When Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true. Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Six years later, it appears that “Arlington-gate” has legs. Trump will eventually commit another atrocious act, and we will move on, but before we go we must ask, “will this be the straw to break the elephants back?” Unlikely, but at the least maybe this time this story will give the press the opportunity to fully flesh out trump’s hatred and vendetta against the military over his lifetime. Trump is a veteran of military disrespect. His record proves the point.

“Trump received 5 deferments for a fake medical condition from the draft during the Vietnam War. He demeaned a POW, attacked a Gold Star family and told a military widow that her deceased husband “knew what he had signed up for”. He downplayed the traumatic head injuries suffered by our troops after a missile attack as “not real” because they weren’t ‘missing hands and limbs.’ He tried to slash benefits for our veterans. He said he didn’t want to be seen with war-wounded amputees and to keep them forever out of his sight. He called our fallen heroes of war “suckers” and “losers”. He called our military leaders “dumb” and “overrated” while calling terrorists like the Taliban & Hezbollah “very smart”. He demanded the flags after McCain’s death be returned to full mast and demanded that a ship bearing his name be blocked from view. He stole, hid and lied about our national security secrets, potentially imperiling countless men & women in uniform all over the world. He suggested that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff deserved to be executed. He asked Gen. John Kelly (who lost his son in combat), why anyone would sign up for service because as far as he saw it, there was “nothing in it for them.” He said that as President he would allow our adversary to attack the same allies this county’s Greatest Generation fought beside and died defending. He said the Medal of Freedom he gave to his rich donors was “much better” than the Medal of Honor because the recipients of that honor are “in bad shape or dead.”

Finally, he insisted on using the sacred shrine that is Arlington National Cemetery, the final resting place for more than 400,000 veterans, and the families of those veterans as a photo op for his campaign, even though he wasn’t allowed to do so. Arlington officials were attacked by his staff for trying to stop him. Trump can and only will be stopped by the American voter.

Kamala Harris issued her response today. “If there is one thing on which we as Americans can all agree, it is that our veterans, military families, and service members should be honored, never disparaged, and treated with nothing less than our highest respect and gratitude. And it is my belief that someone who cannot meet this simple, sacred duty should never again stand behind the seal of the President of the United States of America. I will always honor the service and sacrifice of all of America’s fallen heroes, who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our beloved nation and our cherished freedoms. I mourn them and salute them. And I will never politicize them.”

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Thank you Hoyt. You have written a document with facts that even the most devoted magnuts cannot deny. It will be shared!

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Later, when asked about the cemetary visit, Donny spewed six different lies in under 60 seconds, starting with "I don't know what the rules and regulations are," then, "I don't know who did it," then, "It could have been them," then, "It could have been the parents," then, "It could have been somebody," then, "I don't know anything about it," then, "This was a setup by the people in the administration!"

Seems to me, those lies were only intended for his supporters. One of those pieces of spaghetti he threw at the wall will satify someone. in that crowd. Overall tho, Guilty Donny still isn't taking any responsibility and he's not about to.

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I can't actually say what kind of medieval punishment I'd love for this guy, but one treatment could make him taller and I think there's something involving hot iron pincers used on liars...gee.. the options are just limitless - I honestly can't think of anyone (Putin???) who is more deserving due to their evil intentions and machinations.

But hey! I'm not a vindictive person..as long as someone isn't hurting babies, women, people who have disabilities, serve their country with integrity and bravery, dedicate themselves to providing education to the youth of our country and have a deep abiding respect and love for this planet, and the wealth of varied lives that share it with us.

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Dante, who depicts a loving, forgiving God, reserved the loosest level of the inferno for political treachery, viewing malignant breach of public trust a sin beyond redemption.

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I'm sure you meant to type 'lowest' and I fully agree with you.

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Thank you Judith!

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Dante and Virgil are my guides.

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And the dumpster checks every one of those boxes, doesnt he?

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Chump said on September 12, 2005, “You never blame yourself. You have to blame something else. If you do something bad, never ever blame yourself.” It’s the one lesson that he learned that he never forgot. Besides that “Me first,” thing that he learned long before 2005.

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Me first as he walks in front of the Queen. Or as he pushes a smaller diplomat out of the way so trump can stand in front.

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His flaws as a human are so in your face that I felt that not many would fall for his crap. Wish I had been right about that,

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As I recall from my reading of medieval literature, they did have some unusual techniques. You should ask Putin, Taliban, read up on Nazi concentration tortures if you have the stomach for it.

