The last paragraph says it all. President Joe is a good president and a good man and you are a great professor and thank you for everything you do for us to understand this goofy world we live in. We must always be kind and share. Peace everybody.

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Despite President Biden being a good man and doing credible work, I believe his communication team should invest in vital communication strategies that really showcased he is a good man and working for the American people before the right-wing media tells voters who he is through misinformation. It is hard to maintain what one has in the face of enemies and it takes effort to do that. In a world that values propaganda and innuendos, no one cares whether Biden is good, but his communication team has to put in the work to show that he is good by not creating uncertainty among his supporters. This sentiment stated that "Pro-Russian accounts promptly began to argue that the Biden administration was ignoring a disaster at home"

The Republican Party, Trump, and his allies understand that they have to use confirmation bias to pin down their supporters and shore up their support. It is a psychological tactic aimed at disseminating information that supports the party and presidential candidate while painting Biden as ignoring domestic affairs. The issue of a disaster is emotive and Trump Co. wanted to make people believe that Biden has neglected them despite a lot of evidence indicating that the president had been sending Federal support to the victims and announced plans to be done in the next few days. However, the pro-Russian accounts took advantage of lack of prompt communication response from the Biden team and capitalized on them to arouse sympathy emotions among its supporters. Thus, Biden should fully invested in strong communication to counter any misinformation spread by the right wing media as they approach elections. When they keep silent for long, though they are doing credible work on the ground, the right-wing media will speak on behalf of them. This is what mostly occurred in 2016 that propelled Trump to White House, with conspiracies taking over political airwaves. I hope Biden team will learn from them and deal with any misinformation fiercely as they approach 2024.

I welcome you to subscribe to my newsletter. It is free to be my subscriber. I only rely on donations to make it free for all.

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The problem we have here in America, Edwin, is the media has found the "average" American wants to be entertained not informed. Who the "average" American is, I have no idea, it certainly isn't me. No matter what Joe Biden or the Democratic Party tries to say, if it isn't entertaining it will not be reported on "mainstream media". That's why I disconnected my network TV.

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"Who the "average" American is, I have no idea, it certainly isn't me. "

I would guess that you can find the "average American":

1) staring at the TV during "Fox and Friends" in the morning to catch a glimpse up the dress of the fake blonde handing out fake news.

2) staring at the TV during "Survivor" or whatever other seriously dumb "reality TV" is on at night, I have no idea.

3) staring at facebook and X on their phone for hours each day.

4) Buying Cheetos and Beer to eat and drink during Fox and Friends at Fastrac or 7-11 or whatever is the equivalent.

5) Picking up their Social Security check AND their nice retirement check from the job that was outsourced to China that they get BUT don't want anyone else to get so they don't have to pay taxes.

You will NOT find average Joe at the local library checking out the movie "Selma". Or checking out any book at all.

And therein lies the problem with America. Too much average. Average is not good enough to think, read, understand, discern and, moreover, average does not promote community.

Average is? Well, average.

There is another average problem as well. Ivy lets in "average/below average/legacy" but then those "average or below" are treated like Gods upon graduation and they destroy everything when they are in power.

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“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

― George Carlin

Just Sayin’

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And this leaves us at the Achilles heel of democracy. Those 'average' persons vote, and all too often, elect foes of democracy to office. That's what's wrong with democracy, but as Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms." Liberals who give up progressive ideas and become 'neo-cons' eventually recognize this.

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George knew. Miss him....

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“They all it the American Dream, because you gotta be asleep to believe it.” I miss him dreadfully. 😢

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Barbara (NJ) - "George knew. Miss him...."

Yes, he did. Yes, I do.

(I know Facebook is not very welcome here but one misses so much without it.)


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That's what average means.

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Funny, but, one hopes, an exaggeration.

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Those average Americans are reaching into their pockets—which are none too deep—to send money to help the people in Maui. Average Americans are helping victims of floods and other wildfires. Yes, average Americans are going to librarIes (I’m a library trustee, so I have some knowledge here). They are building wind turbines and installing solar panels. They are doing the country’s work.

Back in the 1960s, the great Tom Paxton wrote:

My face may not be pretty,

And my clothes are not the best,

And there ain’t no bigshots in my family tree.

But if you want to know

Who made this country great,

You don’t have to look no further,

It was me.

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I went 3 times, for a week at a time, to work on rebuilding after Katrina in 2005 and 2006. We slept on the floor of a church that survived in Ocean Springs. Those folks that came to rebuild were average Americans, many retired but some took their vacation time to help out. Mostly I rewired homes because of my background and experience, (dad was a electrical contractor). My whole point is that average doesn't mean folks don't care.

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We would do better to come up with a more appropriate term to describe what we view as the “average “person. I grew up in the 1950’s and 60’s when my “average “ parents and neighbors faithfully read local newspapers and on Sunday read larger newspapers like the New York newspapers. It was a community mixed with many ethnic, religious and socioeconomic groups. And they appeared to work together ( at least to this boy) to make a community that benefited most. I keep in touch with several of my childhood friends who could see through the likes of Trump and the mean, petty, selfish and lazy bastards who support him.

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The primary problem would seem to be overweight. Fat is a disease (UCLA Medical Bulletin) and too many do sit in front of TV’s eating fat and gaining weight and losing brainpower.

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Thank you Jon Margolis

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Thank you, Jon.

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I don't think the word "average" to describe an American is applicable much anymore. As an adjective, it's been used in this context for many many years. Sixty or so years ago and more, America was seemingly a bit more "homogenized". Everybody seemed to conform into a big, boring mass. In the '60s, things really started to unravel and different groups began to rebel against the "norm", the "establishment". The country, IMO, has become too diverse to pin a label "average" on anybody. Statisticians might be able to come up with mean totals for a wide variety of things which might create an idea of "average", but it seems to me to find one person and say, "This person represents the "average American", is not really possible anymore.

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The country was always diverse. It's just that most of the people who were not white and male were written out of history and not represented in media. Republicans are trying to do so again with their Anti CRT and anti woke nonsense.

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Exactly. Women and minorities were more or less invisible and blended into the fabric. As I said, in the '60s they and others began asserting themselves and standing up for their rights. The diversity became much more mainstream, with the result that the White patriarchal system came under assault. That's still a problem for that demographic, at least I think so down here in the South. White males are feeling threatened -- as they should. They're no longer calling the shots. In this area it is now almost one-third Latino/Hispanic. Spanish is ubiquitous and we have basically become a bi-lingual society here. For these "good ol' boys" that change happened really fast, too fast, and some of them can't deal with it. There was a time, a couple generations ago, when those "good ol' boys" would've probably been considered the "average" American. Not any more, and that's as it SHOULD be!

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You are right, Bruce. That was what I had in mind when I wrote that post. What does average mean anymore? "Average income" if you include all the incomes in the USA today is more than at least 70% of us make. "Average education" depends on how much debt you are willing to take on. (Also how wealthy your parents are) To my way of thinking MAGA cultists are not "average joe's" They don't understand how they got in the mess we're all in. They want someone to blame, but they lack the determination to research and find the real reasons. So, when some trickster, like Trump comes along and assures them he will take care of their woes, fraudulently offers some others to "blame" they latch on firmly, lapping up each crumb he throws them. Yes, we need to change the distribution of wealth in this country. Yes, we need to mitigate to the best of our collective ability the ever threatening global warming we have blindly created for the past 200 years. Yes, we need to totally revamp our educational system in this country so every single child is educated to the best of the child's capabilities. But, we're running out of time. At least I am, at 90+ I don't have that long to effect changes.

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You make good points Bruce. I also have to wonder when the word average as a descriptor became a pejorative? What's wrong with being average? We can't all be exceptional. Average, in the non-mathematical definition, can mean ordinary or regular or common. Some of us, myself included, fit that description, and I'm fine with it. Being average doesn't equate with lacking in intellectual ability, being poorly or misinformed, being unhealthy, being of a particular race or ethnicity, or of a certain political persuasion. It seems to me the word has been used and misused so often by so many people in so many ways it has lost its meaning. I'll stop now lest I begin to sound like Stuart Smalley.

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To me, the "average" American is what the NY Times thinks, that the people who hang out in diners in the midwest and talk about how great life was back in the 1960s are those people. Many Black journalists equate average with white.

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See my response to Barbara S above . . . you're exactly right.

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We're forgetting a few important things.

1. The elimination of equal time means that the press is under no obligation to give all the facts. Republicans did that.

2. The campaign to do everything possible to hamstring public schools by stealing taxpayer money for private schools and then imposing a testing regimen that punished critical thinking was a Republican endeavor.

Before we start calling our fellow Americans stupid, maybe we should give consideration to how that happened.

When this was going down in the nineties, I brought my concerns to a good solid liberal professor of mine who assured me that people wouldn't buy into the nonsense.

Too many liberals rested too easily on that belief - and the belief that reason could overcome a false narrative - for too long and here we are.

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Wow so well put.

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Traditional media especially right-wing reprogrammes how we view politicians and alter every truth that we know until we cast doubts on our favourite leaders. Logics doesn't sell. Emotions do sell a lot. Negative news often attract a huge base of audience that every politician admires. And in this case, Trump and the entire Republican benefits from it.

