That one out of five active duty military personnel support being deployed against Americans is a worrying statistic. What were the numbers like in the infancy of Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy or Putin's Russia? At first glance you might tell yourself 4 soldiers easily outnumbers 1, but consider that 1 position being something of serious rank. Its been reported as well that white nationalists have been ramping up their infiltration of law enforcement since at least 2006. A second term Trump Era would see an ugly crackdown that starts with protesters and ends with anyone that stands in the way of the white nationalist agenda.

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Thanks Heather. Can't wait to hear what you have to say about Rod Rosenstein. Also, a lot of people said Michael Schmidt should have come out sooner instead of waiting to reveal this information 60 or so days before the election. Could it have helped that the ball was dropped regarding the Russian investigation? I think so???

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I am amazed by how you maintained a truthful narratives while pointing out misdirection as context. You reversed how this is usually described. Impressive.

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Such a great opener tonight, but I thought you were going to say "the cheese slid off of Trump's cracker".

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In the interview with Laura Ingraham, the president showed that he has crossed into Crazy Town. What was once bombast is now delusion. Try to picture him on the debate stage with Biden, not once but three times. If the debates indeed happen, there will be little doubt about Trump's deteriorating mental state. Instead of debating actual policy, he will ramble on about "dark shadows." It will be a sad spectacle for him and the nation.

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Heather, thank you for your clear eyed view of another insane day of this Presidency. A question I ask myself is, were Hitler, Stalin or other players as unhinged as Trump is today?

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In spite of the lies and conspiracy theories coming out of the White House and this administration and its enablers you are able to put all in context and help us think more clearly. Thank you!

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Unfortunately, Trump does has moved a couple of percentage points closer to Biden in the polls and according to fivethirtyeight.com his chance of winning in November has moved up from 27% to 31%. In a small way then, Trump's lies are paying off. Alas!

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