Perhaps Clarence Thomas’ wealthy donors should pay for all the travel of frightened and desperate women and their families due to the Dobbs decision. I have very little sympathy for Clarence Thomas being concerned about his safety when he willfully disregards an entire genders safety, security, and body autonomy.

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Former President Sues Hurricane for Destroying Mar-a-Lago. Claims Opponents have Weaponized the Weather.

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Thanks Heather, how you can put so much information so clearly and to the point is remarkable.

Here we are in the middle of natures raging at our excesses and the GOP is ready to ask for help, (hint Florida) but they will never admit they are the source of the problem, deniers on every important issues that affect their constituency's. They take credit for everything they vote against. They have no moral compass. How can they participate in a democracy. Somebody should tell their mothers.

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The rubber is meeting the road now: participants in the January 6 storming of our Capitol are having their day in court and ... well ... they are getting convicted and subsequently sentenced to lengthy terms of hard time. Good on ‘em.

“Book ‘em, Dano ... Treason.”

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Project 2025 is the chilling Republican game plan for installing an authoritarian government in the US if they win in next election cycle. It aims to replace career government officials partisan hacks who will hew to the Republican Party line. It is there in plain sight and has been for a while, but it is amazing to me that it has been able to "fly under the radar" of the media for so long.

Every person who wants to defend our democracy needs to read this document so they know what we have to defend against.

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Thx Professor. President Joe simply doing his job. Good man.

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Clarence Thomas’s failure to report his travel paid by Harlan Crowe was no more “inadvertent” than the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin. The Justices are the puppets of Leonard A. Leo and a cabal of religious and powerful extremists - The Federal Society and The Heritage Action Fund along with others who have and will continue to buy power to impose their dogma and unregulated capitalism on this country.

Vote in 2023 & 2024! Get out the vote by registering and helping others to vote if you believe in freedom, justice and opportunity for all.

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One of Biden's character traits I most admire, (there are several), is his ability to take the High Road when emergencies like the Maui and FL ones arise. He acts presidential, he contacted the governors prior to Idalia landing, he assured the stinker in FL that disaster help would be available, and he isn't tossing rolls of paper towels out in HI.

And I chuckle at his Irish verbal left jabs and uppercuts to intransigents like Gaetz ,MTG , and Tuberville when they vote against IRA $$$ but take credit when they recieve their share.

I am positively thrilled that Joe Biden is my president.

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Clarence Thomas is an extremely entitled, petty individual who lies badly and plays the martyr when anyone has the audacity to question his self-perceived awesomeness. Sounds an awful lot like someone else who has been spending quite a bit of time in court lately.

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I just have to ponder out loud and wonder if Fl Governor (I live in FTLD) is actually going to release funds to the people who need them. Ft Myers is still a mess and the beach area just flooded again from the storm surge.

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From the article: "Today’s Republicans have abandoned the Reagan-era Republican plan to gut the federal government and are instead determined to capture it, replacing nonpartisan civil servants with Republican extremists who will carry out the ideals of Trump or any candidate like him who can defeat Biden in 2024. Their nearly-1,000-page plan, called “Project 2025,” calls for politicizing the Department of Justice and law enforcement officers and giving far more power to the president."

What further proof do you need, America, for the Nazification of the United States? They are advertising it in broad daylight -- so you won't be surprised when it happens. The problem is, they just might be unstoppable, just like Hitler was. Where is the outrage? Where is the rage? Why are the college campuses silent? If the students disengage, we are doomed. They are silent.

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Just another day in the US, where attempted coups and ethics violations are now everyday occurrences.

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I guess Clarence Thomas must be prescient because he took free trips to preemptively protect himself before the Dobbs decision. <sarcasm>

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Putting this all together as you have done, it’s no wonder the Country is on the verge of a collective nervous breakdown. Or, maybe it’s just me. But no doubt we have so much work to do. And it’s like these natural disasters. It will take a very long time but in our collective case we must be there always making it better.

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“Thomas also suggested he needed to travel on private planes because “the increased security risk following the Dobbs opinion leak” meant that his “security detail recommended noncommercial travel whenever possible.”

Yeah, and he’s supposed to be a Catholic, he and the wife, “practicing Catholics”. I wonder if he he know which Commandments he breaks?

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Fascists hide their motives for complete control by finding scapegoats, ignoring consequences of their actions, and sending up smoke screens to prove that everyone else is the problem, not them. Fascists detest women and do not want them in leadership positions. Fascists want only strong, testosterone fueled "real men" in charge and denigrate LGBTQ+ as enemies of society. We are in the middle of a fascist upwelling, and we need to call these Hitler wannabes what they are. The enemy IS within, far more destructive to our freedom than Russia, China, or North Korea ever will be. Kevin McCarthy is an enemy. Ron DeSantis is an enemy. Jordan of Ohio is an enemy. Do not mince words. Sarah Palin is correct that there will be a war, and it is her fascist brethren who will start it.

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