As a Louisiana Republican I am thankful for President Biden. During his term my monthly medical expenses decreased by $293.00 and my monthly social security increase by $120.00. Call it what you like. Our representative democracy works when we let it.

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I wish everyone could hear your concise explanation of what socialism and ‘redistribution of wealth’ really means . Thank you!

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These labels seem to be applied especially when people of color might be favorably affected by the application of fair policies. Thank you for giving your readers a lesson in political philosophy.

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Thanks for the education on military cemeteries and longstanding protocol against marketing our war dead’s graves. This immoral grifting of Government ground brought back the equally shameful use the Trump campaign made during the summer of 2020: holding his reelection party on the White House lawn.

Their campaign got away with that one so why not Arlington Cemetery lawn this time?

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Social Security, collective bargaining, and other "intrusions into the marketplace" were demands of the Socialists led by Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas before they were enacted in diluted form by the New Deal.

Thomas said FDR "carried out the Socialist program - on a stretcher" but the failure of the Socialist Party to claim the partial victory led to its marginalization. The void was filled in the 1930s by the Communist Party, more oriented to the struggle for power than to moral purity, but the CP disillusioned most of those who flocked to it, by their embrace of Stalin and support of the Moscow Trials and the Hitler-Stalin pact.

Democratic socialists today, like Bernie and AOC, are leading the movement to expand political democracy and economic equality, proposing programs like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and reversing the extreme concentration of wealth by serious progressive taxation. They seem to have learned from their predecessors, combining moral integrity with strategic realism.

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I live in an unincorporated town where there is a mixture of people worth tens of millions and people who live solely on government subsidies. One such I know is the most talented craftsman I’ve ever met. It bothers me that I have had to work so hard to raise a family and he gets a free ride. If a person is unable to contribute to our society I understand the need for subsidy, but should an able bodied man get a free ride on the backs of others?

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Mike we all need to contribute to our society and having a basic safety net is not getting a free ride. Abusers of this safety net need to be held accountable, no doubt. But simply doing away with the safety net and robbing millions of also hard working Americans a possibility to get back on their feet or live out their life in a dignifying way is not the answer.

There are many ways to look at it, but if we give more money to already rich people or give more money to poor people, which demographic you think will spend that money quickly and immediately stimulate the local economy? We don't need more billionaires we need affordable healthcare, housing, and education. That will benefit all and not only a few lucky enough to be on top!

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Thank you for your response. I agree with you.

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Thank you greatly Heather for clarifying how social programs became "socialism". The Raygun era has had many deep repercussions ever since his campaigns were exemplified by the popular bumper sticker often adorning a smoking Winnebago on a steep mountain highway that read "We are spending our Grandchildren's inheritance."

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Exactly! Price gauging and unfair profiteering of a shock to the supply line were to blame for the high inflation numbers. Clearly we cannot trust capitalism making the right decisions for the people. That's why we need a strong government to step in, regulate, and hold businesses accountable for their illegal actions. Luckily we have one party left, who is capable of governing for the people... Let's make sure they win the presidency and down ballot offices to make America work for the people! #VoteBlue

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Thank you Heather, spot on. Your historical and current insights encourage my faith in the democratic notions of our nation, our inherent freedom, and our ability to learn from our past mistakes so as to not repeat them (“we are all one”). This in my hope democracy continues for our children, our grandchildren and all future generations of Americans to come. USA USA USA

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