I love the idea that Rudy thinks Ruby and Shea are bullying him??? How ironic!!!!

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That made me laugh out loud. Another right wing snowflake.

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Lorraine, I hope they prevail and get all of that jerk's assets. He is being bullied, pfft.

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Michele, Ruby & Shea will get Rudy's assets. Recall the Bankruptcy Judge DISMISSED Rudy's bankruptcy case given his gross bad faith leaving the Giuliani wide open to being cleaned out thoroughly by receivership.

Kudos to Politico's ERICA ORDEN who is the sole & only 8/30 author reporting 8 minutes before midnight Eastern. Guess who requested to be appointed as the authorized & official Receivers of Rudy's assets?

SPOILER ALERT: Ruby & Shea! Thanks Erica I needed that for the Labor Day weekend : -- )

SUNDAY 9/1 Telluride Film Festival:

As TCinLA posted on his Substack "TAFM" yesterday, the documentary film "The Apprentice" made its debut last night at 10 PM Colorado time.

As Mike Fleming on his 8/31 'Deadline' summarized "The Apprentice is about the formative growth R presidential candidate Donald Trump as mentored by Roy Cohn". Actor, Sebastian Stan plays "the young Donald Trump in the 70's as he ... falls under the demonic lawyer & power broker ROY COHN played by actor, Jeremy Strong".

Not a fun matinee but, I believe a very positive sequel will open on 11/5/2024 at theaters near you.

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Um, Bryan, did you mean “Ruby & Shea” as official receivers? Perfecto if so!

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Yes Barbara, fortunately we have sharp eyes in the Community 👀

Actually, I should edited in their full names: RUBY FREEMAN & WANDRE' MOSS. 🙏

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Like Alex Jones, Rudy's name should always be preceded by "the loathsome." It is my sincere hope that Rudy and Alex (and a few hundred more) end up destitute, homeless. Feeling some of the pain they so gleefully inflicted upon others.

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No Justice, No Peace. KNOW JUSTICE, KNOW PEACE. (peace to Ruby and Shea)

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Yes, this brings me joy for this weekend.

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I don't understand why they have to bring another suit. Isn't being brought to judgement once enough?

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It's one thing to be told you have a debt. It's another to be told it's time to pay up. This isn't another suit; it's an effort to force actions that will result in payment. RG won't liquidate his properties to pay until he's forced to.

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Didn't the original judgement include an order to pay? If not, why would it not? I'm not a lawyer, but this seems pretty silly to me although Bryan's comment below adds some context.

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Really Dave - what is the holdup? I swear - how is it these guys can get delay after delay?

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Expensive lawyers.

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So you mean in the end the lawyers walk off with all the assets and the injured parties get enough to feed a soda machine? Sounds about American…

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James, Like so many in the past, RG is rich, white, and male. Somehow justice for them is not justice for anyone else!

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Dave, my understanding is that Ruby Freeman & Wandre' Moss had to bring a lawsuit in Florida because Snake-in-the-Swamp was trying protect his Florida property from Attachment by abusing Florida's 'Homestead' protection law.

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Thanks Bryan. Makes a little more sense, but not a lot. Hopefully this will bring an end to it within their lifetimes.

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Yes, the Gang members were all trained by Roy Cohn. Heads Up! Per TCinLA an apparently brilliant documentary on Roy Cohn & his evil spawn is going to be released at the upcoming Telluride Film Festival in Colorado. Telluride is a beautiful town in the Rockies. Love those 'Rocky Mountain Ways'.

Sunday Update: The film on Roy Cohn & his 'apprentice" did debut at Telluride 10 PM, 8/31. in the Galaxy Theater Telluride Film Festival. I will look for a review by TCinLA on his Substack 'TAFM'.

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Because apparently some of the evidence in the original suit would fall into the Supreme Court's "he has immunity for anything done in office" decision.

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Giuliani doesn't have immunity for anything.

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As a centrist who has disagreements with some issues of the incoming democratic administration, I have put aside any issues I may not be fully supportive of in favor of full support of Harris/Walz 2024. I can respectfully argue those issues later. Now is the time to unify. Next week I will join a local get out the vote group though we hardly need it in blue Connecticut. But I will do as I can and I will make another contribution to the campaign.

I will go waltzing to the polls on Election Day. If there is television media at that poll, I will do some version of a waltz.

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You are a true patriot Bill, putting country above party.

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That’s exactly what patriots do, 👍👍

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I second that.

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More of you MUST come forward with this decision to support the Democratic Party.

If you ever want to vote again. That is the stark reality of NOW.

Once Heritage gives Trump cult militas the go ahead.......blood is going to spill instead of ballots/votes are cast/counted.

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Deeply appreciated from this life long Dem.

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Waltzing? I and my friends will be twerking to the polls. We've been in training for weeks.

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"Snowflake", perfect...

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Lorraine, good term for the right-wing and their current behavior, "snowflakes." I like it and I hope they will melt away quickly in this heat.

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Lorraine, love the snowflake!

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You are delusional if you think America wants 4 more years of high inflation. Open borders, criminals invading our country, stupid foreign policy, the trans war on girls, and tge destruction of our currency.

Harris is a lightweight no nothing.

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I'm afraid you're wrong about the 'high inflation' part. Inflation has been high the world over, for many reasons including the aftermath of the Pandemic. Inflation has come way down in the US already, and Harris has a plan to tackle inflation that is due to price gouging. It isn't perfect, but you might want to do some research on Trump's tax plan and also his plan to tack 10 (possibly 20) percent tariffs onto goods coming into the US. That will cause significant inflation. You might also want to look into the fact that numerous economists have stated grave concerns about Trump's economic plans. In other words, we are not delusional. You're just not looking at the actual facts.

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The border is also being addressed -- already -- and as for 'criminals invading our country', please show us some actual evidence instead of parroting Fox talking points.

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Ah ha … you’ve drank the Kool aid ya poor sap.

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Gotta love the irony of drivel like this coming from somebody with a newsletter self-described as “reviving intellectual honestly.”

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I see you are promoting big lies, just like your Orange Calf. Obviously you didn't read Prof Richardson's Substack today.

Best you just slink back under your dirty rock.

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AhJames, get original! Same false claims of maga land! Inflation less than 3% now!

Trump neutered the bilateral immigration bill draftees in the Senate!

Criminals are like trump, rancid rudy, and nearly 20 other of trumps stooges that have been convicted! Foreign policy that mimics what helped the world fight Hitler

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Are you an idiot? Inflation is cumulative. Inflation over the last four years

for core items: Groceries 25%, Gas 30%, Housing 35%

The cost of living for every American has gone up $11,400.

Inflation has slowed to 3% ITS HASN"T REVERSED.

As for immigration, on DAY 1 Biden initiated catch and release. Biden has allowed EVERY illegal to enter the country, get a court date done the road and disappear. As long as that is the policy, NO border bill will STOP the invasion.

As for Hitler, just look to Biden. Last week Mark Zuckerberg wrote a letter to congress outlining how the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor COVID critics including humor and satire. They also pressured FACEBOOK to censor Hunter Biden laptop stories. Facebook, Zuckerberg said deeply regrets

bending to the pressure. The Hunter Biden laptop story was untrue and COVID

skepticism was justified.


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Projection has been MAGA's life support system since QAnon and Christofacists started banging each other. Whenever they attack someone....they truly are talking about themselves.