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Agreed, Edwin. Another problem is, we have allowed all the former media to be purchased lock, stock, and reporters by obscenely wealthy bigots. I hope those of you in Africa can learn from our mistakes of the past 50 years. Stay with your traditions (at least those which aren't harmful to your health) and whatever you do, don't worship wealth.

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And they are also not Americans, although I don’t think it matters so much as the ‘obscenely wealthy “ part does.

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Nailed it.

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You, no doubt have actually experienced disinformation campaigns Edwin, assuming you are who you say. Africa has been under nonstop propaganda campaigns for decades now, from every angle.

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Opposition in Africa are almost similar to how Republican operates. They buy media headlines to sway voters with misinformation or even create scandals around their opponents. TV news are alloted to those whom they support with more airtime. Truth is scarce and it isn't wanted.

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Yes, very similar. Your last line is powerful, Edwin: the kind of thing that feels like a gut punch, it is so on mark.

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Thanks , Fay

A robust and concentrated effort on accountability...front and center actions folks:

1) Disconnect from sources focusing on the disinformation, Fox#1 , X/Twit, talking head ramblings, networks ...

Their pockets hear quickly, their poll/audience numbers drop ..they’ll catch it quickly, their continued loss in seats and sitting elected positions from town/school boards to state to county to house & senate ...is already quite evident .

2) It is NOT ‘fair coverage’ to give liars press time ...it is a panning to the thrill seeking, soap opera mentality. Stop it!

3) Boycott...stop buying the products from the advertisers on disinformation carriers.

4) pester the Congress ,especially MAGA offices , saturate their lines with objections/complaint/critical discourse, tie up their lines with incessant and mind boggling jamming, and 🗣️tell your friends

5) Make the same tactics work for US TOO!

6) post and praise about our President Biden/Harris ‘s daily loving , multiple efforts to shore up/improve and support our society...

7/Work to leave the nay sayers OUT of conversation, no mention, no names or name calling, NO OXYGEN to the losers

8) Support grassroot movements, donate a few bucks to as many Dem candidates who carry equality , inclusion, and solution solving ideas ...as you can!

Togetherness all the way, team 2024...let’s carry this working effective and wholesome message .



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"7/Work to leave the nay sayers OUT of conversation, no mention, no names or name calling, NO OXYGEN to the losers"

I guess if you don't share the same views, you should keep your mouth shut. How democratic.

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Possibly stop the naysayers from taking over the conversation, and putting their beliefs and views out in front of anyone else & being the loudest in the room. As in Trump - DeSantis - MTG - Bobert - Gaetz & others. Bring the actual truth out rather than all this disinformation.

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Make the truth come out louder and more enthusiastically than the right wing lies. And do it before the liars have a chance to be heard first.

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Do I note you think the Dems don’t talk enough? Then I’d have to say ..the good stuff happening doesn’t get even close enough headlines, shouted out, it’s due credit emphasized ...you’re absolutely right! THANKS!

I don’t think there’s any ‘guessing’ in our message or specifically mine it

doesn’t agree with THEIR thought process. But ‘shutting up’ isn’t even close to ‘in me’. I just prefer and I think it’s far more decent to have a respectful approach ..though not ‘ pussy’-foot around . Being truthfilled as to what’s being DELIVERED while walking through the DEBRIS ... vs whining, criticizing, childish slurs, no solutions, nosuggestions, but screaming alternative facts...I use the word in sarcastic slight.

The ‘fake news’ is more an act of complicity than news ( IMHO) but we all know the bottom line$ ..which along with attention, garnering a sensationalistic audience, and hopeful for the lobbyist’s rewards there’s a lot of to be desired , a lot to be expected for the clean up when the BLUES sing .

The Team here is worthy, informed, and capable.

Let’s get to it!


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I believe that's the response network "mainstream" media might listen to; when it hits their bottom line of viewership numbers and Loud protests from us online and social media - a firestorm of viewership protest, as many as possible. Viewership equals dollars for networks from advertisers. They know when we're watching and will know if we don't - tell them why.

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I disconnected my network TV 10 years ago, i absolutely can't to watch the MSM any longer. They are way to Fascist leaning for me to watch their garbage.

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Good for you, John. I think the only reason I kept mine was I had grandchildren livi9ng with me then and they all watched TV.

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n the history book These Truths, by Jill Lepore, are  the following paragraphs about the first, highly successful political campaign managers, Campaigns, Inc., aka The Lie Factory, founded in 1933. They never lost a campaign. Republicans have mastered their campaign strategy rules: 

    'Every campaign needs a theme.  Keep it simple.  Rhyming is good. Never explain anything. "The more you have to explain,  the more difficult it is to win support."  Say the same thing over and over again. "We assume we have to get a voter's attention 7 times to make a sale".  Subtlety is your enemy.  "Words that lean on your mind are no good. They must dent it." Simplify, simplify,  simplify. "A wall goes up when you try to make Mr. And Mrs. Average American Citizen work or think."

    Make it personal.  Candidates are easier to sell than issues. If your position doesn't have an opponent,  invent one. Pretend that you are the voice of the people. You can't wage a defensive campaign and win. Never shy from controversy; instead win the controversy. "The average  American doesn't want to be educated,  he doesn't want to improve his mind; he doesn't want to work,  consciously, at being a good citizen. But there are 2 ways you can interest him in a campaign, and only 2 that we have ever found successful." You can put on a fight ("He likes a good battle with no punches pulled"), or you can put on a show ("He likes the movies, he likes mysteries; he likes fireworks and parades). "So, if you can't fight, PUT ON A SHOW! If you put on a good show, Mr. And Mrs. America will turn out to see it.'

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I was impressed with the James Carville War Room that immediately struck back at those who spread disinformstion about Bill Clinton in his 1st and successful presidential campaign.

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Yes, we can still learn from James Carville now. He is a great Democratic strategist and funny too! He is on the podcast Politics War Room and was recently on Molly Jong Fast’s podcast too. Yes, Biden’s team has to hit back hard. Call out the misinformation and IMO name it as Russian when applicable.

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There was a funny meme going around that said: “Of three Trumpers, the first is as stupid as the other two!” Says it all.....thank you Heather for your facts and your calming sanity. Taveras has now flipped on dump. He is really cooked! Yay!

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Biden and his communication team have to stop being Nicey Nice, and thinking that if they ignore a problem like malicious lies from the Right and its media, that the problem will go away. Just “setting a good example” may work in some families but it does not when your opposition is venal and as low as it gets.

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If anyone wants to see a corner turned in the bullshit whining by Republicans, Donald Trump must be permanently removed from any and all equations..In as much as I support these prosecutions, it still treats the events leading up to and including Jan 6th 2021 and the illegal documents retention like a bank robbery and a petty theft..These were treasonous acts of war..Trump et al belong in prison cells at Gitmo pending a military tribunal as enemy combatants..On top of the criminal charges that they face..

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But, Congress apparently refuses to invoke the Fourteenth amendment disqualifier for Presidential office because Trump is more powerful with Americans than the Constitution, which, almost no American has read.

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Like Trump, the “Freedom Caucus” is the apple of Putin’s eye. If you watch the Republican debate, which I won’t waste my time with, report back with their creative solutions to reverse the destruction of our environment. (Ha, ha)

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Sam I am so enraged at what is going on right in front of us I had to erase my comments. I can’t tolerate the empathy and the pride in being uneducated.

There are so many of us allowing the thugs to be the “ movie of the years”.

Do what Henry David Thoreau did.... stop paying taxes to a government that one cannot in any way depend on to send treasonous criminals to prison so the rest of us can breath clean fresh air! ( meaning “the truth)”.

Until this country gets the message that most of us want “under the law” to mean something for everyone, we must not fund this insanity.

There are of course those of us who feel this in not the course to take. Part of being a proud American was that paying each person’s fair tax was meant to be patriotic. Well, I am confused as to what it takes to get our employees ( Congress) to do the right thing!

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Yes - the fact that they ARE our employees appears to escape their little minds, doesnt it?

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Their PACS get money from the rich guys whom they really work for.

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You nail it perfectly. Agree, although I get really tired of your constant trolling for subscribers. Dems have not been effective messagers since FDR’s fireside chats. Rupert’s megaphone is the dominate right propaganda machine. Reagan set that up and we have not yet figured out how to counter it effectively.

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Can we call it “Rupert’s MAGAPhone?”

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Yep, always has been, by design. Thanks, Ronnie

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Jeri, I believe it was Roger Ailles and Gordon Norquist who understood the linguistic concept of framing (NOT messaing). But since FDR, perhaps, there has been a segment of America that feels private interests ought to govern society, not a public sector. This scourge of the earth, imho, is called Libertarianism.

David Koch was the Libertarian Party's vice-presidential candidate in 1980, running on a platform of abolishing Social Security, the FBI, the CIA, and public schools. (wikipedia page). The late David Koch and his surviving brother Charles now bascially run the entire cosnervative movement with their think tanks Cato, Freedom Foundation, Americans for Prosperity and the Heritage Foundation.

