trump's CPAC speech."

For those with an extra hour and a half they don't need, here is the full speech. (Note: YouTube, owned by Google, has removed this speech from their platform!)


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Thank you, Ron Boyd; you're brave, too!

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Okay if I quote you on this when I post on FB lin?

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ThankYou. Of course. Public domaine. No need to ask.

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Thank you Heather.

Good news indeed. Not bad from an old guy with COVID. He is getting the job done.

That's what matters.

Be safe. Be well.

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Bam! Getting the job done. That’s what counts more than fascist blither blather.

Game and set…Democracy. Now let’s take the match.

Be safe and fabulous as well, Linda.


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Christine it has certainly been a good week for Democracy, for the most part- yeah I'm looking at you Indiana 🤨.

We need to take every win and hold it above our heads. This is the good stuff.

Be well, my friend.

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I am pleased that the Dems could compromise among themselves, and thankful for the tiebreaker. A word about limiting insulin to $35: if this were imposed on private insurers they would just raise their rates to cover their losses. Clearly, we need to expand Medicare to accept younger and younger people. Only when we have truly universal coverage will everyone actually benefit. As a retired primary care doc, I can make that statement and dare anyone to refute it! Snort.

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Yes, Frank ! Became familiar with Physicians For National Health Plan when researching Direct Contracting Entities.


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That's the plan! Even insurance agents are preparing for only offering "Advantage Plans" on top of Medicare.

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Not one f***ing republican voted for this. NOT ONE! ‘Nuff said

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Bob we need to keep this in mind when we think Murkowski or Collins might put people over Party. They won't.

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Not to mention the incredible ongoing hubris of sinema and manchin who refuse to play ball unless they get their own personal interests assuaged. Their stranglehold on our democracy must be broken!

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Jen, I think this clarified their abuse of power. They shouldn't be hailed as heros, but should be held responsible for the being the reason this Bill is somewhat watered down.

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A must, and my reason for living, at this point.

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I still don’t understand Romney and his votes. I thought there was a thread of logic, compassion, and ethics there but he has proven me wrong over and over this session. The no vote for PACT (& one of only 11) was astounding.

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I think Romney may struggle with vestiges of conscience, but he is usually able to escape them, like when at first he was and then wasn't troubled by Republican inconsistency in thier rules for SCOTUS appointments, or openly urged Obama to pattern Obamacare after Romney care, then condemned it. . He is still a big narcissist.

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Hypocrite of the highest order

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Romney made his money in private equity & hedge fund mgmt--I’ve never trusted him. As a LDS, he holds views about the sanctity of & inspired by god Constitution, which explains his past, small deviations from his party.

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So much for Repubs pretending Larry Summers matters more to them than Larry Kudlow.

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And, we need to shout this out over and over and over and over right through 2024. The American voters will need to be reminded of how the rethugllicans NEVER have the good of their constituents in mind. NEVER!

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This combined with the Kansas abortion vote will increase the numbers of grass roots activists and their level of intensity going into the November elections. Here in NY CD 19, where we have an incredibly complex congressional race, the Democratic County committees are more active and focused than I have ever seen them. Do it like they did in Kansas.

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Yes, indeed. Four self-identified introverts, myself included, canvassed for the Democratic Party in our small city in NW Wisconsin this past Saturday. It was my first time doing that. (I recently hit the half century mark.) Had good conversations with several people, including an independent as well as with three Republicans who said they could not support Trump. One man identified as a Reagan Republican and had already voted in the Democratic primary—something he’d never done before. He himself brought up reproductive rights, and he basically said, “I may have my own ideas, but as a man I have no business telling you [gesturing toward me and my female co-canvasser] what to do. If we do that, then men shouldn’t be allowed to get vasectomies!” I thanked him for saying that. I don’t hear enough men and male-identified folx saying that.

My takeaways: introverts canvassing indicates that people are fired up, abortion and bodily autonomy are top of mind, and in-person, civil conversations are powerful and effective. We can read each other’s body language and tone, listen to listen rather than to respond, and connect as members of a shared community. I wore my t-shirt that reads Peaceful Persistence to additionally signal a friendly, non-threatening approach.

If anyone reading this is in the 23rd State Senate district in Wisconsin and voting Democratic, please write in Dan Hardy. He is a registered write in candidate and needs 1600 votes in the August 9 primary to get his name printed on the November ballot. Thanks!

