Republicans posing a threat to national security? Is anyone surprised? Paul, Tuberville and several other members of Congress are at least “useful idiots” for Russia, China and who knows what other entities.
The Senate is pretty hide bound when it comes to their rules. At this point the only thing Schumer et al can do is subject all of the nominees to the arduous floor vote procedure. That Tuberville refuses to relent shows not only his disdain for the military but that he's grossly unqualified to be a US senator. Can't believe the people of Alabama chose him over Doug Jones.
Rose, While I’m not aware of any procedure for imposing such a mandate, I do regret not having contacted Senate leadership to express my dismay over their adjourning, despite not having confirmed critically important high-level presidential nominations. Additionally, as I expect you know, the Republican-controlled House also adjourned, leaving eleven of the twelve must-pass 2024 budget measures unresolved.
Postscript for Rose: When I wrote this morning, I neglected to underscore that we could, and we should, prevail upon Leader Schumer to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month.
Thank you. And the House will return from its "vacation" with only 12 days to pass bills preventing a government shutdown.
So there you have it. Republicans in both chambers are attempting to destroy the government's ability to function. And that should be front page headlines every day. God forbid that Republicans would sit down with Democrats to get positive things done for the American public. Like healthcare for their constituents, clean energy independence, enhanced disaster relief programs, sheltering the homeless - in the richest nation to have ever existed! The list of opportunities to SAVE lives is very long.
Instead they obstruct and do damage to our readiness and to the families of military personnel. They create financial chaos that damages our global credit rating. They fight culture wars they can never win. Let's try to name one positive thing the GQP has proposed.
It's as if they have been infected with an alien mind worm that has taken control of their brains. Or Putin has poisoned their tap water. It's like the "Manchurian Candidate" on steroids or "Secret Invasion" where shape shifting Skrulls penetrate the highest level of power.
I think we have the makings of an unbelievably terrible movie. I don't want to watch it but apparently we can't leave the theater.
Tuberville, as all Repugs since Hastert and Gingrich, play politics like a football game. Win at any cost. Make up the rules as they go: i.e. McConnell and SCOTUS. Propriety and the good of the nation are barely afterthoughts. Anti abortion has been the underlying driver for incessant obstructionist maneuvers despite the will of the majority. Sanctimonious authoritarians.
Bill, First, an apology for my delayed response. As for my thoughts, while every one of your allegations against Republicans is spot-on, my mind, at present, mostly is wrapped around both chambers having adjourned for their August recess—critically important unfinished work be damned! While there is little we can do about the GOP-controlled House, regarding the Senate, we can, and, in my mind, we should, prevail upon Schumer to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month to confirm, one-by-one, the nominees for the critically important vacated Pentagon and State high-level posts. I say this because the country, in my view, needs to witness Dems standing up to Tuberville, let alone to the entire Senate Republican caucus that’s gone silent on Tuberville’s deleterious hold on numerous presidential nominees for positions vital to our national security.
BILL , The ALIEN Mind WORM, is Actually a DRAGON ! & That DRAGONS name ! ,, is LuciFER !! EVIL ! POWER !, AND MAMMONITE- isim is Trying !, to Take OVER ! ( in " THAT DAY ! , IT ! , Will LOSE ! )
I agree. But the Senate in general and Schumer in particular doesn't much like altering its rules. McConnell, however, had no problem deciding to never actually recess the Senate so as to prevent Obama from making recess appointments to the court. Thus we have the theatrics of a pro-forma session in which one senator opens and closes it.
@MisTBlu, First, my apologies for the delayed reply. As for my thoughts, while I appreciate the comparison, I would note that Senate Leader Schumer is authorized to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month to fill, one-by-one, the vacated Pentagon and State posts. I see this not only as necessary but also as a show of resistance both to Tuberville and to the entire Senate Republican caucus that has gone silent on Tuberville’s deleterious hold on numerous presidential nominees, whose service is vital to our national security.
Frankom, First, an apology for my delayed reply. As for my thoughts, because I don’t expect Schumer, anytime soon, to vacate his post, I say, due to Tuberville’s deleterious hold on Senate confirmations for posts vital to our national security, we must prevail upon Schumer to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month to get the job done, either one confirmation at a time, or by acclamation if Tuberville buckles.
MisTBlu it also shows just how much the Republicans have the upper hand. We are ruled by the minority, not majority. This reinforces the weakness of the Democrats.
Oh I can believe that Alabama chose him over Doug Jones. After all he was Alabama's football coach and what is more important there. The Senate is full of Rs who shouldn't even be voted in as dog catchers. Maybe OK to pick up horse dung from a parade.
I do love horses and I am sorry that I may have insulted them. Heard a story this am at the Saturday Market where 32 were rescued because of a fire south of us. And people also offered places for them to stay. A nice story to start the day. My person who does my CBD belongs to some group who does this. Good things do happen.
Actually, I disagree. Rules such as the filibuster, blue slips and stunts like Tuberville's are NOT laws...they are courtesies extended in good faith in the past. They are no longer relevant as there is no "good faith" left in the US Senate. The Republicans plow ahead ignoring the Dems and Schumer does nothing to stop them. In my opinion, he is the weakest Dem leader the Senate has had in decades. I was sorry he was re-elected as Senate Leader again as I felt he was so entrenched in "old way" of doing things he would let the R's walk all over him. Sadly, I now watch my fears played out in real time.
He's not the only Repubbie unable to recite the three branches of government correctly-there are a good many Repub Representatives and Senators who haven't a clue about how government functions.
Then you don’t know Alabama football and racism. The two trump (excuse me, please) all other considerations in the state where public schools for years have been 50th of 50 and “paddling” of students by teachers was “discipline.”
Sorry to disagree (that’s a lie; I have no qualms about being disagreeable), but there has been a good deal of coverage about Sen. Potato Head’s idiocy.
No doubt Tuberville, the Senate Idiot--make that ONE of the Senate Idiots--is actually enjoying the notoriety and power his ploy (and the media) is giving him. Tubby is about as dumb a person as I have ever seen elected to the position of Senator.
Michele -- I'd never heard of the Palmer Report. This is what Googling led me to:
"The Palmer Report is an American liberal fake news website, founded in 2016 by Bill Palmer. It is known for making unsubstantiated or false claims, producing hyperpartisan content, and publishing conspiracy theories, especially on matters relating to Donald Trump and Russia. Wikipedia"
Trump's threat on his social media was well publicized at many many reputable sources.
Possibly Mr. BK meant more of a Dem outcry about the potential threats to our national security and hanging the blame around the necks of those who are causing it...?
Not enough and not loud enough. Definitely not enough coverage defining what the delays are doing to us, to the military and to the Democracy around the world.
Yeah, I think the problem is that the people who might benefit from the coverage have their heads shoved up fox news, newsmax, etc. Either that or they just don't care. Neither would surprise me at this point.
Media should pay as much attention to Republican efforts to hamstring government, as described today by HCR, as they do to the mouthing off of the indicted former president, a violation of the terms of his indictment that will eventually put him under stricter conditions of custody. The Republican Party does more harm to the nation than the out-of-office defeated former president can now do, preferring to cater to the anti-democratic forces of darkness rather than to the 'better angels of our nature,' as Abraham Lincoln remnded us in his first Inaugural Address.
We must be careful not to become what we despise. There is a right way and a wrong way. The right way almost always takes more time and the wrong way is usually motivated by the desire for instantaneous gratification like when you punch someone in the nose.
Paula, Your Point , is True ! With Joe, DOING Such a Great Job, in the Process, of Righting, SO MANY WRONGS, & Still Being BASHED by the Rs ( AND,.. some Ds !) The Method, of WAKING UP ! THESE People, may be having, to PULL OFF the GLOVES ! & DELIVER Piping HOT ! , KNUCKLE SANDWICHES !! ( LORD! ,have MERCY !)
BK I agree with the fact that the media isn't covering the Tuberville and Rand bully tactics enough. The group here knows about and hears about it, but we represent a small portion of the population. Those that listen to Fox probably haven't heard anything. And most of the population is too busy with their lives to keep up on the relentless assault by republicans on our democracy. Anything involving sex (or Hunter Biden) and the media is all over it.
As for downgrading the US credit rating, they've done it before and they'll do it again. Unfortunately, the apparent change of this administration's economic policy isn't echoed by the independent Fed who seems to insist that controlling inflation must be done through a target of 5% unemployment.The prevailing school of economic thought doesn't seem to reflect reality. There are plenty of indicators that economists need to go back to reading and evaluating all the available data. Perhaps they've chosen the wrong economic philosophy and the wrong datasets to watch in a world that may not longer be defined by national borders.
Michael, While I agree, I also would note that too many of us are sitting and waiting and watching to see what our political leaders will do. I say we flood them with phone calls, letters, and emails amplifying the stakes if they’re perceived as powerless to counter the increasing encroachment by the minority over the will of the majority.
Not just them -- our media needs to hear from us, the people who they ostensibly care about if only because we constitute their ratings and provide them income. We used to have citizens who protested the inaction of any part of society that was doing damage to the country.
Rozanna, Thank you for writing. I fully agree, and tomorrow (Sunday) I will set aside time to start doing my part, wherein I particularly will prevail upon Leader Schumer to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month. Additionally, per your comment, I also will incorporate media into my pleas.
The media sector could be doing something worthy of note, living up to the expectations (even, the needs) of those who were trying to give the citizens of this country a foundation for their governance of themselves as well as their society -- similar to the expectations of the educational sector. Then, we all could profit.
Michael, I agree! Let’s turn up the heat. Kamala Harris certainly blasted DeSatan for “inviting” her to discuss his odious, anti-Black curriculum. The insurrection continues with these blockers and haters. Tumorville is just beyond belief. Paul we know about and he finally caved, but he is an idiot and traitor also, imho.
I may add one more thing to what Tuberville is, he is dumb as a rock and has the IQ of a rock. These looney Fascist Rethugs are what i have been calling them for a year or so, they are a Domestic Terrorist Organization.
Someone had to have put this onerous idea to block military leadership nominees into Tuberville's head. He is not smart enough to have had that idea by himself. Rand Paul is the odious contrarian he has always been who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. But it's a sure thing our enemies are watching this stupid sh*t going on and making plans. There are consequences to these ridiculous actions.
I can't believe someone hasn't made good Dem political hay out of Tuberville's "No one is more military than me.." remark contrasted with his LACK of military service and his intransigence over allowing military promotions and appointments to go through. Opportunity staring us in the face...
They do appear to let so many of these opportunities just slip by! The Repubs do such stupid s**t & make so many dimwitted statements - Is there anyone in the Dem party listening & watching? For crying out loud! DO SOMETHING!!
And stop letting the bullies win. “If you go after me, I’m coming after you” should mean Jailtime for Bozo. Maybe he could share his summer reading list like President Obama has done for years. I would certainly like to see it!
I’m fond of Tommy (what grown man is “Tommy?) Gooberville myself.
I’m sure the low level of intelligence in the state that sent him had nothing to do with the decision to keep Space Command in Colorado. Who would agree to live there?
Michael, I’ve heard Church Schumer on ABC,NBC,and CBS as well as MSNBC decrying the obstructionism of TT and Rand Paul at least once per week. Unfortunately, unlike their competitors, the “Big 3” are unwilling to feature him or Hakeem Jeffries when they can feature footage of TFG’s motorcade and plane landing.
I do love the cynical, Mary...being ever so clever.🫶
Just lost (due to a sloppy finger ) my first comment , still internet woes on top. 😬
I do hope someone is keeping a tally when we get both houses back what lack of protection needs cemented new laws. A felon can not run for President #1 or something to that whole despicable nature.
No coverage isn’t adequate of the GOOD being done ,doesn’t sell well 🤦♀️..isn’t dramatic enough , the minority knows how to pitch and bitch/bad actors in their own Game of Throw(n)s ie the baby out with the bath water because that’s exactly what it is.
The precedent is being s l o w l y tallied , it’s a lesson like so many others -each time a little more consequential . Losing ground has a frenzied finale as any cliff hanger/car chase/or who done it ALWAYS provides as the curtain goes down.
The list WILL be long, the names add up daily as bottom to the top progress puts players ...
It’s daily I hear ‘oh, he’ll never see a prison cell’ and for the lack of accountability handed down that’s been well documented over my lifetime...and it’s US who pay the harshest".........
💙💙VOTE THEM OUT💙💙 and hold the chosen, the elected ‘s -feet to the fire.
Precarious silence, allowing the subversion of our Government by Republicans like tt and the optomatrist (or eye doctor) pr ... Rediculous! Polls show our citizens are not paying attention to the antics... Focusing more on personal struggles allow the rats to play.
Yes,I agree.Our mainstream news media is not talking about these unfilled vacancies but maybe they should be.Our national security is greatly affected.The American people need to be made aware of this.
