Michelle Obama's address was truly a speech for the ages--honest, personal, transcendent, and inspiring. She struck the balance between the bright light of hope and a tough love admonition, a warning that euphoria alone will not carry that hope into the White House and into Congress. We must "Do something." The written word does not do it justice.

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Wonderful summary by the professor of the oratory of both members of the Obama team. I am rarely impressed with political speeches but the Obamas delivered fundamental truths in a way that resonated well with me. Michelle is, indeed, a national treasure. It makes me sad to remember the shabby treatment that they both received at the hands of the Republican Party leadership while Barack was in office.

When we win in November, I’m going to allow myself to celebrate the fact that the arc of history does bend towards justice. “E pluribus unum.” Indeed.

Thank you HCR for a marvelous recap of the evening.

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I miss Obama, and sometimes, I miss her husband too. But, like she said, we have to "Do something". This to me means the Arc of History does not bend itself. It is bent by the actions of countless folks like us :) Keep up the good work, everyone!

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Michelle Obama epitomizes for me the type of woman I most admire—she is fiercely protective and loving, but doesn’t hesitate to tell you to straighten up when necessary. I am grateful for those in my life.

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"Her girl" Kamala is cut from the same cloth.

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Thank you Heather! You are amazing. After listening to the two Obama speeches late into the night, you composed this insightful summary and posted it at 4:38am. I don't know how you do it!!

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As someone on the west coast, I love that she posted at 1:38 PDT. Only 166 comments instead of the 300+ that I usually peruse. Gives me a fabulous reason to check in later in the day.

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❤️ "I miss Obama, and sometimes, I miss her husband too" Made me chortle!

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Made me cry

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You weren't the only one - lots of people in the crowd had tears also. And for good reason.

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Partner with FT 6. Register more Democrats.


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Daniel, thanks for the link! And while we’re at it, call five Blue-voting friends and tell them to 1) check their voter registration; and 2) call five of THEIR Blue voting friends to tell them to do the same. When early voting starts, call them again to have them make a plan for early voting and have them call their friends. Finally, have them text you when they’ve voted.

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Thank you for posting FT6! You helped me find it, and I'm writing postcards like crazy. Keep up the good work, Daniel!

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Thank you, Daniel.

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I said last night to friends when former President Obama was speaking that "I have missed him". They were both wonderful and Doug too!

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Yes, Doug was great—my first view of him speaking!

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Former Attorney General Eric Holder in 2016 added, “the arc bends toward justice, but it only bends toward justice because people pull it towards justice. It doesn’t happen on its own.”

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Cute response Steve … and yes, let’s all do something starting with ourselves - even if it’s a relatively small donation … or not - then family members, friends and/or acquaintances! The sad part here is that we - at least I - seem to be speaking to the choir and/or the congregation.

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One news anchor commented that Barack had the misfortune of having to speak after Michelle!

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Actually HE said something like that himself!

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She was dynamite, that's for sure!

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That was true 😍

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I remember the vulgar insults aimed at Michelle Obama, a brilliant, highly educated, hardworking woman, who just happened to be black. Oh what brilliant minds the small people of this country have wasted because those small minded people didn't like the package the brilliant minds came wrapped in.

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The small-minded people of this country lack vision, insight and imagination; they dwell in and engender a quicksand of the mind caused by a deep personal impoverishment--the failure of imagination. It is Imagination that creates innovation, ignites empathy, and envisions new positive paths. The failure of Imagination chooses power, greed, and destruction like a broken record. I hope the people of this country will embrace the Biden-Harris-Walz team and their ability to flex and celebrate their large-minded muscles of Imagination!

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Wonderful words Imogene!

They [the small-minded] seem to embrace mediocrity — or something less, which is likely entwined with ignorance, stupidity, jealousy and hate.

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You know, I think that one problem that "they" have is a lack of familiarity with the people and things they profess to hate. Because they have no first-hand knowledge, or only cursory or negative interactions, they are easily led to believe the worst and follow those who encourage that. Plus, they must view their lives as miserable (which they may be) and unchangeable, so the negativism confirms what they already think or know. It 's a sad situation.

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In some way or other that does not demean this has to be a national conversation done very very locally. It's a culture of thought perception and lack of it, an obvious educational opportunity that has to stay out of the hands of thought police of every single stripe. Most definitely right up through the academies and campuses, and not to exclude the so-called reporters / image professions. Maybe could start with people learning to ask better questions, the kind that don't have built in desired answers.

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Exactly, JL! I'm trying to understand what motivates them to embrace mediocracy and less as you say. They exhibit and embrace tremendous incompetence as well as a lack of moral compass. Alas, that seems to be their comfort zone.