In essence, anything left of right in America demands, unconsciously, "good governance" --- but liberals/progressives/dems have no idea this is at the core of our philosophy. THIS is political framing

THIS is the at the heart, or the core, of or political frame

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You have been paying attention, don't forget Frank Luntz., and it was Grover Norquist, as I recall. These cretins were busy long before Dems were even aware that they needed to fight back. Their "think tanks" were described to me by a friend as propaganda, before Rupert was invited in. In 1985, Lewis Lehman described the goals of the repub party in ways that allowed the tentacles to reach far and wide. We are so far behind the curve...

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Excellently said. Add ALEC and private bribe money to their PACs. The works for SCOTUS, too. How do they become millionaires?

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👍Amen, well written

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Sorry, Jeri, but can’t blame Rupert anymore. Most people 40&under don’t watch cable news or rely on just one paper for info. These people rely on SM(social media).I’m 57 and “with it” so I get my news from SM. I can hear from my favorite editors and journalists from the NYT, ATLANTIC, WSJ, etc plus many independent journalists/writers. I also can hear up-to-the-minute info from the press secretary and politicians themselves. Unfortunately, Edwin is correct. The Whitehouse &DEMs CONSISTENTLY drop the ball with communication. With SM, we can get it straight from the “horse’s mouth,” but that horse is more often than not, mute. The DEMs have zero offense.

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So true, but don’t tell Rupert that his influence has waned significantly. Might cause a heart attack. Well, go ahead. The cult remains old and evil and the Machiavellian manipulations are world class.

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I think Steve Schmidt does a upstanding job..kinda ironic , huh?

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Very astute Jeri.

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Well said. The Fascist-oligarchical arm of the Republican Party for decades have honed their expertise at disinformation and misdirection messaging. The Republican MAGA base is nothing more than KKK. We need to recognize that and in that regard Timothy Egan's book, "A Fever in the Heartland" is an eye-opener. Nailing it is the study published in Critical Sociology by two Univ. of Kansas professors, David Norman Smith and Eric Hanley entitled "The Anger Games: Who Voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Election and Why." Not to be a spoiler, but the three primary reasons are racism, misogyny and xenophobia. Throw in a dash of homophobia.

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Richard-thanks for sharing info about this study. Unfortunately the three reasons you highlight are not the issues that people want to focus on to solve our problems.

These issues have been with us from the start. It is madness for us to fight over skin color, gender and immigration.

If we really want to stop fascism and bring our country together these issues have to be in the forefront-not Hunter Biden’s laptop or Trump and his minions’ despicable rhetoric and conduct.

I totally agree that the Dems have not been proactive or responsive when it comes to communications. The media only wants to play ratings games.

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Gina, the problem is: those are the issues that the MAGA Republicans focus on, to the point that they would destroy our democracy in order to preserve their "white superiority." These folks are not rational in the ordinary sense. The point is made in "The Anger Games" that trying to reason with them is fruitless. We really are dealing with a group that wants to topple our constitutional democratic system. And, some of them hold government positions - Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Josh Hawley, Kevin McCarthy, MTG and more.

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Gina, Hunter's laptop and TFG's behavior are stand-ins to divert our attention away from the three issues that the extreme right are using to stir the base up, while using things like Hunter's laptop ("...but her emails...") to divert the lazy part of the media from covering the real issues. So we need to find ways to redirect the conversation by continually returning it to those underlying issues.

One way is to persistently call the media out when they mess up. Not with vitriolic judgement, but by reiterating what journalism's responsibility is, and by pointing them toward sources of valid information. Over and over again.

Writing to the editor is a time-honored American tradition, and it works- but express concerns, not threats. Subscribers can stress their connection to the paper or station or column, and use that as a lever. Threatening to unsubscribe is not a good opening for a dialogue. It can be effective when the publication has clearly abrogated journalistic responsibilies, and is not making attempts to improve. Also I suggest writing directly to authors of articles and opinion pieces, not with vitriol, but with reasonable questions about their intent, pointing out the things that trouble you and why. I lean on concerns about truth and ethics, again countering their errors with reliable sources, and asking them to think about the impact what their writing has.

I need to remind that there's no point in wasting time on pubs or writers who are clearly leaning right: they know what they are doing, and it's a waste of time to try to change them. Threatening to unsubscribe is likely either to blow up or dismissed with these folks.

The people to focus on are those writers and pubs who seem to be trying and need either some nudging, or just maybe, some appreciation for what they get right and encouragement to reach further. We forget about this part too often. Many journalists are struggling with morale right now, because they are criticized by somebody no matter what they do. Many get real threats. Think about how much difference a kind letter of appreciation can make to someone in that position.

We keep going in circles in our conversations instead of forefronting the underlying issues. Here is one simple thing we can do to help change that. I am tired of reading the same complaints over and over again. I'd love to hear about what other kinds of things people are doing to help media people do a good job.

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The biggest obstacle the forces of democracy face is the truth. They are bound by it. The fascists are not. They are free to make up any story, and the wilder the better, because it will grab attention. There’s a saying that the lie gets halfway around the world before the truth gets its shoes on. But truth wins out in the end, because it is, you know, true.

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Bidens communications team need to speak to peoples emotions. It’s difficult to use facts when people have confirmation bias, there is a level of willful blindness among the Republicans and their followers. They create an alternative universe. It’s very Orwellian. people believe that the chocolate ration is going up from 6 g to 2 g hooray for big brother. I think the Biden team needs to “flood the zone“ to take a page from the evil Bannon.

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Whatever these idiots think or can’t comprehend, our country is full of intelligent, educated, thoughtful people who care about this democracy. We must get everyone we know, and everyone we don’t know, to vote BLUE in 2024. Pennsylvania just defeated a congressional dumpster(special election in August, the pugs thought no one would vote!) and a man named Lamb won. Heavily gerrymandered district. No Democrat on the ballot in the last two elections and this guy WON! Twenty points won! Never give up on We The People!

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Their alternative universe is hundreds of fake news sites. So if they even try to double check for accuracy, they easily find other web sites that confirm the misinformation.

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Well said Edwin. You fleshed in more, and it's factual. The party must do all that response work though and that's a problem. A problem made worse by our media crisis / issues.

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Sure. There is a vacuum of facts that is filled with misinformation from the right-wing media.

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Even mainstream media plays up the idea that nothing is being done. As a society and culture, we have to get beyond the reality TV and instant gratification syndromes.

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Confirmation bias. Haters need to have their hate confirmed, facts/truth are just propaganda from the other-side.

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What I find interesting is that since Reagan, Dems know that framing the message is crucial. But we always play at being back footed. Why? Framing is a technique. Why are we not as forcefully -or MORE forcefully- using it?

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What is stopping the Democrats from getting ahead of the right strategy ?

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Democrats are doing lots of good things from legislations to WH spurring economic growth through building back better, Inflation Reduction Act, no tax break for the rich, low manufacturing costs, and other developments. But, this is not enough. Democrats haven't communicated constantly to their base. They now have to appeal to the emotions of their supporters by constantly reinforcing their progress they have made so far so people themselves can know and dismiss any misinformation from the right-wing media. Through this, misinformation will not have a chance to thrive when people are informed regularly.

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Recent example is right-wingers criticizing Biden’s “inaction” in Hawaii.

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And certain of the media falling for it. And readers and viewers not bothering to check further to see what other sources are saying.

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Dems and liberals do not speak from a moral imperative, such as

"Liberty and Justice for all" - and this is just THE starting point for all specifics to follow.

People do NOT follow the laundry list of policies the liberals put forth. Bernie had the longest list of proposals ever, and he got labelled a "socialist" and that was the end of Bernie. He needed to get out FRONT and begin every policy statement from a values base, such as, "In a Demcracy ..., becasue this ensures liberty and freedom that we all support

Fore more than 20 years I have consulted with liberal leaders, and politicians, and they feel entitled because they are successful in their narrow, focussed world. Meanwhile, the right has coalesced around a moral imperative - culture war, or freedom. Small government. Their language FITS everything we do. Now, they control the South, and the courts, and many state governments, and the media terrain. While we are myopic in or policies ....

Herein, Planned Parenthood competes with Sierra Club and with Voter Rights Project - but they ALL are in the same domain of demanding a just and democratic society for everyone ....

This is all simple linguistics. But it takes years for this essence to be adopted in one's brain. We may win an election, such as 2024, but we loose the communications war, because linguistics informs us the way the brain processes input

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As someone once said, "trump sucks the air out of the room." Biden's team needs to get some of that air and use it for Biden and not let trump take it all for himself.

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Edwin, you should be working in the WH. In the meantime I will subscribe.

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Thank you for subscribing. I hope President Joe Biden will receive my call 📞. 🤪

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Agreed Mike,

All the rock throwing and hate from the Republican Party can never over shadow the basic facts that they are supporting a man that alertered female rights, support gun laws that allow 18 year olds to buy high capacity magazine assault weapons yet can’t buy alcohol because they are not responsible enough AND attempted to destroy our democracy because he could not stand that he legally lost in an election.