The question I have is: WHY? Why is MSM (seemingly) disinterested in a deep dive on these congressional maneuvers that can completely stop traffic? Color me "flummoxed". The press are "the eyes and ears" of the population(?). And yet, it seems they are more interested in reporting exactly what color suit and tie the golf cheater is wearing to court. I swear, we will will soon hear where he stops for burgers and chips on his way to proceedings. Forgive my rant. IMO, Tubby and the eye "doctor" require deeper investigative dives than they are getting, as well as this particular congressional rule allowing such procedural tyranny. For instance, has this rule ever produced a positive outcome for the country? If so, write about the five journalistic W's with respect to the issues. Readers WANT to KNOW, because, otherwise, it just sounds ridiculous from the bleachers. And, of course, IMHO, Chubby deserves a total news blackout both FROM him and about him.
I, like you, am also"flummoxed" by the press's indifference to matters that are of great importance to the American people and our national security. The msm is owned by billionaires but certainly they have children and grandchildren who would be greatly affected, as we all would, if this country is turned into a fascist dictatorship which is where TFG wants to take us. I have always given the press a lot of the credit for giving us Trump as POTUS in the first place. It was all Trump, Trump, Trump 24/7 , done mostly for ratings and it is continuing to this day. Biden's age and again all things Trump are our daily news offerings. Too bad HCRs letters can't be front page news daily.
Biden’s age = Trump’s age + 3. Which man can and frequently does ride a bicycle, as opposed to a golf cart? At either age, future health is more likely with healthy eating and exercise. When someone says B is too old, ask how old is T.
It is hard to believe how dumb Tuberville is - how did he ever coach football? Really good assistant coaches?
As to news on trump I think it is important because I really think they got him. I still think he will flee to the UAE, maybe right after a trial, even with out a passport if that is lifted by the court.
That’s right, these obstructionists are waging war, hoping to discredit the Biden administration, and if lucky win a majority in the election after which they can fill all those vacancies with MAGA loyalists. There are plenty out there. Why are the Democrats so timid?
I don’t see why Leader Schumer does bring the Senate back in mid-August to debate the backlogged nominations. Schedule 16 hours per day, 7 days a week. Any day Sen Tuberville doesn’t show up, ram through the rest of them on unanimous consent.
Chuck Schumer? 🤣🤣🤣 The penultimate gas bag. Schumer is there for self-glorification, glasses halfway down his nose posing as some wizened professor. Schumer could give a good damn about our Military. It's all theater for Schumer, and he is a bad actor; always has been.
Chuck Schumer? 🤣🤣🤣 He has the spine of a wet noodle. He loves to hear himself speaking on the floor of the Senate. Glasses at half-staff down the nose, Schumer appears to imagine himself as some type of wise and learned professor. He is a huge gas bag and always has been.
so true - and the more people complain. the more the spineless republican members of congress will continue to block needed legislation and confirmations. The only way to "win" is to get them voted out of office. For Tumorville - not likely to happen - too many rightwing nitwits in Alabama.
That must be difficult. I live in western MA, and luckily our wider area is represented by two good Senators and reasonable reps. One is Jim McGovern who was in the hallway JUST beyond the door where one of the insurrectionists was killed. I had met him on an advocacy trip to DC when he was a new rep, talked to him with a few other advocates and literally felt sick as I watched in real time.
Just to note that Chuck Schumer could call the Senate back from the recess, line up the military promotions one after the other, and keep the body in session continuously until they are all voted up or down. Let the Senators squall.
Yep. Arnold was a patriot who sacrificed greatly for his country but turned after being treated badly. Neither of those dudes gave more than lip service.
Is a wonder Rand's neighbor kicked the crap out of him. And what of "Coach [dog]" Tommy's neighbors? Paul is as twisted as they come and Tuberville is corrupt and dumb as mud.
It's worth mentioning a reason for these micro-treasons which was posted on another Substack: Just as McConnell held back the nominees for Supreme Court Justices, until the court was packed by sycophants— with terribly ignorant judicial outcomes, this same ploy is being used to control the military and Department of State. The intentions are not as the saboteurs say, but to insert into our government a completely authoritarian right wing nation.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff are reasonable people. As much as leading our military, they are charged with avoiding a rush to peril, let's say by an irrational president. Without their savior faire, the United States would be at risk for a domineering military capable of a coup, a la Michael Flynn. There are plenty of Trumpers among the lesser ranks who would gladly do his dirty work.
We know Trump is only a pawn in the desired fascist outcome which some on the right desire. A Christian Nationalist state is an authoritarian government which has no respect for democracy or minorities. Sabotaging democratic institutions by installing obedient puppets, is one way to move toward their desired goals.
In this case, the might of our military and the presence of our diplomats abroad are the symbols of our democracy and the intention to protect it. However, they need to be bent into a future fascist government.
Until the wealthy, dark right wing has its way by installing departments filled with puppets— whose intentions are to avoid taxation, decimate social supports, as well as installing a national theocracy—they will continue their disgusting erosion of our institutions.
Tuberville may or or may not be at least a “useful idiot” for important unfriendly nations. I believe that term implies contact with the country(ies) involved. I don’t think we *know* that contact has taken place. So, without diminishing the point of your comment, I think that we should at most assume he wants to gain his own foothold on the slippery rung and this is his way. The Republicans are doing nothing useful - they have lots of time to make mischief (which is, I realize, far too light a description for their behavior.
Today’s column brought two thoughts to mind:
America is in an epic crisis right now and everything points to an eventual smash-up. When compared to Trump, Tuberville is acting in an angry and silly way. But he is having an effect on military morale and on America’s reputation. We can never ever hope for the Republicans to come to their senses, disengage completely with Trump and all that is MAGA. It is now in their souls and Tuberville reflects that. There is no point really in hoping for an evolution of that Party away from the cursed direction they have taken. At some point there will be revolution.
I think therefore that it should be started (legally) on the Democrats’ terms. In the second part of her essay Professor Cox Richardson wrote about Trump’s vile tweet with its naked threat. This must not be tolerated. I don’t give a flying fuck if he was at one time President if the United States. He has flouted the norms of courteous conduct and extra respect for former holders of the Office.
At this point there must be a campaign directed towards those who control his legal fate. There needs to be extreme pressure, aided by a bold, in your face public messaging program, to have Trump be summarily punished for not upholding the conditions of his parole. Otherwise he will grow more emboldened by the day and we will continue to utter our painfully weak “tsk, tsks”.
Suppose in a perfect world Judge Tanya Chutkan we’re to slap an immediate two week jail sentence on him. Revoke his bail and have him arrested and confined for a short period of time.
This will surely wrongfoot his lawyers, supporters and the great man /s himself. I presume there’d be an appeal, but I don’t know the law. Whether or not the two weeks were served it would be a fierce shot across the bow, sign that Americans who believe in democratic norms are fed up.
Perhaps it would incite violence amongst Trump‘s slavish adherents. I do not wish for that. However it’s going to come anyway. Let it come now when they are unprepared and at their weakest because so many are jailed. In other words, let the confrontation be righteously sparked by those who have opposed him all along.
If it doesn’t come, then Trump will have been blessed with a teachable moment. He may realize that the importance of those supporting more feverishly because of his indictments is not as unconditional as it sounds.
I am beyond fed up. Somebody always finds a reason to do nothing.
I agree, Eric O’Donnell, about painfully weak tsk tsks. What would happen to any other defendant who flouted the terms of his bond? I like your plan that he and his supporters have a learning experience they are not expecting.
Laura G: That is a circular argument. Be specific. What is the "security of our nation"? And is it our nation? Have you traveled the USA? Different places and folks are very different from other places and folks.
There are strip malls everywhere, fast food everywhere, social security checks, medicare, and medicaid everywhere. From Maine to Guam, our military would defend our territory if threatened. Our diplomats work for all of us, from Florida to Alaska. Who's security should we be less concerned about?
Steve Abbott: So we as Americans are united by strip malls, fast food, social security checks, medicare and medicaid. What does that say about Americans?
The diplomats work for their pensions. So does the military or the southern border would be closed and secure.
Would your version of a better society be like "Lord of the Flies"?
Our military has indeed been used for really bad stuff, but without it, we could be living under Putin or the offspring of Hitler...
BTW, pensions are a sign of good social planning. We all work to have a decent retirement, don't we? Without diplomats we would have a lot more conflict, a lot more war and death. That's one of their functions.
Like it or not, things like strip malls are a ubiquitous part of American culture. So are the social safety nets that allow so many to live with a modicum of dignity into old age. That you assume members of the diplomatic corps and military work solely for their pensions (pensions are also part of most work cultures) says more about you than those who serve. Our southern boarder is a mess because we, as a people, can't agree on how to clean it up. Mexico is our largest trading partner, with legal trade dwarfing even the elicit drug trade. It is unrealistic to close that boarder. Plus, you are ignoring the ~70% drop in illegal crossings since Biden's new rules went into effect. If we ignore what works, what chance do we have?
No, Timmy, you are incorrect. Many ancestors were fleeing their countries from tyrannical leaders. They sought security and some found it here. Others were forcibly brought here not of their own volition. Are you certain you are on the right substack page?
James F Davis: That's a pretty good definition. I don't believe in national security. There is only individual security. Isn't that why our ancestors emigrated to the USA?
It has been a long time since my one semester Civics course I. High school and my required semester at university.
I have a basic understanding of how government works. Or make that how it is supposed to work.
Sadly, with the advent of the era of Trump and RFP (Republican Fascist Party), I am learning so much.
I had no idea that one Senator, be he the majority leader or just some poor soul with an axe to grind, could hold up nominations such as military, state, or judiciary. How/Why is this possible?
Why is there not a huge outcry?
One guy in the Senate that I can’t vote against because he is from some god forsaken place lime Kentucky or Alabama, can have a huge effect on my life.
In 18th century Poland, a single parliamentarian could block any measure; this was called, I believe, the "Liberum veto". This weakened the state to the point that Poland was partitioned and absorbed by its neighbors..
The Republican Party has allowed itself to become a "host" for the growth of Facism. Over recent years, they have revealed their acceptance of "racism"....those who are fearful that people of color will gain control over them. (even though they have convinced some people of color to "side" with them......)
Observe the treatment of women with the abortion issue. It is manly to impregnate a woman....but some men choose NOT to take responsibility for their offspring.....not even allowing a woman to choose having an abortion if necessary for her wellbeing. Having an abortion is NOT going to a spa for a is a most difficult can even be a life-saving issue. She should have the right to choose.
Also, I cannot count the number of phone calls I receive asking for support for law enforcement agencies. In the past , it has been maybe once or twice a year. I now receive multiple calls daily.
We are all aware of the rise in gun violence. We have real mental health issues.
Also, I appreciate that we have private schools, charter schools, as well as public schools. It is great to have choices. Are our children being taught well? Is prejudice being encouraged? Are outright lies being deciminated through textbooks chosen by those who are pushing their own personal agendas? Even if we are old...we MUST get in the way!
Our military is an important arm of protection for ALL of us not just a few who want to control their agenda ..... these choices weaken our country.
We must vote! We must respectfully share our opinions with truth, with presentable facts and with respect for our country, our fellow citizens and for freedom.
You are asking the question I have been wanting to be answered. Who do we make a loud voiced, concentrated appeal to to have Tubby stand down and let our country be protected? Biden? McConnell? Schumer? Every major newspaper? MSNBC, CNN, PBS, Etc.? Maybe I don’t remember enough from high school and college re: how government works, but a system that allows one person to put the entire nation in imminent harm’s way does not seem to be what our country’s founders had in mind. I realize a President can (and did) but a committee chair? What do we, the people, do NOW end this?
Schumer has the power to unilaterally hold this antebellum rump Senate in session 24/7 until all this is resolved. Once a bunch a prostates start exploding I guarantee it'd get resolved in minutes.
Such perfidy, while known in the 18th century, was rare in America except during the second half of the 19th century when we were less bound internationally. Ok, historians, let me have it. Ready to learn!
It is more that Tee Tub, Paul, and Mitch can do things unilaterally that I strongly disagree with and I have absolutely no recourse. Examples:
McConnell holding up Garland’s nomination for SCOTUS for 10 mo then and then rushing through Barrett’s. (Oh the hypocrisy!)
The generals are saying that the hold up in promotions/appointments is affecting our military readiness. Apparently Tubby Tom thinks he knows more than the Generals. (Where have we heard that before?)
The situation is similar with the state department stating that the hold up constitutes a risk.
And why is it that the Majority Leader of Senate and House can unilaterally refuse to bring a bill to the floor?
Too much power invested in people that are elected by a small percent of the country.
Thank you Elisabeth. I welcome questions from students interested in learning, but 22 years as a teacher has taught me to discriminate between an honest question and a “gotcha” attempt.
Mr. Taes, this is a loving and supportive group. None of us are here to fight with the likes of you. Please remove yourself or we will ask the admin to block you. We all need respite from the hatred and chaos being pushed on the vast majority of Americans by a very violent and disgusting element in our society. If you are of that element, please get out of this forum.We don’t brook bullies or fools.
Elisabeth ller: I have not bullied anyone on this site. People on this site have insulted me. I rarely respond in kind.