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It's a slim comfort zone, maybe more like a fallback position that is familiar enough to feel a little bit safer, though actually there is a deep underlying sense of unsafe for a host of reasons that make a really bad Venn diagram if that's any good way to put it. Fear, whether

acknowledged or

not is very much working at the core. And when fear rules it pulls in anything scary like a black hole sucking up all the energy.

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Nothing squashes imagination and innovation like communism. Why do you think all these communist countries try and steal all the innovation and technology from the US? Their people are not incentivized to create, and often meet with repercussions if they fail. Here in America patents and innovation often mean success. Kamala herself said she will take away patents whenever she wants. Kamala is Marxist, both parents raised her that way. Waltz is communist, 30 trips to his favorite communist country, married at Tiananmen Square. Together they want uneducated, medicated worker bees to keep America chugging along for the elites. How can you be so blind to this?. Communism has never worked. Millions have died trying, but the Harris Waltz ticket is pushing for it. Farthest left Senator and Governor ever.

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Utter nonsense. BTW, China leads the world in billionaires, travelers, EVs, and solar panels; for a few things. Seems to be working out for them.

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The number of billionaires is quite close, however the population of China is vastly larger so that the percentages suggest America is more successful. China also nailed people into their homes during Covid and installs nets outside of factories where people would rather kill themselves than work another 12-18 hour shift then be forced to sleep on the factory floor before repeating day after day. That is the paid labor, they also have the Uyghurs, roughly 12 million of them who are working for free as they are religiously reoriented. They also regularly sacrifice them for black market organ harvesting whenever they are a match.

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Caught in an idea trap - are you?

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You just proved my point. There's no connection between what you're saying and reality. They're two separate things. Dwelling in dark repetitive circles of untruths is not using imagination. By regurgitating a dark fantasy untethered from reality, you fail to spark any creative or imaginative thinking. Do you know the difference between Marxism and being a compassionate capitalist? Do you realize that being a compassionate capitalist interested in social justice does not make you a Marxist? If you visit Paris do you become French, or if you visit Tokyo do you become Japanese? Obviously not. You need to connect with reality in order to use Imagination. I challenge you to read Timothy Snyder's book The Road to Unfreedom. That way you will understand how you have come to swallow lies and a worldview untethered from reality.

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Compassionate capitalism? Your third grade level of economics is failing you miserably.

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I was unfriended or blocked by some of my Christian Facebook friends when I shared postive posts about President and Mrs. Obama! You know, I have not missed them!

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I used to avoid politics with friends mostly to be polite and not offend anyone. Not any more! I unfriended several people on social media for posting false info and wear my Kamala t-shirt proudly!

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While not a scholar of this in the academia world, I see that there is most definitely a pattern going who knows how far back, an animal tendency for fearing and sometimes while also being fueled by curiosity, to avoid, to fight back or even fight forward, to kill, to maim, to overcome, to dominate what one does not understand,, yet.

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And were impressed with the crappy packaging and even crappier mind that happened to be pale. Oh, what fools we mortals be.. or something like that

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Jenn, yesterday, I found in my Facebook feed, an A.I. generated meme showing Harris basically as a prostitute dressed in revealing leather. Of course, it was came from the feed of my R ex-classmate in Elkhart. I don't know if she posted it, or it appeared on her feed. It had a few likes and a few comments including hers about the perils of A.I. Mine went further and condemned the contest of the meme. This is the first of this type of meme that I have seen and I am sure that there are plenty floating around. This is the same person who thought we should be nice to Melanoma and couldn't understand why I had problems with the Handmaiden on the SC. I attacked her from her rulings and not on her looks. I did smile when someone in her family liked my comment.

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Isn't it amazing! I remember when some of my Christian friends were posting pictures of Michelle suggesting that she was really a man. That goes back a few years. Where did that come from? I was shocked that those people could put that on Facebook....

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This person is a big time Christian, but has no problem with these sorts of things and of course, supports the AntiChrist, death star. She is also the one who passed on the meme about forest fires in CA being caused by atheism. She got a polite as I could be earful on that one and when i was done, I think she understood that the people suffering at least here in Oregon are usually Rs and often fundamental Christians as well. I am happy to note that there is at least one sane person in her family.