Biden will go down as one of the best presidents ever for not only all he has done, but for throwing out one of the most dangerous president ever.



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HCR makes the sickening statement that "Supporting Ukraine in its battle against Putin’s authoritarianism has been a key aspect of Biden’s attempt to protect democracy at home and around the world."

Biden and HCR support Ukraine's oppressive, anti-democratic far-right thug regime, where all the opposition parties have been suppressed after Zelensky capitulated to neo-Nazi war-mongers and reneged on his campaign promise to bring peace to the Donbass region.

Zelensky initially moved toward fulfilling the Minsk Agreements that had "frozen" the civil war in the Donbass, but then he capitulated to the Neo-Nazis (who controlled Ukraine's Interior Ministry, in charge of the police stations) and eventually re-ignited the frozen war, precipitating the Russian invasion. We are being lied to.

Recently, after U.S. Secretary of State Blinken announced more aid for Ukraine, Zelensky posted a video showing him with Ukraine's most prominent Neo-Nazi Andriy Biletsky:


See also "Ukraine is Brutally Repressing the Left, Criminalizing Socialist Parties, Imprisoning Activists"


See also "How Zelensky Made Peace with Neo-Nazis"


See also "How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion"


See also (from 2019) "Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine":

"Five years ago, Ukraine’s Maidan uprising ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, to the cheers and support of the West. Politicians and analysts in the United States and Europe not only celebrated the uprising as a triumph of democracy, but denied reports of Maidan’s ultranationalism, smearing those who warned about the dark side of the uprising as Moscow puppets and useful idiots. Freedom was on the march in Ukraine.

"Today, increasing reports of far-right violence, ultranationalism, and erosion of basic freedoms are giving the lie to the West’s initial euphoria. There are neo-Nazi pogroms against the Roma, rampant attacks on feminists and LGBT groups, book bans, and state-sponsored glorification of Nazi collaborators.

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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Huh? You’re entitled to your own opinions, but you’re not entitled to create facts that aren’t true.

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I hope you're not the kind of guy who has a swastika tattooed on his forehead.


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Please keep the discourse civil. You don’t encourage dialogue when you insult commenters. I didn’t insult you. I hear you but disagree with your facts and view what you say as opinions thank you.

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He’s probably a Russian troll.

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I hope you're just in a state of denial, and not a Nazi-loving moral pervert.

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Please stop apologizing for Ukraine's oppressive far-right thug regime, you filthy liar.

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Hey troll, yes you.

Don't know if you understand that I'm laughing at you spending $50 to come on here and spout your BS.

In fact, I laugh at you magas who are so brained washed that you think you have points to make.

Your orange messiah will never be in the WH again. There's more sane people who understand that he is nothing but a lying, grifting, whiny man baby who doesn't give two f*cks about anyone, especially you magas except for you to send the supposed billionaire all your money to pay his legal fees.

Go ahead and pretend you don't like him, but you and I know it's all a show because why else would you spend $50 to be laughed at.

In fact, I was angry at his supporters like you but then learned that you are to be either pittied or laughed at.

So I'm laughing at you spending $50 to post your bs.

Laughing is so much better and easier than anger.



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I always knew he's being paid by someone

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Beth Cobb, you parade your state of denial regarding Ukraine's oppressive far-right thug regime, pointedly ignore my five sources and change the subject to dishonestly mock me. (By the way, I didn't spend $50.)

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Actually, I’m sure there are neo-Nazis pushing for attention in Ukraine. They are all over Europe and in the US. White Supremacy is an idea that never dies.

However, Zelenskyy is not a white nationalist and he is doing everything he can to keep Ukraine independent and free. Putin, like Stalin, has no compunctions about genocide.

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Oldandintheway, you join the "state of denial" parade around here, ignoring my five sources, especially my quote from that article from "The Nation." Perhaps you aren't familiar with the history of "The Nation"?


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Comments are for paid subscribers.

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Yes they are.

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How's the weather in Murmansk, John?

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I bring up the issue of Biden's support of a nakedly fascist regime, and you sneer at me.

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Seymour Hersh on Biden's incompetent foreign policy:


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Yes, Mike. I believe the original download to the human mind from our Creator goes something like this…”We are all in this together. There is enough to go around.”

The second thought has been corrupted by greed and the opposite of that thought fuels the fear that turns people toward an authoritarian, greedy stance against the first thought. Thus, keep one’s foot on the neck of the one below you.

What to do? Believe that there is no opposite to Love. Simple yet profound. Will correct the compass and stay our path with Light.



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tfg's followers are so used to his continual blathering to FOX and on the internet instead of actually working, that they can't understand that Biden doesn't need to be posting every conversation he has in order to be doing his job.

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A lot of space today was devoted to an Iowa poll which said over 60% of repub voters want tfg. And how many repub voters were actually sampled? About 400. Most sane people don’t answer their phones if they don’t know who is calling. Everyone watched the Jan 6 riot live on tv. How can they deny tfg’s role? “We love you” he said, THREE hours into it. Threw paper towels at people who suffered in a storm. Never a kind word for anyone but himself. Republican Party legislators should be ashamed of their silence and lack of humanity. 💩🤡

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Trump's tossing of towels seemed like an absurd, grotesque insult given the gravity of the situation. Thanks for underlining the contrast.

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Yes, and aren’t the republicans about 25% of eligible voters? So 60% of 25% is like 15%?

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I have made this math point many times, Nancy. Completely overblown numbers -- when you have small numbers, use percentages. Old journalism trick (I learned it in J School in Iowa, no less!)

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Thank you. It's ridiculous how the media love to show us the huge number of Republicans who feel this way or that, but never do the simple math to show how irrelevant they are.

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'They' call it "winning." 💩

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I call it whining.

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That’s all chump ever does, besides promote violence from the cult

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Hatred and fear motivate folks.

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Brings out the reptile.

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They count on it

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So good at the boo hoo crocodile tears. 😩😥🤑

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Crock of something.

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You’re right. I have two lines and don’t answer unknown callers, and have never been asked to participate in a poll. Even in the olden days of three major networks and a landline in my house, before caller ID, so you would almost always answer, even in the middle of whatever you were doing, tethered by a chord, because it might be important. Even back then, I was called to be in a poll. But back then, it seems it would have been a more accurate phone sample than is possible today. For the reasons you mentioned. I think polls are no longer working for the benefit of democracy, as they seldom reflect “we the people”accurately and can easily be distorted into propaganda and disinformation.

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Also how many Republicans have left the party?

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Not enough, should have left in droves. Still think they are the GOP. Boy, has that ship sailed…

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At this point I think that it is accurate to say that the GOP is now the KKK. The GOP's policies are the KKK's. There is no such thing as a "conservative" inside today's GOP/KKK. They're all Fascists, Ron DeSantis being one.

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From GOP to KKK, exactly. Boy, are so many spinning in their graves, in addition to those of us having to breath the same air.

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Totally agree.

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"Biden doesn't need to be posting every conversation he has in order to be doing his job."

He does, in fact, need to do just that. Frazzled Americans don't have time for subtlety, they're too busy working three jobs and juggling life. Biden's team needs to shout out every accomplishment of the president, in real time, all the time. If only 10 percent of it seeps though to people, that's 10 percent more than we have now.

And Team Biden needs to play cutthroat with the propagandists on Trump's side, calling them out by name every time, and not politely.

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Shane, I think you are right.

The Left are focused on getting the job done. The Right are focused on appearing to work. Guess which appeals to the short-attention-span audience?

We have serious public relation issues from highlighting accomplishments to the naming of interests. Honestly, who ever thought, "Defunding the Police" would be a great name for "reallocating funds instead of having the police turn certain issues over to those trained for it instead of wasting time, manpower, and funds to attempt being law officials and social workers when they were already overworked?"

It could easily have been, "Reallocate funds to Social Services to save cops."

But nooooo... We got, "Defund the police," and millions of people thinking we want to fire cops.

Do the Left have a single marketing pro on call with an IQ over 60?

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You both are right (not cult right)

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Thanks, Jeri, particularly for Not Cult!

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That slogan, "Defund the police" is one of the great examples of how naive some on the Left are. Years ago George Lakoff brought this issue to our attention, but we failed to heed it. George Lakoff's "Don't Think of an Elep;hant" and more address the issue of how naive we Liberals are.

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Exactly. Lakoff identified the problem, but we never leveraged the power of “Framing the Debate”. We never owned the language as precisely as the focused-group-gop have. Why not?!?!?!? THIS is not rocket science. It makes me wonder if “Defund The Police” was a plant.

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I'm not proud, I just want to win. I think the Democratic Party should hire the best sloganeers and propagandists the Republicans have and put them to work for us. They'll work for anybody as long as the money's right.

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I'm not familiar with Lakoff, so reading I must do.

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I'd have loved a snappy version of "Reallocate funds to social service to save our cops." But we didn't get that, we got, "Fire our cops." Exactly the wrong message.

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"Do the Left have a single marketing pro on call with an IQ over 60?"