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In addition to the video about Trump aging, called Prey, which I have posted above or below, here is one about abortion that hits hard at Project 2025, and some Red States like Texas are already trying to implement these actions. This one is called, State Line. https://youtu.be/3FGIyxhGkvo?si=p_KmuQRZl0_zmC83

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😱😤 Judas H. Priest!!! Whoa, that (the "Stateline ad) should scare the living crap out of every young woman in this country! Why ANY female would vote for those over-righteous arses who want to stick their noses everywhere a nose doesn't belong (but ignore other threats such as kids getting massacred in school or beat up by domestic abusers. SMH) is a complete and total mystery.

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It should seem like a mystery to all of us, and it would in a better world, but it's actually quite simple when you think about it. Some of us care about others. We want to live in a world in which people treat one another with respect. And that is why we treat one another with respect. Other people don't care. Instead, they want to live in a world in which they are in control. They want enough power to be believed when they say to someone they don't care about "do as I say and not as I do or you'll regret it."

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TL this is already the reality for many women, not looking exactly like that, but variations which end up the same way. We have Red States trying currently to enact laws that if you miscarry you should go to prison and I believe I have read that some crazies are saying death penalty. As my husband says, there is nothing in the bible against abortion, but someone who interprets Christian nationalism says they have reinterpreted "thou shalt not kill" to meaning abortion, and then miscarriage, and IVF, and obviously it could go on and on to anything you do that might damage your eggs. I suppose male masturbation should fall under that too, since it is ejaculating sperm without using them to fertilize eggs is basically the same thing. It is all so crazy, but all targeted to control women.

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Thank-you for sharing the link . I saw"Prey" before but not this one. It is chilling to the bone in its content. Every concerned woman and the men who care for them need to watch this and take immediate notice.

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Prey was amusing and true; Stateline is terrifying and true.

Vote, vote, vote BLUE, up and down the ticket!!!

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Right now reproductive slavery states are trying to pass laws to prevent all travel outside of state lines for pregnant women. And they are trying to institute a state menstrual record of all menstruating females. This isn’t IF tRump wins this will happen. It IS happening Regardless of tRump. The misogyny in this country is deep, ubiquitous and vile! I wonder how many TV stations would actually air this. Im not holding my breath. With red states so gerrymander ed, Im not sure women wanting freedom have much power.

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Right KM. When my Democrats Abroad Book Club which is reading Project 2025, read the Department of Health and Human Services, the author Roger Severino, who is a devout Catholic, is saying that this department should be changed to the Department of Life, and there is a lot of control over women's reproduction in this chapter, as well as no abortion, no birth control except for rhythm method, and no IVF. No health coverage for any of these services, and no access to any of these services. However, we know what Texas is trying to do, and I believe there are some other Red States also trying to implement laws controlling women. And, now Trump has come out with a switch back to supporting Florida's abortion ban.

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Texas is a bigger MAGAT than other states

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I like the message.

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Both commercials are stunning!

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Shivers. Thanks, I think. Will share.

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Christofacists. Love it!

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Go with it.......Just waiting for the next Trump Cult grift........a free hermetic upside-down Bible with you next AR-15 purchase

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Here is the video Prey of the Lincoln project that Heather mentions above.


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Facebook immediately took down this link when I posted it. I got a warning that I was searching for clicks and likes

The Lincoln Project has a target on its back, now me too

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Isn’t facebooks whole model about clicks and likes? Well Congratulations! Its a target worth having. I left FB in 2020 and never went back.

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Patrick, I saw one of those snowflakes in a clip yesterday. A woman was at a Trump rally wearing a "Hang Biden" shirt. Dangling from her neck was a necklace with a cross. The man asking questions tried to point out the hypocrisy of this, but she failed to understand.

She went on and on about how everything was wonderful under Trump, and that those who believed the hoax of the pandemic should be done away with too. I got so angry listening to this lady, that I had to have a glass of wine. :)

I know that alcohol doesn't slove any problems,

but these people are so misguided and dangerous that they "lead me to drink." Just kidding. I do love a glass of wine now and


How these snowflakes can look in a mirror and not see how they are supporting a man who is melting away in insanity and disgrace is something I'll never understand.

Where's that wine??

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I laughed out loud at 'alcohol doesn't slove any problems'... that was a good one, Pam! Also, I totally get it. I would probably have thrown something at my laptop screen!

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Viva Vino!

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Hey, in Oregon's Willamette Valley, snowflakes (the weather kind) can stop everything for days on end...

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Remember when Rudy Giuliani held New York City together after 911? Another old man who in his failing years has no one to protect him from himself. Also another putz who got so caught up in Trump’s web of lies and deceit that he has destroyed his own good name and legacy doing Trump’s bidding. Rudy Giuliani is the poster child for what happens to you if you get caught in the chaotic circling eddy of Trump world. Ugh.

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Not so fast on Rudy and 9/11!

Point: Rudy spent his nights in Gracie mansion with his mistress, then chased the fire trucks so he could get on camera!

Point: Self proclaimed security specialist Rudy, had the city emergency management bunker built in one of the twin towers! The number 1 terrorist target in our country.

Recall a. Previous attempt to bring down the Tower Failed because the weight of th explosives in the van prevented it from driving one floor higher where it could have brought down,the tower! Rudy did not ot learn.

Point: Rudy the communications genius could not get the NYC police and fire to communicate on compatible equipment which would have saved most of the lives of the more than 300 NYC firemen who died rushing into a collapsing building!

Rudy has always been about himself, serial marital cheater and front runner!

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Oh. Good to know! Guess I didn’t get the gritty details. That explains his falling into Trump’s orbit.

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I call it Trumptred. This is the hatred of have for Trump. I never hated anyone before that man stepped down the escalator and we’ve had years of his horror. #BeGoneDon!

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Rudy did so much to promote the Big Lie. Should be "big bills" for his sleazy efforts.

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Rudy and Mike Lindell😜

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There's quite a list, actually :)

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It is White male entitlement, and I don't love it. It disgusts me.

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Just like Trump saying Obama is being mean to him. Good lord these people are nutjobs.

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It is what all vicious predatory bullies do whenever they begin to lose their groomed followers:

Play at being The One ‘True’ Victim -

Whinging emotional manipulation simply indicating back at their criminal guilt.

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Had a sign in my office when I worked at high school. No Whining. One needs to hand around chump’s neck.

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Sitting here at my desk I actually laughed out loud when I read this. I'm still giggling.

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"Bullying him," Jane, as in stopping and frisking him for no discernable reason? Now that's rich!

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That was only an eye roll for me. My eye muscle is turning into the strongest muscle in my body during these times. 🙄

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I hope they take every penny that despicable little snot has and get the judge to require him to beg on the corner of 5th avenue every day and give them that money too.

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Yeah, he can dish it out, but he can't take it!

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Same old same old…

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I spit out my coffee when I read that 🤣

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Exactly what I thought. Turn about….

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Stick it to him, Ruby and Shea!

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As we live and breathe!!! MAGA strategists seem determined to engage the spit your drink across the room reaction from the audience. l

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Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Go Kamala and Tim!

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Agreed. And here are some strategies I think the campaign is using well. I think we should all adopt them, as these seem to go high when they go low, weird, and bullying:

When engaging politically with a narcissistic authoritarian's comments, consider these approaches:

1. Fact-checking and correcting misinformation: Consistently and calmly point out factual inaccuracies in their statements.