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The Anti Christ Death Star! I'm stealing that one and adding 'Orange'

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On first hearing that slam against strong Michelle being some kind of a man, let me fill in from at that point about four decades of being an out lesbian in a media-run environment of pushing male privilege with all its many grasping tendrils, its bulwarks and bastions of fearful domination. In the late '60s especially and with an evermore mindlessly and emotionally and stupidly driven blowback against women rising, lesbians wear a particular target and not just for lesbians. Any idea, practice, proposal

or woman proposing it, to even out the odds stacked against women, that looked too strong to be withstood in any manner At All, was fiercely attacked and I don't mean just by words. Lesbians were the outfront warriors, and lesbians of color even more so, where the show of our strength showed up, we were doubly attacked. Ex: By 1971 I was wearing a small dagger on my right back hip, openly. So being openly strong and a woman got you that deep fear response that was couched as strength. Michelle was an obvious target.

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Aug 21Edited
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Since the Justice Department works from a base of law, what would the laws be that cover these obvious transgressions of common reason or maybe not so common these days, though I think it's coming back.?

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Agreed. Vulgar insults is being polite...

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Nicely said, Gary.

Is the lesson more clear…now? The mistakes made.. can they brighten the path forward? Is it not the solidness of a person to admit their error and put greater effort to repair the tear? Better a battered flag waving than one burned buried by a stake of selfish lies.

The excitement is palpable , our country is doing its thing…and maybe this is the wave …BLUE WAVE..needed. Bravo!


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Aug 21Edited

It's that Republicans' shabby treatment of the Obamas that finally opened my eyes to the utter debasement/devolvement/decompensation of that party. Their nomination of Trump was a symptom of their abandonment of American values. His performance sealed their doom in my eyes. MAGA nevermore. Democracy forever.

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Spot on, Jerry. Thanks.

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She took trump to the woodshed. "Bout time too.

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Yes! And without calling him any names or using any sarcasm...just called him out by telling the truth! "When they go low..we go high", indeed!

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I only wish she could have left him there permanently.

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Good one Susan!, BTW. I enjoy the purple pomegranate you made.

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I have images of two presidents on the walls of my home. One is the original engraving print of Abraham Lincoln signing the emancipation proclamation. The other is a photo of an elderly Jimmy Carter. I always wanted to pass by his house and ask for a signature. Or send it in the mail. When I heard he was in hospice, I ended that quest.

Jimmy Carter’s photo hangs on my wall not because of him being such a great president but because of all the good things he used his position for after his time in the White House. I’m sorry that the convention has not recognized him. They completely passed him by. Shame on this convention for not recognizing one of their own.

Harris/Walz 2024

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His grandson spoke last night.

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Oh. Oh! Maybe I have a little egg on my face after that remark. I didn’t watch the whole shebang. It’s too much. But I’m glad his grandson spoke. I’ll try to find it on YouTube.

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Me too!

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It was very sweet and they showed on MSNBC, I believe a shot of President Carter's son in the audience after his son spoke.

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Aug 21Edited

Full disclosure, I missed it too Bill and had some wistful thoughts regarding a perceived omission. I'll be looking for that replay myself. *I have a Carter story that might cause you to smile, should you care to hear it.

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???? Yes.

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I will; maybe on a slow HCR night. ; -)

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I did not know this either. Thank you! I just watched his 2 minute speech!


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Thanks, Steve!

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You're welcome!

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Jason's speech was the best at this year's Democratic National Convention.

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Thank you so much--just listened to it--so clear and saying all that would warm Jimmy's huge heart.

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You’re welcome!

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Jane Pearce -- thanks for the ID. Now I know why Jason Carter looked hauntingly familiar!

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Thank you , Jason 👏💙🇺🇸

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And movingly! His short speech telling us that his grandfather will be 100 in October and he’s hanging on to vote for Kamala really touched me and the crowd.

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I tuned in late and went to sleep early. Apparently, John F Kennedy's grandson also spoke last night.


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That's why I record. The DVR service costs $15 a month but I get to see what I want to see when It's possible for my schedule (and preferences).

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His Grandson spoke beautifully. President Jimmy Carter was mentioned a number of times by others. He is not forgotten. He is rightfully revered.

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Good to know.

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And, I loved hearing that recently Jimmy Carter said that he wants to live long enough to vote for Kamala Harris! I wish that had somehow been included in last night's beautiful DNC.

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His grandson made mention of that comment by President Carter last night.

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Christine is granting wishes

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Bill, Jimmy Carter’s grandson, Jason, spoke at the convention with a beautiful tribute to President Carter. Perhaps it wasn’t enough for you, but he was not forgotten. He is a national treasure, perhaps not entirely for his role of president, but certainly as a compassionate, empathetic human being. I believe he will always be celebrated for his humanity.

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Maybe they're saving his mention for day 3 or 4.

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I just watched Jimmy Carter's grandson, Jason, speak. It was only for 2 minutes. But it was an important 2 minutes to me. Thank you @janepearce for letting me know he was there...


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Thanks for the video!!!