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Very inspiring Laura human to human talk.

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I have been chatting a bit with neighbors and friends too, and those relational organizing conversations wound up being nice “practice” sessions for talking with people I don’t know. Also got a neighbor on a well-traveled rural highway to plant a yard sign.

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Well done Laura! From another introvert, I know how exhausting all the "people-ing" can be - thank you for your efforts!

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Good work you all!!!!

I have canvassed with friends in Racine. Wisconsin is not just Ron Johnson. It's Tammy Baldwin and Tony Evers too. ThankYou for stepping up, especially outside your comfort zone. It is so heartening to hear about your work.

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"It's Tammy Baldwin and Tony Evers too." I don't live in WI, but it's important to remind ourselves that there are strong, truly patriotic Dems in the mix, holding down the fort while we the people, introverts and all, get moving.

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Thanks for canvassing in Racine! I am so embarrassed that Johnson is a Wisconsin senator. He seems to be trying to top McCarthy for most terrible senator from the once progressive state. Looking forward to helping elect a new senator in November.

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You go, Laura! I'm in accord with your takeaways, especially the "listen to listen rather than to respond" comment. Democracy demands that ALL voices get to be heard. I can't join in from here in Virginia but wish you good luck with your district!

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Hi Lynell - agreed, listening is all-important. I'm also a Virginian (Richmond). VA can be a hard state to live in. I really miss Gov Ralph Northam, he did so much good for the state.

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Boy, howdy, Nancy, he sure did. I miss him, too. I live right outside Lovettsville, a small town in Loudoun County, near the Maryland border (about 7 miles away). Interesting place that's almost 50/50 split if you believe the campaign signs during election time. Just hoping our Dem reps can hold onto their seats this November, and hopefully we can get a few more.

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Are you in Abigail Spanberger's district? We were until redistricting, and now we're not - she is a great representative, we support her anyway. We now have Don McEachin, and he is good, too.

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I'm in Jennifer Wexton's district, VA-10. She's terrific, as well. I'm supporting her and Abigail Spanberger as we head to November.

We also have Tim Kaine and Mark Warner as our U.S. senators. Two really smart fellas! I just saw a video clip of Mark on Fox News explaining the Inflation Reduction Act. I thought it was terrific that he did that. Then Tim Kaine has a bill along with Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Krysten Sinema that addresses the Dobbs decision. They know they don't have 60 votes to get it passed yet, so they are working behind the scenes to hopefully get something that will codify Roe. Fingers crossed!

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Thank you!

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Good job Laura. I love canvassing. Best way to talk to the people. We did a lot of it during a campaign I ran for a school board seat and I still continue to do so working for current campaigns. A phone is great but I find when one is right there with a person, the conversation can get creative and energizing.


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In 2020 I tried phone banking and text banking and did not enjoy that. I was nervous about in-person canvassing, but we did not encounter any rudeness or strong anti- anything, so it was an extremely positive and powerful experience for me. On reflection, I realized that I need to be able to read my conversational partner’s nonverbal cues and for them to be able to read mine. Agree completely that being in person makes space for energizing and creative conversation. Thanks for all the canvassing you do!

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This story is very heartening. I really appreciate your sharing it. Cold call phone banking and door to door canvasing feel scary to think about but once I started doing them, I fell in love with them. Most of this stuff is done off lists of Democrats but you and your friends were going to houses of Republicans! Bravo to you and for peaceful folks you talked to. Do it like they did in Kansas!

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And your initial comment gave me the perfect opportunity to share my story, so thank you! Having these positive interactions with people in this community was a great way to start my week.

Our list was infrequent voters and likely Dems, but in a couple cases that info was inaccurate and in the case of the man who believes women are people and should have control over our own bodies, we were there to speak with his wife but she was indisposed and he was open to speaking with us. A different door knock was answered by a man wearing a t-shirt with a flag, bald eagle, and the word America and I thought, “Oh no.” (Which is annoying because I am patriotic, enjoy bald eagles, and love this flawed country, but one “side” has largely appropriated and weaponized those symbols.) But it was totally fine. He looked really sad that the extremists in the GOP have hijacked his party and left him out in the cold. He can’t support their extremism but didn’t seem sure about migrating to the Democrats either. Hearing these guys’ perspectives was enlightening and reassuring.