2. Redirecting attention: Shift focus to substantive policy issues rather than getting drawn into personal attacks or grandiose claims.

3. Maintaining composure: Avoid emotional reactions, as narcissists often thrive on provoking outrage.

4. Highlighting inconsistencies: Point out contradictions in their statements or actions over time.

5. Appealing to shared values: Frame critiques in terms of widely held principles or national interests.

6. Amplifying other voices: Elevate diverse perspectives to counter the narcissist's attempts to dominate the narrative.

7. Using humor strategically: Satire and wit can be effective in deflating grandiose claims without direct confrontation.

8. Focusing on actions, not words: Draw attention to concrete impacts of policies rather than rhetorical flourishes.

9. Building coalitions: Unite different groups around common concerns to create a broader opposition.

10. Maintaining transparency: Be open about your own positions and decision-making to contrast with the authoritarian's opacity.

The key is to engage in ways that don't feed into the narcissist's desire for attention or conflict, while still effectively communicating with the broader public. It's a delicate balance that requires patience and strategic thinking.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Last night, CNN’s Dana Bash asked Harris, whose mother immigrated to the U.S. from India and whose father immigrated from Jamaica, to respond to Trump’s suggestion that she “happened to turn Black” for political advantage, “questioning a core part of your identity.” Harris responded: “Same old, tired playbook. Next question, please,” and she laughed. “That’s it?” Bash asked. “That’s it,” Harris answered.


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Yes, I love her response to this question because when you boil it down, it's a non-question and unnecessary to answer.

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I would have loved to see Kamala follow up with "don't you have any serious questions?" . . .

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I think that's exactly what Bash (or more likely her producers) wanted. I'm glad Harris didn't fall into that trap.

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What? No food fight? Boring.

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Yes cool.

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Yes, JL, she put a pin in that balloon straightaway! Loved her for it…no BS.

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The press acts like she's never done an interview before. She's strategically asked hundreds of witnesses in front of a judge, jury and defendants a line of questioning whose purpose it is to put them in prison. Is talking to Dana Bash more stressful than that?

Imagine her questioning the witnesses in the Trump cases. DonOLD wouldn't know what hit him.

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I say donOLD in my head every time a magasshole deliberately mispronounces Kamala’s name.

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I love those two jibes, Emily! I know 'donOLD' (or conOLD, as I've sometimes seen) but 'magasshole' is a new delight for me that I'll use. Thank you!

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He is a jr high bully with the same old tricks he learned to steal lunch money.

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Awesome answer to a stupid question. Dana Bash should be ashamed, but I doubt if she is. The media is incredibly lazy - too lazy to bother with learning what the real issues are and instead just sticking to repeating Trump’s daily trash talk.

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Francine, if they want to ask an extremely competent woman stupid questions like that, why aren't they asking the incompetent orange monster about his age and mental decline, both of which are extremely relevant?

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I saw some video of Trump as a younger man, and was surprised by how much more intelligent he sounded. Still a manipulative creep, but a lot more articulate.

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Yes, that's all true.

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IMHO Dana Schwartz Bash is auditioning for Fox. No questions about current events, like the freeing of the Moslem held hostage by Hamas, the success of Ukraine policy, the success of the Dow making a top for the 24th time this year, etc. or give Tim a chance to say about the fact that Trump is nutsy koo koo and the media repeat his insanity.

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I was wondering if the weak media people are pummeled into their meekness, dominated into being serfs of their assailants. The charge of being 'snowflakes' for 'not being tough enough to take a joke' and/or 'squeamish about playing hardball' has 'trained' them to not step out of the lane proscribed for them by their MAGA assailants. There doesn't seem to be any living character in them, only robotic mouthings of lines from MAGA domination.

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I think what happened to Boeing has happened to media, but more so; the profit isn't everything, it's the only thing form of corruption. There is still responsible, professional reporting out there, even in the MSM, but decidedly less of Walter Cronkite, less of Woodward and Bernstein. More infotainment.

Also, back in the '90's when people were more open on the internet I wrote to both a commenter on local TV and in the local newspaper about a popular tax measure that on it's face was a giveaway to the very wealthy and a ripoff for the majority thanking them for their brief criticism of of the initiative. Both wrote back to thank me and both mentioned that they had been inundated with ugly hate mail. One said she thought we were in a "new McCarthy era". Little is said about these hidden campaigns of deliberate intimidation, but I think they are having a significant impact.

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Yes, definitely McCarthyesque machinations -- and, they seem to 'have no shame', although I always hope that these are merely fearful people who actually will follow the strong call to their better angels....

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The whole interview was Bash asking MAGA talking points. Think about it.

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I Think that Harris' response can be compared to the move in Karate where, instead of directly confronting your opponent, you step aside and let them fall on their face. Kamala performed like a master, although I dont know the exact color of the belt she has earned!

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When dealing with Narcissitic Personality Disorder experts stress that you need go NO CONTACT as soon as possible. That may entail creating a secret escapt plan as SECRECY is imperative to survive a narcissist...........

Kamala Harris knows HOW to deal with NPD for sure..........Kotex Jesus is a texbook case.

Simply put........attention is heroin to a narc......cut them off and they wither away like a vampire in the blistering sun.

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Excellent newsletter Heather. It's not easy to dissect the hundreds of insults CFDT and JD throw out everyday. Most can be ignored. What can't be ignored are the absolutely Fascist moves he makes, like Arlington and Lafayette Square. The actions that are inspired by revenge and retribution are particularly concerning since we cannot let them a pass on these actions.

There's a long list of these from the past 10 years that the press has glossed over. You know that Trump knows he fucked up when he posts 50 times in one night after one of these events. And they are generally intended to bait the press or the Democrats.

Around 50 posts on late Tuesday night after the Arlington debacle. And he's still back peddling. Kamala and Tim haven't had to address it at all as Heather says.

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It's not a therapy session -- Trump controls the narrative. Make him flip out...degenerate in public.

Trump acting out is an example of the success of the PT Barnum school of advertising. Trump can care less what we say about him as long as he grabs headlines. It's headlines throughout the media -- repeatedly. Worth billions. A vehicle to raise funds.

4 days after Trump lost the 2020 election, he recognized the Taliban, and their leaders in custody were freed. They killed the 13 people interned at Arlington.

Richard Kohn, a civil-military relations expert and professor at the University of North Carolina, said the Arlington incident is “in keeping” with Trump’s past treatment of the military and his “attempt to politicize the military since he came into office.”

“It’s not a surprise he doesn’t respect the protocols and the restrictions put on these kinds of things,” he said. “He has no inherent understanding of the military, of its historic effort to avoid being associated with domestic and partisan politics, and he doesn’t care.”

“He enjoys blowing past the normal behaviors that have governed American civil-military relations for almost our entire history,” he added.


Say the magic words "not suckers or or losers" on social media. https://www.youtube.com/user/votevets


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Finally someone has recognized that TFG is the one responsible for the Afghanistan deaths. He is the one who made the agreement and President Biden just followed through on it instead of backing out of it. If I remember, he was trying to honor the agreement made by a former president (TFG). Why isn't the press bringing up that history?

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"4 days after Trump lost the 2020 election, he recognized the Taliban, and their leaders in custody were freed. They killed the 13 people interned at Arlington."

Thanks for this.