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can hardly wait for the "debate".

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Donny never has

and never will! He is a traitor who should be exiled from this earth.

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Let's send him and Musk up in a space X rocket and they can space each other

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Wow!! That’s the best idea👏💪🤣

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I thought he was a genius and knew everything. Maybe his PR person didn't tell him....I doubt it. trump was just looking for a photo op and another way to flout the rules. They don't apply to me.

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Likewise Hoyt. An excellent post that lays it all out. Nothing is sacred to that monster except his own narcissistic ego. What troubled me besides is some of the families with him also making a thumbs up sign although my husband thought they were making the white power sign which is even worse as far as I am concerned. Harris, once again, expresses herself so well and with a mature to the point statement. On one thread I was on, someone was insisting that she is the one not wanting to come to the debate which tells me a lot about how the MAGAs manage to twist things.

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Your husband is right. Unfortunately. It' my experience from my time in the Navy that not everyone who wears the uniform is deserving of as much respect as others who wear it are.

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You don't salute the man - you salute the uniform.

And as someone whose family was given invaluable help by the US military in Europe during WWII, that uniform will always be worthy of undying respect - no matter who wears it.

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The Vets who were at J6 and are members of far right militias and such are due no respect whatsoever. I can assure you there were more than a few of my "fellow shipmates" I wouldn't have gone out of my way to help if it had been World War II and we'd been torpedoed.

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”I gave my permission,” Hoover’s mother, Kelly Barnett, later told NBC News. “My son was murdered under the Biden-Harris administration.”

Someone should tell her that in all probability the suicide bomber who killed her son was sent by the Taliban. Trump negotiated with them and four days after he lost the election in 2020, the Taliban leaders were ordered released from prison. He did not have to deal with them. Our Afghan allies were not involved.

Most likely, Trump had more to do with her son's death than Biden.

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I will never forget that Trump wanted the Taliban to meet at Camp David on 9/11! Even though that didn't happen it didn't stop him and Pompeo from negotiating a terrible deal that left Biden between a rock and a hard place: withdraw by that date it the Taliban would start attacking our troops. Worse, the military assessment of the willingness of the US-trained Afghan military was deeply flawed. Worse still, the Trump people at the embassy slow-walked visa applications for translators and other personnel who aided the US and were targets for reprisals. He's such a vile human being.

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Hmm…. Almost sounds to me like Trump, having lost the election, was setting a trap for Biden since he of course knew that the US was going to pull out of Afghanistan. After all, Trump himself had set up the pullout plan.

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Although I cannot imagine the feeling of loss that Serviceman’s family is enduring. Their feelings and comments truly represent that of many of The Convicted Criminal’s supporters who have little or no idea of how he may have actually contributed to what happened to their Son. In that tRump ignored top US Military advice regarding Troop withdrawals and schedules, as well as, other pertinent information, thus endangering the remaining Troops.

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She likely got her news from the entertainment channel, otherwise known as Rupert’s Ministry of Propaganda. Chump set the whole thing up. The Camp David fiasco was the clue.

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Tom Cotton is a disgrace every hour that he breaths air in this country.

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I think I was looking at too small a picture. I looked at the two women in particular. I would agree that not everyone in the military deserves respect because I see too many following death star and/or present at the January 6th coup attempt. Right now in Washington's 3rd Congressional District the R running, Joe West, touts his service by showing pictures of himself dressed and armed for battle. His opponent is a female D who, with her husband, owns an auto repair shop and we see her there, with farmers, with women vets, with women who need abortion services, with police and fire, and ordinary citizens. She probably isn't progressive enough to satisfy some Ds, but she fits her district very well. Of course, he has the SC decision on Roe hanging over his head which her latest ad points out.

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Having worked for Air Force, in civil service, you are so right.

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That is true for any profession.

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It certainly is, but mindless BS from people who really don't know anything about the military leads to Trumpscum and other pieces of shit who happen to be veterans being able to claim respect they're not due.

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Been watching a comment thread elsewhere where a True-believer is regurgitating all the MAGA lies and disinformation about the Afghanistan military withdrawal. Not one of the factual replies makes a dent. There's no arguing with a Cult, because they are not operating in the real world, they have their own alt-right alt-reality.

