My favorite Republican who spoke at the DNC convention was the former Lt. Governor of Georgia, Geoff Duncan. Best line from his speech: "Let me clear to my Republican friends at home watching: If you vote for Kamala Harris in 2024 you're not a Democrat. You're a patriot."

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I hope you realize how important your letters are to us! I let myself get in panic mode again- HCR gave me the boost I needed!

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You are not alone.

Jack Larson

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26

Who said FOX didn't televise the DNC speeches? That is a completely false statement. I watched the DNC on FOX every night except Thursday evening. I saw all the speakers. "Media Matters" lies. Not surprised at all about that!

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If you listen carefully HCR said that Media Matters, which monitors right-wing media, reported that the Fox News Channel did not air any of the Republicans’ DNC speeches.

She never said that FOX didn't televise the DNC speeches. There is a very important distinction. FOX didn't televise any of the REPUBLICANS that spoke at the convention in support of Vice President Harris.

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Oops. I just read the Media Matters piece, and it says exactly what HCR wrote:

"...that the Fox News Channel did not air any of the Republicans’ DNC speeches."


SKD, question for you: Since You watched the DNC on Fox, do you recall seeing the speech, for example, of former representative Adam Kinzinger?

On C-Span's website, you can easily scroll through and see individual speeches. You should be able to recognize Republicans who spoke at the DNC. I'm curious if you saw any of the speeches by these Republicans campaigning for Harris.

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I saw several speakers who announced that they are, or were Republicans, prior to continuing their speech. Specific to Adam Kinzinger, I heard his name mentioned when I was in a different room, where the television was not. I did not listen or hear him specifically, but have heard him many other times over the past few years so I was not worried about missing anything new or important from him.

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Interesting, because above in your original post, you said you saw all of the speakers.

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Re-read my ACTUAL statement, please.

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I said I didn't watch Thursday night, so excluding Thursday night I saw the handful of former Republican speakers, that were on Mon-Weds.

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Ahhh. That makes perfect sense. I think if you listen to HCR again, you'll hear that she said that Fox didn't air the Republicans who spoke at the Democratic convention, not that they didn't air DNC speeches. Perhaps you misheard HCR similar to the way I misread your statement about Kenziger. I apologize for my misinterpretation of your initial statement. I'm glad you explained.

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Thank you, Lisa. I did hear how HCR worded the information that came from the Media Matters source. I should have been clearer in MY initial post that I was referring to the former Republican's who made speeches during the Monday - Wednesday night time frame. It might make a difference that I was watching "FOX LIVE" so it would not be easy for them to block live speeches. If the Media Matters source was watching taped versions of the DNC on FOX, then that would be a different story, and FOX might / could have changed the version of events that I saw LIVE, to fit their preferential reporting style.

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In view of the comments below, perhaps YOU owe Media Matters an apology.

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Why would I owe them an apology when it was reported that FOX didn't air ANY of the Republican or former Republican speeches, when in fact they DID? 🤔

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I hope HCR sees your comment and issues a correction. I watched elsewhere but see this, for example, in Axios:

"TV channels airing Harris DNC speech

"All major news networks are broadcasting convention sessions, including CNN, PBS, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, Fox News, NewsNation and C-SPAN.

"The networks will also be streaming on their websites, apps and social channels."

(Source: https://www.axios.com/2024/08/22/kamala-harris-speech-today-dnc-convention-schedule )

I am no fan of Fox, but also, Fox News.com has extensive, detailed reporting on the DNC.

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I agree with your correction and Jane Evans. Heather did not say that FOX didn't report on the convention, only that they didn't report on the Republicans who spoke in support of Harris and Walz.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26

I am not a fan of 98% of the news channels. Everything is so in your face and heavily biased one way or the other. It is sad that it is so challenging to find a true non-partisan network and hear what is actually happening versus what is available to us today through our media outlets. I left high school 42 years ago but the crap I hear on the news nowadays reminds me of the character assassination / slandering that went on at that questionable maturity level, oh so long ago.

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I live in Switzerland where we have high quality public radio and television. It is not for free but worth the money for having the opportunity to receive balanced, well researched information.

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SKD I'm glad you pointed out this discrepancy.

I am curious to know where the Media Matters reporter was located when they were checking to see if FOX was broadcasting the Republican (and former R) speeches. Also curious to know what state you were watching from. Any chance that FOX pulled the R speeches from their programming in swing states?

Just a thought.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27

@Helga - That is a good question! I watched the Democratic National Convention in Wisconsin. Formerly an Illinois native up until I moved to WI a year ago. I was watching "FOX LIVE" Monday - Wednesday night. I am not sure how they would be able to block live speeches, but those media outlets have pulled the wool over our eyes many times before, right?..... so it is possible. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Just a thought but an interesting one!

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Hope Heather R. is aware of the work of The

Democracy Collaborative and their model for building democratic communities, called Community Wealth Building. It is impressive.

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