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The Vote Vets video is powerful! Thank you!

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'Kotex Jesus' is just as bad as 'Tampon Tim.' Please stop using references to feminine hygiene products to shame people, as though their very mention is embarrassing and shameful.

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And your letting Orange Jesus get away with slandering, telling lies...humiliating veterns, homeless....handicapped.... every single day????

During these last, possibly ever, days of democracy..........all gloves are off!!!

Suck it up!!!

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Kotex Jesus! Love it!

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Seems to me it muddles the point. Trump wore a huge bandage to underline a minor injury. He can legitimately claim to have escaped very close call that could have ended his life, but the bandage thing was juvenile. It has nothing to do with Kotex.

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It’s a joke just like dumpy…making fun of him drives him crazy which is why we love doing it.

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Totally......When Donald Bin Laden is crying in his baby crib......."They are so mean to me..the meanist people in the history of the world....nobody has ever been this mean...ever..."........like, I'm on the floor laughing out loud.

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That includes sharp repartee right? eg Kamala's acid rebuttal of Asian or Black. Put the reporter in her place to boot.

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And her in control.

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And Kamala is just the person to do it! Oh, I forgot, according to trump she's too stupid!!! Hmmm, maybe he should stop saying that. I mean if she wins then he will have lost to that "stupid" woman!!!

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I love the comment, "has anyone told Trump the job he is trying to get is a 'Black job'?

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It's a plot! The generals would eat her alive! It's so unfair . No one has ever suffered more than ME! No one has ever been more qualified to be king!

Look what you've done!! I'm melting, melting.

Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world.

Who would have thought that

some little girl like you could

destroy my beautiful wickedness.

OHHHHHHH!!! NO!!! I'm going...


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Trump being “water-pailed”

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Something to think about next time you watch the "Wizard of OZ"

o The Wicked Witch of the West" - "The Wicked President of the WEST"

o The Wicked Witch of the West was melted by a bucket of water:

- She is afraid of water. She has aquaphobia avoiding bodies of water, such as pools, showers, baths and walks in the rain. Since water melted her.

- If she was afraid of water, then she never took showers or baths. No wonder everyone in OZ is afraid of her. She must of stunk to high heaven.

o No one around him really likes him. They are afraid of losing their place in the halls of power.

- And from time to time, his diaper must have stunk too.

o He is afraid of offending his 'base'. He is afraid of losing pro-choice voting women. Which way does the wind blow? For him, he wants it to blow both ways. But it won't.

He should be afraid, very afraid.

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lol JL.... He's melting, he's melting...

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No she’s a communist and a stupid joke, according to my neighbor. Under T, life was good. I think more emphasis needs to be on how much it took to pull us out of T’s “successful administration.”

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I know. I keep thinking about watching fatality numbers rise during the T administration's Covid response-one of the worst in the world. When people ask were you better off 4 years ago do they actually remember what Sept. 2020 was like?

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Let MAGA do your thinking for you. Weird that the USA, always said ti be the "richest" nation, and at the technological apex, had so far as I know, the worst per capita share of COVID deaths, and in any case a staggering total death toll.

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Somehow, one of my crazy Trump relatives decided that Walz abuses his son. Where'd you get that idea? Crickets. Now mind you, this woman's cousin is my daughter who has Cerebral Palsy. She walks with a severe limp that Trump mimicked when she was with me visiting a Trump San Francisco condo project under construction. Just shake my head.

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When she wins…

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I am begining to feel confident that the Harris team has ideas about how to handle Trump. It is essential for this "debate." One thing someone somewhere said a while ago was to do a dismissive humorous gesture, such as holding up a finger every time Trump lies. Rather than trying to talk which can get into the weeds too often, a simple gesture/signal could do the trick.I thought this was a good idea.

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Think a sounded bullhorn for each lie

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Airhorn. She'd need a case. Or two.

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Love it

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I'll diverge from my usual haiku to thank Dr. Ryan and make a point re: MAGA debate strategy. As the secretary of my debate club at St. John's High School in Little Chute. Wisconsin in 1967-68 I learned a number of debate strategies - some favorable and some undesirable. The former president uses 2 of the undesirable approaches: 1) ad hominem attacks - belittles, pokes fun of opponent, avoids issues. 2) Gish gallop - overpowering opponent with overwhelmong deluge of statements - true or not - doesn't allow opponent to focus on any one issue.

Both of these strategies indicate weakness - these are not winning approaches. To use these approaches already indicates the user recognizes their second-class status.

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The Lincoln Project is helping. Look at this video that compares the two campaigns. It is called Sweet Treats. https://youtu.be/63iQh2-ZFU8?si=rP4b8ag3RcGRLhCg

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People often mention which candidate they'd prefer to have a beer with---I'm all in for having caramel cake with Kamala!

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Same here. I'd even buy!

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Perfectly done.

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It would be great to have these strategies printed...they could replace the ten commandments that Christian Nationalists want posted everywhere.

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Think Harris "next question," was a Master Class in number 3. Think they've got this.

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The key is to register more Democrats -- make a blue tsunami.


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Great list. You should print and distribute it.

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Good List.

I think Ms Clinton did all of these during her debates with tRump. She went on to win the popular vote. The Electoral College sent us down the drain.

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Let's get rid of the electoral college

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Ryan, you're describing a skill demanding years if not decades of deliberate practice, meaning it's like golf: a lot easier to know what to do than to actually do it. There is an Official World Golf Ranking system. If there was an Official World Politicians Dealing With Narcissists Ranking system, I'd put my money on Kamala Harris being well out in front of the pack.

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That’s a very helpful list.🙏

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Good list!

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She knows indeed how to handle Trump's Black or Asian distractions. "Next question please". Never get bogged down defending against the ludicrous.

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“Never get bogged down defending against the ludicrous.”. YES! Trying to defend a position by responding to trump’s crazy talk gave credence to whatever nonsense he spit out. Kamala’s way of dismissing him highlights just what an obnoxious idiot he is. It’s fantastic!

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Exactly. You're not dealing with a "normal" person. Trying to use truth or reason or discuss is just not going to work.

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An observation offered about the Bash interview to the NYT:

Ms Harris (and Mr Walz) did what is needed. Present themselves, not serve their administration up before it is formed and tested before We The People. While I have high regards for American Journalism, too often have we seen MSM attempting to direct the discussion based upon their set of questions and employer's need for scraps to dissect and reconstruct for another Breaking News opportunity. Perfect point is where the author noted that Ms Harris went into a more detailed explanation than was sought with the question. Hurrah for Ms Harris. Her client and guest to the audience is The People. She took this interview to tell her stories, begin to create her narrative and style, visit with and inform Her Client, begin to shape a vision in our minds about who they are and what they might achieve for Us. Actually, I find this very strategic. Makes most of us People want to come back to hear more, learn more, and develop critical thoughts and positions in support or to offer input into their policies and goals so that We The People are included and contribute to shaping the administration's plans and policies. And, yes, it makes the work a bit harder for an interviewer or reporter working on a deadline and a paper that needs to titillate readers/subscribers.

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Aug 31
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I am so bloody sick of that man. Let his circle of life be complete. May his dying breath fail to stir dust motes as he lies alone in a cold, dim light.

Render him into the earth, allow all comers to trample and defile his grave.

Recycle his atoms to grow a tree, or a child of color.

May his only legacy be that of a lesson: this must never happen again.