I'm sure they're very intelligent. But they lack street smarts. That "Defund the Police!" others brought up here? It will be taught for generations as the wrong way to communicate. It was short, snappy, and memorable, so in those ways as brilliant as MAGA. But it sent the wrong message: "We Liberals are going to get rid of all the cops and hire social workers to talk terrorists into giving up."

No one in their right mind on our side wanted to do that. But that is precisely what most Americans heard in that soundbite, and it wrecked us for a while. People who loved "Defund the Police!" defended it with a long explanation: "It means we will reallocate resources in order to provide the appropriate balance between cops and . . ."

We lost the audience at "It means."

America has the best slogan-writers and marketing pros in the business. Why don't we hire them to put out our message instead of leaving it to the junior varsity?

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Great comment. And great idea. That would be a big advantage for our side of politics.

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Thanks, John. Saturation bombing of the correct messaging when it matters will help the cause a lot. Why let the right-wing fill the vacuum?

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Don't get me wrong, I hate that he has to resort to "me, me, MEEEEE, and did I mention, me?" But everyday Americans are bombarded from wake till sleep with messaging, advertising, spin, and propaganda. Eventually they tune it out.

Between now and the election, President Biden must drive home his message every minute of every day, in hopes that 10 percent--or even 1 percent--will break through the saturation bombing like a fire axe, to mix a few fine metaphors.

He's Old School in that a gentlemen does not brag about one's accomplishments. But Trump is New School: constant bombardment is constant entertainment and engagement. That's the communications and politics market now: New School. Trump's message is toxic, but that so many people, even those that hate him, can chant MAGA and FAKE NEWS in their sleep tells us he's hitting home.

We win the war with the army we have, not the army we wish. Uncle Joe needs Eisenhower to run his communications army.

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I agree.....it's just sad that he needs to be in the media in order to get the word out that he is actually doing a good job. The Democrats in Congress should be doing that but are doing a poor job of boasting of the good works being done. smh

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Funny thing is that Biden doesn't even have to push his nose into a camera 24/7. He has hundreds of people on the team who can and should do that for him, so he can look presidential while his team is out kneecapping the righties at every turn. He needs someone to run that part of his campaign as ruthlessly as Eisenhower ran D-Day.

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Good observation. I think you are making a good point there. Wondering how best we can offset this kind of distortion. There are some media doing a good job- I'm wondering how I might be able to shine a light on it beyond the choir. My FB presence is pretty minimal. Going to give this more thought.

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Harder still when our adversaries - and they are, as they've made themselves so - are and 'have been' weaponizing disinformation; propaganda if you will. They 'are' and they 'have' been for way longer than the average person recognizes. Then, making it all orders of magnitude worse, the broadcast media who aren't in on it all, pick up the misinformation and propagate it, in fact blowing it all out of proportion in some 'race' to be first with "news." We and the country have much work to do. We need serious leaders, not more 'managers.'

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And sometimes we need people who are skilled at both, as I think presidents need to be. It seems to me that in a democratic society a leader's primary job is to accurately summarize our relevant circumstances, and provide focus and a vision around which support can gather. "Eyes on the prize" so support will bridge inevitable setbacks. Honest reporting of problems and errors so enthusiasm is reality based. I we are talking about elected leadership, then managerial skills are part of the job, and are helpful any case. Sometimes management sinks into inflexible routines, which do not grow, but management was necessary for Lewis and Clark. Our journey to the moon and back was a masterpiece of innovative management. JFK did a good job of laying out the vision, and others made it so.

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Just my humble observation JL, but it seems that rarely are both of those qualities present in 'one' person. Sure, stories, narratives, fables, etc., do magical things, but I hold that stated opinion none the less; rare, very rare.

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No leader is as perfect as some like to pretend, but some tick both boxes well enough. Should it not be the rare bird that gets the vote?

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Yes, this goes back to 2004 when Thomas Frank published "What's the Matter with Kansas?" Frank exposes the process of using the media to broadcast disinformation/misinformation to the masses. It worked and continues to work. Those today who support Trump are really the KKK. They're the same. White Protestantism now, white Protestantism forever.

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Catholics are now in the authoritarian group, especially in controlling women.

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Let us know what you come up with!

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Thank you Prof Richardson, for your clarifying report. Pres Biden has been crystal clear since the moment he took office.. I will keep praying for him & his family’s safety and well being as our ‘society’ continues along into this marshland of twisted thorny disinforming attacks .

I am sending todays Letter to many friends and acquaintances.

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The last sentence is gold. Senator Schatz is well-named (look it up - German).

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As a Maui resident i agree with Sen. Schatz’s assessment of of a fast impressive Federal response. Although I live in East Maui, an hour and a half from Lahaina. I do have friends that have lost their homes, but no lost lives...yet. I have worked on disaster relief helping small businesses, most recently during Covid.

I have noticed that the President’s visit has brought Maui’s MAGA population out, at least in social media with finger pointing and outrage - while most of the population is still engaged in identifying bodies, helping the traumatized, figuring out housing, getting food and water to those in need. Maui’s MAGAs are not winning friends.

One early impulsive message for visitors “to stay away” was clearly an error. Maui’s economy is visitor base. Most people did not lose their homes, but now they are in danger of losing their jobs. So come!!! Some of the visitors who are here now are serving as volunteers. I am sure their trip will be enriched by making friends and helping others.

Everybody here appreciates the aloha and care demonstrated from around the world. I particularly was tickled when all the burly LA Rams and LV Raiders were wearing “Malama Maui” on their jerseys Sat night (I don’t normally watch football). (“Malama” = “to take care of”)

There will be time to examine the causes of the fire, responses (good and bad) and how to prevent future fires and improve responses. Right now healing and aloha is needed on Maui and for the most part what we have.

Not sure if and how this translates to our national situation - although maybe this day it is President Biden.

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In a news story this morning, a local resident - perhaps one of Maui's MAGAs - called the $700 emergency relief payments a "slap in the face" as if that was the only federal assistance being provided. *eye roll* Oh, and guess what, lady, you're going to get help no matter what your political affiliation!

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That lady may find a way to get three or four payments.

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I only wish we could send today's Letter to everyone in the United States, there are many here in the USA that are so uninformed at what is going on in the political scene now.

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John, from what I've read about the ability to think critically, trying to get through to the MAGA/KKK Republicans with facts is as hopeless as trying to engage a committed Christian into giving some thought that Jesus never existed. It's beyond their critical thinking capabilities. So, the takeaway? We must out-vote them. There is virtually no space for common ground.

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I'd have to agree with you. But I'm still going to try... starting my conversation with "Can you imagine T**** giving the speech Biden just spoke at the Banyan tree in Lahaina?" and waiting while their heads explode.

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Richard, your assessment is 100% accurate. There is no longer space for common ground.

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Yes. i agree it is a hopeless cause trying to get through to these brainwashed, gullible, ignorant, uneducated fools. I honestly believe if Donald TUMP took a dump and ordered these brainwashed morons to eat his excrement, that they would actually do it. They are that dedicated and beholden to worst living thing on this earth named Donald J TUMP. Like you said at the end of your comment, We must have to outvote these would be, '' insane asylum inmates'' and have the largest voter turnout in the history of the United States.

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I am speculating that it is possible that Biden coordinated his trip with the Hawaii leaders, and chose to wait before coming in order to avoid the disruption that inevitably occurs from a Presidential visit.

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No need to speculate. He actually said in a very early interview on the Maui fires that he would certainly visit, but he knew how chaotic things were, at the very beginning of any natural disaster event, and how a presidential appearance only contributes to chaos. He was VERY specific that he would wait until the emergency experts could assure him that his visit would be helpful, not a hindrance.

I do, however, forget the exact source - I believe I heard him announce it on PBS..

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Yes, heard it too. The problem is US lives in a political snakepit, screaming rhetoric isn't exactly a Democrat talent, and for that more of us should be grateful. Despite the WAPO's pickup on Republican esp driven criticism of the Maui response, there was a lot of counterplay to the contrary in the article. Whatever the shortcomings, of which we hear endlessly, this was a catastrophe which overwhelmed everyone, a series of circumstances which resulted in a whole town burning to the ground in a few short hours, with an untold death toll which may never be determined.

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Thanks, Anne. I did not have a source, and to be honest, was too lazy to look for it. But I just knew this is how our president operates.

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Thanks. Plus, i think it’s simply the way JB operates. A Trumper could argue that he will say things like this to try to get himself out of a pickle or he is just trying to sound humble, but even if there were tinges of this, it is good decision making and shines the light on the amazing rescuer workers than on himself, which we all know is what 45 not only thrives on, but MUST HAVE in order to exist.

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I’m sure, but never a day should go by without some Dem shouting out the message

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Maybe we should resurrect the town cryer

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Absolutely. Additionally, my guess is that he chose to not steal center stage with the news media with such a difficult tragedy. We already have suffered a "leader" who never let a tragedy pass by without making the news reflect on him and his imagined strength and wisdom. Biden is not interested in that level of trash. He is doing the "work", not of grabbing the "photo op", but that of real problem solving. He has refused to turn tragedy into a political circus. Shame on those who choose otherwise. I felt that WAPO did report on the work that has been done...AFTER they gave a good deal of space to "Republicans say". Were I to edit that piece, I would have chosen to put the successes before the opposition attacks. While it is a disappointment that it was done that way, does it really merit disgust with the paper's editorial intent?

