The visual of the gallows and hangman's noose and the cries for Pence and Pelosi during the terrorist riot in our Capital really should make our American DOJ stand up to full attention and intervene immediately. Where are you and fascism continues to rise? I think we all need to flood our government with sanity letters.
The visual of the gallows and hangman's noose and the cries for Pence and Pelosi during the terrorist riot in our Capital really should make our American DOJ stand up to full attention and intervene immediately. Where are you and fascism continues to rise? I think we all need to flood our government with sanity letters.
Our rights across the country should not be able to be suppressed. I is a federal crime against our people— what these terrorists are committing on democracy.
Three hundred of the hard-core rioters were arrested and charged. Thinking of our people as children who need party guidance is terrorism. Forcing people to act when they know better is terrorism. Causing inflation that swamps wages is terrorism. Take a good look and cut the panting language.
Sorry, Dale, This is the wrong audience for your fear baiting hyperbole and misinformation. Income disparity and politicians being bought by big donor money is what is keeping wages down. Everything possible is going to the Elite 1%. That is the real cause of your anger I would guess - income disparity. You pay more taxes than 60 huge corporations making billions put together if you pay just $1 of taxes. Very few of them have raised wages in years. They don't care about you and me. They only care about power and money and you are delighting them by playing the role of useful idiot for them. They will never care about raising wages because they think you, the 99%, are just lazy when you can't make a decent living off poverty level wages.
I realize that some people have been arrested for these crimes, but not the seditionist party who are the instigators, fomenters and continue to be allowed to be lawmakers in our government. I am talking about the rising of these fanatic fascists and no large scale interventions or appear to be happening. I am talking about bills being passed everyday that attack our rights to vote and should be illegal. This is hardly panting and I find your comment slightly offensive. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you perhaps just do not understand what I wrote.
!!! Since you hearted me, TC, I was just going to respond to you and say the you would probably have had a very different response to my ovary, overly-measured, diplomatic, fact-based, gentle sword of clarity to Dale. Then I arrive and see that you are in full throttle with your blasts words. This, is a great example of an ovarian response vs a cajones' response, even if to a troll. We need both, but used at the right times. You will never die from hypertension, my friend. You withhold nothing.
Well said, Fern. Dale’s comments are at the least peculiar, but surely not off the wall enough to inspire such vitriol. I think he could have been gently ignored. His influence on this forum is minimal.
Instead we are treated to wild-eyed anger, devolving into the ever-tiresome trope that men are good only for rants while women rise always to the level of solutions.
The enemy is at the gates and this forum is furiously attacking gnats.
Me thinks you did not read some of the writings as feminine and masculine energies, not so much male and female. It is just that oftentimes, women have higher levels of estrogen for most of the lifecycle and men testosterone. There is a huge spectrum of in-between so this is not so black and white as we used to think. This is not male-bashing. If we keep just to science and facts— how many wars were begun by women around the world?
The hormones begin to shift as we grow older and you will find some women who develop stronger voices after menopause, and some men get more in touch with their gentler nature and emotions.
No male bashing, but it would be nice to see if women leaders do things differently in America. All I know from my history is that you cannot negotiate with fascists/racists and misogynists. They only understand might.
Okay, master critic. Some of us rebelled against the 'father figure' years ago. Did you learn more about Celan? My answer to your question will be concise and lacking much of my radical thinking. I'll keep it measured and believable, and hope you will approve. Expect it tomorrow or Thursday. Cheers!
I very much look forward to your answer. I’m sure it will be keenly interesting.
Today’s post from Dr. Richardson Cox excited the post hugely - mostly in a negative way I felt. Fear is very palpable. I understand that. The blister is getting widespread, specific, and hugely threatening. DJT let the genie out of the bottle.
Well, I think it might be that white people are feeling a bit more what POC have always felt and experienced. TFG is just a huge wake-up call that was so blatantly despicable that we may be lucky he woke us up before we completely lost the farm.
I was just pondering about "gentiles!!" I don't think we went "down." The foundations and culpability of oppression in our country is responsible for where we are today. We never dealt with white patriarchy and which is probably testosterone and fear driven. TFG is a perfect, if not disgusting, example for instance. I think we need to understand and deal with part of the population that is overly obsessed with power and guns which often include high libidos that are often be more about power than love. Of course, I am looking through the lens of psycho/social/physio glasses that I feel influence politics and life for the rest of us when they cannot contain themselves.
I have to admit, you make me laugh out loud, a lot! You are like that little devil on my left shoulder prodding me to say things I know I shouldn't, but then you amp it up by a 1,000 volts! It is my spiritual practice since 2015 to try to keep my better angels guiding my writing so I edit a lot ...with my ovaries.
The visual of the gallows and hangman's noose and the cries for Pence and Pelosi during the terrorist riot in our Capital really should make our American DOJ stand up to full attention and intervene immediately. Where are you and fascism continues to rise? I think we all need to flood our government with sanity letters.
Our rights across the country should not be able to be suppressed. I is a federal crime against our people— what these terrorists are committing on democracy.
Three hundred of the hard-core rioters were arrested and charged. Thinking of our people as children who need party guidance is terrorism. Forcing people to act when they know better is terrorism. Causing inflation that swamps wages is terrorism. Take a good look and cut the panting language.