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And then….the world needs to have the biggest, bestest block party EVER to celebrate his demise.


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And he should be buried in a public golf course, next to the public port-a-potty

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Or underneath it . . .

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Forget the port-a-potty.

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Omg I love this comment!

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I love the "Kotex Jesus" reference. 😁

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Bury him at Bedminster in the weeds next to his first wife.

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But first open Ivana’s casket to find all the missing Secret and TOP Secret documents he stole!

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Doug, I’d rather Musk send his remains in a rocket shot into the sun than have his atoms pollute any part of this “pale blue dot” of ours….the sun could use the extra gas-bag & subsume it & return it to us as energy to charge our solar batteries.

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Barbara, it's a "swords into plowshares" kind of thing. Convert the building blocks of his being into something beautiful and infinitely more productive and useful. Besides, then I couldn't p!SS on his grave.

Ever since I was a child I've sometimes mused as I take a breath, that surely an atom of Carbon, or Nitrogen, or Hydrogen, or Oxygen contained within was once part of Julius Caesar or some other historical figures known or unknown. This is the circle of life to me.

Have you ever had similar thoughts?

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Oh yes, Doug, long ago I read somewhere we are breathing the essence of dinosaurs!

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And ultimately, to quote Joni Mitchell, we are stardust.

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YES! I often quote that in reference to a loved one passing…indeed, I just wrote those words on a card last night to a friend who just lost her older sister. And it’s not only a lovely thought/truth, it’s a great song too.

May the Force be with you!🌌☮️

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10 minutes later I made the same comment! I swear I didn't see yours first! Although on second thought that is much too big an honor! I personally wouldn't mind being sent into the Sun after I pass.

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True that, Matt….how about Uranus (mispronounced of course) instead…perhaps a more befitting location.

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Unfortunately it seems to happen regularly. Dr Richardson could site many examples but most recently there were Hitler, McCarthy, Stalin, Mao, Netanyahu…the list goes on. We must improve our educational system to help our future citizens recognize and cast out these psychopaths before they do their damage. A fair and inclusive economy might go a long way to achieving that by giving everyone a fair chance and allowing no one to accumulate the vast wealth and power that insulates them from the law and from decency.

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Yes Terry yes.

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Let's hope Nov 24 helps bring that about. Meantime, the leaves et al happily pick up all our atoms in the great circle of life.

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Yes, but a win on Nov. 24 may be the tip of a different iceberg. I am hoping and praying that the country is prepared for what may be unleashed.

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November 5 people!

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I think that Frank is referring to the month of November, 2024. Election day is but one of thirty that will occur in that month, and with all of the voting shenanigans that are in place in MAGAt states, it is the entire month that will have consequence.

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You mean right wing reaction, right?

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thats short for Nov 2024, sorry if it confused

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Thank you for this. I am also”so bloody sick of that man.”

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Recycling him I think is not the right thing to do, as would contaminate nature. When Trump passes, put his ashes on a spacecraft on a trajectory to the sun. Wait for Putin to go also, to make it cost effective.

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Nature is the most powerful force on this planet. Don't underestimate its capacity to neutralize toxins.

This particular contamination may take a bit of extra time, though.

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Too big of an honor, though! I personally wouldn't mind being sent into the sun after I go.

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Beautifully stated! Thank you!

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A true masterpiece Doug. 👏 Bravissimo!!

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So well said, Doug. May his memory be a warning.

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What last word will Citizen tRump utter with his dying breath? Some version of "Rosebud!"

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Let’s put a 30 ton boulder on top of the mfrs grave as an insurance policy.

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Aug 31
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Of course!

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Thank you, Professor. I know everybody is tired of asking the same question but how do people listen to his explanations and abide by it. I don’t like being disparaging to people. It’s just below what a good person should be but this man has no moral scruples and both face to every question and yet people still follow him. I just don’t get it but thank you for bringing it to our attention always we owe you a lot. And we are with you. Peace and love always.

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Demagoguery works. It’s a smorgasbord of manipulation tactics prostituting as leadership. His is a special blend of Father Coughlin, McCarthyism, Roy Cohn, Rush Limbaugh, World Wrestling Federation and Reality TV scripts of continued lies, harassment, bullying, gaslighting, make believe narcissistic fantasies.

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Stephanie Grisham made two great comments about tfg in her DNC speech. One, when the cameras are off he calls his supporters "basement dwellers". Second, "It doesn't matter what you say, say it enough and people will believe you."

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Goebels schitck. I’m not sure what comes first but Im fairly certain the demagoguery helps create fascism.

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And Putin's schizo-fascist playbook. (Ugh, "playbook" sounds like it's innocent fun. What's a better word for "playbook"?)

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Dark agenda?

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Ed, two good ones! I especially like manifesto. Hmm, perhaps "evil agenda" to stay away from "dark" having negative connotations.

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It's primary use if for a an individual collection of a sport teams strategies, especially in football (or so I understand). Applied to politics it would be go-to behaviors of a political party or figures. In the case of the modern "GOP" it involves (in so many words) endless repetition of big lies and reflexive, evidence-less attacks on any and every critic.

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J L "Strategies" works for me. Thank you. I became much more aware due to Timothy Snyder's book The Road to Unfreedom which describes Putin (and subsequently the GOP) employing the endless repetition of lies, sexual perversion metaphors, portraying the other as evil and oneself/group as innocent. I've been grappling with what to call that collection of behaviors. I like the specificity of "strategies."

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Um, Imogene, coup d’etat?

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Barbara, that's definitely the goal! 😡

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Lynell, as I wasn't sure of "mandate," I looked it up. There are two definitions. The one being "an official order to do something" would work. It's interesting that the other refers to the electorate giving the authority to the government to do something--in which case the authority arises from the electorate! I would say the schizo-fascist goals of Putin and the GOP are to create a real or illusory mandate for their authoritarianism. Interesting, eh?! Perhaps that is partly why tfg promotes the lie that the 2020 election was stolen and this one is also rigged--to create the illusion that he has a mandate. 😡

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Project 2025?

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Mary, interesting suggestion. Bear with me while I grapple with this. I think Project 2025 is the blueprint or plan for (as well as the result of) the implementation of the destruction of American democracy. Imho, the behaviors JL mentioned-- "continual lies, harassment, bullying, gaslighting, make believe narcissistic fantasies" as well as perverse sexual imagery, portraying the other as evil, and one's self/group as innocent--are the schizo-fascist strategies that Putin and the GOP use to manipulate people to become brainwashed, confused, passive and fearful so they will accept the Project 2025 blueprint. This thread has helped me clarify the situation. Imho the more we know, the clearer the situation becomes, and the more empowered we can be.

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Script. Maybe because it’s not like a genuine conversation. It’s pre determined. Rehearsed. Demagoguery triggers strong emotions. I think that’s why a lot of folks can’t see it, the bad acting.

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Clearly it works yet historically it's ugly. Surely we can get better at spotting it and rejecting it before it gets as bad as this, or worse? Living happily ever after is a full time job.