If this a "loving and supportive group" that only wants its own opinions heard, then I suggest that Heather Cox Richardson make that clear in her Substack description.
I paid my money to be on this site.
If you don't like it, fine.
But unless HCR kicks me off the site and refunds my money, I'm staying.
We are in every respect part of an interactive ecosystem, including in terms of international relations. Some bozo shoots some obscure archduke, and anything could happen, depending on the context. We never expect an accident when we take off in our car, but we buy insurance and use the seat-belt, and, if we are wise, just don't cut too many safety corners, just in case this is the one time that a moment's inattention makes the difference. The counsel of Dan Quayle, of all people, may have saved our nation a lot of heartache. We are driving with brake fluid leaking from all four wheels while relying on "Republicans" on the maintenance team.
No offense Timmy but unless you have served in the State Dept. or the Pentagon, I'll take their opinion over yours. And please don't tell me they are all corrupt unless you have some definitive proof about the individuals who are expressing their concerns.
Rolyac I have served in the Foreign Service and, during 6 years in Congo, have captured Congolese rebels at gunpoint. I have served beside some top-flight military and CIA colleagues with whom I have entrusted my life.
I have also dealt with ass holes in government, business, and academe.
Currently I have a high opinion of top Biden officials in State, CIA, and the military. Since they are the best we have—and in sharp contrast to Trump administration senior officials—I support rather than denigrate them.
Maybe this is all indicating how thoroughly polarised US politics have become - and, it's not only in this group - as an outsider, I can only marvel and/or weep.
Christine: A dick is an asshole who thinks he's better than you me or anyone. A dick has no empathy. Dick's Drive-in is also a popular fast food chain in the Seattle area.
Lisa Winfeld: I always read HCR's substack first. She doesn't answer answer questions. She spreads government propaganda IMO. I think she is on the CIA payroll as part of Operation Mockingbird.
"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty." - John Adams
And this “bug in our system” is being exploited chaotically, but effectively. Death-by-a-thousand-cuts. Dissolve it, weaken it from all sides at once. trump is their standard-bearer because he identified long ago ( and takes great pleasure in) showing the government’s weakness for bending to strong-men-tactics. trump violated his court order immediately after getting it. He wins no matter what. He’ “owned the libs” by flouting the norm of contrition after being indicted, he threatens ominously because he gets a two-fold bump from that: headlines everywhere, and more support-money flooding in, and the courts actions to quiet him, he can appeal and cause trial delays, which is to his benefit. I say “Follow-The-Money”. He knew running for president in 2016 was a perfect grift. It surprised him to actually become president. Then he figured out how to defy norms and exploit money-making off the presidency --and after- by absconding with top-secret intelligence documents worth billions to foreign and domestic enemies. Now, it’s even a better situation for him. He has less reason to believe he will be elected this time around, AND the money flow is bigger than ever. AND all you get from MSM and all republican-interviewed “guests” is talk about Hunter Biden. And they downplay any worth of actually imprisoning trump for his crimes, ala Gerald Ford. trump knows he won’t go to jail. Losing money is not a deterrent. Grifters rarely are deterred by losing money. trump’s the perfect culmination of anarchists’ dreams.
He has morphed into the perfect Bull in the world-democracy-china-shop. No Justice, No Peace.
All true, AND "we the people" still have some arrows in our quiver. Democrats have been on the back foot since Ronald Reagan and we've let the plutocratic conspiracy (and yes, it really is a conspiracy) get away with outrage after outrage until the abuses of Watergate, for years the biggest scandal in my lifetime, look almost quaint. Reagan and his handlers went full Goebbels, and the press fell into line, escaping the opprobrium of lying and cheating by just brazening it out. The more that Republicans and other opportunists have got away with, the worse they have become; and they have never been worse, at least in my lifetime, than now; and that's at a level that now literally threatens the foundations of the republic.
A couple of years ago, Washington Governor Jay Inslee said “I don’t think you can be overly concerned about this. The American psyche has not recognized we were one vice-president away from a coup.” We could question whether Pence playing along would, in and of itself, made the coup successful, but the results would have been ugly. The professionally-conducted and empirically January 6th Committee has damaged The Empire's shields, and ongoing due process of law is the first concerted and adequately sustained battle with the four-decade-long erosion of "government of the people, by the people, for the people" I am aware of.
But the law alone is not enough, as the plutocrats (and Al-Qaeda) have proved the even plowshares can be wielded as weapons. Lincoln said, and I think history supports that “In this age, in this country, public sentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions.” Indeed, that is the ultimate root of a republic. We are in times that try our souls. We are distracted with confidence games and road-ragers while our society skids toward multiple hazards; and "we the people" desperately need to respond and take the wheel.
I can see the appeal of corruption to those who would be kings, but but other than feeding narcissistic mind games, what's in it for the rank and file? In his first presidential bid, Reagan got mileage out of asking "Are you better off ?" OK, who has gained and who has suffered at the hands of practitioners of "Reaganomics"? It's not "rocket science".
Red Thread: Where have these curriculum goals been tested out and incorporated? Please send a link to Florida Board of Education, governor and Ed Commissioner. No, forget the governor, who, (I believe I read) was a Yale history major before Harvard law school?? From the sound of his rhetoric, clearly, he prefers fairy tales.
Dear Red, I worked for forty years in the public high schools of New York City to improve science education and boost admissions to colleges for black, brown and immigrant students. I loved my work, I loved the people I worked with and encouraged and think it is one of the most important professions on the planet. Thank you.
A first-term senator representing a state with only 5 million people is undermining the military and national security. How? An arcane, undemocratic Senate rule. Tuberville is holding the nation hostage in a grotesque abuse of power. This is insanity.
VoteVets asked for messages to be forwarded to Tuberville. I submitted: “Your mama obviously didn’t raise you right. Temper tantrums are supposed to stop by age 3.”
Thanks, Mark. I looked at the site and was struck by the large print, bold “Coach Tommy Tuberville”, with United States Senator in small print underneath. That speaks volumes!
It is likely that comments from non-Alabama zip codes will either filtered automatically or ignored. The better way would be to call. With portable phone numbers these days, area codes on caller ID are not as linked to location and you have a chance of leaving a message. Even if ignored or not passed on, flooding the phone line makes an impression.
lets see...compromising national security and our role (whether one fully agrees with it or not) in supporting our allies on the international front for political gamesmanship here at home is beyond reprehensible and should be viewed as treasonous. I doubt the BS is going to stop until they are held to the courtroom, or at the ballot box. I will stop there with the available methods, though treason usually carries a pretty stiff penalty.
Isn’t the hold by Tuberville only allowed by a senate rule? Saying the constitution needs to be changed seems unnecessary when the senate could change its rule.
The other 98 Senators are just as responsible as Tuberville and Rand. They could change the rule and, by a vast majority vote, confirm all of the people who are waiting at the same time but none of them, and especially Schumer and McConnell, want to give up any of their prerogatives just because it would be in the country's best interest.
Tuberville's nonsense has nothing to do with oversight. It's a personal play for power and his playing to a very small constituency who despise the thought of women having autonomy of their bodies.
Rolyac: I don't even know who Tuberville is. But his name is hilarious. Do they grow nothing but tubers in Tuberville? Is it the carrot, potato, and parsnip capital of the world?
I know nothing about Tuberville and "women having autonomy over their bodies." But if he's against anyone having autonomy over their bodies, Tuberville is a dick.
“...Blinken wrote to each senator to express “serious concern” about the delays. He told reporters that he respects and values the Senate’s “critical oversight role…[b]ut that’s not what is happening here. No one has questioned the qualifications of these career diplomats. They are being blocked for leverage on other unrelated issues.” ReADiNg CoMpRehEnSiOn?
John Rochat-NorCal: I live in Northern Cali as well. I really don't care about bureaucrats or military officers or Congress. None of them have helped me in my life at all. Quite the contrary. They have tried to kidnap me (military draft), impoverish me (wars and the attending inflation of the currency), and regulate my life to the point that I need a license to grow tomatoes in my yard.
I’m not sure why you’re even here. You’re clearly not here to learn, or contribute. You’re just angry at everyone and everyone did you wrong, you’re willfully uneducated and self-centered, and trolling for a fight. Grow up.
Not even straw babies, straw fetuses. And no, you know very well that's NOT the issue here. You want to debate unbirn babies, do it properly, not by holding the nation hostage at every turn. That's just bullying, to put it nicely.
Meredith Russell: Again, I don't know what you are referring to in your comment. Substack does not let me go back to the thread right to where you make your comment. I have to scroll through ALL the comments to find yours.
This is one of my pet peeves with Substack and commenters. Everyone thinks the recipient of a comment (who gets it in his email) knows what comment they are replying to.
It isn't so.
I really haven't a clue as to what you are referring with:
"Are you being disingenuous or do you really not understand?"
This is a total disgrace….the blockage of the most needed confirmations in the military and Administration, the violent and abusive threat by the totally despicable thrice indicted ex President and most critically the ignorance or even worse, the compliance by various parts of the electorate….
We are a banana republic right now.
Thank God Heather is so painfully explicit and it’s definitely time for every piece of today’s ‘article’ to be front page news….nationwide.
And …HOW does Smith deal with Trump who has already …24 hours AFTER Trump was cautioned at his third arraignment not to commit any more crimes….violently threatened the whole political system that has brought him to accountability and particular the key players… Smith
Should Trump be in jail today based on those threats alone until his trial….AND there are 18 months more of Trump and his ugly mouth?
I have great respect and sympathy for Smith….and us!
Speaking of nationwide front-page news, why isn't it better known that Joe "penis finger" Biden chased down Tara Reade in a parking garage and forced his finger into her vagina?
Have you reverted back to pre evolutionary idiocy?!? Are you not aware that Ms. Reade is a very troubled person lacking credibility?! Is there any evidence un Biden's entire life to suggest such behavior? Like assaulting women in dressing rooms, grabbing them by the genitals, paying off porn stars to zip lips after lips were used otherwise?! ALL of that behavior sound familiar?!?
So John, kindly shut the fuck up a d stop wasting our time with this bs
"Reports of “creepy” behavior by Biden, like standing too close to women for photo opportunities, have circulated for years, treated by some as little more than a joke. But those reports received more serious attention after Lucy Flores, a former candidate for lieutenant governor of Nevada, wrote in a March 2019 essay at The Cut that Biden had kissed her on the back of the head at a campaign event in 2014.
“I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything,” Flores wrote. “I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me.”
After that, other women spoke out to report similar experiences. ..."
Look asshole, I've warned you previously not to defame me or others. And did you even read the Vox article you linked? It doesn't prove Biden did what was alleged or even came close.
Finally,as you clearly lack the ability to support the outrageous positions you take and can only hurl ad hominems in return, I say again, Shut the fuck up!
"Reports of “creepy” behavior by Biden, like standing too close to women for photo opportunities, have circulated for years, treated by some as little more than a joke. But those reports received more serious attention after Lucy Flores, a former candidate for lieutenant governor of Nevada, wrote in a March 2019 essay at The Cut that Biden had kissed her on the back of the head at a campaign event in 2014.
“I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything,” Flores wrote. “I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me.”
After that, other women spoke out to report similar experiences. ..."
'I'm coming after you:' Donald Trump threatens rivals; prosecutor seeks protective order' (USAToday)
‘As Donald Trump made more threats against opponents in the wake of a third indictment, special counsel Jack Smith asked a judge late Friday for a protective order against the ex-president, seeking to prevent him from publicizing evidence from witnesses.’
"All the proposed order seeks to prevent is the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials, including to the public," ‘Smith said in a late-night court motion, essentially arguing that Trump's rantings could have a chilling effect on witnesses in the case.’
‘The prosecutor cited an all-caps threat that Trump posted earlier in the day on Truth Social:’ "IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU."
‘Smith's motion capped a day in which an unrepentant Trump went to the southern regions of the nation with an adjusted strategy designed to turn his three indictments into political weapons, including frequent threats to his opponents.’
"I will totally obliterate the deep state," Trump said at the Alabama Republican Party dinner on Friday evening in Montgomery, Ala., a day after he pleaded innocent to charges of trying to steal the 2020 election.’
‘Legal analysts had said Trump's threats - including personal attacks on Smith, who is in charge of two of Trump's cases - could be used against him in court.’ (USAToday) See link below.
'The government and Trump’s lawyers are still working out proposed rules that the former president and his legal team must abide by when they review classified materials during the discovery process, when the defense team reviews all the evidence that the government has collected in the case. It is a standard part of the legal process and a judge must sign off on the agreement. Evidence that is handed over in the discovery process includes grand jury interviews, recordings and materials obtained through sealed search warrants.'
'The government’s proposed agreement — called a protective order — dictates that Trump and his lawyers should not disclose any of the materials they receive during the discovery process to people who are not authorized by the court to view the materials.'