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Cult defined as devotion to a particular figure. No patriotism, no love thy neighbor, no golden rule. No humanity. No ears…

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I did't bother to answer him and the person whose page it was tried to mediate.

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It appalls me that Harris is getting verbally pummeled for changing/modifying her view on fracking from five years ago when little is being said about Trump changing his mind on abortion every hour. To top it off, lots of people say they don’t really understand what Kamala means when she says she hasn’t changed her values

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If they don't understand that statement then one can only assume that they either have no idea what the word values means or that they don't have any of their own. Well maybe both those statements apply don't they?

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The behavior of the media has been appalling. The treatment of Biden's entire time in office, the years-long refusal to acknowledge the improving economic situation, back-paging good news, downplaying achievements, yes-but-ing every positive that did get mentioned. And that was the supposedly left-leaning media! The FOX side just ignored everything that didn't comport with their desired outcome, when they weren't actively twisting stories to their profit. And it hasn't really stopped either. Under the misnomer of "balanced reporting" they're still presenting Turnip's statements in a sanitized format, translating them and treating them as if the things he's said are actually rational, instead of the wildly random and virtually meaningless stream of consciousness that he actually spouts.

The hypocrisy that they can then turn around and say, "Harris was positive in tone and broadly general in her speech but terribly short on details." and not have the entire country standing up and calling foul, is ridiculous. I'd have said "Harris sounded articulate and sane, and displayed a strong grasp of the important issues as well as an ability to stick to the subject the likes of which we haven't seen recently, and her speech was refreshingly lacking any gratuitous insults and self-aggrandizement."

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Fox News and the Maga distraction machine use these toothpick stories. Anything to protect the Orange cult "drill baby drill" leader. No reminders of Trumps offer of unrestricted drilling for millions and millions of election finance funding.

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Well, I'm assuming Kamala means she wishes we COULD ban fracking, but has realized we cannot... at least not right now. I'm hoping that is what she meant, because fracking is a horrible practice.

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Unfortunately, while they might not be able to deny it, they will just ignore it as just another smear of their beloved leader.

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Sadly, the ones in my world just double down on there support, including the veterans.

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Yes, this is excellent. I copied it and will distribute it to some relatives who are Vets but for some reason still support Don-OLD.

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But they will deny, rewrite rules, and do anything but put two brain cells together and call the greedy bastard what he is.

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Thank you for this important retelling of Trump’s sickeningly disrespectful relationship with America’s armed forces. He cannot conceive of the idea of doing anything for anyone other than himself… let alone giving his life to protect the Constitution.

I for one will call of future President Harris to issue an Executive Order barring Trump from having a State Funeral or being buried on any Federal land such as Arlington National Cemetery. Let him be buried at his Bedminster NJ golf course next to Ivanna. There he can get the “respect” he deserves… none!

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I'd go with burying him the way Osama Bin Laden was buried.

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Please not…don’t poison the ocean nor the fish who might want to make a meal of him. Better in a landfill burying garbage and trash beneath.

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I laughed out loud.

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In a golf hole, ashen. An ashenhole.

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Thank you. Semper Paratus from one veteran for Harris-Walz. 🇺🇸

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Thank you for serving our country, Tony.

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Thank you Hoyt. That is the crux of it and I am glad our next president made it clear where she stands.

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When Kamala Harris wrote, “If there is one thing on which we as Americans can all agree..." she united Democrats, Independents, and traditional Republicans on the side of patriotism and respect for the military, putting Trumpers and MAGAts as outliers on the other side--the wrong side. This expands the permission structure for Republicans and Undecideds to vote for Harris-Walz.

Speaking of patriotism, in Heather's Facebook Chat of 8/27/24, she described her experience of the DNC's flag waving and "USA! USA!" chants as a long overdue shift for Democrats who had been turned off during the 1960s, '70s, and '80s by the Vietnam War, Nixon, Reagan, and Bushes. As we reclaim our patriotism, Heather said, "Fly your colors, fly your flag, wear your shirts, talk to people. Because we are not only looking at an election. I do think we're looking at an era change in the United States, and on the other side of this is a ton of hard work."


Let's keep it rolling with our hard work of registering voters and getting out the vote! There's something for everyone!


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We put our flag up about 15 years ago, and folks were confused - had we gone mad? But we explained that the flag belongs to all of us, not just one side, and we were taking it back. Even when I’m deeply ashamed of an administration, or its policies, it’s our country. It’s been stolen twice, but it’s still there.