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And even for years he was called a terrible president by republicans and many democrats in congress. His values and honesty stood in way of their corruption/greed??

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Bill, his grandson was there on Monday night, Jason Carter, I believe was his name. He spoke and said that my Grandfather endorses Kamala and wants to live to vote for her in November. He will be 100 on October 1st. Bless his heart!

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The convention isn't over yet!🇺🇸

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Yes, he is the best past President ever. Long before Mrs. Obama said don’t complain, do something, that’s what Jimmy Carter has been doing. He told his son he wants to live long enough to vote for Kamala Harris.

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Aug 21
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I had such a photo in my hands once a long time ago when he gave the commencement at Trinity Collage in Hartford. I saw him standing away from the big tent by himself along with security detail. I began approaching him then pulled back. I just had this thought that I would disturb him. I’m not afraid to approach anything today but on that day, I backed away for achieving my desire to have a signed autograph. But it no longer matters. His image faces me every time I exit my kitchen. That’s important not the signature.

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I love to visit Plains, GA on my way to Florida. That is always something special to look forward to on the trip. The people there are so friendly to an old lady from the North! LOL

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ICYMI and so worth watching:

Michelle Obama's speech in full:


a Michelle Obama excerpt gif:


Barack Obama's speech in full:


And for historical interest, a much younger Barack Obama's speech at the DNC in 2004, talking about Democratic Party uplift!


So now, with all this inspirational energy, like Michelle Obama said, time to DO SOMETHING!

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Thank you for your helpful, useful links.

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We chased the first two of those links down last night; I'm going to watch the third one with my wife when she gets up.

Brava, as always, for those links!

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Thanks, Ellie!!

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Ellie, thank you for finding and sharing the links!

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Michelle's speech was compelling and left no room for complacency

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She spoke about the Goldilocks syndrome/complex: the belief that a candidate has to be perfect. I call them ‘one issue’ voters who do t see the big picture.

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Michelle Obama had THE statement of the night:

“For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us,” she said. “His limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who happened to be Black.
Wait, I want to know — I want to know,” she said, raising her right hand and waving her index finger. “Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs?’”


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I loved that!!!!

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The response is over the top, young folks jumping on the train of change…that we. the. people CAN and WILL “Do Something”. Wonderful ‘Letter’ Heather, I share widely. And Michelle…👏

It’s an uphill climb to codify links weaken by greed, sets ethics as decency proudly binds the ties that matter, in which money assists progress not control for the few, and solutions vs promises never forfilled make leadership stand honest and proud.

We know there can be no complacency again, neither you nor I can’t sit back on our laurels , our democracy is hard won/easily lost if we don’t protect it. We have to walk the walk , expect it from those elected , and admonish/weed out those taking for granted an oath, a legacy , a long sought dream to improve and maintain America’s promise…together.

Our neighbors need us, our country deserves it, our world is desperate for our help and adherence to freedom and equality FOR ALL.


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I’m going to watch her speech this morning. Your comment made me even more inspired to do so 🙏

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Wow, how lucky we are to have the Obamas in our lives. Thank goodness Pres. Biden did the right thing to step aside. I so feared that he would be the captive of the "Ruth Bader Ginsburg Syndrome" and not realize that his age was now a liability.

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Here here KEM! You said it!

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Brilliant, just brilliant.

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As far as I recall, she never misses.....

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Do Something!

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Deeds, Not Words... Deeds Are What Matter...

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Aug 21
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Last night, I was thinking of that song too!!!

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I understand why Michelle doesn't want to be a politician but damn that woman is brilliant, articulate and, most significantly, very human. That she looked utterly stunning was a bonus.

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She a great reminder of all the stunning, positive, get-off-your-ass-for-your-own-good, pragmatic people that surround us. She was brilliant to echo Gandhi last night when she forcefully reminded: “ It’s up to us to be the solution we seek.” Heather stepped up in that spirit to write her amazing and important newsletter. I see this spirit more and more as people finally shed their embarrassment, apathy, timidity, and become involved. Michele’s call and response of “Do Something!” was so fantastic to watch!

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Brilliant. "Somebody should tell him that the job' he's seeking is a 'black job'. 🎯

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I thought the black job jab was the most cathartic of the night. She no longer has to worry about out being called angry, or worse. Not sure I will ever truly understand the weight they felt as 1st black President and 1st Lady, but that line gave me a clue. I also loved her scold regarding waiting for perfect Goldilocks candidate. She is indeed a national treasure.

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I loved the Goldilocks remark. I just wish it would really sink in to the minds that think they have to "vote their conscience" because of x,y,z. I say that as someone who has had to split her mind and her heart in two vis-a-vis Gaza and US politics at this moment in time. There are still way too many people who think that voting 3rd party will send a message or, in the infamous words of Susan Sarandon, "bring on the revolution."