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Morning, Lynell! Yes, I am reasonably certain that there was "before" communication regarding the timing of a presidential visit. Now, if he'd just thrown paper towels...

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Haha - throwing paper towels like the orange monster did in Puerto Rico in 2017? It's an abomination that Biden's considerately planned, caring trip is once again used by ONE person to discredit his daily efforts and the latter being widely printed instead of the first few paragraphs of Heather's detailed account of Biden's compassionate activities. Yes, shame on all those who belittle or ignore Biden's work!

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Morning, Ally! No Biden paper towels? No wonder he gets such negative press!😕

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Unfortunately it’s not just Fox. WAPO had an article that was along these lines.

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'These 11 Republican Voters Can’t Say Who Will Win in 2024, but They Know Who Will Lose' (excerpt)

'What's keeping Republican voters feeling good about Donald Trump's presidential prospects in 2024? How can other G.O.P. candidates peel voters away from Mr. Trump? Those were two of the questions that prompted us to organize our latest Times Opinion focus group, with 11 Republican voters from Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina, the four states that will go first in the G.O.P. presidential nominating process starting in January. We wanted to hear their views in the aftermath of the latest indictment against Mr. Trump and ahead of this Wednesday's first debate among the leading 2024 Republican candidates. Mr. Trump has said he plans to skip the debate.'

'In all of the focus groups we've done — this is our 41st — Mr. Trump has never come across so well positioned as compared with his rivals as he did in this one. It's still early in the race, and a lot could change. But most of these Republicans, at least, seemed skeptical that another candidate could catch fire or appear stronger or more qualified than the former president. While not every respondent was enamored of Mr. Trump, there was appreciation of the strength of the economy during his presidency, a sense that he was achieving some of his goals or standing up for the country.'

'The indictments were the most divisive issue: About half of these Republicans said they would be more likely to vote for him because of the charges, and about half said they would be less likely. If they had no other option, most in the group were inclined toward him.'

'As for the debate, there was little appetite for criticism of him from the other Republican candidates. Assuming Mr. Trump skips the debate as planned, he might not really pay any price: Many of our respondents felt his strong performance entitled him to a “first-round bye.” Many in the group were skeptical and even critical of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, a far cry from some of our focus groups this year. Vivek Ramaswamy, Tim Scott and Nikki Haley all got relatively good reviews when prompted, but their names never ever came up organically.'

'Perhaps the answer that will stick with us the longest came with the very last question. No participant thought that President Biden would lose to the eventual Republican nominee, regardless of who it is. The fear that “if we nominate Trump, Biden wins again” was not present, a fact that clarifies why contenders like Mr. DeSantis haven’t gained traction from electability arguments.' (NYTimes) See link below. Sorry that I cannot provide a gifted link.


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Exactly right On M’s Wilcox . Thank you.

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I was awake at 3 this morning and while flipping channels hit Fox with Steve Scalise being interviewed. He was denying climate change, called it fake science. Claimed trump did more to reduce emissions than any other president. Attacked the Paris Accords was worthless. Claimed renewable energy was hurting the economy and causing an energy crisis.

They still have their heads totally up their rears. How can anyone vote for them?

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Watching anything on FOX is like fingernails on a chalkboard. :(

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Another important and informative piece. But if you listen to the media or read online papers, you’d think the only important things in our country are trump’s poll numbers, indictment, and truth social posts.

I am beyond frustrated that Biden’s important leadership is buried.

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This morning, rather than sharing all President Joe Biden has been doing to help Maui, MSNBC showed two Hawaiians who said they didn’t want Biden to come. Then the talking head concluded there are people on Maui who don’t want Biden there.

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I saw that and was mortified

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The press loves a fight.

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‘Cuz $$$. But if our distain leads to their failure we’re left with little.

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Becuz laziness, ignorance, and a desire to give some kind of conclusion drawn from inadequate information so they feel "important". In The Biz to be in front of cameras pretending to be journalists, instead of actually doing journalism.

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Doesn't always work. I check the WaPo comments - heavily anti-Trump. Heavily.

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WaPo ran the comment that after a few initial statements, Biden was silent about Maui. Look it up. I was shocked; absolutely disgraceful of any news organization! He does have a few other obligations daily? Please let WaPo know of your disappointment with their irresponsible reporting!

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Good yo know.

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To not yo.

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That’s what happens when you “flood the zone with sh*t”.

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Becky still you hit the nail on the head with this comment.

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I just posted the letter to my Facebook page with my usual reminder that here is what really is going on and not what the far right wing nuts say is going on. If people want to support dreck aided and abetted by Russia, China, and the dope running X, they are not patriots, Christians, or decent human beings. Biden quietly goes about the daily business of doing what a good president should without bellowing all night on social media. Thank you, Professor, for shining a light on the truth.

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Michele, great comment and I also posted the Letter on my fb page. Thank you!

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And thank you and for posting on your page also. i have several people who are reposting as well as reading it. While i was on Facebook, there was a call out to sit or stand in front a store in downtown Salem that makes no secret of its left leanings. Apparently one of the local kooks is harassing the staff. The organizer gave a report for today and everything went well. She wants people who can be calm and not escalate things or break laws. I am too old to do this sort of thing, but I support those who can. This sort of behavior is what death star has unleashed all over and it continues to fester. That's why we all must do whatever we can to support democracy and Biden and be a part of getting the good message out.

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Oh, Michele. This reminds me of the recent tragic killing in LA of the owner of a shop who had displayed a pride flag!!!! Such vile humans live amongst us and we don’t even know WHO they are. If I were in Salem I would go stand with your fellow citizens in front of that store. How great. Thank you, this gives me hope.

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Damn straight, Elisabeth! The horrific homophobic homicide occurred in Lake Arrowhead. The vile humans who live amongst us are straight out of a horror movie, like John Carpenter's "They Live!"

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As much as I appreciate your comments, they are from afar. If able, return and involve yourself off line.

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Not sure what you mean. I spent 21 months in the US fighting for Biden’s and Georgia’s senators’ election. I will work again in 2024. Thank you, Gail.

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My point, can we do that as a group in order to magnify this message.

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This is not for you to decide.

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I used part of your comment when I shared to fb...but I did use quotation marks!

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I am flattered....quote away.

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Heather, this brought tears to my eyes: “Today the president and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden visited Maui, where after seeing the devastation, President Biden said that “the country grieves with you, stands with you, and we’ll do everything possible to help you recover, rebuild, and respect culture and traditions when the rebuilding takes place.” He promised that we will “rebuild the way the people of Maui want to build.”

What a fine human being Mr. Biden has become. I am so glad he said we will rebuild the destruction as the people of Maui want. Very moving. Thank you, Heather, for your wonderful letter!

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I was angered and sickened by today’s coverage of Biden and Maui foisted on us by MSNBC and Chris Jansing. She and MSNBC fell for the right wing propaganda and called Biden’s response tone-deaf. To their discredit, they ended the segment by digging up a total apparently local ignoramus who said that Biden wasn’t wanted on Maui. I knew that nothing they said was true, Heather showed why: it’s pure right-wing propaganda. Msnbc fell for it.

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Yes, that was pretty awful. I am watching much less news these days.

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I stopped watching TV news while Bush II payed up his phony casus belli for the Iraq War with the newsrooms cheering him on. I found the Guardian far more reliable and relevant. Actually I stopped watching commercial TV altogether and now on the rare occasions I see it, I find the ads beyond obnoxious.

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We are being fed crap 24-7. The Guardian is better but how many of us subscribe

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No subscription needed, but they do encourage it so they can continue to offer free online reading. I contribute a small amount monthly for the pleasure of reading consistently rational and responsible reporting.

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i pay too

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That was especially evident in the Iraq War when the had info much sooner or that domestic sources did not bother with that proved trustworthy. I contribute but I think I am now tardy and should send something soon. (I had it on automatic payments, but had to cancel my card when a processing service of a vendor I deal with was hacked).

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Glad i missed that coverage. As a Maui resident of 34 years who has been involved in other recovery efforts, the Feds, State, County and resident community response has been a wonder to behold. Of course we are also broken up because the loses. But Maui will learn, rebuild and recover quickly. We of course have people here who focus on the negative - but that is out of character in a place with “aloha” as its credo.

One early mistake was to advise visitors to stay away from Maui. While that was appropriate the last two weeks, we now have people who have their homes, but who may lose their jobs. So come! I know visitors who came in the last week have been volunteering, doing something meaningful while making new friends.

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Find a way to be interviewed and say what you just said!!

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Sending my neighbors on the 8th. They might not know I am doing so. Consider them emissaries from the Midwest. They are even paying their own way. I am saddened by the disaster that struck and the horrible loss of life and hope for so many, but proud too of the spirit of Maui people and the significant responses of government at all level. Aloha.