'The filing includes an image of a post that Trump wrote on the Truth Social platform earlier on Friday that appears to be in reference to the D.C. case that reads: “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”
“If the defendant were to begin issuing public posts using details — or, for example, grand jury transcripts — obtained in discovery here, it could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case,” read the filing, signed by special counsel Jack Smith.
'The filing also states that Trump and his attorneys should be barred from writing down any identifying information about people involved in the case.' (WAPO) See gifted link below.
‘Prosecutors said they are ready to hand over a “substantial” amount of evidence — “much of which includes sensitive and confidential information” — to Trump’s legal team.’
‘They told the judge that if Trump were to begin posting about grand jury transcripts or other evidence provided by the Justice Department, it could have a “harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case.”
‘Prosecutors’ proposed protective order seeks to prevent Trump and his lawyers from disclosing materials provided by the government to anyone other than people on his legal team, possible witnesses, the witnesses’ lawyers or others approved by the court. It would put stricter limits on “sensitive materials,” which would include grand jury witness testimony and materials obtained through sealed search warrants.’
‘A Trump spokesperson said in an emailed statement that the former president’s post’ “is the definition of political speech,” and was made in response to “dishonest special interest groups and Super PACs.” (AP) See link below.
Also based on following the orders of the Court as regards to one’s release on recognizance. He pushed that envelope, notably on a Friday night, when he doesn’t expect the court to respond until Monday. Leaving the threat hanging in the public for the weekend. This should limit his exposure to the evidence (witness lists, etc) or maybe the judge will see fit to sequester him until trial. Which seems likely to then speed up the proceedings. This IS his call for a civil war. While the military is beleaguered. I would think soon it will be time to consider an executive order to remedy the appointments of vital military positions. Trump’s threat, meantime, hangs over witnesses and pollutes the jury pool. The entire performance is despicable.
I think instead of speeding up a trial it is calculated to delay his trial, which it probably will do. I think it would be great to have MSM show an “average-criminal using trump’s tactics and getting away with it”. How “Law and Order” are republicans really?
I propose should the judge choose to sequester him until trial, it would speed up the case. Even if the judge doesn’t... SP Jack Smith is unlikely to agree to unreasonable delays and the judge, though once a defense attorney, didn’t set a tone for delays.
His post was a threat in the vein of screaming fire in a theater. Begging for MAGAts to start the civil war in his behalf. What could make him more important??
I think he’s calculating a trial delay. They won’t put him in jail and he knows it. But in the meantime, he can dazzle with a lot of dancing dogs in that circus ring. “Own the Libs”, “Signal the Base”, “Raise sh*tloads more $$$$$”. Rinse. Repeat.
Meanwhile, Republicans are accusing Democrats of "weaponizing government" when that is exactly what many of them are doing. As the ultra-perceptive Jonathan Capehart said, Republicans are "kings of projection". They should be called out for it every time they do it.
This ridiculous undemocratic “rule” that allows one person to throw a wrench into the gears of government should be rescinded. I bet it is unconstitutional. Then get rid of the jerk who claims to be all military despite never serving. He just wanted military funds spent in Alabama.
As former Foreign Service Officer who experienced our failure of skilled military leadership during our ‘no light at the end of the tunnel’ Vietnam years, I am appalled that former football coach Tuberville can indefinitely block the promotions of hundreds of senior officers because of his personal hissy fit over a common sense army policy about abortions.
The United States requires its incoming military leaders to engage in a massive review and revision of our strategic military priorities.
The situation in Ukraine highlights that we were ill-prepared for Putin’s brutal ‘Greater Russia grab.’
We are building various ships, planes, and armored vehicles that often do not seem appropriate for 21st century military actions.
When the Navy finds that an expensive new class of ship does not meet its functional needs and then seeks to obtain Congress’s support to scuttle the ship series (and Congress refuses), something is frightfully wrong.
The Air Force seems to be building highly expensive planes that are often way over budget with operational problems that diminish their mission value. Also, a decade from now, might pilot operated aircraft become far less common than today?
The Army is having a dreadful time recruiting soldiers for its volunteer army. Despite significantly lowering recruitment standards, there is an increasing shortfall. Moreover, the number of military families who encourage their children to ‘go military’ has dropped sharply. Recruiting low-tech soldiers for an increasingly hi-tech army poses serious problems.
That Tuberville has blocked military promotions for 8 months is a calumny, as the United States desperately requires its military leadership to shape strategies and implementation for the manifold military issues that it is likely to confront.
If Tuberville’s Republican Senate colleagues can not kick ass with their renegade sidekick, then the Republicans are complicate in sabotaging our military.
The DoD policy applies to ALL medical treatment not available for whatever reason in a specific locale. It simply included reproductive health care. Tommy's tantrum is only directed at limiting adequate health care to women.
Exactly. Tuberville and Paul are not lone wolves - they have the backing of the entire GQP Senate. The MSM would do better to make this clear to every voter with a GQP Senator. Alas, the media by in large has no interest in preserving much less educating our nation. They would appear to prefer a schoolyard brawl while Rome burns.
Frustrating, exhausting and predictable, tfg just cannot stop himself with the lies, threats, and defiance. Feeling deja vu from the E Jean Carroll lawsuit, when she won her case and the very next day not even 24 hrs later, he was at it again and so she filed a second lawsuit.
How is it that one complete idiot that was somehow elected Senator, because he was a football coach, hold our military hostage resulting in grave threats to our national security. Mr Tuber does appear to be a useful idiot for Russia. It seems Mr Rand must have trained him.
They learned it all from McConnell, a true obstructionist. If we refused to do our jobs, we would be fired. It’s time to remove every last one of these idiots (or worse) who refuse to do theirs.
For our ex-president jail presents issues with his mandated Secret Service protection. We’ve never had to consider whether that can be revoked if he’s convicted of a felony. Meanwhile, pretrial restrictions are difficult, given his “necessary” freedom to campaign. Even sequestered to Mar a Lago, we can’t remove his access to the internet.
The vision I keep returning to is of Philip Nolan in “The Man Without a Country” by Edward Everett Hale. He was convicted of treason, renounced his country, and was sentenced to life on a ship sailing up and down off the East Coast , incommunicado. (Although I pity the crew assigned to this duty.)
Tuberville is a threat to America’s national security. McConnell and other GOP leaders refuse to reign him in. They are complicit. Why? Because they place party interest over duty to country. Geo Washington warned us about this. He saw the future. We are living in it. The world sees this weakness, and our credit rating has been lowered. America and democracy are on trial. If I were a juror, I would vote guilty.
Republicans posing a threat to national security? Is anyone surprised? Paul, Tuberville and several other members of Congress are at least “useful idiots” for Russia, China and who knows what other entities.
Chuck Schumer and other Democratic leaders should be raising hell every day. They’re not making a strong public case.
Agreed. Waaaayyy too much playing nice and not making anybody mad. Truck that.
The Senate is pretty hide bound when it comes to their rules. At this point the only thing Schumer et al can do is subject all of the nominees to the arduous floor vote procedure. That Tuberville refuses to relent shows not only his disdain for the military but that he's grossly unqualified to be a US senator. Can't believe the people of Alabama chose him over Doug Jones.
@MisTBlu, Your thoughtful comment notwithstanding, Schumer could have suspended the August recess until the Senate had completed its work.
That should be mandatory: nobody should leave on vacation until they’ve completed the work they were elected to do!
Rose, While I’m not aware of any procedure for imposing such a mandate, I do regret not having contacted Senate leadership to express my dismay over their adjourning, despite not having confirmed critically important high-level presidential nominations. Additionally, as I expect you know, the Republican-controlled House also adjourned, leaving eleven of the twelve must-pass 2024 budget measures unresolved.
Postscript for Rose: When I wrote this morning, I neglected to underscore that we could, and we should, prevail upon Leader Schumer to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month.
Thank you. And the House will return from its "vacation" with only 12 days to pass bills preventing a government shutdown.
So there you have it. Republicans in both chambers are attempting to destroy the government's ability to function. And that should be front page headlines every day. God forbid that Republicans would sit down with Democrats to get positive things done for the American public. Like healthcare for their constituents, clean energy independence, enhanced disaster relief programs, sheltering the homeless - in the richest nation to have ever existed! The list of opportunities to SAVE lives is very long.
Instead they obstruct and do damage to our readiness and to the families of military personnel. They create financial chaos that damages our global credit rating. They fight culture wars they can never win. Let's try to name one positive thing the GQP has proposed.
It's as if they have been infected with an alien mind worm that has taken control of their brains. Or Putin has poisoned their tap water. It's like the "Manchurian Candidate" on steroids or "Secret Invasion" where shape shifting Skrulls penetrate the highest level of power.
I think we have the makings of an unbelievably terrible movie. I don't want to watch it but apparently we can't leave the theater.
Tuberville, as all Repugs since Hastert and Gingrich, play politics like a football game. Win at any cost. Make up the rules as they go: i.e. McConnell and SCOTUS. Propriety and the good of the nation are barely afterthoughts. Anti abortion has been the underlying driver for incessant obstructionist maneuvers despite the will of the majority. Sanctimonious authoritarians.
Sadly your whole post is correct. Going to take a loooong time to overturn the fact that we Dems have been asleep at the wheel.
Trying to find consensus with a group only interested in imposing christian sharia law.
Bill, First, an apology for my delayed response. As for my thoughts, while every one of your allegations against Republicans is spot-on, my mind, at present, mostly is wrapped around both chambers having adjourned for their August recess—critically important unfinished work be damned! While there is little we can do about the GOP-controlled House, regarding the Senate, we can, and, in my mind, we should, prevail upon Schumer to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month to confirm, one-by-one, the nominees for the critically important vacated Pentagon and State high-level posts. I say this because the country, in my view, needs to witness Dems standing up to Tuberville, let alone to the entire Senate Republican caucus that’s gone silent on Tuberville’s deleterious hold on numerous presidential nominees for positions vital to our national security.
BILL , The ALIEN Mind WORM, is Actually a DRAGON ! & That DRAGONS name ! ,, is LuciFER !! EVIL ! POWER !, AND MAMMONITE- isim is Trying !, to Take OVER ! ( in " THAT DAY ! , IT ! , Will LOSE ! )
I agree. But the Senate in general and Schumer in particular doesn't much like altering its rules. McConnell, however, had no problem deciding to never actually recess the Senate so as to prevent Obama from making recess appointments to the court. Thus we have the theatrics of a pro-forma session in which one senator opens and closes it.
@MisTBlu, First, my apologies for the delayed reply. As for my thoughts, while I appreciate the comparison, I would note that Senate Leader Schumer is authorized to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month to fill, one-by-one, the vacated Pentagon and State posts. I see this not only as necessary but also as a show of resistance both to Tuberville and to the entire Senate Republican caucus that has gone silent on Tuberville’s deleterious hold on numerous presidential nominees, whose service is vital to our national security.
Schumer needs to go.
Frankom, First, an apology for my delayed reply. As for my thoughts, because I don’t expect Schumer, anytime soon, to vacate his post, I say, due to Tuberville’s deleterious hold on Senate confirmations for posts vital to our national security, we must prevail upon Schumer to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month to get the job done, either one confirmation at a time, or by acclamation if Tuberville buckles.
MisTBlu it also shows just how much the Republicans have the upper hand. We are ruled by the minority, not majority. This reinforces the weakness of the Democrats.
Oh I can believe that Alabama chose him over Doug Jones. After all he was Alabama's football coach and what is more important there. The Senate is full of Rs who shouldn't even be voted in as dog catchers. Maybe OK to pick up horse dung from a parade.
Actually, Michele - dont think hes qualified for THAT either! Might take some common sense ("horsesense"?) He has none.
I do love horses and I am sorry that I may have insulted them. Heard a story this am at the Saturday Market where 32 were rescued because of a fire south of us. And people also offered places for them to stay. A nice story to start the day. My person who does my CBD belongs to some group who does this. Good things do happen.
I imagine the horses would feel quite insulted 🤷🏼♀️
Tubbs was actually Auburn's football coach. Nick Saban is Alabama's coach. Since football is a religion down here, I know these things . . .
That would be my vote.
Schedule the Senate for a 24 hour session and keep them on the floor voting on nominee after nominee until they begin to drop.
McConnell and Feinstein aren't going to be able go the distance but my guess is Tubby isn't either.
Make it painful.
Actually, I disagree. Rules such as the filibuster, blue slips and stunts like Tuberville's are NOT laws...they are courtesies extended in good faith in the past. They are no longer relevant as there is no "good faith" left in the US Senate. The Republicans plow ahead ignoring the Dems and Schumer does nothing to stop them. In my opinion, he is the weakest Dem leader the Senate has had in decades. I was sorry he was re-elected as Senate Leader again as I felt he was so entrenched in "old way" of doing things he would let the R's walk all over him. Sadly, I now watch my fears played out in real time.
So Schumer should start the floor vote process. Get on it. What else is more important?
Wasn’t Tuberville the one who couldn’t name the 3 branches of government? I wonder if he’s learned anything yet.
He's not the only Repubbie unable to recite the three branches of government correctly-there are a good many Repub Representatives and Senators who haven't a clue about how government functions.