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"Send a message" - one of the nastiest current favourite expressions.

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My worst 3rd party memory is Ralph Nader.

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You and me both. Until 2000 he had been one of my living heroes. But when he ran on the Green ticket -- a "party" to which he didn't belong -- and then broke his promise to not run in Florida, my heart was broken. Worse: my circle of friends were strong supporters. I even had to stop listening to Democracy Now! because he seemed to be on almost every day, long after the debacle was over.

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I just loved that!

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Wonderful!! LOL

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Did you ever read "Becoming"? If not, I recommend it.

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I bought it but it's in the bought-not-read pile. Or, as the Japanese say, Tsundoku (積ん読)

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Well, as the lady says, do it!

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"Behind every great man is a wise woman."

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And behind every great woman?? Time for the future.

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Thanks again , Gary. We have been patient, patience is needed in such a vast world of complex needs. Our nuture will provide a crowning touch to heal and promote . It IS our time sisters . VOTE💙🇺🇸

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I understand why Michelle says that she hates politics, but it depends on how you define the word. Choose one of the following two options:

Option 1: Politics is the way we decide if "we" win and "they" lose, or vice versa.

Option 2: Politics is the way we resolve the inevitable dilemmas that emerge in a large and complex social system, and if we're deciding if "we" win and "they" lose, or vice versa, then we're committing political malpractice.

If we can all agree on Option 2, I predict Michele will say she loves politics, and she hates political malpractice.

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I don't think she said hates politics only that she has no interest in being a politician.

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I don't know if she actually said she hates politics, but the scuttlebutt is that she does, and my point does not depend on the scuttlebutt. My point? Option 1 implies that "politics" is a necessary evil, the unintended consequence is harm, and Option 2 is an easy fix.

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I find it interesting that you use the term scuttlebutt, which is the same word used in The Nation. I have an aversion to declarations put in people's mouths without a direct citation.

The word "politics" can be defined in so many ways, even more than are listed here: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/politics. This isn't a hill I want to die on. Cheers.

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I've had to learn to accept that often times folks do that accidentally or incidentally, including myself. Each day in the advancement of human knowledge makes originality all the more difficult. Once, I caught a very highly educated professional writer, in a 'stream-of-consciousness' moment, stumble into the appearance of appropriating Benjamin Franklin's "...is the sun rising or setting.." quotation. Live and let live, is what I frequently remind myself; otherwise "I'm" part of a problem.

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I am frequently reminded of Viktor Frankl's idea that in addition to the Statue of Liberty of the right coast, America should have a Statue of Responsibility on the left coast. In other words, yes, live and let live. If my neighbor does something I don't like, it's none of my damn business, but only to a point. For example, when my neighbor says to me, "Your behavior is having a significant and unnecessarily harmful effect on my life," and I say, "Mind your own damn business," then I am the problem.

If we are not resolving the dilemmas that inevitably emerge in a large and complex social system, then we are living in an unhealthy system with a continuously increasing inventory of unresolved dilemmas.

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We are certainly lucky to have her to look up to and show us the way. I wholeheartedly agree with you!

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Wow, Michelle looked fantastic!

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In mourning black.

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While there is still much to be done to ensure that Harris/Walz are elected and the Democrats can regain control of the House (and maintain control of the Senate), there are several Supreme Court decisions that need to be reversed. As HCR has pointed out, the effects of some of these decisions, such as Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, are destroying the country.

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Lets win first.

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Yes Mark, noted from HCR'S brilliantly contextualized letter. Thank you.

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I read somewhere, when Congress doesn't do it's job, the Supreme Court takes over....in this case u fortunately so.

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This is a SCOTUS "the likes of which we have never seen before" to use a hackneyed empty phrase we have heard way too much! This is just how it seems to me. No constitutional scholar here. IMHO... Critical clean up needed in aisles 1-6. Enforceable ethical standards are the least of the critical changes needed. Deep cleaning imperative...and reexamination of Citizen's United, just for starters. Can it be done? Big money surely will fight tooth and nail to keep the court malleable to their "gifts and contributions". If only the Dems can make the case brilliantly to the other 49% of the population so that the House and Senate streaks a brilliant blue!! Perhaps, just maybe, they are beginning to get out the message.....

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I totally agree, those two decisions need to be on the top of their agenda to be overturned, because otherwise their smoldering fuel to erode and undermine any efforts to strengthen and protect democracy will be left to ignite again!