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JL, I watched an interview this eve on MSNBC w/ Chris Hayes & Michael Lewis, author of The Fifth Risk (highly recommend it & I read it when it first came out), regarding the invaluable and critical work of civil servants (non-partisan for the most part) do for our country’s health, safety and well-being. See YouTube link here: https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/michael-lewis-raises-the-alarm-on-trump-s-plot-to-replace-civil-servants-with-loyalists-218346565976

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Thanks for this. I have kept my subscription to the Post and look forward to this series. Many on this thread are irate about the coverage, but I often find good information. Emphasizing the potential loss of competency with the replacement of good civil servant with toadies should concern us all. I lament the loss of excellent public health people from their harassment in the aftermath of the pandemic.

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Aug 31Edited

As a former civil servant (NOAA), I very much appreciated Michael's book The Fifth Risk.

Yes, everyone should go take a civics lesson. While they are at it, they should learn how a bill becomes a law.

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MK, my Dad retired from NOAA in 1980; he was a meteorologist with the Weather Bureau, then NOAA. Thanks for what you did as a civil servant.

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I consult the National Weather Service every day.

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And you too, Ally, for risking harm to keep the public safe.

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Yes, and we’ve been lazy not spotting demagoguery sooner. We’ve been lazy not spotting monopolies, government corruption, attacks on women’s health, tax advantages to billionaires, attacks on education, attacks on common sense, all threats to our democracy. We have to do better. We have to audit our own lack of accountability. We have to plan better resistance strategies. We have to protect our institutions that make us the most desirable country in the world. There is so much good here, we have to do more.

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LOL, Ted, rolled into one…..fat & lumpy!🤣

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I’m borrowing this!

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Ted, that's a great description of what is Trump

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Hopefully, as Heather suggests, not "so well" of late!

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Mike, many of the people who follow him have the same attitudes and values. Notice that some others in the grave photo have the thumbs up sign. Too many people are racists, etc. They of course, would have no sense of the sacred.

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Let's think about this for a second, Michelle.

At Arlington National Cemetery, the oldest and most famous military cemetery in our country, why would ANYBODY with a few synapses firing and an atom or two of decency ever flash a "thumbs up" in a snap shot?!?

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I agree, Daniel. So what are we to make of the photo, as I see those "mourners" flashing the thumbs up sign.

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Unfortunately, I saw it as a political screw you by the family to the Biden administration. Yes, pulling out was ugly, but the man they were there with engineered that. Had we not pulled out, how many more new graves would there be there?

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Indeed. TRUMP engineered that withdrawal.

I too am getting sick & tired of the 'disaster that was the withdrawal from Afghanistan'.

Just before leaving office, Trump engineered this disaster through the Doha Accord.


It was the TRUMP team who 'negotiated' with the enemy, with the Taliban, to get out of Afghanistan, not Joe Biden.

*To achieve that, the President of Afghanistan was NOT consulted. [Technically, he was our ally against the Taliban.]

*It was the Trump Administration that surrendered 5 military bases to the Taliban.

*It was the Trump Administration that released 5,000 Taliban fighters in exchange for 1,000 allied soldiers held by the Taliban.

The date was February 2020, barely 9 months before the hotly disputed election in this country.

Let's not forget also that contrary to tradition, the Biden Administration was not allowed to take the reins of power smoothly. Trump did all he could to slow walk the transition,. The result was that Joe Biden could not organize the forced retreat from Afghanistan more smoothly: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/trump-appointee-slow-walks-biden-transition-could-delay-president-elect-n1247152

That was at the height of the COVID pandemic, that Trump lied about.

*It is IN SPITE OF ALL THIS that American forces managed to pull 124,000 civilians out of harm's way while losing only 14 American troops. We mourn those 14 Brave heroes who helped saved so many more lives.

Compare the Fall of Kabul to the Fall of Saigon, where only 7,000 were evacuated: https://www.britannica.com/event/Fall-of-Saigon and it was Diplomats, in 2 days, who heroically saved the situation:


We lost 2 brave Marines that day, the last casualties of this lengthy and bloody conflict.

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Thank you! That is the information I was hoping to see published! It is infuriating that the media isn't mentioning those historical facts when covering the Arlington mess. There is a big sign on a messy shop around here with a photo of President Biden smiling and words indicating he supports the Taliban. It's been up for years. I am sickened every time I see it.

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The fact that fpotus engineered the withdrawal from Afghanistan under terms that were, shall we say, not in the best interest of the Afghan people, does not matter in the slightest. Neither does the fact that 13 military casualties in such a massive airlift under those incredibly difficult circumstances is an incredibly small number.

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The “Trump mesmerizing effect”…that maybe, by rubbing shoulders with the guy, all that faux gold plate will rub off on them somehow or that they will be celeb’s for a nanosecond? Bigly sad.

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I was thinking the same thing…between bouts of vomiting.

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Fascinating perspective here. Makes a lot of contextual sense.

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Daniel, that is the question. I wonder if any of them have a sense of the sacred. My husband thought a couple of them were flashing the white power sign, but I looked and I couldn't see it, just a thumbs up.

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Michele, two of the women appear to be giving different hand signs. The one immediately to fpotus's left (blue dress) looks to be giving a palm out sign with the index and little fingers extended, the two in the middle tucked under. That is (from what I could gather and my pursuit of emoticon meanings) either "rock and roll coolness" or is the sign of the horns. The one to the extreme left of the photo appears to be giving the same sign with the back of the hand forward. I cannot find a meaning for that one. In that photo, fpotus is the only one giving a thumbs up. The signs that the women are giving are NOT ASL for "love".

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Maybe I wasn't looking at a large enough photo. Your description could be the white power sign. That's even worse than thumbs up. I wouldn't put it past any of them. The whole thing just reeks.

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Oh, I totally agree. I used to always say if you turn the lights on, the cockroaches will run away. I’m referencing the house I lived in in college ha ha ha. But seriously we must shine the light away from them. What we love about this country. I can never understand hatred. It has to be bread from somewhere and usually it’s bread from, more hatred. Take care and thank you for your words. I appreciate that.

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Mike, i understand about cockroaches having lived in West Africa for three and half years where the cockroaches are big. I think in most instances, hatred is counterproductive and not healthy although I confess I have intensely disliked a couple people along the way. Now I hardly think about them. I hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend. We always stay home and right now it's hot here in the Willamette Valley, so staying in the AC.

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I think hatred is counterproductive most of the time, and I sometimes wonder about the extended value of my own mocking of self-serving public figures, and yet those causing significant harms must be confronted. Certainly Hitler had to be stopped; and the modern Republican party has morphed into something quite dangerous. If we do manage to to win decisively ad widely, we will still have to figure out how to heal our damaged society in the years ahead.

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JL, during a particularly difficult period in my life I realized I needed to “wade through” what I was feeling/experiencing, but NOT to “wallow”. It let me feel & deal with them and send them on their way and set me free from lugging them around…a process to be sure, but cathartic. Politically IMHO we need to keep our eyes on the prize, come together and push back by making “good trouble” and not give in to apathy or despair. That’s why at my old age (wait, how did THAT happen???) I am encouraged by this new energy I’m seeing/feeling—we have so much work to do, but am glad to see more folks “waking up”!

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I love this, wade through but not wallow.

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Brilliant comment Barbara—your life has obviously been one of example for others!

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I agree J L. A lot of people here and myself have mentioned that about death star and the modern R party and their strong negative feelings. I don't like it, but like you, I think about Hitler and other notorious figures. I am hoping for a big blue wave and i agree it will takes years to heal all the damage, if we can actually do it. I fear climate change will make it even more difficult.