Then you don’t know Alabama football and racism. The two trump (excuse me, please) all other considerations in the state where public schools for years have been 50th of 50 and “paddling” of students by teachers was “discipline.”
To MisTBlu that was.
So Schumer should do it. All of it. Do whatever the hell it takes.
People of Alabama … no surprise there.
Consider it trucked.
Sorry to disagree (that’s a lie; I have no qualms about being disagreeable), but there has been a good deal of coverage about Sen. Potato Head’s idiocy.
Too much coverage, it is all free publicity. There is an old saying that I don't care what you write about me a long as you spell my name correctly.
No doubt Tuberville, the Senate Idiot--make that ONE of the Senate Idiots--is actually enjoying the notoriety and power his ploy (and the media) is giving him. Tubby is about as dumb a person as I have ever seen elected to the position of Senator.
I also saw a story yesterday about death star's all caps threat and Jack Smith's response. It was the Palmer Report.
Michele -- I'd never heard of the Palmer Report. This is what Googling led me to:
"The Palmer Report is an American liberal fake news website, founded in 2016 by Bill Palmer. It is known for making unsubstantiated or false claims, producing hyperpartisan content, and publishing conspiracy theories, especially on matters relating to Donald Trump and Russia. Wikipedia"
Trump's threat on his social media was well publicized at many many reputable sources.
Possibly Mr. BK meant more of a Dem outcry about the potential threats to our national security and hanging the blame around the necks of those who are causing it...?
Coverage is one thing, action is another matter entirely.
Not enough and not loud enough. Definitely not enough coverage defining what the delays are doing to us, to the military and to the Democracy around the world.
Yeah, I think the problem is that the people who might benefit from the coverage have their heads shoved up fox news, newsmax, etc. Either that or they just don't care. Neither would surprise me at this point.
Media should pay as much attention to Republican efforts to hamstring government, as described today by HCR, as they do to the mouthing off of the indicted former president, a violation of the terms of his indictment that will eventually put him under stricter conditions of custody. The Republican Party does more harm to the nation than the out-of-office defeated former president can now do, preferring to cater to the anti-democratic forces of darkness rather than to the 'better angels of our nature,' as Abraham Lincoln remnded us in his first Inaugural Address.
We must be careful not to become what we despise. There is a right way and a wrong way. The right way almost always takes more time and the wrong way is usually motivated by the desire for instantaneous gratification like when you punch someone in the nose.
Paula, Your Point , is True ! With Joe, DOING Such a Great Job, in the Process, of Righting, SO MANY WRONGS, & Still Being BASHED by the Rs ( AND,.. some Ds !) The Method, of WAKING UP ! THESE People, may be having, to PULL OFF the GLOVES ! & DELIVER Piping HOT ! , KNUCKLE SANDWICHES !! ( LORD! ,have MERCY !)
BK I agree with the fact that the media isn't covering the Tuberville and Rand bully tactics enough. The group here knows about and hears about it, but we represent a small portion of the population. Those that listen to Fox probably haven't heard anything. And most of the population is too busy with their lives to keep up on the relentless assault by republicans on our democracy. Anything involving sex (or Hunter Biden) and the media is all over it.
As for downgrading the US credit rating, they've done it before and they'll do it again. Unfortunately, the apparent change of this administration's economic policy isn't echoed by the independent Fed who seems to insist that controlling inflation must be done through a target of 5% unemployment.The prevailing school of economic thought doesn't seem to reflect reality. There are plenty of indicators that economists need to go back to reading and evaluating all the available data. Perhaps they've chosen the wrong economic philosophy and the wrong datasets to watch in a world that may not longer be defined by national borders.
Michael, While I agree, I also would note that too many of us are sitting and waiting and watching to see what our political leaders will do. I say we flood them with phone calls, letters, and emails amplifying the stakes if they’re perceived as powerless to counter the increasing encroachment by the minority over the will of the majority.
Not just them -- our media needs to hear from us, the people who they ostensibly care about if only because we constitute their ratings and provide them income. We used to have citizens who protested the inaction of any part of society that was doing damage to the country.
Rozanna, Thank you for writing. I fully agree, and tomorrow (Sunday) I will set aside time to start doing my part, wherein I particularly will prevail upon Leader Schumer to recall the Senate to Washington for the rest of the month. Additionally, per your comment, I also will incorporate media into my pleas.
Thanks, Barbara Jo.
The media sector could be doing something worthy of note, living up to the expectations (even, the needs) of those who were trying to give the citizens of this country a foundation for their governance of themselves as well as their society -- similar to the expectations of the educational sector. Then, we all could profit.
That was my reaction Barbara Jo and I'm a Canadian.
I just emailed my senator. It’s not much, but at least it’s something.
Excellent idea. Let’s do it now.
Michael, I agree! Let’s turn up the heat. Kamala Harris certainly blasted DeSatan for “inviting” her to discuss his odious, anti-Black curriculum. The insurrection continues with these blockers and haters. Tumorville is just beyond belief. Paul we know about and he finally caved, but he is an idiot and traitor also, imho.
I may add one more thing to what Tuberville is, he is dumb as a rock and has the IQ of a rock. These looney Fascist Rethugs are what i have been calling them for a year or so, they are a Domestic Terrorist Organization.
Someone had to have put this onerous idea to block military leadership nominees into Tuberville's head. He is not smart enough to have had that idea by himself. Rand Paul is the odious contrarian he has always been who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. But it's a sure thing our enemies are watching this stupid sh*t going on and making plans. There are consequences to these ridiculous actions.
I can't believe someone hasn't made good Dem political hay out of Tuberville's "No one is more military than me.." remark contrasted with his LACK of military service and his intransigence over allowing military promotions and appointments to go through. Opportunity staring us in the face...
They do appear to let so many of these opportunities just slip by! The Repubs do such stupid s**t & make so many dimwitted statements - Is there anyone in the Dem party listening & watching? For crying out loud! DO SOMETHING!!
And stop letting the bullies win. “If you go after me, I’m coming after you” should mean Jailtime for Bozo. Maybe he could share his summer reading list like President Obama has done for years. I would certainly like to see it!
That someone is Morgan Murphy. While Tuberville wanted to get the military to alter their policy he hadn't the slightest idea how to do it. Enter the retired Navy captain, writer for Vanity Fair and seller of bacon products on QVC.
Love your comment. Paul thinking he’s the smartest person in the room….
Tumorville, love it, Elisabeth!
I’m fond of Tommy (what grown man is “Tommy?) Gooberville myself.
I’m sure the low level of intelligence in the state that sent him had nothing to do with the decision to keep Space Command in Colorado. Who would agree to live there?
Very good question, Jen. I suspect its a southern thing.
Michael, I’ve heard Church Schumer on ABC,NBC,and CBS as well as MSNBC decrying the obstructionism of TT and Rand Paul at least once per week. Unfortunately, unlike their competitors, the “Big 3” are unwilling to feature him or Hakeem Jeffries when they can feature footage of TFG’s motorcade and plane landing.
I do love the cynical, Mary...being ever so clever.🫶
Just lost (due to a sloppy finger ) my first comment , still internet woes on top. 😬
I do hope someone is keeping a tally when we get both houses back what lack of protection needs cemented new laws. A felon can not run for President #1 or something to that whole despicable nature.
No coverage isn’t adequate of the GOOD being done ,doesn’t sell well 🤦♀️..isn’t dramatic enough , the minority knows how to pitch and bitch/bad actors in their own Game of Throw(n)s ie the baby out with the bath water because that’s exactly what it is.
The precedent is being s l o w l y tallied , it’s a lesson like so many others -each time a little more consequential . Losing ground has a frenzied finale as any cliff hanger/car chase/or who done it ALWAYS provides as the curtain goes down.
The list WILL be long, the names add up daily as bottom to the top progress puts players ...
It’s daily I hear ‘oh, he’ll never see a prison cell’ and for the lack of accountability handed down that’s been well documented over my lifetime...and it’s US who pay the harshest".........
💙💙VOTE THEM OUT💙💙 and hold the chosen, the elected ‘s -feet to the fire.
Patricia, yes—news manager question “Does it bleed, show horrific damage or feature TFG? Go with it. “
Patricia, sorry about your continuing internet woes.
Thank you. Within any element there is at least one lesson. Time is wasted too often by those seeking thrill, missing the lesson.
This culmination is many missed lessons.
That is really creepy and smacks of nothing but dark money and evil men.
You mean, dashcam footage of the filthy, broken, graffiti'd streets of Washington DC?
Completely agree
Precarious silence, allowing the subversion of our Government by Republicans like tt and the optomatrist (or eye doctor) pr ... Rediculous! Polls show our citizens are not paying attention to the antics... Focusing more on personal struggles allow the rats to play.
Yes,I agree.Our mainstream news media is not talking about these unfilled vacancies but maybe they should be.Our national security is greatly affected.The American people need to be made aware of this.
The question I have is: WHY? Why is MSM (seemingly) disinterested in a deep dive on these congressional maneuvers that can completely stop traffic? Color me "flummoxed". The press are "the eyes and ears" of the population(?). And yet, it seems they are more interested in reporting exactly what color suit and tie the golf cheater is wearing to court. I swear, we will will soon hear where he stops for burgers and chips on his way to proceedings. Forgive my rant. IMO, Tubby and the eye "doctor" require deeper investigative dives than they are getting, as well as this particular congressional rule allowing such procedural tyranny. For instance, has this rule ever produced a positive outcome for the country? If so, write about the five journalistic W's with respect to the issues. Readers WANT to KNOW, because, otherwise, it just sounds ridiculous from the bleachers. And, of course, IMHO, Chubby deserves a total news blackout both FROM him and about him.
I, like you, am also"flummoxed" by the press's indifference to matters that are of great importance to the American people and our national security. The msm is owned by billionaires but certainly they have children and grandchildren who would be greatly affected, as we all would, if this country is turned into a fascist dictatorship which is where TFG wants to take us. I have always given the press a lot of the credit for giving us Trump as POTUS in the first place. It was all Trump, Trump, Trump 24/7 , done mostly for ratings and it is continuing to this day. Biden's age and again all things Trump are our daily news offerings. Too bad HCRs letters can't be front page news daily.
Biden’s age = Trump’s age + 3. Which man can and frequently does ride a bicycle, as opposed to a golf cart? At either age, future health is more likely with healthy eating and exercise. When someone says B is too old, ask how old is T.
Trump’s fans think he is strong leader because he makes Big Threats. Meanwhile, Biden gets on with the actual work of a president of all the people.
I'm wondering if the media was better in the Walter Cronkite days? If so, why?
Money probably.Seems it IS the root of all evil.
It is hard to believe how dumb Tuberville is - how did he ever coach football? Really good assistant coaches?
As to news on trump I think it is important because I really think they got him. I still think he will flee to the UAE, maybe right after a trial, even with out a passport if that is lifted by the court.
Handcuffs are the only way out of that courtroom, as problematic as that might be. I can dream....
Fee? He'll bribe them? or just by a one-way ticket as fast as possible? (Mental vision of Trump Force One (!!!!) being buzzed by fighter jets).
Typo, fixed it.
That’s right, these obstructionists are waging war, hoping to discredit the Biden administration, and if lucky win a majority in the election after which they can fill all those vacancies with MAGA loyalists. There are plenty out there. Why are the Democrats so timid?
This is all too typical. The Democrats need to be louder and have sharper elbows, so to speak.
AMEN ! , Michael !
I don’t see why Leader Schumer does bring the Senate back in mid-August to debate the backlogged nominations. Schedule 16 hours per day, 7 days a week. Any day Sen Tuberville doesn’t show up, ram through the rest of them on unanimous consent.
Would the media cover it if they were? They’re way too breathless over the latest drumpf threat.
It's being covered but not nearly aggressive or prominent enough.
Schumer is USELESS...
Chuck Schumer? 🤣🤣🤣 The penultimate gas bag. Schumer is there for self-glorification, glasses halfway down his nose posing as some wizened professor. Schumer could give a good damn about our Military. It's all theater for Schumer, and he is a bad actor; always has been.
Chuck Schumer? 🤣🤣🤣 He has the spine of a wet noodle. He loves to hear himself speaking on the floor of the Senate. Glasses at half-staff down the nose, Schumer appears to imagine himself as some type of wise and learned professor. He is a huge gas bag and always has been.
so true - and the more people complain. the more the spineless republican members of congress will continue to block needed legislation and confirmations. The only way to "win" is to get them voted out of office. For Tumorville - not likely to happen - too many rightwing nitwits in Alabama.
That must be difficult. I live in western MA, and luckily our wider area is represented by two good Senators and reasonable reps. One is Jim McGovern who was in the hallway JUST beyond the door where one of the insurrectionists was killed. I had met him on an advocacy trip to DC when he was a new rep, talked to him with a few other advocates and literally felt sick as I watched in real time.