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Michelle Obama's speech was marvelous. Positive and graceful, yet naming the elephant in the room. It should go down in history as one of the best speeches ever. What a woman! She spoke the language of my family reality--that generational story of hope that the hard work will pay off for the children and grandchildren. May our Democrat leaders be protected in this tumultuous time.

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And the crowd at the Convention loved her.......the response was immediate and continued to be overwhelming. That speaks. I loved looking out over the crowd and seeing such diversity there. It is us.

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I’m doing something; more than one thing. First time in my life, I’m an activist. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t. I have to kill at least one orc before the battle is over.

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Orcs choke on blue votes.

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Doing my best Samwise impersonation...

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The Obamas nailed it so well tonight.

President Obama:

"It's that fundamental belief—I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper—that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single American family. ‘E pluribus unum.’ Out of many, one.”"

Michelle Obama:

“... this is our time to stand up for what we know. In our hearts is right. Not just for our basic freedoms, but for decency and humanity, for basic respect. Dignity and empathy. For the values at the very foundation of this democracy.”

“Don’t just sit around and complain. Do something.”"

Do something. Write postcards, talk to your neighbors, remind friends and family to check their voter registrations, phone bank, donate... Jess Craven of CWCW is the place to start.


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Absolutely necessary, because they are going to unleash every dirty trick money can buy.

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I suspect the opposition took a good look at what's brewing and got scared.

As far as they're concerned we woke up too soon. That leaves us 77 days to beat them and they're still arguing with each other. So while they're "in disarray", let's keep our momentum and let it build! We can win this.


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You bet they will...

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I only got to watch the convention on my phone from around 8pm on. One of my favorite speeches was by Ana Navarro who described what dictatorship looks like. Then she compared Trump’s actions to her description. It was a fantastic moment. Here is a link if you’d like to see it (again). https://youtu.be/f0l7mBLa_AY?si=HAe7KAjjEBvJxLzG

Here is a Wikipedia page with her bio in case you don’t know who she is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana_Navarro

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Thank you for sharing this link. I missed seeing Ana. She knows whereof she speaks!

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There were a lot of people terrified that Joe would drop out and the contest would collapse - but Jon Stewart got it right - "The Brits run an election in two months. The French just had TWO in a month! This is America! We can do it!"

And seeing what's happened since Joe graciously handed over the torch, it seems indeed we can.

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On evening two, Barack, Michelle, and Doug Emhoff all stressed the personal.

Like them, more who teach in America’s schools also need to go out of their way for personal, authentically individual connections to others – to others in very different group identities.

This would be major challenge. Since neo-liberalism financialized, neutered, commodified life, schools would need to shed the impersonal conceits they’ve had for too long (viz Diane Ravitch, “The Language Police,” 2003).

But teachers and students can learn to connections more widely, personally. They can use humanities. They might even have an essay writing program for more apt listening and quoting skills.

It can start with examining the habits that came to rule all education after the 1971 Powell memo organized the far right to dehumanized, linear, categorical conceits as the yoke all have suffered since.

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Excellent post, Phil. Education reform is definitely the key. As much as schooling was the educational foundation of America, it has also been the training ground; being ready to "punch a clock" rather than work with nature as we shifted from an agricultural, agrarian society to a manufacturing, producing society

That last sentence, Phil. "...dehumanized, linear, categorical conceits as the yoke..."

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“He also had to contend with former loyalists and supporters joining the Democratic convention. His former press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, told the Democratic convention tonight that when the cameras are off, “Trump mocks his supporters. He calls them basement dwellers.” Grisham endorsed Harris, saying: “I love my country more than my party. Kamala Harris tells the truth. She respects the American people and she has my vote.””


The majority of America is tired of this guy. Most women are disgusted with this guy. His message has not changed in over a decade. He is old. He is full of hate. He is about to be sentenced. And most importantly, he is scared . WHY? He is about to lose his immunity from his crimes. He was in office during January 6th. He stole classified material when in office. He called Georgia to demanded to have vote count changed, while in office. That immunity goes away on Election Day.

Bring it on.

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Rather loose connection but some personal observations on a minor seeming town mentioned where Trump glumly spoke.

Howell is the family name on my wife’s mother’s side that goes back to one of the oldest and longest (314 years), Corporations in colonial and US history. Her father, Willis Washburn Howell, was one of the last active hereditary members of the East Jersey Board of Proprietors before they sold the remaining land to the state in 1998 (26 years after he passed away). He, a lifelong Republican but very good friend of Harold Ickes, was to me a good steward protecting wetlands and water sheds, especially under the control of the Board of Proprietors, much like his friend, the longest serving Secretary of Interior did for our whole country.