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The flag, I mean. Not the country. Yet.

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Absolutely terrifying that you had to add that to be clear. Also, still too close for comfort, so we really need to keep pulling in the correct direction at every level of political office, for at least the next decade, until we're sure we've voted competent and sane people into every office, so no county elections officer can steal or deny any citizens right to vote.

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Thank you Ellie, my flag will proudly fly from labor day to election day at a minimum.

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I have to agree with VP Harris, which is probably how most Americans think. Here is the Lincoln Project video that talks about Trump's disservice to the military. It is called Stolen Valor. https://youtu.be/5KZsW0fLu70?si=FNEwBxMljMrMUGKK

In fact they have a couple depicting the two different campaigns side-by-side. This one is called Sweet Treats. https://youtu.be/63iQh2-ZFU8?si=tJWyRdPaXJe8V7XL

This one is called JV vs Varsity. https://youtu.be/wXCKxjFQuD8?si=AKopQZ2gGX19YAYT

In one you see that the Harris-Walz campaign connects with people, vs, not connecting at all. If you saw the full donut shop video you would understand that even more. In the second video there is empty words vs. policies. The press has it all wrong. They back Trump in their careful treatment of him and normalization of him and his campaign, but if he is normal then who wants that. Here is another Lincoln Project video called Insults. https://youtu.be/PrkSRXLPzWI?si=oaEvdWwQ68ZtVALl

But the final one which goes beyond the insults to our military and our people is called Danger. And this dishonoring our military by Donald Trump is really more evidence of why Donald Trump should never be the Commander-in-Chief of the US military again. https://youtu.be/VlG8XHnNUqg?si=B6L1HlQr2V7OTYnYhttps://youtu.be/VlG8XHnNUqg?si=B6L1HlQr2V7OTYnY

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It’s one of LP’s best videos that they have produced!

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Linda, if I might add another off-topic,but powerful LP video as Trump waffles on Amendment 4 in Florida.

“You’re under arrest for evading motherhood.”


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Yes Kathy. I think this video highlights stresses women in Florida and Texas and perhaps other Red States are facing right now. I think this State Line video is one of the most powerful. I had showed it to my 19-year old last night, and asked her to share it with her friends. I hope she does. They should know why they are going out to vote, even if they are in Blue States. Since I am reading Project 2025 in a Book Club group, I can see the potential for this and more encompassing things. Interestingly enough as they go after women for using IVF, they don't go after men for masturbating, even though that is "wasting" sperm that could be used to fertilize eggs that women will be held responsible for. Why is an egg a life, but not a sperm? Think about that. We should be fighting for laws on sperm control. That will make all of these lawmakers criminals I am pretty sure. Should we advocate that they walk around with ice packs on their penises so that they don't get an errection or leak any sperm? Putting the laws on men, would make them realize that these processes are hard to control, or will it?

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Wow. what a great idea! We need to at least talk about it, so people can start to understand how glaringly one-sided the issue has been made out to be!

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They also don't prosecute rape in TX or many of the red states. If a man rapes a woman in TX and she becomes pregnant with his sperm, there is a 4% chance that he will be tried and convicted of rape. If a rape victim doesn't become pregnant it drops to 2%.

Abbott lied when he said they will prosecute more rapes after they passed their 6 week abortion ban.

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Rape should be prosecuted under the idea that if it is illegal not to conceive a potential child, like in Alabama where eggs that are culled for IVF if not used is considered death of a child, well sperm if used wrongly should be getting one in trouble. Each ejaculation wastes any sperm that does not fertilize an egg, so each time men ejaculate they should be in the same kind of trouble women are for not using all eggs to produce children. I wish someone would bring such a case to Ole' 'bama and let them know that they have to apply the same rules to men under their law as they do to women.

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A little sexual equality. I love it.

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Thanks. Lincoln Project sends links out with every new ad. These are all priceless and meant to PO DonOLD. Love it!

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I have been looking at a lot of them this weekend. Some of us do not like the idea of Kamala Harris being portrayed as a predator in Prey, because it smacks of jungle imagery for Black women, not good connotations, or even the way that Blacks are portrayed as predators by White Supremacists. But, most of them are really really good. State Line is powerful and I love the one called Sweet Treats, as well as JV vs Varsity. The titles are just as powerful as the videos. https://youtu.be/wXCKxjFQuD8?si=gwVMeIqHd5H_vACf

Here is a video looking like it could go on TikTok in its format is from NowThisImpact which has 3.74 mil subscribers. This is Kamala looking at Trump videos and commenting. https://youtu.be/C0cJjpsoXBM?si=49gDRdJrHHh2lpIO

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Linda, Thank you so much for these links, it looks like I have my day planned out for me.

