Gasp! I remember that lovely introduction to the photos of Peter Ralston!

Here is Emily Dickenson's "Hope" to share:

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul -

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -

And sore must be the storm -

That could abash the little Bird

That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -

And on the strangest Sea -

Yet - never - in Extremity,

It asked a crumb - of me.

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Thanks, Ellie.......Peter

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"Here" was the first image that struck me as indicating I was going to enjoy Maine even more than I imagined 4 years ago. Covid slowed my wandering the back roads but making it through Freedom, Liberty, Harmony, Unity, Union, Hope, and Friendship (though not in that order), remains a goal .

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Well Jim, don't get too wound-up. Gas up in Norway, meander thru Purgatory (in Litchfield) and after swingin thru South China on yer way East, pay attention to the fairly sharp left-hander known as "Cowshit Corner" (it's duly marked) over near Head Tide. It used to be pretty greasy back in the day. Keep movin on over to Round Pond, and the Muscongus Bay Lobster dock and have a genuine lobster roll you can brag about along with some potato salad (Maine potato's!). Yupp. Do that. Tell em theMadRussian sent cha.

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My wife has her heart set on seeing the Francis Perkins Center in Newcastle today.

Near enough, but not shelfish eater, potato salad hits the spot though.

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😎Stop over to the Wiscasset airport and I'll give you a flying lesson and you can see the whole works from the air. And as yer drivin down Route 1, don't be alarmed at the block-long line waitin for fries at RedsEats, right downtown there. It's famous too.

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I have been to Norway to get to the Paris Autobarn in South Paris years ago looking for a used Prius.

Other trips took me through Canton, Peru and Mexico, another trip headed for New Portland (for a total eclipse), through another Farmington (not New Mexico), and Fairbanks.

I went through Minot after hearing about “Jackass Annie” Mesannie Wilkins and her trip across the country on her retired race horse, Tarzan, and little dog, Depeche Toi (I had already been through Whitefield where she stayed with a friend until she passed after returning from California). See https://historyofwomen.substack.com/p/how-jackass-annie-ran-away-from-home

I’d passed through Whitefield on a trip back from the Togus VA Medical Center (oldest in the country) exploring the east side of Kennebec River and ways to avoid the traffic in Wiscasset when Red’s Eats is open when on my way to the annual Air Show at Owls Head (actually coming back as they are closed until 11:30, 2 hours after I go east).

On “my way” to an HCR event in Camden, I had planned to follow US-202 through South China and take 3 to Belfast before heading south on US-1 to Camden, but ended up taking the 17 to get there on time.

On our first trip to the Francis Perkins Center (closed at the time), we went from Freeport to Richmond to Dresden then back roads to Head Tide, then Alna and on down the 194 to Cowshit Corner just before the 215/Mills Rd to River Rd and the FPC.

Haven’t gotten to Muscongus Bay Lobster Dock but did get close while going down the wrong side of the Damariscotta River looking for the old Francis Perkins Museum.

We've been busy with health issues for us and other family members and animals, so much so that I've missed the Great Race and Owls Head Air Show I've tried hard not to miss for years (even when flying from California when we lived there), so it might be a while before I can take you up on the flying lesson that sounds like so much more fun.

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I just bought the Here image From Peter Ralston yesterday. Love it 😊

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Thank you for this Ellie, and get ALL the rest you need, HCR! You are loved and needed.

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Thanks Ellie. Lovely poem and perfect.

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My maternal grandmother’s favorite Dickinson poem. Thanks Ellie!

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" ... sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - " thank you Emily & Ellie.

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Beautiful. ❤️

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Hope….so appropriate. 🙏🫶🙏

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Yes! Jumped right out at me! : )

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A perfect photo!

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Great photo. Too bad it wasn’t taken on Sandy Pond in Freedom, ME. That would have been perfect.

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Totally apropos for the current situation! Many thanks to HCR for sending it to us. And kudos to Maine photographer Peter Ralston!

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Yes, Tamara, so appropriate, HCR.

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Finally, cautiously, daring to hope again. Thanks for staying the course! 😀

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Rest! We luv ya! ☮️❤️

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Thank you so much for your excellent coverage of the DNC convention Professor and the education on prior conventions.

Can't wait for the post-mortem on the convention.

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Couldn't watch it all but want to see it all eventually, videos with and without commentators, and accurate transcripts of all the speakers. I do believe a complete record of this convention will withstand review of goals, past achievements and future achievements in the future orientation of our Democracy better than any I can remember. I look forward to looking back at it throughout the coming years.

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I watched more of the convention that I've watched in many years, and I wasn't even home!

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Viva la Kamala!

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Wonderful picture that says exactly what we all feel!

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Hope. Decency. Truth. Optimism. America, America. May we get back what we lost and move forward.

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Have a nice hot toddy and put your feet up. Thanks for Peter’s awesome photo! We certainly do have hope and confidence now, like I have never seen before. See ya’ tomorrow.

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How nice. How many folks refer to a " hot toddy " these days? My mother : squeeze some lemon, hot water, a bit of sugar or honey. The adult toddy included bourbon. God Bless America!

Vote for Kamala .

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Yes, enjoyed a single malt neat today and celebrated Kamala with our neighbors.

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Tim Walz would have enjoyed that one- celebrating with the neighbors!

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That’s the only way to drink single malts 👍👍

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Kills a cold better than meds

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Here's a hug for Heather and the hope she humbly holds for us all...

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Perfectly stated!

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Joni Mitchell talked about not knowing what you have till it's gone.

I think it's also true that you don't know what you're missing till you get it back. at least for a little while.

we have been missing hope and joy.

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Joni's words are more poignant than ever. Project 2025 and the control freak maggots will not stop until they "pave paradise."

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I spent years thinking that was "pay paradise" and wondering (as a Brit) what it meant.

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Great art...great poetry..........simply....."you don't know what you've got till its gone."

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Pave paradise is what I experienced in Butte Montana when the Anaconda Company decided to dig for copper in the Columbia Gardens. It was a piece of Paradise growing up for children and family. Now it’s the Berkeley Pit😢🤬😡😬

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You deserve the rest! Looking forward to the DNC from your view.

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Perfect. We all need to rest and take a breath today and start fresh tomorrow ready to “do something”. Thanks HCR. You are a jewel of this country.

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Oh yes! Wonderful photo‼️

Sleep deeply, dear Heather 😴💤❤️

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Perfect pic for the conclusion of this amazing week. Rest.

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I wasn't going to watch much of the convention but the first night was so well produced that I got caught up watching the production, the pacing of the messages, the choices of who would speak when and about what. It seemed a powerful building of the narrative we have been waiting and hoping for. I don't know who made the choices and produced the show but in my mind, they hit a home run. I'll be eagerly waiting to read your take after you've had time to rest and think about it.

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I’m right there with you…I mostly stay away from the pageantry. My wife and I were moved to tears and filled with hope and joy so many times we lost count.

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Looking forward to your account of the amazing DNC, but in the meantime I hope you get some good rest!

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So beautiful and poignant! I am grateful for your eyes, ears, and the context you provide! May you sleep peacefully.

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You deserve a break today. You also deserve The Medal of Freedom.

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