See https://www.njlandrecords.org/who-were-the-east-and-west-jersey-proprietors/

“…Land records often record the names and relationships between grantors and grantees, and may also include names of close relatives, neighbors, witnesses, and others. And, in New Jersey colonial landowners could include women, people of color, and persons of any religion. The collections at the New Jersey State Archives also include some of the earliest land records documenting agreements between Native Americans and Europeans.

They tell the story of settlement patterns and the land-distribution and legal systems in one of the original colonies as well as document interactions and relationships between New Jersey’s Indian sachems and European immigrants of varying ethnic and religious backgrounds.

These records are also unique in comparison to those of the other colonies in that roughly two-thirds of them were held privately for more than twelve generations—and the collections survive because of this continuity…”

So, Howell, where I went several times delivering Jacuzzi products, was a bit more interesting to me. It was also where I first heard the Paul Harvey story of nearby Black Lake (about 14 miles from the Sheriff’s Office area Trump spoke at), the GM test ground huge new area of black asphalt that got its name from Canada Geese mistaking it for a lake of water, resulting in the first Goose attempting to land on it dying from hitting asphalt instead of the expected water.

See Harolds Old Time Radio, Paul Harvey – Canada Geese and Black Lake at”


Paul Harvey describes how they tried to think of ways to keep the geese from repeating the mistake but finding out that nothing was needed, the geese seemingly communicated the danger in ways mere humans couldn’t understand, and never had another attempt to land on it.

It made me think of Trump supporters as not being as smart as all the geese that learned from just the first one making the mistake.

I like to think WW Howell, though a lifelong Republican, would have been happy to join other Republicans at the convention opposing Trump and all who back him. I think this because of the start of a phone call I overheard in 1971 between him and Harry Truman, another friend (beside Ickes), who kept in touch a couple times a year until the two died the next year.

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Thank you Jim.

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So many people don’t understand how damaging Mitch McConnell and the Republicans have been to this country and what a hard slogging fight it has been to achieve ANYTHING because of their perfidy. Add that damage, this Supreme Court has been working in tandem with the Republicans all along with the citizens united and Shelby cases decided completely to aid the unpopular Republican vision and the super wealthy. It’s amazing democracy HAS survived in spite of Republicans and this corrupt Supreme Court.

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And Mike Johnson is worse than McConnel, and will be around longer.

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Hopefully not, if the democrats win back the House!

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The Obamas delivered great speeches that remind us of who we are at our best.

Good to hear from Mayor Giles also.

Professor: Has there been another Convention where so many of the other Party supported that candidate instead?

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To have former Republicans support Harris-Walz gives republican voters permission to break the chain.

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Has there been another Democrat National Convention where a former R Communications Director spoke at a DNC & her real-time J6 desperate plea was broadcast on the large convention screen for the entire nation to see & read:

"Do you want to tweet ... there is no place for lawlessness & violence?"

Melania: "No".

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Mel is just as vile as her husband. I remember watching Joy Behar's old show on HLN in 2011. Mel vomited out the racist birther lie, just like her husband.

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When America votes, Democracy wins, and Donald Trump gets Delirium Tremens...the DT's...

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Nice pun, Paul! DT gets the DTs!

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I have spent several hours this morning watching videos of last night’s speeches at the DNC and being filled with HOPE. However, I have one complaint. All who spoke at the DNC deserve better closed captioning than seen on the posted videos I have watched this morning!

What happened to the 99% accuracy requirement? The closed captions were full of errors and totally distracting. Better to wait for accurate transcripts than to struggle to make sense of so many errors in the captions.

In spite of my cited complaint, each speaker left me with a heartful appreciation for their willingness to step up on that podium and speak out and to “Do something!” as Michelle Obama said. Thank you to all!

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Closed captions get worse and worse. They are often so far off the mark that they make you laugh aloud in a spot that wasn't funny at all. And they're distractingly slow.

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I think they are auto generated from what seem bad AI instead of people like Arte Johnson (but typists) and UN Interpreters I knew that could follow speakers (in the same language) syllable for syllable, and translate as fast as the differences in languages allowed.

My favorite example of AI incompetence was a case of it describing a man dying (like a person would say, "He met his maker"), as "He met his manufacturer."

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Thanks for the laugh! Being British at heart, I watched the whole of Queen Elizabeth's funeral, and I wish I could remember now what made me laugh, and how often. You mention the UN interpreters: I remember wondering, when tfg came lumbering on to the world stage, how on earth the instantaneous interpreters were going to manage.

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That would be interesting to ask such interpreters about, especially as Trump became so much more scatter-shot and nonsensical over the years.