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Thanks for your post Hoyt and thank you Heather for the beautiful picture.

I have had a spur in my saddle. over the botched raid on Yakla, Yemen on January 29, 2017.


Trump authorized this raid and monitored it from a restaurant in DC. Who does that?

The Obama administration took a pass on the raid but Trump went ahead and authorized it.

The US lost a Navy seal and a little girl that was a US citizen. 10 to 30 civilians were killed in the raid as well. The US also lost an Osprey helicopter in the raid.

And the entire thing was whitewashed by the Trump administration. I call this murder plus incompetence. If anyone thought Trump's tenure as commander-iin-chief would get better after that, they were mistaken.

And Trump has the nerve to bring up the deaths of the service members in Afghanistan when he is the one that negotiated our withdrawal not even bringing the Afghan government into the talks and planning a summit on 9/11 at Camp David with only the Taliban.

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While every other statement and spokesman from his administration was still claiming the mission was a success, "On Fox & Friends, February 28, 2017, President Trump blamed the failure of the mission on the military." Says it all.

We must NEVER give this man power again!

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Thank you for the facts and the whole story

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This well documented and disturbing article makes a clear case that Trump is unfit to preside over our military forces.

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Hoyt, While your astutely crafted narrative recounting Trump’s despicable rhetoric and actions is currently in the forefront of our minds and certainly in the forefront of the media, ultimately, it will be our successful engagement in candid and frank critical discussion with the ordinary men and women, seemingly with an ideological bent not in our interest and who seem to be cheering in jubilation, that will, I think, more likely influence the job ahead that is nothing less than rescuing a democracy so polarized that it is in danger of being paralyzed and pulverized.

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Beautiful words Barbara. Thank you.

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Thank you Hoyt! So many offenses have been committed by "he who must not be named". One wonders when will it be enough? I wish I could take you comment and post it everywhere. Perhaps people would read it and learn. But who knows?

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Well done! Is it OK to copy and share this? More people need to read it.

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Margie, i would consider it an honor. I have done the same with multiple post from this site. Hard to believe so many intelligent, caring and beautiful souls can inhabit one site. Our professor deserves our gratitude for assembling this class and bringing us together.

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Hoyt, this answer needs to be its own Substack post. Thank you!

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You are welcome Carey. I post on several sites and have e given thought to a Substack, maybe one day. 😊

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Where else do you post? I appreciate your dedication to research and your writing style.

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Thanks Carey, besides my primary which is HCR, i post on message box/

Dan Pfeiffer and Brian Beutler/off message substacks and youtube channels such as Reese Waters, Trae Crowder, Keith Olbermann, Allan Lichtman, Mary Trump, Brian Tyler Cohen and Robert Reich which are primaries. Typically when i devote as much time as I did to this one, i spread it around in different forms so HCR and the substacks get the researched topics and most of the others are largely off the cuff. You ought to try some of my recommended you tubers as i get various ideas, thoughts and dialogue from them. Also i don't post on Daily Kos but with its wide array of writers there is a lot to digest on that site as well. Take care.

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Outstanding summary. May I add that Trump's distorted view of the military goes way back. He claims that "his experience at the New York Military Academy, an expensive prep school where his parents had sent him to correct poor behavior, gave him “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.” https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/09/us/politics/donald-trump-likens-his-schooling-to-military-service-in-book.html

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What an ego that is inflated to the blimp size. Inflated with putrid air from a sewer…

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Perfect and succinct.

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I agree with everything you wrote, and it is a well laid out factual timeline of what has been fundamentally a shit-show of the highest order. With nothing particularly constructive to add to your comment, I'd be tempted to be jokingly pedantic, and comment that it is camel's backs that get straw-broken, but in this case it is 100% an elephant, both because of the GQP preemption of that poor old Republican symbol, and because of the sheer magnitude of the straw pile that the last 8-ish years has dropped (four of them while the current competent Administration pulled our fat out of fire after fire, while getting none of the credit due). With every straw I kept wondering, is this the last? Maybe this one? Each outrage more outrageous than the last, more unbelievably offensive, and each one allowed to pass, to stand unchallenged, minimized, explained away, excused. At this point ONLY an elephant could possibly support that haystack of not-final straws.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a last straw out there. The media is too tamed, too used to feeding on the clicks he generates. The only cure is voting in vast numbers, at every level of political office, and as media consumers as well, to say "We will not stand for this!" "We will not use or read or support media that stand for this!" We must vote with our ballots and our attention and our dollars, decisively and loudly "This is completely and always unacceptable!" Since there is no final straw, it is up to us to cut one ourselves.