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Somehow Americans I just not getting the message on statistical significance vs anecdotes. Yes, I use anecdotes too, but acknowledge what they are worth. Did the local ignoramus sport a MAGA hat? It would not surprise me. TV news loves anecdotes, but our society critically needs an informed electorate to negotiate the realities of life.

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We started a "news diet" about a year ago. I will now occasionally watch a particular MSNBC show (usually when someone here says to check out so and so; usually Lawrence O'Donnell) but not every evening as I used to. It is much quieter in my head now.

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Will always miss the near daily Maddow.

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Yes. I still look forward to Monday nights: they've become one of the few saving graces for TV. But the commercials - I will never be able to stand that dreck.

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Whatever you do, be sure to avoid Chris Jansing, the “breathless, mountain of a molehill” one. Watching her is cruel and unusual punishment.

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I refuse to watch her!

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Watching is a waste of time. Reading is all there is left.

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I live in Northern California. We had huge wildfires in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. The Federal response under Trump was abysmal. All those Freedom Caucus members were perfectly happy to ignore what was happening here under Trump. Just another example of their hypocrisy.

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Trump did nothing other than advise that we rake the forests. What a dimwit. (I grew up in Mendocino County

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If Biden did nothing he would still be doing better than Trump. Trump has been an excrement-storm of outrageous lies, bad ideas, and misinformation. The fires in my region get worse on average every year. No it's not lasers in space, it's pretty regularly hotter and drier every summer. Could G***** W****** have anything to do with it?

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George Washington?! ;)

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Maybe. GWB for sure.

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And Reagan, the Devil's earthly messenger.

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I had one ex-high school classmate who posted a meme by one of those "Christian" warriors who blamed those fires on atheists in CA. She got an earful even though I managed to be polite. We also had terrible fires here in Oregon up the Santiam Canyon locally and several other places in Oregon. Right now there are raging fires in eastern Washington which is R country. Do you suppose God has it in for them. And the Santiam Canyon is also largely R country which I explained to her.

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All Biden's fault no doubt. Of course, parts of Canada and a number of other places are burning too. Smoke, sometimes thick smoke, was not a regular feature of local summer. Now it is.

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Yes, and we have gotten Canadian smoke as well as well as some from fires in the Central Cascades. Right now most of that is going into central and eastern Oregon and the worst air quality is in the Bend area. This summer is not the worst it has been here in Salem. We did get a nice onshore wind last night which blew the smoke away from us. I saw one article recently about summer camp which isn't what it used to be. And one by Eugene Robinson about fires like Maui being a regular occurrence. Now we get advice from the city of what to put in a go bag. We haven't had rain in months and Salem has banned open fires. Sad.

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On top of which I am gathering that incidental smoke is an even worse health hazard than we used to think. It's not just for smokers anymore.

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Absolutely right

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I hear you, Ann.

We had our own catastrophic fires in Western Oregon in 2020 (Beachie Fire up the Santiam, Holiday Farm Fire up the McKenzie, and the Almeda Fire up the Bear Creek drainage between Ashland and Medford which decimated the small communities of Phoenix and Talent). We have an active fire now burning east of where Holiday Farm was, both to the north and to the south over the ridge which divides the McKenzie drainage and the Willamette drainage.

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Thank you! As the Washington Post exclaims in its title “Democracy dies in darkness.” I am grateful for your dedication to shining a light on today’s history.

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Problem with that article was it was backwards, bending and twisting the story so that the "no comment" was right at the top, instead of Biden's rapid response in getting resources to Maui and the people there, which was well-noted but at the end, with another snarky comment about Biden to wrap up. Not sure the writer is to blame: articles are sometimes rewritten by editors to reflect what they want the reader to see. I'm about ready to let go of WaPo.

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I just wrote an email to Mr. Olorunnipa, the article’s author. I informed him that his article was poorly researched and sent him a link to today’s LFAA. I asked him to issue a correction or apologize for his misinformation, or I will cancel my WAPO subscription. I will write to WAPO’s editor next. Here’s a link with information/instructions for writing to WAPO’s Editor:


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Here is my letter to give inspiration to any others who might write.


I do not watch Fox News, Newsmax or the like--I don't need to see misinformation spread under the guise of being credible news. Over the years, I have greatly reduced my television and print news consumption, preferring the convenience of internet news in the palm of my cell-phone in hand.

I know that this carries the risk of what is referred to as the "echo chamber" where one will seek out, or the computer algorithms will give us only the news we wish to hear. We need unbiased traditional media outlets to give us comprehensive news coverage. I would like to consider the Washington Post one of those sources.

However, it seems to me that WaPo is succumbing to the siren song pull of MONEY. Go for the outrage, and maybe even stir up a bit of it yourself, after all, isn't one of the objects of news is to be first? Perhaps even at risk of crafting a story out of a bit of natural disaster, a dollop of outrage, a heaping helping of looking the other way?

I am increasingly fatigued by the lack of daily coverage of the many legislative accomplishments, historic ones at that, of the Biden administration! A prime example is the news, or more accurately, the lack of news of all that President Biden has done to assist Maui in the aftermath of the tragic fire. Appropriate responses were made immediately, but apparently since a headline grabbing photo op of paper towels being flung was not part of it, news media chose to ignore it. Or gin up the readers by the lack of such stories.

Here is a challenge for the Washington Post, to be the FIRST of gathering news stories: I challenge you to start a daily feature where your staff reports on one aspect of what Biden's Infrastructure Bill is doing for the nation. I can truly imagine that if you chose one project daily, you could find a rich source of news that people want to hear. Tell us about that bridge being built: how old it is, the town it leads to, the companies involved that are supplying the workers, the impact of that bridge--not just the physical structure but how it being rebuilt will strengthen the local economy. Might there be a bridge out there, where a current ironworker is rebuilding what their grandfather first built, years ago? Did those good paying jobs give an uplift to a small town in the rural areas of our country? Could recent immigrants be part of that construction crew? There are stories, but you need to find them, not regurgitate what is spewed by social media.

Somehow, media got the idea that the constant scandals of our elected officials is the daily news we wish to consume. Want to be first on a huge American story? This is it: yeah, all of us are guilty of looking at the train wreck, but we can't look at train wrecks day after day after day. It lost its novelty and it certainly lost its appeal. We truly do wish to see and hear that America is becoming "great again" but the big news is that it is being done by our current president! Just as for many of the greatest presidents of the US, time will show us that Joe Biden put our nation, above party, first. History is being made and you need to report it, or you doom your publication to demise.

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Well done, Miselle!

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Thanks, Rose. Believe me, the editor knows what I think. I am a long-time reader/subscriber to WaPo. Thanks for posting link: it might spur others to follow our lead.

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And while you are at it, let them know they have a crackerjack editorial reporter right in state of Maine, pumping out terrific analysis near daily. They probably could not pay her enough....

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They know about Heather, too.

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So am I. For the second and last time.

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Maybe that is a stick we could wield together? If we each currently pay for a subscription, then we may have some buying power if we coordinate, and I am happy to throw in what little I have extra in order to Magnify the Professor's clarifications...

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Thanks...Here is mine! Maybe all of us get on with it and write your own letters to your daily!!!

I would like to inform you of a change I would like to see at the WaPo. I am still a subscriber.

The overwhelming Media Presence of Trump, and the media (yours and others) misjudgment of Biden need to be reversed. WaPo can help with this. Remember your own slogan: Democracy dies in Darkness. America needs YOU to double and triple down on telling the current truth about what Biden is doing so well as America’s President…In order to counter the Misleading and Manufactured stories of how bad things are.

If you and other National Media stay Dark on this now, then Democracy will die in Darkness in 2024.

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Anne-Louise, write to WAPO’s editors and let them know you’re about to unsubscribe and why: https://helpcenter.washingtonpost.com/hc/en-us/articles/236004788-Send-a-letter-to-the-editor

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I know the routine! The last time, I just unsubscribed and they asked me why. And I told them. Thanks for the link.

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I’m ready to cancel my subscription to WAPO.

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let's coordinate...our buying power.

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Sheri, write to WAPO’s editors and let them know you’re about to unsubscribe and why: https://helpcenter.washingtonpost.com/hc/en-us/articles/236004788-Send-a-letter-to-the-editor

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The behavior and implied value system of the MSM are disgusting. I suppose you only get clicks by finding out "bad" things---so they distort most things---except the truth about Trump is so bad it gets clicks all the time ... :-) (BUT they do a poor job of pointing out Trump's lies, etc etc........)

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Though the report tends toward the negative about President Biden, it also includes some of the same facts described in this post. Sad that humans seem to look for ways to criticize, as in the WP article.

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Cynthia, please consider writing to WAPO’s editor and expressing your disappointment: https://helpcenter.washingtonpost.com/hc/en-us/articles/236004788-Send-a-letter-to-the-editor

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Craig, I suggest you write to the WAPO’s editor and express your disappointment: https://helpcenter.washingtonpost.com/hc/en-us/articles/236004788-Send-a-letter-to-the-editor

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OMG! Why should ANY elected US official want to be the apple of Vladimir Putin's eye? His interests are not ours; he is a war criminal.

But tRump is a criminal also, who literally thinks he can get away with anything. (Remember the shooting on 5th Avenue comment?)