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Sorry for the grammatical error I was using the voice. I meant to say that she has no more scruples and bold face lies to every question…. but I figured you all are smart enough to figure that out ha ha ha. Have a wonderful holiday weekend all you guys are all my friends.

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Ooops, he! Ugh. Friday night! Lolol.

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Mike, as I recall back when Ellen DeGeneres had a show, she had a segment on texting…..aptly named “ Clumsy-Thumbsy”…..hey, I figure we all need proofreaders/editors!

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As an editor, I second that. I need one myself!

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Back at you, Mike!

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Aug 31
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That too. :)

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Mike, I wish every interview/statement/speech aired of his would be accompanied by a “laugh track”…now THAT would make sense & be more accurate!

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Great idea!

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It is justified to call out irresponsible behavior, be it clueless or deliberate.

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Beautifully said...I agree. I don't understand why anyone supports tRump. I have family members and a friend who support the obnoxious SOB. What they see in him I will never know. I have said time and again, and posted on FB, vote for Democracy. tRump wants to be Putin, Kim, Orbán, and he plans to use the USA to achieve that dream.

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Mike, I can answer your question.

I am like a MAGA Republican in that I am angry for the same reason MAGA Republicans are angry. People in positions of power are making decisions having a significant negative influence on my life. That's okay if there is a good reason. But the only thing I'm getting from the people who should be giving me a reason is the impression that they don't care.

I am not a MAGA Republican because they've stopped caring to the point that all they want now is the power to do to others what they think others are doing to them. To paraphrase Tom Petty, you can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't stop caring.

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Hey Mike - I think Trumpsters are qute similar to typical BC underclassmen. Am I right, Professor?

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I’m floored by the concise ability you have to summarize our politics, Heather! What a gift you have! “Giuliani’s spokesperson accused the women of bullying Giuliani.” HA! That’s a good one!

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The karma train has just pulled into the station, and I’m here for it!

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The Lincoln Project ad titled Prey, the last link in your article, is top shelf snark. Referring to Trump’s species as Impotus Americanus while using the term “circle of life” several times in the ad certainly guaranteed I heard the song from The Lion King in my head and I suspect many others heard it as well. Saying his mate and young are looking for new blood while showing Melania kissing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just added to how delicious the jabs were.

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The ageing hyena faces the end of his days, and there won't be anything noble about it.

Guaranteed, there are some in his own pack who won't hesitate to grab a bite.

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Gary, he’s becoming the chum thrown overboard from the slowly sinking electric-powered boat to attract the sharks that have been quietly circling. Stuff of his nightmares I suspect.

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Another great Lincoln Project ad to share as “Impotus Americanus” eat their own as Trump waffles on Amendment 4 in Florida.📣

Project 2025/You’re Under Arrest For Evading Motherhood📣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRz5XHRpifw

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The ad for evading motherhood chills me to the core.

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Seriously scary. Especially since it's based on real plans....and the technology does exist right now!

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That is freaking awful.

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There was a similar one a while ago with a mother/daughter duo in the car…I liked that this one shows a daughter/father pair….packs the same punch w/ a different nuance. They are both heralds of Gilead.

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Gotta take in that ad.

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The ad is brilliant! Impotus Americanus!!!!!

imPOTUS 😂😂😂. impotent 😂😂😂.

No way am I on ex-twitter so I clicked the link HCR cites in her sources, as you did, then I shared it on FB.

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FB took it down when I shared it. Did yours stay up

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I can’t tell on my phone, but thanks to you, when I shared LFAA on FB, as I do every morning, I guided people to HCRs sources in the comments.

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The story of Freeman and Moss brings one word to mind - Karma!

I truly hope that the former president is now the cornered, elderly animal who has been abandoned by his pack, but until Harris and Walz are in office, I will not relax. There is much work to be done.

Thank you for all that you do to keep our democracy alive, Professor Richardson.

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Trump will receive a fatal dose of Karma-la on November 5.

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Not if the 134 new voter suppression laws in 29 states are effective on Nov. 5 or in the days between Nov 5 and Dec 17.

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Ask dedicated campaign workers what counters to that are being enacted. It will require more dedication from the average voter for sure.

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One kind of volunteer work we can do in answer to Michelle O's injunction to DO SOMETHING is poll-watching. Another is "ballot-curing"--what you do if someone has forgotten to sign both envelopes of a mail-in ballot, or leaves their phone number off, or drops it in the wrong ballot box etc. It can be done by phone through various Democratic-affiliated organizations on the ground in vulnerable states. Pretty easy work--I did in 2020 via Swing Left or Field Team 6.

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Mary, I am lucky to live in a county/state with solid election integrity & am SO grateful for that. I truly cannot wrap my head around that any folks think voter suppression & disenfranchisement is somehow OK. No, winning by any means necessary is NOT a democracy!

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Susan, made me think of this Boy George song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcA9LIIXWw

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Thanks, Barbara. In the music video, they make the grifter, pick-pocket walk the plank!

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Lots of busy work for Foxy network, overtime cheques for sure.

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It is actually sort of sad. If Mr. Trump were my aging grandfather or uncle, who was obviously no longer capable of doing the job, I would try to help him stop embarrassing himself, but apparently no one close to Trump care enough about him to protect him from himself.

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Excuse my language…but….FUCK HIM

He deserves not one pinheads worth of thought.

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He needs to be kicked into the ditch he should have been tossed in after being shot by a boyfriend of some woman he harassed 50 years ago in Studio 54.

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They’re all MAGA-messed up, too, tho

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Very sad. And very dangerous. But don't be deceived.

The people "close to Trump" have always tried to "help him" and rein him in - to keep him focused. Not because they care about him. They just want to keep their jobs. They see the self destructive behavior but are essentially helpless. Oh, the tell all books that will follow...

Trump is now completely uncontrollable. He is melting down. Each day his rants are more incoherent, garbled, desperate and sounding pathetic. Finally...the press is taking note.

The wonderful news is that Team Harris/Walz is attracting voters - new registrations are through the roof. And those MAGA Trump worshipers who are actually embarrassed just might stay home on November 5th. After that, they can try to reclaim some humanity and social acceptance by saying "I didn't vote for him!"

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This is because every relationship he has cultivated in his life has only ever been transactional. He's simply out of currency.

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Yeah, Notes, we need to make sure we take away the “keys of state” from him so he can never be behind the wheel of the Resolute Desk…..ever.

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aint that the truth!

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As always, I look forward to your Letters. I wonder why 🍊hasn’t been held accountable for the actions at Arlington. And I know we have all said this before but anyone else would be in prison for all he has done. Every single day, it seems he does another reprehensible act.

His mouth is vile and he has made rudeness popular. When I now see his followers crudeness on social media, I ask them if their mother knows they use such language.

Tomorrow, I start writing the 200 postcards that have arrived. I pray they do some good because if we do not win the popular vote and the electoral college vote by a bigger than ever margin, we have a problem.

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My understanding is that the Dems on the Oversight Committee wrote to the head of the Dept. Of the Army requesting more clarification about this despicable incident. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arlington-national-cemetery-trump-campaign-staff-incident-house-democrats-request-army-report/

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Regarding the Arlington Cemetery incident, I don't understand why it is evidently the employee's responsibility to press charges (which she didn't) and not the Army's. Anyway, that's how I read the press's reporting ("the employee declined to press charges").