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Yes indeed! I finished writing postcards to NY voters for Pat Ryan in NY-19 and will write more. He sounds like a winner!

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He is. We have an insanely complex situation here in NY cd 19 and in NY cd18 due to Antonio Delgado leaving his house seat in cd 19 to become Lt. gov and the rejection by the top court of the Democratic legislators created redistricting plan which was then replaced by a plan drawn up by a court appointed master. Here is the voter script we are using in the current cd19 which be geographically different for the 11/8 election.

VOICEMAIL MESSAGE (approximately 52 seconds)

Hello, I am (volunteer’s name) with the GALLATIN. Today we are calling to let you

know about the AUGUST 8 Deadline to apply for an absentee ballot for the August

23 rd cd 19 Special Election and the Primary Election.

The application must be received by the Board of Elections by AUGUST 8, not

mailed by.

The easiest and fastest way to apply is with the online portal. Go to the Columbia

County Board of Elections website and click on “Apply online for an absentee

ballot.” You must give a reason. You can select either “absence from county...” or

“Temporary illness” – the latter includes fear of contracting covid. You can also put

in the date range, picking an end date after November 8, Election Day, for example

November 15.

If you give me your email, I can send you the portal link.

absenteeballot.elections.ny.gov/ Text me your email at _____________. Please call if

you have any questions.

In the Special Election to fill Lt. Governor Delgado’s vacant seat in Congress until

January, please vote for Pat Ryan the democratic candidate running against anti-

marriage equality, anti-choice Conservative Republican Mark Molinaro. Keep CD19 Blue!

In the Primary, there are two candidates running to go up against Molinaro in the

November General Election for the 2-year CD 19 term beginning January 2023.

The Gallatin Democrats have endorsed Josh Riley. We’d appreciate if you would

vote for him. If you want to learn more about his go to joshrileyforcongress.com

You could also VOTE EARLY from Saturday August 13-Sunday August 21 at 401

State Street in Hudson, the County Office Building.

Thank you. Have a nice day.

I won't try to explain NY CD 18 where Ryan is running for the 1/2023 to 1/2025 House seat.

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There is the tortoise and the hare! This is the tortoise bill. If finally came through, showing that real government is working tirelessly until you get the job done. I certainly voiced my opinion to the White House plenty of times along the way as I am sure many did, saying let go of this and that, and compromise. Trump may think that he knows the art of the deal, but his game is the art of the steal! This is the art of the deal. The finesse with which this was done is really impressive. I was not sure whether Manchin or Sinema could be included in a vote, but the advantage here is that they are still considering themselves as democrats even if they have not seemed to be anything other than self serving. It has taken a lot to bring everyone on board and I have a lot of respect for everyone for making it work. This bill means a better life for a lot of people on this planet. Hip hip Hurrah!

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it's sausage...don't ask too much about how it's made :)

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Plant based sausage this time. Like they now will serve at woke Cracker Barrel. 😜

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Art of the "deal"? Art of the swindle, art of the lie, art of the cover-up.

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Good news indeed. And if the Dems can sell it and win few more seats in November maybe they can go back for the rest of the package. Do not think that two more senators will do it. There are I believe several senators who were more than happy to let Manchin and Sinema take the heat. The word moderate makes me laugh. The reason American cannot have nice things are the moderate Democrats in the pay of corporations like their Republican counterparts. If the Dems would run on a Bernie/AOC platform that would bring America into the 20th century and maybe inch them into the 21st, they might win all the marbles. But the DNC and all the Moderate Dems are as dead set against that as the Republicans. Incrementalism is like getting a 3% raise when inflation is 8%. Why the need for bipartisanship? The governing party is elected to govern and the Opposition is elected to oppose, so why water stuff down or feel proud of bipartisanship?

Why do I care? Because the Christofascists are already across the line into Canada, funded by the same billionaires funding it in America. I hope every American will vote Blue this fall.

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Per HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra, the Bill has $2000 cap on annual out-of- pocket ( OOP) Medicare costs; that is huge relief for to oncology patients being treated or in remission actually for all Patients now that Medicare can negotiate prices.

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The campaign ads write themselves:

43 Republicans voted to deny YOU affordable insulin. 50 Republicans voted to stop jobs, an d leave the deficit alone, despite the fact the 52% of Republican voters, 78% of Indepenents and 92% of Democrats support the provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.

Are these people representing YOUR interests?