Just to note that Chuck Schumer could call the Senate back from the recess, line up the military promotions one after the other, and keep the body in session continuously until they are all voted up or down. Let the Senators squall.
Yeah I don't understand why he refuses.
Senator Rand Benidict Arnold Paul.
I envision that one day that epithet might morph into Senator Rand Donald Trump Paul.
Yep. Arnold was a patriot who sacrificed greatly for his country but turned after being treated badly. Neither of those dudes gave more than lip service.
‘Merica s wake up call. Lock him the f up.
Is a wonder Rand's neighbor kicked the crap out of him. And what of "Coach [dog]" Tommy's neighbors? Paul is as twisted as they come and Tuberville is corrupt and dumb as mud.
Some states try to send their best and most talented to represent us in Congress. Just not the way of reconstructionist Southern states.
Unreconstructed rebels and still proud to defend white supremacy.
You realize your giving mud a bad name
Regrettably, they are useless idiots for us.
Your characterization of Paul,Tuberville and others puts much too kind a face on them.
It's worth mentioning a reason for these micro-treasons which was posted on another Substack: Just as McConnell held back the nominees for Supreme Court Justices, until the court was packed by sycophants— with terribly ignorant judicial outcomes, this same ploy is being used to control the military and Department of State. The intentions are not as the saboteurs say, but to insert into our government a completely authoritarian right wing nation.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff are reasonable people. As much as leading our military, they are charged with avoiding a rush to peril, let's say by an irrational president. Without their savior faire, the United States would be at risk for a domineering military capable of a coup, a la Michael Flynn. There are plenty of Trumpers among the lesser ranks who would gladly do his dirty work.
We know Trump is only a pawn in the desired fascist outcome which some on the right desire. A Christian Nationalist state is an authoritarian government which has no respect for democracy or minorities. Sabotaging democratic institutions by installing obedient puppets, is one way to move toward their desired goals.
In this case, the might of our military and the presence of our diplomats abroad are the symbols of our democracy and the intention to protect it. However, they need to be bent into a future fascist government.
Until the wealthy, dark right wing has its way by installing departments filled with puppets— whose intentions are to avoid taxation, decimate social supports, as well as installing a national theocracy—they will continue their disgusting erosion of our institutions.
Hope--this is brilliant. Thank you.
Margaret, I second you on that.
Tuberville may or or may not be at least a “useful idiot” for important unfriendly nations. I believe that term implies contact with the country(ies) involved. I don’t think we *know* that contact has taken place. So, without diminishing the point of your comment, I think that we should at most assume he wants to gain his own foothold on the slippery rung and this is his way. The Republicans are doing nothing useful - they have lots of time to make mischief (which is, I realize, far too light a description for their behavior.
Today’s column brought two thoughts to mind:
America is in an epic crisis right now and everything points to an eventual smash-up. When compared to Trump, Tuberville is acting in an angry and silly way. But he is having an effect on military morale and on America’s reputation. We can never ever hope for the Republicans to come to their senses, disengage completely with Trump and all that is MAGA. It is now in their souls and Tuberville reflects that. There is no point really in hoping for an evolution of that Party away from the cursed direction they have taken. At some point there will be revolution.
I think therefore that it should be started (legally) on the Democrats’ terms. In the second part of her essay Professor Cox Richardson wrote about Trump’s vile tweet with its naked threat. This must not be tolerated. I don’t give a flying fuck if he was at one time President if the United States. He has flouted the norms of courteous conduct and extra respect for former holders of the Office.
At this point there must be a campaign directed towards those who control his legal fate. There needs to be extreme pressure, aided by a bold, in your face public messaging program, to have Trump be summarily punished for not upholding the conditions of his parole. Otherwise he will grow more emboldened by the day and we will continue to utter our painfully weak “tsk, tsks”.
Suppose in a perfect world Judge Tanya Chutkan we’re to slap an immediate two week jail sentence on him. Revoke his bail and have him arrested and confined for a short period of time.
This will surely wrongfoot his lawyers, supporters and the great man /s himself. I presume there’d be an appeal, but I don’t know the law. Whether or not the two weeks were served it would be a fierce shot across the bow, sign that Americans who believe in democratic norms are fed up.
Perhaps it would incite violence amongst Trump‘s slavish adherents. I do not wish for that. However it’s going to come anyway. Let it come now when they are unprepared and at their weakest because so many are jailed. In other words, let the confrontation be righteously sparked by those who have opposed him all along.
If it doesn’t come, then Trump will have been blessed with a teachable moment. He may realize that the importance of those supporting more feverishly because of his indictments is not as unconditional as it sounds.
I am beyond fed up. Somebody always finds a reason to do nothing.
I agree, Eric O’Donnell, about painfully weak tsk tsks. What would happen to any other defendant who flouted the terms of his bond? I like your plan that he and his supporters have a learning experience they are not expecting.
Paul and Tuberville are not doing their job. I say “Impeach them.”
Shame on Tuberville, Paul and the members of the (so-called) Freedom Caucus for putting our country at risk!
James F Davis: Define "National Security". I have yet to find anyone in government or elsewhere who gives a satisfactory answer.
The security of our nation.
Laura G: That is a circular argument. Be specific. What is the "security of our nation"? And is it our nation? Have you traveled the USA? Different places and folks are very different from other places and folks.
Gee, timmy, not trolly at all.....
Do you really need a definition of "security of our nation?" If you do, head for some dumb ass site. Adults use this one.
Thank you, Bret. I was smh....who IS that guy.
Bret Yeilding: Define "Security of our nation". Define "our nation". Making insults at me doesn't obscure the fact that you can't answer the question.
Ooooooh.... good one, timmy. I'll give your post all the attention it deserves. See below.
You know very well what the issue is. Tuberville is undermining the military, which protects the nation in a dangerous world.
Michael Bales: LOL! When has the military protected you or me in a dangerous world? Give an example please.
WWII in which my father gave up his future after he was drafted.
There are strip malls everywhere, fast food everywhere, social security checks, medicare, and medicaid everywhere. From Maine to Guam, our military would defend our territory if threatened. Our diplomats work for all of us, from Florida to Alaska. Who's security should we be less concerned about?
Steve Abbott: So we as Americans are united by strip malls, fast food, social security checks, medicare and medicaid. What does that say about Americans?
The diplomats work for their pensions. So does the military or the southern border would be closed and secure.
Would your version of a better society be like "Lord of the Flies"?
Our military has indeed been used for really bad stuff, but without it, we could be living under Putin or the offspring of Hitler...
BTW, pensions are a sign of good social planning. We all work to have a decent retirement, don't we? Without diplomats we would have a lot more conflict, a lot more war and death. That's one of their functions.
Like it or not, things like strip malls are a ubiquitous part of American culture. So are the social safety nets that allow so many to live with a modicum of dignity into old age. That you assume members of the diplomatic corps and military work solely for their pensions (pensions are also part of most work cultures) says more about you than those who serve. Our southern boarder is a mess because we, as a people, can't agree on how to clean it up. Mexico is our largest trading partner, with legal trade dwarfing even the elicit drug trade. It is unrealistic to close that boarder. Plus, you are ignoring the ~70% drop in illegal crossings since Biden's new rules went into effect. If we ignore what works, what chance do we have?
Health, safety & wellbeing of the people in the broadest sense. Of course with that definition Congress does a pretty poor job overall.
How do you define national security?
No, Timmy, you are incorrect. Many ancestors were fleeing their countries from tyrannical leaders. They sought security and some found it here. Others were forcibly brought here not of their own volition. Are you certain you are on the right substack page?
Trolls like to eat
James F Davis: That's a pretty good definition. I don't believe in national security. There is only individual security. Isn't that why our ancestors emigrated to the USA?
That's an interesting thought. Has anyone done any research on how much Russia and China donate to GOP campaigns?
Is Tuberville still mad about secure US facility returned to CO from AL?
It has been a long time since my one semester Civics course I. High school and my required semester at university.
I have a basic understanding of how government works. Or make that how it is supposed to work.
Sadly, with the advent of the era of Trump and RFP (Republican Fascist Party), I am learning so much.
I had no idea that one Senator, be he the majority leader or just some poor soul with an axe to grind, could hold up nominations such as military, state, or judiciary. How/Why is this possible?
Why is there not a huge outcry?
One guy in the Senate that I can’t vote against because he is from some god forsaken place lime Kentucky or Alabama, can have a huge effect on my life.
How is this right?!!!!!
In 18th century Poland, a single parliamentarian could block any measure; this was called, I believe, the "Liberum veto". This weakened the state to the point that Poland was partitioned and absorbed by its neighbors..
Oh dear.
Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it……
Though at this point I wouldn’t mind being part of Canada.
Change senate rules
I'm afraid that Canada might not risk having us!
I heard Senator Sherrie Brown speak last night and he said they’ll try to do so in September when they’re back in session.
Members of the Seym sold out the country. Hadn’t realized how similar the Republicans are. Thank you. We need to get our Poles on this one.
The Republican Party has allowed itself to become a "host" for the growth of Facism. Over recent years, they have revealed their acceptance of "racism"....those who are fearful that people of color will gain control over them. (even though they have convinced some people of color to "side" with them......)
Observe the treatment of women with the abortion issue. It is manly to impregnate a woman....but some men choose NOT to take responsibility for their offspring.....not even allowing a woman to choose having an abortion if necessary for her wellbeing. Having an abortion is NOT going to a spa for a is a most difficult can even be a life-saving issue. She should have the right to choose.
Also, I cannot count the number of phone calls I receive asking for support for law enforcement agencies. In the past , it has been maybe once or twice a year. I now receive multiple calls daily.
We are all aware of the rise in gun violence. We have real mental health issues.
Also, I appreciate that we have private schools, charter schools, as well as public schools. It is great to have choices. Are our children being taught well? Is prejudice being encouraged? Are outright lies being deciminated through textbooks chosen by those who are pushing their own personal agendas? Even if we are old...we MUST get in the way!
Our military is an important arm of protection for ALL of us not just a few who want to control their agenda ..... these choices weaken our country.
We must vote! We must respectfully share our opinions with truth, with presentable facts and with respect for our country, our fellow citizens and for freedom.
This is a crisis of ignorance. It hurts every one.
Well said.
You are asking the question I have been wanting to be answered. Who do we make a loud voiced, concentrated appeal to to have Tubby stand down and let our country be protected? Biden? McConnell? Schumer? Every major newspaper? MSNBC, CNN, PBS, Etc.? Maybe I don’t remember enough from high school and college re: how government works, but a system that allows one person to put the entire nation in imminent harm’s way does not seem to be what our country’s founders had in mind. I realize a President can (and did) but a committee chair? What do we, the people, do NOW end this?
Schumer has the power to unilaterally hold this antebellum rump Senate in session 24/7 until all this is resolved. Once a bunch a prostates start exploding I guarantee it'd get resolved in minutes.
Sadly I think they are gone.
YEP ! , So TRUE ! , Sky !
It is totally wrong and the Democrats are not doing enough to smear them with their outrageous tactics.
ABSOLUTE TRUTH ! , Will WIN !, in the END ! , Jack ! ( Full FAITH !)
Such perfidy, while known in the 18th century, was rare in America except during the second half of the 19th century when we were less bound internationally. Ok, historians, let me have it. Ready to learn!
Using "god forsaken place" as a descriptor is much too similar to Trump's "shit-hole countries." Please don't go there.
Sky 777: How does some general being promoted or not affect your life? How does some diplomat going to Niger or not affect your life?
It is more that Tee Tub, Paul, and Mitch can do things unilaterally that I strongly disagree with and I have absolutely no recourse. Examples:
McConnell holding up Garland’s nomination for SCOTUS for 10 mo then and then rushing through Barrett’s. (Oh the hypocrisy!)
The generals are saying that the hold up in promotions/appointments is affecting our military readiness. Apparently Tubby Tom thinks he knows more than the Generals. (Where have we heard that before?)
The situation is similar with the state department stating that the hold up constitutes a risk.
And why is it that the Majority Leader of Senate and House can unilaterally refuse to bring a bill to the floor?
Too much power invested in people that are elected by a small percent of the country.
Sky, I think it’s time to stop feeding Timmy. He sounds like a troll.
Good advice. He has obviously fallen down the well and Lassie is no where to be found.
Sky 777: I have heard the lame retort about falling down the well and Lassie nowhere to be found several times already.
Come up with some new material.
Danielle, I just reported him to the admin. I hope they boot is rancid ass out.
Thank you, Elisabeth. Trolls are not welcome to this site.
Thank you Elisabeth. I welcome questions from students interested in learning, but 22 years as a teacher has taught me to discriminate between an honest question and a “gotcha” attempt.
Big time. Can’t the admin block him?
Danielle (NM): And you sound like a censor from the State of Allowable Opinions.
Mr. Taes, this is a loving and supportive group. None of us are here to fight with the likes of you. Please remove yourself or we will ask the admin to block you. We all need respite from the hatred and chaos being pushed on the vast majority of Americans by a very violent and disgusting element in our society. If you are of that element, please get out of this forum.We don’t brook bullies or fools.