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Well said and ....entertaining as well. Thanks Michal!

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Forgot to add that a camel seemed too benign where an elephant can stomp you to death and the "poor old republican symbol" is always too easy to use. Elephant in the room never gets old.

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Thank you 🙏

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Happy to see you post a photo tonight and wow, serene and simply gorgeous. Rest well.

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Jen, I always look forward to what I call the serenity photo as it always gives me peace and causes me to take a deep breath.

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In another sphere, has there ever been an election in which so many "adherents" of one party have supported the candidate from the opposing party, as, thankfully, many Republicans are now supporting Harris?

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The fact that they do, gives me hope and fills my heart with joy. Such a hopeful and joyfilled turn of events.


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There have been several. Obama in 2008, Reagan in 1980, Carter in 1976, Nixon in 1972.

Good point Linda. Hopefully, voters realize how demented and hateful Trump is. And that JD could end up being President?

I have a question -- Does it bother anyone that JD told Kamala to "Go to Hell" for something she never did?

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Gary, it is the last gasp of a very sick and evil man. Unreal how trump was able to find someone as despicable as he is and we have only really known what he is for a few months. His words are a last resort for the ignorant.

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With a candidate as despicable as donold you have to wonder just how many more will come out publicly because you know that between now and the election he will give millions more cause and the incentive to vote against him.

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And like this beautiful picture, so much of life is made more meaningful in reflections and reflection.

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Really sweet turn of phrase

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Thank you Professor. It’s called peace. We all need to share it. Thank you for sharing yours. Peace and love always win in the end. Everybody have a good Labor Day weekend. Enjoy Fred’s family America and our democracy. And share it.

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So incredibly peaceful. We need the reminder that regardless of politics, the sun doesn't care. Sol blesses us, regardless of our passions, with the eternal power that all of life feeds on. Thank you Buddy for the photo, and thank you for being the bedrock that Heather needs to do her incredible work.

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Dear Heather,

Thank you for the beautiful photo and your steady presence. Please get some rest and sweet dreams.

We are very grateful to you.

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Photos are always personal messages to me.

This one, when viewed with the imposition of the Bogwan of Feng Shui, reveals...at least to me...that while above and below may be gray...the position of "family health" (to me the health of humanity...is glowing and the day ends. Yes, you are correct, I am an optimist by nature. And, yes, because of the shining light (and one of my heroes despite the fact that I have never met her), I am hopeful about the future. May that shining light return in the morning!

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Sleep well, and thank you kindly for all your hard work.

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Get some rest. You deserve it.

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I was there on a CAL DDay Cruise with few Vets onboard, had a great conversation with one 90+ man who was to sit in that front row of Veterans and remember the Orange man declining to attend and yes it was raining but the old Vets were there and the man with the bone spurs couldn’t make it.

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Sweet dreams to one and all

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Thanks to Buddy for sharing his beautiful view of the America we live in.

For those of us who can't get enough, here is our professor speaking a few days ago on Politics Girl:


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Lynell hits it out of the park with another outstanding find! We can check it off our wish list that on 8/27/24, Leigh McGowan declared her "massive brain crush" and interviewed Heather Cox Richardson on her podcast! Thank you!

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Aww, shucks and back at ya, Ellie!

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Lynell—thanks for letting us know!

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Excellent listen… thank you! If they would listen to this, the undecided would be undecided no more!!

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Morning, Lynell. That is a fabulous link!!

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Thanks for this great interview, Lynell! It gave me a new idea of how to word my voter postcards.

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Excellent, Jeff. It was just the other day I thought of you as the individual on LFAA who triggered 'we, the people, all of us'... and if memory serves, I inserted 'this time' to complete the phrase "We, the People, All of Us This Time!"

Enjoy your Labor Day holiday!

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Lovely photo. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks, Buddy! Have a restful evening, Heather. 🌺

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Beautiful Professor ⭐

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