I had to flog myself to get through watching "You've been Trumped Too," a few hours ago. At least it had a lot better auto generated Transcript, enough so to make me think they must have had humans clean it up.

The sequel to the original 2011 film, I saw in 2012, was filmed before the 2016 election, back when Trump at least spoke in complete sentences, no matter how disgusting the words were.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9RweR9EUSg&t=1s

It would be interesting if interpreters could provide their version of a timeline of his verbal skills decline.

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I wrote to MSNBC's VP to complain about their closed captioning last night

You can too: <ccfeedback@nbcuni.com> "Att'n Angela Ball".

In my view all the dropped words and ridiculous word substitutions constituted misreporting.

What happened MSNBC? You used to be cool...

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Waiting for accurate transcripts is not the answer as it’s just one more thing to do and may result in extended delay.

Those responsible for quality control of audio and visual need to include monitoring the captions.

Hey, Democratic Convention Committee! Get this fixed. The use of closed captioning is needed by millions. They are not fluent in ASL or never learned the language. Same for when Spanish was spoken.

Timely, accurate captions will qualify as equal accessibility.

INCLUSION at the same time.

Isn’t that our intent?

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Hey!! The DNC Committee stepped up. Even the songs are captioned. Thanks for listening DNC!

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Are you feeling the positive shift they’re all talking about m? It seems like we’re turning the election around with Kamala and Tim at the top of the ticket…. the polls are reflecting it, too! Joe did the right thing in putting country first… he really is a very good guy and an excellent president. Thank you, Joe!

As momentum and enthusiasm grows we are going to see the race start to look more like a a solid victory for democratic candidates across the ballot. trump and his elected followers will hopefully, be firmly rejected by voters. This will position our elected representatives to take on the key challenges of climate change, infrastructure, economic and social development, voting rights, international affairs and many other key issues as never before. The paralytic obstruction of anti democratic forces within Congress won’t be able to so effectively hinder the passage of vital enabling legislation.

For now, we keep going…. and use the new found wind at our backs to achieve a strong victory.

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“The vast majority of us do not want to live in a country that’s bitter and divided[.]"

Has America really been "divided?"

Or has America had a "sect" split off of herself. To call it a division has an implication that both sides have an equivalency, yet they don't.

The part that has manipulated some through lies, deceit, fear and hate has never truly been America - it's not who she is.

I try not to think of our nation as divided so much as to think of one arm as having been injured and is in need of healing.

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David Sea, I don’t understand the difference btwn “divided” and “a ‘sect’ split off of herself.” Is the difference come the size and influence of the sect? In my view of American history, we’ve been divided through most of it. Civil War. Presidential and Supreme Court promotion of the racist film, Birth of a Nation. Maybe the exception was WWII, when some leading Americans supported Nazi Germany, but as a nation, we were united. Were those pro-Nazi Americans the “sect” you’re thinking of? Now, we have perhaps 40% of voters supporting what is, in effect, Naziism, and they could win in November.

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Here's an analogy. A man and a woman both come from warm, loving families. They marry and have 6 kids.

Later they divorce, and 4 stay with mom, 2 with dad.

Through lies, deceit, fear and hate, he gets his two to become bitterly opposed to the remaining 5.

Next, these 3 try to get others in the extended family to be against one another through lies, deceit, fear and hate. Some are converted.

Eventually, the entire extended family is split into two groups, the rebels, and the rest, (who are deeply concerned for their "departed" family members and wish to be made whole again.)

My point is that these two groups are not "divided." They're not the Yankees vs the Red Sox, each side representing a legitimate, comparable "team."

They are what was once a warm, loving family with an "arm" cut off from said family through lies, deceit, fear and hate. They are ALL in need of healing in order to be brought back together as the family they once were.

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Well, David, I feel the Red Sox are in need of healing, but kidding aside, most serious human disputes manifest in division. In your example, is the family divided or sect members? Families and friendships divided over the Civil War and are dividing now. In contrast, the Yankees and Red Sox are corporations competing. At the end of the season, Yankee & RS management might even negotiate a trade. I was a manufacturer and competed with other manufacturers, but we respected each other and often enjoyed each other’s company. I’m Jewish and have close friends of other religions. In those cases, we’re sects which involve emotion and commitment, but we’re not enemies. In your family example, they’ve become enemies. And that’s how MAGAs and Dems are, now. Divided and unable to communicate across battle lines.

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I understand David Sea's point and agree with him. Our media is invested in the dualism of calling it a split, but the reality is a sect, or more correctly, a cult, has grown thanks to that media attention.

The Civil War was never a split either; the slave holders were always a small group.

Either or thinking has always been popular. How many times have we been told "there are two kinds of"?

There have never been just two kinds of anything.

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