Elisabeth ller: I have not bullied anyone on this site. People on this site have insulted me. I rarely respond in kind.
If this a "loving and supportive group" that only wants its own opinions heard, then I suggest that Heather Cox Richardson make that clear in her Substack description.
I paid my money to be on this site.
If you don't like it, fine.
But unless HCR kicks me off the site and refunds my money, I'm staying.
We are in every respect part of an interactive ecosystem, including in terms of international relations. Some bozo shoots some obscure archduke, and anything could happen, depending on the context. We never expect an accident when we take off in our car, but we buy insurance and use the seat-belt, and, if we are wise, just don't cut too many safety corners, just in case this is the one time that a moment's inattention makes the difference. The counsel of Dan Quayle, of all people, may have saved our nation a lot of heartache. We are driving with brake fluid leaking from all four wheels while relying on "Republicans" on the maintenance team.
Sky 777: Yes, Too much power invested in people that are elected by a small percent of the country.
That is Congress, the bureaucracy (which isn't elected at all) and the military.
No offense Timmy but unless you have served in the State Dept. or the Pentagon, I'll take their opinion over yours. And please don't tell me they are all corrupt unless you have some definitive proof about the individuals who are expressing their concerns.
Rolyac I have served in the Foreign Service and, during 6 years in Congo, have captured Congolese rebels at gunpoint. I have served beside some top-flight military and CIA colleagues with whom I have entrusted my life.
I have also dealt with ass holes in government, business, and academe.
Currently I have a high opinion of top Biden officials in State, CIA, and the military. Since they are the best we have—and in sharp contrast to Trump administration senior officials—I support rather than denigrate them.
Keith W...THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE, and informed opinion.
Rolyac: I have met several people from the State Department and the CIA over the years. All of them were complete dicks.
Maybe this is all indicating how thoroughly polarised US politics have become - and, it's not only in this group - as an outsider, I can only marvel and/or weep.
Define “Dick’s” put some context around your reasoning. Perhaps you might make a point that someone will listen to...
Christine: A dick is an asshole who thinks he's better than you me or anyone. A dick has no empathy. Dick's Drive-in is also a popular fast food chain in the Seattle area.
You like Trump are projecting your traits on others.
Hale Irwin-VT: What traits? What projections are you talking about.
Has anyone mentioned you need a brain?
TCnLA , SOMEHOW !,, ALL, off Us, That have HEART, NEED to keep Mr TIMMY, ON OUR PRAYER LIST ! ( Yes, I know , its DIFICULT ! )
TCinLA: If you can't make a witty insult or at least something original, go away. You are boring.
You go away, TROLL. little Timmy. You are an insult.
John T Phillips: But you just threw the insult saying I'm a troll.
You know the saying about a duck.
Please stop commenting if you aren’t going to read Heather’s Substack first. She answered your questions.
Lisa Winfeld: I always read HCR's substack first. She doesn't answer answer questions. She spreads government propaganda IMO. I think she is on the CIA payroll as part of Operation Mockingbird.
This, exactly.
It affects all of us because it weakens the (once)United States. Think Timmy think!
Hale Irwin-VT: What is "It"? Please, start with a noun in your comments so we know what you are talking about.
What is so great about the United States? The States were independent before the Constitution was ratified. They still beat the British Empire.
Just tha fact that you don't know the answer to that I swear to christ...
LORD/GOD ! , , , Have MERCY !! For US ! ALL !
Runfastandwin: As usual I don't know what you are talking about. What is the "that" I don't know the answer to? And BTW, Christ should be capitalized.
I’ve been asking exactly those same questions myself. What can we do?
It's not.
It is clearly a bug in our system.
"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty." - John Adams
And this “bug in our system” is being exploited chaotically, but effectively. Death-by-a-thousand-cuts. Dissolve it, weaken it from all sides at once. trump is their standard-bearer because he identified long ago ( and takes great pleasure in) showing the government’s weakness for bending to strong-men-tactics. trump violated his court order immediately after getting it. He wins no matter what. He’ “owned the libs” by flouting the norm of contrition after being indicted, he threatens ominously because he gets a two-fold bump from that: headlines everywhere, and more support-money flooding in, and the courts actions to quiet him, he can appeal and cause trial delays, which is to his benefit. I say “Follow-The-Money”. He knew running for president in 2016 was a perfect grift. It surprised him to actually become president. Then he figured out how to defy norms and exploit money-making off the presidency --and after- by absconding with top-secret intelligence documents worth billions to foreign and domestic enemies. Now, it’s even a better situation for him. He has less reason to believe he will be elected this time around, AND the money flow is bigger than ever. AND all you get from MSM and all republican-interviewed “guests” is talk about Hunter Biden. And they downplay any worth of actually imprisoning trump for his crimes, ala Gerald Ford. trump knows he won’t go to jail. Losing money is not a deterrent. Grifters rarely are deterred by losing money. trump’s the perfect culmination of anarchists’ dreams.
He has morphed into the perfect Bull in the world-democracy-china-shop. No Justice, No Peace.
All true, AND "we the people" still have some arrows in our quiver. Democrats have been on the back foot since Ronald Reagan and we've let the plutocratic conspiracy (and yes, it really is a conspiracy) get away with outrage after outrage until the abuses of Watergate, for years the biggest scandal in my lifetime, look almost quaint. Reagan and his handlers went full Goebbels, and the press fell into line, escaping the opprobrium of lying and cheating by just brazening it out. The more that Republicans and other opportunists have got away with, the worse they have become; and they have never been worse, at least in my lifetime, than now; and that's at a level that now literally threatens the foundations of the republic.
A couple of years ago, Washington Governor Jay Inslee said “I don’t think you can be overly concerned about this. The American psyche has not recognized we were one vice-president away from a coup.” We could question whether Pence playing along would, in and of itself, made the coup successful, but the results would have been ugly. The professionally-conducted and empirically January 6th Committee has damaged The Empire's shields, and ongoing due process of law is the first concerted and adequately sustained battle with the four-decade-long erosion of "government of the people, by the people, for the people" I am aware of.
But the law alone is not enough, as the plutocrats (and Al-Qaeda) have proved the even plowshares can be wielded as weapons. Lincoln said, and I think history supports that “In this age, in this country, public sentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions.” Indeed, that is the ultimate root of a republic. We are in times that try our souls. We are distracted with confidence games and road-ragers while our society skids toward multiple hazards; and "we the people" desperately need to respond and take the wheel.
Thank you.
John Adams nailed it. This right wing, fundamentalist bs will get us all killed. And for what?
I can see the appeal of corruption to those who would be kings, but but other than feeding narcissistic mind games, what's in it for the rank and file? In his first presidential bid, Reagan got mileage out of asking "Are you better off ?" OK, who has gained and who has suffered at the hands of practitioners of "Reaganomics"? It's not "rocket science".
Red Thread: Where have these curriculum goals been tested out and incorporated? Please send a link to Florida Board of Education, governor and Ed Commissioner. No, forget the governor, who, (I believe I read) was a Yale history major before Harvard law school?? From the sound of his rhetoric, clearly, he prefers fairy tales.
This topic should be a regular feature of MSM.
The later
Dear Red, I worked for forty years in the public high schools of New York City to improve science education and boost admissions to colleges for black, brown and immigrant students. I loved my work, I loved the people I worked with and encouraged and think it is one of the most important professions on the planet. Thank you.
Than you for this. I just signed up for the Circle newsletter. Civic engagement is vital to a healthy democracy.
A first-term senator representing a state with only 5 million people is undermining the military and national security. How? An arcane, undemocratic Senate rule. Tuberville is holding the nation hostage in a grotesque abuse of power. This is insanity.
Yes! Why are the other 99 Senators not pressuring him to stop the hold?
Tim Kaine on the Floor of the Senate pushing back on Tuberville: (15 minutes)
I've lost the thread where there is supposed to be a vote on the floor to override Tuberville's hold on confirmations
Here's a one-minute speech from Kaine:
Then there's the Tuberville himself speaking to Austin in a hearing. At approximately six minutes in, Austin responds:
I've lost the thread where there is supposed to be a vote on the floor to override Tuberville's hold on confirmations
Thank you, Lynell!
Thank you!
I can not find that there was ever a vote. Anyone else know?
PS. I watch Kaine. He would have been a good VP. Sigh.
VoteVets asked for messages to be forwarded to Tuberville. I submitted: “Your mama obviously didn’t raise you right. Temper tantrums are supposed to stop by age 3.”
I just sent him a message, and I’ve posted the link on my FB. I think it’s time to bother him a lot. Also our own Senators need messages from us.
Thanks, Mark. I looked at the site and was struck by the large print, bold “Coach Tommy Tuberville”, with United States Senator in small print underneath. That speaks volumes!
It is likely that comments from non-Alabama zip codes will either filtered automatically or ignored. The better way would be to call. With portable phone numbers these days, area codes on caller ID are not as linked to location and you have a chance of leaving a message. Even if ignored or not passed on, flooding the phone line makes an impression.
"Letters to the Editor" submissions should flood their mail.
lets see...compromising national security and our role (whether one fully agrees with it or not) in supporting our allies on the international front for political gamesmanship here at home is beyond reprehensible and should be viewed as treasonous. I doubt the BS is going to stop until they are held to the courtroom, or at the ballot box. I will stop there with the available methods, though treason usually carries a pretty stiff penalty.
Ralph Allen: The US Constitution set the stage this way. Congress is supposed to oversee the military and Executive Branch nominees.
If you don't like it. Change the Constitution.
Isn’t the hold by Tuberville only allowed by a senate rule? Saying the constitution needs to be changed seems unnecessary when the senate could change its rule.
The other 98 Senators are just as responsible as Tuberville and Rand. They could change the rule and, by a vast majority vote, confirm all of the people who are waiting at the same time but none of them, and especially Schumer and McConnell, want to give up any of their prerogatives just because it would be in the country's best interest.
Charlene Lowrie: I don't know how the Senate works. I do know that the House and Senate do not work in my best interests.
So your solution is to shut it down? What's your alternative?
Rolyac: I assume by "it" you mean the Federal Government.
The alternative would be state governments that are completely independent as they were under the Articles of Confederation.
You may like what the Articles of Confederation proposed, but apparently it was not enough of a success back then. It was in effect for a mere 10 years before a reworking which got us the U.S. Constitution
Shay's Rebellion - the straw!
Tuberville's nonsense has nothing to do with oversight. It's a personal play for power and his playing to a very small constituency who despise the thought of women having autonomy of their bodies.
Rolyac: I don't even know who Tuberville is. But his name is hilarious. Do they grow nothing but tubers in Tuberville? Is it the carrot, potato, and parsnip capital of the world?
I know nothing about Tuberville and "women having autonomy over their bodies." But if he's against anyone having autonomy over their bodies, Tuberville is a dick.
“ But if he's against anyone having autonomy over their bodies, Tuberville is a dick.”
Well that’s the best thing you’ve EVER posted
“...Blinken wrote to each senator to express “serious concern” about the delays. He told reporters that he respects and values the Senate’s “critical oversight role…[b]ut that’s not what is happening here. No one has questioned the qualifications of these career diplomats. They are being blocked for leverage on other unrelated issues.” ReADiNg CoMpRehEnSiOn?
The thing is Timmy, your "counter thoughts" are what many here have been trying to educate and fight against for decades.
You have every right to your thoughts. We also have the right to disagree with them . I doubt you'll change anyone's thoughts here.
Best you find a different forest to bark in or better yet let the thoughts here stimulate your mind.
John Rochat-NorCal: I live in Northern Cali as well. I really don't care about bureaucrats or military officers or Congress. None of them have helped me in my life at all. Quite the contrary. They have tried to kidnap me (military draft), impoverish me (wars and the attending inflation of the currency), and regulate my life to the point that I need a license to grow tomatoes in my yard.
Hyperbole much?
John Rochat: Another comment that means nothing understandable.
I’m not sure why you’re even here. You’re clearly not here to learn, or contribute. You’re just angry at everyone and everyone did you wrong, you’re willfully uneducated and self-centered, and trolling for a fight. Grow up.
The issue is preserving unbirn babies. Like it or not.
Not even straw babies, straw fetuses. And no, you know very well that's NOT the issue here. You want to debate unbirn babies, do it properly, not by holding the nation hostage at every turn. That's just bullying, to put it nicely.
oversee...not decimate. prefer to remove the incompetent pretenders from that role...'
Ralph Allen: Oversee, decimate... I don't give a shit. If Washington DC was removed from the Earth tomorrow the human race would be better off.
BSM: I don't care if it is false. The whole Congress is false to the wishes and best interests of the American working man and woman.
Que lastima pobrecito.
BSM: If you want to speak Latin, go back to mock trials in law school.
Spanish, Timmy.
Are you being disingenuous or do you really not understand?
Meredith Russell: Again, I don't know what you are referring to in your comment. Substack does not let me go back to the thread right to where you make your comment. I have to scroll through ALL the comments to find yours.