Then there is "Freedom" Caucus, who literally endanger the US with its excessive hostage taking of our financial affairs. How many of those who supported the January 6 coup attempt are in the "Fweedumb Cawkus"? (Thanks to TCinLA, may he stay safe and dry)

I am so damn tired of Republicans trashing President Biden for doing a president's job, then wanting to take credit for the good things the Biden administration does while portraying themselves as paragons of virtue. Paragons who would let children go hungry, be vulnerable to gun violence at school, church, the grocery store,etc., who would push children seeking safety at our southern border back into the river. Dear Lord! Their list of crimes against humanity is endless.

Thank you, Professor, for all the ways you shine a light on our real news.

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I echo your greeting to TCinLA.

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Me, too. I look for his comments.

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Thank you so much for the detailed day by day accounting of what the government has done. So tired of all the negative reports. Biden doesn’t care, Biden didn’t do this etc. I well tell you what he didn’t do-toss paper towels!

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And the connection with E Palestine is flat-out brilliant.

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The gaslighting of Joe Biden and his administration's response to the Maui disaster by the GOP right wing was to be expected. Of course, the TFG worked hard with his magic sharpie to turn the direction of hurricane Dorian before it hit Florida. Now, that's what I call a presidential response. Not.

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Well, if Bannon is in the "War Room", and Farage is back in the US, this is to be expected. (Did he really say he's the apple of Putin's eye???)

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Indeed Anne, I really want some verification of that. *edit - as much as I dislike cheeto, I'd not spread a falsehood.

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That foul piece of filth actually did say so. Video interview on False "News" program on Aug 18. You can find it on the Google; it has been widely reported, and even Chris Christie has been calling out and mocking the orange stain over it. (On my phone so can't provide links; sorry.) Bragging about his skills as a negotiator, claiming Putin would not have invaded Ukraine because of Putin's relationship with the fantasist-in-chief, who was "the apple of his eye". A less American American I have a hard time imagining.

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He's not ageing well, is he! On the backwards slope. This Russian obsession is weird.

And so this is why no debate? What sound and simple reasoning: "Writing on his own social media platform, Mr Trump said the US electorate “knows who I am & what a successful Presidency I had”.


No, he'll be appearing with thick-haired Mr Honest Sincerity himself.... what a pair! They could have flown to Budapest and recorded it there. If he's still got his passport, that is.

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I turned the sound off, can't stand to hear him, but did you notice the body language?! He's leaning way forward and hunching. I could be wrong but it doesn't look like the body language of a leader nor someone with self confidence.

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Well, considering he is neither a leader nor someone with self confidence, that body language isn't surprising. If he didn't do so much damage, he'd be seen for the pitiful, unfillable abyss that he is.

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He'll be preparing for his arrest and processing in Georgia on Thursday, and rustling up his cash bail. And trying to figure out how to keep babbling without violating his bail conditions.

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That last bit is what I'm looking forward to. We can't lose - either he stops babbling, or they GET him.

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It is far more than weird, IMHO. And to add to the weirdness: the obsession that bubbles up frequently with the Christian right and their appreciation for the "god fearing" Putin and his "Christian' country ambitions. Throw into that bag of sordid questions, the Repugs who have followed lock step with tfg's obsequiousness in front of Putin. "I'm the apple of his eye, indeed." More like the apple is in his mouth and Putin is hungry for a roast.....

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That Republicans are stoking the majority of the negative reports of Biden's response to the disaster in Maui shouldn't come as any surprise. It gets even more pernicious when we start to see some shady foreign involvement behind this as well. It is infuriating. What astounds me is the sheer hypocrisy of Republicans trying to discredit Biden, while at the same time they are working to undermine and scrap all the climate initiatives being built up by the Inflation Reduction Act, which contains the largest climate action legislation in American history. The environment on this planet is screaming at us in the only way it knows how -- fires, floods, droughts, etc. -- to DO something, and fast! Just what we don't need is empty oratory and a President lobbing rolls of paper towels at people. Given the chance, Republicans have gone on the record saying that, if elected, they will scrap any and every clean energy program, will abolish all regulations on the burning of fossil fuels by automobiles, industry, and power plants, and generally boost the production of fossil fuels. Disasters like Maui and the Paradise fire in California, plus an overflowing wealth of other climate calamities, are the virtual "canaries in the coal mine" that we should be taking note of. Republicans will do everything in their power to further blame Biden for any- and everything at any and every opportunity, all, of course, to deflect attention from the other 800-pound Big Orange Gorilla in the room. Many thanks to Dr. Richardson are in order for reminding us of everything Biden and the federal government have done and are doing to help the poor citizens of Lahaina in their time of sheer hell. THIS is when government does what it is supposed to do and ours is responding. This is also one of those Letters I think everyone should be forced to read, lest they fall for the negative reporting on the Biden administration's lack of response!! (And I'm just glad that HCR posted it at an earlier time so the people in the Eastern US can read and respond before midnight!!)

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It's almost enough to get me to believe in the devil; but I see plutocratic fingerprints (no, not that Pluto) all over it.

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I could not have summarized it better myself, Bruce. You hit the nail dead center perfect on the head of every point and then some. Excellent job.

Having said that, don't think I won't gloat when the Dodgers usher your tomahawk choppers out of the playoffs come October, my friend.

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HA! You wish! We get a preview starting August 31st . . .

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The shady foreign involvement is important, but more important for us is the American Industrial Empire. Define, define, define.

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If you're running a cult, it's important to get the members of the cult to deny what's right in front of their faces. Once you've got them doing that, you can get them to do anything.

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Yup, that's what make it a cult.

"Whereas, Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse,"

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

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The fascinating thing about rereading George Orwell's 1984 (published in 1949) in 2023 is how astoundingly prescient he was in how Trump's GOP would mimic Oceania.

The doublespeak is spot on.

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Yeah. Orwell was thinking of the Soviet Union when he wrote all that, but today's right wing is becoming indistinguishable from Stalinism. Or, for that matter, other autocratic personality cults.

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The ideology, left, right, theocratic, whatever, is incidental to the authoritarianism. "I'm right and I want everything my way" is so seductive that people forsake their freedom for the illusion of it. I read 1984 at about age 12 and "got" what was being warned of, but thought Orwell exaggerated. Now I wonder if the former "Party of Lincoln" mistook it for a "How To" manual?

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Oh, I don't think it was a mistake. :-(

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And don't forget: "Arbeit macht frei"

Or as translated, "work shall set you free".

The sign above the gate at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

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Sociopathic evil in it's purest form.

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Heather, thank you for tying all this together. The more I read about the plans that TFG and those debating on Wednesday have for this country, the harder it is for me to understand how anyone can want that reality for themselves and their descendants. One “news network “ as well as some politicians are proving every day that the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it when it is spouted often enough. I’m doing what I can by forwarding these letters—thank you, Heather, for writing them.

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They simply will not consider policy, which is why the GOP doesn't deliver any. They vote simply by party or by personality--they just "like" someone.

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Dr. Richardson, it’s great to see this all put together for everyone. This spell out exactly what happened in Maui, and the IMMEDIATE response of President Biden, and every department of the United States. It’s great to see this response, this quickly.

People have to remember, Maui, and the Hawaiian Islands, are a good distance from the mainland. It takes the military planes carrying the charge, relief goods, food, medical supplies, to get there and then get it distributed to all the people. Especially those in the remote areas, that think they’ve been forgotten.

As for the Navy, and Coast Guard. It takes a bit for ships to get there too. Yes, there’s a Naval base in Hawaii, as well as a Coast Guard base, but the support ships that will come from the mainland were dispatched immediately upon the Disaster Declaration being signed by the President.

Now, I wish yo discuss President Biden, and his job he’s been doing.

Just in case anyone hasn’t noticed, he’s not a man fur wanting accolades. He’s never sought any, nor has he ever truly ‘boasted’ “look what I did”, or “this us what I have done.” President Biden has always fine his job, taking care of the affairs at home, as well as mending our relationships with all the foreign countries that Frumpy managed to sever ties with (which was every ally we had).

President Biden had stayed on top of everything, every day, and night if necessary, to make sure that this country stays safe.

Every bit if all this has been reported. And, I’m reading this very article of Dr. Richardson’s tonight, it’s quite evident he stayed right on top of everything with the Maui fire, the response of the government, the needs of the people there, and at the same time courting the two countries to make peace with them, again,

I think President Biden is doing an outstanding job, and, he needs to stay in there another 4 years, with a House of Representatives and Senate that will work with him, instead of waste taxpayer money doing nothing, as is what’s going on now.

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Thanks, Daniel. Couldn't agree more. And he never refers to himself as "we".

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No, Anne, he never does. He never looks for any ‘Pat on the back’, ‘at-a-boy’, or anything else.

Something else I forgot to mention before. If a mistake is made, he takes responsibility for it. He doesn’t fluff it off like his predecessor.

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Well stated again Daniel. Bravo ~

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Thanks, D4N. I just put my experience in it and let it be known. Thus old body’s bern through a hell of a lot the last 71 years!

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