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But will Dems tell the tale

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WE are the Dems. Tell it!

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Sharing TC. Thanks!

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Some light. And always your excellent context.

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It's the solid rock context that makes the difference. No wishful thinking here.

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The deliberate omission or misrepresentation of context appears to be one of the prime tools of corrupt politics. I'm thinking of using a snowball to cast doubt on climate science, or similarly using snow in Australia in North American summer as "proof" that global heating is a "hoax"; both courtesy of the right wing. Examples are legion.

Logical crap-detection should be an on-going topic of K-12 education. Adult "science literacy" continues to measured nationally as disappointing to put it mildly. I don't so much care how much non-science majors are able answer quiz show-like "science" questions, but rather understand the utility of logic, measurement, and testable evidence as a key to wisdom. And how context (as much and as relevant as we know how to provide) affects meaning. Often that is in the genius (as in Relativity) of "breakthroughs".

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Fervent agreement. You can't even SAY "critical thinking" nowadays, can you!

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Sound too much like "Critical Race Theory", plus the "thinking" part.

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Guess it wouldn’t be nice to say “May leader McConnell choke on his words “ maybe I will settle for him having to eat them down the road when this bill is proven to be a great for all.

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don't worry, when the impact is felt, he'll be happy to take credit for it anyway.

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I'd rather he take his words and shove them where the sun don"t shine.....one word at a time!

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I second the "brava", the thanks, and the hope that you give yourself a day's leisure tomorrow. Genuine Leisure.

And I ask of the rest of you--what happened to the moderate/more liberal Republicans? Susan Collins of Maine, for example, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska? What were their objections? And, perhaps silly for me to ask, but I do care, did they make their votes with integrity?

Sleep well and may the gods bless us all, the not so-united states of america, all Homo sapiens, and all life on earth.

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I often wonder this myself. I mean, republicans used to stand for things like conservative spending, not changing things too fast, and a determination to defend American democracy. At least that’s what I think my dad thought when he voted for Nixon when I was jumping rope to vote, vote vote for Kennedy. I’ll never forget the huge argument I overheard between my parents on this question. Of course, Dad was very proud to vote for Obama, twice, and as he put it “Obama cares”.

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At least they fought about it. I have several friends who live about 40 miles away from me, the wives Democrats, the husbands Republicans, and while they used to debate, they now don't discuss politics.

My father was a lifelong Republican. He congratulated me when Obama was elected, but soon relapsed into trashing.

I do think at least some Republicans have integrity. I don't understand about Susan Collins. What happened today and what happened with now Supreme Court Justice Kavanagh?

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She has NO SHAME!

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Does Mitch have a total stranglehold on all Repubs—including Murkowski and Collins?

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Collins moderate BS is running on fumes and McConnell pork. And Maine voter inertia.

Integrity only means being consistent. Collins' integrity is that her bipartisanship consistently means talking out of both sides of her mouth.

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Maine voter inertia ? Are you aware of the outside money that flooded our state for Collins? We worked hard to defeat her. The disinformation and ads that flooded our TV was out of control. Collins consistently ends up voting the party line. Lies and money gave her re-election. She is a master at expressing her concern and ignores her concern when she votes.

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Collins is a master of deceit. She always dangles the carrot and then snatches it away. Murkowski is a little more disciplined but hey, they are Repubs now known as PRP...Pro-Rape Party.

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Carol, there were 7 republicans who voted w the democrats on keeping the insulin cap (some will surprise, others not). They were Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.), Susan Collins (Maine), Josh Hawley (Mo.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (Miss.), John Kennedy (La.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Dan Sullivan (Alaska).

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Thanks, Good to know and good to be true.

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Gratitude, Heather.

I'm continuing to wonder who purchased Sinema. Seems like we, the citizens, could know who bought her, given the damage she does to progress. Certainly about filthy lucre.

Manchin, we know--he is greedy, in cahoots with big oil, wants more money from coal, cares nothing about the world his children and grandchildren will inhabit. A tiny brain focused on more filthy lucre.

Blessings upon us all!

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Aug 8, 2022
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She needs to go bye bye or be made irrelevant. hope I can help

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Certainly a day for celebration! Thank you Heather for laying this out so it is easily digested. Why am I still being surprised by the complete and total falsehoods stated by rich white male Thuglicans? I need thicker skin...

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Mine is reptilian as it is.

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