Sorry, Dale, This is the wrong audience for your fear baiting hyperbole and misinformation. Income disparity and politicians being bought by big donor money is what is keeping wages down. Everything possible is going to the Elite 1%. That is the real cause of your anger I would guess - income disparity. You pay more taxes than 60 huge corporations making billions put together if you pay just $1 of taxes. Very few of them have raised wages in years. They don't care about you and me. They only care about power and money and you are delighting them by playing the role of useful idiot for them. They will never care about raising wages because they think you, the 99%, are just lazy when you can't make a decent living off poverty level wages.
Another terrific Cathy Learoyd takedown.
Oooh la la, Kathy!!
I realize that some people have been arrested for these crimes, but not the seditionist party who are the instigators, fomenters and continue to be allowed to be lawmakers in our government. I am talking about the rising of these fanatic fascists and no large scale interventions or appear to be happening. I am talking about bills being passed everyday that attack our rights to vote and should be illegal. This is hardly panting and I find your comment slightly offensive. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you perhaps just do not understand what I wrote.
Ignore this fool. His purpose here is to disrupt our discussion.
Stuff it, shitheaded old senile boomer moron troll.
!!! Since you hearted me, TC, I was just going to respond to you and say the you would probably have had a very different response to my ovary, overly-measured, diplomatic, fact-based, gentle sword of clarity to Dale. Then I arrive and see that you are in full throttle with your blasts words. This, is a great example of an ovarian response vs a cajones' response, even if to a troll. We need both, but used at the right times. You will never die from hypertension, my friend. You withhold nothing.
Dale is a troll. He is posting conflicting statements and disinformation all over the place.
TC spotted him right away and 'politely' suggested where he belonged.
Now from from heady politics to views aligned with the genitalia and the gentiles -- how far down will the forum go?
Well said, Fern. Dale’s comments are at the least peculiar, but surely not off the wall enough to inspire such vitriol. I think he could have been gently ignored. His influence on this forum is minimal.
Instead we are treated to wild-eyed anger, devolving into the ever-tiresome trope that men are good only for rants while women rise always to the level of solutions.
The enemy is at the gates and this forum is furiously attacking gnats.
Me thinks you did not read some of the writings as feminine and masculine energies, not so much male and female. It is just that oftentimes, women have higher levels of estrogen for most of the lifecycle and men testosterone. There is a huge spectrum of in-between so this is not so black and white as we used to think. This is not male-bashing. If we keep just to science and facts— how many wars were begun by women around the world?
The hormones begin to shift as we grow older and you will find some women who develop stronger voices after menopause, and some men get more in touch with their gentler nature and emotions.
No male bashing, but it would be nice to see if women leaders do things differently in America. All I know from my history is that you cannot negotiate with fascists/racists and misogynists. They only understand might.
Most of us don’t take it to that level of thought. This is a very nuanced and thought-provoking explanation.
The problem is that many of us get off the bus when we hear for the nth time that men rage and women have the answers.
I really appreciated what you wrote.
I am glad this helped, Eric!
You mean women don't always rise to the level of solutions? 😉
Okay, master critic. Some of us rebelled against the 'father figure' years ago. Did you learn more about Celan? My answer to your question will be concise and lacking much of my radical thinking. I'll keep it measured and believable, and hope you will approve. Expect it tomorrow or Thursday. Cheers!
I did not learn more yet. Busy.
I very much look forward to your answer. I’m sure it will be keenly interesting.
Today’s post from Dr. Richardson Cox excited the post hugely - mostly in a negative way I felt. Fear is very palpable. I understand that. The blister is getting widespread, specific, and hugely threatening. DJT let the genie out of the bottle.
Well, I think it might be that white people are feeling a bit more what POC have always felt and experienced. TFG is just a huge wake-up call that was so blatantly despicable that we may be lucky he woke us up before we completely lost the farm.
Quite a learning experience via AI (artificial insemination).
Oh, and let's not forget the genitals!
I was just pondering about "gentiles!!" I don't think we went "down." The foundations and culpability of oppression in our country is responsible for where we are today. We never dealt with white patriarchy and which is probably testosterone and fear driven. TFG is a perfect, if not disgusting, example for instance. I think we need to understand and deal with part of the population that is overly obsessed with power and guns which often include high libidos that are often be more about power than love. Of course, I am looking through the lens of psycho/social/physio glasses that I feel influence politics and life for the rest of us when they cannot contain themselves.
Penelope, can you see without your glasses? That's a nondenominational, unbiased question from I don't know what part of my anatomy.
I actually really did Laugh Out Loud, Penelope. :-)
I have to admit, you make me laugh out loud, a lot! You are like that little devil on my left shoulder prodding me to say things I know I shouldn't, but then you amp it up by a 1,000 volts! It is my spiritual practice since 2015 to try to keep my better angels guiding my writing so I edit a lot ...with my ovaries.
Good for you. It's ornery old guys like me who are so far beyond redemption we can't even see the place, who will handle these idiots. :-)
So now, thanks to you, I can tell my wife while we needle each other in fun that she gave me an ovary response.
Just be mindful in not pushing too far...know the boundaries of an ovary, particularly during the full moon.
You seem to be ranting Dale