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The employee is the victim of (as defined in "assault and battery" of general legal definitions) an assault not causing physical injury but reasonably fearing harm or injury. The Cemetery needs to address the violation of its rules of operation. Two different violations. Frankly, Arlington National Cemetery needs to put its foot down, hard, on the RepubliKan candidate for president.

I also don't blame the employee for not pursuing charges. We've seen what these honyaks do to people they don't like.

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It has to be voter overkill to make up for the built in imbalance in the electoral college, not to mention gerrymandering at al

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Thank you for the postcard effort. I'm also working on a batch of 200. Hope they help.

Landslides are much harder to "rig" . . .

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I'm in Delaware, waking up early to go knock on some Pennsylvania doors.

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Thank you Helga!

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It is hard to have plausible deniability when you were the Commander in Chief for four years.

“should they have put out the images…?” Trump said: “Well I don’t know what the rules and regulations are, I don’t know who did it, and, I, it could have been…”

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The more verbatim quotes we get, the better. If they refuse to mute his mic, I bet he does skip the 10th September "debate".

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Yes, I feel he will suddenly become ill (too many burgers) and simply can’t make it to the debate.

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On the other hand, he may suffer recurring pain from his badly damaged ear (FBI Conspiracy Theory). It's good to have a few things in reserve.

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I hear chronic heel spurs can affect speech and cognition…so there’s that to consider too. 🤡

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Aaaah....yes, of course. Of course.

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He will find a reason and he will also blame the VP. Somehow. Someway.

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Idont think so. He’s now behind. The debate is his chance—only chance—for a big national audience. He thinks he’s a great debater and that he’ll embarrass Harris.

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I imagine that's why he hooked in Tulsi Gabbard to give him all the dirt she can find - the wouldbe commander in chief, prides herself on knocking Harris out of the race four years ago.

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ludicrous nonsensical flailing. I watched a VoteVets discussion the other day which tore the Arlington political stunt to shreds. Literally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBJBsuS9tLY&t=1349s

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Trump just ignores the "cold" mic anyway!

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He's a coward who refuses to take responsibility for ANYTHING. It's always someone else's fault. But then, this is also admitting that he is actually the clueless dotard that most of use see him to be . . .

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The Dotard! That was his first great international nickname - before he and Little Rocket Man fell in love...

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Every time he moves his lips, he lies. And as is usual, he knows nothing! Someone else did it.

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Huff, listening to him blather on about “it wasn’t ME!” while throwing everybody else under the bus with his yabba-da-yabba-da excuse was comical.

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> Giuliani — Bullies always cave and whine when the tables turn. Go, Shae and Ruby!

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Yes, it's like Scott Farkus in A a Christmas Story, when "the hero" beats on the bully & makes him cry.

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I love this update, Heather. And I would add something to this point:

"Harris’s refusal to accept the MAGA terms of engagement, along with the exuberant support for Harris and Walz, has Trump, Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance, and MAGA Republicans reeling." ...

Harris and Walz are not only refusing to accept the MAGA terms of engagement... they are refusing to accept the Mainstream News Media framing of the election! I was shocked / not shocked when Dana Bash asked Kamala Harris about Trump's "She only recently said she was Black" comment. No serious journalist should bring up such an insulting comment ... thinking in their own mind "Well, this is a legitimate question." No, it is not! It is Tabloid Journalism... and is not what we should expect from CNN... except, of course, the CNN of today is not the CNN that was launched by Ted Turner in 1980.

I was also truly shocked that Dana Bash brought up the fact that Tim and Gwen Walz didn't actually use IVF to get pregnant but used a different medical procedure. This is "gotcha journalism" from a reporter who never confronts Trump about his many, many much more significant "factual errors".

I am reminded that when Katie Couric interviewed you, it sounded like you wanted to have a separate interview devoted to the history of journalism in America... with you, Heather, interviewing Katie this time. I really wish you would schedule that interview soon... because Mainstream News is failing the American people in very significant ways. I personally no longer watch the major networks on any kind of regular basis... and I'm a 69 year old who was raised on Walter Cronkite. I used to love network news. But its failure to accurately report on who and what Trump is (and that goes for The New York Times as well) has lost me.

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If you read the lead article in the New York Times the day after the interview you might understand why I cancelled my subscription to the NYTimes. They should be called the New York Inquirer!

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“When Berman pressed him on it, though, Vance appeared to lose the ability to hear the question, suggesting the feed was bad. “

So he was critical of a parent contestant struggling to answer a question, then when pressed and stressed by a reporter, he pretends he can’t hear the question? Oh JD… ur weak as!

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Unbelievable flailing. God, used that word at least 3 times tonight!

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Pageant not parent. Oops.

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If you click on the three little dots to the lower right of your post, a pop-up gives you an option to "edit" the post.

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Easy to edit, Ted.

Just click on the three dots lower right to your original text. When you then click on the word "edit," you can edit, and then click on "save."

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I can't edit on my phone but I can edit on my laptop. So while the dots may be there the ability to use them might be limited by the device a person is using.

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I've run into the same issue. Annoying that the phone version refuses to allow edits . . .

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I don't have a smart phone (or, any phone), so your info really is new to me.

Thank you, return to normalcy.

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As always, thank you for putting the facts in order and having them make sense. It still boggles my mind that people still think he’s ‘good’ for the country. My fear is that they will question so many election results on so many levels that will throw this country into anarchy. and without a Supreme Court or a congressional majority in both houses to sort it out, they plan to win in the anarchy.

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The Supreme Court is part of the plot to reinstate Trump. Just watch.

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It is what he constructed for himself. Or McConnell did; fpotus can't think his way out of a cemetary.

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Well, speaking of cemetaries, at least Trump has a golf course where he can bury himself, the sooner the better.

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I could be wrong, but Dem lawyers seem to be active with their legal sharpies.

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The bad guys have help in Texas from Abbott and their AG. Their hostile raids on LULAC to suppress Hispanic voters are making news:


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If you can, donate to Beto O’Rourke’s efforts on TX to registering voters - he’s working hard to counter the Republican efforts to suppress the vote.

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It is my greatest fear! The GOP has been working hard to get all the pieces in place for that very purpose! And the “Supreme Court” traitors have given their full support.

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Beyond contempt that Cance would use the video of a teenage girl as a political tool. And then joke about it? I hope her family nails him. That’s child abuse. Cruelty. He’s sick.

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Oops, Vance. Hopefully after November he will be immediately forgotten for the little man he is.

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He's so feckless the code-name his security detail assigned him was "Eric".

...ba-dum, tsssssssh!!

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The jejune Republican name-calling began, at least in the modern era, with Ronald Reagan's playground taunt--"I'm not going to say the "L" word." The lack of critical response by the media and by Democrats has allowed Republicans to consistently claim that they are "true" Americans and those who oppose them are not. George Bush, Jr., Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld used this rhetoric to quash any opposition to their extraordinarily misguided, disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq.

One of the most powerful moments, for me, in Kamala Harris's acceptance speech was when she said "don't let anyone tell you who you are." For more than four decades, Republicans have been claiming they are the only true Americans and only their values are true American values. Implicitly or overtly, their rhetoric defined those who didn't support them as unAmerican. Finally, we are taking back our flag, our national identity and our personal pride in being Americans without being bigoted Republican thugs. It is long overdue.

Sadly, most mainstream media still have neither the education nor the will to call out the lies and deception of the fascist minority.

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