This is one of my pet peeves with Substack and commenters. Everyone thinks the recipient of a comment (who gets it in his email) knows what comment they are replying to.
It isn't so.
I really haven't a clue as to what you are referring with:
"Are you being disingenuous or do you really not understand?"
Or change the Congress!
Christine: Or get rid of Congress.
Compromise our national security for political gains? Traitors. No question.
Actually, treason is specifically defined in the Constitution.
This is a total disgrace….the blockage of the most needed confirmations in the military and Administration, the violent and abusive threat by the totally despicable thrice indicted ex President and most critically the ignorance or even worse, the compliance by various parts of the electorate….
We are a banana republic right now.
Thank God Heather is so painfully explicit and it’s definitely time for every piece of today’s ‘article’ to be front page news….nationwide.
And …HOW does Smith deal with Trump who has already …24 hours AFTER Trump was cautioned at his third arraignment not to commit any more crimes….violently threatened the whole political system that has brought him to accountability and particular the key players… Smith
Should Trump be in jail today based on those threats alone until his trial….AND there are 18 months more of Trump and his ugly mouth?
I have great respect and sympathy for Smith….and us!
He is violating his parole!
Speaking of nationwide front-page news, why isn't it better known that Joe "penis finger" Biden chased down Tara Reade in a parking garage and forced his finger into her vagina?
Have you reverted back to pre evolutionary idiocy?!? Are you not aware that Ms. Reade is a very troubled person lacking credibility?! Is there any evidence un Biden's entire life to suggest such behavior? Like assaulting women in dressing rooms, grabbing them by the genitals, paying off porn stars to zip lips after lips were used otherwise?! ALL of that behavior sound familiar?!?
So John, kindly shut the fuck up a d stop wasting our time with this bs
"Reports of “creepy” behavior by Biden, like standing too close to women for photo opportunities, have circulated for years, treated by some as little more than a joke. But those reports received more serious attention after Lucy Flores, a former candidate for lieutenant governor of Nevada, wrote in a March 2019 essay at The Cut that Biden had kissed her on the back of the head at a campaign event in 2014.
“I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything,” Flores wrote. “I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me.”
After that, other women spoke out to report similar experiences. ..."
Perhaps crooked lawyers prefer to forget that Joe "Creepy Snuggles" has a problem?
Look asshole, I've warned you previously not to defame me or others. And did you even read the Vox article you linked? It doesn't prove Biden did what was alleged or even came close.
Finally,as you clearly lack the ability to support the outrageous positions you take and can only hurl ad hominems in return, I say again, Shut the fuck up!
He is just a lying projectionist. and a nagging hard core TROLL.. Trying to defend the corrupt. lying, arrogant career crook Donald TUMP.
"Reports of “creepy” behavior by Biden, like standing too close to women for photo opportunities, have circulated for years, treated by some as little more than a joke. But those reports received more serious attention after Lucy Flores, a former candidate for lieutenant governor of Nevada, wrote in a March 2019 essay at The Cut that Biden had kissed her on the back of the head at a campaign event in 2014.
“I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything,” Flores wrote. “I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me.”
After that, other women spoke out to report similar experiences. ..."
Perhaps the thuggish tactics of crooked lawyers and Biden Bullies are backfiring:
Now boys, calm down or both of you will get banned.
Keep your personal fantasy to yourself, John.
You'e coming across like a delusional male chauvinist.
"afraid of powerful men" dah?
I hope you're not also a guilty "penis finger" person.
'I'm coming after you:' Donald Trump threatens rivals; prosecutor seeks protective order' (USAToday)
‘As Donald Trump made more threats against opponents in the wake of a third indictment, special counsel Jack Smith asked a judge late Friday for a protective order against the ex-president, seeking to prevent him from publicizing evidence from witnesses.’
"All the proposed order seeks to prevent is the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials, including to the public," ‘Smith said in a late-night court motion, essentially arguing that Trump's rantings could have a chilling effect on witnesses in the case.’
‘The prosecutor cited an all-caps threat that Trump posted earlier in the day on Truth Social:’ "IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU."
‘Smith's motion capped a day in which an unrepentant Trump went to the southern regions of the nation with an adjusted strategy designed to turn his three indictments into political weapons, including frequent threats to his opponents.’
"I will totally obliterate the deep state," Trump said at the Alabama Republican Party dinner on Friday evening in Montgomery, Ala., a day after he pleaded innocent to charges of trying to steal the 2020 election.’
‘Legal analysts had said Trump's threats - including personal attacks on Smith, who is in charge of two of Trump's cases - could be used against him in court.’ (USAToday) See link below.
'The government and Trump’s lawyers are still working out proposed rules that the former president and his legal team must abide by when they review classified materials during the discovery process, when the defense team reviews all the evidence that the government has collected in the case. It is a standard part of the legal process and a judge must sign off on the agreement. Evidence that is handed over in the discovery process includes grand jury interviews, recordings and materials obtained through sealed search warrants.'
'The government’s proposed agreement — called a protective order — dictates that Trump and his lawyers should not disclose any of the materials they receive during the discovery process to people who are not authorized by the court to view the materials.'
'The filing includes an image of a post that Trump wrote on the Truth Social platform earlier on Friday that appears to be in reference to the D.C. case that reads: “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”
“If the defendant were to begin issuing public posts using details — or, for example, grand jury transcripts — obtained in discovery here, it could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case,” read the filing, signed by special counsel Jack Smith.
'The filing also states that Trump and his attorneys should be barred from writing down any identifying information about people involved in the case.' (WAPO) See gifted link below.
‘Prosecutors said they are ready to hand over a “substantial” amount of evidence — “much of which includes sensitive and confidential information” — to Trump’s legal team.’
‘They told the judge that if Trump were to begin posting about grand jury transcripts or other evidence provided by the Justice Department, it could have a “harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case.”
‘Prosecutors’ proposed protective order seeks to prevent Trump and his lawyers from disclosing materials provided by the government to anyone other than people on his legal team, possible witnesses, the witnesses’ lawyers or others approved by the court. It would put stricter limits on “sensitive materials,” which would include grand jury witness testimony and materials obtained through sealed search warrants.’
‘A Trump spokesperson said in an emailed statement that the former president’s post’ “is the definition of political speech,” and was made in response to “dishonest special interest groups and Super PACs.” (AP) See link below.
Why isn't the Trump solution to throw his A$$ in jail for the duration of this case (and probably all others involving Trump)?
Julia, I couldn’t agree more. As I read the post by Fern, I kept thinking, LOCK HIM UP! Problem solved!
Sentencing is based on the nature of the crime and a conviction.
Also based on following the orders of the Court as regards to one’s release on recognizance. He pushed that envelope, notably on a Friday night, when he doesn’t expect the court to respond until Monday. Leaving the threat hanging in the public for the weekend. This should limit his exposure to the evidence (witness lists, etc) or maybe the judge will see fit to sequester him until trial. Which seems likely to then speed up the proceedings. This IS his call for a civil war. While the military is beleaguered. I would think soon it will be time to consider an executive order to remedy the appointments of vital military positions. Trump’s threat, meantime, hangs over witnesses and pollutes the jury pool. The entire performance is despicable.
I think instead of speeding up a trial it is calculated to delay his trial, which it probably will do. I think it would be great to have MSM show an “average-criminal using trump’s tactics and getting away with it”. How “Law and Order” are republicans really?
I propose should the judge choose to sequester him until trial, it would speed up the case. Even if the judge doesn’t... SP Jack Smith is unlikely to agree to unreasonable delays and the judge, though once a defense attorney, didn’t set a tone for delays.
His post was a threat in the vein of screaming fire in a theater. Begging for MAGAts to start the civil war in his behalf. What could make him more important??
I think he’s calculating a trial delay. They won’t put him in jail and he knows it. But in the meantime, he can dazzle with a lot of dancing dogs in that circus ring. “Own the Libs”, “Signal the Base”, “Raise sh*tloads more $$$$$”. Rinse. Repeat.
What is the usual penalty for threatening prosecutors after a judge told him specifically not to commit any other crimes?
I wouldn’t put it pass Fake 45’s attys to use invisible ink to write things down.
Meanwhile, Republicans are accusing Democrats of "weaponizing government" when that is exactly what many of them are doing. As the ultra-perceptive Jonathan Capehart said, Republicans are "kings of projection". They should be called out for it every time they do it.
Parasites they are. Living off our dime! Reprehensible that they get paid for "playing" politics with sham unproductive "hearings.
Have been since God was a baby
This ridiculous undemocratic “rule” that allows one person to throw a wrench into the gears of government should be rescinded. I bet it is unconstitutional. Then get rid of the jerk who claims to be all military despite never serving. He just wanted military funds spent in Alabama.
Biden stopped the T💩p-planned move of the USAF Space Force from Colorado to Alabama.
As former Foreign Service Officer who experienced our failure of skilled military leadership during our ‘no light at the end of the tunnel’ Vietnam years, I am appalled that former football coach Tuberville can indefinitely block the promotions of hundreds of senior officers because of his personal hissy fit over a common sense army policy about abortions.
The United States requires its incoming military leaders to engage in a massive review and revision of our strategic military priorities.
The situation in Ukraine highlights that we were ill-prepared for Putin’s brutal ‘Greater Russia grab.’
We are building various ships, planes, and armored vehicles that often do not seem appropriate for 21st century military actions.
When the Navy finds that an expensive new class of ship does not meet its functional needs and then seeks to obtain Congress’s support to scuttle the ship series (and Congress refuses), something is frightfully wrong.
The Air Force seems to be building highly expensive planes that are often way over budget with operational problems that diminish their mission value. Also, a decade from now, might pilot operated aircraft become far less common than today?
The Army is having a dreadful time recruiting soldiers for its volunteer army. Despite significantly lowering recruitment standards, there is an increasing shortfall. Moreover, the number of military families who encourage their children to ‘go military’ has dropped sharply. Recruiting low-tech soldiers for an increasingly hi-tech army poses serious problems.
That Tuberville has blocked military promotions for 8 months is a calumny, as the United States desperately requires its military leadership to shape strategies and implementation for the manifold military issues that it is likely to confront.
If Tuberville’s Republican Senate colleagues can not kick ass with their renegade sidekick, then the Republicans are complicate in sabotaging our military.
The DoD policy applies to ALL medical treatment not available for whatever reason in a specific locale. It simply included reproductive health care. Tommy's tantrum is only directed at limiting adequate health care to women.
Mission Accomplished
And damn McConnell does nothing!
Exactly. Tuberville and Paul are not lone wolves - they have the backing of the entire GQP Senate. The MSM would do better to make this clear to every voter with a GQP Senator. Alas, the media by in large has no interest in preserving much less educating our nation. They would appear to prefer a schoolyard brawl while Rome burns.
He knows how to pipline appropriations money for his State and political longevity...
Good one.
His public TIA is only the surface of his health problems.
Soon he will meet his maker. He will no doubt get the best suite, the hottest of the hot.
And there goes another chunk of whatever good karma I have managed to accumulate in this life time. Sigh.
Thanks for that boost of happy. I need it today.
Frustrating, exhausting and predictable, tfg just cannot stop himself with the lies, threats, and defiance. Feeling deja vu from the E Jean Carroll lawsuit, when she won her case and the very next day not even 24 hrs later, he was at it again and so she filed a second lawsuit.
Welcome to governance by gangsters.
How is it that one complete idiot that was somehow elected Senator, because he was a football coach, hold our military hostage resulting in grave threats to our national security. Mr Tuber does appear to be a useful idiot for Russia. It seems Mr Rand must have trained him.
They learned it all from McConnell, a true obstructionist. If we refused to do our jobs, we would be fired. It’s time to remove every last one of these idiots (or worse) who refuse to do theirs.
Oh you have no idea how football coaches and players are held in God-like esteem in the SEC.
Players are esteemed so long as they can run, catch, block, etc. When they can no longer do that they are discarded. Tell him what you think of his actions.
Thanks for the link Mark. I just sent him my thoughts.
He was a red state gift.
Where are all those FEMA camps when we need to start jailing Republicans for treason?
TC, you think they have enough for all of them?
For our ex-president jail presents issues with his mandated Secret Service protection. We’ve never had to consider whether that can be revoked if he’s convicted of a felony. Meanwhile, pretrial restrictions are difficult, given his “necessary” freedom to campaign. Even sequestered to Mar a Lago, we can’t remove his access to the internet.
The vision I keep returning to is of Philip Nolan in “The Man Without a Country” by Edward Everett Hale. He was convicted of treason, renounced his country, and was sentenced to life on a ship sailing up and down off the East Coast , incommunicado. (Although I pity the crew assigned to this duty.)
Tuberville is a threat to America’s national security. McConnell and other GOP leaders refuse to reign him in. They are complicit. Why? Because they place party interest over duty to country. Geo Washington warned us about this. He saw the future. We are living in it. The world sees this weakness, and our credit rating has been lowered. America and democracy are on trial. If I were a juror, I would vote guilty.